MWMMWMaEsMaHsBsM w "--"W i 41 vW d aaaa, saaassa " i,-" s. r IK h f I ii 7i 1 i ' Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. By A. C. Hosmkk. Red Cloud, Wkiister County, Neil, Friday, Aug. 12, 1892. Vol. 20. No. 3 GREAT SUMME r - CLEARING - SALE ! Do You Want a Bargain ? If so, Examine Figures Below. OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE LASTS 2 - WEEKS ONLY ! - 2 WE QUOTE A FEW BARGAINS BELOW Our entire stock of shoes at Cost. Our entire stock of Black Oraandes at Cost. v. Our entire stock of Black Sateens at Cost. Our entire stock Colored Sateens at Cost. Summer Jackets at cost, Ladies White Underwear at cost. Our entire stock of Summer clothing at cost. And many other articles too numerous to mention. We also have a few Bargains in the Grocery Line: 19 2 lbs. Gr. Sugar for $1; 5 packages of Coffee, 95c. Everything else in the grocery line in proportion. Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, corn and Oats. R. M. MARTIN Sc SON. Remember the place ahjd call and see us, Moon Block, Red Cloud. Ho, There! C. W. DOW Keeps a full line of Sickles, Pitman Boxes, Knife Heads, Sections, Guards, Guard Plates, Bivets, for all kinds of Mowing Machines, taken in exchnnge. Machines reimired in I have also a few kind of " ijako-teeth .on hand W Old iron good shape. FLOUR and FEED, OSOAR PATMOR Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying ) oui flour. What is MA M M Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays foverishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cos torla is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Castorla Ii an excellent mediclno for chil dren. Motbcn hnvo repeatedly told me ot Its good effect upon their children.1 Da. O. 0. Omood, Lowell, Haas. " Castorla la tho best roroody for children of which I am acquainted, I hopo the day Is not far distant when mothers will condder tho real Interest of their children, and use Castorla in Btcad of tho various quack nostrums which ore destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful tgents down their throats, thereby sending tnem to premature grTe." Dr. J. F. Kracnrijc, Conway, Ark. Castorla. "Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend U as superior to any prescription known to me." n. A. Akchkr, If. D., Ill Bo. Oxford St., Orooklfi.K, V. 'Our physicians In tho chlldreuv depart ment bare spoken highly ot their experi ence in their outside practlut with Castorla, and although wo only haro among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are f roo to confess that tho merits ot Castorla has won us to look with favor upon It." Ukjtxd Hospital and Dibwukt, Boeton,; Allen C Smith, Pre., Hi Ceatasr Cosapaay, TT If array Street, Mow York City. Till: 8TATI". 1'AIIt. The KvliriiMkiiHtuluriilr lispo! I Ion, Lincoln, September !) I o 0, lHOil-Kccp nit Dye On II. Tho objoat of the managers of tho Nobrnska utato fair anil exposition lias over boon to present annually nH full nnd complete n lino of rcsomccs, products nnd possibilities of the whole Htato as can bo gathered, thus to ad vurtiso nnd mutually bonofit overy in dustry nnd individual interest known, or to bo thought of, in tho ontiro stnto. Tho coming year, 1893, boing tho world's jubilco at Chicago, whero all the world will bo present to soo ull tho world has to show nnd whero a great Nebraska exhibit is to bo in. stalled, extra efforts are being mado to havo the stnto fair this fall colipso any of its prodeccjsors. It is do sirablo that it shall bo tho ''gnthoring togothcr" of the matorial for Chicago. Wo aro officially adviBcd tho out look was never moto flattoring. Tho pcoplo seem to bo full of enthusiasm, and will meet tho emergency in a manner characteristic of Nobrasknns, und to tho satisfaction of tho most sanguine expectations, Every man, woman and child in tho dtato should bocomo a self constituted committee of one, upon whom dovolvos tho wholo duty of pushing to successful completion this great enterprise. Whilo tho substantial faotor is as stated, the board is not forgetful of tho important duty to provido for tho plcosuro and other interests of tho publio, its patrons' This being a political year npcoitl arrangements havo bcon mado to givo each of the national political organizations of tho country, a day on tho fair grounds, and an opportunity to present to tho crowds thcro assembled, thoir respec tive claims for suffrage. Tho host talont obtainable to represent oaoh party will bo scoured. llopublieanB, domocrats, pcoplo' a independents and prohibitionists of national roputo, will address tho pcoplo. Names of speak ers and detailed publication will bo mado later, wo aro informed. An arrangoment has been mado for tho Nebraska statu band association to hold its annual reunion on the grounds. This will bring together tho most extonsivo convention ever known in tho state, affording tho rar est treat in that lino our people havo over enjojed. This feature will con tinuo during fair week, and will bo further anuouiioid in special publica tions. Fnduy, September 0, is set apart as "Old Sjldirr's" day, when ull soldiers of tho lato war will bo admitted to all piirtd of tho grounds free, Tuesday, September 6, is children's day, when all children in tho state will bo on hand and havo a good timo in sight seeing. The premiums huvo been pularged, in especially for ngricultural producta and live stook. For county collec tive exhibits sovonteon premiums aro offered, running from $30 to $250. Eiglftccn premiums aro offered for tho bot quartor of an aoro of sugar boots, ranging from $50 tho first, and $5 tho lowest. Ten thousand dollars aro offered for spocd. Somo of tho best horses in tho country havo been soourcd and more aro prom ised. Tho races will bo an iuimenso attraction this year. Thcro was never a timo when nil connected with tho tjtuto fair wan moto promising than for tho coming ono, common ling on tho second duyot September next, Tho pcoplo of Lirj coin aro preparing to entertain visit ord in unusual stylo'. Special evening entertainments aro being provided. Railroad facilifios for gottlng to and from Lincoln nnd tho fair grounds havo bcon largoly increased, render ing such aooouuuodatious unsurpassed in nny other state or for nny other fair. For further, more desired or detail ed information, wrlto tho secretary, llobert W. Furnas, llrownvillo, who ih just now dovoting himself to furnish ing stnto fair literature Stale reck Item. Harvesting is tho order of tho day. A lot of spring wheat and not out yot, somo threshing dono. Mr. Clarko Stovona threshed 2M bushels of wheat and 92 bushsls of ryo and has a lot of spring wheat and oats to thresh yet. Old Mr. ltooso tho coal prospoctor, has gono 05 foot dcop and has abandonod the wmU enduring hot woathor, though sooms to hnvu groat faith in a 3 or -1 foot vein of coal at less thnn 100 fcut deep, Mr. Wm. ltosoncran sold somo fat hops for 5o a lb. and bought somo littlo pigs for lOo per dozon and was soon offcrod $2.00 per dozon for thorn and would not soil. Sunday sohool every Sabbath at 2 p. in. at Pleasant Qrove aohcol house. Mr. 'Geo. Mountford superin tendent and Undo Billy VanDyko assistant everybody and his next door neighbor is invitod to attend, There is proaching also at our sohool house oyory 2 wooks at early lamp lighting by Elder Hummel, A lot of our noighbor boys went down south to help harvest and thresh wheat thoy expected to got $2.50 .per day. O. Provalt; Albort Soribner and Wm. DollingB was in tho crowd, at laBt accounts thoy were in Osborn, Osborn county, Kansas, Mr. Tuff Sutton's team rau off with a hay raek got into a wire fence and marly ruined one nf them, at last ac counts it was improving somo, Frank Graham, Dug and Charhl Davis, Frank SUbby, Wm. Keen and Mr. Haakins havo boon running their binders nearly day and night oa ac count of tho grain ripening so fast during tho fow hot days, . Common looking wheat and thin'. ground with small grain make 20 bit. to tho aero, and a bettor prospeot for oorn wo never had, common lone hand ed farmois havo out from 25 to ,100 acres. OCCASIONAL. Dcniorrultc County ConventleM. Tho democrats of tVebster county Nebraska will meet in mass convention in tho city of lied Cloud Saturday, Augiiht 2ll, 1892, nt 2 o'clock p. m., for tlio purposo of place in nomination a candidate for representative to the legiuluturo a candidato for couoty at torney and to cleat dolegatcs to llio state, cougrcssiunal nnd senatorial convonlioiiH, and to transact such other business as may coruo before it. All demoeruU aro invited to bo pie son t, Thomas J. Waud, Chairman, W. A Gauuihon, Secretary. "Tho Ailclpiiiaii Quartette was de cidedly a drawing curd at tho Long Pino Chautauqua, and those who heard this wonderful oarapany of brotheis wcro not disappointed is their nutioipat'on. There are f ve of the 'bojs' now in the company, all gentlemanly and possessed of excel lont and powerful voices. They were listened to with tho deepest Interest by a crow pavillion at eaeh appear mice." Lung l'ino Journal. . Disease nover successfully Attacks a system with pure blooaV DeWitt'a Bar euparillii tunftcs pure, now blood and en riches the old. O, L' dotting; Don't fail to hoar the Adelphian Quartolto, Monday evening AlHJ. Jjj attianict iou struurcli. -r.v u ywf -I 1 & 1 L-i W . m rvwwwy- . A )iiiMiWHjWp w)nnnnwi .! ""'"y "-' 3XG mUHZii mfa-mtkfti'li.Vfwwizz ..,..,.-... '--!"" ---. - ---sMiWi'iwim 'T.rtfii JlhW1WWtsWtM ti.iKwmimrWi' '" " rjitzr'-jw- --yuU-fS