The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 22, 1892, Image 2

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A. O. H08MKR, Publlahar.
Tkj of the Toledo, Oconncllnicnnro
in trouble, rlinrtfcil with ixiwlllnif.
A cut In tho lllo Urnndo lias given
the United States U.OOO acres of Mexican
Tin: native Knt Indian press Is jubi
lant over tho election of Air. Nnorojl to
tho llrltlhh parliament
In n paper loft by the tftiUlotlncel tin
rehldt, Ilavaehol, ho itcclnrcn that all
work, mental nnd physical, Is hiunlli
tatlnp. .
Hixtkkk (lerman ntudonts' clubs havo
been disbanded by the government;
they had given l'rlnco Ulsinarck too
irootl a reception.
Mil Hi.amk has received two offers
recently from publishers for n new
work on American history, covering
such epochs in politics as he may to write about
IN Australia there are caterpillars
from six Inches to a foot long, and when
n young lady has one of them drop on
her back hair sho says something in 11
novcn-octavc voice with a calliope at
tachment rung onto It
Tiik evangelical clergymen of Du
buque, la., organized a society for tho
purpose of religions and philosophical
discussion, moral reform, humano work,
etc. Cutholle lllshop Hennessey und
priests were Invited to join, but de
clined. Tun statistics of tho custom house In
Hau Francisco nltnw that tho sum of
1750,000 was collected last year as tho
duty on importations of opium at that
port alone. With the tariff H'i a pound
this means an importation of tW.OOO
Oi:n. HitAon, of Wisconsin, Is not tho
man to whom (Jen. Taylor used tho ex
pression, "A llttlo mora grape, Capt
llragg, a llttlo more grape." This
famous command was given at tho bat
tle of Imenu Vista, February S!l, 1817,
to Capt Ilrnxtnn Itmgg, afterward a
distinguished ofllcer of the confederate
Attkntion Is called to tho fact that
tho present Is the llrst tlmo for half a
century that New England has not had
representative In the cabinet, excepting
only about five weeks under President
1'olk and during the summer of 1B7-1
between tho resignation of Secretary
Richardson and tho appointment of
Postmaster-General Jewell by Qen.
Tiik greatest excitement prevails at
Titkln, Col., over a wonderfully rich
strike in tho Hindoo and Tycoon mines
which was made recently, und hundreds
of men are Hocking into tho district
The property is owned by Canadian
capitalists, who Intend pushing the de
velopment Tho ore body runs over
ISAO to tho ton, and tho prospects are
that the mines will be umoug tho lead
ing ones of tho state.
llAitox Alvhonhk nr. IlflTiiRcitii.n, tho
most influential member of the great
hnuso that bears that name, occupies
tho Hue Saint Florentln palace in Paris
that formerly belonged to Talleyrand.
He bccnis to regard tho stability of
things In tho French capital rather
dubiously, for ho has tho valuable
paintings and art treasures c.hlbitcd
In some of tho rooms so arranged that
by tho touch of a spring they disappear
Into steel-protected recesscb within tho
Oloanod By Telegraph and MalL
D. II. HoiilNsoN, president of the San
Antonio & Aransas 1'ass railroad, has
appointed II. V. Yoakum, ex-receiver, to
the oillconf manager of the system. Mr.
Yoakum was general manager of the
road previous to thorecilvcshlp.
confined to his bed forsomo time, has
recovered nnd resumed his duties.
Hoi'f.s nrc entertained of tho recovery
of (Jov. Eagle, of Arkansas.
ItKV. Die. H. IIi'Iikowitz, of Kansas
City, was elected president of tho con
ferenco of Jewish rabbin at Now York.
Oov. Hbay is endeavoring to get n bill
through congress providing for an elec
tion In Oklahoma this fall.
Tiik democratic anti-snappers of New
York will continue in permanent organ
ization. Jay floui.n und his daughters nro re
ported pleasuring in tho- Wood river
country, Idaho.
William I'. Lucas, thanked by con
gress for bravery in tho Corcan rebel
lion, now n broken-down old man, Is In
prison nt Ilrooklyn, having stolen n
little old Iron from tho waste pilo In tho
navy yard, where ho was employed as a
Si'KAKKU CiiIhi prcdlots an early ad
A siiNlHTKtilAL crisis exists In France.
Loins VASTKtm was reported down
with cholera In Paris.
Katk Castlkion, tho well known
soubrette, Is dead.
In tho Chinese exclusion act It re
quires a "whlto" witness to testify. A
negro of Iloston wrote to tho president
In regard to tho term. Tho president,
In reply, nald ho supposed tho courts
would construe tho word to Include
blacks and that hu did nut feel justified
In holding buck his nlgnaturo to the
bill. It was possible an amendment
would be adopted by congress.
Tiik reported death of William Wal
dorf Astor in London was. contradicted.
Ho was In fact recovering from his at
tack of pneumonia.
Cvntm W. FiKt.n, renowned through
tho laying of tho Atlantic cable and
other enterprises, dlod at Dobb's Ferry,
N. Y., on tho 12th.
Ui to midnight of tho 12th tho En
glish conservatives had 214 members of
tho new house, thu liberals 18!J, tho lib
eral unionists III, tho nutl-Pnrnellltos
85, tho Parncllites 0, labor candidates SI.
Cai-t. F. It. Wkihj died nt San Diego,
Cal. Ho was at ono tlmo conbul to New
Haiion WiMMAiiLKtrnt (John Wilson
Patten) died at London, aged 00 years.
Ho was chief secretary for Ireland in
Kanbab prohibitionists met at To
peka and nominated a full state ticket
and set of congressmen. I. O. Picker
ing, of Olatlie, law partner of ox-Go.
St John, heads the ticket
Gladstone was returned to parlia
ment by a majority of only 000. His
supporters expected much more.
Tiuitn party people and democrat of
Iowa will fuse.
Tiik republican national committee
will establish branch headquarters at
M. liuitniiAU Is tho new French inln
lstcrf marine.
Tiik overthrow of tho government in
Spanish Honduras is complete.
Tiik democrats carried tho city elec
tion at Crlpplo Creek, Col.
PitKsmr.NT llAitmsoN has returned to
R.vvAciioi, made n long speech at
his trial at Moutbrlson, justifying
anarchy and his own deeds by various
arguments, this leing one: "Docs not
nn employer, for instance, desire to seo
tho disappearance of a rival, and do not
tradesmen in general wish alouo to en
joy tho ndvuntuges which this klud of
occupation can bring? Docs not tho
unemployed workman wish, In order
Hint he may obtain work, that for some
reason tho man employed may bo turned
out of tho workshop? Now, In a society
where such things happen there Is no
reason for surprise at the acts laid to
my charge, which arc only tho logical
consequences of tho struggle for exist
ence which forces men. in order to live,
to employ a variety of means."
Tiik book that Gen. Longstrect Is
writing about tho war Is designed to
bo a more ambitious literary undertak
ing than has Ihjcu expected. Instead
of a bcrles of reminiscences of the
events which tho author saw and of
which ho was a great part, It will bo a
critical history of tho rebellion from a
military point of view. Tho prospect
therefore is that what with tho book
itself, tho replies It will evoko from old
soldiers whoso feelings may l;o rasK'd
a llttlo by tho narrative and thu general
aftermath of supplementary Informa
tion about tho points raised, wo shall
have enough now war literature to last
to tho close of tho century. Tho book
is well under way and tho date of Its
appearance is not distant.
AuntTou Ackkuman of tho world's
fair has made a report to tho directory
bhowlng that tho finances aru In a
grave condition. Tho amount of funds
available Is e-.,73M4!), including fflOO,
C00 not yet paid over by tho city.
Against this thuro are outstanding con
tracts aggregating ?4,ons,7BU nud run
ning expenses of (125,000 a month in
tho departments, bath udmlnlstratlvo
and exhibit gathering. Thu cotnplo-1 Des Moines, In,
Hon of nearly all tho contracts is duo I Two young
by October 1. It was estimated that 80
per cent of tho stock subscriptions
would bo colluded, tho guarantee bo
tag for $3,000,030. Considerable money
Is expected to ba turned In by tho sub
scribers before October 1 and there are
substantial receipts from guto money,
but neither qf , theso two bourcen seem
likely to conio ,ncar 'remedying tho
threatening deficit
Roy Stockky, aged 10, was drowned
in tho river nt San Antonio, Tex. Ho
had been fishing.
A cou.v harvester trust has boon
formed at Springfield, O.
Jamks O'Day, n wounded Plnkcrton,
died at Chesterton, Ind.
A iii.ooi)Y battle resulted from tho
employment of non-nnton men nt
tho Ceuur d'Alono mines, Idaho, Ton
men wero killed and ns many wounded.
Ei.KVKN mcmlMsrs of nn excursion
party have been drowned at Strasburg,
Ukavy rains, caused flOO.OOO damage
by raising tho Warrior river forty-seven
feet near lllrmlngham, Ala.
AN alarming negro outbreak occurred
at Pnducuh, Ky., on tho night of tho
llth. Tho negroes fired upon the
whites, fatally wounding out. Great
excitement existed and It was feared a
slaughter of negro prisoners would re
sult EnwAim O. Kki.i.y, who killed Hob
Ford, was sentenced to hard labor for
Dkvkloi'mknts show that the county
treasurer of Paris, Ark., was himself
tho burglur. The county Is out about
810,000. was an awful laudslldo at St
Gcrvuls les llalns France, ono of tho
mountains overhanging the village fall
ing upon the houses. A glacier also be
came detached Fearful ruin wiu
wrought, about 200 persons being killed.
An excursion steamer was Vapslzed
on Lake Peoria, 111,, by a tornado on
thu night of thu 12th. About twenty
persons on board were drowned.
bKVKN men wero .killed and fourteen
wounded by tho riot nt tho Cecur d'Aleuo
mines. Tho damage done by blowing
up tho Frisco mill amounted to $12."),000.
Federal troops wore) ordered to tho
Tiihki: miners wero blown to atoms
by an accident at tho lluckeyo mine,
near Helena, Mont
FnK llitowN, nged 10, eloped with
OUlo Cunninghum, nged 14, from Stock
well, Ind
Tiik furniture factory nt Napanec,
near Goshen, Ind., has burned.
John Guanniss and his son wero
drowned while bathing In tho river at
Tiik live stock on tho farm of Mrs.
Lucy Fnrnemnn, near South Ilcnd. Ind.,
have been mysteriously poisoned. De
tectives arrestee! n man In tho Work,
but ho refused to divulge tho namo of
those who employed him.
Fatiikk Bay, n Catholic priest, shot
burglar in tho arm at South Chicago.
Tho burglar was locked up and died
next dny.
An attempt In Cincinnati to form a
leaf tobacco combine with a capital of
2,fi00,000 proved n failure. Tho stum
bling block was tho adjustment of val
ue. AtohNaDO nt Springfield, O., elcmol
ished fifteen houses nnd partially
wrecked forty more. Thero was a loss
of life, ono futnlly being burled in tho
ruins of their home.
C0L011r.11 federal troops wero in poscs
slon ut Mullane, Idaho. Miners threat
ened to blow up all tho ussocintlon
mines if they wero ordered to Wallace.
A.V Argcntlno torpedo catcher found
ered off tho coast of Uruguay. Tho
crow of seventy wan missing.
Tiik condition of affairs in tho Vln
comics, Ind., national bank Is serious.
Pinkkvk Is prevalent at Vnndnlla, 111.
Jennm: Colkman was on trial at New
-York for keeping a disorderly house.
Some Christian Endeavor women were
present in court nnd their sympathy
led to a general flow of tears, in conse
quence of which tho woman got a sen
tence of ten dnyB Instead of six months.
At Elkhart, Ind., Theodore 'Iltomp
son, conductor on tho Michigan divis
ion of tho Dig Four, whilo assisting a
brakeinan was instantly killed His
body was cut in two.
Johnny Matiikws, aged 11, was fa
tolly Injured at Shenandoah, Pa,, while
pulling his brotltcr, uged 0, from under
a train.
Tiik Sunday school picnic at Aurora,
111. , drew out nearly 10,000 persons.
Atir.mcAN flint glass makers wero re
cently in convention at Corning, N. Y.
John, while plowing near lion-
ham, Tex., drempcel his pistol. Tho bul
let passed through his body, coming
out near tho spluul column. Ills case
was hopelehS.
Tin: Capitol hotel at Marshall, Tex.,
has been destroyeel by lire.
A1.KXAxnK.1t Maoek, aged 2'J, dived
from a boat above Keokuk, In., and
hurt himself In some way so thut ho
shortly sank nnd his body was not
Womc hns commenced on tlie Henne
pin canal at Davenport, In., to connect
tho Mississippi river with tho lakes.
Ciiolkua has appeared at Alexandria,
Miw. UAim ana n enuei were anient on
tho West Shore tracks at West Haver
straw, N. Y.
EmvAM) Marhkn was dragged to
death by a mule nt Hopklnsville, Ky.
A vouxa daughter of Joseph Trunk,
a wealthy farmer of Kratzvlllo, Ind.,
was recently stumped to death by a
Tiik Dalton gang are credited with
another train robbery. Tho M., K. &
T. train was held up at Adair station,
I. T. Capt Kinney und three other
persons were woundeel while attempt
ing to proU'et tho company's property.
Tho fittfo was blown open and $40,000
Gen. Schofiklti received a telegram
on tho 14th stating thut tho Ceour
el'Alene raining troubles were over.
Tho non-union men had been dispersed.
Thouirh a number of men hud leeu
killed, there wns not that destruction
of life und property which at one timo
was feared.
Tiik steamer Nevada has been de
tained nt quarantine nt New York with
a suspicious case of sickness on board.
Tiik scale at tho Covington, Ky., roll
ing mills has been signed
Ilonr Nclirnslen Iln Voted.
Tho vote of Nebraska for presidential
candidates since tho admission of tho
state Into the union has been us follows;
18C8..Urnnt. P,T.i
Hejmour tM9
Tctat IB 91
Total 8V-1O
1876 .Hayes llTsi
Tlldcn I7.M4
Total ' IK 377
lS0,.aarllclil .' M.V7J
Hancock 28.IUI
Scattering. 3,M3
Total t7.IM
l8BI..I)laino 74,01''
CTculnml M.MU
Wc.icr 8,910
Total , 131,101
ICS3..1tarrlMon luH.c.r.
Cleveland M,SV
I'lM: I'.I.T)
Strcctcr V---'0
Tin: boiler utllaJreVsmlll.neur Gaines
ville, Flu., oxpleuled Two men wero
killed and several others seriously and
perhaps fatally Injureel.
W. II. Wilson, of Cynlhlunn, Ky., a
Ciiaiilkr IIosk, 12 years old, was kllleelj
by a motor train at Omaha the other day.
Citot prospects for Peilk county were
never better than at present, according
to all reports from that county.
Tin: republican state convention will
be held at Lincoln August 4. The statu
centiMl committee lately met at Lincoln
nnd decided upon this date.
At Uiverton tho other day Tom Pnck
ctt, In a fit of Insanity, shot nnd killed
his father. Deceased was tho mail car
rier of the town und u respected citizen.
Tjik bursting of a lamp resulted in
the burning of tho residence of William
O' Fallon ut Nebraska City tho other
night The loss was about ?'1,000; part
ly insured.
Laiioi: quantities of corn ure being
shipped from Nebraska to Mexico.
Tl.ero Is great destitution in portions
of our sister republic and the govern
ment, It is said, will exempt from duty
ceirn shipped from this country, nnd
thousands of car loads will go from Ne
KoiuiKiis entered tho residence of R.
F. Alexander at Omaha in broad day
light tho other day and stole about
Sl.fiOO worth of jewelry. Two diamond
rlugs, a valunble breast pin, a couple of
eolel watches and eemsldernblc silver
ware wero packed up and safely car
ried olT.
Tiik farmers in tho vicinity of Craw
ford are jubllnnt over tho prospect for
a crop. The spring has been n little
backward, but it has been vory moist
nnd left tho soil In excellent condition.
They have had an abundance of rain so
far unel the outlook for a crop was never
fo bright since tho buttlement of tho
John Howaicd and wife arrived at
fnldnvy tho other day with their wheel
barrow nnd cooking utensils with which
they are making a tour across the coun
try from Scuttle, Wash., to Chicago. It
ij on a bot of 810,000 with capitalists of
Seattle, of which they receive one-hnlf
providing they complete their jourm-y
by September 10. Iloth looked badly
weather bcutch. They average twenty
miles a day.
Mason was recently visitcel by n cy
clono that destroyed many buildings.
Among tho buildings wero tho resi
dences of J. II. Melville, J. A. Payne
und J. M. Amber, tho Methodist and
liaptlst churches and tho new brick
fichonlhenisp, Payne's meat market
building, Jardorf fc Elliott's hardware
store, Castellan Sz Hurley's blacksmith
shop, Dreyfus' livery barn anel two un
oceupieel buildings. Other buildings
Were damaged, but no emo was killed.
Tun trustees of the German Catholic
church at Lincoln filed a somewhat sen
sational answer to a suit instituted by
tho German National bank to recover
on a noto for $407 signed by tho church
nnd II. Kuepponbendcr, thu olllcinl
Kpttorae of th I'roreoillnr of Iloth
HnniMM the lmt Werk.
Tan scnata further considered the sundry
ch 11 bill on the SUb, but madn llttlo progress
Tho resolutions on tho Homestead (Pa.)
troubles wero not reported tuck from tho cotn
inlttcn. Messrs. Gnlllngcr nnd Quay mads
remarks on tho subject. Mr. lltll made
speech In explanation of his bill changing th
date of dedicating tho world's fair building
from October 12 to !l nnd the bill passed
The hotiio bill reducing tho tariff on tin plato
wns laid beforo tho senate and tho body nd
Journed ...Tho hotiHO hid n long RCHslon, but
did little. Speeches on tho Pennsylvania
troubles were made. Among tho bills parsed
was the ono which places stiver lead ore on tho
free lint. Mr. Taraney (Ma) mndo b speech in
favor of tho MIL Iho tin plato bill nnd tho 1)111
to limit tho amount of wearing apparel which
travelers may bring into this country free of
duty wero pnsHfel A bill also passed amend
ing tho land forfelturo bill of lew. Adjourned.
Tiik n ennto disposed of the sundry civil bill
on tho filh, except tho clausrn relating to tho
world's fair and that was under dtocusslonnt
adjournment. . Tho house devoted tho day to
considering conferenco reports, those on thn
IKjst often nnd Invalid pension appropriation
Mils nnd tho Arizona funding bill being ngrced
to nnd tho reports on tho navul and tho lcglida
tlvo bills bctn disagree d to Tho commltteo
on decided to report a resolution setting
nsldo Wednesday nud Thursday for considering
the sllur bill. Adjourned.
Tun sennto was occupied principally In de
bate on tho llth. Mr. Wnshburno spoko ut
great length on tho antt-optlon hill, and the
Sunday closing clause of tho world's fair In tho
sundry civil bill was the occasion of a lively
threo hours' debate. N'o action was Wkcn be
fore adjournment Dlstriot of Columbia mat
ters occupied tho attention of tho house. An
appropriation of t2.V),ouu was mado for printing
tho reports of tho rloenth census. Several
bridge Mils passed and tho conferenco report
on the military academy bill ugrced to After
ordering a new conferenco on tho army bill tho
house adjourned.
Tlir: Rcnuto on tho 13th bv a voto of M to 11
ngrecd to tuko up tho antl-optton bill. Though
the bill wns sent to the r ilondar It Is liable to
bo reached at any time by a similar vote A
resolution by Mr. Voorhecs In regard to tho
Homestead troubles went over. Tending con
sideration of tho clauso In regard to Sunday
closing of thu world'ie fair In tho sundry civil
bill the senate adjourned. ...Nothing was dono
in the house, the subject of electing senators by
tho pcoplo lielng discussed at some length. Tho
re'st of tho session nns occupied In filibustering.
Tiik sennto on tho 13th finally disposed of tho
Chicago exposition provisions of the sundry
civil lull. Mr. Quav'B nmcudment to clnso tho
exposition on Sunday wns adopted without a
dlxlsloa A further amendment by Mr. l'effcr
to prohibit Die sell! of intoxicants in tho cxihisI.
I tton grounds except for ' mcdlcil, mccbnnlcnl
orscicntinc purposes," ns wioptcu iv n ma
jority of '! With theso conditions attached tho
aciutfei voted to issuo to tho world's fair man
agers ton million souvenir sller half dollars.
...Thot101tsqh.ul an exciting session over tho
freusllerbllL Tho debate was of u pollttcul
nature and decidedly interesting, Mesrs.
lt'cd (Mo.) nnd Ciitchlngs (Miss) having it
lively tilt. Finally tho resolution reported
from tho committee to consider tho bill was de
feated by a vote of lJ yeas to AM nays and sll.
ver wort shelved for tho session. Tho voto
showed 117 democrats, in nllUnco and 0 repub
licans voting for nnd 01 democrats and CO repub
licans voting against silver, with a number of
pairs. After p.tslng muny prlvato pension
bills thu houso adjourned.
Tiik sennto devoted most of the day on the
Hth to tho sundry civil appropriation bill and
passed it beforo adjournment, Tho vote of
Wednesday in commltteo of tho wholo on Mr.
Porter's nmondment to prohibit tho salo of In
toxicating liquors within tho grounds of tho
Columbian exposition nt Chicago, was rcvorscd,
tho voto upon Its adoption being yeas 21, nays
29. Mr. Vest's substitute for Mr Quay's Sun
day closing amendment wus laid on tho table
34 to 17. Although lute In tho session n number
of bills wero Introduced. Tho conferenco re
ports on tho dlplomttlo and tho naval bills
were agreed to. ...The houso agree, to tho con
ferenco reports on the legislative, tho diplo
matic nnd tho naval bills. A resolution from
tho foreign nlTalrs commltteo rcqucatlug tho
stato department to Investlg etc tho Imprison
ment of Dr. Qnllaglicr, nn American citizen, In
nn Kngllsh prison was adopted. Mr. Scott In
troduced ft bill, for reference, to prohibit tho
employment by corixjr.itlons of special police.
It is a strike at tho l'lnkerton system. Ad-Jourmst.
Tho Only One Ever Printed Cnu Ton rind l
the Word?
There Is a 3 Inch display advertisement
In this paper, this week, which has no two
words uliKo except ono wortL Tho sntno Is -true
of each ueiv ono appearing each ucclc,
from Tho Dr. llartcr Medlcino Co. This
houso plnccs n "Crescoat" on everything
they mako and publish. Look for It, send
them tho namo of tho word and they will
return you book, beautiful lithographs or
samples free.
Tnn girls cannot resist tho impression
thut tlicro is something; engaging about tho
tnurrlago proposal. Ditigliatnton Lcuder.
Hall's CATArmn Ccttn Is a liquid and Is .
taken Internally, and not directly on the
blood and rtiuoous surfaces of tho system.
J rlto for testimonials, free. Manufactured
by F. J. Cuenut fc Co., Toledo, O.
Ir toor rclntlvcs had theit way they
would not have rich uncles very long. Dal- -las
IlAnins cry for It hecauso It makes millc
"The A. H. C. Hohemiuu bottled JJi-cr" of Ht.
Louis. Tho American Drawing Ca's brow.
"Ocean greyhounds" pet that namo bo- -cause
they ure not tarr.tcrs.
, .
Tun human system needs continuous one1
careful attention to lid ltM'lf of Its Itupuri
ties. Dccolmm's Tills act liico muglc.
Tiiniollytvogcnn honst of his pedigree,, .
for lio was born in thu swim.
A sallow skin ncejnlfos a healthy clear
ness by tho tiso of Glenn's Kulnhur Soap.
Hill's llalr und Whisker Dye, 50 cents. .
Tub vlfo of n kcuIus Is ercilorally a very -.
lonesome woman. Hum's Horn. ,
Tnn Ram's Horn Is published at Indian- -u
polls, Indluuu, utfliOpui-jcur. v,
Tim had boy will Imj sorry when electrical .
tanning is universally ndopled.
nru.TH Tip-Bits save weak, nervous men.
Slttriuliuc. Ohio Chemical Co.,Clnclmmti,C -
Many a woman who cannot eh-ivo n nail'
or a horse can drive a utiui. N. Y. Press.
leuellnu horsi-mim. is ileael
Dkpiity sheriffs wero meibbeel by ! V-ov nt tho tlmu tho noto was given,
strikers at tho Hlcksvllle (L. I.) pearl ! The trustees allege that Kueppentjentler
button works.
Tiik ninth annunl national prohibi
tion camp meeting was held at Oaklund
pnrk, Decatur, 111. Tito meeting was
opeucel by a parade in which 000 chil
dren bore Hags,
The preslelent has signed tho Indian
npprupr mi uu u , iwo wio i "" , nnt .. fnp f,, nrpifcf n.
appropriation hill nnd tho mil autnor- ., , , . ,,..,. , .
1 1 It 1 ,.i,i, t August I-tichs, who she claims is her
Uing tho issuance of patents to the lo- , , ! . , . , ,
11 1 i i . 1 ..- I husband, tho charge against him being
1S K Mn&Btor.n y. FucL is running
the Lehigh university at llethlchcm, J the P aUe sou ho
Pa., desperately attempted sulcldo at V', y' ";..," Jr L ! . "
executed thu note without authority
from tho church nnd thit ho never
turned the proceeds of tho note into thu
church trensury. The answer asks that
the suit be dismissed.
Somi: days ago n middle-aged lady,
giving her name us Augusta Fuclts, ar
rlveel in Fremont from Denver anel
young negroes wero eirowneti
while bathing nt Lauderdale, Miss.
JUS3K Cui.r.M.vx, a prominent lumber
man of Sumter county, Ala., was
tlrttwned while trying to save a raft,
Tin: governor of Astrakhan, Kussla,
shot down and killed three rioters with
his own revolver.
It was estimated that twenty-five
lives wore lost by tho disaster on Lako
J Peoria, I1L
his homo in Yalesvllle, Conn. He had
been delivering an address nnd was
guyed for fun by tho audience so that
ho went delirious and texk poison.
Ir is probable that tho senate com
mltteo ou inter-state commerce will re
port favorably u substitute for the bill
which passed the houso requiring rail
reuels to equip their rolling stock with
nutoiuutlo couplers and power brakes.
Tho houso bill is regartled as tew dras
tic Cincinnati anel southern Ohio were
visited by a severe storm on the 15th.
Many persons wero Injured and many
buildings wero destroyed.
Tukuk wuh a wreck on tho Louisville,
Evnusvillo & SU Luis near Evansvllle,
Ind. Ten persons wero seriously hurt,
two fatally, It wus caused by tho pre
mature turning of a switch.
Tukuk was a wreclc ut the gravel pit,
Feirt Worth, Tex. A work car was
crushed and seven men were frightfully
manirlcd. three fatally.
TiiKelepartmeut of agriculture claims ,
mat meat inspcewuu nun uuuuu uuu
cent 11 pound to tho price of hogs.
Ci.KAiti.Nd houso returns for tho week
ended July 15 showed un increase of
l'.'.S. In New York tno inurcnt-u wan
12.4. lluslnchd geuerally wus reported
Tin? sennto on tho 13th adopted final
conference report? on tho army, navy
anel legislative, executive und judicial
appropriation bills and assented to a
houso resolution extending e.vUtlng ap
propriations for objects not yea acted
upon until July SO. It ulsei passed thu
fnrtllieatleni bill with amendments.
Tho nundry civil bill was buforo the
house. Discussion was ovej tho world'a
fulr appropriation of (5,000,000.
011 the complaint tiled. The defendant
gave bonds for his appearance. Ho ad
mitted having lecn married to wife
number ono in Ocrmnuy anel says ho
lived with her after coining to this coun
try, but she became such u terror to
htm that ho abandoned her nnd mar
ried again.
Tin: Nebraska Woman's Suffrage as
sociation, lately in session at Pender,
chose otliccrs as follows: President,
Clara llctvick Colby, lleatrlcc; vice pres
lelent, Mary Smith Iluywurd, Children;
recording secretary, Clotty W. Drury,
Pender; eorresponellng secretary, Helen
M. Ooff, Mlndcn; treasurer, Stella
Groves Freeso, Ponder. Tho nsserclu
tion adopted a resolution asking the
legislature to eoufer municipal suffrage
on women. A resolution was also
ndopted that "whilo wo recommend
that tho woman suffragists of tho stato
uso their intluonce to secure tho elec
tion to otlleo of men who aro favorobla
to woman Biiffrugo of whatever party,
yet us un nssoclatlon wo remain strictly
Two girls named Orlnelorf, aged 17
ami l'-i, while recently aiding to school
near t Stewart on tho sumo horso
were seriously hurt, Tho animal was
Beared by a bey named Murphy, uged
IB. Iloth girls wero thrown. Tho
older ono was dragged u quarter of a
iiiUo with her foot in tho stirrup. It
was thought her lu Juries Moultl prewo
Antonio Amh'.i, an Italian living in
Omaha, wus instantly killed near Platts
inuutli tho other day. Ho anel tho rest
of tho section crow wero golug to din
ner on n hand car when ho wus thrown
off nnd killed by a passing train. Flvo
othci'i of tho crew were IniurciL
Sad Kiidlnu of the 1.1 To if n Poor Widow
mill Her Three Children.
Ni:v Yenuc, July ft. In n rough, plno
collln nt tho morgue lies tho burned und
horribly disfigured boely of Min. Annlo
Hrotlerick. Tiny coffins on either sltlo
contain tho blackened und charred
bodies of her two children, Mamie unel
Richard, aged fl anel 'i years, respective
ly, nnel tho corpse of nn eighteen-months-old
foundling, which Mrs.
llroelcrlck had taken to board from tho
New York foundling asylum. They
wero tho victims of a fire which broke
out yesterday morning ut 3 o'clock in a
one-story nnd uttlc f ramo house at East
Ono Hundred nnd Eighteenth street
Thu building caught fire, it is supposed,
through tho explosion of a lamp In Mrs.
Ilroderlck's bedroom. The Uro wns in-
hignlllcant, but beforo even an attempt
to save tho occupants of the house could
be made, tho mother nnd children
were smothered. Mrs. llroelcrlck
was a widow, 20 years ohL Her hus
band died two years ago, and sho sup
ported her children by taking in wash
ing. Four or flvo months ngo sho
agreed to take care of ono of the in
funis of tho Foundling asylum, nnd this
infant was nlso burneel to death. Mrs.
llroderlck was In tho habit of going to
see her mother, who lives near by, and
staying thero with tho children for a
eouplo of days at a time. Sho had been
thero Wednesday, nnd tho neighbors,
supposing sho was still at her mother's
houso with tho children, mado no ex
traordinary efforts to get Into tho burn
ing building. When tho firemen arrived
It was too late. Tho flames had reached
tho bed upon which tho entire family
wero sleeping nnd had burned nnd
choked them to death. They will bo
buried in potter's flolel.
Trump Vrlnter Killed.
TKnnKM.,Tex., July 111. -A disastrous
wreck occurred on tho Texas .t Pacific
railway twelve miles west of hero Fri
day night A train of seventeen curs
of cattle, bound for Chicago, jumped
tho track und twclvo cars wero tele
scoped. Two tramp printers beating
their way wero killed outright and an
other was badly in jureel. Much of tho
stock was killed.
Hoi Smith Dermis Dun Duly.
San Francisco, July 0. Sol Smith,
of Los Angeles, defeated Dan Daly, of
Omaha, in threo rounds at tho Pacific
Athletic club lust night for a 81,2.10
purse. Smith kept thu lead from tho
start und In tho third round knocked
Daly down with a right hundor In tho
face, drawing bloenl und elazlng him to
such nn extent that ho was unable to
como to thu scratch.
llerg Short, who shot Henderson Den
kins und Leo Simmons near Chattel
noogu, Teun., was reported making for
thu mountains armed with a Winchester.
oisne pxjoys
I Both tho method and results wherr.
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,.
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fovers nud cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remetty of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficinl in its.
effects, prepared only from tho most,
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and havo mado it tho most,
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50c
and $1 bottles ly all leading drug
gists. Any rehablo druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
viihc3 to try it Do not accept any
Louismu. nr. hew yokk, f.r.
"lam Post Master here and keep
a Store. I have kept August Flower
for sale for some time. I think it-is
a splendid medicine." E. A. Bond,
P. M Pavilion Centre, N. Y.
The stomach is the reservoir.
If it fails, everything fails. The:
liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the
heart, the head, the blood, the nerves
nll go wrong. If you feel wrong,
look to the stomach first. Put that
right at once by using August
Flower. It assures a good appetjt
anu a goou aigestion.
Tba MBallcot PHI to tha Wwrld!
iTutfs Tiny Pills!
Ono rial of them pill will wvo many
uuiiarH in aociors uuu. -niey w&
Papcclalljrnrrpnrrdaa a family nicHl-'
ii'iui', iiiki nupjHirs a -tram luim en.
kThoy rcmnvo unhoaltliy necuinula-j
Ptlon.4 from tliolxxlr without naaacu or t
AuiMibMl to old an4 young.
rl-o,Sc OUtr, auFnrkl'JJMe,
Va nerfoct ImKotlou of nature tinpou- W
Ibln to lottct it. X'rlcu, 01 tier Ikit.
ll'e Offer "'an Hvnu-ilu
chUh MMHuren tiafetu to
Life of Mother una Child.
Itoba Contiie-Mienf of its
J'uIn, Horror ami IHhI;.
After iiilnpnnn tmttlo of" M othrr'a Friend" t.
uuurmt but latin pnln.Hiiil itlil not i-iprrlvncu thut.
wrakners utlnrwHnl utiiiil In mirh cue, Mn..
A.nii.u Aur., Liiinnr. Jm., jmti. lilll. l?l.
Pont I'jr iinrn, i
price I'.'OiKjr Imiilo.
BOLD 11 V AIJ. lUUG(ilST3.
c'inrvo nropiiltl, on receipt of
iiouk to Muiintri umllvil irou.
n riso'g Itemcdy tor Catarrh Is tho
h iieiii, i.aMtsi to uuo, una ejaenput.
I Bold by dnisslsts or sent by tnntl,
I wu j. i. uiuiiuoc, tvarida, rn