The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 29, 1892, Image 6

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A. O. HOSMtft, Publisher.
Wah prices continue In tho City of
Mexico for lard anil meals; corn lias
liunnt.Alm recently ransacked thocSty
engineer's department of tliu Chlcscu
town ball.
l'ttANK VttK.v, cantliftato for recoCTlcr,
lias Ih'dii fined nt CrnTrfordsvllle, Ind.,
for profanity.
has written a
letter declaring against Sunday -closing
of the world's fair.
Tin: thirls Vcllt Journal !hns now
readied tho enormous circulation of 1,
8.W.O0O copies dally.
A rrrr hall cornurHtone, laid In 1770,
vnw found, In Sew York In tho reaV of
tho present city ball.
Ki'.Kf.Kr graduates In Chicago want to
organlro their wlvcs.slatcrsand mothera
into au assistant club.
I'ltt'ffllA has only one factory that
makca playing cards, and Its annual
protltn amount to $800,000.
In npntnarlc they ure undertaking to
ntamp out tulioroulosls in cattlu by vo
clnutloti with Koch's lymph.
Dn. Chari.ks Scinmini, son-in-law of
Senator W M. KvartM, committed sui
cide at Northport, E. I.; Ill health.
Thk Chickasaw Indians havo infor
mation, m it la wild, that their 0,000,000
will lie paid them by the government in
Kx(iov. Nk.wton ltooTii died rather
suddenly at tiucramcuto, Cat. JIo wan
quite prominent in national politics
fcixteen year ago.
Okan Toi.hon, a weak-minded charac
ter, died at Lafayette, Ind., an a result
of being treated by p.actieal jokers to
lieer adulterated with ink, crotou oil,
Somi'. New York hotels linns nown
regular woman guide nnd chaperon
connected with the establishment for
the convenience of ladlea visiting tho
city alone.
At n ranch on a small islnndin Skagit
county, Wash., are more than llvo
thousand chickers, about three thousand
Japanese pheasants and a few hundred
lie.ul of other small live stock.
Qitkkk Katai.ik hns written a play
that Illustrates and elucidates her Ideas
on the rights and duties of motherhood,
and it la to bo named "Mother." It is
to be tried on a French audience.
I.NTintHHT compounded isBhown in the
following to bo a rather successful way
of saving money: A deposit of 20 made
In tho Newburyport Institute for sav
ings in lb20 now calls for interest
amounting to s8. No one has ever
claimed the original deposit and no ad
dition has ever been made to it
Tin: plot of Oscar Wlldo'a play "Sa
lome," which thu lord chamberlain put
ander tho ban in England, but which
Sarah liernhardt is likely to produce
In France, turns on tho incident of the
dancu iwforo Herod and the demand for
John the Baptist's head. The lucldcnt
ns treated by the npostlu of lobthotlcism
is said to have been madu ingeniously
immoral and sensational.
Tub Japanese are a cleanly peoplo in
many respects. They are fond of bath
ing. In the' city of Tokio there areover
800 publlu bath houses, in which a per
son can take a bath, hot or cold, for u
Bum equal to one cent Most of tho
Japanese prefer warm baths, and very
likely this is tho reason why their com
plexions are usually smooth, clear and
spotless. The people of this country
might do well to ndopt thu bathing
habits of theso interesting people.
Thk Women's Christian Temperance
anion nt Chicago has begun a move
ment which is likely to interfere not
only with the saloonkeepers, bat with
tho trade of tho soda fountain aud tho
numerous venders of summer drinks.
Mrs. Matilda Case, of tho organization
mentioned, obtained leave to plaeo in
tho postotlleo building 'an automatic
fountain containing a standard temper
ance drink to bo sold atone cent a glass.
Other public buildings will probably bo
furnished with tho same boon for tho
Nkws has been received of tho cbeapo
from Siberia of Solomon Uerber, a
former resident of Omaha, who was
exiled to Siberia when on u visit to his
native country, Russian Poland. Uer
ber left Poland six years ago and com
ing to America located in Omaha, where
lie lived about four years. Ho took out
first naturalization papers, but not sec
ond; mndo considerable money peddling
and went back to Poland on a visit;
was arrested by emissaries of tho czar,
bis property confiscated aud himself
exiled. Tho United States government
svus invoked, but could do nothing as
Gorber was not a citizen. Tho lotter
received was frpm Corner's son. Gerber
is now on tho way to America.
TliK wlfo of John llidwell, prohibi
tion candidate for president, was a
daughter of Joseph U. C Kennedy,
formerly a well known resident of
Washington. Ho held various ofllces,
among them that of superintend
ent pf , tho census in 1800, nnd finally
went into tho real estatu business. Ho
was also attorney for several banks. Ho
was conspicuous in society, a good
story teller, nnd tho friend of Conkling,
GarMold and Gen. Hancock. In July,
lbST, ho- was assassinated by a half
crazy tramp, who fancied ho had been
defrauded, In a real estate transaction
by Mr. Kennedy. Unllko Guiteau, this
murderer' llfq was spared by Iho law.
Hu was committed to an asylum instead
fil being hanged.
Glaemcd By 1 olograph and WalL
Thomas H. Oaiituii, of Mnrtnna, has
lt:n elected chairman of tl.c republican
untlonal committee. Ills plaeo tissue
rvtary has Itecn HUM by tne selection
of Chris Magec, of iVrinsylrunla.
Tub wife of President Harrison Is
getting liclter despite reports to tho
contrary, which were untrue.
M. iikOikh. foreign minister of Kiti-
sla, who has been sick, hashad arelnp'.c
and is again critically tlL
KX'DicrATOfi 1'ai.acio, of Venezuela,
has arrived In Franco.
I.V a recent battlo in Morocco 800 of
tho comlwUmts were killed.
IjoskTkkiiyCooki:, tho well known
authoress Is dead. She was born slvty
II w years ngo at West Hartford, Conn.
W. Wktfik, tho retiring president of
of tho Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Steel workers, it is said, will bu tho
democratic candidate for congress in
Twenty-second district of Pennsylvania,
in opposition to Hon. John Dnlrell.
Ax extra session of tho Argentine
congress lias been called.
Advjckh from Zanzibar say tho natives
havo revolted against German rule.
Tint president has nominated 'George
Shiran, of Pennsylvania, for associate
justice tft the supremo court
Ciiit.i Jias paid 7.0UO damages for
tho Baltimore seamen, victims 'of the
Valparaiso riots.
Or.AttsTo.NK'H majority in tho Brltlah
houso orf commons is -12.
Tiiomah Conic, founder of tho wcll
Icnown Cook system of travel, died hi
London recently, aged 63. Ho hod
nmassed eonsldcrablu wealth.
J km Mack, of I,ondon, Knglmid, the
retired champion pugilist of the world,
and tho only man who over held tho
title, has inado applluatlnn to the lioard
of governors of tho Chicago Athletic
association for tho position of boxing
Instructor to the club.
Tin: Chickasaw legislature has ad
journed. Tho election for governor
comes off in August Wolf, tho full
blooded candidate, it Is thought, will
Tin: democratic convention of Dallas,
Tex., split in a row and two sets of
state, congressional and legislative del
egates were appointed.
Ho.v. .Tonus Foutz, well known In
Illinok alliance circles, died recently
in Switzerland, of which country he
was n native.
Tin: notification of tho democratic
candidates for president and vice presi
dent took place at Madison Square gar
den, New York, on tho 20th and was a
scene of unexampled enthusiasm.
Tub democrats of Missouri havo nomi
nated tho following state ticket: For
governor, William J. Stone; for lieuten
ant governor, John B. O'Meara; for sec
retary of state, A. A. Lesueur; for au
ditor, James M. Solbert; for treasurer,
Lou V. Stephens; for attorney general,
Frnnk Walker; for railroad commis
sioner, James Cow gill; for electors at
large, Charles B. McAfee and N. D.
Mexico's consul nt Chicago will be
transferred to St Louis.
Mil. CiiMMtxos, of New York, chair
man of tho library committee, has re
ported a resolution for tho purchaso of
tho library of thu late George Bancroft
for $75,000.
Gov. Skay, of Oklahoma, is reported
to have prevailed upon tho congression
al committees in favor of an election.
W. F. IIaiuiitv, of Pennsylvania, hns
lieen chosen chairman of the national
democratic committee.
The president has Issued a proclama
tion making October 2 1 next a legal
holiday, being the four hundredth an
niversary of tho discovery of America.
Thk Cleveland, O., stock yards havo
been destroyed by Arc.
Sbvkiib thunder storms havo done
hnmense damago in various parts of
Founboys were drowned while swim
ming in thu Manokim river, just in tho
rear of their resilience, near l'rincess
Anne, Md. They were all tho sons of
Christopher Ball, and were aged W, 15,
12 and 10, respectively.
Washington MonitisoK, a well-to-do
landowner of Cnbcll county, W. Va., Is
dying of hydrophobia.
Thk starvation of thousands in the
drought districts of Mexico is avoided
only by government aid.
FlFTKKN iramblers woro eanturcd in a
raid at Burlington, la.
Thk Hank of. Magnolia, Ark., has closed
Its doors, tho result of u heavy run. J.
O. Kelso, president of tho Institution,
was absent iu thu east
Ai.iikht Steinihjcii, aged 19, was
drowned at VA Paso, Tex., while bath
Titr.iu: is talk in Loudon of a ship ca
nal across Ireland.
Immknhu Incandescent rocks aud Im
menso clouds of steam continue to bo
thrown out of tho craters at Mount
ilHniu Part of tho village of Ventura
has been destroyed by lava and an im
mense amount of dumago has been dono
to neighboring chestnut woods.
Tub Monmouth Club stables burned.
Six horses perished; loss, WO.000.
Imimktant indictments havo liecn
stolen from tho onleo of the clerk of
tho circuit court at Franklin, Ky.
Pbahi. river at Jackson, Miss., was
out of tho banks and great damage was
Choi.kha has appeared iu Iloumania.
A vast project of the pope's, looking
to church consolidation, will shortly
conio up for consideration ut Home.
Six months ago Henry Garrett mur
dered a man in Clay county, Ala. Ho
and his wlfo lied on foot all the way to
Yukocn, Ok., where they have been ar
rested, Tin: Daltou boys turn out to bo
nephews of thu Youngors, their mother
being a sister of Colo and Bob.
Tub recent Hoods In Japan destroyed
over 1,000 houses nnd 700 bridges.
Yki.miw fever Is spreading rapidly at
Vera Crnz, Mexico.
Tin: inmates of tho woman's prison
and glrh' reform school at Indianapo
lis, Ind., made an unsuccessful attempt
to burn the buildlug rcccutly.
At Shun King and Shang, Japan, a
mysterious epidemic is carrying off
thousands of people.
TiiKitr. were riots of harvest men anil
women at Bcbar, Hungary, owing to
tho refusal of a demand for higher
wages. Tho gendarmes fired on tho
mob, killing twelve nnd wounding
many others.
Thk apex of fllobo hill, near Cripple
Creek, Col., is mild to Ins a vast placer
of phenomenal wealth.
Tub war between the city of Dno
Bluff, Ark., and tho water and light
company has been declared off.
Koiir.itT Dunca.v, leather, has ns
Tugned nt Woburn, Moss. Liabilities,
Tub postmaster general has received
a letter from Charles M. Fox, tho agent
iu Washington of tho Graves Elevator
Co., of New Yorlc, in which ho charges
Superintendent Davenport, of tho post
olllco department, with having divulged
tho bids for putting in n hydraulic lift
elevator for tho use of tho supply de
partment Tin: decree of tho lower courta has
been iilllrmcd In the Omaha bridge cases
Tin: little child of A. P. Sungel, of
East Dixon. 111., was caldcd to death,
lie was near the tabic nnd turned tho
teapot over on himself.
FliiR broke out In tho opera houso nt
Pocntcllo, Idaho. Fourteen
business '
houses wcro destroyed and 1100,000 loss
Vahioub polnUof North Dakota wcro
struck by a severe storm on tho 20th.
At Gettysburg a woman was killed and
her child fatally Injured.
Gov. Pattison said ho would stay at
Homestead all Rummer nnd spend every
dollar In tho treasury sooner than allow
the law to bo violated.
.En. T. Nolanp, defaulting stnto
treasurer of Missouri, has concluded to
no longer contest his senteuco of two
years' imprisonment
Buna McLuckii:, charged nt Pitts
burgh, Pa., for murder growing out of
the Homestead riots, has been released
on bail.
Wii.mam GmrriTii, living near Eliza
botlitown, 111., became entangled in the
hurries of a frightened mule aud was
dragged to death.
John McKay, Joe Wranzell and .Too
Sandberg, boys of H, were killed by
curs while at play in the railroad yard
nt Atlantic City, N. J.
Ax unknown thlof nt Chlcngo was
surprised and thrown downstairs by tho
occupants. Whllu on tho way to tho
station hu fell In nn epileptic lit and
mod from the shock.
Tin: people of Sonrnlla county, Tex.,
nro in neod of assistance because of tho
Tub Hazcn Wire Nail Co., Anderson,
Ind., has signed the scale., the New Jersey boy murderer,
has been refused it now trial and must
hang August 11.
A TUTimi'ia explosion, caused by the
bursting of a sixty horse-power boiler
in theOiand llldgo electric light plant,
and followed by lire, caused a t'JO.OOO
conflagration ut Ottawa, 111.
Tub Atchison road failed to put in its
second-clans rate of $H.70 from tho Mis
souri river to tho Pacific coast, but is
said to bo getting n fair show of tho
Bandits have killed u government
scout near Fort llinggold, Tex.
Tub statement having been made
that ex-Gov. Hoadly would appear for
tho Homestead rioters, his partner, Ed
ward Johnson, denied it in a public let
ter. Tub telegraph employes of tho Louis
ville & Nashville havo obtained the ad
vunce sought averaging (.', per month.
U.UT. kahkoiui has been censured for
running tho City of Chlcngo ashore at
the old head of Kinsnle, Ireland.
J. I). Baiivbit, a wealthy lurmor.
was crushed to death under a falling
treo on his place In Warwick comity,
I ml.
Lkov Pattkikon was gored fatally
by a bull while feeding his cattle at
Milan, Tenn.
ImI'oiii-ant reforms, it is said, will
follow the new term of olllco of Pxvsl
dent Diaz, of Mexico.
IluiiKirr and Ernest Soltau, brothers,
have boon drowned. They started in a
naphtha launch from New York for
Long Bench, L. L
Tin: grand jury nt Montgomery, Ala., j
returned four indictments for libel
against Editor Prank Baltzoll, of tho
Alliance Herald. At various times
Bnltzcll made attacks upon Gov. Jones.
Gov. Tooi.k, of Montana, refused to
allow Idaho and federal troops to pur
sue fugitives from tho Cajur d'Alcno
TiiBiu: wns no truth In a sensational
yarn from San Francisco of tho loss of
the brig Tahiti and the cnnniballdin and
other horrors.
TAl'i & Co., baggage, Louisville, Ky.,
have fulled Assets double thu liabili
ties. Chicago police recently raided nickel-in-the-slot
gambling machines.
FloUH showed marked activity tho
past weelc, with small advances in
prices. i
A tfi'i.KNiHW.v preserved mastodon's
tooth was found in tho Piasa bottoms,
seven miles above Alton, 111., and pre
sented to Prof. William F. McAdams,
who will add it to his world's fair ex
hibit Ci.KAitiNO houso returns for tho week
ended July 22, showed an average in
crease of 12,(1 compared with tho corre
sponding week of last year. In New
York tho Increase was 10.0.
Dn. Aaiio.v L. Ciiai'I.n, ox-president
of Belolt college, Wis., is dead.
Thk Carneglo employes nt tho Du-
qnesno works havo struck in sympathy
with those tit Homestead. Gov. Ptittl
son ordered tho militia not to act on
their own responsibility as they had
been doing, but to await orders from
the civil authorities.
A u. thu Tanoy county, Mo , lynchers
were discharged, tho prosecution seeing
th ut It was futile to bring them to trial.
Tub senate, on the 22d unanimously
passed tho houso bill for retaliation
against Canada. Miscellaneous mutters
wero iwforo tho house. Adjournment
was still unsettled.
Till', treasury at Washington now con
tains $112,1)0 J.000 in free gold, and thu
' gold balance is increasing.
l(npubllcan Stnto C'nnvnntlnn.
S. D. Mercer, ehuirnnn of tho state
Central committee, has Issued tho of
ficial coll for tho election of delegates
to the state republican convention to be
held nt Lincoln August 4, lSD'J, at 10
o'clock iu m., for the purpose of plncing
in nomination candidates for the follow
ing stato oillees: Governor, lieutenant
governor, secretary of state, auditor of
public accounts, treasurer, superintend
ent of public Instruction, attorney gen
eral, commissioner of public lands and
buildings, eight presidential electors.
Tho several counties tiro entitled to
representation as follows! being based
upon tho vote cast forGeorgo II. Hast
ings for attorney general in 1000, giv
ing one delegate at largo to each county
and one for each 100 votes and tho ma
jor fraction thereof:
Jloonn ,,,
llrown.. ........
nurraio , ,,
lie i iinnlla. l)tl.
. lM.Tnlinson ....,, II
.. S IvtMriK'V 8
ICovii I'.ihii.
Kimball !
Knox H
l.nncnsto...... tn
Lincoln o
IBf.m M
ixiup , 'i
Mndlson 1)
Merrick , 7
Ml Ph'.THOIl 1
Nonce n
N'( milut U
NuchollH H
Otoe II
1'aunri! It
lYrkmn 4
I'lercc 4
I'liplrn S
liukulii o
IMattu r
D.lWKJIl ,,,
Houghis ...
0 1'ollc
4,it.lVlllnr ....
HKIclianlnon ,
KCOttS llluff
.Sherl'lati ...
Sherman ...
H Stanton
1 'llnrr ,
:iTiicim is
J M'lin Jtii
ji iu.
Thuriiun f ,
Wo' lih'i"to'n .7.7. 7.7. n
Hamilton II
Ilurlin r
JluyiH 4
llllchiook r.
Honker 1
Holt II
Wihstir 1"
Wueekr 3
York 18
Howard tl
it Is recommended that no proxies bo
admitted to thu convention nnd that the
delegates present be authorized to cast
the full vote of thu delegation.
Av independent club of 100 members
was recently organized nt Beatrice.
A hkcbnt ralu In tho vicinity of
Grant did much good to the growing
Hickman is soou to havo a new ele
vator to take tho plucu of the ono re
cently burned.
AN infant child of M. B. Carman, of
Moortield, fell Into a barrel of water
utid was drowned.
Tub twelve-year-old son of Henry
Selvcns, a farmer residing nenr Fre
mont, was recently dragged to death by
a runaway horse.
Jlritcn.Ait.s entered Collett's drug store
nt Mead and secured $2.1 worth of jew
elry. They tried to blow tho safe, but
they didn't succeed.
August Wai.i.mkii, a young German
farmer living near Pender, committed !
suicide thu other nfternoon by taking '
strychnine. Causo unknown. j
A liAim wire fence terminated tho
career of a promising ft, .100 colt be
longing to M. B. Cox, of Norfolk. Tho
animal's jugular was severed by one of
tho barlis.
I. tho case of Charles Paul, lately
found guilty at Hustings of embezzling
county funds, tho court overruled tho
motion for a now trial and sentenced
tho defendant to three years in thu
At Omaha tho other day William
Leichtcneau and James F. Knox, while
engaged painting a building, woro ,
thrown to tho ground, n distance of for-
ty feet, by the breaking of the ropes of .
their swinging scnuold. They wcro
thought to be fatally injured.
FiiKDitv Ubith, nged seven years, was
drowned nt Cedar Itupids recently. Ho
was wading iu tho river and stepped in
u deep place and sank. Ills playmates
g.ivo tho alarm, but too late to rescue
him. His parents reside ut Postville,
In. Tho boy was stopping with his
Tin: witoofafarmcrnnmea MrlcKler,
residing near Waco, recently attempted
to kill her husband and his brother bv
1 putting poison in their coffco nt break
fast. When Strlcklcr attempted to go
for a physician ho wns confronted b3'
his wife, armed with a knife, and alio
declared that she had poisoned both of
them nnd wanted to die, and said she
would kill herself if they succeeded in
getting to town. Her husband man
uge.l to get away and secure medical
aitl and tho lives of tho men wcro saved
with diflleulty. Tho causo of tho wom
an's act was not known.
Thk law requiring county clerks to
make monthly reports of all real estato
and chattel mortgages Hied and released
has been in operation a year and tho
stato bureau of industrial statistics has
completed tho compilation of tho re
ports of thu several counties of the
state. During thu year which ended
July 1, 24,.i:'.S farm mortgages wero filed,
aggregating in amount $22,401,741, and
21,-101 farm mortgages were released,
uggregatlng $17,004,005.10. For the
same period city mortgages filed
amounted to $12,1110,757.01, while the
city mortgages released amounted to
$0,040,0.10.81. Tho chattel mortgages
filed during tho year amounted to $22,
01,1,154.0.1: released for tho same period,
$14, ,10.1,317. 11. In nineteen counties the
amount of tho mortgages released ex
ceeded those filed.
Much excitement was caused at Chap
man tho other day by tho finding of si
twelwc-foot piece of water fuse attached
to a can which was placed under the
meat market of I). S. Shields. It is sup
posed tho can was placed thcro for tho
iHU'iMMo of blowing up tno uuiuung.
A lire was built on tho sidewalk and tho
fuse connected with tho fire. Hud tho
building caught ilro almost tho whole
town would havo burned.
Gboiiok CI.AUK, a veteran of tho war
of J'il2, fell down a stairway at tho res
ulenco of Alf Conine, at Beatrice tho
other -ight and wns seriously injured.
The injured man is 03 years of age und
totally blind. .
The Ifnatn Vmne a Hrliillitory llltl Ca
mullrtti VM'I to tin lttrlctnl In Nav
iRHtltiK American Cinnl.
Wahhi.mitom, July 22. Tho most Im
portant legislation passed by tho houso
yesterday was tho bill to enforce recip
rocal relations between tho United
States and Canada. Tho president has
sent two messages to congress on tho
subject, and yesterday tho house passed
the. measure without division and sent
it tit once to the senate. It was laid
before that body just before adjourn
ment nnd placed on the calendar. This
promptness indicates that congress is
very much interested in this matter,
that tho president will bo heartily sup
ported nnd the g-eat Interest involved
When tho bill was called up in tho
house, Mr. Blount, of Georgia, saidtlint
the president had in two messages
called the attention of congress to tho
fact that notwithstanding treaty
rights, citizens wcro discriminated
ngainst in the matter of transportation
through the Wellnnd, St Lawrence nnd
other canals. A rebate was accorded to
the Canadian vessels which was not ac
corded to tho American vessels. This
bill was designed to require that this
discrimination should lie abolished and
that the treaty rights of American citi
zens should be preserved. The bill was
passed without division.
The bill provides that when tho pres
ident shall tie satisfied that tho passage
through any canal or lock connected
with thu navigation of the St Lawrcnco
river, tho great lakes, or the waterways
connecting tho same, of any vessels of
the United States, or of cargoes or pas
sengers, in transit to any port of the
United Slates is prohibited, or is mnda
difficult, or burdensome by tho imposi
tion of tolls or otherwise, which ho
shall deem to bo reciprocally unjust
anil unreasonable, ho shall have tho
power to suspend the right of free pas-
sago through thu St Mary's falls canal,
so ur nR 'l rcl,lls to vessels owned by
tne suDjcctsot tno government dlsciT
inatlug ngainst tho United States.
Clmiirii Chairman of tint Niitlonnt Doino-
ermla Coininlt (.
Nkw Youk, July 22. -William F. llar-
rlty, of Pennsylvania, was tills after-
noon elected chairman of the national
democratic com
mittee tind S, P.
Sheering, of In
diana, was re-elected
Mr. Harrity is sec
retary of tho com
monwealth of Penn
sylvania, is tho
recognized leader of
tho Philadelphia
democracy and has
long taken an im
portant part in di-
wm. r. HAimiTV. rcctlng the affairs of
his party in Pennsylvania. During the re
cent convention he wns talked of as tho
probable successor of Chairman Calvin
S. Brice.
Mr. Harrity was born October 18, 18.10,
in Wilmington, Del., where he received
his preliminary education.
As postmaster of Philadelphia, to
which ho wiis appointed in 188.1, ho be
came better known to tho public at
large. He conducted this olllco for four
years, and, during his administration,
Postmaster-General John Wunamnker
wrote a letter commending his admin
istration. THE
I.lnlilo to S'ovoro riinMimmit I'nr Vlntiit
Iiir tliu Iiitrr-Stiitn I.itu.
St. Joskimi, Ma, July 22. In tho
I United States court S. II. Howell,
George W. Howell and Ed Tlbbltts,
their clerk, woro found guilty of vlolut-
ing tho
intcr-stnto commerce law by
weights of lumber cars to bo
tampered with on thu Bock Island at
tins point ami J-.ast Atclilson. A mo
tion for a new trial will bo argued uo'
. fore Judge Pai
idgo Parker. The penalty is a
lino of not less than (1,000 tind not mora
than $10,000 and not inoro than two
years' Imprisonment
Tho alleged violations consisted of
bribing agents of railway companies to
report short weights on cars of lumber
In which thoy ure heavy dealers in Chi
cago ami many points in isconsin,
( Kansas and Nebraska. Tho Uo wells
wero found guilty on twq counts.
Andrew II. IVIillo to flu to KiiukIii and A.
I.. Nnundeu tu Spain Other Appoint
ment. Washington, July 22. Tho President
sent to thu senate tho following nomi
nations: Knvoys extraordinary and ministers
plenipotentiary Andrew I). White,
of Now Yorlc, to Russln; A. Lou
don Snowden, of Pennsylvania (now
envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary to Greece, Roumanin
and Servtti) to Spain; Truxtou Bealc, of
California, (now minister resident and
consul general of the United States to
Persia) to Greece, Iloumania and Scrvin.
Consuls of the United States: John
A. Barnes, of Illinois, nt Chemnitz;
Darley R. Brush, of South Dakota, at
Messlnu; Cyrus W. Field, jr., of New
York, at Brunswick; Charles August
Vortriede, of Ohio, at Bergen.
Hecrutury Nubln liicenxrd.
Washington, July 22. Secretary No
blo is incensed at tho course and state
ments of Representative Simpson con
cerning tho Interior department and
cattle on tho Cherokee strip nnd tho
bribery and corruption which keeps
them there, Mr. Noble has published
a long statement, containing a fiat de
nial of Mr. Simpson's allegations.
1 - i
A Ciue of Cholera.
Dbtiioit, Mich., July 22. James Cock
burn camu from Glasgow, Scotland, ou
thu Anchor lino steamer Furncsia and
readied Dotrolt six weeks ago. Sunday
night he died very suddenly of what
was really an aggravated case of cholera
morbus, but which presunted nil the
characteristic symptoms of Asiatic
cholera. Tho remains turned complete
ly black. Had cholera been epidemio
hero tho doctors would have pronounced
it a caso of that dread disease, und tho
fact that Cockburn was a recent immi
grant added to tho fear. Health Olliccr .nlli.jt If tl j.ncti tt uii.iiil(rt
cholera. .
ft V ?w
Th TToek'n I'roiwrilncil Comlnpil Tor
Convenience of the llridr.
Tho senate on tho IMh ailopteil conference re
ports on Iho nrtnv. tho trtvy ntul tho lc?lMivo
bills, anil as'rectl to tho houso resolution ex
tending oxlmlng appropriations until July 3JL
The fortification bill lwsint The rcsohttloa
Introduced tho dav beforo providing for an In
cstlgatlon of tho Homestenil troubles was not
Liillid up for not Ion beforo adjournment. ... Con
sideration of tho nundry civil bill occupied tho
attention of tho house, tho world's lalr appro
priation of 0JJ,iMJ be In? under ilK'imlon A.
rciiolutloti was adopted calllneon the polmas
ter Kcneral for Inform Ulon rctfnrdliu; tho let
ting or mull ion tracts to rullro.uU since M.irch,
HfJ, utid Iho conference report on the armv
bill agreed to. Pension bills were considered
ut the L'cutnir session.
1 lit; M.n.itn further considered th last of the
npproprlatloa bills on tho liltb tho deficiency
bill. Most of thu Items wero agreed tn nnd tho
bill thin went oer After nn executive ses
sion the rmnto iutJoumcd,.,,Tho houso h.ula.
dull nnd unlntx resting scislon, Iho question
under debate, being the Item In tho sundry clH
bill In regard lo closing tho world's fair on Sun
day. Aftera drc-iry dcbito iho matter went,
over and Iho houso ndlotirned.
Am a passing thu drtlclciicy bill on the! 18th
tho ncnato took up Iho mitl-opllon bill nnd op
ponents of the measure commenced tollllbuster.
Then-lends of tho bill, howoier. strong
enough lo Ueeplt hi Us position and when tho
somite adjourned tho bill rem lined as unlln
lshcd buslniM....In tho houo tho ways nnd
means committee reported a resolution for final
adjournment July :& Mr. Llr.d (Minn )i on be
half of tho committee appointed to lntcstlgatoi
the administration of tho pension ofllco, sill),
milled tho lews of tho minority to tho house..
Tho report llnds nothing for which tho coramls
sloncr um be, criticised, unless It bo th it ha ap
pointed hlsKonapiKilnlmcntilerliof the bureau.
It agrees with tho majority In their suggestion.
In regurd to tho expose by the members of con
press of tho so-called "congressional prhllcgcs."
Tho houso passed thu MeUurrahan bill ns It
came from the senile. After pissing HCcrnl'
Mils of minor ImiKirtancn the senate Joint reso- '
lutlon huh passed authorizing the committee to.,
mako nn Inicsllgallon Into tho slums of thu
cities. Tho houso then took u reeess. tho oicn.
Ing session to lie for general debate on tho
world's fair features of the sundry civil appro
prl Ulon bill.
Till: stun to on the inth did but lltttle, tho
nntl-optlon bill boltig under discussion Tho
president sent to the senile tho nomltntlon of
Ocorgo !'. Shlrus, tit lVntisWvatili. to li asso
ciate Justice of tho United Stales supremo
conrt. ...The day In tho houso was consumed la
Iho world's lulrupproprlatlon light. Tho appro
priation Item was otcd down, 110 to Pi", and
the Sunday closing paragraph Inserted by Iho
senate was sustained by u vote of 14 to (11. Tho
appropriations us mule bytlioscnato for tho
geological survey wero concurred In, and an
amendment was Inserted forbidding the letting
of any contract by uny government officer to
any ono hi tho employment of tho l'inlterton de
tective agency or nny other org mlzatlons em
ploying atmesl forcesnmt prohibiting their em
plojmc nt by the government or tho District of
Columbia. The sundry civil bill was tlioaj
passed ns amended and live speaker appointed
Mtssrc Holnmn, Sayrcw ana Ulngham ait iho
In iho senate on tho 20lh strong speeches
ngainst the untl option bill were madu by Mr.
Vest (Mo.) nnd Mr. Daniel (Va.), thu latter sen
ntor still buvlng the lloor when thu senate ad
journed.... In tho houso a resolution wns udopt
ed giving ono hour to ench committee to call up
reported bills. As a result Iho following meas
ures wero passed: Granting Jurisdiction to tha
court of claims In land cases; tixlng the fees of
jurors and witnesses In tho United States
courts; to legalize tho deeds and other records
In the ofllco of tho commissioner of Indlsn af
fairs; allowing tho stockholders of any national
bank to continue tho receivership nnd closo up
Its (Tcilrs: to prevent the hale of beer and malt,
liquors in tho Indian territory; providing for
th!' redemption of national bank notes without'
the signature of tho bank olllcluls, which havo
been lost or stolen, and many other bills of
n lot ill nature. A resolution wns passed pro
viding for tho Investigation of tho Heading rail
road combination by a committee. Tho
l.outc then adjourned.
IN tho senuttt on tho Ulst Mr. Daniel con
eluded his sjieech ugalimt tho nntl option bill.
Mr. White (I.a.) followed in a long speech
Hgntust tho bill nnd held tho floor when tho
seuute ndjourmd ...Tho houso rushed bills,
through ut a lively rate. Among tho mensuresi
passed were: A bill lo promote commercial,
relations with Canada: to promote enlisted,
men in tho army to tho grade of second lieuten
ant, toprovldufor Iho collection, custody nnd
urrnngt mrnt til the mlllnirv records of tho war
of American revolution aud tho war of 191.1; to
authorize thu secretary of war to leaso for flvo
years lands for public purposes, to dellno the
grndo of medical ofllcers la tho army, audi
many others of a private or local character.
Asphyxiated at Iho lliittom or u Tan.
Ciiicaoo, July 2i Four men wcro
asphyxiated in n "junk" at Louis.
Iluchcson's tannery, Elston avenue and.
llradley street, this city, yesterday.
Three of them aro dead untl the other
one is in such a precarious condition
thut tho physicians in charge say ho
cannot recover.
Tho deud nre: Chnrles Stelncrt, 23
years; John Ilebached, US) years of nge,
married; Frank Speckowskl, 27 years of
age, married. Tho injured; Albert
SchlcKcr, 2fl years of aire, married.
Schletrer was eleaulnir out the valve.
After a time ho attempted to ascend to.
tho surface und when a few feet from,
tho bottom fell back upon his head Into,
thu slush.
Seckowski, Stelncrt nnd Rebachelc
in turn descended to Ills aid, but each
was overcome by tho foul atmosphere
and dropped to thu bottom helpless.
Finally onu of tho employes named
Ountrotli was lowered four times, and
in each ease brought ono of tho men to
tlie surface, two were elead and two un
coiiMiious and a third died later on.
llutler nil the Legal Points.
Uoston, July 22. Gen. Hutlcr, speak
inp of tho Homesteud cases, said that.
in regard to admitting to bail In caso
where murder is charged, although bail
was not as a rule allowed, still it was a
matter wholly within tho discretion of
tho courts. As to tho cxtrudition of
Andrew Cnrnegle, ho could not see
how n man could be tnlten In n frvmt,,,.
country for ucts said U havo been dono
in mis country in ins absence. Ho was .
very strong In expressing his conviction
that legislation should bo had that .
would causo tho disbandment of tho
Plnkertons and tho prevention of such
riots hereafter. Personally hu had no
correspondence with tho strikers, and
had heard nothing whatever as to his ,
being engaged as counsel.
Xomliiutlon Withdrawn.
Washington, July 10. Tho presl
dent hns withdrawn tho nomination of
William D. Crum to lie postmaster at
Charleston, a C. Tho nominee is a
colored mnn nnd his confirmation has
been strongly resisted.
Ilnikn lilt .Nt-elt.
GuTiiiiiK. Ok., July 10. Albert llow
mnn, nged 21, broke his neck by jump
Ing head first into shallow witter, while
in swimming last night.
Tho boiler at Ilalrd's mill, near
Gainesville, Flo., cxplodeil Two men
wero killed and several others seriously
nnd perhaps fatally Injured.
4 !
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