The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 29, 1892, Image 3

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Employes of Another Carnoglo Kill
Go Out.
Vov. t'nttlsoii Viills Clan. Snouilnn HIT Ills
IVrrli Sulilli-rs .Mint Tor tlin t'utiira
Obey till- Chit Aut liirllli Itlt-
ti-r IVi'tliiR Ar:ilnt Them.
I'lrrcntMtait, lt., ,1ulv23. The bi
utt'ol mill ut Diuittestio is quiet tinil the
70 ftniiloyi's ure out on n strlltolti sym
pnlliy with tho loolteil out men tit
At (I o'elook Inst uvi'iihiff nil tho work
men from tho skilled men down to lnbor
ers left tho mill ileterinlncil not to re
turn to work until tho Homestentl nmt
tcr shall lmvo been ntljusted uml tho
Amnltfiuuiilvil nssoolutloti recognized
by tho Cnnu'jjlo Steel Co. Tho
strike wns n Htirprlso because un
til recently the Duqueano has been a
non-union mill. Within tho past two
weeks tho Amnlfjnmntcd association
organized it lodge hero and tho strlko
Is said to be backed by that powerful
labor organization. A largo meeting
was held yesterday evening tvt which
addresses wcro made to tho striken by
one of the Amalgamated association.
The men claim tho Duquosne is one of
tho most Important mills owned by tho
Carnegie rompany and that being shut
down will be a serious blow to tho firm.
I i I Authorities In Control.
11omi:sti:ai), l'u., July an. Tho Penn
sylvania mllitln were last night tnught
tlieir proper place. It was a stem les
son, administered by Gov. 1'attlson per
finally. At tho g.,vernor'n suggestion
n body of police ofllccrs in the persons
of deputy sheriffs were pluced through
.out the boirugh of Homestead to sup
plant the unlimited military control
that had been gradually established.
The soldiers arc now to aid the civil
authorities, and not to be their su
perior. Tho sheriff of tho county, or
Ills representatives, aro to bo the
ones to say when tho danger point
has been reached by nssemblages of
citizens, tho men In uniform with guns
In their hands being no longer to con
stitute themselves at will judge, jury
uml executioners.
The. deputy sheriffs installed Inst
evening number sixteen in all, and In
Sheriff McCleary's absence nro directed
by Chief Deputy ISrady, who is author
ized to call in the military to tho fullest
extent to preserve order and malntuln
tho peace.
(Ion. Snowden admitted that ho was
awaro the installations of tho sheriffs
representatives was Gov. Pattison'sown
siiggcHtion. The gcnernl declined to
detino where the respective lino of au
thority of the military and deputy
Bhcrlffft lay and refused to dismiss tho
reasons for the change in the situation.
Ho denied emphatically that any differ
ence existed between himself and Gov.
lllttrr Fccllntr Aitntniit Noldlers.
IlojiKSTEAn, Pa., July 53. Tho sol
diers wcro more vigorous yesterday than
usual in clearing the streets. Crowds
were not permitted to gather any when)
and in some cases loiterers on the side
walk were rather roughly crowded
away ami consequently somo other
bitter feelings wore developed
among tho striking men. Indeed,
the complete chnngo in the attltudo of
tho town toward tho camp was moro
plainly shown yesterday than hereto
fore. No attempt to speak to any of tho
soldiers was made by any of tho citizens.
On tho contrary, the militia were re
garded with gloomy bllenco or with
suppressed oaths. Tho women wcro
even moro bitter than tho men in tholr
language about the troops, and u prac
tical boycott was established umong tho
more radical of tho strikers.
Gen. Rnnwilcii Deolnrrs Tluit Ho 'Will Hi"
111 11 1 n nt llumoatritil Until tho Trouli'o I
HoJiKRTRAD, Pa. July 31. (Jen. Know
tldcn declared last evening that tho
troops would bo kept hero until tho
troulilo should bo
settled one way or
tho other, and this
has aroused tho
anger of the people,
especially tho wom
en, one of whom
shrieked: "May God
remember you for
coming here to help
take tho bread from
tho mouths of tho
gen. bnowdkn. children," at Col.
Greene, the ofllecr in command nearest
the CarnegU) property and close to tho
Btrlkcrs' heudquartors.
The fact Is pointed out that the In
formation has been made public by
Gen. Snowden exactly nt tho critical
juncture when it could bo circulated In
print the last day before tho one set by
Superintendent Potter as the final limit
in which applications to work would bo
received from tho strikers and to en
deavor to counteract this, the strike
leaders have arranged for a picnic un
der tho uusplocs of Muuhall lodge of
the Amalgamated organization nt lllg
Spring grove, from which a view of tho
steel works can be had.
In tho works yesterday 1.10 men wcro
nt work, most of them new employes.
Four armor pin to furnaces wcro
charged and work will be fully resumed
to-day. The melting, open hearth and
mechanical departments wero also
worked In a desultory way. The works
Informntlmi l'llnt Aanlnst Homestead
Lenders hurKlnjr Tlirm Willi Murder
Slnillur rruciM'illiiR Against I'rlrk nnit
Otlirr Ciirnrclr Mitimurrx.
PlTTMifltoii, Pa., July 19. Yesterday
afternoon Secretary Lovejoy.of the Car
negie Steel Co., appeared before Alder-
innn Alc.Mnstcrs anil men ininrmaiioiis
agalnt seven of tho Homestead strikers,
whose arrest on the charge of murder has
been threatened for somo days. Thu In
formations, although not entirely unex
pected, caused consldeniblo surprise
and excitement and was tho subject of
conversation on tho street? nil tho af
ternoon and evening. They wero
against Hugh O'Donncll, tho leader of
the strikers; John McLucklc, burgess of
Homestead; Sylvester Crltehlow, An
thony I'lnherty, Samuel Uunlett, James
Flonnugan and Hugh Uoss, who aro
collectively charged with tho murder of
T. J. Connors and Silas Wayne on tho
morning of July 0, during the riot
Connors was a Plnkerton man, 50
years of ago and lived in Now York.
He was struck on tho back of the head
with a dynamite bomb and had his
rlghtarm crushed. Wayne wns a young,
single workman, who lived with his
parents in Homestead. Ho had his
head shot off with a cannon shot fired
from tho opposite side of tho river whlla
standing with his brother in tho steel
yard. There nro two separate Informa
tions against tho defendants and only
vary in the names of tho victims.
To show that tho workmen had no
fear about tho results of the caso llnr
gess McLucklc as soon as tho news
reached him sent word to Alderman
MeMasters that he would como to tho
city and surrender himself. A report
was started that counter Informations
, , , - , , . iunnuuAUl limb vuiiiiii'i iiiiuuuuiiuiia
were started without repairs because nre t() 1)(J mm,0 n(,lltllst ir. c. rrck and
licit nml Olrdlcs.
The Empire belt or girdle is worn very
extensively with gowns having tlui
Wattenu back. Often it is a very wide
ribbon, and again It is formed In folds
of white silk, live In number, that ninke
it reach up and give the shortwalsted
effect that is considered desirable.
Girls with very small waists are wear-'
lug rather broad belts fastened at one
side with a really fat rosette. This is
phiced right on the belt Itself, slightly
tonne side of the front. I.udlos' Homo
A Wr.trrn Triumph.
The wnntlrrfnt proeress or Chlongn In tho
tniiiiiifiu-lurliig Held during the ust ileemle
lms proved a genuine eye npmior to Ktettcrn
prnple, iiinl many or her own eltlrcn while
dimly inmscloiis of her growth In this re
spect ure not fully nllvo In the Iminciiso
licnollt wlliih accrues to tho city by tho
f;riuhinl locution of great tuniiiifiiitoitcr In
itirvlelulty In every day line stick us
itAi'klng, milling niul kl ml it'it Industrie
L'lilnipi lms long lw.'i'ii iioltmiwli'dKcil tho
"King Hoe," lint It will surprise most pen.
tile to Ion r n tluit In the inimuruuttire ot
musU'iil Instrument n'so, the largest fo.
tory In existence Is Incited III Clilciiito.
Ncverthelesit it Is n fnet thnt l.yon ti.
Unity turn out more goods tuiiumlly than
nay sitnllnr factory In the world Last yenr
their output was upward of tiHI.tHX) musical
itmtruiuciits and this bulging by Itio
Inrri'iiso thus fur the result will lie mil
stdoi alily greutnr. 'I'lio Instruments muilo
l)V them lucluild l'tunns, Orgmm, Harps
(itilturs, lliinjos, Mandolins, Drums niul
blind Instiuiiioiits, uml tltoqunllty Is so Inr
superior to the Kurnpcuii product, thnt tliu
consumer olieerfullv Pays moro money for
tho home-iunile iiitlcla To the thinking
mind It In a real tilt'iisiiro to know that our
people linvo made such roiniirltiililo lirog.
gi ess In this artistic line, and to the Vnt
ern Hum parlleuliuly It Is a mutter of prldo
to know that to his section belongs this
liltfli distinction.
A GurATOo. "How does your new cr
rnnd hoy go, Smith I" "The long way, ap
parently, every liuio."
Tho f.mllr.
Tito plerwaut effoct and perfect nftfety
with which liuilcs may uo the Calirornln
lifiulil iiiKiitivu Syrup or rlr, under nlleon.
i illi hum, makes It their favorite rained v. To
get tho trim niul genuine uvtlolo, look for
1 tliu iitiitionf tho Cillfornlii Fig Hvrup Co.,
piimcu near mo uouoiuoi tna pncKiigo.
I.ovr. makes tin) world go round also tho
younir until, uhout seven Highlit In the week.
-N. Y. Herald.
ItIs posltlvolv hurtful totiMoolntmentfor
slitii diseases. Use (llenii's Sulphur Soup,
Hill's lhilr mid Whlskor l)yc,;0ccuta.
Most anything can ho forgiven easier
than selllHliuuss. ltaiu's Horn.
of Inability to becure
make the repairs.
mechanics to
Xaturo phonlil bo
assisted to throw
blood. Nothing
docs It bo well so
promptly, or so
Mtrclr as Hvrlft'H
Serious Kxtriislou of the HoaitciiilStrlko
I.ovr.loy Alarmed.
PiTTMiuiiou, la., July 88. The syra
pnthetic strlko movoment among tho
workmen in tho employ of the Curnegie
compuny is nssumiug rather alarpilng
proportions, and if rumors now current
provo correct the strike will provo one
of the most uggressivo in tho history of
btrlkes in tho world. The latest branch
of labor to tako active part in the
movement in aid of tho Homestead
locked out men and tho Amalgamated
association is the coke workers and
miners in the works operated by tho
company. Keports come from tho
Frick regions that missionaries have
been sent among these men, and ore
tmiklntr effort Ut induce them to
come out in a body. This, if success
ful, would shut off the supply of
coke for the blast furnaces and would
compel a suspension. What progress
lmrt been made is not known, but-tho
lenders say tho movement is meeting
with great encouragement A lending
roan tunong theConnellsvllle coke work
ers, who was In Pittsburgh yesterday,
mid tho sympathies of tho men in that
reuion wero with tho Homestead
strikers, and that this sympathy was
being crystalizcd into a more material
When this was stated to rJecretary
Love joy ho said:
"Tills is the first intimation that I
have hud that such n move was contem
plated, and if mado of course it would
bo a serious matter. "
IIjisIiimI Down tirade.
Salt L auk Citv, U. T July 2.1. A
freight train on tho Kio Grande &
Wf stern broke intwoneartioldler Sum.
mit and th rear half dashed down
grade at frightful speed Tho caboose
jumped the track and other cars fol
lowed. Conductor J. W. Harper had
Ills thigh broken, his shoulder dislo
cated and sustained concussion of the
bruin and internal Injuries. Hrukemtm
Not Many Workmen In tho llonirsteail
IIomkbtrAT), Pn., July 21. Kntrnncc
to the Carnegie mill was made by a rep
resentative of the Associated press, who
tcxik a skiff on tho Monougahela river
nnd succeeded In making a landing
at a point, which, owing to the steep
ness of tlio bank, was left unguard
ed. It was within twenty yards of
tho plueo where the Plnkertou bargo
first tried to tie up. A climb up
tho thirty feet of slag and cinders bor
dering the river brouirht the armor i
plate department within a few
und once inside access fvom one to an
other of tho eight principal buildings
was not difllcult. Each of the build
ings was visited not once merely, but
twice, and a glance Inside was not
taken us satisfactory, but a walk as
nearly as possible straight through tho
center of each of the great structures
was taken.
A careful count on each tour was
kept us to the number of persons met.
It was not an estimate, but an actual
count, one by one, of every human being
seen In the Carnegie works, except those
wearing a militiaman's uniform. Each
time the total included persons count
ed twice or oftener, they being
recognized as having passed tho news
paper man more than once, but in no
such caso was nny deduction made from
the total, tho purpose being to obtain
absolute figures and not nn "estimate."
Tho total on tho first tour wns blxty
flve. Tho count on the second tour was
Clfiveliitiil niul Stevenson I'ormnlly Not I
Ilvil or Thrlr Nuinlnntliiii Tho Cere nin
nies Muile Piildlo.
Nkw Yonic, July 21. Madison square
garden was filled with enthusiastlo
democrats last evening, tho occasion
being tho notification of Grover Clove
land nnd Adlal Stevenson as candidates
for president and vice-president. Tho
great ovation of tho evening was re
served for Grover Clcvclund. As ho en
tered the hall ho was received with
enthusiastic applause. When silence
was Unally restored Chairman Williuin
I Wilson, of tho notification commit
tee, stepped to the front of tho stage
and faced tho ex-president. Mr. Cleve
land arose ut the name timo and Mr.
WUson delivered an address.
During Mr. Wilson's address Mrs.
Cleveland, who had been detained,
strove to enter tho hall unobserved, but
tho audience caught sight of her and
cheered vociferously.
At the conclusion of Chairman Wil
son's address the secretary read tho
formal notification to Mr. Cleveland, at
tho close of which the ex-president re
sponded at some length.
Immediately after Mr. Cleveland had
resumed his seat Hon. Stephen V.
White, of California, addressed Geu.
Adlal K, Stevenson, and tho secretary
read the formal notification, which wns
responded to by tho nominee for vleo
Immediately after Gen. Stevenson's
speech tho meeting adjourned and tho
delegates repaired to tho Manhattan
elub nnd any who choo and could on
tcred and greeted them with hand
shaking. I.ockeil In Kuril Other's Arms.
lULKiair, N. C, July 21. News was
I received of a sensational occurrence at
Franklinville, Kandolph county. Henry
Parks and Maud Curtis, who were en
gaged and about to be married, were in
a boat oa a pond. Tho boat cupsicd in
water twenty feet deep. Twice they
sank, and tho third timo ns they wont
down they wero locked in each other's
arms. People on tho shore saw tholr
tragic death. Parks was 93. Miss Cur
tis was 19 and she was strikingly pretty.
Three hours later their liodies were
found, still In close embrace.
Cottou I'noit Combine.
Nkw Oiu.ka.8, July 2!. The various
cotton presses have ugreed upon a tariff
of charges. An increase of five cents
per balo is clinrgcd on account of the
concessions recently granted labor.
Tho different presses have already
mado contract with leading patrons
Secretary hove Joy and tho general im-
presnon is that this is only tho begin
ning of tho legal strugglu ut Home
stead. There was considerable conjecture as
to whether any of these defendants
would have to remain In jail or not un
til tho grand jury hits in September.
An attorney said tho court could re
lease them on bail, the amount of
which would bo determined by the evi
dence its to the elm 'acter of the olVeuso
and the culpability of tho defendants.
In ease Messrs. Prick, Lovejoy und Pot
ter nre arrested they will bo compelled
to go to jail or be released in tho same
way. Alderman MeMasters said that ho
, nvttt.i.fiwl ftiffirmtltlntiu m IM4 lllllllll
stens 1 "i'v-"-'
' ! nrrtltfikt llw, fllll llfl
PiTTsnuitnii, Piu, July 10. It was
learned that William J. Hrennan, coun
sel for the Amalgamated association,
was in conference with President Weiho
and that it was probable information
against Messrs. Frick, Lovejoy nnd Pot
ter would lie made within the next
twenty-four hours. The charge will be
based on the introdnqtlon of Plnkerton
men with arms.
lleurnllln I'nlnmltr In the Mnlny Arrhl-
lu-liigii-Aii Islnml Kestroynl.
London, July ID. The steamer Cat-
tcrthuu, which has arrived at Sidney,
New South Wales, reports that when
she touched at tho island of Uiinor,
there was n rumor current that the
island of Sangls, in tho Mnlay archipel
ago, had been destroyed by a volcanic
eruption and that the whole population,
comprising 12,000 souls, had perished.
The Catterthun stenmed for miles
through masses of volcanic debris.
A native from tho Talatoo islands,
who landed at Sclongnn, reported that
several other natives had just returned
from a voyage near Sangtr. They had
intended to laud on the Island, but wero
prevented by the sight of mountains
belching forth smoke nnd fire. They
reported tluit tho "whole islund wusou
fire." The water along tho coast was
full of half, burned wrecks and pieces of
houses and charred bodies, they said.
Tho whole population, cbtlmatcd at
about 12,000, seemed to have been swept
into tho sea or bu rned, ns not a living
soul was to bo seen. Streams of lava
wcro still flowing toward tho shoro,
showing that tho activity of tho vol
canoes had not abated.
The steamship Catterthun to Sydney
brought a similar story with it into
port yesterday. Near Sangir, tho cap
tuin said, it had passed through miles
of debris unlike anything ho had before
seen nt sea. Poles and sides of huts,
most of them charred and broken, wero
mingled with such utensils as tho na
tives of tho Philippines uso in cooking.
Many unrecognizable objects, resem
bling charred human trunks, were also
seen. Tho ship was threo hours and u
half in passing through the wreckage.
These reports aro partially credited
here, although they aro beliovcd to have
been exaggerated. The formation of
tho island is volcuhlc, and several small
craters near tho center nro known to
have threatened nctivlty during the lost
ten months.
To Summer Tourists'.
Tito season Is nt hand when tho tnnn of nf
fntis, tho man who throttKh tho Ioiik whiter
mouths hnH devoted his hoHtencrirles to tho
tusks mid problems of tin) counting room,
the nillce, tho pulpit, or loglMutlvo hnlls;
when tho matron and tho maid, weurlcd ot
tho long Kcascii of sort id gaiety or con II tie
incut In tho school, or lecture room, lietako
themselves lo tho sen shore, the mouninlnH,
tho country or tho sprlntD In search of
pleasure niul rest. 'Inn Missouri, Kansas
K Texas Hallway has placed en salo sfM
urn TOLiusr Tii ki:ts nt very low rales,
with long transit limits, good to return un
til October 1st nr lfith. Every variety of
nmtiHcuifiits mid the most, plotufcsouo of
surrotiiiilliigs tiro thus plucuil willim tho
roach of all.
For further particulars concerning rntcs.
routes, sloeplng-enr nccoininndallout and
all other inlortiiatUin, call on or millions J.
I.. Williams, U. P. uiidT. A., 101 N. Fourth
street, St. Louis, Mo.; Oi:n. A. McNutt, T.
P. A., 1044 Union uventie, Knnmis City.
For three years I was troubled with mala
rial poison, hlch caused mynppctito to fall,
and I was greatly reduced In flesh, and Ufa
lost all Its charms. I tiled mercurial and
notash remedies, but to no effect. I could
get no relict. i then (icciuva to try
A few bottles of this wondcrf
medicine made a complete and permanent
cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever.
J. A. nice, Ottawa, Kan.
Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed f mo.
Swift Brccino Co., Atlanta, Go.
nn unr
with CXftiiicTi. nnd ruin which -UUa
n..k...ta ii.lioAth iHin.iindliiirnfilT. I
u TtVf ftiW s.ui siovo roiiVti , rmiimt, CMor.
IfUli IiinUnM"m ino wtmuini-rinj un.i i
Of glUMitaCh.iRUuimTi'ijr r"w
y-wp "-
In a raoo-oourso ploturo tho Jockeys con
tribute tho mouutln' scouory. iiostou Cou
The Only One Irr I'rltitrcl-Cnu Ton rind
Therois a II Inch display advertisement
In tills paiier, this week, which has no two
words alltto except one word. Themuuets
truo of each now one unpcnrlnc each week,
front Tho Dr. Hurler Mctllciiio Co. This
house jlaces n "Crescent" on everything
they malio and publish. Look for It, send
them thonumoof
return you book,
samples free.
tho word nnd they will
beautiful lithographs or
I simply state tliat',1 nm Drupgist
and Postmaster here ntul nm there
fore in a position to judge. I have
tried many Cough Syrups but for
ten years past have found nothing
equal to Boschee's German Syrup.
I have given it to my baby for Croup
with the most satisfactory results.
Every mother should have it. J. II.
Hortns, Druggist and Postmaster,
Moffat, Texas. We. present facts,
living facts, of to-day Boschee'a
German Syrup gives strength to the
body. Take no substitute. 0
Tlio ttTOmuit unit jiurtit I.yo
made Ufillxuothrr I.yo.ll being
n tliiopowilcriuict packril Inn ran
with reiiioi able lid, tlio contents
nro always rendy for use. Will
malic tliu bttt iK-rluincil Hani
Soap In IM liilliUtcH uttioul boll
in:j. It U the brkt for cleansing
wusto pi ins. disinfecting sinks,
closets, wuKlilnB totlli , pnlntH,
trees, etc. PENH R. SLT M'r CO.
Ilrn. All., j-iiiim.i -.
Health, wealth and happiness by
owning a "Ciiautku Oak" Stovh.
Nono othor will bring you such a
maximum of contentment and com-
fort, nor do its duties ns well or as
Koit itoTo dMdtri keep them. If jr$nr
doe not, wrlto direct to manufacturer
iryou wnnt to plenso n man, catch him
In n crowd uml ask him somo (lunstlou thut
lie la smart ubout. Atchison Globe.
-uif tun nrti , imi , '
An Appeal for Merry.
If you lmvo nny regnrd for your phystoul
wnl faro, hove mercy on your lioivols, conso
deluging them with drenching purifiitlves
nnd relax them without tmln with liostot
ter'sHtoinacli Hitters. Hnliiliie with it, too,
malarial uml llvor complaint, htdncy ami
rlicitinullu ailments, dyspcpsluanj nervous
iicss. m
"Notimr like tho present," ns the burglnr
murmured wliou Ito grasped little Kvu's
birthday cloolt. N. Y. Truth.
Tea enn't And wlil you wont In Tour tinmc ;.
frl nn trie Irsln ml i ir n, nur inniiiinolli llty
ioihIi Klnlilliiiifiiu If jtnirMi'l emus, llii'ii end
for nitiir-len (mi dunce for Minpa-i). nii'l onler wul
you want by Hull. Uoguiunltc itlncllon.
ihavi tun nriu ni ""
Will tiitrlfr IIT.001, Tejmlsf
KlI)Ni:Vfl, reinoTO I.IVKlt
m.'jriirr, iiuiiu Mri'iiKin. rpnvir
TIKnriil J
rritoro IiiaIIIi
Ik-ororj until. Ilyprjslns
InitlKeMtnii, tlilllri"Ifeul
I nil lirlKlitenril, Sit
power lnaro.iHilt
Iioiioi. ncrFS. ttitis
clr , rcccl o now flfri.o.
mlferliiK from couiilslnt Vo
cullnrli) their ox,,"i3K It, nine1
wnM. n 111'. I.'..J M . llllilllip
Snlil evrrvwhrro. All jrenntno Knmt. Iirnf
"freKrcnl.'' Bead cjUccuUlnmp for Ui.ij
Tim year IMl FVrilRlflN Iwmle llnm
tins lirril fn ef CAbUnaiUHO Krekris Jlxcur
Him Will In Tlll
fnim llin llnlL la
tHilnti IiiKiduV
CfpHoiiitlly I'lov
puriiiiiMiu fornll
Pfl t ton of tlio
llri'ttl Nniitliwi'si.
Now I. llio timo
to KCl l 1)111110
lliore, Wiltn 10
(I. T. N'O'iKl-nii,
Colnrnitn. Uti
Tcrtllory, Now
Mux Irn, nrxl T.
Tin i
I.I'.T.A ,A.T. " Zrt I r.Ut,eti.MH;l
H. T. It. II. To- r-nr nt. I Jv
1'iikn, KHinnm, or
.1. J. iiyriie, ami.
I'nrs.Trsir. Mur.,
Moiinilnork Ili'l.,
Chlcaitn, furfri'o
drrta or cull on
O.W, llngcntinci
ROUTK. KiimasCltr.Ma.
m m ' I II. I III
UrSlUSTUU rtHU tor? Inu jrmllfc
Tbe'lVmlo Nuipllrl.
rllll Ilrwiwili"iiniltrn'
.KiorK N'ruin.,
Vuitn Doer In tho honlthlost drlnlc known.
"Tho A. U. C Uohcmlau liottlod Beer" of
Bt l.oulMta tlio best.
It's tho shoe mnn Mho enjoys meeting
people who put their foot lu it. (Jhlcugo
lutur Uccuu.
J. C. Bimi-sos, Mnrquess, W. Vn., Bays:
"Hall's Cntnrrh Cnro cured mo of a very
bad cuso of catarrh." Urugglata sell It, 75o.
covcrluff tho year beginning .Septem
Ving was torn to pieces und Instantly j bcr, und bo the ooiitbiiiution rate will
not bo wjuespreaa in us ciiccw. ino
tnofit lmportnnt feature of tho combina
tion is the fact thut it rIiowh u desire
to combine tyiiong tho presses and it Is
generally asserted that within tho
year motft of tho presses will be widef
one management.
tiov. Toole, of runttinti, refused to
allow Idiilio und federal troops to pur
eiie fugitives from tho Cusur d'Alene
Jto.o Terry Coofco Ileail.
SiMU.vaFiKi.n, Mnss., July 10. Mrs.
Itoso Terry Cooke, nutlior, died nt 1'ltts
field nt 10 o'clock thin morning. Mrs.
Cooke was best known ns a writer of
Bhort Btorles. She wns liorn in West
Hurtford, Conn., Mxty-fivo years
ago February 17 lnsU Kho gradu
ated at the Uiirtford Female hcmlnnry
in 184H, und in 18711 was married
to It. II. Cooko at Wlnstctl, Conn. Her
first work, "Poems by Hose Terry,"
wns published in 1S00. '"Happy Dodd"
was given to the world in 1870, "Some
body's Neighbors" in 1881 and "Koot
Hound" and tho "Sphynx's Children" in
186(1. Her short stories were jntilnly de
scriptive of Now Kngland life. Several
were humorous. Her best known poem
Is "Tho Two Vlllngoa."
Wire Work Cloned.
PlTTsnunoir, I'n., .Inly 19. Tho Home
stead steel workers' strlko has indirect
ly caused tho Indefinite suspension of
tho Ilrnddoek wire works plant nt lttui
kin station nnd 000 men nro out of
The mills, nnll, rod, barbed wlro nnd
wire drawing departments have ull
closed down owing to alack of steel bil
lots to make wlro rods, etc. Tho com
pony will tako tho present opportunity
to make important improvements at tho
plant nnd eight now barbed wlro ma
chines will bu put in, which means
thirty additional men when the plant
tart up
Tun motto of tho socialistic mcchnulo
Httlo hours work Uostou Transcript.
Tun evils or mnlarlnl disorders, fovor,
wealtnoss, lassitude, dobllity nnd prostra
tion aro avoided by taking lioecbam'it l'llls.
Tint toddy Is tho stirring event of tho
toper's existence Dallas News.
Hr twit Tin-BtTS save weak, nervous men.
1 ; trial lOo. Ohio Chemical Ca .Clnclnnnll.O
Tnr. old woman who "lived in n shoo"
ovidoutly hud neighbors who kept hens.
Tub Ram's Horn Is published at Iudlan-
polii, Indlauu, ut tl.50 per yenr.
I f g
a 2 no
0 3 00
ea O 70
ei & a4
'."ia 43
it, 67i
an i n
(i, 8 A)
CI. 7 50
CAITLK-Jlcst beeves 3 60
Miockers !!.')
Native cows I8J
HOGS Oood to choice heavy.. W
WHUAT-No -i red
Na2 hard
COttN-No S mixed
OATS-No. 8 mixed.
HYK-No. 3
rr.OUH-l'atcnts, nor saclc...
Fancy ,,. I W
HAY-Cholco timothy 7 01
8 00
Fancy prairlu
POUr.TllY-Sprlng chickens..
lIU'iTKIt-Cholco creamery... 15 W
Clir.K.SU-ruU cream.., II C6
KGOS-Cholce I0j
CAlTf.K-ralr natives. 3 SO
IlOOS-IIcavy ,
SIIKKP-Kulr to choico
KI.OUK-Choice ,
WIIKAT-No. S rcil
COUN-No amlxeil
OATS-No. 2 mixed.
KVn-No, 8 ,
HUTTEU-Crcomcry ,
LAUD Western steam
CATTLK Prlmo to extra..,..
HOOS-PacUlngund shlpplne.
Slli:UP-Palrto choke, ,
I'IX)UU-Wlntcr wheat
WHEAT-No. 8rod
OATS-No. 8
UUTTKH-Croamcry ,
CATTLi: Native steer
5 0J
4 0)
7 07
1J 53
5 15
is, 3 75
((6 00
JJft 85
a 4 10
7BV40 78
45JW4 4
SHifJ 31
113 () M
Si 80
7 10
QI8 9JJ4
ITIHA tJUTYrnn owe your
ilf uml fiiuillyio net tin bent
value lor your money. Kcuno
mlzn In oiir Inolweiirliv nur-
cliu.lnu V. I.. Iluinilnorjhurs,
which reprenent the het
value for price naked, uh
lliuusnnilH will trallly.
? "PT V M
FA't ' ll 1
A genuine sewed .lioe.fintird ttcf Wr, flno calf, kwiiiIcss,
co.Uuk from M to
smoutli Intlile, Itoxllilo, morn comfortatilc.ttylldi nml ilurttiT )Ui
any ollifr (lion ever sold altbaprlcu. Ilausl tuitom lunJo sliur
i umKJ.'i lliiiiil-ewrd. fine eslf shoes. Tho mo'l stylists.
! easy and (lumblatliooiurer sold ntthcM prices, Tbty equal
nnolniportiil shws ccntlBg from 4)9 to (l.
42 HO l'olleo Mhop, Tvorn tiy larmrrs and all others ntio
9ws want a rooi heavy calf. Hirer soll,oxirnlun edge sdImv
.iv in walk In. and will ken ttin feet ilrv nml warm.
4A HO Finn Calf, 4.lft and 91 Workliiunien'a phoe
will kio n.oruwtar serine money mail any oiurrniaaii.
They are mado for fervlce, TLo liicriatlug salts show that work
JnKmeuhavfliuiimllnlsout. ..-. . .
CtWO 9'i onil YoBtlis' tl.9.1 Hchool Hlior sr
D w 9 worn by ttintio)s everywhere. Tho luott Mrvlce
able hoes sold it these 'Prlcj'S.
bAUIEiW tifaotisfor Allsscnnru matloof tho best Don-
otaorfino coir, as arnrco. rnry arn very siiiko, coin
oruhto ami durable. Tho (3 lnw equals custom mado
shoes eo.tlng front l aK lAdles who wish loecono-
mlsa In their footwear sroiinning mm out.
UAIITKIN. Dewaro of dealers suhstltutliiRShoea wltlt
Huch substitutions are fraudulent and subject tojuosecn-
outW. L. DoubIss' nnnie and the price tamirl on botlom.
aqi cno ur I nmiAi lul eunra xuen suDsiuuiions are irnuauieni ana .uujivk uihw
ol run W. L. IIUUHLna onUCS. tinn by law for obtaining money under false prctcucis.
If not Tnr nln In your olncp end ellrret tn Factory, statlni kind, alreaud wldlll
uled. I'natHae free. W III alvn rxrlaalve aalo to .boo denlrrn and general trier
ints vrbero I have tio agea to. Write for Catalogue. W. L. Doaglos, llrocliteo, lUaaa.
5 00
5 85
4 W
49 W?
30 (ft
7 40
11 0)
3 CO
54 ft 74
4 40
it 8)
4J7 5J
5 50
UOOS-Ooodlo choico 5 10 & (J 10
4 00 (H TB
as a vr
30 & M
15 18
12 k eisu
FLOUR-Uood lo iholco. ,
wheat-No. srea
OATS Western ml xcd. . , . , .
l'OUK-Old msH.
ff to
information concern-
Bend for Oonrnlete Ust of HoaUs and Kates for
k to una auu nui mionnauc
a. j. BMrrn,
Ina Train BBrvice
o. ir. WlLSHR.
Western Fai. Agent, Oen, Pa... ds T. Afreut,
mrfttu tuis rtrss mn u ns w.
no knife i Hook Kkkc.
lira. ilsiTiusv A Nonius,
13 Elm Ut., Cincinnati, O,
u.. t rM.
rnr fjirlplo Worlds Fslrt Ilia Par to sell Ducot
r ntCmr AxiiCosqi's.roi'MfwWosi.o. siupn.
ojOIIIi. Hooks on lime. C'oluuiMs fab. to., K. C. Mo.
ay-SAMS t Ull WIS mi ti n
u roenruo Bircei. i;uxcno.
ill krf tiiMr nfuly oUrrM
-UlWutof lUn I 1ibtruDtrnU. L'ni
forms nml Diunnicnts. 400 tifit !!
lutlraUuiti, iktinbirj ttrry article
iMUirfl 1 1 mn li or Drum Curro.
:... ., . . --.
uinumi invnifieoni tor Aoi&ivur 11-inui,
uticifctian'iiiruM Majors Tf!ir, jiy
Um oal ixltxtttl Ui ( ram) Muvic
VV aaaa
mm fat
rA x r l
m III Inn 1 sin l.i
5?!!l J1", for clrrolir". and "xtlnionl.fa. Ai
r JIMTDIIVM a Vlcker-a Tnealre allda, Ohli
rSAUS this rarw t.i omimiim,
. N.),d
'nn 1 iiabade!lMia,HtrletWconltlentlaaT
..r"niui..i,ifc iwr
EUCinUC D.elllS.KIrTS.'fdUsbtcd. H fro for fa.
rCHwIUrW jiur.BiiKTliMic. I.n.wfr.
a. w. acumsiiKaHfljis, w.tkkiit.., P, C iUataUia
ar Sims tun rarta .. n .
CoasaalBtlea and pooplo
who hare weak luncs or Attn,
ran, should use i'lso's Cure for
Consumption, it has cured
thou.anda. It has not Injur
ol ono. It Is not tiart to take.
It Is the best eoiisb sjrup.
Hold ererrnhorn. 3e.
A. N. K.-D.
SUM last you saw tUo AdrlUva ha Oa
1 ;