The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 22, 1892, Image 4

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Paftlleked Weekly.
Friday, Jwly aa, isa.
raAeerfnttan, - fl Per Anaaai
IaTsrlaaly la Atc
( aetaaM In adraaee, after this date March
' Ml, INI, the price will bo $1 .as.
Mere at tat Pest Office In Bed Cloud, Neb.,
I a Ball mauer ol the second claia
Beaakllcka National Ticket.
rairretMent. ...
et Vkrretldeat
Vet Coafreeseaaneta District
' Tlit Superior Times has changed its
ipolitles aid henocforth will be a data
ratio ergan. It baa simply taken
eff eleaa clotbei and put on dirty 1
"Bastards' Bay" is a good place for
oeaoerats, and especially for Cloye-
iMd ti that party's loader. It is, as
it were, a fitting placo for tbe demo
emtio corpse, whioh is to be buried in
Noyember. -"
Water Coaimisilonor Ward is putt-
i ) iag in a new filter at tho cngino house
xais will do a groat ocncu iu wuvur
eoaiamers. By tho way people of 1
Bed Cloud should know that if thoy
M tai 14 aaeiA taalv jsraf inarMfl ftf WAll
! HWHI v - - "
IW( MUIO flUIMU UVl u ""
laager of typhoid as there is in
laslag well water.
TBI Uliar is favorably impressed
with the eaadidacy of Randolph Me-
Nltt for ooanty attorney. Mr. Mo-
Mat iaf a-jouag man of more than or
dlaary anility as a lawyer, aad the
Mle of Webster county oould do no
better than nominate him for county
' attoraey. We should be pleased to
sea him aoaUnated.
After all of the bluster Bon Koch-
I let of Blue Bill, a relative of Bankor
stabler, has received his appointment
le Weft Point, in tbe face of facta
that several country boys passed bet
ter exaasiaations. Wo don't under
stand whv a banker's relative should
be picked out to the exclusion of
farmers' sons, unless a political dobt
had to be paid.
The Hon. Thos. Carter, nt one time
a resident of Bed Cloud, and Inte of
Montana, has been elected chairman of
the national Repnblicnn committee. Mr.
Carter's numerous friend in lied Cloud
aadMeataeka general! ; r-xtond hearty
eaffratnlatlone, Mr Carter iB a roan of J
armi ability and will 8Rfly culdo tho
Bepibllcan ship to a safe harbor in No-
I Ttsaber, and that harbor will bo Wash-
fatso v. v., ana the captain trm bo
Boa Harrison.
As far as General Weaver ia conoerned
1m to not in the raoe. He will not carry
a elate. Weaver is a noted offloe soaker
aad has been a candidate for one offioe or
aaether aver since we can remember.
Just hew the Windjpendents can vote
1 far as catat seeker in the faoe of their
ft repeated assertions that, "no office-
1 seeker seed apply," Is beyond the com-
pteheasloa of modern politicians. Yet,
af pareatly tbey are like a hen with its
sad oi they cau keep op a flopping,
The Independents, with a good man,
aalgat have aaade a showing this fall, bnt
wfth Weaver there no hope for them.
Cotiiag has the) best maohine 'oil
and the cheapest ia.tfeo rotrkoj. , . '
K . .. ., . . 1..1 .l.aoi tne ana onoe for one flour and a
Golden Eagje clothing store.
Educational Department
D. H. I1UMTEB, Editor.
Iaatltate Hales.
The nombers of oar iiitltue were
mado happy Friday, July 8, by vis
it from Hon. A. K. Goudy aid Mrs.
Alioo Goudy, our state Superinten
dent and Dopt. Stato Supoiiateadent.
The prcsenoe of these visitors with
cucouragement to the teachers added
greatly to the interest in the work of
tho institute. Supt. Goudy's talk to
the institute was aceerding to his own
style. A talk of his, aeeds oily tt
bo heard to be appreciated.
nv. j. i. PtiH' w-h. tn
teaohers on Tuesday evaatar. Jalf 12 1
on the subieot "The Cfcaraetar aad
w m' w I
Spirit of Teaching," was oae of the
best that the teaohers have had the
plcaauro of having.
On Wednesday, July 13th, Prof.
W, E. Andrews, of Hastings College,
Manager of the State Teaohers' Read
ing Circle, delivered a leoture in the
Methodist church on the subieot.
"Our Public School their Debt to
their people."
Tho audionoe we believo was the
largest tbat ever assembled in Bed
Cloud to hear an educational leetare.
Although the weather waa extremely
warm, tho speaker held tho attention
m m m9 m a
I ......
quarter. Wo shall not qaoto frem
the leoturo as we could not do justioe
to the speaker.
No one who had the privilege to
hear hiss coald help feeliag impress
ed with tho groat importaaee of the
publio sohool system.
Once during the day, Prof. An
drews talked to tho teaohers oenetra
tag tho Beading Circle and other edu
cational work. His talk aad leetare
wero highly appreciated by all who
hoard them.
Tho musio at the various leotares
I was rendored by a choir composed of
memoirs of the institute, Miss Nellie
West being organist. Although tbe
timo fer practioe was limited the mus
io was good.
Among our visitors were Principal
A. 0. Hart of Franklin Aoademy,
Prof W. K. Andrews of Hastings
College, Pres. J. F. Saylor of Lincoln
Normal University, Mr. J. H. Millor,
Editor of the N. W Journal of Edu
cation, and Prin. II. H, Townsond of
North Brandt Acadoroy. All of
whom aided in increasing tbo progres
sive educational feeling of tho mem
bers of tho iustituto by praotioal talks
on various oubjocts pertaining to
sohool work. '
Mr. W. Duokor very kindly allowed
the use of his mioroscopo and assist
ed in using it for the benefit of the
physiology class. Seoing the oiroala
Jon of tho blood through a frog's
fytd in,limiofii cf Hotttei-40 Vcwt the Ataikatl.
foot was one of the amy things that
pleased the class greatly.
8erenty-two persons took part ia
the exaaiiaation held last Friday aad
Tbe regular work of the teaohers
in the institute closed on Thursday of
last week. All interested in the work
were satisfied with the institute, and
many gays expression to the thought
that it was the best that they had
ever attended. The farewell talks of
tho instructors were short aad well re
oeircd by the teaohers. The Saper
intendeat was agreeably surprised by
receding an expression of , the good
ih-iwmoi tne teaeners towajras ... mm in
tbe shape ef a Teaeher'a Bible,
a xeaenera uiwe, a
copy of "Complete Works of Shake-
sphcare," and "America 'Illustrated
all nicely bound. Ilia thanks coaM
lad ao words for expression at the
time, much to the amusement of the
audienee. J
Tho followiag resolution were ua
aaimoasly adopted by thejastitate;
WniRKAa; The Webster County
Teaohers' Iastitute has rWB 10 a
elose aad as a token of our high es
teem for those coanected ''with this
institute be it
Resolved, That we express our sin
cere thanks to our Coanty Superin
tendent D. M. Hunter, for, bis kind
aess and his efforts to snake this ia
atitata a success.
ivesoivea; xnat we express oar
thaaks to oar instructors Mrs. Maa
ville, Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Case aad Mr.
Probaaeo for their very eleieat in
staotioa, their kindness, patteaee and
expressed sympathy for as ia oar
iiesoivea: That we extend our
thaaks to Miss West for kindness in
furaishiag as with instrumental mas
Beeolved; That we extead oar grat
ituda to Prof. Beatie, Bev. Pal is. and
Prof: Andrews for their iastraetive
and eatertaiaiag lectures.
itesoivea; mat we extend our
thanks to Mr. Scammon for fits kiad
ness to the teaohers in addlag to oar
oomfort aad tho faithful manner ia
whioh he performed his duties as
Resolved; That the thanks of tbe
Institute be extended to the Board of
Eduoation of Bed Cloud for the use
of tho High Sohool building and
Resolved; That wo extend our
hearty thanks to tho trustees of the
Methodist and Baptist churches for
tho uso of their building lor lecture
Resolved; That we acknowledge
our gratitude to the oitisons of Red
Cloud for their kind welcome and
gonorous hospitality.
Committee, Miss Nra,
Miss Brown,
Misa Marker,
Mr. Drbbbaou, Chairman of Cem,
Many Thanks.
Editor Cuiir The writer de
sires, through your columns, to thank
tho young preacher, who, ..from his
pulpit, last "Juaday eveaing, paid the
yoaag people of the Methodist church
such a glowing compliment, though
all unconsciously.
He said "All the best workers
among the young pcoplo of the Me
thodist ohuroh are 1b the Endeavor-
Society." What a compliment! Jua
the comparitively few weak ones
who are workiajr in the Ep worth
League, have bees enabled to organ
ise eight thousand local eooieties;
they have beea enabled to enroll in
these six haadred thousaad (600,000)
embers; have established aad are
pablishiag, weekly, the best young
people'a paper extant, haviag a boat
led sabscriptioB list of sixty thousand
(60,000) and all this withia three
fftYee, thanks for tho compliment.
The above are statistics of a week or
two ago. 80 fast are we iaereasiag in
members it is hard to tell our fcu
merioal strength and moral influence
by the time this appears in print.
Yotma Metiiodibt.
Joseph Buby, of Columbia, Pa.,
suffered from birth with serofula hu
mor, till he was perfeotly eared by
Hood'e Sareaperilla,
The following resolalions wero
unaaimoasly adopted by tbe Epworth
Leagae: Whereas The friends of
the Epworth League so generously
and pleasantly eatertaiaed the dele
gates to the District League Conven
tion. 'Therefore Be it resolved
that we most heartily thank them for
the kind eervieea rendered us.
Wo also desire to express our ad
miratioa aad appreciation of tho
skillfal workmanship of Wsa. Kellogg
aa exhibited la ear beaatlfal and
unique Departmeat Wheel.
xlavklea'aAnttcea Salve
The Best Salve ia the world for eats,
Brakes, Bores, TJleere, Salt Bheam. fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains,
Coras, and all other Skia Braptloat,
aad positively eares piles, or ao pay re
.aired. It Is gaaraateed to ! perfect
satisfaction or money refunded. Price SA
box. For sale by Ii. H. Deyo.8
Persons wanting painting done will
do will to call on Frank P. Hadley.
Prices reasonable. tf
Garde Seesh.
Oscar Patmor has iust received a
BIG supply of garden seeds. Go aad
see uiu a 1 erainn anu wuchch b oiu
Fans loans at lowest interest.
StricUy f rst-elass loans at lower rates
than has aver been gives in thia coun
ay before. Option to pay part or all
tttend of any year. if. F. Cathir,
My head aobes; my stomach ia sour
I cant sleep; have bad dreams, pain in
back aad limbs, dizziness, absent minded.
biltoaa, languid, dull and stupid. All
these an indications of malaria, blood.
liver or kidney disease, deadly typhoid
fever, all of which can be avoided by
using -xiepRiouro." 'or amis oy u. a.
. PsUater aa Paper Haager,
Baal CssW Nearasfcsu
Pilcta Rrawuabte 8atltactloa Qusrauteed.
To the parsers t
IavltestkoFaraters or Weaater and aajaccat counties to 4tls
large suiel varies! stock r
Agricultural G oods
Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows,
Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c.
See him before buying for bargains.
(30 TO THE
0ity $akery and Restaurant
Far Ire k
All kinds or cakes,
candles, Nats, cigars,
ana iresa
Meals and Lunch Jail liour&
Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in
Jos. Herburger, Prop.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Every One Should Know
1 t That the place to
Iron, Tinware, &c.
W. W. Wright's.
New Gooods
8. r. CQ&D,
All hauling intrusted to me wUl, bo .promptly, attended ten
. ... .1 s
" . f
Is better prepared than ever to
Bell yon all kinds of harness-
collars, sadlery, etc
la tke Tlaker BalldlBs;. He kae tke)
etest etoek let title part of the Tally.
ara will aaake It ladacemeiit to trade
aatk ntaa.
Bread Pies
rrnite, etc.
and Reasonable