dErrT T ' '- PF' V P r,v 9 . i r w "9 fcfgVr&SGs H33jgyww - w "'!PI&7BKWlfemlSSr ?MPPil!llS&'i.. V V ' Eternal Vigilance is the-Price of Liberty," and Onq, Dollar a year is the Price, of The Chief. 4 By A. C Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, Aug. 5, 1892. Vol. 20. No. 2 - GREAT SUMMER - CLEARING SALE ! Do You Want a Bargain ? If so, Examine Figures Below. , OUR GREAT CLEARING SALE LASTS 2 - WEEKS ONLY ! - 2 WE QUOTE A FEW BARGAINS BELOW : Our entire stock of Shoes at Cost. Our entire stock of Black Organdes at Cost. f jr " Our entire stock of Black Sateens at Cost. Our entire stock Colored Sateens at Cost. Summer Jackets at cost, Ladies White Underwear at cost. Our entire stock of Summer Clothing at cost. And many other articles too numerous to mention. We also have a few Bargains in the Grocery Line: 19 yi lbs. Gr Sugar for $1; 5 packages of Coffee, 95c. Everything else in the grocery line in proportion. Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs, Corn and Oats. R. M. MARTIN 6c SON. Remember the place and call and see us Moon Block, Red Cloud. " Ho, There! 6. W. DOW Keeps a full line of- Tickles, Pitman Boxes, Knife Heads, Sections, Guards, Guard Plates, Rivets, for all kinds of Mowing Machines. fW Old iron taken hi exchange. Machines repnired in good shape. I havo also a few kind of rake teeth on hand a. if. now. FLOUR and FEED. OSCAR PATMOR .' Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying,) out flour. What is iMAitMfJ Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pltclior's proscription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance, it is n harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend . Castoria. " Castoria Is on excellent mcxllclno for chit Iron. Mother have repeatedly told moot Its good affect upon their children." Da. a, 0. Osooon, Lowell, Mass. " Castorl Is tho best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and uso Castoria In stead of the various (juaclc noatrumswhlch aro destroying their loved ones, by forclngopluni, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful rgents down their throats, thereby sending thum to premature craves." Da. J. F. Kwcnrxoi, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well ndspted to children thai I rocominend it as superior to onjrpwscrlfitai H. A. Abchsb, st. D 111 So. Oxford fit, Brook'r.H. Y. ''Our physicians la tho children depart ment have spoken highly of their sxperl cnoe la their outside practice with Castoria, and although wa only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet wo are frco to confess that the merit of Castoria has won us to took with favor upon It." Vkitkd IfesrrriL and dispspuky, Boston, Allen 0. Burnt, Prt$ , Tke Ccataar Company, T7 Murray Strt, Mew York City Republican Bcmttorlitl C'onvcn tlon. Tho republicans of Nuokolls, Franklin and Webster counties will moot in convention, at tho court-houso in Hod Cloud on Thursday, Aug., 11, at 2 p. m. for tho purposo cf nomi nating a candidato for sonator for 2Gth district. ,Tho counties aro entitled to tho following representation: Webster 10 Franklin C Nuokolls 8 0. F. Oatiieii, Sce'y. W. Fobtek, Chairman. Senator Paddock' Position. Sonator Paddook refuses to worry himself ovor tho apparent nttcmptB recently mado in somo quarters of Nebraska to question his republican ism, I showed him this after noon two clippings from Btato papors which assailod him vigorously for bin voto on agrcoing to tho eonforoneo ro port on tho MoKinloy bill and his at titude toward tho Stowart silvor bill which recently passed tho senate, Tho sonator said: "Tho partios who aro oritioising my action on theso two economio ques tions will find it very difficult to drivo mo out of tho republican party. I havo novor but onoo votod anything but tho republican ticket, and for fif teon years havo voted an opon tickot at tho polls. I am a republican and in lino with ropublican policy, as I havo always been. I havo resorvod to inyaolf, what is tho right of every republican, tho right to strugglo for my own interpretation of party dec larations on certain economio ques tions, but I have always stood firmly for tho basic prinoiplos upon which thosj declarations wore foundod. "Did I voto against tho MoKin loy bill? Cortainly not; I fought with a united west to havo that bill ns it camo from tho houso modified in aocordanco with tho tariff plank of tho republican platform of 1888 and aided in securing material changoj in tho bill as it passed tho senate. I voted for, instead of against tho bill as it loft tho sonato, and when it was returned from tho conferonco commit tee did my bost to havo it drawn into a second oonferenoo in order that fur ther modifications in tho line of west ern demands might bo made. Had I received tho expoctod republican su p. port a second conferonco would, I am certain, have given tho country a bill even moro satisfactory than that which became a law, Ills Coarse was Approved "3Iy efforts on this lin received tho encouragement tnl approbation of the most dintinguitfhi'il and emi nent living republican. I do not need to inoiition his name, I havo tvi appologios to odor for my position and work on the MoKinloy bill, I was in favor generally of tho bill but desired certain modifications which I beliovo to bo for tho intoroBts of our section. I placed myself oloaily on reoord as a staunoh protectionist but I did not and do not beliovo that loy alty to protection neoessarily requiros mo to take, as th'o proper mcasuro of protection, tho viows of senatorial associates not aH well fitted ns myself t) know how their application would affeot my section, i am for tho bill now as it stands until n republican congress oan improvo it," "How about silvor?" "I was paired on tho final p image of tho silvor bill," said tho senator, "If my pair, Senator Gibson, had boon present I should havo voted against tho bill as it was finally form ulated, What I favored and yotnd for and should voto for again was tho substitute proposed which provided duct, I felt, however, that owing to tho ponding international monetary conforenco a delay in the time at which tho bill should go into efeot would bo advisablo and so voted f jr Sonator Allison's amendment poet poning tho dato, and afterwards ofer od two amondmontB myself on tbe sumo lino. I folt that the freo cols ago of tho product of Americas mines would bo afar better solution of tho silyor problom than the pre sent law, which is proving unsatis factory to both oamps. I had reason to beliovo that such a bill would moro nearly havo mot tho viows of tho Troasury department and the ad ininistrition iu tho Fifty-first con gress than tho moasure which beoame a law. But 1 did not approye the silvor bill as it finally passed, for which I am acouscd of votiair. and had Sonator Gibson been' present should havo voted against it, So much for silver. But. I confess I havo been too much occupied in look ing after tho material interests of my constituents to make politics a eneoi- alty. My rulo has bcon business flrat and politics afterwards." Republican eiiibe. Tub Chiev desires to say that eve ry livo and onthusiastio ropublican 'in Wobstor county, should at oiee interest himself in seeing that a ropublican loiguo olub be orgaiiied in every school district in the county. Now is tho time to form in line. Lei some ropublican start the nova. Tmi Chief will choorfully furaish any in- formation needed and will alio aid in getting speakers for you whenever' possible Get your clubs formed ear- ly and havo thorn in trim, Tho B. & M. will sell tiokeU to Dcadwood and Hot Springs, 8. 1).. at rato of ono faro for tho round trip, tiokots to bo sold July 25 t Aug. 10 inolusivowiih transit limit of one day in each dircotion, and final limit to Oc tober J 0,92. Trionnial conolavo, Koighta Test pi ars, Denver, Col, Aue. 9-14, 1892. For tho abovo occasion, round trip tiokots will bo sold July 25 to Aug. 10 inclusive, to Denvor at one lowest first olass faro. Stopovers will be allowed without transit limits of tiokets. 8lde trip excursion tiokots will be Hold to Ilelonn, Salt Lake City and Ojrdfn and return nt ono lowest first olass fart for tho round trip in connection with tho Denver Conolavo excursion tiekets, final limits on these tiokets Oct. 10, 1892. A. Conovkr, Agt. Please remember that tho tariff rubs tho people because "it is always added to the ocmt to tuako the price." Sttcl billuls sell in England for $20.. 00 per ton; with tho tariff added the pi ion hero would bo $29.04 but every mm who has road tho Homestead his tory knov.s that the prioo of steel bil lots hero is now $22, and not $29.04. And the nvcrago wages of the work- liiirmon who produce them InKnoUufl Ih $1 per day and hero it is $3 pr day That is another way tho tariff Is rob bing tho pooplo." Willow Creek. A Sundty School lawn social and ioo cream supper hold at Mr. Adam- son's grove tho 23rd of July, The proceed to buy an oran $20 was realized. 8 Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Blankey.Ju ly 20, a son, of usual Nebraska weight. , Mr. WUion uf Blue Hill put iu a tubular well last jvoek for Saw Bruaer T, G. Wilder goes to Lincoln, Wodnesday, as llepublioan delegate. Manitoba, Disease never successfully altaeka a Byfitom with pure blood. De Wittta Sa--Buparilla makeo pure, new blood and ea- I i I nunes tne oiu. u. w uouiag. ". I for tho coinage of the American pro H i f! Wl'.l..rt a 'j IB ' - . . J -I