The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 22, 1892, Image 7

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Gov. Pnttlson RoBponds to tho Do
mnnds of tho ShorlfT.
Eight Tliottaitml Troop Orilerrit to tUo
Scone of tho lloinentcuil Tnniblo
Tlio Workmen Will Not Itinlst
Them Krlck Wurned.
HAnniRnuiio, Pa., July 11. Tho en
tire division of tho nntlonnl guard of
1'enusylviinta, about 8,000 men, have
Ihjcji ordered to Homestead to support
Sheriff McClcnry in Mippresslnjf tho
riots at that place. This uetlou of tho
governor was taken on receipt of tho
following dispatch:
ttohort I I'nttlHon. Kovcrnor, HurrlMuirif, Pa.:
PnTHiiumiii, l'a., July 10. The situa
tion at Homestead has not Improved.
While all Is quiet here tho strikers are
In control and openly express to mo nntl
to the public their determination that
tho work) shall not Ixs operated unless
bji themselves. After making all ef
forts in my power, I have failed to
secure a posso respectable enough in
numbers to accomplish anything and
I ntn satisfied that no posse
raised by civil authority can do any
thing to change the condition of affairs
and that any attempt by an Inadequate
force to restore tho right of law will
only result in further armed reststnnco
nnd consequent loss of life. Only iv
large military force will enable me t
control matters. If such n force Is sent
tho disorderly clement will bo over
awed nnd order will bo restored, I
therefore call upon you to furnish mo
such assistance.
William II. McClkauv, Sheriff.
flov. l'attlson, as commander-in-chief
of the national guard, at once issued tho
following order:
Qroriti II Snomlen, Major General. comm.iuu
In? National Uuurit of l'ciin)lvanta:
Put tho (HvIhIoh under nrms nnd move at
oucc with umtnuuttlon to aupnort the sheriff of
Allegheny county nt HotncRtoiul Miilntitln the
peace protect all peruons lit tholr rlRhts under
the formlltutton and law h of ttio stato. Com
ruunlcutu with mn.
Koiikiit K. Pattiron, Governor.
To Sheriff McClcury thu following was
William 11. McClcury, Sheriff of Allegheny
county, Plttuburch, ln.:
ilnvo ordered Miijor-Oencral Georso It
SnouuVn with tho division of tho nntlonnl
KU.iril of Pennsylvania to your support til onco.
Put yottrxclf In rotnmunlcntloti TkttU him. Coin,
munlcuto with mo further piirtlvulurB.
lloin.KT B. PATrisoK, Governor.
General Snowden, with udjutnnt-gen-ertil
and quartermaster, at once pro
ceeded to formulate the ortlcrs for tho
mobilt.atlon of tho guard. Some of tho
troops will bo under way early in tho
Lato last night Major Oencnvl Snow
den Issued an order to llrigadier-Gen-eral
Kobert I. Dechert, l'lilhulclplila,
commanding First brigade, as follows:
In compliance with orders of tho commander
in chief you will concentrate your command
tn camp nt Mount Orctua by to-morrow
(Monday) uttcrnoon aud there awult fur
ther orders. Mattery horel Take with
you thrro days' ration, and all ammuni
tion on hand. Firm troop mountort will movo
on first train available on Pennsylvania roll
road bound eant
An order was Issued to tho Second
brigade to concentrate at n point Gen.
jnowden declined to make public (pre-
Rtimably Homestead), and await orders.
Tho Third brigade whs ordered to con
centrate nt Lcwiston and move west
Telegrams wero sent to all regimental
The news of the ordering out of tho
natioual guard was received at Pitts
burgh lato last evouing aud caused
much excitement.
The following telegram wn received
at midnight by Col. W. C. Connelly, Jr.,
of tho governor's htnff :
Ordcn Untied for tho entire division to mnvo
Immediately. Tho Second nnd Third brigade
will rendezvous at llrluton nnd tho fourth
brlgado ut Mount Orctua to boheldln reirrto.
Adjutant-General of Pennsylvania.
IIomkstkai), l'a., July 11. Intenso
excitement was created by the an
nouncement that tho Pennsylvania
mlMtin, 8,000 strong hud been ordered
out and would arrive in Homestead to
day. Later tho opinion was freely ex
pressed by tho rank nnd file thut the
militia would bo received by no hostile
demonstration and that an armistice
would be declared until after their de
parture. "Hut they will have to go
nway somo time," said tho leader of a
little group near tho depot, "and when
they do we would like to seo them run
tho'mlrt non-union."
This little sentence expresses as fully
ns could volumes tho situation that will
lie ushered in by tho advent of tho
militia. As long m this army of mili
tiamen are on the ground there will bo
no opposition from tho strikers, no law
lessness and no violent demonstrations.
Shortly nftcr midnight a hurried call
was sent out for a meeting of tho ad
visory committee to consider the atti
tudo which should bo assumed toward
the militia.
PiTTsnunou, Ph., July It. Mayor
Gourley, of this city, accompanied by
Chief lirawn, of tho department of pub
lic safety, held a long conference yes
terday with Sir. II. C. Frlclc, chairman
of the Carnegio Steel Co. Tho purposo
of this meeting was not made publio
until to-duy. Mr. Frlck was Informed
by tho city officials that should ho bring
nny more Plnkcrton or other armed
ttten to this city, either in a body or
singly, they would bo immudlatly ar
rested for trial and their weapons seized.
It is said that Mr. Frlck told the mayor
that it was not his Intention to bring
tnoro Plnkertons here.
Train Kobber Ciiptureil
GurimiK, O. T., July 11. A telegram
was received from United States Mar
shal Grimes stating that ho nnd his
posse had three of the Canadian Texas
trnln robbers in irons, and wero closo
on tho trail of tho fourth, and would
certainly capture hltn. Ono of tho rob
bers they surprised near Harrison, 0. T.,
tho others crossed into tho Chickasaw
country, and tho olUcors camo up with
them about darlc A running light
and steady battlo took place for a half
hour, und ono of the robbers' horseb was
tilled und ono of the men wounded,
thus two more of them wero captured,
but tho fourth got away.
The Troop In Charge of tho Town Hen.
Nnmrileii' Snub to tho Committee That
Will ted on lllm.
HuMKSTKAti, Pa., July 14 At soon as
Gen. Snowden had established his
headquarters In tho sehoolhouso on tho
hill over the iron works he was waited
on by n committee consisting of O' Don
noil, Coon, Crawford, Sehukman and
Clifford, representing the Amalgamated
association, tho advisory committee
nnd the citizens. Coon was the spokes
man, nnd coming to Gen. Snowden. ho
stated that ho represented the associa
tion nnd tho cltlensj that on their
part ho welcomed tho troops to tho
town and he offered the cooperation of
tho citizens in preserving order.
Gen. Snowden mild: "I thank you for
your welcome, but I do not need your
co-opornllon. lite only way good rltl-
rens can ro-operaic wiin us in preserv
ing good order Is to go peaceably about
their business."
Coon wild: "The citizens wish to
know at. what time they may give you
ti public reception."
Snowden replied! "I can accept, no re
ception, sir: it would bn most Improper.
I thnnk yon for your courtesy, but a
formal welcome is not needed. It would
be an amazing thing If tho National
Guard wtis not welcome in any part of
Mr. O'Donnell hero took up tlm con
versation and begim: "On the part of
the Aiunlgauutvd association I wish to
say that after suffering an attack from
Illegal authority wo tiro ghul to have
the legal authority of thu MjiUi here."
"I do not recognize yourtissociation,
replied Gen Snowden. "I rceognl.o no
one lint the citizens of (Ms city. We
liiivn come here In restore law nnd or
der: and they nrrul ready restored."
"Hut we wish to submit," O'Donnell
began, when the general cut hltn short,
saying: "Then. sir. submit to tho gen
tleman lwhlntl you."
O'Donnell wlu'eled n round and saw
Sheriff MeClenry standing In the. group.
"I do submit to hltn," lui said. "Vm
have never questioned thu sheriff's or
der." The general smiled rather sarcastical
ly aud said: "I ant glad to hear It.
Hut you must understand our position.
We are here lo preserve the peace. V
represent the executive arm of the. statu
aud I have nothing to say to you further
than that the sheriff must, lxi olusyetL"
Later rartlrillar From tlm Trouble at
C.mird'Alenw-Th situation Still MrlniM
-tlnltoU Ur TC04UW to Tnki. u Uiuiil.
Wallace, Idaho, July 13. A careful
estimate places the number of deathbin
the mining riot ut Ciuur d'Aleuo at
seven und tho wounded at fourteen.
tt..t i i i !...
r . V. .. """" '"; "" ."
deatli rolL Tuu total loss by the ex
plosion of tho Frisco mill will be 1U5,
000. Campbell, a mine owner, states that
ho has received information that tho
strikers have loaded the non-union
mines near Wardncr with giant powder
and threaten to blow it up if non-union
men go to work.
The majority of the non-union miners
null unit ntftipr tnlnoil fhi strlUpi-K or
liave been huddled off on the road, to
.,...., ,
other parts of tho country.
Tlio sheriff made an effort to collect
o posse and go to Wardncr on n special
. , ,, .... , ,, ,.,.,'
iruin. jic iiuum-u uii ciuicin """ 11
to bo in active sympathy witli the inlno .
owners to report nt 10 o'clock, but when
the sheriff started only ono citizen re-
. , . ,,,!,! .1
ported. Armed bodies of miners went
from Wallace all tlie evening.
Tho situation is serious at Wardncr. '
Tho non-union miners In Hunker Hill .
nntl Sullivan have not
uu 1 aiuivun .mc ii j toiire uuu
Private information states tlio union
v..l nnmo nnL
j Li loiih. uuu
men nave liUl) pounds of giant potvilc
with fuse attuchetl and will set it off If tlm niiii.imlniilstB An nnt.nm., If tlio non-unionists Uo not tome
A messapo from Washing ton stated
that the president had ordered that fed
eral troops be sent to thu scene of the
miners' troubles in Idaho, and Gen.
Schnlield has ordered (Jens. Kuger und
Jlerritt to send troops there.
The union men and the owners of
Hunker II1U and Sullivan mines held -meeting
last night President O'Hricn,
of the union, gave his ultimatum to tho
mine owners as follows:
"All non-union men must leave the
state at onco or the mine will be blown
up and an attack on non-union miners 1 conference, the things of which. Uioy com
immnrk.A plain could bo analyzed and, It found unjust,
The mine owners to gain time nproad
to discharge ull non-union men within
forty-eight hours.
Death nt til Noted Projector at tli Ureal
Atlantlo Culile.
Donn's 1'V.itnv, N. Y., July 13. Cyrus
W. Field, tha venerable' financier, and
father of the Athtntin cable, died this
morning nt 9:80 o'clock, after a long
illness. Those present-at
his bcdsldo
were David Dudley
Field, Mrs. Cyrus
Judson and tho at
tending physician.
The repoct in a
morning paper that
ho wns insuno bc
foro his denth is
pronounced incor
rect on tho author
ity of the family
c. w. FIKI.n.
Field. There
physician nnd ltev.
were momenta when
he was delirious, as Is often tho case In
severe sickness, but theso wero followed
by rationul Intervals. Tho end was
Warrant for the Lender.
PiTTsnunou. July ia. Sheriff Mu
Clettry has sworn In a number of special
deputies, who will servo bench warrants
on the leaders of tho strike. It is said
that such a step will have n greater ef
fect at Homestead than even tho troops.
The fact that those urrestod will bo put
in Jail and ennnot bo released under
ball will tnku many of the lenders away,
nnd their counsel will bo missed. On
the other hand it is claimed that this
step may cause tho more hot heuded to
break out as soon as tho cooler leaders
are removed. It is not known how tlm
men will take. Jha wholesale arrests,
fI uJP kKT
liwi!i iNw
A "Statement From the Aitvlanrr Hoard of
tlm llnmridritil Wiirkineii-Ntittouiont of
the CiiriirRloCiiinpnny llenleiL.
Homhstiud, Pa., July 14 Tho fol
lowing statement issued by tho advis
ory committee of tho workmen explains
tho position of the ment
Homestead Kmployes' Answer tatho Curucfto
The differences existing between tho Carno
(tlo company nnl their employes at Homestead
have drawn from 1L C Krlck ft statement of
tho pointa In dispute w hlch mnlces ncccusary a
rcplv In order that wrorw lmiroKlonof tho
conditions may not bo rccled bj-rtho public
It Is nMertod tUnt tho etnplojes combined
with others of their trade) forming tho Amal
gamated uaiioclntlon. wtthnbsolttto control oyer
tho ltomcitea.1 works. This cluirco can only bo
supported to tin BQtlsrucJlonot thopo who deny
tho rlRht of tb cnplo es td enter objection to
nay condition offored by tho employer. Tho
worldni;men l Uoaietteadornny otberof tho
hundreds of inllM organized Into tho Amalga
mated usoelatUa huvo no deslro to dictate tho
wages they shall receive, but thcy'soc. no reason
why they should not cxerelmi thoprhllego of
engaging with Uirir wiploytr In tho contro
versy throuch which tho rata of compensation
for their luboc U Usod. r
Tho workmen ofo thoy nlwnys have
been, prepared to meot the representatives of
thuiotnpuny uwl dUcufll tho provisions con
mined In tho nculc ubmltted by them. If tho
conferences already held havo failed to bring
alout a settlemeut, It cannot bo Hiild that this
was the fault of tbo worklugmon.
l"ho scale under which Uie men nt HoinoiU"ad
were working wu srrnngcdi In, July ot 189.
Thoratoof wage was Uxcd necordlng to thd
selling price of 4x4 llcsscmcr steel billot. Um
wages udvuncing nd declining with tho selling
price of Uio articles, but It wn provided tho
minimum should bo l-V Complaint In mado
tliatno minimum should bao tceu Itulstod
Uon. It Is tho oxpcrlenco of tlio Iron and
steel workers that somo prevention Is noccs
sury to protect thennchcs from being reduced
to an extremely low rato of pay by tho accent
nnce by manufacturers of scnlcs below curront
rates: us the worldnnmrn do not sell tho prod
uct, then.' must bo a point Mhero a reduction la
w ages by reason of low figure scnlcs shall cease.
It is ullrfcd that labor organizations nro tnjurl
Ions nltko to tlio toilers and those by whom they
uro employed, In substantiation of which It Is
cltol by Uie llrm that thero is no "orgnnlaitlon
among thelrcmployentlraddoiU nor Uuaucsno
steel works; that tho men thero nro sutlslled,
that they get good wage and that no tttrlko
las occurred since tho institution of uuu ar
rangement. It may lx) said that tho satisfaction of wlilcli
Mr. Krlck speaks ns existing at tho abovu
works Is forced rather than voluntary, us may
lo proied by tho many efforts of tho men In
tlieso mills toorgaul;.o themselves in secrcsy
Knowlcdgo of muh Intentions coming to tho
cars of Uui company would bo and wus followed
by discharge. Tho wage enjoyed by tho men
n 1 1 nntl TliwninanA n ii thn illfrtt mat lit
IU l - IIUUULR UIIW tiUIJUlDWI W U tU Vt lib b ihiv
of tlio rato of coinpca-atlon sustained by tho
orc.uib.ed iron and steel workere. Whllo thoy
nrc not organised In thewo mills tbo rata of pay
for Uto class of work douo by them fixed by
their organized fellow trudexmon determines
the jwy that commands their services.
It is the custom of Uio employers of non-union
men In tlio Iron and steel trade to pay the rates
, provided by tho Amalgamated scale in order to
. socure tho service of men of that trade- His
found, however, to be Invariably tbo case that
wltb these employers, whllo thoy pay tho raus
, proUdedby tho Amalgamated association, tho
men nro required to ucecpt condition which
I w tanumount to a reduced rate, oltbough not
' ppeunng on mn iac. onavo reason 10 uc
. llcve that tho
non-union plants of U ruddock tfnd
Uoquesno can bj prorod to bo no exception to
this rule. Tho Introduction of machinery to
which rcf erenco Is mado by tho company has dis
placed men that were necessary before the in
troduction of such machinery, and In this man
ner repay tho cost of tho Investment. Tho
output of a mill Is always considered when ar
ranging scales and If Increase of output with
ou t Increase of labor Is brought about by lm
provement Uicro 1 every opportunity offered
by tbo workmen to arrlvo through conference
at an cqultablo rate: but when tbo employer
! refuses to engago In discussion
wiin uio cm-
Ll0'".?,' matUr aU hopo of tt uat80tlle-
i ment Is lost
An attempt is mado to lea the publio into
tho belief that tho number of men affected by
Uo reduction U fw. Hero again it becomes
i necessary to lmpross on tho publio mind tho
,uc, cr0 ar0 thrc0 distinct propositions con-
taincdlu tho dispute, nomely i 'A -reduction In
tho minimum, onoluc reduction lu tho propov.
yoato vrutV' th" making u double rc-
duction) und that sculo tcrmlnnto Ueoembcr
3,"', ,n8lcad of Jull0 im. i,
muBt bo understood thut wbllo nil ot
theso propositions do not nffect tho
wtol?P tbo . Homestead workmen, low o
n0 " employee oi uiuv yiawj vnvuiu
wuhout bcins nllected bv ono or more of Its
wUn0Ut bcliw mtocKd uy ono or more of Its
prmlKlo-. Wast docs not nffect tUo one dwn
affect tbo otucr, ana it munt uo sata tuui in-
tcaUot tUo company's proposal nltcrlnK tuo
condition of cmploymont of 3!, tho chanitols
Beucrol d tno whoi0 aro involved. It U
stated by tlio company with much force that ll
Is not their desire to rcduco their workmen uo-
low others. Tho cost ot production to tuo
Carnegio company at Homestead Is dcclUrdly
In favor ot tho company as compared with mills
of thut character. It can no be shown that
they cannot astulillsh a complaint In that direc
tion. :
In arranging scale ot wages to govern Iran
and steel worlcer. thero are lunumc ruble things
which -must rocelvo attention If jusUcomust
prcvuil. Tho Intricacies referred to urosucli
as to render liable erroneous views to bo drawn
by those not familiar with tho trada from their
dtscuBblon In too public press. There cun bo no
legitimate reason why tho Curncglo company
should deny to their Homestead workmen a
mado right. Tho men'mako no further proposi
tion than this for tho Blmplo reason that none
fairer Is possible. If argument and honest
reasoning wero substituted for the reserve and
coldness of manner as seen In the company's
attitude there can bo reason to expect an end
ot this state of affair. Docs It notscem strangn
tliat the Carnegie company looks with dlstruit
upon tho organization of Its Homestead em
ployes, rhllo nt several of Its largo mills they
have for suvcxul years encourged thu organiza
tion of tbo men, and at this moment aro gutting
along satisfactorily together?
Surely It will not bo charged that tho men of
Homestead aro Iocs Intelligent, or less cntltlod
to thoso rights which uro tho principles ot or
gunlzed labor, and hlch aru lnseparablo from
Uielr litlzt nimn There oro nono who regret
tho lameatublo occurrences of tho pm few
days mora thau thoso whom tho Carnegio com
pany charges with having bceu Instrumental In
bringing them about. Wo uro willing to allow
tho publio tn Judgo after tho evidence U all In
whether thebo charges nro trua Wo feel that
tho erroneous statements given put relative to
our conduct will bo removed by lmpirtlal In
vestigation In due limn. Until then wo profei
to forgot our recent sad experience.
Won City-Street Car Men.
Rioux City, In,, July 12. At a meet
ing of the street-car employes it wns
decided to ask for an ndvanco from lAc
to 17o per hour. AU electric HneH worn
represented. A committee of three will
wait on tho management of tho lines
and make a demand Unless it is grunt
ed tho linos will bo tied up.
I'erfect l'eaee.
Homkstkap, l'a., July 12. At n lato
hour last night perfoct peace and order
prevailed nt Homestead. The streets
wero almost deserted and the busy man
ufacturing town had taken on tho ap
pearance of a country village. One rea
son for this is that most of tho popula
tion retired at an early hour to bo up by
sunrise to participate In tho reception
ceremonies to tho mil Itln, who are ex
pected to mareh into tho city at any
time. w Tho bantla hold n rehearsal lust
evening and determined 'ttpon tho tunes
that should ho played upon the urrival
t the militia,
A Young Woman Consent tn rxplnln th
t'siHe of Her Coldness.
Tim young man was very fond of his
fiancee. His own education had been
nono too liberal nnd It was n source of
congratulation to hltn that his future
wife had graduated from ono of tho
best female seminaries in the country,
whero hho enjoyed every advantage
that money could nfford. And when he
enmo to her homo that evening it filled
hltn with inexpressible, delight togtto
upon her mature beauty, her queenly
carriage, her finished manners. As tho
hours wore away, however, there camo
upon him the dlsagreenblo Impression
that her bearing was less cordial than
usual. In time the Impression grew to
be a settled conviction. There was no
mistake ulsittt it. She was cold and
haughty. Tortured to desperation ho
spoke ut last
"Tell tue," ho passionately exclaimed,
"why this sudden change?"
Her Up curled with scorn.
"If you were a gentleman," she icily
declared, "you would not need to in
quire." Tim words etimo like crushing blows
to his agitated being.
"May 1 ask you to explain'.'"
He was pale und his voice was husky.
Gliding across tho room she parted
tho window curtains nnd gnzed gloom
ily forth into the darkness.
"Tho moment you camo In," she pro
ceeded with n perfect calmness thnt bc
traved the deepest feeling, lT detected
nt onco tho odor of tobtutco about your
In nit Instant ho was on his knees at
her feet.
"Forgive mej denrcst," ho pleaded, MI
did not know that you objected to "
Shu waved her hand grandly and alio
never seemed more beautiful thau In
this, thu moment of hlsagony.
"Even now," sho exclaimed, "I nm
certain that you have cigarettes about
your person. Is
Is it notbo?" ,
The suppliant groaned.
"It is true," ho faltered, "but if you
Isay tho word I shall never smoke
The stately girl laughed Ironically.
, "Oh, never mind that," sho sneered in
mock levity., "lint I wish to say that I
have uo use fir a man who will sit lu n
Judy's company all tho evening nnd nev
er offer her a eigurcttc, though ho has n
jKioketftil of them." Cincinnati Com-'mcrciul-Guzottu.
One Tltliifr to Itememlier.
Above all, remember that It Is only br
html work that success is achieved. If
you would win in tho great struggle of
illfe you must study und work without
.intermission. As one of tho most famous
,of our self-made men has said, "you must
not only work, but you must select your
'work with intelligence. You must bo
prepariug the way for what you Intend
(to become." Wluit your hands llnd to
,do, do it so well that you will satisfy
(not only your employer, but yourself.
Iloyn who do this aro Itotind Ut achieve
iinnnelal success, and that is a great deal
In this world, but not ulL Financial
success does not always bring happiness.
tYou can round out your careers in a
Vplentlid wny by doing something for
VothcrH ns well ns yourself. If you find
Homo weak brother who is not ns able
ns you nro to eopo with tho world, be
generous und do what you can to aid
him. Try to do something for others
every day. Helpfulness is u word that
jyou should always keep in miniL Fos-'
;tcr Coatcs, in Lndies' Homo Journal.
Important Information, '
A Texas lawyer undertook to cross
examine u colored witness, Jim Web
ster. 'What's your nnmeV"
"Jim Webster."
J 'What's your occupation?''
i "I drlvo n dniy."
i ''Ilnvo you got n brother who looks
liko you and drives u dray?" , :
' "Ho am dead."
"What wus ho lwforo he died?,"
j "Alive. " Demorest's Mugazlno.
Caught at Last
In tho tolls of dyspepsia after Imposing on
tbo stomach for ycurs, how shall the suf
'ferci rcstoro his much abused digestion?
'Jly u resort to llosU) iter's Htomach Hitlers,
coupled with uu abandonment of eatables
4 ml drinkables calculated to lnjuro tho dl
KCHtivo iippiirntini In a fceblo stato. Notlt-
lnr1 m In TlltttM: fit nAttniinittwr mnlnnlo
jiUtmiA um! klduoy trouble, rheumatism and
liver disorder.
'This Is nn application for relief," as tht
man sold when ha stuck tlio porous plastor
on his pulu. Philadelphia Itocord.
CATTI.U-nest beeves e 3 B0 0 6 00
Stackers S 6)
Natlvo cows 1 S3
HOOS Oood to choice heavy.. 4 W
VHKAT-No. S red 67
No. Shard Vi
fj 3 65
(Si! 80
(ft 5 to
da co
COrtN No. 2 mixed
OATS-No. S mixed.
JlYi:-No. 'i
FI.OUK-1'atcnlH, per sack...
r.i to k
! UU
C4 2 2J
Fancy ,, IV)
HAY-Chotco timothy 7 0")
Fancy pralrlo 7 00
I'OIII.TKY Spring chickens.
1IUTTKK Cholco creamery
ClIKIlrii: Full cream
KOUS-Cholco 1U),U
l'Ol'ATOES-Now U &
OAITLK-Falr natives. 3 .V) 6 23
Tcxaiui 2 BO (tarn
HOGS-Hcavy 6 01 Ci f M
HIIKKI'-Fulrto choice, a 0) fiBl5
FLOUIt-Chotco'..-. ai a
WHKAT-No.2ted. 74 dt 70
COHN-Na t mixed. 44 fft AH
OATH-NaSmlXcd. i.. -iJiTO W.
ItYB-Na 8 70 70H
UU'n'KR-Creamory.i 15 S
LAKU-Western steam o -.Tft 7 00
l'OUK-Now..., HO0 4J18 0O'
CATTI.K Prime to extra. B 25
ft 6 75
Itoas-l'acktneand shipping
6 2S
4 20
HHKF.l'-Fulrto cholco ...
FIVOUK Wlntor wheat,..
WHKAT No. 2red.,
TjAltU.a ..ii i.uiil at
H 44
7 15
ta oo
7 17)
(311 li)
l'OUIC..., 11 s
ni:w vcmic
CATTliIJ-Natlvo stecrii
HOaS Oood to cholco
FI.UUK-Uood tn choice,
COltN-Na 2...: . t...
OATS Western mixed.
UUTTKIt Creamery
J?01UC-Old ms
4 10
6 40
4 00
Cin 75
(2 0 2.1
(t 4 75
biWii B7
63 6 6J
is a is
1175 ttlJ8J
coevsicin lM
All the year round
In tho ttmo when Dr. Pierco's Golden
Medical Discovery works tho best.
It purifies tho blood.
It's not liko tho Barsfiparillnn,
which claim to do good in March,
April, nnd Mny; you can depend
upon it alieaye. That'll why it ia
guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or
cure, in ovory caso for which it
recommended, you have your money
No other medicino of its kind
says ns much but no other doc
ns much. It cleanses, renews and
invigorates tho cntiro system. For
nil skin, scalp nnd scrofulous nffco
tions, as Eczemoj Tetter, Salt-rhoum,
Whito Swellings, Hin-ioiut Disease.
nnd kindred ailments, it's a positive
Tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy offer $fi00 for nu
inctirablo caso of Catarrh. It isn't
more talk it's business.
They mean to pay you, if they
can't euro you. Hut you'll find
thnt they can.
rm ia
Mt. jriiv x- v t
MtVA )
and ruinous wear and tear to all your summer clothing.
Direction for this easy, safe and economical washing, on
every package of Pearline.
"aw Teddler and soma unscrupulous erocertwiU tell yvm,
KOIXrd f ",hU ' M e001 M" or "lho cmo M I'carllne." IT'S
.La? W CLX V FALSE Pearline It never peddled, if your crocer tends
you an imitation, be hontititnJ it totk. 363 JAMES I'YLE, New York.
ITIH A nilTYroaawnyaar
aalfand rainllxin rt tlm beat
value for your ttaouer. Kcono
alia In tour fomwrnr bVDUra
chasing- W. I., llouglaa Hboet
which reprearnt
l hi, hiat
naked, a
Taiuo rnr price
tbouanuda vrlll leatlry.
icvcnoui nnnoi 101 ounce nuch
- --. ......
ii aa ipr anie in your iice eaa aireet 10 raciory. nutinc Kiaa, aiaeaaa winiai
Chavat where 1
. i-oainue irec. tviii ito rariaai'
bavs no agent, write far
t onco in that most important
department of tho bouso THE
KITCHEN and purchase tho best,
consequently tho cheapest, in fact,
tho aomo of Cooking Stoves t tho
Vest itovt fiealeri feitp them. Ii yotn
floes sot, writs direct to manalieturers.
, byliiL?mlMWli.rfiAl
'anil no bad clfacta, (
mrict rvonnaantiul.
nTi'i nn. mot rirrnlwra .ml f.tlm.
I "lip
WAiutiUl ran mriuu mama.
'."V..!?. "X'm.Y.. -nil P.stnU which at! I
rrh tif.lnH u.m UlnVA lnllxh ll llrllUSnt. Dane.
lMj,Uural)ls.ud tho eanumtr)r lot no tin
Or RIBS pSCISSS "IIU 'uui".v.
no rot omrx won nicmr..
Bar rnr for SICK IfRAD
AVIIK, Imrwitra aiftnioa, codib
Dalian. tornll nlnnit. Thrraraat
rlul orstm, rrmori ttauna. dla
liMt; utitiol .affatl on Kid
Bern and lilnaT. conautf
Ullinua uervniia oia
orcier. ijuiaKn nil.
ataiuaiLV action.
n bv BttiifirlnB
VUnntirr eompleslon
bloiHl. 1'ealLT vturrAtiuu
Tht anH ll nifiy aiuiini lomiir at. s on nm earn
? f r baloo much. Lath tlal rorulm , luiil in tea
notktl. Ilka IradMncll. Iltialiica mnnit'a (mi
rontriikiira. Taktn aaiwr than lucat. SoMaTtry
whrra. All ratiulna ivhmIi bar"Crtvat"
Rtnil l-nt rttmp. You (rt 99 ((f book wlthiafflpi.
O.tUt- from to awrdi.
U.MoJ Ini f rtM llf.Wupw.ti
I MJrffr(iji fl-Uh.
aafUktlf MM Ifjt tHaW,
Thc LANtiior.
I Thc Com
ilu-rttf itwtil uk. AntUat
I IIiiKUiU-,
All tK rtn Lnl.l umitt fiiif wn tinLl IfJ-bOQ t
lnlfirofnUlint, lour lAr.l dlr will Mlt you. Ca
blnhatDnntuinMnlitlil ftntf(r.MHtevlciiJt?ttt4i
LYON&HCALY.64 Monpiok 8T.,CHICA9i
4rJ1Akll TUIA rArtkftvff !! Vfiu,
1 r
i HiiT e nrnrrvtn
You Can't Keep CooJ
while you're rubbing away over v
tub of steaming clothes. If yo
want to keep comfortable and sava
your health (think of inhaling that
steam) and strength, stop tha
rubbing and the steaming.
jrearnne ciocs it. .rean-
ine ; cold water ; no boil-,
ing; little work; that is.
the programme for hob-
weather washing.
lhis taking away of
the rubbing is more than
a matter ofsaving work.
It's a savincr of needless
A genuine sewed ahoe, that vtlt not rip, flno eaat, aoorolaaa,
tmoutb luililc, Orxlblo, luoru comrorUlile.atyluili and durable thau
any other atioocor Mia at tho price. K'tuaJi cuitom made ahoa
ro.tlnu from l Ui f i.
CI audS.1 llaud-ewed, flnernlf ihoea. Tha moat atjlttk.
apaa eiuy aud Uwabla.lioeaeTor told at tncao price. Thejreqnal
lino Imporlnl atiotf nuttoc from $8 tn $13.
CQ SO l'olleo Hhne, worn by former and all other) wha
Pwi want a i:ool lirnvy calf, tlirrpnolo(l,cxtcnlyoixJgeht,
eaiy to walk In, and will keep the feet dry nnd warm.
dBO aO.FItie'CnirVI.&aand 9'J WorklhBmen' Shoe
aPa will tlo iromwi-ar for tlio money than uuy other ma.
They aro mado for (ervtco. Th Incroaalog ! thow that work
Imrmrn have found thla out.
DVC d'J ad Vontha t1.?5 Hefenol Hboea
DJ I O worn ty the hoy everywhere. The mutt aortic
able abnea aold nt thcuo price.
A mtrC 3 llHBd-Hewed,, 99 aadSS.ya
kAIIIEiw Miocfor ftlUaeanru mode of In beat too-
gomormia coir, aa aeiircu. incy are Tory avjuan, com
fortabla and durable Tho $3 abno equal cuaiora mad
ahoe. contlnit from 1 toC ljullea whowlta loeooao
mlio In their footwear are One! Inn thl out.
OA IITION. noware ot dealer tuballtutlng ahoe with-
I Dnutrlai' came and tbo price tamil oo bottom.
ubtltntlon aro rrauilutent and uojec loproaecuj.
uf l.1 .... 1..MMM.. ....'M HU... ..w ,' .. "
v ante t ahoe dealer aad geaeml mr
aiaiagae. tv. au uaagia. urecaioa, ma.
Sold bj Booksellers. Sent, postpaid, bj
4 Pork Street, BOSTON, UAMU.
Tea ean'tflnit what ruwnt la rour horn toi
gel on tnc train anu runiH io onr maromoin
Oood KttablUhmrnt. If you can'l come, thaa
for umplri (uu cliariie for aainlri). aad order '
jtiii waut vj mail, ni guarauica .aii.iciivD.
arnaai tail ran m, j a
wHh nar ranaa Well
Atnchlnrrr.. Th only
Griort aalf-claanlDa and
it.droppfajgtool.fn uaa.
Tirirjy. nuio.
Vnillin MCU I'eurn Tolerraphr and Ilallroad
lUUnil ntH Ai:eiil'iluliie..liertMimlvvni
gool Itnatlon. WrltoJ.D.llllOWN.boUalia.MO,
araiaa tuu rirta.nmaaiMiaa.
A. N. K.-D.
tt that Ta WW tba Adverlltrawai la ibl