The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1892, Image 6

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A. O. HOIMKR, Publisher.
A i.Aiinr. colony o disappointed homc
eckcrs aw to leave Oklahoma for Cen
tral America. Tlioy expect to worlt on
coffeo plantations.
It costs soniothlng to go clown Into
tlio sea If yem expect to coino tip again.
The cost of a one-man f.en-dlvlng P
naratus for a depth of 200 feet Is 1.173.
i ' ' ' , '
TnrrnUroads of this country do con
Idorublo buslnecs unit their income Is
rot Inconsiderable. The gross earning
of the chief rnllronds of the country, uh
preicntcd by Urudstreot's, were 187,000,
CCO during May, 180'-'.
IlouvfA has suppressed the revolution
which recently broke out nt Oruro. It.
was mi Insignificant affair and was con
fined to a few of the troops which had
been sent from Lopaz to quell disorders
along tko government railroad lines.
A Yousm lady of Atlantic City took a
clergyman to the jail at May's Landing
recently unit fiislstcil upon being mar
ried to Albert Davis, nwaltintf trial for
highway robbery. The sheriff refused
to allow the ceremony to bo performed.
Tiik youngest ollleur in the unton
nrmy to wear tho "doublo ntars" was
Gen. Pcnnypacher, of Pennsylvania.
IIo was a colonnt of volunteers at 20,
mid a brevet major-general when but
filx months past his twenty-second
MAitsit.u, MacMaikw will produce
his long-expected nicinnlro In
of the nfcxt sixteen months. They will
comprlso five volumes, divided Into four
part Each part will deal with ono of
tho four Important periods from tho
African and Crimean campaigns to the
presidency of tho republic.
SrcniiTAUV Tiiacv has decided that bo
will ftbout October 1, send tho United
States ntciiiner Constellation, tho train
In ship, to Havre and Genoa. Tho
Constellation on her return trip will
lirlng'to this country a largo collection
of works of art of Columbus' time for
exhibition at tho world's fair.
MAiir Andkhsox (Mrs. Navarro)
emerged from her retreat in London
the other day at tho call of charity. At
tho Catholic bazar, opened by Lady do
Trafltord, Mary Anderson, looking as
charming as ever, was not only among
tho guests, but assisted ut tho stalls
find autographed her own portraits to
Increase the 'proceeds of tho sale of tho
work, which arc to go toward the main
tenance of the Catholic schools.
Tin: many reports from tho east (jiv
ing accounts of excessive heat and its
serious results arc received with won
der by tho people of Colorado. Al
though the mercury on several occa
sions lias reached 100 deg., no lucou
veirtcrico is Buffered from this tempera
ture and spring overcoats are worn in
tho evening and during tho early morn
ing. Such a thlng'us illness from over
beat in Colorado is unknown and n ease
of sunstroke 1ms not been reported in
thirty years.
Ilium, may bo called upon to pay in
demnity to Uruguay on neeount of re
cent depredations by citizens of tho big
republic. A band of republicans from
tho state of Hlo Grande do Sul, In Ira
Ell, Invaded Uruguay territory nl Man
irueros, sacking tho hacienda of Sonor
Maclul and cutting tho throat of Juan
Castollanos, a federal partisan. Another
body of llra.UIan republicans, com
manded by Gen. lsldoro, also invaded
Uruguay, near Mungueros, and looted
many haclotidus.
'Zacii Ciiaxdi.icii was olio of 'the
.timeliest supporters that William Me
Garrahan over had in congress. Mr.
Chandler's championship was scoured
In this way: Ho camo Into the lobby of
tho senate ono morning just as McGur
rahan in a lit of anger had knocked
down Donn Piatt, ."If you will come
Into my oulec," said Chandler to McGar
raban, "I will look over your claim. I
have always opposed It, heretofore, but
Blnee you licked that cuss I think there
tnpst lib justlco in your claim. If there
Is' I-will support It." And ho did.
Tiik United Slates qunrtormastcr
gcncral's recent historical statement In
regard to tho national Hag has caused
homo discussion in London. Tracing
tho original to the Washington coat of
arms, n correspondent of tho Times
writes that "tho stars and stripes of
tho Washington family" can bo seen on
an old monument in Trinity church.
Another traces tho stars ami stripes on
tho monuments of Washington's an
cestors ut Sulgravo, Northamptonshire.
Anothor states that a family of Wash
ington, who uro descended direct from
tho patriots grandfather, still holds
a farm nt Ilolylund, lllekeiiford, and
that, a tombstone In tho Chester cathe
dral marks tho grave of George Wash
ington's ilrst love. These writers eon
cur in scouting tho notion that tho
United States llag originated in Mrs.
Boss' parlor.
County Commishio.veu Dau.aud. of
Ban Francisco, is tho possessor of a rare
and curious gold coin, which fell Into
his hands in California In 1810. It Is a
Mormon Hvo-dollar piece, and for many
years hus been employed as a charm or
luinylp oiijMr. Mallard's fob chain. Tho
owner 'Himself was a MOer, and took
part in tho scenes of tho early gold ex
citement in California. Ho says that
the Mormons, who were among tho
earliest in tho gold Holds, returned to
Salt Lako with great quantities of tho
precious yellow dust. Much gold also
found 'ita way to Utah through other
avenues. Hrlgluun Young, who was at
that, timo rutin jug u little government
on his own nccouilt, established a mint
and coined probably fl, 000,000 iu Jlvo
dollar gpld pieces. These coins very
coon, foundthelr California unci
Ttassod current' ' ,
Gloanod By Tolorjrraph, and Mall
Tiik senntc on tho 'JOtli confirmed the
nomination of George Shlrus, Jr., to the
supremo court,
Pitoi'. iToii.v K. UitAlu.r.Y, of Mlnnc
npolls. has been elected to till tho va
cancy in the presidency of Illinois col
lege, ut Jacksonville, caused by tlio
death of Ir. Tanner.
CoxaniMSMAH O'N'iut.t. 1ms Introduced
a bill to regulate payment of wages by
contractors for government work.
Tin: president has nominated A. It.
Spcrry to bo minister to Persia.
Tin: supremo court of Michigan has
handed down oplnlonsdeclnrlng uncon
stitutional the two acts ot the Inst legis
lature reapportioning tho representa
tive and senatorial districts In the state.
MtNKKaoTA republicans nominated
Knuto Nelson for governor by nccluma
Gnonoi: K. Kistaih:, tho well known
New York broker, who failed with his
brother somo time ago for a largo
amount, has committed suicide.
William Wilson, who has been trav
eling as "Sir Kdwanl Cook," Is In Jull ut
New York. He ilrst camo to grief nt
Denver, Col., where he got six months.
Wyomino democrats wero in conven
tion at Itoclc Springs. Walter H. Stoll
resigned tho chairmanship of tho state
central committee, because of tho "rust
ler" clement wliieli predominated.
Tiik Toledo, O,, Commercial has been
sold to G. G. Hadley and Kims White.
Tub newspaper men of .Minneapolis,
Minn., are talking about striking for
less work and more pay.
Hay City, MIeh., was visited by a
disastrous conflagration on tho 'JSth.
There was reported loss of life. Tho
damage run up to f 1,500,000.
An entire family of nine persons per
ished in n cloudburst in Marshall
county, W. Va.
Tiik regular troops havo been with
drawn from Idaho.
Tin: barbarity to Private lams at
Homestead, ordered by Col. Slreetor
and approved by his superior officers,
aroused great indignation. Strong de
mands wero sent to Gov. Pultlson to
cashier all tho olllcers concerned.
Wiiitks and blaeks nt Irmo, R. C,
were reported arming, prepurlng for a
race war.
In addition to smnll-pox'at Grotnn,
on tho boundary of Mnnltobu, where
seven cases nro reported, a caso is also
reported at Morion, and Winnipeg is
very apprehensive.
An abatement of tho cholera is re
ported in several places In Hussla.
Cavt. Lynah, of the Halifax steamer
Damara, reports that during a fog at
sea a great Gbrmau three-funnel liner
dashed by him, almost scraping his
vessel's side, and passed out of sight in
the mist. It was n narrow escape.
Claudi: Mr.itKKii, aged 17, was
drowned in the natutorlum at Decatur,
Vast zinc discoveries havo been made
on the Ouachita river, near tho oil wells,
not far from Donison, Tex.
GiiASfliioi'i'Kns havo destroyed tho corn
nnd vegetation of nil kinds In William
son Valley, 10 miles northwest of Prcs
cott, Ariz. They appeared In swarms
llko iu Kansas in 1875. Tlioy are tho
first In Arlzonu for years.
Tin: Now York Herald offers, ns a
prlzo to tho person guessing nearest tho
plurality of tho winning presidential
candidate, a free trip around tho world.
Tin: result of tho hot weather in Iowa
has been a phenomenal development of
tho corn and oat crops. Tho former now
averages much better tlmu at this tlmo
ono year ago.
Poi.icr.MAXSinoitiST.nt Dubuque, la.,
shot and instantly killed a man named
Schneider. Tho latter was crazed with
liquor and was nourishing a butcher
knife nt the time.
Two men were drowned in two Chi
cago natatorlums almost simultaneous
ly recently.
Iamks Sinclaih, a brakeman, was
mangled to death by tho cars at Hum
ble station, near Houston, Tex.
Tin: continued heavy rains, lasting
over two weeks, followed by a drought
and excessively hot weather, havo seri
ously damaged th cotton crop in Ten
nessee. In the Sac and Fox country, Ok., Mike
Ilutka attempted to rldo a bucking
pony, but was kicked in the head and
fatally Injured.
The storage warehouse of tho Stand
ard Oil Co., at Ludlow, Ky., was de
stroyed by fire. Thousands of barrels
of rosin, oil, etc., wero burned.
Tiik famous robber tower ut Znalm,
in Moravia, ono of tho oldest edifices of
the middle ages, has fallen. Five per
sons wero killed by tho falling.
Fohkst fires still rairo in the eastern
section of Prince Edward's Island, Cun.
Great damage has been done.
Tiik United States revcimo cutter
Woleott lias seized tho ltrltish steam
schooner Sibyl, of Vancouver. II. C.
after she had landed thirteen smuggled
Chinese on Whldlcy Island, Wash.
Tiiuki: hundred and fifty dwellings
were destroyed by tho flro at Hay City,
Mich. Hundreds of persons were ren
dered homeless. Thu loss was esti
mated at 'J,000,000. Only one life was
A emu with more than 1,000 mem
bers has been organized in Jacksonville
Flu., to help Cuba iu easo matters eorao
to a crisis.
Tuitr.i: eases of sinall-pox were fouud
among Japanese laborers on the rail
road at Namp.1, Ida., and 150 of them
wore run out of tho town.
Twkni v-nvr. men havo" become
United States prisoners us u result of
the mining troubles at Ctour d'Alcno.
Tin: new cruiser known as the Pirate,
after being christened tho Columbia,
was luunched ut Philadelphia on tho
Mns. Mamii: Ilunnr.s, of Seymour.
Inch, In attempting to shoot n large owl
that disturbed her rest, accidentally
discharged a US-caliber revolver Into her
left side, inflicting a fatal wound.
Hknuy Davis, a negro, died of con
sumption in jail at Philadelphia. Uo
wus awaiting execution for the murdir !
ol Job Uuua, a uoal uculer,
A IIoosikh beer trust is forming at
Stock gambling caused Ronald Kon
ncdy to kill Chnrles II. Pago, a well
known broker of Philadelphia. Ken
nedy Immediately afterward took his
own life.
Tiik Grand Trunk railway of Canada
is to retrench expenditures as far, as
Tin: Hotel Nordcr, Holding, Mich.,
was burned. Tho gucsta all narrowly
A htkam engine boiler used with n
wheat threshing machlno near Kyle's
Station, Ilutler county, O., burst, kill
ing Ambroso Alexauder and Perry
Holden and injuring four others. tho naval maneuvers held oft
llrest, France, a torpedo boat, wlillo
steaming at full speed, ran directly up
on tho ram of orib of tho Ironclads and
sank in ten fathoms of water.
ElOHT hundred employes of theGllkcy
t Anson Lumber Co., at Merrill, Wis.,
havo struck for ten hours' work instead
of eleven nt ten hours' pay, which wa3
refused them.
Tiik two-story framo cooler of tho
Itruggcrman brewery, St Paul, Minn., I
collapsed, and tbrco men who wero .
sleeping in the building wero
nnd one killed.
Tin: bank of Ellteno, Ok., was robbed
by two men, who compelled tho wlfo of
President Sawyer to hand over (10,500.
Pot'OFi and three other conspirators
were executed at Sofia for attempting
to ossasslnato Prlnco Ferdinand, of Ilul- I
gnrla, some time ago. ,
A fiKNHATioNAT. feature In tho Private
lams' caso was brought out when mem-
bers of the Uandall club at Pittsburgh,
Pa., announced they would take steps .
to havo Llcuu-Col. Strcator expelled
from the club.
Washington NATifKN'fl recent death
nt lloulogne, France, recalls the Nathan
murder mystery of July 20, 1870. at .
Now York. Ho was son of the murdered and twelve ears filled with grain wero
man nnd by some was thought to be demolished.
concerned. DoitA and Mary Wood, aged 14 and 12
Two ofllecrs wero killed nnd another ' years, wero drowned while recently
seriously wounded by a horso thief ' bathing In tho Klkhorn near Stafford,
named Hurley In escaping from jail at t They wero daughters of a farmer. Tho
Mount Sterling, Ky., and in the pursuit ' younger girl got beyond her depth and
which followed. Hurley was captured ! while her Bister was attempting to res
later and was believed to havo been cue her both sank.
A itKVKNlTK collector of tho Chcrokco
nation snys there nro now about 100,000
cattle, 20,000 horses and 15,000 sheep on
tho strip and that tho soldiers huvo
made no attempt to remove any of
Tun boiler In tho shtnglo mill of
Hartnell Si Smith, on Otsego lake, near
Goylord, Mich., blew up, killing four
four men, fatally Injuring one other
and demolishing the mill.
Two men wero killed and thrco prob
ably fatally Injured by a boiler oxplo
slon at a sawmill near Stanley, I. T.
Tin: tug Concord wns sunk in a col
lision, off Chicago and Oscar Pago ami
William Kopfer drowned while asleep
In the cabin.
Tkxab fever Is raging omong cattle
oil over tho Indian territory and hun
dreds of native animals havo died.
Many farmers a'ro losing every cow they
Tiik Crane chemical works at Spring
Held, N. J., blew up. Ono man was
Tiikiik has been Borious trouble with
striking mill hands at Merrill, Wis. is reported to have appeared
at Vera Cruz, Mexico.
Six persons were drowned near Wiar
ton, Out., by a boat upsottlug in a sud
den squall.
Sihhon, Cul., was reported In flames.
LuMinciuiEN havo decided to advance
Nini: persons were injured by light
ning in a storm at Jeffersonville, Ind.
Tiik ltrltish war vessel Champion has
left Honolulu to sel.o the Johnson or
Comwallls group of Islands In tho South
sea. England wants It for u station for
her new cable from Now Zealand to
It Is stated that Chnuncev M. Deiiew
has started to Europe for tho purposo
of influencing Carnegie to agree to uu
umlcttblu settlement of thu Homestead
Co.NoitKSSMAN McKinnky, democrat,
wants to bo governor of New Hamp
shire. Gi'.oitor. William Cwutis, tho editor
of Harper's, Is Improving In health.
Caiuur AsuuuitY was killed at Para
gould, Ark. Ho was drawn into thu
machinery at a shingle mill.
At Vlgnaux's bllliurd academy, Purls,
Schucfcr and Carter defeated Gamier
and Piot iu a four-handed match of 300
points, single cushion caroms, for (750
a side.
Cosoiikssman O'Neill'o indofatiga
blllty in pushing the eight-hour law re
sulted iu its passage by thu house.
Cholkka has mudo its appearance in
KAisin; William haa returned to Pots
dam from .Norway,
Mus. IlaiiuiiT MomtKLL, living near
HillHborn, 111., was fatally stung ly a
bumble be.
Tiik Order of Iron Hall, an extensive
mutual Insurance society, Is in trouble.
A receiver hus been applied for at In
dianapolis, Iud. There are charges of
Hiots arising out of the cholera
agulust tho authorities havo occurred
in Tahkond, llusslo. The troops havo
rigorously suppressed the riots, killlug
and wounding seven persons.
HicnuMAN, who attempted to kill II.
a Frlck, had hit bail fixed at (24,000.
President Haiiiuson has vetoed th
McGarrahun claim bill. It gave Me
Oarrahan a quicksilver mine now in
possession of 1). O. Mills worth (10,000
000. Tiik El Reno, Ok., bank, rocontly
robbed by tho Dalton boys, will pay all
of its obligations.
Ci.r.AUiNO house returns for tho week
ndcil July 2t showed on average In
crease of 13.1. In Now York the In
crease was 12.7.
Tin: senate on tho 20th listened to
Mr. Carlisle's reply to Mr. Aldrleh on
tlio tariff question. Tho house was
considerably excited over a book pub
lished by Representative Watson, ac
cusing many of his fellow members of
drunkenness. Filibustering against
the world's fair bill followed.
Otto Bbimi was recently killed b;
lightning near Oakland
A company has been incorporated to
build a hotel at Illckinnn.
WoitK has been begun on a new C5,000
sclioolhouso at Nehawkiu
Tiik thnrmomotcr registered 104 in
the shade at Central City on tho 10th.
Mns. Mii.i.Kii and a hired man wero
. killed by lightning near Hooper tho
other day.
John killed .Tolin Gcrmnnnc nt
Chaldron the other day while the latter
was resisting nrrcst
I A Youno farmer 'named Hllllngnva
was stinstruck near Central City on tho
lOtn. lie could not survive.
Citors In Dundy county arc reported
to be in a flourishing condition. The
wheat promises an abundant yield.
Fun: at Chadron tho other day de
stroyed tho Jerry Mahoney Furniture
Co.'s store. Loss, (21,000; Insurance,
Ida E. Hiiioht, a pretty stcnogrnphor,
was found dead in tlio office of Dr. Noah
Corricker at Omaha the other day. Tho
matter was being Investigated.
Hon uanwkll, a seven-year-old boy
dint (IMrl 1t11.wl 4 1.......-........-..1.I ot.tnM
....WW niiivu iiiij itiiuu-vui-uiu oinivi
tit Juniata the other day with an old
shot gun that was "unloaded."
Haiiiiy Mullkn, 11 years old, was re
cently drowned iu tho Missouri river at
Omaha. He had gone into the river to
swim contrary to tho orders of his
Swan Johnson, a Swede In tho cm-
ploy of C. J. Nobes, near York, was so
verely injured the other morning by be-
ing thrown into a barbed wire fence by
a horse ho was driving.
A HuiiLiNOTON freight train was
wrecked at the east end of the Missouri
river bridge at Plnttsmouth the other
inoriilnir. Three tramps wero killed
Ciiari: county has harvested as fine a
crop of small grain as any ono could
wish to see. There will bo nearly
double tho amount of wheat raised in
that county this year compared with
that of last year. Winter wheat nnd
ryo is excellent So with oats, and
corn prospectH never wero better.
Tin: good rains of the xast two weeks
have brought the wlicut and corn crops
out far beyond tho expectations of
cveryono in eastern Perkins count'.
Farmers count a yloldof atleast twenty
bushels per acre of wheat, nnd tho pros
pects for corn never wero better. Tho
acreage of wheat will bo fully twice
that of last season.
Ahout 3 o'clock tho other niornlng
some miscreant set fire to tho barn, of
W. M. Stewart, one mile west of Cort
land, completely consuming It, together
with four sets of harness, a new spring
wagon and about MM) worth of farm
machinery. While the family was try
ing to save w)iat they could from tho
burn the Incendiary ransacked the house
and took what money Mr. Stewart had,
about f 15.
Fnu: at Rising City tho other night
destroyed five stores causing a loss of
$111,000. The flames broke out In tho
drug store of Ross Si Co.. nt 11 o'clock
and the entire stock of drugs was con
sumed. The hardware storu of C. W.
Day wan burned, but part of the goods
were saved. The millinery store of
Miss Newcomer, the brick building be
longing to Thlcleu, of Shelby, nud tho
store of A. P. Day weru entirely de
stroyed. Till: clerk of the btate supreme court
desires to call thu attention of the Ne
braska bar to the fact that rule l' of
the court has been amended in two im
portant particulars. In all eases
brought into tho court upon error or
appeal tho plaintiff In error or appel
lant shall furnish the opposite party,
or to his attorney, a printed copy of his
brief of points, nml authorities relied
upon nt least twenty days prior to thu
week In which the case shall be entered
for hearing. The old rulo made the
limit fifteen days instead of twenty.
The defendant in error or nppellee shall
furnish his brief within fifteen days in
stead of ten as under tho old rule.
Tiik governor has issued Ma procla
mation In reference to the constitu
tional amendments to bo voted upon at
the coming general election. Ono of
these amendments provides that the
thrco railroad commissioners, to be
elected by tho people, shall be added to
the executive department of the stato
government. Iu the event of the adop
tion of thu amendment three commis
sioners uro to be elected In November,
1803. An additional proviso authorizes
the governor to appoint thrco commis
sioners to servo until their successors
are elected and qualified, so that If the
amendment is adopted the law will go
Into effect at once. Tho other amend
ment provides that nil funds belonging
to the statu for educational purposes,
the Interest nnd Income whereof only
nro to be used, shall be deemed trust
funds held by the state, and the state
shall supply nil losses thereof that may
In nny manner accrue, s' that the sumo
shall remain forever inviolate and undi
minished, and shall not be invested or
loaned except on United States or state
securities, or registered county bonds,
or registered school district bonds of
this state; and such funds shall not bo
transferred to any other fund for other
L. M. UuNTiut, of Kansas City, has
gotten himself Into serious trouble at
lleatrlce through making a sight draft
on a Chicago commission housu for f'25.
lie secured a local liulorsur nnd ob
lulucd the money from the Germnn Na
tional bank. A telegram from Chicago
i gave the Information that he find no
credit with the firm in question, and
, the looal Indorser had to in like the
mount good. Hunter was arrested
and lodged In jnil.
JoilN Luna, u young man of Fremont,
who had been married but two weeks,
lately attempted ulclde becuusu Ills
' bride was not a& fervent In her devotion
I to him as ho would like her to be.
A. Groat Triumph for Canadian
Medical Sciouco.
Pnrtlcnlnrs of Ono or tlio MnU Itenurtc
able Currn on Itcrord IlcMTlbut by tha
Detroit NrwA Hlory Worth a
Careful l'eruaal.
Dr,TnoiT, MIeh., Jan. 20th, 1602. A cam
hss just cotno to llRht here, tho partlciilnrs
of which nro published In tho Evening
News, which will ho read with considerable
Interost by nil Ciiimitlnns, ns it records tha
remarkable uohtuvement of a Cnnnillnn
incdk-nltllstovary, wlilclilms nlrcudr, in lto
own country, won Brent nml enduring
fntno. At Hits uddul tilumph thcro is no
doubt tho follow eountrytnan of tho pro
prietors will rojolco, n r It sheds lustre on
Cnimill.m sell noe. Tho story Is told by tho
News ns follow !
Tho follow ing paragraph, wlilnh nppciircd
In tlio News a short time uo, furnlilicd tho
bnnls of this Information--iwnAe that wus
lo wotulcrrullyreninrlinbloilintlt demand,
rd further explanation. It fs nf miRlclaiit
Importiiiico to tho News' rcadins to report
It to thoni fully. It was so Important then
Hint ft attracted considerable nttautlon nt
the tlmo. Tho rollowlugls tho parugrnph Iu
"U. 11. Northrop, for 23 years ono of tho
best known moiehnnts on Woouwnrd nv
emio, who wns supposed to be dying hint
iprlng of locomotor utnxla, or creeping par
lysls, ha scoured u new lenso of life and
returned to oik at hlsstoie,, Tlio dlscasrf
has always been supposed lo he Inciirnble,
but Mr. Nortbrop's condition Is greatly Im
proved, and It looks now us It tlio gruve
would bo cheated of lin prey."
Uluco thnt time Mr. Nortluop has steadily
Improved, not only In looks, but In condi
tion, till ho has regained his okl-tltno
Ithas been hinted to tho writer of this
nrtlele, who wns ncquulntad with Mr.
Northrop, Hint this uilrueulous ch.iiigo lunl
been wt ought bv ft rry Biiupla icinrdy
railed Dr. Williams' I'mk l'llls for Pale
People. When asked about It Mr Northrop
fully verified the ittutO" rnt, nnd not only
so, but ho hud tnkcii pubis to Inform anyone
who was aulTcrliu; In u slnilliir manner
when ho hem d of nny such enso. Mr. Nor
throp v.'us enthusiastic nt tho result In his
own case of Dr. Wllllunm' Pink Pills. It
wns a remedy Hint he hud ho.ud uf after he
had tried everything ho could hope to give
Jilm relief. Ho lutd been In tho cm o of tho
best pliyslcltius who did all they could to al
leviate this terrlblo tii'ilmly, but without
any avail. Ho hud gl on up hope, when n
frlciul in I.oekport, N. "V., wiotn him of Hin
ruo or u person there who hail been cured
Iu similar clruuinHtnnees by Dr. Williams'
Pink l'llls for P.iln Pcoplo. Tho person
cured ut Lookpirt hud obtained his Infor
mation respecting Dr. Williams Pink Pills
from mi nrtielo published Iu tho Hamilton,
Out., Tim's. Thu caso wns called "The!
Uumlltou .Miracle'' and told tho story of a
tuiiii lu thnt city who, uft ir iihnost inoicd
lble suffering, was pronounced by tho most
eminent physicians to bo Incurable nnd per
umiicutly disabled. He had spent hundreds
of dollars iu nil Bolts of treatment and ap
pliances only to bo told In thu cud thnt
thcro wns no hope for him, nud that cure
wns Impossible, 'llio person nlltided to
(Mr. John Mui'Hlinll, of Zr Utile Wllll.un
St., Hamilton, Out.) wus a mombcr of thu
Knyiil Tetnplurs of Temperance, nnd artor
having bocu pronounced Dcrmuncntly dis
abled and Iiiciirnblo by tho ph,sic!nus, was
paid the $1,000 disability liiHurnuec provided
by tho order for Its members In such cases.
For years Mr. Miunlmll hud been utterly
helpless, nnd wus bare) j able to drug him
scUurountl his housu with thcald of crutch
es, Ills ugonlc.H wcio almost unheal nblo
nud Hfo wns a burden to him, when ut lust
relief camo. So mo mouths after ho hint
been paid tho disability claim ho heard of
Dr. Williams' Piult Pills nml wus Induced to
try them. Thu lesult was inline iiIoiih; nl
most from tho outset mi Improvement wns
noticed, nml In a few mouths tho mini
whom uiedlcid cxpci ta hud said wus Incur
able, was going nbout thu city healthier and
stronger tluin befnio. Mr. Murshnll wns
so well known tu Hamilton that all thu cliy
newspapers wroto up Ids wonderful recov
ery lu dctiill, nml It wus thus us before
stilted, that Mr. Northrop caino lute
possession of tho Information Unit
led to his cqunlly marvelous recov
ery. Ono could scarcely coucolvo a
case mora hopeless tluin that of Mr. Nor
throp. Ills Injury camo nbout In this way:
Ouo day nearly four yeurs ngo, ho stum
bled nnd fell tho complete length of u steep
lllRht of stairs which woro at tho renr of.
his storu. Ills head nud spine wero severe
ly Injured. He wns phked up nud tnUcu to
his homo. Creep! iiR paralysis very soon de
veloped itself, nnd In spile of thu most
Htronunus efforts of friends uud physicians
tho torrtblo r.flllctlou fattened itself upon
him. For nearly two years ho wus perfect
ly helpless. Ho could do uothlng to sup
port his itrciiKtli lu tho lemt effort He
had to bo wheeled about In an Invulld's
elixir. Uu was woak, p.ilo and fast sinking
w hen his timely information camo that ver
itably anntched his Ufa from tho jaws of
death. Tlio-to, who at that tlmo saw a fee
ble old man wheeled into his storo on an In
vulld's Chair, would not recoguizu the man
now, so Krcat Is tho chnngo that Dr. Wil
liams' rink Pills havo wrought. When Mr.
Northrop learned of the remedy that hid
cured Mr. Marshall In Hamilton, nnd the
person in I.ocliport. ho procured a supply
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through Messrs.
Ilaisett & L'llomuicdlcu, Woodwurd
avenue, uud from tho outset found an Im
provement. Ho faithfully adhered to tha
usa of tho remedy until now ho la com
pletely restored. Mr. Northrop declares
thut thcro can bo no doubt us to Pink l'llls
bnlne; tha cause of Ms restoration to health,
ns all other routed leu and mcdlcul treatment
i left him In a condition rupldly going Irom
bad to worse, until at last It was declared
thcro was no hopo for him and ho wus pro
nounccd lucurublo Ho wus In this terrible
condlUon when ho began to use Dr. Wil
liams' Pink l'llls, and thoy havo restored
him to health.
Mr. Northrop was askod what wn claimed
for this wonderful remedy, and replied
Hint ho undei atood tho proprietors claim It
to bo a blood builder and uorvo restorer;
supplying In a conilonccd form all tlio ele.
meuU naeossary to enrich tho blood, restore
shattered nerve and drlvo out ilhcaso. It
a claimed by tho proprietors Unit l'lult Pills
, will cure purnlysts, rhoumntlsm. solution,
palpitation of tho hourt, headache, and all
dloeaics peculiar to females, losa.of nppo
UtA dizziness, sleeplessness, iossof memory,
uud all diseases arising from overwork,
mental worry, loss of vital force, etc.
"I want to nny," said Mr. Northrop, "that
1 don't huvo muoh fidth In patentmoilelnca,
but I onnnat say too much lu prulso or Dr.
William Pink Pills. Tho pioprietors,
however, claim that they arrt not a patont
medicine in the senso ih which thnt term It
used, but u hlKhly sclor.tltlo piepnrutlou,
tho remit of j ears of on refill study nml ex.
Iioilmout on tho purt uf the propiiators,
nUU UIO 11113 llu nill'umsiiiii linuil ill il l
vate practice for yours bofuro bolnij placed
for general snle Mr. Northrop declares
that ho Is n living example Unit thoio 1
noihlti(f to tiiuul these pills us u cure for
nerve diseases Onlnquirytho writer found
thnt tacio pill wero manufactured by Dr.
Williams' McdlefneCo.,Rohncctnriy, V. T.,
and Urookvlllo, Ont, nnd the pills nro .
sold in boxes rfnover in bulk by thyt hun
dred), nt W cents n box, and may b lind of
nil druggists or direct by mnll from Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., from either nbrv
nddrcssoi. Tho prlco nt which theso pllla
srosold makes n couisoof treatment with
them comparatively Inexpensive as com
pnrcd with other remedies, or medical
trenttnent. This caso lo ono of the moss
remarknblo on record, nnd as ft Is ono right
here in Detroit and not a thousand miles
nwny, ft can be eaflly verified. Mr. Nor
throp Is very well known to tho people of
Detroit, nnd ho snys he is only too find to
testify of the lnnrvelous good wrought in
his ons Ho a.iys ho cons drrs It his duty
to help nil who are similarly ulTIIctod by any
word ho can sny lu behalf of tho wonder
ful clllcaoy of Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.
How Sportive Booth Cnrnllnn Vlllnccrt
1 1 ml Fun Willi n Drummer.
"Tho meanest trick that was ever
plrvyed on me," said a St. Louis drum
mer who wns trying to boom a conver
sation with a Herald man in tho smok
ing cubby of n sleeper, "wns by nn echo.
In n South Carolina town. The llttlo
town is on the side of tho hill nnd Is as
sleepy and uninteresting a place as ono
will find In a year's journey. I got into
the town on one boiling hot day Iu Au
gust nbout ono o'clock and proceeded to.
rustle nround to get through business,
and skip out; '
"Tho town was so Infernnlly lazy
looking that I didn't have much confi
dence In my ability to get business. At
the post ofllco corner an aged und de
crepit gray mule, with flapping cars
and solemn meln, presided over tho
meeting of whlttlcrs who wero In scssiorv
under tho big nycninoro tree. I ac
costed ono of tho group to find out
where Josh Wilklns, tho lending store
keeper, might bo found, and learned
that ho was 'tending a buAylng over
In Catnip Holler.' Just us I was about,
to move away I heard ninulllcdery of
"'Help! help!'
"Tho whlttlers paid no attention, anil
tho gray mule was giving all his tlmo
to a fly on tho end of his nose.
"Again I heard tho distant muffled
ery of 'help! help!'
" 'It's n darned shnmo nbout that poor
nigger,' remarked ono of tho whlttlers.
"'What's tho matter with tho nig
ger,' I asked, tit the sumo tlmo looking
suspiciously at tho wooden-grated man
hole of tho sower on thu corner.
" ''s this way stranger,
Hill Sturku' bull pup crawled up tho
sewer from thu crick and got fast, nnd
when tho nigger crawled up after him
he got fast, too.'
"'Great heavens! Why aren't you
digging for him? The poor fellow will
" 'Of course he may die, stranger, but
then it's pretty hot to-day, nnd ho is
only a nigger, nnyway.'
'"My God, this is inhuman! Como
men, and we'll rcscuu thu poor fellow.
"Just then another cry of 'Help' drovo
me almost to a frenzy. I gavo soino
change to the lazy colored men and sent
them for shovels and picks. They came,
and after distributing the implements
1 went to digging llko a crniy man.
Presently I looked nround to see why
tho others wero not helping me nnd
there was not a soul In sight. I was
wild with rago and cried down tho man
hole to nsk how tho man was getting
along. Not n word came In answer. I
backed off a little to survey tho work
und heard that samu muffled sound say:
"'Come off tho perch! You uro an
ole fool.'
"I looked around and saw tho wholo
towu coming at me. They wero laugh
ing and shouting, ar.d I know I was tho
causu of a great joke. They led ino to
a barroom and told mo to register In a
big book labeled 'Echo I'ools." There
wero over live hundred names of pcoplo
who hud been fooled. It was ono of
those whispering echoes where sound is
thrown back from thu bluff to ono par
ticular spot. It cost me $17.80 to buy
the drinks." Detroit Herald.
Story uf ii ftrprcHcntiitlTe r I'lctorlal
But tho newspaper Illustrator's llfo is
not entirely replete with exciting
ovents that stimulate his enthusiasm
and servo to iinbtiu him with love for
his work. There nro long weary sea
sons of murder trials to be heard, or
political gatherings to bu attended for
tho purpose of getting tho portrait of
some commonplace-looking man or
woman who persistently manages to
conceal his or her features. This is
often tho moro exasperating as tho
"victim" does so qulto unintentionally.
Then there nro the ghastly sights of a
holocaust, a collapse, mlno disasters,
railway horrors, and tho long chain of
accidents which bring death In its most
repulsive aspect to human beings. Tha
nrtist Is the one attacho of a newspaper
who must thu torriblo havoo
wrought, must gaze upon horribly mu
tilated corpses, upon the terror of
frantic survivors and upon tho heart
rending grief of those who find almost
by Intuition only the shapeless remains,
of their kin beneath tho shattered,
timbers of a railway train or tho
smoldering fragments of a burned,
building. What Is more, ho must try to
keep cool nnd collected, because trem
ulous nervousness Is incompatible with
good drawing.
Hut tha public demands of a news
paper that It show at least a suggestion
of a horrible scone, beyond tho stirring
accounts given in letterpress, and tho
artist must nt thoso times bo deaf ta
tho pleadings of his heart, and work
because it Is his duty to his employers
and to his family and to himself.
Tho dear public usually furnishes tho
lvidlcrous element In tho Illustrator's
llfo. It is so very curious, this dear
public. Let the poor representative pf
plctoral journalism appear upon any
street or anywhere olso in public, nnd.
betray his occupation by the modest,
way In which ho into an out-of-the-way
corner, by tho sketch-book
and tho up-and-down look of his eyes,
nnd ho at onco becomes an irresistible
center of attraction to passers-by, and'
while, of course, nono of thu adult ones,
would bo lllbred enough to look over
tho shoulder of n man writing a busi
ness letter, they think nothing of In
truding upon tho man who makes his
memoranda n fac-slmile of tho things
hu wishes to remember. Max do Lfiw
man, lu Llpplucott'a.
lk&, '.