The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1892, Image 8

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I Inciting 'Anarchf.
I Perhaps it ia fortunate fur tho
poMtry thai the appeals of tho ira
TprWoaed Chloajr,o anarchists for re
; I least aid the efforts of their friends
?L 41..U t. k,A1.
T. ::i .... u Z; B '
ftVoat their liberation. The prose nco
of the three ringleaders of tho Hay
market tragedy at labor mass
iftneetine hold in CMesco on (Sunday,
J would in all probability havo pcrcipi
(tated another bloody out-brcak. The
4 president of the meeting said that
j j as labor creates all wealth, all wealth
ty belongs to labor, and that1 Instead of
v the workingmon asking Carnegie tor
h a raise in wages they should tell him
d to get oat, as the mills belong to
J them. "I do not ay hang Carnegio
or Plnkcrton," he continued, "thero is
d a time for etcrjlhing." Tho execu
tion or. raraont ana opirs ana uie
ab4 Afartf1 lltilrllAlal tnt.r.
, .vn .,, .V.U..UU .u m Juu.v... ...
c der that took away five of our best
men. We oannot afford to haro any
more incipient revolutions," he said,
i "the next one must bo complete,"
Suoh iaceodiarv talk at a timo of
perfect quiet would probably not bo at
all dangerous, but when the masses
in a state of exoitement it is liable to
produce serious results. The experi
ence of the past prove that public
daager lurks under auoh reokless, ut
terances. Public sympathy haa not
been denied to their ironworkers at
Homestead in their, resistance to tho
Pinkerton hirelings, but it must be
understood that pubiio approval of
ueh sentiments as thoso expressed at
Chicago is impossible.
The ssme mistaken notion concern
ing the rights of the laborer aro ro
spoaslblo for the slaughter in tho
mines of Idaho, aid there can be no
doabt that the striking miners wero
spurred by the intemperate talk
of political demagogues who seek to
array the workingmen against the
republican party.
The rights, of the workingmen
art be prtected; he must be prcoiitt
ed to employ every peaceful means to
gaia his ends; but it will never bo
eoieeded that he hae a right to take
possession tf the property of his eta
ployerby foree, 6aeh dsotrine in
eites aiaafehyacd strikea at the batii
of all oir iaititatlons. Bee.
EMtcni atlet mad Pleauwr ftc
torts. (
re best reaohed by the Burlington
route. The improved train-service
oow.itetleot, brings Omaha within
40 hoars, sma Denver within o3 hours
of Ifew; Y,ireT, Boston or Philadelphia
Thenumeroas oonvontions to bo
held i New York. Saratoga, Detroit
and ether eastern cities daring tho
coming summer, to whloh reduced
rates will applyoffer splendid oppor
tunities of visiting the East at an al
most nominal cost, Tho locsl ssent
of the B. & M. R. B, will be glad to
give you further information.
Colorado's Cool alctrculs.
Daring the "tourists season" from
Jane until September the Burl inn ton
route hss on sslo round-ttip tickets, at
veryreduoed rates, to the prinoipal re
sorts of Colorado.
To Denver, Oolorrdo Springs, Mani
ton, Pueblo, and Estos Park (tho
most attractive spot in tho whole
state,) particularly low ratts are in
July and August are tho best
months in whioh to visit Colorado'
unrivalled resorts, to all of which tho
Burlington wjth its oonneotions, offers
unequalled service.
The looal agent will bo glad to givo
you any desired information.
' .
All orders for oil or gasolino left
at Spokeafield's r.tcery store will bo
promptly filled by the Bluo Tank
s i -
I Want to Buy Farms
Parties having cheap farm lands for
aale, improved or unimproved can find
bayrra by caljmg on D. B. 8panoKle,
Heal Estate and Loan Agent, Bed
Cloud, Neb
Bee Keeaer'a Supplies.
A. Mohart, the hardware man, will
hereafter kcepxtll kinds of Bee Keep
er's supplies. Mail order fillod
promptly? tf.
. ' Gasoline Stoves.
The boston the worjd, for sale at,
A ,MoiiART'8 40-tf
moraine!" Why. I am our.
prised; -the doctors and neighbors have
Ml roporteu van your ueatn was dally
ipeoUd.Vy , . , , .
"Ah I yes; they all said I never conld
reaovar and save me ud to die with
ohronlo aaalaria. kidney and liver trouble.
I have aakaa three bottles ot "HepatlJ
oart74paw avjaoaaos us am seond
and wwl. Jtm F. Harrison, Rome, Ga.
The Importance of
keeping UiuLlood In
n i tiro condition Is
universally known,
and yet tlicro aro
Into porfcetly puro
Mood. Tlio Hint ot scrofula, salt rheum, or
font liiinior Is licifdltcd nrxl transmitted
lor Bcncrr.t!ti:.s. ontt'lnu nntold stifferlnr;, nml
wo also nccitntulato poison and cenns of dlv
caso from tlio air wo
broatl.c.mj tho food
we cat, or If All LP l,,e watcr
wo drink. W l TI,oro ls
nothiiiK I 1 1 mnro con
clualrrly I Ul proven
than tlio P?U,T0
powor of Hood'a firtrsaparllUoTcmll dlteasea
of tho blood. This mcdlclno, when fairly
Ulod, docs oxpcl every trace of scrofula or
toll rheum, removes mo wmh wiusn causa
uio mnit mumi cuusoi
catarrh, ncutrallica
thanddltyond cures
rheumatism, drives
out tho Rcrtna of
ma!nrla, blood p
aonlng, etc. It also
vlt.illics nnd !(
riches tho blood, thus overcoming that tired
feeling, and building up the whole system.
Thousands testify to tho superiority of flood'
Bampartlla as a blood purifier. Full Infor
mation and statements of eures sent free.
BotdbyalldrnftUts. fltsUforfS. rreparadoaly
by 0. 1. HOOD CO., ApotbetariM, LowiU, Mus.
100 Doio Off Dollar
Drunkenness, or tlio sJauor
Ilatslt Cured at Home In Tea
Days by Adailnlsterins; Dr.
Haines' Golden SpeclHc.
It can bo Riven in n Rlnsa of boor, a
oup ot coffee or tea or in food without
the knowledge of the pattont It is ab
solutely harmless nnd will effect a per
manent and speedy sure, whether the
patient is a moueraus urmaer or an al
coholic, wreck. It has been eiven in
thousands ot cases, and in every instance
a nerfect cure hae followed. It never
falls. The system onoo impregnated with!
biliiv for Uie linuor nnpetite to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of pnr
tioulars free. Address tho Ooldon Spe
olflo Co., 180 Raco Btreet, Cincinnati, O.
For The Campaign.
In order to bring tho Wcokly Bee
into tho family of ovory English road
log man and woman in tho west
its publishers have decided to offer tho
paper for six months, covering the cam
paign, for 80 cents.
In order to fully understand the
questions of vital importanco to the
producer and laboiing man that will
come up during this campaign, every
votor should hear both sides. The Boe
proposes to discuss aH (ltiestions thor
oughly and intelligent). You can
not afford to allow this opportunity to
to pass. Add rats.
Tur Bib Pu'bushino Co,
Omaha Nob.
Prevent chills, fever, mainrin, loss of
tirnobv aloknoss. Tako "Hepatiuure."
For salo by L. II. Deyo.
Children Cry for
Do you wnnt money, happiness, com
fort nnd pleasure f If so, keep your
health perfect by an occasional use of
"Hepatfcure" the great English, blood,
kidney nnd liver tonic-. For sole by I.
II. Deyo.
When she was m Child, aha crted-for Oaatorla.
When aha became Was, she clung to Castor!.
Wlwa she aadChnitraa, she gave thssaCaatorie.
If dull, spiritless and stuped: Ityjaur
blood is thick and sluggish ; it yonr appe
tite iaoaprioiouB nnd unoertaln, you need
a Sarsaparilla. For best rest results use
Do Witt'a. O.L. Dotting.
For Firo Lightning and Tornado
Insurance in tho German of Frceport
and other reliable companies, call on
or writo to CIihh. Sohaffnit, offioe over
J)oyo's drutf store, Hod Cloud, Nebr.
Bright people are tho quickest to rec
ognize a good thing and buy it. We aell
lots of bright people the Little Early Ri
sers, If yon are not bright these pills
will make you so. 0. L. Sotting,
Tho Rod Cloud Dray Lino havo four
good and heavy mulo team). All
hauling promptly attonded to your
ordora solicited. Jno Barkley,
tf Proprietor,
Disease nover successfully attacks a
Bystem with puro blood. DeWitWe Bar
Baparilla makes pure, new blood and en
riches tho old. 0. L- Cotting.
Hall! Hall! Halll
(I. . Pond, will writo Hail insur
oncoin ono of tho best companies rep
resented in tho west aa cheap as any.
Other medicines might help but to
make assurance doubly sure use DeWitt's
Snrenparilla to enrich, purify and renew
the blood. 0. L. Cotting.
A few good farm loans, six per con
interest. No-second mortgage. D. Bt
Mrs. L. It. Patton, Hookford, III., writen
"From porsonal experlenoo I eau reooui
mend DeWitt'd Sarsannrllla. a onra for
Mtnpure blood and general debility ."
PlfdhoM OMdHl!
Children Ciyforf
MOHEY SAV5D 18 MOKEY fir.;.'
bo it to Wi rent no etrry JnUt 7"? I0'
Write for onr mtnnml UtlK?l0, . T'J?s
mid alvlrc lnw-l ran-
if 'Very klni of ffiads and runo lies anut4
and Import llll0,h,? Ul! tcrf l,h( 11
Household fkKxls Kornlturr, Ui.lM ftg. IaJIm
and Meats' Clolblnand KiifniMnc O"ods, DffM
Hoods, White Good. Dry ''"; ".Vu'm.JI'
Boot and bonk UW. Notion;. U j;
Btiotlta. Whips. Aer cultural lui iImii-uU eto.
oa receipt ot M tents for expr mi ,. " '.,!?
SSlyoBMrm which sells at raanaf Hire . prim,
llowlai the barer the esmo dmuit i'.t the
inaMfMtMsr Vrtei to the wliolewla bayer. W.e
...i.ii. .11 iJU. u uortMnUd: II nut found
m. mo9 nftnStd. CJixd wnt by expres. of
iri4luc7 dm .
A aalary of W $M pr weak toqtop agy
i ntwewat m lowiry e.mnty, endMll oof gejeraj
lna oMerchindTeatinanaIetarrv pnw. uwfcj
I!'. UUUoJtae a," urttcula tent on feast
ot aienUioraapniaaia. A BAR,BJ(
123QutncyaUeet, Cbloo, HI.
Hlicrlll'a Skle.
Notice is hereby givnn that nnder and
by vlrtne of an order of sale leaned from
the offloe of G. B. Crone clerk of the dis
trict coori of the tenth Judicial district,
within and for Webster eonnty, Nebraska,
nnnn a doorea in an notion dbduidk inere-
in, wherein ZliphiS. Hubbard la plaintiff
nnd agatnat Henry MeOormal, Jamea Mo
Cormal nnd Anna MoCormnl hia wifa,
r;ihfln FaUIm. John Feltis.
Mary Mehnke, formerly Kary MoOdrmnl
and Karl MehUKe, ner nnsuana, wm. r.
Jackson, oxeontor of the lost will
and testament of Henry MeOormal,
deoeased, and Kaley Brothers,
defendente, I ahall offer for sale at pubiio
vondne to tno highest bidder for cash in
hand at the east door of the eonrt house,
at Rod Cload, in said Webster county, Ne
braska, (that being the building whereto
the last term of said ooort waa holden)
on tho
01k day or June, 1S99,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day
(the following described property
towit: The north hair or tue norm
wogt 'qMltl)t ma tIl0 gonth-wtst cjnartar
of tho north-west quarter and lot three
(;j) bu tn sootton eight (,,; townsnip no
one north, tanso nine west 6th p ro.
Given nnder my hand thla Ath day of
Mar 1802.
The sale on the nbove described prop
crty was continued to the 18th day of
July 1802 for want of bidders.
47-uoa t uio. is. uooir, Bwrm.
Kaley & BAbker, Plt'f's Atty.
Notice or tale.
In the matter of the oatato ot James Latrd.
Notice la hereby given that In pursuance of
an order or V.
u. ueaii. judito or lira oistrici
court ot Weba6r county.
r county, mafle on tne saa asw
ni April, tow. lur wo null, ui ma mi obwk
hereinafter described, there will he aoW at the
pnurt linum donr. ll(l flloud. Neb., on the 6th
1892, for the (tale ot the real estate
day of Aug., 1807, atfp'cloek p. m., at ubUjl
vendue tottio hlxheat bidder lor cash the foM
lowlnn, deacrfbd real estate f LoM s, block 7
and lots 8 and 7 lu block S vlllase of Bel Cloud,
hour. . .
Jium D. Gaosv
Administrator of the Jtte of James lal
ueceasoa. !
Ifotlco of Tax Sato.
To whom ft MiTtdniMi WMMeafeffelfr
Riven that on the ad day ot Wotember. 1SB0. Ore
undersigned Doniht at nubile tax sale the real
it Ht St rji
below, al
estate desorlbed
il situated inVTebster
county, Nebraska, tor the delinquent Uxm for
uia yciir ihw, mm nixea in me name or w
bwh iu nci iui .ii uoiwn . niiu mitt tu .iiiid ui id-
deinptlon of aamo will expire on the 3d day of
November, 189J.
tor re
ine norm-cast quarter or tne norin-wosi t-4
or section els In township one, nortb, ranee
nlao, west of Uie CUi p. m., tavd to soffn
Also the aoifthast onartor of tha notth.wext
rjutwnlue, e,t otthe Cth . m, taxed to JoUtfl
luaricr ui iccuon six in luwnviip one uonn
Tha west half of Mia nnriti.wrct nunrtav nr
section thirty-live in township three, north,
rnmto nine, west of the cth p. m., taxed to lien
ry lu.
the north vast atmrtor ot the north-east quar
ter of section three In township four, north,
range nine, west ot the Cth p. tn, taxed to K. M.
Morrell.trastee. .
Also the south-west quartet of the north-east
quarter of station, three In towOshlp four, north
range nine, west ot Uio fltli p. m., taxod to K.
M. Morrell, trustee.
The south-east quaHor of section twelv In
township twe. north, ranee leu, west ot the oth
p. m., taxed to W. II. Norrts.
The north-east quarter ot section tvselre In
township three, north, ranse ten, westol the
etlip. m.. taxed to Oscar Arnold.
The north-east quarter o( the north-east quar
ter of section five In township four, north, range
ten. west ot the Cth p, m., taxed to Alfred
The north-east quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section five in township four.north, range
i en, west ot the etu p. ro taxed to MatUo A.
Also the seith cast quarter ot the south-east
quarter of aectlon five in township faur, north
tbuko yen, "csvui inouui p. ni., uixeu w mat
tie A. Martin.
The, southeast quarter ot aeetlon nine In
township two, north, range eleven, west of the
Oth n. B.. taxed to Itnbert Humiihrtv.
The south-east quarter of aeetlon twenty Wo
in Mjwiiauiii two, norm, range eleven, west 01
uiu p. uiiiuucu iu n, mciiBrason. .
Part ot the notitli-east quarter ot the south'
west quarter of section thirty-six In townslup
inn, uui hi, iniiuc uicTen, CSI oi mo um p. in,
tHiril tuJ.H. (llllntlii.
riio norih-west qtmrternf the norlh-ensi quar
terot section twelve In townihlp thrvo, north,
ningo tloveu, west ot tho cth p. in., taxed to
Knute nnuuou.
Also tho south-wet quarter of tho north-east
ot section twelve lu township three, north,
range eleven, wont ot the cm p, m.. taxed to
Knute Knutson.
Also the north-east quarter of the north-west
quarter of aeetlon tnelte In tmvnshlp three,
north, rooKO oleven, west ot the oth p. ni., taxud
to Kuuto Knutson.
Also the south east quarter ot tho north-west
quarter ot aectlon twelve In township three,
north, range eleven, went ot the Cth p. m., raxed
to Knute Kntiteson.
The north-east quartet of section thirty-two
In township thNS north, rano eleven, west of
'J ho south-west quaiterof section thlrtythree
In two, north, rang twelve, west ot tho Cth p.
in, taxed tn K. D. Itovli.
Tlio south-east quarter ot section fourteen In
loMiMulptbreee, north, rante twelve, west of
the Oth I', iu . taxed to Oscar K. Harney,
Also ibe the norlh-west quarter ot aectlon
twenty-four In township three, north, range
twelve, west ot the Oth p. in., taxed to U. it.
Hated this 31st day ot June, IS92.
jane L. Mutton, Purchaser.
If onsseepatMe Fhysleltta,
Real Cloud, IVehraMnca.
(Mice niMa(U VlMtTfiiUoaaJ BejUa.
U. H.RxamInlDff noton
I'hrnnlc rilMyux treated bv tnafr.
Convei-Hticer, Iteal Cstate,
lyOHtia, lnsiiraacc, nnd IVn
slon Agent.
lied Cloud, Meavwafea.
I especially Invite yon to call oa me (or
anything In toy
Rne. Loans
made on
farm proporty st 8 pet cent.
In the best companies I also,
Call and eeo m If yon deatre, shrubbery
flowera or frultstock. Yon will find prof
itable to aee roe.
D. B. Spanog'c
Real Estate
and Loan Agknt-J
Re! Cloud.
Notice to Tcackora.
Motico is hereby gives that I will
examino aU persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe pubiio sohools of this
county, at Red Cloud oa tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will bd told
on the Friday proceeding the 3d tiatj
uroay ox eaon montn.
The standing required fer S6T and
3d grade certificates is the same -no
grade below TO per cent,, avenge 80
per eont; for first grade certifloato
no trrade below fit) nor ees avaraire
'90 per cent, in al) branches" required
Dy itw.
D. M. Helen, Oipaty -flipt
Ho Rfoaof Oaartatssloa.
$ IB S S S L
I can write vou a farm loan af
tistraigni peroenu wn tno-privilege
a a fv efli
1. 1 oi navinff off anv out or the nrirmi
ptl,t f at9tt vmetkit
&. n. lWiTvtr.
i i i
t i
Sole Agent for Webster County.
shWnFfTto,na?e,ti,e,,Uy 60W,DB mcMnM
The Flneat Machine Made In
The World.
v5ITJmrcnMf.r ot fln "rawer Oak or
Walnut ease receives free, a Peerless button
hplo attachment iWt buy until Vou see the
hlnger Improved Hewing SSaehloe.
Geo. Guilford, Agent.
Sheriff gale.'
.?.?.!' hS reby. "'T60 that under and y vir
tue of an order of sale Issued from tho office of
P-V,.,h,?.',,0f .clS.rl5 ?r tne. "'strict courtof the
!?.SJu,Jicl.rt diMc. wllWn " for Webster
SSi?i'i&.NAbnik uPn eree In an action
Penillnc therein, wherein r. K, McHulru U
plaintiff, and asa nt Ainnm u Pr.ZiWr-tn.'Z
Freelove. Cohu Bros. & Ca, l'axton & Ual-1
lagheri Hwcet. Orr & Co.; 'Kealner Bhoool
ih. AiJ;.?. S!.J '"I ". pnnno vrnaueto
S&Wf l 'W.'or cash Inliand at Uie east
doorot tho court house at Ked Cloud, In said
ffinftft! S?nty ?,'Pa. that be ng tlw
waslloYdeon6!"18 ta Urm of tM w
tld Day or Auusi, A. D. 19,
2l "Il leiK P- m. of said day. tho followlug
hf lhffiwdpr2pft,ri!owlt? t three and four
l-bJ kion5 !n Yw.,5. fl"t add i on to the
town ot Outde Kock. Webster Co., Nebraska.
A?p! IBM my ,,",,rt Uls wu dy o? June ,
.iamm ui,,,. ,.mar.-v" CoiK Sheriff,
JAMaa mcnkmv, ritlt's Atty. 4a-30d T
Red Cloud, Neb.
Moon Block.
WO.'' I
Oil j,.. . i-ftt nH Rir v
rYe who Wants Health
llRSasassfew.. 'kB
' '"SaRRslHBHK'-.:. "
' '-Rft?v-:'5r'a. '-
t"'''RRsRVaisi, .
"V-vBBBsHHHsjHsHBBsv :
There are millions of peruona in thia country who suffer
from chronic diseases or an
them from business, and frequently makes life a burden.
many of whom would place themselves under different treat
ment if they were acquainted
treatment was in reach of them. Kemedial agents for many
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we offer
to tne afflicted one, on a business like basin, the managment
of which we tniBt will be tempered by a moral and philan-
thropic principle.
We practice' the Bnnterhoff treatment cf
sonally owe a debt cf gratltade to the father
11th to tas world sneh knowledge, would be
remedy that thousands blots, and ono that I
tested Before offering It to yon for yonr
pamphlets sent free on application. Office
been cured cheerfully given en application.
L. D. Denney, M. Dm Red Cloud, Neb
Lower than any yard in the world
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. H. FORT, .Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having had ton years experlcnco In county records and ono of tho most comuleto set of Ah
sirttci uooks in me ouiiu. wo Kuaruiituo
All ordea filled promptly,
Warner & Warren,
Have opened a Real Estate Office,
Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or House
hold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any
who call at this office,
2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, irsStaUp
'ilk. - -rta aiE
AU who are contomplatlnR gettlnij a harvester should soo the Davis Plntf o rin toil
er before purchasing, ns it is tho lending Imrvostor of the day, the following points
of excellence will show its superior qnnlitiea over all other binders. The olilof point
is there is no elevation of tht grain at nil, it simply binds all the grain fit nu eleva
tion of not over nine inches above the stubble. Thus saving tho power nocossnry to
elovatetho grain, making n saving of from one to one and a half horses in the draft
of the machine.
There is a eomplote separation between tho bundle being bonml nnd the rest of
the grain of nearly three feet, thus dolug nwiiy with tho taught and hanging to
gether of bundles so common with muny binders No other, binder has this quality.
A most wonderful feature of the Davis Hinder, tlio only one over put on a graiu
binder, ia the reel rake, whloh enables the driver to handle down and tangled grain with
ease and make the bnndlea smooth nnd straight. We challenge any man to produce n
field of grain that the Davis Binder cannot harvest better and crake every sheaf
straighter and moro symmetrical than can be done by any other binder.
We don't thresh ont and waste grain aa other binders do, ns we don't hnve the
friction nooessary to o'evnte the grain, and thus save enough grain to the farmer to
pay for the entire cost of harvesting and also pay for the cost ot seeding the noxt
The Davis uses no canvas aprons at, all instead uses studded bolts, that onn be
loosened at night or tightened in tho morning, or after a rain, ip just ono second,
thns saving much valuable time used in tightening the canvas of the other binders,
Tho drlvor can raise or lower tho cntter bar without leaving his seat, so ns to cut
the longest or shortest grain, and nt the same time koop the platform iu proper no.
eitlon to handle the grain.
There is no weight on th homes nooks from the tongne, as it is perfectly loose
there ia absolutely no aido draft nt nil. '
Will biad tighter and with loss end thrtu nny other binder.
The binder Is n steel binder.
The Davis noods no folding nppnratua for transportation about tho farms as it will
pass through any eleven foot gntu.
The Davis binder ls fully warranted. Before parolMslug n blndlr, call nnd, set tho
Davlaateulwfts'bluokHtnltitshoniu RedOloudonNswth vYebW t-A . uJ-T
mel'e bid stand.'
Wants Everything!
affliction whioh incapacitates
with the fact that a new
all forms of SEPTAL DISEASES. We per
and founder of this system and net to pnt-
to do mankind an injustice. This is the
have secured at great expense, tried and
consideration and Investigation. Descriptive
consultation free. Namis of parties who have
of TUlm dollar bond ttled
Bausiacuuu. xonr uirors souciicu
I nd approved. Address or call on i
L. H. FORT Manaoeb, Rod Cloud, Neb.
' ' . . n
' j
:F"":M!'iW'8 wwawUwwi
:"'"f?1trTWTWiVH'r""""""' "t",it-t"i r- riTitisnimmniniii