The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 29, 1892, Image 8

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iin to What
at Opinion
neatly Means.
Wha appears to tm much wccdctl
4tt now Bt Uio opening of the prusl-
tll camnaUrn is nn muoiiccujim vu
Talsoa aa n vrnole, the tariff act of
1890-tho McKlnloy bill-Id the best
thai over waa enacted. That Home de
tails o! It may be amended, ai expe
rience sheds light upon that to morj
i.n nrobnble. Tho tariff act oX If W
sssstcs .:-,,w , -!lr---K-i.,ffsr5
i. A.m.rav. Tim ildtnocrnuo icnacra miwhiw -- t :,..
tinulvA9 hcum to bo in a state of
I W ! ' I
Drunkenness, or tho kMajaerl
Habit Cured at lle in Tea
Day by Admlnlstcrm Dr.
Haines' Woldcn gpccllc.
It on bo Won in n Kins or beef, n
oup ot coffee or fea or in foou vithotit
tbe Knowiciitfo 01 inn pnuuiir. iw t
eolutely linrniloM nnd will effect u per
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cantoris.
confusion. The country knows wncro
Mr. Cleveland stands, but Mr. Cleve
land to one kind of democrat and the
4moerat!o party is mostly another
kind. There is ono isaturo in we mo
and ahr actor of tho cx-prosldont that
an of all partlcn havo respect for,
namely his manly and independent ad
herence to his political convictions re
fardlessof tho effect upon his political
Fortunes. If not always right, ho is
always courageous. Though virtually
repudiated by tho clcctton of Crisp as
speaker over Mills. Mr. Cleveland np
feala from the decision of his party in
the house to his porty outside tho
mouse, and boldly flings out tho gago
of battle to tho trlumphunt faction of
fcla party. ,
la a speech at tho Now York Jack
mnn bannuet, January 8. Mr. Cleveland
f lately serves notice on tho 11111-Uor-an-Crlsp
combination that tho demo
ratio party must stand by tho platform
I 18S8; that it will tolerate "no shifty
shames and Insincere, professions;"
feat it is in "no mood for political
eaaaeuverlng," and "will not waste
haa ia studying conundrums, guessing
ladles, or trying to interpret doubtful
C rases." This Indicates that the Clave
id forces are prepared to lock horns
With the Hill crowd In congress, and if
fee aatuto Mr. Springer attempta to
fash through a moderate tariff bill he
Will eneounter opposition in his own
arty with a bill for tho sweeping re
feel of the McKlnloy tariff, Involving
contest strictly between the Hill aad
aevelaaA-facttoris, which the republic
ans would rtfMkaUkMrttki com
irlaoency, bccausoitTvlfJl Inevitably
kill off both candidates, ana aisinte
grate tho democratic parWt-
Again tho silver question, like the
tariff issue, is to tho democratic party
two-edged sword. Mr. Springer, with
his usual adroitness, proposes to
aheatho it until tho presidential war is
over. Mr. Cleveland, with character
Istlo boldne. . Is willing to draw it
Bow. Mr. Hill recommends tho repeal
of the sliver net ot 1890. without affirm
ative action until after tho presidential
atnsggle. It will ho scon that the Hill
Iprlnger policy fs to "palter with us In
double sense," wriggling ana sunt
tag to evade n discussion of the cur
rraoy question so that tho democratic
yasltloa shall not bo defined until tho
preeMantlal battle has been fought and
he haserd is passed. With such Irre
oaaUaUe differences pro vailing among
the party leaders both In and out of
oonjrresa, each claiming to preach pure
and uaadulteratcd democracy, what
tort of discipline should bo expected
among the rank nnd Hie? Who shall
decide what is democracy? Does it
neaa a party afraid of Its principles?
It would seem so, unless tho froe-trado
I',! usue la pushed to tho front. Uoes it
- v nuaa that the freo-sllvcr fanatics have
mthck lueir jiuk unu fiurrouuoreu mj
the "gold bugs," and that, no far from
treating thepolnago question as para
mount, thoy will lay it over till the
aacond aossion of tho present congress
to prevent tho fatal embarrassment of
party division In 1802?
Not if Mr. Cleveland and his mug
wumplan phalanx can prevent it. Tho
Beaton Reform club, which was tho
nucleus of tho republican bolt that
elected Cleveland prcsldont, and which
has been comatosu since 1884, has just
been resuscitated nnd rechristcned as
tho Columbian party. It demands, es
sentially, that tho democratic party
ahall accept Mr. Clevoland as a presi
dential candldato on a platform of his
Destruction, which moans freo trndo
aad honest money. If tho democratic
party refuses to do this, thon, to qnoto
the words of a Columbian orator: "Wo
ahall inflict defoat upon it in tho next
lection." This is an ominous declara
tion. If tho democratic congress is
wise it will promptly swear allegiance
to Urover Cleveland, then march to the
rear of the column nnd fall in behind
the Columbian party. ChtcagoOraphlc
"Crasable About It. anil Let II Severely
Mr. Springer's idea of "How to At
tack the Tariff" may be.condenscd into
this "grumblo about it, nnd let it
alone." His labored article in tho
North American ltovlow amounts to
neither more nor less than this.
It is true that Mr. Springer proposes
to repeal tho dutlcn levied on raw
wool. Hut this. Is not .attacking tho
tariff. Woven hundred and slxty-ono
artloles ore mentioned specifically in
the tariff bill of 1SJU0. Tho amount of
duty on each, or its f roedom from duty,
is defined. To choosu ono nrttclo out
of this long llht imil to nrguo that by
error of judgment It has been inndo
dutiablo when It should havo been
made freo Is not to "attack tho tariff."
It rather Is to outer confession of tho
meritorious principle which underlies
it, and to plead specially that in ono
instance this meritorious principle has
been misapplied.
Wo do not believe thut tho pnnciplo
ot protection has been mlssppllod to
wool. Wo belle vo that its application
I to wool is as wise, as just, as neeessay
i M its application to wheat, or silk, or
teats, or iron. But if it were true, as
Mr. Springer says, that wool is an ex
ception to the rulo of protection, tho
rale itsolf remains inviolate. .. No gen
eral rule can bo attacked from the Bldo
of exceptions to it Mr. Springer
knows this and he soon will know that
people aro too intelligent to be de
ceived by tho trick that ho has devised.
, The principlo of protection " must
r stand or fall as a whole. It is quite
possible that in dealing with seven
hundred and tixty-ono articles eomo
misapplication ot tho principlo may
the act of 1800, and of every one
iAAflnfl it.
The dcmocraUo party gained a ma
jority in the house of representatives
on two propositions and two promises.
The first proposition waa thai the
tariff act of 1890 ia "Infamcm" Tan
Unit promise was that they would re
peal it. The aecond proposition waa
that the existing coinage laws arc In
famous. The second promise waa that
t, would roneal them. Now that it
has a majority in the ho aae, baa elect
ed tho speaker, and haa foil control of
the order and length of debate, the
democratic party must demonstrate the
truth of both of its propositions e
Stand convicted of obtaining a verdict
'at the elections by misrepresentation
of facta, and when it haa demonstrated
the truth of its propesltloas it must
perform both of ite premises or be ad
Judged guilty of obtaining power by
false pretenses.
Already the majority In congress, by
Mr. prlnger, its counsel, haa, begged
leave to withdraw Its promise of repeal
of the MeKialer bill aad to substitute
remise ef amendment of li This can
not be granted. For if the Mil be
wholly had, 'Infamous," as Springer
and others asserted ta their Inflamma
tory nppeala to the people, it cannot be
Amended; it most be repealed. And
the democrats ia the house must re
deem their pledge of toting for Its re
peal, aad of raising a dlsttaet issue
mwn tha mfnaal ef the republican sen-
ate or president to sustain them. On the
ther hand, if the democrats In con
gress eonflae themselves to resolutions
or propositions for tne amendment ui
tha tariff law ther confess that its gen
eral structure to good, whloh ia a de
nial of their campaign proposition.
And If its general structure be good
certainly amendments of it, If amend
ments be needed, will be made more
wisely, and more cheerfully, too, by
those who constructed it than by those
who obstructed It
Mr. Springer has, as the lawyers put
it, "contested and avoided" the guilt,
cowardice and ineapaelty of his party
as a "reformer" of tariff nnd coinage
conditions. The democratic party is
"to-day, yesterday and forever the
eame," a body of tinkers and trimmers
in national policy. It originates noth
ing, completes nothing, strengthens
nothing; it meddles with everything,
disarranges everything, confuses every
thing, disturbs commerce, checks man
ufactures and leaves doflclta behind it
Chicago Inter Ocean.
mnnent nnd speotly jurr, whetbor the
....H.nt Ion miiilmte drinker or nn ul
cohollo wrook. It hns been given In
thousands of canon, nnd in every msuinco
a perfect cure hoe followed. It never
fails. TheayBtsra onco impregnated with
4i.. anaiHn. it. twnmnn nn utter impossi
bility for the liquor nppetito to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page hook of par
ticulars free. Address the Golden 8pe
clilo Co., 185 Itaoe Btreot, Cincinnati, O.
I. W. TWMMBYi, M. D.
Humareprtllle PAyslrlun
Bed Cloud, - Ifebrnitta,
(voice uppoilte Vlritt NHtlonsI flank.
U. K.KxHmlnlnu "tiron.
lihrnnln rtlseavs treAti-J Lv mall.
He who Wants Health Wants Everything!
T)r.n Mitlta. fAvnr. mnlnrln. loss of
time by sickness.-Take Hepatlcure."
For sale by It. H. Deyo.
Children cryfor
Do you want money, happiness, com
fort and pleasure? If so, keep. your
health perfect by nn Mcasional use of
"HepBtlcure" tho gront English blood,
kidney nnd liver tonic. Foreslebyli.
II. Deyo.
Wbea Bby was sick, we gave her Osstcrla.
Wbea she was a Child, she cried for Otstorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Csstorla.
WbM sht had CUUdrso, she gsre them Csatorle.
Conveyancer, Real Estate,
Leans, Insarancc, and Pea
elan Agent.
Reel Clead, Nebraska.
I especially invite you to call on me for
anything in my line. Loans made on
farm property at 8 per cent. Insurance
in the best companies 1 also,
Call and see me if yon desire, shrubbery
flowers orfrultstoek. You will find prof
itable to see me.
Annaal Appropriation Bill.
AnorillnanconrovldlnK lor the Iovj sg
' aaaaaaaaaaawalw--'
JaBBaaaaaiis.eWl i'
t: .laaaaaaaaaaafMa '
:?:01?lslPeaaaaaal0Jliili-.$.v '
HaaaaaaafP 'saaWli
- x.
There are millions of persona in thiB country who Buffer
from chronic diBeaseB or an affliction whioh incapacitates
.... ...AM nil fiin a wat i1 tirnnrtv ot
ot lied Cloud. Nebr.. for the municipal yosi
nntntnanntnirnii tlin ArxtTlieiMlay In May 1802.
AnuiiowiiiKu"cniouvui mo iiio ii
.. .,. .li ... Iia i.vAtflmla fluAI VffAr
sVlrnoM l. He It Ordained by tho Mayor
and Council of tho cliyot Ited Cloud. ebr., iko rmifiufi iirr tiiwom nn mini liid suaiiio mu
horeby levied upon all the taxable pniperty of
aldcltyolltcdcioud, Kcbr., for the ihcal
year coiniuenclnR on the nwt 'luesdsy In i May
1892 tor Ot-iieral revenue puriosM, 10 mills pn
the dollar of the assriwed valuatlou of all the
and Uabilliloi of said city for the Psyment of
Interest on water bonds, 71 seven mills on the
lit water works. (71
guven mills on tho dolUrot all the taxable pro-
inn inr ruriiiir iiir miiu ncuu"
ot all the
.iniiaii nf nil ihft tnvnliln nrniiertv
maintaining, and opcratlne water works.
....,.n miii. m ihn ilnlUrnr nil thntilzKtils
nnriv of the city and for carlnk for and keep
ing city's poor 1 mill on the dollar ol all mi
laxaBie grojenij;,, ,t f urlher or(1Mncd th!U the
clerk of tho city of lted Cloud. Nebr., be, and
i tni'nriltv undtir tho BOAl 01
Jilcltvcit lied Cloud. Nebr., to the Clerk ot
Webitr county, Nebr.. tho nuiobor of mill on
the dollar of taxes levied as hereinbefore cnu
MM, a Ami fnrilmr ulinwlnir statement of
the entire reveuno ot tho city for the previous
nseai year, as iomows:
school-niiesandtulilon f 6X0 07
Ocoupatton-casb and warrants ion "
D. B. Spanog'e,
Real Estate
and Lxdan Aget
Red Cloud.
II Vindicates Jllmietf and Vonfasee
Senator Quay has won two distinct
triumphs in the court af Peaasyl
vania. Ito met his assailants aad rill
tiers beforo courts and juries and es
tablished their ffullk and his own La
noconco. No man in modern polltlea
has bcon so persistently abused as this
senator from Pennsylvania. In sea
Bon nnd out of season his enemies have
attacked him. They have connected
him with every political nnd Unsocial
vlllaluy In tho stato ana nation ana
then reiterated tno charges neoauso ne
would not defend himself. But Mr.
Quay has abided hli tlmo. Ito bore II
all meekly and In silence until tho
time enmo'to call bis vlllflersto justice.
Quay's triumph is a triumph for ovory
Rood man. Hut tho fnct that two
juries havo acquitted him must not be
expected to quiet his-assailants. They
will attack him as they have dose ia
the past What thoy dara not do hon
orably and openly, thoy will do or ut
nuendo. lie has dofcatod thorn la the
open, field; they will now attack him
from ambush. The fact that ne was
acquitted will only make the political
uushwhackora more venomous. They
hated Mr. Quay first for the victories
which the republican party won under
his leadership and now thoy will hate
him for tho victories he has won over
his enemies. II ut the Pennsylvania
senator is not the first man that curs
have barked at and it is not likely
that he will be tho last Iowa State
lfwir fund
1SS7 General fund,.
1889 ' "
1800 " "
1891- " . "
18S0 "
1800- " "
1891- " "
110 04
IBS 00
182 33
000 40
B82 01
43 78
2399 72
269 C7
14338 11
them from business, and frequently makes life a burden.
many of whom would place themselves under different treat
ment if they were acquainted with the fact that a new
treatment was in reach of them. Remedial agents for many
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we offer
to tne afflicted one, on a business like baain, the managment
of whioh we truBt will be tempered by a moral and philau
thropic principle.
Ws practles the. Bnnfcerhoff treatment of all forms cf BECTAL DISEASES. We per-
locally ewe a debt of gratitude to the father and founder cf thla tyetem and not to puh
Uihtctht world such knowledge, would be to do mankind an Injustice. This Is the
remsdy that thousands bless, and one that I hare secured at great eipense, tried and
tested before offering It to yen for your consideration and investigation. Descriptive
hkc. 4. This ordinance shall be In force and
effect after its passage and pubilcauon
tug to IHW.
IHtcd this 7th diijrof July A. D. I8.
. d. n.aj-AHooue, Mayor.
Attest, T. J. Wabd, City Clerk.
To John Arnold and KosettaArnpld:
You aro herebr notified that James I.. Brit
ten did. on the 3d day of November, A. 1). 1890.
pnrchane at public tax sale, of the Jressurer of
Webster county, Nebraska, the following des
cribed land-lot situated In Webster county, Ne
braska, tewiti iiie nonu-west ijuntici u cv
tloo 2, townnhlp 3. range lit, west eth n. m., and
taxed in the year 18o in the name of John Ar
nold and was sold for tho taxes of said year
1889: and you are runnrr nounea uimnuu unio
of redemption wlllexplreon thp3d dajroi No
vember, 1892, ana maia wx ueeu win ira esovu-
Inveitment com-
certltlrate of pur-
ted to the American
linn. n1f-nf!A (if Aalli
chase, by the treasurer of Webster couuty,
Nebraska, unless redemption from wild sale It
made oa or b-fore said 3d clay of November,
tan. You will govern yourselves accordingly.
Dated this ISth day of J uly. lfcrt. ,
By o.U. 'J eel, Agent.
Notice to 'A'cacttcrs.
Notico is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe pnblio sohools of this
county, at Red Oloud on tho third
tiaturday of each month.
Special examinations will be held
on the Friday proceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d and
3d grade certificates is the same no
grade below 70 per cent., average 80
per cent; for nrst grade certinoate
no grade below 80 per cent., average
90 per cent, in all branches required
by law.
D. M. Hunter, County Supt.
pamphlets tent free on application. Office consultation free. Names of parties who hive
been cured cheerfully given on application.
L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb
Lower than any yard in the world
(-Illinois la a "doubtful state' hat
only as regards thoslzo of the repnhlie
nn majority nt tho noxt election.
Chicago Journal.
C3T"Davlil H. mil does not drink,
sruolco, chew or gamhlo," says
Memphis Appeal. Tho man who
no small vices will boar watching.
Minneapolis Tribune.
t&TMr. Sprlngor don't seem on
to "nepotism." Ho has just appoi
his own son to tho clerkship of tho
ways und means committee. Brer
Springer Bees that the next honss will
be republican, and is making hay while
tho sun shines. Toledo Blade.
Et7On the presidential question tho
ilemocratlo party is in the position of
tho colored girl who when invited by
her escort to have something to drink
said she would take a little wise.
"You'll tako beer or nothia'," re
marked her adorer, and she took beer.
Tho democratic party will take Cleve
land. Minneapolia Tribune.
fJTThe demooratla house has beaa
in session two months aad It is still
considering rules to govern Its aottea
during tho session. It has about the
fiarao conception for business that wan
displayed by tho ilemocratlo bouse to
tho Illinois legislnturo last year, which
was in Bcsslon three months without
I committees. Democrats have peoallttr'
ideas about reform In legislative mat
tera Chicago Inter Ocean.
HTThe McKlnloy tariff is still
grandly demonstrating the wisdom of
list 4nrrftra HMtrt linh AlAMHt.M Al..
tLr& t:n leadMng financial centers ot the United
"7 77' :; . ; , .Duties last wcok nggregatea ei.awa.-
troteoted; Bomething may havo been m 83 , lncruaso 0tvj.!per cent on
froteoUd that ahould have been ; tb. oorreartoadln tlmo lastvear. That
Ol-V 1 K
-L. Bl
lntesBnnnnnnnBVsBmsp9IWSrT7rv f n r r.
No Money Commission.
1 can write vou a farm loan at a
straight 7 por cent, with the privilege
of paying oil any part oi tne princi
pal at any interest payment.
J. H. Bailkt.
i i i i
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. H. FORT, Manager.
Afosti'aeis ol Title,
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Tlavlne had ton years oxpcrlonce In county records and ono of the most complete set of AS
stract books In tho state, wo guarantee satisfaction. Yonr favors solicited
All orde "8 tilled promptly. 10.000 dollar bond tiled
I nd approved. Address or call on ....
L. H. FORT Manager, Red Oloud, Nob.
ole Agent for Webster County.
lVonlb iironoslmr to buv aewliis maoblnes
Uould not fall to see the
ne Finest Machine Made In
The World.
Kvery purchaser of a fine drawer Oak or
ralnutcase receives free, a 1'oerleis button
ole attachment. Don't buy until you sco the
lexer Improved Bewlnn Machine.
ueo. uuuiora, Agent.
SherllTs ale.
NntliA It lirrithv clrn tliat undor nnd by vlr-
tuo of an order of sate Issued from the onlce of
H.urono. cleric or tne aisinct court oi uie
Warner & Warren,
Have opened a Keal Estate Office,
Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stook or House
bold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any
who call a this office,
2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, irsStaUp
nh Judicial district, within and for
r, psurwta, upon i
nit therein, wherel
& Co!
ouotf, Nebraska, upon adecroo In an action
nillnir Ihxraln. whpreln
lalDtlfT.andairalnn Alnnzo M . Freeloy;, Ktto
r. 8
Pitcher's Cattorlf
i M ecoit on every do
ir nmsmnlh Catklor
book,eoattnloglllarstioii uJirtT
fsctorers' prfc. vntn mnuti
of every WndiioVd "', Vtt11
im -ai t n rio tenia on cren anuar run wyui
Writ for r rsTinoli Utlogn. a eo-l',
ikA tmnmtmd loliilMOolMd BUWe. WQeeriea,
Heasebold Oood, raraUare. lilouuat. UJW'
and "u' tunfelsffnd FraUlas Uooii, Oms
ury uoth, '",." vr-
lnnrl rilMoant
UM meauiKiarea
lilotblat. Udtte1
Watts floods, Dry
m Ktumm Biia ufamia. aj
Htt'aai.Stiest, Otov-. Veuns. Ufw!f
voa-i iasa,
CstaiyM east
m. wSsratks
" r5&m gWWjUMisMsftew;,;pnew(
m nfiiin oaew sssi
" """". . ; 3. .m - -- -
twiftt, fe ftrui y
ea rMtsi at seats rev Jf"
rmm m ma
snde free. bo,discuyfcry oi any such , tTLiV i.i" i77 i n 1 Bl Pood wa bcay M", T ?
.-- '"J -- - .Ma,nv H
xrrvt. csuieasaaprUcalsrssMti rteslft
ociotimtesercaftsa KARppjf m c0
Ml Qetasy SUMWCklcsto, 01.
...,..i HJMTiSW r 1
Tho Red Cloud Dray Line have four
iood and boavv mule teams. AU
MrQulre Is
l'axton b oal-
rrMovo. i;olui uro.
raglieri Hweet. Orr &..C0.1 lieainer snoop
Crockery Co.j Klrkendall, Jones & Co., defend
ants, 1 shall offer (or sale at nubile vendue to
the lilahrst bidder for cash In band at the east
nnoroi iius coun
nuiiso nfc ucu uiunu, iu piu
WhImi uniintv. Nebraaka. itlmt belne the
bulldlai wherein the last term of said oourt
was noioeuj on tna .
91 Day of Aufcuif. A. D. lit 81
at one o'clock p. m. ot said day. the followlim
desorlbed property tewltt lU three and tour
In block one, In Vance's nrst addition U the
town ot Oulde ltock, Webster Co., Nebraska.
Ulven under my hand thisasth day ot juus,
A. U. 18W, .
Qro. E. Cook, Sheriff,
jambs MoNkky, l'ltft's Atty. 4s-sod T
ed Ctoud, Neb.
Mtori Block.
T T""
NaUc m al.
in tae atfcr of the estate of James Laird,
, deceased.
Notice is hereby alven that In pursuance of
anordwof r. If. Bealf, judjni or tho district
eoanet Websftr opusty. .aiadeonthe.Ud day
of Aerll. im!tprlh salefl tb. real eiute
tMMuatUt oessnoaa. war. vaii so wiu iu.
""itt:": --- nn& rntnt in,
' '
ass M AM-.
mbSm se see aiaawi
towlaa Sisssfssi real
eb.,onth. eui
Has, atse'ejnek p. ., at abiio
war 4ur sho wiv mi-
Maui uom 0, wocar
SvtUaee of Bed Cloud,
5 BMM saw ww renain w "!
BnvttF a .
jMSjitMrtiMls. .i-nijfl'irtl..
eftft JMateet Janes jsM,
aammmmmmmlBnaawtJKJv UM9SS4BSnwnTlinH1WPCBKKfiBi?i2C?'l
Fire, Lightning andTornado Insurance
The Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Nob.
Will Insure your properly against
Fire, Lightning, and Tornado
Alsoy will insure your crops against hail, He
represents the best company on earth
The' old Continental of N Y.
CITY OFFIQE-With J. H. Smith 'lsuloor
south of F & M bank.
- v