iiEs- , aill Z . 1 T- -v- vH K c If By A. C. Hosmer. I5,000 TO I.OAX TO WOKTIIY STUDHXTS. No money required to recclvo an education at till college. Tlio only conditions of udmlMloi nre a Rood moral character and an ambition (o secure an odiientlon. TI1I1 college lias ict asldo 15100 to le loaned during tlio present year to young people Mho wMi to attend our school, but have not the ready funds. All the tlmu needed will bo Riven In which to pay tho loan; and a student can tako a full courso to graduation without a dol'ar to begin with. IT IS BRfcT TO PAY AS YOU CO but If this Is Impossible yon cannot nltord to start In life without an education when you havo an opportunity like this. Ten states represented In tlio attendance and fifty graduates last year. Hoard In private family SJ.oo per week. We teach the Klectrlc Short-Hand which can bo learned In lotlmo than other systems. After you havo read tho circulars of all other schools, send for our cataloguo and wo will lenvoltto your JudRtncnt which school In tho weat ranks first In standing. Address, A. in. IIARGIti, Pre., CJrantl Island, Neb. WWMM..M..M.Wl........i...........................l Ho, There ! e. uf. dow Keeps e line of Sickles, Pitman Boxes, Knife Heads, Sections, Guards, Guard Plates, Eivets, for all kinds of Mowing Machines. Old iron taken in exchange. Machines repaired in good ehape. I Lave also a FLOUR and FEED. OSCAR PATMOR Perkins & Mitchell's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying ) oiu flour. What is ESE3Q CMtoria Is, Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Inftnts find Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its, guarantee is. thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feTerishness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd cures Dlarrhcoa and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos toria Is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. r'"" Gattoria. M Oaitoria U an cellent medicine for chll Sfta. Motheri hare repeatedly told mo oilta good affect upon their children." Da. O. C. Omood, Lowell, Nana. - Caatorla b tho Vest remedy for children of irfclch I am acquainted. I liopo tho day to not far dlatant hen niraliirs will consider tho roal fetereat of their children, and uao Castorla la Uad of tha varlouaquack nostrums which ore deetro jlos their loted ones, by forcing opium, morphine, aoothlng ayrup and other hurtful tents down their throats, thereby sending i to premature graves." Conway, Ark, Tk Casta Oompaay, TJ Eternal Vigilance is few kind of rake teeth on hand g. w. now. Castorla. " Castorla to so well adapted to children that I recommend It aa superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Abchm.M, D., HI So. Oxford St, BrookljPuX. 7. ' Oar physicians In the children? depart ment have spoken hlchly of their expert enco In their outside practice with Castorla, tfnd although we only hare among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castorla has won us to look with farorupoalt." UKITKD HOSPITAL AMD DlSPE!UBT, 1 Boston, Mass. AlLMt O. SMITH, Ppf, Murray Btr t, Hew York City. the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is Red Cloud, Webster County, Ilcpubllfitn County Convention. Tim rcpubllrnn electors of Webster county urn ipqurMril to mmhI delegatci from thoaover nltnuiitlitli to meet in conu'iitlnn ut tlio court house In Hit' dt of iii'd Cloud, Tlitiimliiy, Juiy z, IK.', 11 o'clock a. 111., tor tlio iiurposu of Ifctinj: lu ili'li'Kiitei to tlio republican conven tion to lit) held at Lincoln, Neb., Thursday, July 38, 1803, ten tlulrgittcs to tnu rciiitillciiii senatorial con vention; nlto ten deleato to tlio float conven tion, mid to nominate one county attorney ami one representative for Webster county lu the statu It'Klslntuiu. Tlio several townships nro entitled to repre sentation 111 follows 1 'itio apportionment belnu tinned upon tlio vote rnn for lion. Oeo. 11, llastlUKs (or ntUirney-uencral In lttOO giving one delegate at larito to each township (except the tlrst anil aeconil wards of Hod Cloud city) and one for cadi ten votes mid the major fraction thereof: ltcd Cloud 7 Oak Crock 2 1'otHdam II fllcllHOOd 4 Inava 0 t'utlierton.. j.mo.... llarllelil lied Cloud 1st ward (Undo Itwk Stillwater a llHtltl 3 llarinonv 6 walnut Creek 3 Kim Crock , S HraUT Creek 4 ricimut lllll G Itnl Cloud 2d ward 11 It Is recnmmciided that no proxies bo minilu ted, mid that tlio delegates present cast the full votoof the delegation, mIio tkat tho primaries bo held not later than July w. 1892. llie follow lug perilous Hbnll bo entitled to vote at the re publican primaries. All republican electors and nil other electors who, If challenged, shall declnro tiioir Intention to act with, the republi can party at tho coming eloctlon. lly order of tho committee. (l. K. McKkrhv, Chairman. A. C. HosMRit, Hecretary. supervisors Proceedings. July 12, 1892. Board of Supervisors of Webster county convened. Patterson chair man. 13 members present. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Certified reports of township clerks of Webster county of township off cers appointed by the township boards are as follows: Olenwood township: W. B. Householder, O. II. R. D. No. 33, bond filed. J. S. Turner, 0. II. II. D. No. 15, bond filed. Kim Crock Tp.: F. Garlooh, township treasurer, no bond filed. D. M. Francis, township clerk, bond filed. BatinTp.: Jnnics Anderson, justico of tho peace, bond filed. A. E. Thomas, 0. II. R. D. No. 28, bond filed. W. II. Peck, justico of tho pcaco, bond filed. Pleasant Hill Tp.: J. D. Conyno, O. II. R. D. No. 36, bond filed. Inavalo Tp.: John Coploy, O. II, R. D. No. 11, bond filod. John Zadc, constablo, no bond filed, Stillwater Tp : John T. Robinson, O. H. R. 1). No. 19, bond filed. Wni. Bump, constable, no bond filed. Oak Creek Tp.: John Simpson, township treasurer, bond filed. John Simpson, tnx collector, bond filed. Harmony Tp.: John A. AndorHon, O. II, R. D. No. 47, bond filed. K. ,1. Ointhcr, O. II, R. D. No. 42, bond filed, J. M. Bowcn, justico of the ponce, no bond filod. Douglas, Yenscn, constable, no bund filed. ' Garfield Tp.: CI eo. IW U. II. R. b. No. Sif bond filed. Ju.. Amuck, O. II. R. I). No. D2, bond filed. Thos. Eiiicrlon, justice of the peace, bond filod. Thos. Ktnertoti, 0. II. R. D. No. 24, bond filed. John Earner, constable, bond filed. Win. Kent, ' no bond filed. Red Cloud Tp.: Henry Qilham, township clerk, bond filed. Potsdam Tp.: Andrew Hublm; 0. II. R. D. No. 20, bond uleu, A. Zcrwak, constable, bond filed. F. Huppcrt, O. II. R. D. No. 14, no bond filed. Walnut Creek Tp.: David Dinger, township clerk, bond filed. A. C. Sanford, 0. II. R. D. No. 25, bond filed. 0. Rinker, 0. II. R. D. No. 10, bond filed. Anthony Arncson, justico of the peace, no bond filed, Red' Cloud Citv: Motion by V. V. Calhcr that S. Bay- Neb., Friday, July 22, 3C les be appointed Justice of tho Pcaoo in and for Red Cloud City to fill va cancy caused by tho removal of C. Schcnck. The motion prevailed, and Mr. Bnylcs filed Iuh bond. Adjourned to 1 :3U p. 111. 1:30 p m, July 12, 1892, Board convened, Patterson chairman. 13 members present. Report of C. P. Gather, special com mitteo appointed at last regular moot ing to examine into tho request for refunding taxes on lot 29, block 14, Bluo Hill, for the year 1889, known asthoGAR Hall: I find tho prop erly was sold to a building association and it appears from their artioles of incorporation to be a priyato company for business purposes, and should pay the taxes for tlio years 1888, 1889, 1890 and 1891. 0. F. Gather, Com. Roport aoccptod and committo dis charged. Report of C Schonck, Justice of tho Peace, ot fines received and paid into tho county treasury road and or dered placed on file. Report of eommittco to settlo with County Clerk for year ending Doo 31, 1891, as follows: We, your eommittco, havo examined tho books of County Clerk's ofHoo, and find them to bo correct aB we believe, A H Chary, ,, C F. Catiikb J tom, Committco on County Poor Farm report as follows: That wo have rent ed the farm for tho year 1892 to Ever ett Bean for the sum of eighty-five dollars, payable January 1st, 1893, with approved security. John Uabskr, Cnn. County Clerk's report of fees and disbursements -for quarter ending March 31, 1892, was read and ordered placed on filo. Gonnty Clerk's roport of fees and disbursements for tho quarter ending Juno 30, 1892, was road and ordered plaocd on filo. Petition of Batin township for an appropriation of $200 to repair bridge and culvorts, was read and referred to committco on bridges. Petition of Garfield township for opening road onco vacated between Sco 27 and 34, town 1, 10, referred to cemmitteo on roads. , Petition from Batin township ask ing for an appropriation of $100 for repairing roads, referred to committee on roads, Petition of Pleasant Hill township asking for road between seotions 6 and 7, 2, 10, roferrod to committee on roads. Petition of Red Cloud tonuship for road between sections 14 and 11, 2, 11, referred to oommittoe on roads. Petition .of Qftk Creek township asking for an appropriation of $200 to build bndgo and grade on county lino between Adams and Webster, re ferred to committee on bridges. Petition from Pleasant Hill town shin for bridco over Willow Greek bo tween sections 1 and 2, 2, 10, referred to committco on bridges. Petition from Gowlcs asking fori ho building of a bridgo across Elm Creek between sections 33 anu 34, 3, 10, re ferred to committee on bridges. Petition from Inavalo township for tho building of a bridge over Farmers Creek, between sections 4 and 9, 2, 12, referred to eommittco on bridges. Motion made, and carried that tho Chairman mid Clerk be instructed to sign tho application for tho adiuittanuo of Elizabeth Carrier into tho Soldiers' Homo ut Giand Island. M J Davey asks tho Board to np-. point appraisers to appraiso the EJ Slty 30, 3, 9. The ebair appointed as said committee, Kindsohor, Watt, Miller. Request of Guide Rook township that the survey saado by County Sur veyor south of tho rivor and west from a point on tho Huckouu county lino bo platted. Moved and carried that the request bo granted and Clerk ordered to plat tho Banio when propor ly returned and certified to by tho county Surveyor. Petition from Guido Rock for road between seotions 13 and 14, 23 and 24, 1, 9, Binned by J'S 8tratton and 12 others. As said road cannot bi located without damages, and no mon oy being deposited as required by Jaw, no aotion was taken on said petition. Petition of Henry Giham .and C30 others asking for tho building and eouHtructinc uf an iron bridge across I the. Republican' river south of Amboy, the Price of The Chief. 1892. between seotions fl and 4, (1, 10, re ferred to committco on bridges. Supervisor Watt p'rrsontod tho eosi' of Mrs Crowcll, who is now a county chargn as insane, who has property in this county. Moved and carried that the county attornoy bo instructed to look after this caso and report to this Board at onco or tako stops to seouro said property. Roport from Auditor of Stato in re gard to Railroad Bonds and intorcst was read and referred to committco on ways and means. Adjournod to July 13. 9 am. July 13, 1892, 9 a m, Board con vened,' Patterson chairman, 10 mem bers presont. Report of County Treasurer for six months ending Juno 30, 1892, was read and referred to committco on set tlement with Co. Treasurer. Tho committco on Official Bonds reported favorablo on tho following bonds which was approved by the Board: Chaa Rlnkcr, O II R D No 10 John A Anderson, ' " 47 Ivans Amack " " 52 J D Conyno " 30 John Copley " ' 11 J T Robinson " 19 Jaa Turner ' " 15 W B Housoholdor " " 33 Thomas Emerton " -' 24 A E Thomas ' " 38 AC Sanford " 25 Andrew Hublin " " 20 EJGInther " 42 GeoPPopo " " 9 h Si Jja lionto " " 43 Henry Gilbam, Township Olerk. D M Franeis ' David Disgee " " Ed McClure, Justice of tho Peaoo. James Anderson u " " Wm Peck " " Thomas Emerton " " " 8tephen Bsyles " " J M Earner Constablo. Aug Zerwakh " John Simpson, Township Treasurer. ' " Tax Collector. W H Hoffman ' " J W Warren, Coroner. Report of committee to settlo with Co. Treasurer for six months ending Juno 30, 1892, is as follows: We, your eommittco to settle with County Treasurer, havo examined tho book and vouohera in his offico, and fie d that tho exhibit herein mado is cor rect. 8igned by Alf MeCall, Clitu. Moved and carried that tho report of committee be accepted. Committee on Roads report as fol lows: Wo, your committee, recom mend the openiog of road on section line, between sections 27 and 34, twn 1, range 10, one mile, provided the eounty is not held responsible for any damages. Also road between seotions 0 and 7, town 2, R 10. We, your sommittce, would rt'onmmond that no action be taken on this petition, as tho right of way has not bocn given, nor any money naid as required by law. Alxo road botween sec 14 and 11, T 2, RU. We would recommend tho opening of this road, provided the county is not held responsible tor any damages. J P Equnoton, 1 John Rasbkr, Com M M Miller, ) Moved and carried that the report of tho committoo on roads bo ac cepted. Report of committco on Bridges: We, ) our committee, would recom mend on tho petition from Inavalo for bridgo on section lino between sco 4 pun 9, T 2, R 12, over Farmers Creek, that an appropriation of $100 litt granted for the building of said bridge. Alio for bridco on Willow Urook between soo 1 and 2, T 2, R 10, would recommend an appropriation of $00 to build said bridge, signed, P Zimmerman, 1 Jacob Kindbcueu, Com. G Hummel, ) On tho petition for iron bridgo ovor Republican river at Amboy, thero was a majority and minority report. The majority report was as follows: We, the majority comm'ttoe, would recommend that the petition bo re jeotod. P. Zimmerman, Jacob Kindsoiier. The minority report was that Lie petition be laid over. Signed, G. IV. Hummel. Moved and carried that tho petition for iron bridge over Republican river at Amboy be laid' over. . .' , Vol. 19. No. 52 Report of Co Supt Pub Instruction was road and ordered plaocd on file.. Rcvolulion by C F Gather: Vhorca, tho offico of Co Coroner of Wohslor county his become vaoant by reason of Dr. Sohcnok removing from said bounty; Therofore, it ii moved that Joseph W Warren bo ap pointed by this Board to fill vaoaney. Moved that Mr Stnnser be appoint ed coronor to fill vacntioy. Voto was called for by roll call. Tho result of said voto was: Warren, 8 votes; Stansor, 3 votes, Joseph W Warrun was, by the chair, declared duly appointed to 111 tho vacancy of coronor for Webster county until tho next general eleotion. Moved nnd carried that tho bridge committee bo instructed to go to Cowlcs nnd exumino tho stream whero bridgo is asked for over Elm Crook, an section lino, lictwcon 33 and 34, T 3, R 10. Committoo on Wnyiiinl Means filed two reports, majority mid minority. We, i ho majority committee, re commend that tho bonds of Wcbntor county issued to tho Ropublioan Vatv' ley R R in tho aum of $47,500, and" maturing Jan 1,1894, bo refunded' as provided by chanter 40 of tho Statute of Nebraska. Said bonds to bo is sued in amounts ot $l;O00 each, and to run for a torm of 20 years, with tho option to pay on and after 10 yoars, at tho lowest rato of intoroit that oan be obtained. G F Gather, job Uarber, I, S-Cora. IT,) W J Wrwiit, We. the minority committee of Ways and Moans respectfully 'recom mend that thq County Cle,rk levy a aufiioient tax on the assessed valua tion to pay all the limit the law allows to collect at one year, to Issue to the Ropublioan Valloy. Rail Road Go's bonds, as provided for in scotton 4,174 of tho compiled Statutes of Nebraska. J Kindbcurb, ) c Wm Irons, poln' Moved that Majority report be adopted. Ayes Watt; Miller, Foe, Wright, Zimmerman, Rasor, Holm grain, Garbor, 0 F Cathor, EkIIbbHoH.' t GP Gather 11. Nays Kindsohcr, Hoffman, Irons, Patterson 4. Tho majority report was deolared carried. We, your committco appointid to settle with Co. Sheriff and Jailor, hav ing examined tho books and records of his offico, find the report to bo oor reot. E. II. Fox, Gbm. Movod and carried that the report be adopted. Adjourned. July 14, 1892, 9 am. Board eonvencd, Patterson chair. man, 15 members present, A, certificate from the Township Clerk of Red Cloud township, certify ing that at a meeting of the township Board of said township, itwasnairied unanimously that tho township be di vided into road districts as they ap pear ton county records at tho time of township organisation. Moved and carried that tho district bo divided as asked for by town board to take effect on and after January 1, 1893'; Wo, your committee on bridgos, would make tho following report: That wo have examined tho bridge ut Guide Rook, and reeommond that thu aouth end of tho approach of the bridge Lu roiiaircd. We would recommend thu building of a pilo bridgo over Elm Creek at or ncur Cowlcs, between sco 33 and 34, 3,10 Alrt , wo would recommend an ap propriation of $75 to build bridges and culverts on road between see 32 and ;i3, 20 and 21, 1G and 17, 8 aid 0, 28 and 29, Batin township. Wo would recommend an appropria tion of $100 to build a bridgo over Fai Ultra Creek in Inavalo township, botween suctions 4 aud 9, 2, 12, Wo would recommend an appropria tion nt $G0 to build a bridge over Willow Creek, Pleasant Hill township, botweon seal ions 1 and 2, 2, 10. Also, wo recommend an aT-pria-tion ot $50 to Batin townsliip, to build culverts and repair roads be tween coctioiiB 22 and 23, 20 and 27, 34 and 35, in towA 3, range 11. Zimmerman, Hummel, -Com. Kindsoiier, v IContinoed Next Week)' ' Go to Calmes'.f.ot ice cream. It l:t TI o uV t:1 o i I- . 4 1 r 8 e JHl r n lo al IP a- s. o- 5 i 10 111 r- CI fr it i at ht so vol h- nil 111 lf ban ji-l ua' H cu$ pua as IT. er wo m ) i t yriycEiwMFTi . Wl' oMm- i jwitwriKiMrtwj jfcft,rwVa