The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 12, 1892, Image 3

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HWWRiBWIPPKSS5ui!??n jiWwtWSTyfff8 ijjHggw'
Tho World's Fair Gots an Appro
priation of 02,000,000.
Tho IJ.iml TMiiff With it nhldo.l Cnnrs
-Mr. O'.VotMM I'lnhnrton lCrinliiilon
AttGiiii'itnil-lltirry uud Con-
fualou t thu It ad,
Washington, Attp. ft. Last night tho
I'ilty-M-'cond congress, after ln;lng in
mission suvcn monthi, tuljouruoil with
out tiny. This congress goes to tho
country with lU record madenp HWe nil
congresses lu which tho housirs. were of
different politics. No political legisla
tion was enacted. Th democratic
house vm cstoppttl from from framing
mnny of the laws to which it Is pledged
by tho fact that thoy were doomed to
defeat In a reonhllcan nemnte. The laM,
day was tinr-rentf ulnars for the passago
of the world's fair appropriation of tv
51)0,000, the compromise proportion
agreed upon Wednesday.
The agreement about the world's fair
appropriation win carried out U tho
letter. 'Ihe bill appropriating Si.fiOO.
000 passed both liou&ei of congress he
fore 4 o'clock. Tho majority it received
in the hou&c exceeded all expectations.
The friends of tho fair lcllcvcd it
would win, but they wcr nervous and
nnxlous. 7io ono dreamed it would re
ceive as lurge a vote as it did. Some
unforeseen accident was feared but
never occurred, and when tho vote was
finally counted It was found that it
had received n majority of W. Muny
democrats who lmvu heretofore voted
against the mensuro, fueling themselves
bound by tho agreement iu caucus
Wednesday, cast their vote in favor ol
the appropriation.
In the senate no yen and any vot was
taken. The senate went into executive
fietslon, where an agreement was
reached that the yeas and nays should
not be demanded, as it wan apparent
that no quorum was In the city. Tho
critical illiu-s, of Mm. Harrison and the
urgent necessity of the president's im
mediate departure for Loon Lake was
hinted at an a re.n.ou for not blocking
action in thu senate by a demand for u
quorum, as it had already been demon
strated that a large majority of thu
senators favored the appropriation.
When tho doors were opened tho sen
ators who so deslred'brielly stated their
objections and then by unanimous con
sent the bill w.ts passed. This cleared
away the one obstacle to adjournment
and both houses took n recess until 7
o'clock, when the llnal sesbion of the
Fifty-second congress was held.
The closing hours were unacted last
evening under tho glare of tho gas light
and in the presence of densely packed
galleries Mr. Harrison was in the
president's room iu the sonato wing of
the capital siglilug bills uud resolu
tions. In tho corridors wore claimants
and lobbyists anxiously seoklng action
on meu&urcM lu which thoy were inter
ested Messengers rushed hither and
thither down tho long corridors and
ho usual scenes which mark the closing
the national legislature occurred
Tlw members of tho wnata waited
leisurely in tholr scats whilo tho house
with much hubbub and confusion
cleared its decks for adjournment. The
last confc rcuco agreement on the sun
dry civil bill emasculated tho O'Xeill
amendment, providing against the em
ployment of armed 1'lukerton detect
ives by the United States, or by com
panies with government contracts, so
as to mako it only applicable to tho
District of Columbia and the depart
ments of tho government. The doughty
author of the bill, who is known the
country over as a labor agitator, for
several minutes poured hot shot into
tho house conferees for their "Igno
minious surrender." Tho house took it
as a good uaturcd bit of buncombe, and
after that the conferees explained the
legal defects of tho O'Neill amendment.
The report was agreed to and thu Inst
appropriation bill was sent to thu pres
ident for his slgnuturo, which waa
quickly attached.
Tho last hour was occupied with tho
usual routine proceedings. A bill or two
was railroaded through by unanimous
consent. Then the committees appoint
ed by tho house and senate to notify
the president congress was ready to ad
journ, tionnau and Allison on the part
of the sunate, uud MuMIUln, Fellow-sand
O'Neill on tho part of the house, re
ported that tho president had nothing
further to communicate to congress. Ab
the clock indicated 10:18, twelve min
utes boforo tho hour of adjournment,
Mr. Pearson, of Ohio, secured unan
imous consent to usk for the passage of
a resolution for tho uppolntment of a
committee to ruvlso uud modify tho pen
sion laws during tho recess. After a
good deal of explanation and a moment
or two of intense nusponsa on the- part
of thu gallant Ohloan tho resolution
was passed three minutes before 11
o'clock Another resolution or two was
rushed through.
Tho gavel then fell.
The Colored AUInuc. IHellili-,
Chaui.khto.n, S. C, Aug. 0. Reports
at tho recent annual meeting show
that the colored alliance fs on n
rapid decline. Tho membership last
ycur was 40,000, whilo the officers now
are claiming only 25,000. A resolution
was parsed that tho alllancu would
favor no political party as an organiza
tion. lnc"ll' Hrntlmr Dead.
Atchison, Kan., Aug. (J. Mrs. John
J. Ingalls and son Ellsworth, left for
Springfield, Mo., this ufternoon in a re
sponse to a telegram announcing thu
death of Nov. Frank T. Iugalls. A
cablegram has been sent to ex-Senator
Ingalls, who is now in Paris.
Muilt'buker Men Not Ntrlkor.
I.NmAVAt'nup.Ind., Aug. 0. A special
to thu News from (South Hcnd, Ind.,
Bays: "There is no troublo of any kind
at the Studclmkcr wagon works in this
city. The men are working as usual.
The origin of tho fulso report U a mystery."
'"IT '"PJ ", . (' JiMllS'ili. -'- ma iihiii-.-I ' 'I' T""- ra-pSS. . Ummmnimfim' ! mmmn m i i. " "!" JL!l .!L-r'",,'ai- "": 1'"'': ' ljll--Jtf.Mf1ftTI f Sl II i'l l'!T8MwJe 1 1 " liriOOJ-J-'1-" ''" I J"JJlJsMMIiMMM
Clilr.iRO Hunk Victimized lly n I'lrm of
Young Mm Ami. ted lly a llltonet
ltniitt Olllirr.
Ciiicaoo, Aug.8. The flight of (leorga
Itartels, p.tyiiig teller of the Central
Trust it Savings bank, with tho com-
?iarativoly inslgulllcant stun of ?:),000 of
ho bank's cash, has unearthed what
seems to have been an extensive con
spiracy to defraud live Chicago banks.
Tho schemo was partly successful and
over t.10,000 was secured from lt.irtols'
former employers, but hns since been
nutdo good Another bank is said to
have lost taO.OOO, which amount was al
so mado good.
Three men formerly connected with
the Chicago Hank Note Co, have boon
arrested eharged with conspiracy to de
fraud and tho Issuance of fraudulent
paper. These nro William Fortn's, N.
W. llurnsldc and Charles M. Anson,
llartcls was tho fourth man.
Charles Nichols, a go-between, hos
mado nllhlavlts which purports to ex
pose the whole scheme. A bill In chan
cery usking for the appointment of n
receiver of tho bank nolo tonccrn, filed
by John 11. Urlblcs, former president of
the company, also throws light upon
tho methods ised.
Forbes was n mannger of the Chicago
Hank Note Co.; llurnsldc, the son of n
woll known phytdelan, wan associated
with Forbes. Anson was but an em
ploye of tho llrm. These young men
were vouched for by Gun. Allen C.
Fuller ami numerous men of wealth
and financial Inllucnce, who appear to
liuvo trusted them fully, owing to their
connection with young Ilurnslde. They
opened accounts with the Central Trust
& Savings bnnk, the Globo National
bank, tho Statu Hank of Chicago, thu
First National bnnk and tho Milwau
kee Aenuo Statt" bank. Immediately
they deposited checks, drafts,
etc., which it is claimed have
since been found to bo fraudulent,
and Inter drew out tho cash. By col-
lusion w 1th Rartcls, the greater part of '
mo paper was dumped on the central
the absence of the cashier, certified all
-..i-. IWI'lltlll.d "iMtn. a ... .. .,...
paper and forged drafts, cheeks, etc.,
were only deposited when thu higher
nlllciuls of tho bunk were, out It Is
said that the plotters intended to pull
nil the b.inks they had deposited money
with Into their net nnd then break up
and clear out, but the paper came to
protest too soon.
According to Nichols' affidavit, tho
conspirators systematical ly wined,
dined and clothed Hartals, besides pny
ing tho expenses of the teller and Ills
friends nightly ut the houses of ill fame.
Itartels disarmed suspicion by In
genuously warning the bank officials
that he whs auspicious that the note
company was "kiting," and suggested
that a general guarantee of all trans
actions be secured from wealthy Dr.
The New Klicht-Hour I.w I.lkrly t
lent ttuvlf It Ittmrliv Too Far.
Washington, Aug. 3. Tho Tarsney
olght-hour law iu its application to nil
government contract went into effect
yesterday and it has already raised n
serious question for tho lnw officers of
thu United States. According to the
construction placed upon it in the treas
ury department it will practically pre
vent the construction of n federal build
ing in thu United States until every
mine owner, quarryman, owner of u
lumber camp, saw mill, rolling mill nnd
brick yard iu tho country udopt eight
hours as a day's work for its employes.
Tho law requires that In every contiact
awarded the contractors shall bo re
quired to adopt tho eight hour nystcin
iu the employment of men nnd, further
than this, mint use no material -which
has becu prepared under any other plan
of labor. I f ho has the contract for cut
ting nnd sotting the stone work his mil
tcrlal must bo secured from a quarry
employing men eight hours only each
day und bo paid a full day's wages
for such employment His stono cut
ters nro placed on tho samo basis.
Ilrlcks .used must bo mndo in brick
ynrds where tho Inborers nro paid for a
full day's work for eight hours' labor.
Iu structure, iron nnd interlordnlshlng
the snme rules apply nnd uccordlng to
treasury officials it will be necessary
for the contractor to secure a bond from
each person from whom ho purchases
material that it has bjen prepared un
der thu eight hour system.
It is a question not yet fully an
swered whether or not it wll be neces
sary to go buck as far as mines and the
lumber woods to sccuro absolutely
compliance with tho law, but the im
pression prevails that It will be.
Nothing Uiiuiuxl Occurs at the Kiteutlon
of Cul Wnoda.
Dannkmoha, N. Y., Aug. 3. Cal
Woods, who murdered his father-in-law,
was electrocuted yesterday in the
prison here.
Tho fatal signal was given by Keeper
Wolts, of Auburn prison. ,As Ihq con
tact camo Woods body straightened out
rigidly and the hands turned up ward on
the arms of the chair. Twelve sec
onds was tho duration of the first
contact Tho second contact was
two seconds shorter and as it reached
its full power a curl of blue smoke
arose from the murderer's forehead and
on odor of burning rubber filled tho
room. This was repeated in tho' third
and fourth contacts of six seconds each.
Each tlmo Woods' body straightened
out This was followed by a relaxa
tion as the current was shut off.
Tree Miner Kettle.
Nashviij.k, Tenn., Aug. 3. At Coal
Creek, tho scene of last winter's miners'
troubles, tho free miners nro growing
restless under tho continued presence of
troops nnd their enforced subjection
and find many sympathizers among tho
mountaineers. Numerous outrages huv
been committed of lata on soldiers
sent out singly, and tho sltuatiou has
become so strained that it has been
deemed advisable to Increaso tho force
of guards, und last night thirty more
recruits wcro sent out from Knoxvllle,
Most of these wore members of the local
military companies.
SynnpMs of What Has Keen Aceompllehsd
lljr tho Tint SmMoii or the Flftyeeoonu
Washinoton, Aug. 1 A review of th
work of tho Fifty-second congress, I
which was in session eight months, may
prove of Interest nt this time.
Tho house devoted tho first two
months of its cession to tho discussion
and ndoption of a code of rules, after
which tho regular business was taken
up. Hills to tho number of 0,677 hare
been introduced in tho house and re
ferred to committees. Of this number
2,115 hnvo been reported and placed on
tho calendar, about 450 of which have
passed the house. Tho most important i
mcasuro considered by the house, ex-
ccptlng tho general appropriation bills,
wore tho silver bill, tho tariff measure,
reported from the ways and means
committee, tho Chincso exclusion net,
the "intermediate" and army nurse
pension bills, tho bill to enforeo reclp
rocal commercial relations with Canada,
tho bill increasing tho pay of life
saving crews, to establish lineal promo
tion in thu army, for tho better control
of national banks in regard to loaning I
money to directors and officers, and to '
add tho name of the secretary of agri
culture to tho cabinet officers who may
net as president in certain contingen
cies. This bill and tho silver bill failed
in the house, ns did ulso the free coin-1
nge bill which passed tho senate. The
several tariff bills passed by tho house
failed in tho sonnte, as did also tho bills
providing for tho admission of New i
Mexico and Arizona as states.
Of tho 8,493 bills introduced in the ,
senate 1,103 were reported upon by
committees and 700 of them passed.
Among tho most important measures
passed by tho senate and not acted upon
by tho houso were tho following: To
facilitate tho claims for arrenra of pay
and bounty for tho construction of
revenue cutters, two each; tho "pure
food" bill; tho bill to increaso tho
rate of pension for certain cases
of ,ieaf,,ess; to fix tho price of lands en
tercd under tho desert land laws; to a
thorlzo tho secretary of wnr to cause a
survey to bo made for a ship canal from
Philadelphia across New Jersey to Now
York bay und tho bill for tho immigra
tion laws. A largo number of publlo
building nnd claim bills passed by
the so n a to ulso failed in the house.
One hundred nnd thrco bills have
pusscd both houses and been sent
to tho president for his signa
ture. There are twenty of these
bills still under consideration by the
executive. Ono has been returned to
the houso by Its request without sign
ing; two have been vetoed tho bill to
amend tho organizing of tho circuit
courts of appeals so as to glvo it juris
diction of certain Indian cases and tho
bill referring tho McUarrahan claim to
tho court of private land claims. Three
have becoino laws without tho presi
dent's approval.
Investigations wero a feature of this
congress, especially in tho house, and
committees devoted much time to them.
Tho pension offico received the atten
tion of a special committee, which re
ported mismanagement of tho bureau
under tho administration of Commis
sioner lluutn, and reported to tho
houso that tho president bo or
dered to dismiss that official ut an
early day. They also criticised Russell
H. Harrison, the president's son, for
his connection with securing leases
through tho public parks. Tho com
mittee on judiciary looked into a matter
called to its attention by tho attorney
general that marshals and clerks
of United States courts in Boston wcro
obtaining illegal fees in naturalization
cases. They reported several bills to
remedy tho evil. Tho committee on
banking and currency was ordered to
investigate tho failure of tho
Keystone and Spring Ourden
National banks of Philadelphia and
of tho Maverick National bank of Hos
ton. Tho committco took a mass of
testimony but did not complete their
inquiry. Tho committco appointed to
Investigate the census offico began their
work lata in tho session and finally
postponed it until next session. The
committco on reform in tho civil ser
vice investigated the Baltimore post
offico matter and filed a report
severely criticising Postmaster-General
VVannmaker, stating that he
know that the employes were
violating tho law, yet he still kept them
4n office. The investigation into the so
called "sweating system" of contract
labor was conducted by a sub-committee
of the house manufactures commit
tee. It did not finish taking testimony
and will probably resume Its session
during tho recess of congress. Senator
Chandler and Representative Stump,
chairman of the senate and house
committees on immigration, rigor
ously investigated the expenditures
of money at tho Ellis Island
emigrant station and the construction
of the buildings there. This investiga
tion was attended by several exciting
scenes between the two chairmen ana
Assistant Secretary Nettleton and the
principal witnesses. Majority and mi
nority reports were made to tho house,
but too late for action. No report waa
made to tho senate, Chairman Chandler
finding himself opposed by the other
republican members of the committee
in his conclusions from the evidence
and not inclined to join tho democrats
in their directions.
(Ireat Crop In Dakota.
Yankton, 8. D., Aug. 1. Harvesting
has been in progress a week. Barley,
rye, oats and a few fields of wheat have
boon cut, all producing a greater yield
than last year. The average for wheat
is placed at thirty bushels per acre.
Corn has made wonderful progress dur
ing tho last week and promises welL
Attacked llr Moor.
Madrid, Aug. 1. Reports have been
received here of the attack on a Spanish
warship off tho coast of Morocco by a
party of Moors ou shore. Immediately
upon tho firing of the first shot tho com
mander of the gunboat hoisted tho Span
ish flag, thinking the attack was there
suit of a mistake and expecting that it
would ceaso as soon as tho nationality
of his vessel w as mado known. In this,
however, ho was disappointed, for no
sooner did tho Moors seo tho flag than
tho firing became more vigorous. There
upon the commander ordered the fire to
be returned, when the Moors fled precipitately.
At ths Tele'xrnph Office.
"I want to send n message to n lady
In Philadelphia. Her mother Is not ex
pected to live," said a Harlem man to
tho operator.
Operator takes tho message, sits down
at his table and begins to send It over
tho wire.
"Hold up! Don't give it to her so
fast She's got heart disease. Go slow.
Break it to Iter gently." Texas Slft-
In Snfn Itntrent.
Neighbor What's tho troublo in the
Son Oh, something's gone wrong
with ma.
Neighlwr "Where's your father?
Son He's gone down into tho cyclone
pit for the afternoon. .fudge.
A Cool Culler.
Miss Dnkketfl Did you tell Mr. Oct
there I wns not in?
Bridget I did, mum.
Miss Dukkcts What did he say?
Bridget Ho said! "Well, tell her to
come down as soon ns she Is lu." He's
in the parlor. ruck
It'i Good I'olltlM.
tUnntsox Ooks to this Mountains. Po
do thousands of our Western pcupk, who
11ml a most dollyhtrul vacation uiiitd their
grunlto poali. tholr wild gorges, their
primeval forests, their ullvory lultcs uud
nitrkllng cascades.
Ci.kvei.ani) Oor.sTOTitr. REASinn. So do
thousand" of our Western people, who rovol
In Uiealt nlr nnd tho biluy hatha, i a tho
sandy beaches and vnck-lmiind const, lu tho
fishluK and tho Bailing and other eli arias of
tho rolling on.
They llrst send to O. W. Hugclcs, O. P. :
T. Agt, Chlcnco, for tho Mltma-n tVnlnir
beautiful bird's oyo ninn Hummer Tourist
Polder uud then btiv.tlielr tickets to tho St
Lawrence, tho Adirondack, tho White
mouutalnt, tho New Knirlund cocst, or
whmrver tlii'lr rhocon resort mav be. hv
the Mlnbigaa Ccutral, "Tho Niagara Fulls
Paiirrr snys that if n trco In known by
Its fruit, the miiplo must lo entirely un
known, becauso It has no fruit. Hurler's
Tho Only One Kvrr rrlntrd t'au You Flint
Thrruls n S Inch display ndvoi-tUcmctit
In this pHpcr,lhls week, which has no two
words alike c&cpt ono word. Tho sntno Is
true of each now nno aitncnring oaeli weoV,
from The Dr. Barter Medicine Co. Tills
houso iduces a "Crescent" on everything
they mulio and publish, l.onlc for it, semi
them tho name of tho word and they will
return you book, beautiful lithographs or
samples free.
Biic "Why do you call mo your Vet pas
try V" Uo-'"lleouuBO jnu'io u Utile Uit,
occasionally." N. Y. Joumul.
rut Not Your Faith In frlncc,
But rely liniilloltly upon tho power to euro
of Hostetter'H Stomach liltters, tho third of
a coutury old remedy for malaria, dyspep
sia, debility, constipation, liver nnd kidney
Inactivity, rheumatism uud nervousness.
To mako you cat, sleep and digest well this
Is tho to n la Tho delicate, tho aged and con
valescent uso it with advantage. A wine
glassful thrloo n day.
"IUnn lines," sold Mr. Flunltsr, when he
oouldu't ti-auslato a passago In Homer.
Yulo llecord.
Vnn prlnclpnlcnnsosof slckhendacho, bil
iousness and cold chills arc found lu the stom
ach uud liver, Cured by Ueccnaui's Pills.
"I am losing flesh," snld tho butcher as
thu dog stole a sirloin steak. Wushlugtou
Nursino Mothers nro greatly benefited by
usiiiK tho American Hi owing Cu.'a "A. li.
C. Bohemian UotUed lleoi" of St, Louis.
It takes a bli; man to hold a largo audi
ouoe. Boston Transcript.
Tnr. Bain's Horn Is published at Indian
apolis, Indiana, ut 81.M) per year.
' '
An nrgument results from tho collision of
two trains of thought- Wushlugtou Star.
CATTLE Ilcst becvus 3 60 & 4
Stoclars '1 W tt !!
NatUocows I W 8"
IIOOS Oood lo iholL-o heavy.. 4 60 &
WHUAT-Na 2 ml CT fa
No. 'J Imrd 01. 54
COIlN'-Na'J nitxod 4'!!i3
OATS-No. i mixed. -I'lO
KVK-.Vo. 2 f8 j
FLOUIt-1'Atentn, nir suclt... 2 00 ((1 2
Kanor 1W l
HAY-Choice timothy 7 0) to H
Fancy nrstrlo 7 0" rt 7
POULTRY Spring chlcltcas.. 13
HUTTEIt Choirs creamery... 15' 3
CHUKsE full cream. 11 fi
EUCS-C'holco 10 H&
rOl'ATOES-Ncw 45 fti
CATTLE Pair natives. 3 60 5
Tcxuns 2 3) (13
IIOaS-Hcavy 603 5
SIlflKP Fair to choice" 4 00 Q 5
FLOUR Choice m 'A
WHEAT No. K red. 73
COKS-No 2 mixed. 1
OATS No. : mixed. nKtrA
RYE-No 2 , CO 44
nUTTEll Creamery 15 fit
LAM)-Wcntera steam 7 10 a 7
POKK-Nuw 13 7J (13
CATTLE Prime to extra. 4 75 G 5
I100S-PacUlni?ttnd shipping., 6 25 5
SHKIU' 1'iUr to choice 6 01 (ft. 5
1'l.OUIt Wlutor uhcat 4 20 ffi 4
WHKAT-No. 2rcd T!U1i
CORN- No 2..t 4Ki4
OATH-No. 2 33
UYE-No. 2. Co
UUTTEU-Creamery 17
LA1CU 7 45
POItlC 13 30
CATTLE Notho steers 3 80
HO(JS-(JOOdtOClKlC! 6 40
I'LOUR-Oood to iholcc, 4 00
WHKAT-No. 2 rod E3
CORN-No X 57
OATS Western mixed 37
UUTTEH-Creumcxy 15
POKK-niil inss 12 25
and especially
nutslng mothers,
need the strength
ening support and
help that cornea
with Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescrip
tion. It lcJMons
the pains and bur
dens of child
bearing, insure
healthy, vigorous
of t sarins:. and
promotes an abundant secretion of nourish
ment on the part of tho mother. It is an In
vigorating tonlo made especially for women,
perfectly harmless in any condition of tho
lumalo system, as it regulates and promotes
all too natural functions and never couillcta
with them.
Tho " Prescription " builds up, strengthens,
and cures. In all tho chronic weaknesses and
disorders that outlet women, it is mtaran!
to benefit or cure, or tho money is refunded.
For everv case of Catarrh which tbor can
not cure, the proprietors of Dr. Hagdv Ca
tarrh Remedy agree to pay f&00 in cash.
You're cured br iU mild, soothing, cleans
ing, aod boaling proptrUw, or you're paid.
An Tmportnnt iwrrenre.
To mako It nnimrent to thousands, who
think themselves HI, that they nro nntuf.
fected with any illvHHe,ltit that tho Si stem
simply needs cleansing, is to In Ing comfort
homo to tin Ir uuiirtA, u costive condition
Is easily out ed by using Kvriip of Vlgs. Man.
uf'tciurcd by thul'ullfurtiiu KigBrup Co.
Mant limn fatlKiio theuisolves not so
much bk work u by hastening to catch tip
with lost time.
A. M. VairT, PruRRlst. Shclhyvlllo, Ind ,
snys! 'Hall's Ctnirh Cure gives tho host
of satisfaction, t'au iroi plenty of tcstl
luoniMls, as it eiiios everyone who takes
It." Druggists sell It, TRc.
No, Mr drar glil, hont Is not neces
sarily tnudo of pussy willow. Boston
Max air roughens tho skin. Uso (llonn's
Sulphur Sosp
Hill's Hulr and Whisker Dye, M cents.
Mrttct'itr had wings
must hnvo had sour
on his heels. Ho
feet lllugluunton
Hku.tu Tin-UiT sine wrnlf, nervous men.
II t IrUl Klo. Ohio Chemical Co.,Cluclunatl,0
Has his ups nud dowus-tuo balleouUt
thsM and every kindred rtbcaso arising
from Imparo blood successfully t rented by
that nerur-faUlng and best of all tonics and
Books on niood and Ekla
3 ami Ekla x
alalfl centoa 3w
clficOo., W
Diseases free.
Printed testimonials rent oa
application. Address
to Swift Specific
Just a bad cold, niul a hacking
cough. Wc till suffer that way some
times. How to get rut ot tlictu is
the study. Listen " I am a Ranch
man and Stock Raiser. Lly life is
rough and exposed. I meet all
weathers iu the Colorado mountains.
I sometimes take colds. Often they
are severe. I have used German
Syrup five years for these. A few
doses will cure them at any stage.
The last one I had was stopped in
24 hours. It is infallible." Jatnea
A. Icc, Jefferson Col. D
Ton eis't flnil whit jrou out In rmr home iter,
t 011 the train MM rum lo our tmnmiotli Hry
loodi KitsblUlinifiit. If Diiin't come. ihfii end
fur ttmplri inn churee Mr minplci). ami order wtut
7ou wmt lj mill, we cusrentee itlrctlon.
ruiui ran t.ri .r ". 1 m
CAIITIorf.-nntrnra of dealers attbi
stllutlnir elinmn llliuut V.,li. Iluuula
RniiMiiiiiiiiiinpriru unintppiiilll iMiiiiiin.
urli nitlmttliillnnenrii Iraiiilulrnt nnil
ubjct to prnHPcullmibr law for iu-
Siiiujnir monpy
In i) M.sjse)
vriia lor cainiojne. iiniijor
1 slso stsd wldtk wuteO. Vsstai
SAPOLIO SHOULD be used in every KITCHEN.
The yetr 1SW
h heea B ex
erptlonelly pros
peroue one forelt
estlon of the
Orest Bouthwrtt.
Ko It the lime
to set a home
lhre. Writs to
Q. T. K.'fllmlon,
A 8. T. II. it. To
pekt, Keniet, or
J. J. Prrne, Aut,
1M. Trad. Mgr.,
MomJuock Bid.,
CblcaKO, for free
v HPT. 27. '
Low-rat Home
Seeker' Kxcur
done will he run
from the Est to
pulnie In Kunin,
Colorado, Utah.
Terrltorf, Mew
lltilco, and Tex
ai, Tla Sent Ke
Iloute, oa Aut. X
and8ept.77. Ad
dret or sail on
II. li. at
The $trongttt and piirtit T.yo
a tlnn powder uml packed Inacaa
with removublo ltd, the contents
are always ready for use. Will
m&U-e tho b'tt pcrluinrd Ilord
Soap in U) minutes cUovt boil,
ing. It li the hut for cleansing
waste pipes, fllslnft'ctlnir sinltu,
closets, wnnhlnir bottlns. paints,
s, wnnhlnir bottlns. paints.
Ion. Aictt.t rCUk Tm.
rsuii tuis nrssiwi utjnnu.
IftCUTC " IserorBsrslarssdWrsthrrPrw.
AUCn lO leMw.Clrlrrre. fU4mUI.lilM.,S.I.
ssrsaais tau uu , im m .
lt!s 'Vv-i nsll'J
With housewives of all foncta, mil
creeds and nil ages Is: "Which
Is tho boat Cooking Stove?"
Wo answer this question to-day by
proclaiming "CHARTER OAK
STOVES" to ho tho best in every
coneolvable rosnoct.
Host itoTO AmIom Imp thim. X! jmxt
don not, write dlrost tomanulactartn.
no hot anrri rou riccbx.
ore rtire for HICK 1!KAI-
AVIIK. ImptlrM iimtlou,fwu
panon,lorpiu;iHnii. j nej tpimi
Tit. ui.n. nmii. M.wi.w.
pimiicki tnrci on !
'3f tndlUlllliler. CownM
billon iinrvon cll
riier. jjumi.s 1
ItosjnUfr eomplozlon by purtfjin-
The dot It til-fl JiulKttaulMJ M eneplUrea
ntttr b4too much. lUch flat ronulm , rirll In m
twrkrt. Ilk Ittit ptnetl. lluelufl tiuitl'n fm
renTnktif. Tftttn ei1r liitn urtr. Huldenety
where. All leoulae goal br "OieKent."
Send t-ctnt (temp .You (i 1 03 pie hook wUn eBIw
Business College,
Y. U. 0. A. Building, Ksasu Olty, Ko.
A modern rrosrexlre trslutnc tchoul.
Qpmmerclal, Shorthand, ToloRraphl
Rlrirant upartmrntu anil iniporlor uJVantnce
CntalnKiiu I'rrr. . TelnpltDiio &3K.
wkams this nrm imimi.
04 Monroe Street, Obloaco.
mil sill me rtMir uufM
fiHmi atift ftiuipnitnta. 400 i"m II
Iutlr4titn, itMcnUni vvtry ttiule
rrauirtd bv Bamli nr Pthib t'orra.
t-0nitlulBuniriionarar Auiuuf iianuA.
KKiciMau 1 uniti n.jcri u.lirt, vj
Lvn uti Ktluted UU vt U4 lluan
llirhsai!Mnnroths Iron. snrt burns,. I
The ItUlnii Hun Hlnro Polka It lrlUUot,04nr.
leM.biirahln.sml ths comiiinsr t'srs to DoUa I
ur rUvi piekagn wltnswnmtchlu. I
1W "sl.W
wwmnx, imrnin uumc, nuxioie, inon'1. 17111a
ntiit duralilo tliaa utiy 01 lit r uo ever told ut tho Uriosw
1 jiu-iUctotnmiulonoccitliiiefromSUo1.
.. 1 - - .. . . .
1110 umy ei.uu puo. mnua.wiia iwo covpiris
not re, r-ccturly Mitrnl at tho oatttdo odnq (n vum n la ctil).
, wlilch Klrcidouhtn thnrroarot (.beau well ihoessold attS
amo price, tor ucie Miir rip. oovjnir nuijr ono eoia aawacs
to a narrow etrlp ot leather oa tho eJco, sua wbssi csms)
worn Uirtiugh nro worthier.
when worn thrmiali ran be reDilrod iu uu Uiiim as
I Deocsr7,si they wlllnererrljiorlooiea from thaappar.
-iuY:uKacra ut luuknoar uciriniT to euaiiu
BusSbSooold consider Uo superior qualm
of theta shnecand uot Ui InfiaeBMl
to liuy cheap welt shoos sold at aSASU
rp.10 cobiisw!
iu a ine uair. naasi
rs amJ sasrsl nerehantn who:
le ! ysur lisreieil dlrert to
(Us. BrocklSBt
VtrwAJSaa nut wmvmm nwiwrwifinn
liroad Kdaratlonal wor. tliuilneif, Shorthand,
1mlc andrreparatory Tschnlcal Innrnctlon. Ha.
Library and Oymnailum. Sadrete S. I. tlUU,
rsiMSTUi rsrsa wy w leoma
Bo knit 1 U00K u.
Pre. OaiTiunr Itoaa
IU Kim St., ClnclSMI.
A. N. K.-D. 14 o 7
SUM tAs IM saw Us AdTeiUnaa4 la 1
. 1 .! ini iiw I ! iiiimiiiiij ui iMiaai hi n iiaai
f I rraedliM. n--lirT nil lint mnalaai.
H 0a.a.tlT SBoTpsopleH
J who bay wssk lunse or Atb M ,
lus.ahoaldaM PUo'e euro for
J Csosampttoa. It bas ura
H tbaaaatad. ft ha not Injor TM
1 ad ons. It Is not bad to take. Hi
itutb. bieoufhiyru. H)
J loW sttrrwhar. . . Njt
9,9m ' 'l '
w V A ffTi