ftBjBSSsaagaaBg II I II III. Ill I WPMwftHMnmmip fpHpiMmMr vvvHMPwnwravaOTPhwviaHqpBrmavwinaiHiHviwHiiNMivv'1"ivr(,BHpqHiw i. . V-.. tgli "gSSfe- ! I ssnc-ir5r2-T - ?--sw;?i - , s-?-t.M-i-vimfrm:-fmim.-tf?i ywMfmJttjjmiwrtimmaBimuKmmrmuv -nKssasr?-- SSSSrf.M-l'Wrji--i-jrAv aar7..lV H.Js i al i 'I HM I aWH'i Ii" M ' H I I I II !' 1. 1 1 1M 1 I iMI MM i SM i in fetPl-'fc-" ml Jvuf JsrXf.WKm '1 K 'TMJT'trWllLa'W?tfa-ag" ilHMsnwn'i um. -Mi-B Vr SBSanaF" --: - ,-- -v SH a "-- T 1 ' It ---"-" FTT'fnJ ")ffll, 'U TY 'LIHMW. Y Th w By A. C. Hosmkr. 010,000 TO I.OAX TO WORTHY STIIHIMS, Nomonoy required to reccUo an uilurntlonnt tlilicollese. The only condition of wlmlston Rro n Rood moral cluiraclor ami nit umliltlon to secure an education. 1 lilt collpj-a has ict nMilo 115,000 to be loaned iltirli)tlio present) ear to jouiik people nho wlili to attend our school, but have not the ready fundi. All the time needed will be ulven In which to pay thu loan; and a student can tftko a full course to graduation without n dollar to bei;lti w lib. IT IS MUST TO PAY AM YOU DO) hut If this Is Impossible ou cinnot alTord to Mart In life without an education when ou hire an opportunity like tlili. Ten states represented In the attendance and fifty graduates last jcar. Hoaul In private family $2.00 per week. We teach the Electric Sliort-Haliil which can be learned In lo-stlmo than other systems. After you hao read the circulars of all other schools, semi for our catalogue mid we will Icavo It to your Juditment which school In the west ranks first in standliiK. Address, A. in. HAKOIN, Pre., ftruml IkIiiimI, Neb. Ho, There! e. w. dow m Keeps a full line of Sickles, Pitman Boxes, Knife Heads, Sections, Guards, Guard Plates, Bivets, for all kinds of Mowing Machines. I2F Old iron taken in exchange. Machines repaired in good shape. I have also a FLOUR and FEED. OSCAR PATMOR Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying ) oui flour. What is EaESna Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infents And Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute) for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years1 uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy nud natural sloop. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. ; Castoria. "Castoria I an excellent medicine for chil lies. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of lta good offect upon their children." Da. Q. 0. Osaooo, Lowell, Mass. " Castorla la tho best remedy for children of blcb I am xaijualntcd. I lm?o tho day Is not far distant whtu moilt tb w 111 consldortho real Interest of their clilj lieu, und uso Cactorln In tead of the varlousqunck nostrums which ara destroying their lorod onw, by forcing opium, morphine, oothlnK yrup and other hurtfid genu down their throats, thereby scndlas Ibem to premtture grares." Do. J. F. KncnxuB, Conway, Ark. 1km CesUiir Company, Tl Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is y ?? few kind of rake teetti on liana G. IV. DO IF. Castoria. " Castorla U so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any proscription known to me." IT. A. ABCBtn,M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, BrooklpvH. Y. Our physicians in the chlldrou n depart ment hare spoken highly of their experi ence in their outsldo practice with Castoria, and although wo only bare among our medical supplies what Is known a.t regular products, yet we are free to confess tliat the merits of Castorla has won us to look with faror upon It." TjMtTtn ItoerrriL inn Disrerunr, Uofton, Mass. A luck C. Burro, I'm , Murray Street, Wew York City, Red Cloud, Webster County, StipcrviNor'ft I'rovccdliis. ' Moved and carried llmt on appro printion of $rT).0O bo inndn to Hntin towusiip as rcoouimondcd by Lrido comuiittco and that Supervisor llofl nnn bo instructed to ovorpoo Bnid work, Moved and carried that J. Watt, Supervisor of Guide Hock township, be instructed to repair tho Guide Hock bridge Moved and curried thut nti appro printion of $G0 bo made to build a bridge over Willow Creek between coo 1 nnd 2, T 2, 11 10 as recommend ed by tho committee. Moved pnd carried that tin appro priation of $100,00 bo appropriated to build u bridgo over Fanner'rt Creek, in Ipavalo townvhip, as recommended by the committee, Moved and carried that tho bridge comuiittco bo instructed to advertiso for bids to build and construct n pile brigde over Elm Creek, bctweon soc. 33&31, T I), 11 10, and that said com mitteo bo further instructed to lot contract to build and construct said bridgo according to plans and speci fications, to th a lowest responsible bidder. Petition from Oak Creok township for an appropiiation of $200 to build bridt-o on county lino between Web ster and Adams counties was indefi nitely postponed. Petition from Guide Hock fur an appropriation of $200 to drean and grade road. Tho committee on roads reported unfavorably, and tho peti tion was rejected. Adjourned to 1 p. tu. July 14, 1 p. m., board convened. Patterson chairman. 14 members present. C. SohafTnit presented a petition asking Board to icliovo him from taxes osscssod on goods in 1890, said goods having boon sold eubjoct to taxes. Upon investigation it was moved and carried that no action bo taken in the matter. G-, W. Hummol appeared before tho board and claimed an error in his taxes of 1883. Upon investigation it was moved and carried that tho Treasurer be instructed to deduct from tho aggregato amount oi taxes and interest for tho year 1883, $11.16 from Mr. Hummcl's taxes. Committoo on printing recommend ed thut The Nation bo designated os tho paper to print tho tax Males for this vcar. Carried. Moved that $100 bo appropriated to represent Wcbstor count; at the worms l'air. Alter a trco and gen oral discussion tho motion wb lost, II r, Holm grain appeared bofore tho Board and asked that a deduotion $0.07 on his taxes of 18SG bo made. Upon investigation it was moved and carried that tho Treasurer be instruct ed to deduct from tho aggregate amount of taxes nd interest tho sum of D.97. CominUtco to scitlo with County Treasurer inado tho following report: We, your oommitico to sottlo with County Troasurcr, for tho term of six months, from July 1, to January 6th, 1892, bavo examined tho books and find that tho exhibit herein made i correct. Alf McCall, Chm. Moved and carried that report bo accepted. Motion to rccoufddcr vote on world's fair appropriation was carried. Motion to amond tho original mo tion of $100 und that this Board ap propriate $150 to auxiliary Uoatd of JJtato exhibit World'it Fuir of Web stcr county. Ajca: Watt, Foe, Rusaer, Holm grainGurbor, C F Cather, Hummel Iron; McCall, 9. Nuyes: Kiudseher. Wright, Ziuk- Neb., Friday, July 29, n merman, Kglingtou, G P Gather, Pat terson, G Motion declared ourrii'd. Shorilf Goo 15 Coon was ordered by tho Board to tike one glandArcd Jack owned by Ericksou and kill tho snmo and prcscr.t bill for tho cash value of said jack. Adjourned to July 15, i) a in. July 15, 1892, 1) a in. Board con vened. Patterson chairman. 13 mcmbc8 present. Motion by Garbor that 0 F Cathor, and Alf McCall bo appointed a com mittee of two with the ndvico of County Attorney, who shall have full power to sottlo all claitui bctweon Wobstsr and Thayer counties, in re gard to tho Williams claim, nud re port said settlement to this board nt its next meeting. Tho motion pre vailed. D S Sehcnck Constable, having re moved from this city, tho oflice of con stable was declared vacant. Petition of L II Dojo nnd others for tho appointment of J C Womcr to fill vacancy of Constable in tho city of Hcd Cloud was rocoived. Motion that tho potition bo grant ed. Ayes; Walt, Foe, Busscr, Gat her, C F Cathor, Hummel, Irons, Mc Call, 8. Nays: Kindschcr, Wright, Zim merman, Holmgrain, Eglington, G V Gather, Patterson 7. Motion declar ed carried. Adjourned to 1 p m. July 15, 1 p in. Board convened Patterson chairman. 13 members pro sent. Resolution; Whereas, information has boen received by this board that Henry Lanibrccht, a resident of this oounty, has about $35 in his hands, belonging to one Jacob llartman who has been a public chargo upon, and a great expense to, this county, Therefore, it is moved that haid Henry Lambrccht bo required to pay said monoy to Webster county, and that the supervisor ot Cathcrton township be instructed to look after this mattor. The resolution was adopted. 0 W Kaley presented a petition from llosemont for tho opening and establishment of road through tho ccntro ot sec 20 4, 9, which was reforr cd to committee on roads. Wc, your committee on roads, would recommend tho opening and establishing of road through tho cen tre of section 2!) 4 9 as prayed for in the petition, provided tho rig.it of way is sreurrd nnd no expense to Wonder county. IZl.MMKUMAN, IIUMMBI,, KlNUSCIIKH. Moved and carried that tho report of tho comiuitteo bo accepted. Motion by Gather that tho County Treasurer bo authorized to transfer tho cash on hand from tho general funds f f all ycara previous to 1890, and carry future collections of said funds to tho cash account of tho gen eral fund of 1890. Tho motion 'prevailed. Moved and carried that the clerk bo authorized to issuo warrant for $50 in favor of tho Commissioner General for case to exhibit Webster county centals at World's Fair. Upon investigation tho chairman and clerk were ordered to sign tho ap plication of Mm, Elizabeth Carrier for admission to Soldeir's Home at Grand lulaud. Committee on olaiiucs run do the fol lowing report. Wo, your committoo on claims, would recommend that the claim of R II Allen of Stillwater for assessing said township for $'J7.G0 bo allowed for$71.G(X Moved tint tWa report ot conrmlttoo rbo accepted. Amended by Hammol the Price of The Chief. 1892. that tho bill as presented by Mr. Allen bo allowed in full. Ayes: Watt, Wright, Zimmerman Foe, Rassor, Holmgrain, Garbor, Hummol, Patterson, 9. Nays: Kindschcr, G F Cathor, Eglington, G P Gather, Irons, Mo Cull, 0. Motion as amended dcclarod car ried. I W Tullcys modioal services ft 00 G E MoKoeby " 1 00 C B Crono fees 31 00 G W Barkor attornoj 7 70 Fred Plumb hauling lumber 1 00 Geo Van Woort labor bridgo 8 00 M Stratton " 12 00 C G Cox repairing ! 8 00 W II Rca work on bridgo. . . 4 00 J S Columbia ' " 7 75 C W Lingrcn hauling G 00 J Ilonry piling ... 4 00 Geo Lopcman work 1 50 II 8 Proudflt lumber Ill G2 J F Watt work 18 00 Piatt & Frees Co lumber. ... 1G0 95 S J Whittcn lumber 22 00 It II Allon assessor Stillwator 97 GO S P Martin Garfield JnsBroomfield " Inavalo M B Corner " Elm Creek ThosAndcrson " Batin 5G 20 05 GO 72 GO 78 00 83 GO 93 00 Gl 00 79 20 112 40 43 80 GO 00 87 GO Wm Ilurd "Pleasant Hill " Harmony " Catherton Walnut " Red Cloud " Lino f Beaver Creek 'E Harrison O E llamoy Mark Noblo A Hcdgn Otto Stokes Amos Dillon Alcctus Riley ' Oak Creok O Sehcnck Rod Cloud Cy 142 00 Geo Gray G W Hat-an ' A Buschaw M h D Wells G W linker W II Makoy J A Lookhart ' I BanliH Stephen Baylos Flotohor Ailes Hugh Hunter Oliver Oonrad J W Boomer G E Oatnun T Lawlcr Clarenco Stout Ch as Lyon Austin Riley Frank Stoko David llaught Alien Ayori A Hedge S W Fulton Jus AtcierHon (1 W Gulliford S W Foe ChaH Schuitz F Houchin W II Fuller E R Thomas J M Suitors II J Sheldon Glonwood 84 80 Guido Rook 114 20 Potsdam 1G7 80 juror 19 20 19 40 24 20 21 20 25 GO 20 20 21 80 9 50 23 GO 23 GO 18 70 11 20 4 4 21 17 21 1G DO GO 00 GO B0 70 18 20 18 50 20 20 . 10 10 20 20 17 GO 6 00 G 00 6 00 8 50 0 20 9 60 18 20 22 40 G 00 v A J Hitter II B Fulton Wm Bowers M C Gordon H L Hopkins salary 200 00 G Fassler money advanced.. 225 CO J T Armstrong 4144 G Fassler postage & Ex 6ft 00 II D Rannoy postage oV Ex. . 48 83 II D Ranney Ex & postage. II 90 Jos Garbor supervisor 18 40 A II Crary G P Cather 10 00 GG 20 C F Gather A 11 Hoffman 30 80 27 00 39 00 21 80 14 00 38 80 47 80 27 95 27 f0 ?. 40 27 00 J" Wm II Patterson John Rimsor 15 II Foo Alf McCall Wm Irons Geo Hummel Jacob Kindsclier A tf'Hbliflgiih ' W J Wright . ' Vol. 20. No. 1 M M Miller P Zimmerman J P Eglington J F Watt C U Crono costs ' 18 80 " 31 8ft ' 2G 00 24 iO oaso Miser 6 00 Ifnrrla 1 111 11 " " pos and uxp 18 2ft G E Coon Harris oaso 2 5ft T Ponccr 4 20 AZerwokh Bailiff 22 00 B Hatfield hauling 3 00 DKcBlorwork 31 10 C F Cather money advanced 24 00 L D Oalman boarding jury '3 2& RM Rich OH roof 9 00 C L Cotting supplies G 2ft TC Hacker supplies 1 B0 Chicago Clothing Store sup 1 ftO Kony on & Sawyer 98 50 C Sohonck Coroner. ........ 30 00 II A Shinklo boarding 18 0(1 " ' 64 BO 80 2ft " " 12U 00 Jus MoNcny 104 40 F P Shields printing supplies B7 ftO J L Greonleo " State Journal M 49 7ft 223 4ft 12 00 " " book rejected Omaha Pub (Jo supplies. . . ... 49 B0 lft B0 1ft 30 0,60 3 70 ii it it it ii ii A C Hosraor printing 101 13 MoMillan Pottor&Co printinsr 27 25 A Morhart uppliet BO 6ft Miner Bros supplies 14 10, W S Garbcr " 2 60 L II Doyo " 64 20 Geo Ross work jail 2- 00, J W Moon rent 60 00 1) M Hunter salary. 528 75 Truders Lumber Co 28 76 J Jensen work 112ft , J Duffy foes 0 70 Wm Hasnessjwork 150 G A Hutton election 2 00 James Strango work 6 00 O Patruor see. 2 60 OF Evans oil 8 50 JWFoeWmCase 10 Oo GJE Coon jaek killod 2ft oo G E Coon sheriff's fee -. 67 7o A J Tomlin8on Br prisoners 48 Bo " as jailer 184 Bo " " at coart 31 oo " " Br insane lol Bo 41 " chadvonsup 36 6ft Nation pub pro 6 in Bo oo A J Tomlinson bd eity pris ri Stato Journal book rejected J 15 Fox horse killed 'ri ' II Obcrheide Bd pauper r H D Rannky, County Clerk, RepubllcftM Sevatorlat -(a. The republicans of Nuckolls, Franklin and Webster coaotiei will meet in convention, at the court-house in Rod Cloud on Thursday. Aug., 11, at 2 p. m. for the purpose cf nosol lutiny; a candidato for senator for 26th district. The counties are entitled to the following representation: Webster f ,....., ,10 Franklin .. ..-.- 6 Nuckolls j & O. F. Uatuib, Bse'y. W. Fostir, Chairman Tho B. & M. will sell tickets t Deadwood and Hot Springs, S. D., at rate of one fare for tbe rotu-d trip, tickets to be sold July 26 U Ang. 10 inclusive with transit limit of -one day in each direetion, and f nal limit to Oe tobcr!0,92. Trio n n hi conelave, Kaights Tet plnrs, Denver, Col., Ang. M4,18D2. For tho above ooossioB round Iris tickets will be sold July 2ft to Ang. 10 inclusive, to Denver atone lowest frit class fare, Stop-overs will be allowed without transit limiU of tiekeU. Bid trip oxcurd'on tiokets will be sold to llclunu, Salt Lake City and Ogdta and return at one lowest flrst class fai 'for the round "trip in connection with tho Denver Ounclave excursion tiakri ftnal limits on tbifa tiokets Owi.;l&, J892. A. Conovsb, AU r 1,1. J VK I &&.- ....-"i j:..-.... K