The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1892, Image 5

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SSSFSiM' fcywwp '. w w wSSyy
s '
Worth $2.50 to close
On all goods to make room for Fall Stock.
II. Ac III. R. R. Time Tabic.
. ToklnR effect Nov. 8,
TrnliucnrrjInB inssenj;ers leave licit Cloud
hi follows:
No. 122 I'awncrrto HasthiKi. B:r.2 p. m.
No, iso freight lur HastltiKi 1 :3U i. m.
Passenger from Hastings
' rhus 0;Ui. m.
No. 10, 1'a.Mpnccr to Ht,.iosepIi, at,
Loulnaml unlearn dally - lo:30 a. m
No it I'ftssencor to Kansas Cltv nnd
Atchison, dally. ... 8:33, p. m.
No, 13 I'nsscngcr for Denver and In
termed lato points, dnlljr, 7:30 a.m.
No. IS, l'osscngcr (or Denver, dally, 0 :10 p. ni.
No. 133 local freight to Oxford dally
except Sunday.. 6:00 am
No. 134 local freight from Oxford dally
except tidnday B:l5pm
Tho Burt Dramatio Co. will placo
upon tlio boardsduring fair week a
now and interesting repertoiro at
Opera IIouso,
tf. R. B. Fulton, Manager.
Owners of threshing machines
should consult Dotting tho druggist
brforo buying thoir oil.
Our boys and girls: Send thorn to
Beatrico Business College, Normal
and Shorthand sohool. Fall term be
gins August 29th. Send for cata
logue. 2-3t
Farm loans at six per cent option
to pay after two years. D. B. Sl'AN
Farm loans at lowest interest.
Striotly first-class loans at lower rates
than has over been given in this coun
ay bofore. Option to pay part or all
at end of any year. 0. F. Gather.
Got Here Quick I
Parasols and umbrella handle!
wanted at J. S. Young & Co'a.
For Cab to any Part or the City
Leave orders with J. O. Lindley. I
will fill your orders promptly, and give
you good service
J. H. Gline, Prop.
Horse Tor Sulo.
A good thrco-ycar-old horso for sale
cheap, for cash or on time. Inquiro
at this office.
For Sale
First-class New Mail Safety Bioyclo.
Address, Frank W. Cowden, Bed
Cloud, Nebr.
A few good farm loans, six per cent
interest. No second mortgage. D. B
For Firo Lightning and Tornado
Insurance in tho German of Freeport
and other reliablo companies, call ou
or write to Chas. Sohaffnit, office over
Deyo'a drug store, Red Cloud, Nebr.
AU orders for oil or gasolino left
at Spokesfield's grocery store will be
promptly filled by tho Blue Tank
I Want to Buy Farms
Parties having cheap farm lands for
salo, improved or unimproved can find
buyers by calling on D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate and Loan Agent, Red
Cloud, Neb.
Bee Keeper's Supplies.
A. Mohart. tho hardware man, will
hereafter keep all kinds of Bee Keep
er's supplies. Mail oraer niieu
promptly. tf,
Horses for Sale or Trade
I have eighteen head of horses and
colta for sale. Will trade for city proper
ty or real estate, or sail cheap for cash, or
on time for good paper.
D-t W. H. Fclleii, Red Cloud, Neb.
For Flour nnd Feed
fin and sea L. P. Albright. He keeps
the best brands and sells his flour just
as oh. ap as others. Also sells hard
and soft coal. Prioes reasonable Of
fice and scales, corner of Wobstor
street and 4th avenue.
Gasoline Stoves.
The best in tho wotld, lor sale at,
A. Mohart'b. 40-tf
rri, w. fl. T. U. will hold thoir
annual mooting at tho Christian
church Aug. 18, at 4 p. in.
All offioors aro requested to hand
m iVinSr renort for the fiscal year.
A full attendanoo of tho membors
is earnestly requested.
Mrs. L. E. Ovkbino,
Secretary pro torn,
fll "
out at
Go to Calmes' for ico cream.
Cotting's sticky fly paper. ' '
Tho best spectacles in (he world
Doyo is still in the ring soiling wall
Doyo is tho leader in the paint and
oil trade. ,
Hon. W. A. MoKeighan is homo
from oongrcss.
Rev. E. J. Randall is taking a threo
woeka vacation.
Tho domocrats have called a oounty
convention for the 20th.
For fino tobaooo, oigars, candies
dec, go to J. 0. Lindley's.
Vin Williams, is in Rod Cloud for
a ton day visit with his family.
Don't forget that Calmes keeps all
kinds of confections, bread, oto.
Cotting hns tho best maohino oil
and tho cheapest in tho market.
Eight different kinds of machine
oil at Doyo's. Prices tho lowest.
Cloth bound books 20 cents each
or throe for 50 cents at Cotting's.
Sco Osoar Patmor before buying
flour. lie has made a big reduotion.
Miss Ida C. Blakeslco or Wood
tock, 111., is visiting with her brother
Fred Blakeslco, this week. :
Miss Buzzell a missionary from
China will speak in tho Baptist church
Sunday morning, Aug. 14.
F. V. Taylor, allows no ono to sell
moro goods than ho does, at prices
that aro low, for good goods.
Bert Tcnnant of Inavalo paid The
Chief a pleasant oall this week and
renewed his subscription for a year.
The Congrcgationalists will hold,
thoir services in the Presbyterian
Mn,,.,t, ...:i i.-: ..j.i!.j- '. uuiii iiivu uuit uuuitiun IW
Samuel Ward and Miss Joanna
Browning, both of Jewell county,
Kansas, woro married on tho 2d by
Rev. Mr. Putnam.
Cottinglins tho finest assortment of
books bound in cloth that was over
shown in tho city nnd only 20cts por
volume or three for 50 cents.
Mr. Hallenbeok, who has resided in
Red Cloud for somo years has pur
chased a lumber yard at Seandia, Kan
sas, and will rcmovo there soon.
O. C. Bell and family, B. F. Miio
and family and L. H. Fort and famil
aro camping at Amboy for a wee
They proposo to havo a summer vai
Osoar Patmor beliovcs in keeping
up with tho times and has made
another reduotion in prices on floor.
You will miss it if you buy before
getting his figures.
Prof. W. H. Wagner and Miss Cor
delia Sherer were married on the 10th
at the brides resideneo. Tho newly
married couple will movo to Beatrice.
Rev. Mr. Putnam officiating.
T. D. Wooral adjustingagent of tho
Continental Insurance company is in
tho city assisting A. H. Gray to ad-
just several losses mat the company
have met with in the past two weeks.
For several days the B. & M. folks
did an immonso business in passenger
trnffio to tho Knights Templar con-
ciavn or, uenver, specials wero run
on tho evening of tho 7th every 30
Miss Addio Reigle who has been
attending collogc at Beatrice is homo,
whoro alio will remain for afowa days
preparatory to tako up her duties at
Hebron as ono of tho instructors in
tho publio sohools of that plaoe.
Blakeslco & Kaley havo greatly in
creased the capacity of thoir shoo storo
by running their shelling to tho ceil
ing, thus making moro room for their
largo etook and preparing a plaoo for
their full and winter goods that are
soon to arrive. The progressive firm
aro building np a nioo trade by their
square and honest doaling with custom
ers and tho uniform good quality of
thoir goods.
"Ono of tho most plcasinc nnd suo-
cesslul musioalcB of the season was
given at tho First Congregational
church, March 12, bv tho Adjlpluan
Quartette of Doano college. This
quartetto is known all over tho state,
and was listened to with tho deepest
interest. Thoy aro young men ot
excellent character and their voices
aro rioh and harmonious," Daily
Stato Journal, (Lincoln.)
Ice Cream
Mr. A. G. Willis and wife,
Mrs. R, M. Cochrano is in Ohio
James bwcanngon has boon on tho
sick list.
R dW' Uby LM m0Vd bnk l0P 8UCCCS90r t0 Ananias.
Haa TIaLa ntifl itinllin aa linMn
from Chicaco
Frank Hadloy and 11. M. Cochrano,
wcro in Bladon this week.
Roy Hutchinson has boon papering
; t l t I
tho interior of his harbor shop.
Mr. A. 0. Willis and Ernst Woloh
havo tapped tho oity mains for water.
Miss Alico Garbar of Guido Rook,
was visiting Miss Mablo Day this
Samuel Miller of Amboy has sonic
of tho finest wheat raised in Web
ster oounty.
Bert Leonard, of Lebanon, Kansas,
has added his namo to tho Great Fam
ily Weekly.
Frank Potter and Will MoMillan
of tho Argus aro in tho great west o
pleasure tours.
Our nlrnot pnmmflainnnr atimilil mir
LHio weeds, that havo grown up in
somo of our streets.
Mrs. Topham and dnuahtor havo
gono to England. Thoy purohasoul
their tiokets through Andrew Bore. I
Ward Hiatt, who has been in Lin
coln for sometimo to bo treated for
deafness is homo again much im
Several families who moved away
from Red Cloud to better thoir condi
tion havo returned, finding that Red
Uloud was still tho best plaoo to live
Tho sohool board have ordered the
heavy growth of woods in the tohool-
houso park to bo cut down, and Jani
tor soammon Is fast dctnonlisuing tho
E. C. Barnard arrived from Chicago
Monday morning. Ho started for
Denver this morning accompanied by
Mrs. Barnard who has boon visiting
in tho oity for a few weeks.
The othor night Rob Martin
thought burglars had mado an en
trance to his store, but fortunately, if
they did nothing was taken. Rob
was quito badly scared for awhile.
Dr. J, S. Emigh whilo dosoending
tho back stairs of Cotting's hall, took
a hying leap through mid air. When
ho stepped on the top steps thoy gave
way and had bo not fortunaetly had
hold of tho banisters ho would have
' Z w
ot ton toot.
reeipitatud to tho ground a distance
Mrs. L, II. Rust, has for sometimo
boen awaro that a tumor was growing
on her right breast. This fact gave
bor great uneasiness, and ono day this
week she bravely submitted to tho
surgeon's knifo and had tho samo re
moved. Drp. Damcrell and Emigh of
Red Cloud, and Dr. Chapman of
Hastings, mado the surgical oporation
Mrs. Rust at this writing is getting
along very nicoly.
The Chief has a sad duty to per
form in announcing tho death of tho
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Yio
liWulton, which took placo on Thurs-
ay evening. The little child was
about two years old and was ono of
tho brightest jewels that was ever sent
to graco the household of any parents.
Its death was caused from drinking
gasolino, and the heart-broken parents
are paralyzed with grief over the demise
of their littlo treasure. Truly the
sunBhina of that homo has boon
obsoured by tho hand of death. Tho
parents havo tho heartfelt sympathy
of theentiro community. in their soro
All workmen to assemble in opera
house 10:45 sharp, each master workman
taking charge of his lodge. Procession
to start for the grove 11 o'clock sharp,
marching numerically, the highest atnt)
number taking the lead. The entire
5 recession to be under the command of
. O. Warner, marshal of the day. Bros
Danus present win ue arranged in tho
lead ot their homo lodge.
After arriving at the grounds tho pro
cession will bo soatecL
Mnsio by brass bands.
Singing Opening Ode Workmen.
Prayer by Geo. O. Yeiser.
Singing Duett Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Address of Welcome Rev. E. It, Ely.
Singing Welcome Bong.
Response to welcome 0. 0. Flansburg,
Alma. Nebr.
Singing Quartette Mrs. Brigs, Miss
Emigh, Cotting and Albright.
Music Bv Brass Band.
Masio Mole Quartette.
Toast Tho Goatr-W. P. Buck, Super
ior, Nebr.
Music Trio Gilespio and family.
Toast The degroo honor HI Wetherell
Mnsio Duet Flow Qontly Devn
Mrs. Brigs and Albright.
Tonat-Our Beneficiaries II W Colo
ot McCook.
Muelo Halo Quartetto.
Address Hon. J. G. Tate.
Mnslo Gillspie and family.
Elooton ot Annual picnic ofllrors.
Singing "God be with you till wo
meet Uffnin."
Evory mombor of the A. O. U. W. in
tho connty that owns or can get a two or
three seated wagon are requested to bo
in town as early as possiblo plcnio morn
ing to help transport tho visiting brothers
from tho trains to the town. Per order
J. 0. WABflEB.
at Calmes.
Tim ghuat ui:vr
Ah Seen by the Rev. I'. I. lily,
of tills City.
(Artlclo 1.)
a certain writer ou Utah starts out
by saying: "No proporly constituted
i man could over expect to win f nmo ns
And yet ho
who sots out to tell tho simplest un-
sandpapered and unvarnished truths
ln roKard to Utnh as a fanuor ,and a
homo land, foredooms hiuisolf to go
loping down tho crookedcat by-
i 11 a
ways ot publio estimation as a com
peer of Sapphira's luckless spouse
and all tho other puissant liars of
auoicnt and modern days."
Then this writer whoso sunsativo
ncss in rogard to boing called a pre
varicator is so groat, goon on
villi his description ns follows:
"Lift Now England and Now York
a milo abovo tho non leve),add 5000 ft
iio aii. wnsiiingion anu itiuw to int.
'iMiitchcll. Thrjw in a dozon other
"T tin nits ns li!iti nq nil. tiunnlilnc linlr
- ......, ... ...Q.. , J..-.. ......Q HW.W.,
in tho sky with their snowy crown.
bend cataracts and cascades leaping
nnu ioaming uown a uiouvanu aizzy
o) oously,
p ico channels, Toss in promts-
parks lanror than whole
'states in tho tamo small notionod cast
cordons of giant statuary, statues of
gods and gnomes. Titans, Contours
and unnamed monstors thousands of
feet high, hewn by ages of winds nnd
waves of whirling waters. Fill all
tho vallojH with trees bending be
neath tho burdens of their own fruit
age, and dot tho horizon, bounded
pasture Innds with flocks and herds
waist deep in tho very wantonness of
plouty. Undorlay tlio wholo vast
area with gold and silver, zinc, copper
and lead ores, coal, salt, sulphur, soda
limo nnd gypsum.
Smita tho rookribbed laboratories
of Omnipotence nnd let unnumbered
healing floods gush forth rioh in mir
aolo working virtues. As tho dazzl
ing bosom jowcl of the whole tran
scondant sccno spread out tho 2500
squaro miles of that majestic
and ' mysterious luko whoso
waters hold in solution wealth enough
to pay all tho national dobts of tho
world and leavo a forluno for every
man, womon and child, from Capo
Cod to Yuba Dam. And ovor all
throw tho glory of a cliuiato unsur
passed under heaven sinoo sin and
death climbed into Eden and tho
translucent splendor of skies more
radiantly Sappliircan than ever bent
their crystal arches nbovo tho far
famed beggar hemmed, flea girt Bay
of Naples or tho Lako of Como, ana
you havo n poor, faint, puny approxi
mation to an idea of Utah."
1 havo groat sympathy for tho
wntor in his fooling of inability to
do tho Bubjcct juBtieo without being
accused of trying to compete with
Ananias but have great admiration of
iiis attempt. As this description of
tho territory is so eloquently and
truthfully put, I will dismiss that
part of tho subject with only saying
that 1 never saw suoh delightful val
leys surrounded by so much to mako
farm and village lifo happy aud desir
alio as in Utah and wcro it not that
no description that I could givo would
equal that already given, 1 would bo
tempted to say more, bait .Lako Ulty
is said to bo tho only oity where baby
wagons aro imported by tho tiain lead
and whero they havo tho right of way
ovor evon tho clcctrio cars, and that
a not uncommon sight is to seo "ex
tremes meet" in the form of a seven
ty year old papa trundling a baby car
riages along tlio street as gay and lis
som as a spring chicken.
Salt Lako City is situated about 18
miles from tho lako and has about
50,000 population. It was settled by
Mormons under Bflgham Young in
1817. It was laid out in blnnks each
containing 10 acros and with streets
132 feet wide. Tho center from which
tho streets are numbered is tho ono
containing tho tcmplo and Tabernacle.
The streets aro lined on both sides
with magnitloaut trees many of them
being fruit trees. Thcro is also a lit
tlo ditch ou both hides through which
Hows a stream of puro mountain
The city hns ovor G5 milos of eloa-
trio street railroads, 20 miles of 20
feet sidewalks. 38 publio and private
schools, and 35 churohca of various
Of courso tho mo3t interesting
sights to tlio stranger from tho cast
aro tho Mormon buildings.
Tho Templo blook covers ton acres
and is surrounded by a stone wall 15
t'oct in height and 5 feet thick evi
dently built to defend thn Temple
against any attack from tho outside
The tcmpln is said to bo ono of tho
grandest nnd costliest ecclesiastical
structure in tho U. tf. exorpt ono in
Now York City.
It was begun in 1853 nnd is not
yet finished and has alroadyjeost noar
ly $6,000,000. It is 200 reet long
100 feet wide 100 feet hiuh, with ua
tower at each cornor 220 feet in
height. Tho walls aro 10 feet thick
and tho wholo structure is built of a
beautiful grainto found about 18 milos
from tho otiy. It boing located on
Dry Goods
Special Sale of Ladies & QQtts
Irf arf dlQrclfiQf s at 5, 8, 10,
15 Qgqts.
Special Sale gibbons
At 5c, 8c, lie, and 14c per yard.
Bargains in Summer Goods !
Bedford Cords only 5c,
former price J Oc per yard
Bargains in Ladies Shoes and Oxfords
an elevated point can been seen 50
miles away.
Tho Tabernacle situated in tho
samo squaro is ono of tlio most re
markablo buildings in tho world. It
is the shape of an egg cut in two
length wiso and is built wholly of
iron, glass and stono exoopt tho interi
or finish.
Tho scats nro of tho cxtromo old
fashioned pattern. Tho walls aro 12
feet thick and thero aro 20 huge en
trances. It is 250 foct long 150' feet
wide aud 100 fcot high in tlio center
and thuro is not a singlo post or sup
port undor all this vast roef making
a wonderful display of architectural
skill. Its seating capacity is oftun
given as from twolvo to fifteen thous
ands, but tho man in ehargo gavo it
as 8000. Of courso many moro can
bo seated in tho aisles by tho use of
chairs. Its acoustio properties aro
wonderful and wo were treated to a
test of thorn by boing seated in the
farther end whilo tho man in charge
dropped a pin on tho altar rail which
wo could hoar quite distinotly and al
so his voico as ho spoko iu a whisper.
It contains an.organ built by Mormon
werkmon at a cost of $100,000. It
is 58 feot high has 57 stops and 2648
pipes. Tho choir consists of from
200 lo 500 voices anl is said to be
very fine. In tho samo enclosure with
theso buildings thore is also tho
Assombly Hall sooting about
2500 which is also usod for
religious sirvices the Tabernaolo
not boing sufficient to hold the peo
plo who attend
East of tho Temple squaro is an-
othor which contains tho Tithing
I louse, lirigh'im Young a resideneo,
tho Lion Houso and Bco hivo house,
when 18 of his wives lived. In my
desire to seo, I opened a gato in the
wall in front of tho Lion houso and
started in whon I was mot by a rolio
of tho sainted Brigham whoso counto-
nanco caused mo to mako a sudden
stop as it seemed to say "what aro you
horc for," and ns she didn't invite mo
in, I well I didn't go in but I wont
out. 1 was told that all of theso poor
lono widows ol tho great prophet now
receive a poimiou of $40 por month.
Aoross tho street is tho soboolhouso
whore Brigham's little happy family
of 78 children wont to sohool. Across
tho street south is tho Amelia Palacs
which Brigham built for li is favorite
Amelia l'olsom, his 10th love. It is
now turned into a Kcoly Institute.
Tim grrnt mercantile institution in thn
citv 1b the Zioti Cooperative Btoru where
tho Mormon can buy anything from n
toothpick to a threshing machine Its
business runs from f 1,000,000 to $0,000,
000 per yoar.
Ibhould nleohnvo mentioned tho little
urnvoYard about a block from tho other
buildings whoro tbo body ot the groat
npostlo of polygamy is resting nnd where
iiiiuwiyub UIO iiiLiuuiWJi Himuumuiu
keep the poor old man from being lene
aome after enjoying domettio biles la ao
large n moaaure in thia life.
I was very fortunate in having auoh
friends ln the city as Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Jonos and Howard Gather and wife
who aro very nioely located then and
snared no natna in makinir nv visit ma.
joynble and succeeded grandly.
wo went logetner out to ureal Halt
Lako and all but one ot the part soon
had on a bathing suit. That onewaaa't
mo, for I think I wae the first one in and
the lost ono out In describing this ex
perience I think 1 will again quote MA
first bath in it is as good as a circus, the
bather being his or her own trlok mule.
Tho body will not and can sot siak ta it.
You can sit down ln it perteetly aeoara
where the water is fathoau Assy. Men
lie on their bocks and smoke oigars r
read thoir newspapers." All one baa to
do is to wade out where it la thn fast
or more deep and gently tip over back
ward and float. To get on yoar feet
again isn't quite ao easy, for the atoaaaat
yoo try It, there seems to be a tuwto be
tween your feet and your haadio sea
whioh will stay out of the water. I
think that in the first two attempt I
made, the feet won and attar I bad suc
ceeded in getting myself right and up I
was very busy for soma little time la
getting the brine out ot my eyes ao I
conld see. The third time I got my bead
under and my eyes full, it was caused by
coming in oollialon with an elderly lady
who evidently like myself was floatlag
with her eyes closed and letting the
waves carry her ashore. The water hap
pened to be pretty deep right there aid
I was pretty well salted both inside and
oat when I finally regained my equilibri
um and my breath.
However, I soon learned how to keep
my head out of water and greatly en
joyed it It is the ideal place for sea
bathing and in all that great sea there ie
nothing that "lives, moves, swims, erawls
or wiggles," no form of lite whatever.
During the aummer, the lake la visited
by hundreds each day and the lake la the
vicinity ot the bath-house seems fairly
nlivo with bathora. Its water not only
furnishes amusement and pleasure, but
ban many medicinal qualities.
I left Halt Lake City for home via the
Rio Grande, the great seenlo route of the
west, and will try to say something of
tho scenery in my next
It is with regret that wo reeord the
fact this wook of W. B. Roby's A
parturn for the eatt. He has resided
in theso parts for some six years and
is proprietor of two of the moat desir
able farms in this part of the state.
These ho 1mm loosed to reliable par
ties and ho will reside in Red Cloud
whoro his family now is. Nr. Roby
is a citizen that no comaaaaity weald
want to loso. Ho ia honorable aad
upright nnd liked by everybody which
is proven y tho fact that he was
chosen by tho people for county com
missioner of thia distrioi, which oftce
ho filled in ii manner aatUfactory to
everyone. The Tribune wishes aiai
Huccess wherever ho may go. Haigler
Soveral joung ladies of this city,
have deoided to organize a band aad'
havo rnisod about
$100 o wards get.
ting their horns.
' l.t...fc.l.w
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