The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, August 05, 1892, Image 4

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i i
PnMhlie Weekly.
ft, ISM
fttfcterlptlo, . fl Per Annm
Iarartaklr Aae
U Botpald In advance, after this dak Match
Ti, t8N, the price will be
A. C. HOSMEM, Filter.
Ratored at tin Pott Office In Red Cloud, Neb.,
u nail natter ol the second claw
HepaMlcan Nattonal Ticket
For Vice-President
For Congressman (tti District
Cownty Tlckcl.
For Representative 44th district.
For County Attorney,
For Coroner,
The republican! are
this year,
The repablioan platform as adopted
by the atate convention thji week, is
oie of the soundest documents that
has ever beoa presonted by any party
ia the state. Every votor should read
Van Wycke'u nomination is a bitter
pill to most of tho tried aid truo In
dependents. To the buldoiers his
nomination is satisfactory. Ono thing
is certain, he cannot carry Nebraska
by 20,000 votes.
Hon. James 0. Blaine, tho Plumed
Knisht of Maine will tako tho
tump for President Harrison, in
few days. Ono thing in certain Mr
Blame can always be depended upon
in t political campaign, He nover
silks in his tent.
As W. H. Austin, of Franklin, has
received the endorsement of this
eouaty there ! no doubt but what he
will be nominated next month at Bed
Cloud for etato sonator. Ho will
aaake a good capablo officor of whom
we may be proud. Echo.
We preaumo when the domoeratio
eongretsional convention meets in Bed
Cloud, that they will nominate our
"Jef Ward" for congress, Jeff is a
fearleaa and eathuslatio exponent of
deatoeraUe principles and wo should
like to aee him nomlnatod.
President Harrison's nomioation of
George Bhiras, Jr., as Justice of tho
Sapreaae court, maintains tho high
Standard of all bis judicial appoint
eats. The appointments ho has
Bade to the benoh have on unstinted
eoaamendtftion and praiso from poli
tical friends and foes alike.
Liberty, the independent paper pub
lished at Lincoln, is ripping our inde
pendent demagogues up tho back as
the saying goes,nd ho is doing well.
For this act ho is getting many re
buffs from his party, who would vote
tor anyone in order to do something
art. whetbor he was a fit man or
aot. Liberty ja oertainly justified in
pounding VanWyck,
The Hob. Wb. MoKinley, govern
or of Ohio, and the oelebrated author
of the MoKinley bill, whioh has be
come known the world oyer and which
has made its author famous, and per
haps better known than most and oth
er Anerioan, addressed the people of
Beatrioe, Lincoln, and Omaha this
week. Is the three meetings ho
poke to fullv 50,000 people. Ho is
a magnificent speaker and when ho
talks, he carries conviction to his list
eners. '
ua the nrst page or to-day paper
we publish a statement of Senator
Paddock, mado to the Boe rcportor.
Nebraska has never as a stato, had
two auob ablo men and statesmen to
represent her in congress as Messrs
Paddock and Mandorson are. Some
one has aooused Sonator Paddook as
having voted agaiust tho MoKinley
bill. His statement on the first page
of this paper thoroughly controverts
the statcmont and sets it to rest, no
has been a steadfast worker for Ne
braska and for tho farmer element and
anything that could be done to aid
the working class has boon done by tbo
aeaa'tor. What is truo of one Jjena
ter ia true of both. They aro ardent
workers and havo done more good for.
the atate than can be dono by now re
cruits. The two sonators aro cortnin
ly to be congratulated on their suc
cessful management of Nebraska af
fairs ia eoagress.
. Afntaat the Greenbacks.
It la reported that if the Greenbaokors
cat Into Bowet they will pom a law to
make everyone buy nailer's ure uuro f
Cough Syrup and do away with doctors.)
Our Candidate.
At tlio republican convention held
last Thursday, tlio 28tti, two of our
yory best Webster county men wero
placed in nomination for rcprcsenta
tivo and attorney . This is a year of
clean men, and all along tlio lino the
republicans liavo nominated such.
' .LA
to win MMR
Our readers nro familiar
with tho
characters and lives of our
tional candidates.
heneo it is not necessary for
us to dwell long upon thoir
good qualities, for ne ono of
whatsoovor political party can say a
bad word against cither, and say it
truthfully and as to statesmanship
their record goos unimpcaohed and
will stand bosido that of tho immort
al heroes who havo mado America fa
mous tho world ovor. Both
boliovo in honest government and be-
liovo that Atuorica should bo for
Americans. So much for .tho next
prosidont and vico president. For
congress in this district tlio republi
cans' havo wisoly nominated that
" peerless and silver tongucd orator,"
of Hastings,
a man who if clcotod, and he surely will
bo, Can and will roprcsont tho 5th dis
trict in a mannor that it desorves,
Ho is ablo and scholarly, understands
political and oaonomio situation fully,
disousscs tho tariff and other great
subiccts caBilv and in a manner that
is neither egotistic or bombastic, but
as is commonly said "is a shoulder
hitter." The Chief feels proud of
Mr. Andrews and boliovcs ho will bo
elected in November, He is tho kind
of a man to havo in congress. Tho
republicans ovcrywhero aro enthusias
ts over his nomination.
who eamo to Webstor county twenty
years ago a poor but industrious man
and purohasod a homestead whero ho
has sinco lived nn honest and straight
forward life, surely winning his way to
sucoess stop by stop, over tho rough
and stormy years that this part of
Nebraska has passed through, A
man who can successfully withstand
tho hardships of frontier life and
mako it win, iB cortainly tho man
tho peoplo want to represont thorn in
tho legislature. lie is a very successful
farmer and will bo olcoteJ. Ho is a
clean, honoet upright citizen, and
would bo a credit to tho county.
For county attorney,
was nominutod. Mr. MoNitt is a
young man, a thorough graduato of
law, a clean unright young man who
every ono knows Ip bo just tho fellow
for oounty attornoy for ho will attend
to it as it should bo. Wobetor county
voters should soo that llannoy is Jot
cd. Tho oflico of county attorney
was not eroa tod for tho purpoeo of
keeping any ono man, but was created
for tho purpose of maintaining order
and law in our county, and if propor
ly attouded is an important office and
should bo hold by a competent lawyer.
For Coroner, Dr. Hovt of Cowlcs
.1 mi . . .1 .
was nominnicu. i no uooior ttiougiy
unknown to us is reported by his
friends to bo n No, 1 man and
qualified for tho position.
As wo havo remarked sovoral times
in this artiolo that this isa ropublicau
year and 'a year for oloan men, The
Chief can point to both with pride,
Jor not a man on our ticket no far fcpiiffBaSSta- '
Used in Millions of Hornet 40 Yean the Sttndtxd.
tho least taint about him, but all aro
oloan and good sound republicans.
Tho enthusiasm shown now will bo
redoubled and thriblcd by tho ides of
Our Independent friend of tho Na
tion, says that tho ropubhoan nomin
ees are good men. Thcro ho is right
for no better men livo in Nebraska
than thoso on tho republican tickot,
but when ho says thoy belong to tho
money power ho simply is throwing out
sop to tho independent votor to keep
htm in line. The money power is
moonshino, it is folly, it is idlo talk,
unwarranted and untrue as applied to
tho republican party any moro so,
than to tho Pooplo's party. In Ne
braska for instance, lot us eomparo
tho monoy power candidates and
hangerB on, of that party that is so
much interested (?) apparently in tho
wolfaro of tho workingman. Let's
sec. Thoro is tho saintly VanWyoko,
how is ho ? Worth nearly a coil
million, a roan who is said to ba?o
imported men by tho hundred to Ne
braska to tako up government land
for him, then thoro is tho celebrated
VanDorVorr, another wealthy gentle
in the employ of monoplies, (of
course he is not controlled by tho
money power, oh no.) Then again
thore is Powderly what is he ? A
few years ago when ho assumed con
trol of the Knights of Labor ho was
a poor mau, to-day, ho is healed.
How did he get it ? And nil along
tho line with a few exceptions, tho
men who aro espousing the causo of
the people's party aro mon, who if not
millionaires, are hotter fixed than lots
of tho poor people who havo been led
into following a nightmaro by the inde
pendent leaders. Biches are not to
be dospised, and on that subjoot, wo
wonder if any independent would re-
fuso a fortuno or a thousand acres of
land if tendered him ? We supposo
ho would, bceauso a man aooording to
thoiridoa has no right to be anything
else but a poor man, he must not havo
any ambition any farther than curs
ing somo fellow for being a little bet
ter fixed than ho financially for when
that fellow gets fixed he immediately
becomes under tho control ot tho
monoy power. Sec I Consistency Burc
ly thou art out of business in tho indc
pondont camp.
Tho Independents nominatod the
following stato offioors at Kcarnoy on
tho 4th.
For Governor OH VanWyck
For Lieut Gov O D Sbradcr.
For Auditor. . . . .Logan MoReynolds
For Sec of State. . . . J M Easterling
For Treasurer J V Wolfo
For Atty. General.... VO Striokler
For Superintendent of Publio
Instruction H H Hiatt.
For Commissioner Pub., Lands
and Buildings JM Gunnott
For Presidential Elcotors
( T II Tibbies
At-Largo J
( Link
First District , . .T J Ferguson
Second District JR Oonklin
Third District John T Jones
Fourth District Rush R Sohiok
Fifth Diatriot ,,W A Garrett
Sixth Distriot Peter Kbbcraoa
nines Sold.
Roulder, Colo., Aug. 8 (Speoial)
A $15,000 salo was consummated
to-day by U. O. Kddy to O. R, Olunoy
for a syndioato of Nebraska and Colo
rado capitalists of tho Baron group of
the thrco mines at Salina. Tho doeds
ill bo recorded to-morrow. Daily
Times, Denver.
D. 31. Abel and wifa ojfpoct to go
to Donver Sunday to visit.
Don't fail to make your arrango
ments to attend the fair.
-Evory ono who is acquainted with
A, 0. Sanford, or "Donnis" as ho is
well-known, will be ploased to know
that aftor many years of hardship has
fallen heir to 25000. The Chief
extends congratulations.
It is a fixed and immutable law that to
have good sound health one musi have
pare rfoh and abundant blood. Thoro is
McKelglmn at Heldrege.
! mean no disrespect to the
any I am NO DEMOCRAT.'
Tlio above aro tho Identical
words used hy Mr. McKelajhan
In hla speech when nominated.
Recommended by the Queen.
This is what all the Ensrlish oeonlo sav
about whatever thoy have to sell. In
America however it's "tho verdict ot the
people" that Holler's Barb Wire Lini
ment is the most successful remedy for
oats, bruises and sores ever introduced.
For Bale by V. V. Dotting.
n i
If dull, spiritless nnd stupod: if your
blood is thick and sluggish; if your appe
tite is capricious nnd uncortnin, you nood
a Snrsnpanlln. For best rest results use
De Witt's. G.L. Ootting.
Q. A. II. Intur-Rtato Reunion, Su
perior, Neb., Aug. 22-27. Agents
within 200 milos of Superior may sell
tiokots to that point at ono faro for
tho round trip, tickots to bo sold Aug.
21-26 inolusivo and limit for return to
Aug. 29.
We nuviBO nil oar readers to procuro
"Marshall's Manual ot Health' This
I valuable book should be in every home.
It ib a masterpiece of science. Sentfroe
on application to Marshall Chemicul Mur.
Co., Kansas City, Mo., or Lawrence, Has.
For sale by L. H. Deyo.
Biennial Encampment Uniformed
Rank Knights of Pythias, KansaB
City, Mo., Aug. 23-27. All agents
may soil tickets at a rato of ono faro
for round trip. Tiokcts to be sold
August 20-23 inclusivo and limit for
roturn Sept. 15.
"Late to bed and enrly to riuo will
shorten the road to your home in the
skies." But early to bed and a "Little
Early Riser," the pill that makes life
longer and better and wiser. O. T.
Rev. Pulis of Red Cloud exchang
ed pulpits with Rev. Palmer of Lin
coln last Sunday.
Take "Henaticure" and nrevent ohill
and fever rather than nauseous danger
oub aruga to cure them. For eale by u
a. Jjeyo.
Hull! HHll! Hall!
fl. E. Pond, will writo Hail insur
once in one of tho best companies rep
resented in tho west as cheap as any.
Horses for Sale or Trade
I have eighteen head of horses and
colts for Bale. Will trado for city proper
ty or real estate, or sell cheap for cash, or
on lime ror gooa paper.
G-t W. H. Fullek, Red Cloud, Neb.
For Flour nnd Feed
Go and soo L. P. Albright. He keeps
tho best brands and soils his flour just
as cheap as others. Also sells hard
and soft coal. Prices reasonable. Of-
fico and scales, corner of Wobstcr
street and 4th avenue.
Farm loans at lowest interest,
Strictly first-olass loans at lower rates
than has ever boon given in this coun
ay boforo. Option to pay part or all
at end of any year. C. F. Gather.
Bucklcn's Arnlcea alvo
The Best Salve in the world for oats,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, fever
Bores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay re
quired, u is guaranteed to give perieot
satisfaction or money refunded. Trice 26
box. For sale by L. H. Deyo. 8
Lost I A cold ncoklaca with five
brilliants. A liberal reward offered if
eturned to L, II. Fort,
County Clerk's Offioe.
Few people have suffered more severely i
from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. McMobon, a
w ell known grocer of Staunton, Va. Ho says :
Dof oro 1878 1 was In excellent health, weigh
ing over SOO pounds. Iu that year on ailment
(lovelopcd Into acuto dyspepsia, and soon I
was reduced to C3 pounds, suffering burning
sensations uithp stomach,
palpitation ot the heart,
nausea, and Indigestion.
I could not sloen. lost nil
heart In my work, had fits ot melancholia, and
Cor days at a time I would have welcomed
death. I became morose, sullen and Irritable,
and for eight years llfo was a burden. 1 tried
many physicians and many remedies. One day
a workman employed by roe suggested that
I take ft J nood's
S Suffering gg
sla. I did so, and before taking the wholo of
a bottlp I began to feel like a new man. The
terrible psjns (a Which I bad been subjected,
ceased, tbo palpitation of the heart subsided.
my stomach became easier, nausea dlisp-
Msrea, ana my entire system began to
nuuj'. mill icruiiuiig
8 Years
strength camo activity of
nfnd and body, ttoforo
the filth botUo was taken
I had regained my former weight and natural
condition. I m today well and I ascribe it
to taking Hood's BarMparllla."
N. D. It you decide to tako Hood's Sana
parllla do not be Induced to buy any other.
Hood's Sarsaparllla
SoIdbyalldrugRUU. fl)ilxforS&. I'm jrod only
by C. L HOOD CO., Apothecaries, tyweU, llui,
IOO Dom Ont Dollar
xiv -
Jt'rl nnd
To the pampers!
Invites the runner or Webster nnd ndjitcctit counties lo his
large mid vtiricd stock of
Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows,
Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c.
See him before buying for bargains.
(J5ity $akery and ijtestaupant
Tor f re li II re ml Pica
All kind or cakes,
cnmllcs, Nuts, clrurs,
ami fresh Frultu, etc.
Meals and Lunch all hours
Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Oysters aud Ice Cream in
Jos Herbukger, Prop.
Ited Cloud, Nebrtwhti.
Every One Should Know
That the place to buy
Iron, Tinware, &c.
W. Wright's.
New Gooods and Treasonable
, Prices.
S. JT, COZAD, Proprietor.
All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to.
915,000 TO LOAN TO
Nomoney required to recelvo an education at this college. Tho only conditions of admission
aro a good moral character ami nit ambition to secure an education. This college has sot asldo
15,000 to be loaned during tlio present year to young peoplo who wish to attend our school, but
have not the ready funds. All tho time needed will bo given in which to pay tho loan; and a
student can tako a full courso to graduation without a dollar to begin with.
IT IS BK8.X TO PAY AS YOU GO but It this Is Impossible you cannot afford to start
In life without an education w lien you havo an opportunity like this. Ten states represented In
tho attendance and fllty graduates last i car. Board In private family $2.00 per week.
We teach tho Electric Short-Hnlid which can bo learned In lots time than othor systems. After
you havo read tho circulars ot nil other schools, send for our catalogue and wo will leave It t
your Judgment which school In tho west ranks first in standing. Address,
A. in. HAKGIS, Prea., Grand Island, Neb.
Webster 'Co. Abstract Office
J. II. BAILEY, Abatrnctcr nnd Proprietor.
Accurute Abtrncl Promptly Furnished for any Land In Wchilcr
county. A complete ami Accurate act or Abatract books
and uglOOOO bond IllcdTllh county Judge Insurca nulls.
For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some
good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou
For Firo LiL'lltnillL? mid Tnrnmln
Insuranoo in tlio German of Frocport
and othor roliablo cninnn nios. mill nn
ot writo to 0ha9. Sohailnit, oflico over
Doyo'a drug atoro, Rod Cloud, Nrbr.
All orders for oil or L'nsollno Lift
at SpokcbGold'-a proccry utoro will bo
nrOUintlv filled hv tlin lltnn 'IVntr
I Want to Iluy Parma
Parties havinir cheat) farm lands for
salo, improved or unimproved can find
Dtiyers py anlling on V. U. Hpanoclo,
Real Kfitnto and Loan Atrout, Hcd
Cloud, Nob.
Bee Keeper's SuppHcN.
A, Moliart. tho hardware) man. will
horcafter keep all kinds of Bco Kcop
cr'a supplies. Mail order filled
promptly. tf.
Tho boat in tlio world, for tialo at,
-A, MoiIAm's, 40-tf
J. O. mJTLEIt,
better prepared than over to
soil you all kinds of harness
collars, sadlery, etc
In tlio Tinker Building. lie Iin tlio
Inrgrat Mock In till part ot tlio vnllf,
iiiiu win m
Willi him.
will tnakolt nnludaccnicnt totrndu
A few pood farm loans, six per cont
interest. No second mortgage. D. IJ
Sheriffs Male.
Notice Is hereby given that under nnd by virtue-
of an order of sale Issued from tlm olifce nf
J). ll.tToiio. clerk nr the, district roiiri of Ihu
tenth Judicial district, wllhln and for Weluu'r
nuiiity, Nebraska, upon n decrra I n nn action
I'ed ln thoreln. wherein I'. H. McHulm i
iilaliitllf, aud against Almizn M. I'reclovo. F.ttii
Jreelove, uoliu Broi. & V,o I'uxKm fc dui'
Higher j Bweer. Orr & Co.i itegliier Hhooli
crockery Co.j Klrkcndall. Jones co., d"fend!
fhiSi,ilfhllJ,i0PSf t0T "h) at Public- vendue to
the highest bidder for cash In hand nt the eant
door ot the court hoinu at lted oioud, In said
Wcujtcr county, Nebraska, that lie ng the
MoMS?.' lun term of NMwmn
2U Day or Aiimui, A. D. 1802,
nt 011;; o'clock p. m. of said day. tho following
S Ar.'L,a.,tf0l,?n5yowU.' '" threo a ul four
Iu block one, In Vance's rut addition tu tliti
town ot Guide Kock, Webster Co., Nebraska
a0 ve" uuderrayhaiid thisanthduy of Julio,
james mcnenv, nurX? C00feS,w4tt'
Tho above nlo wns continued for 80
days for the want, nf it -in 1...
ncnin offered for sale Hentcinbor 5, 181)2.
IV i M tlUV J, IU.
am. E. Coon, Sltorlff.
1 f '-?
J '"
nr.ifMmntvv tm mimimmMmtwmwmmtaMtimviJU
.t n
"H , , , t- mji
4 !" ft, -U '