The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1892, Image 7

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JfPiK- ."VWE
Pocullar Acoldont Rosulting in
Throo Doatka.
Cnuwtl lljr Stinking KnlmA How of Hull-
wijr Cur llurlt'd slct'iitiiR Triilu-
nii'ii Klllccl-T of tlio
liuillrx Ileum cruil.
Mr.Mriiw, Tcnn., July St. There in a
fccenu of wrcok uml ruin und cluutli tit
tlm Newport News ,fc Mississippi Valley
railroad depot that la Ha horror has uot
lieen eclipsed by any accident that ever
occurred In this city.
Utld(r tlm lntrr.t iifnmia rtf n fnl1
...w .,..nw uwiiv t ... , it,..-., .
wall lay crushed and broken tlinbcni
of couches and slee)crs, and within tbli '
mass are the inanpJed and mashed flefli
and bones of three human belngs.whoM!
live were crushed In an Instant
It was at 4:4r a. in. when part of the
wall supporting Front street, extend
ing from Poplar to Murkct, felL Yew
lonlay evening the hleoper Swuntiniiua,
from Chicago, arrived here. Thu sleeper
and a coach were pushed on a track In
the Newport News depot next to tlio
wall that was built two years ago.
Tlio sleeper was in charge of Con
ductor J. K. llantor and Porter Hell.
After Its passengers weru discharged,
the conductor left his car and In com
pany with Conductor Homan, of New
Orleans, he emtio up town and spent
several hours looking over the city
The two men were wen together at a
late hour Inst night and It was sup
osod that Homan spent thu night in
Hunter's sleeper.
It was approaching dawn when the
earth, swollen with water, could con
tain lUelf no lungei and forced out the
wall. Quick as thought there was un
upheaval, a fall and a deafening uoist
of falling stones and crushing timbers.
A wall 400 feet long and from twenty
two to twenty-six feet high had given
way, torn six curs to pieces nnd killed
three people. There was no cry of
alarm, for thcro was no one to give it,
nnd without a word of uarnlng the oc
cupunts of tlio sleeper wero ground to
atoms. On the truck next to tlio wall,
which is distant from It ten feot, were
tho sleeper Swananana and a coach.
The sleeper is mashed into tho ground
and tho couch is badly crushed.
About 11 o'clock in the afternoon the
bodies of J. K. Hunter (white) nnd Bam
Hell (colored) were extricated from tho
mtws of crushed timbers, so horribly
dlsdgured that they can scarcely bo rec
ognized. Conductor Homan is said to
have bceti seen and is supposedly safe.
Tho loss is estimated at 05,000.
, Qrrnt Dcntrtictlnn lit tho Capital of New
foundland. Halifax, N. S., July 0. Tho most
disastrous firu in tho history of St.
Johns, Newfoundland, broke out yes
terday afternoon during a heavy north
west gale. It originated in a small
building on Lingo Hille, near tlio top of
the mountain.
Tlio high wind carried live embers in
nil directions nnd soon a score of confla
grations wero spreading destruction.
Tlio Masonic temple, tho Methodist
church, GowerStrcctMcthodlst church,
tho majestic cathedrals of tho En
glish and Roman church, the two
tlnost pieces of worship and built
nt a cost of over half a million
dollars, the Orange hall, the palace of
JMshop Jones, the St. Patrick's hall, Un
christian llrotherb' school, tho Presenta
tion convent, tho supremo court build
ing and police headquarters, the gov
ernment oillces, government savings
bank, tho Presbyterian church, every
thing in tho path of the flames was cou
burned. Tho whole center of the city Is one
Binolderlng mass of ruins. Not n build
ing In tho path of tho devouring ele
ment was left standing down to Water
street, where tho great storehouses, fish
warehouses and wharves soon yielded
to the flames.
Auout a ociocn mu vciCKrapu ami
cable otlices were burned. The fire Is
still spreading southward toward tlit!
historical parliament buildings and
governor's palace
It is impossible to estimate thu loss,
but already over 30,000 peoplo are home
Tho KxIkUmico of Trunin unit Coinulmitloua
Ho Declared.
Washinotox, July 9. -Representatives
Hurtcr, liccmnn nnd Williams, a
majority of tho trust sub-coininitto of
tho manufacturers' commit
tee, havo inado a report to the full
committee. Tho report says that they
And trusts and combinations of tlio
most important articles in the United
Htates. Tlio consequences are wholly
bad and absolutely without redeeming
feature. Prices to tho consumer arc In
creased while tho wages and occupa
tions of those persons employed by tho
trusts nro less remunerative. Condemn
ing all past and existing legislation In
regard to trusts as insufllclent and im
practicable, tho snb-commlttco recom
mends tho committee to petition tho
house to takosuchactlonaswlll result in
placing upon the freollst without dcluy
(and submit to their importation with
out obligation to pay any tariff taxes
whatever) all articles tho manufacture,
price, sale or distribution of which is or
may eomo undor tho control or direc
tion of nny trust, association or combi
nation whatever. Mr. Iluyburn, of
Pennsylvania, a member of thu sub
committee, dissents from tho above re
port. , Clovplumt'H New 1'rlviitc Hncrntary.
' Hostov, July 0. Robert Lincoln
O'Hriun, of tho reporter's staff of tho
Transcript, has just received au ap
pointment as prlvatu secretary to ex
President Cleveland nud will at onco
enter upon the performance of his
duties at Gray Gables, JJnzzurd'ri Hay.
It is unlikely thut Mr. Gladstone will
havo a working majority, It ho has n
iiajority nt all, In the next Hrllish parliament.
A Vfty I'nvornlilo Miitninent I'rniu Srurr
tury Mtililcr-Tlic Wliciit Yield Will IU-
Sixty-two .Million ltinlicU.
Topkka, Kan., July Secretary
Mohler, of the state board of agricult
ure, has made the following crop re
port: From correspondents of this board wo
learn that during the month of Juno
agricultural conditions in Kansas have
been on tho whole, favorable, the cold
wet weather of tho preceding months
and in thu enrly part of Juno giving
way to warm suns and dry weather, and
these conditions, while shortening tho
oat and barloy crops, havo brought for
ward to maturity tho wlioat crop of
Kansas at an earlier date than was ex
pected and has all'orded an opportunity
to save, in excellent condition, tho lino
wheat crop of I lie state.
Correspondents report estimate of
yield per aero of winter wheat by belts
as follows: I&itttcrn belt, 1 l.:s bushels;
central belt, 10.5 bushels: western belt,
1 bushels. This gives from estimates
of correspondents, a total winter wheat
product for the dato as follows: East
ern belt, ll,077,tW:ibushels;central belt,
11,!.V),0GS bushels; western bolt, 7,001,
,T5 bushels. Total product, 00,125,040
Tho average yield per acre for the en
tire stato is shown to Ikj 15.70 bushels.
Tlio yield of spring wheat per acre is
reported as follows: Eastern belt, U.-l
bushels; central belt, 111." bushels; west
ern bult, lit 4 bushels. This gives a to
tal spring wheat product for the stato
as follows: Eastern belt, 75,71S bushels;
central belt, 2im,74'J bushels; western
b3lt, 2,071,000 bushels; total product,
2,411,120 bushels.
Tho totul winter and spring wheat
prod not for Kansas this year therefore
is placed by our correspondents at 02,
692,172 bushels and the quality of tho
wheat is reported good. In a limited
area rust is reported doing some dam
ngu and in a fow places ehess is re
ported. The wheat harvest of Kansas Is re
ported from one to ten days later than
usual in consequence of tho long con
tinued wot nnd cold weather during tho
spring months; weather conditions,
however, being in tho highest degree
favorable since harvesting has begun,
the work lias prospered at a rapid rate,
and by the 1st of July more than half
tho wheat In the south half of tho stato
was afe in shock or stack. With favor
uble weather continuing tho wheat
harvest of Kansas will bo well nigh
finished by the 15th of July.
Corn generally throughout tho sUito
is reported n good stand, but late.
Continued wet wenther prevented
planting at tho usual time nnd the low
temperature greatly retarded growth.
Tho warm weather, however, of Juno
and tho cessation of rains have been
highly beneficial to the corn plant.
Generally throughout the stato where
farmers have boon diligent in properly
caring for their corn by thorough culti
vation tho outlook fur a good crop is
good, tho fields being clean o weeds
and tho plant healthy and growing rap
idly. Tho condition of oorn for tho state
was raised by our correspondent from
CO per cent., the condition reported a
month ago, to 80 per cent July 1.
Oats and barley, as reported, havo
been reduced considerably In condition
during tho month of Juno by tho luck
of suulcient rainfall, whllo flax is re
ported but little lower. All nro report
ed, whh some exceptions, short in tho
btraw, but still a fair yield Is expected.
Condition compared with full aver
age: Corn, SI percent.; oats, 60; bar
ley, S4; rye, W); broom corn, 80; flax,
82; castor beans, 80; millet, 70; tamo
grasses, 02; prairlo grass, 1)0; sorghum,
87; potatoes, 83; apples, 35; peaches, 10;
grapes, P5.
According to the reports of tho corre
spondents, thu state has not been so
frov from insect depredations as this
year. While tho Hessian fly is reported
in a few counties and ehineh bugs nro
mentioned in a fow cases, yet no dam
age to crops is as yet reported.
Cat hollo Church KtntlKtlca.
WASin.NOTON, July 8. According to
Information furnished by the census
bureau, tho Roman Catholic church has
10,221 organizations in tho United
States, with 0,250,046 communicants or"
members. It is represented in 1,003 of
tho 2,010 counties In the country and in
every stato and territory, including
Alaska and tho District of Columbia.
Tho denomination is strongest in New
York, that state having 0.38 per cent
of tho total numlwr of organizations
rJiown above and 18.45 per cent, of tho
total number of communicants or mem
bers. Now York, Illinois, Pennsylva
nia and Wisconsin havo 28.83 percent,
of tho aggregate liumlier of organiza
tions shown for tho country, and New
York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and
Illinois havo 44.08 of tho total number
of communicants or members.
1'lnitiK'liil Irroiciilurltli'K.
Imbtok, July 8. Ebon Hutchinson,
judge of tho district court of Chelsea,
mado an assignment for tho benefit of
his creditors about a week ago. Now
ho is absent from his homo and this
fact has given rlso to rumors of finan
cial irregularities, although they havo
not as yot been confirmed. Ho was ad
ministrator of tho estato of tho lata
Fred W. Harry and It is believed by
some that he Is involved to tho amount
of $100,000.
Chairman Tmu-n Ito-Kli'otcd,
Topkka, Kan., July 8. Tho demo
cratic state central committee organized
by re-electing W. C. Jones, of loin,
chairman and W. II. Pepper-ill, of Con
cordia, as secretary.
Tlm JlrltUh IMrctlone.
Loxnn.v, July 8. Tho loss of a seat In
Newcustle-on-Tyno Is tho greatest shock
tho liberals havo yet recioved. Tho
London executive committee admit their
surprise at tlio fact that the conserva
tive candidate was at the top of tho poll.
They wero confident of tho return of
both Mr. Morley and Mr. Craig. They
uio amazed that tho conservative
candidntu should havo buen elected
and more amazed at his immense major
ity. This election has had u panicky
effect at the liberal headquarters. The
executive committee still nnticlpato a
Gladstone majority, but modify their
forecasts wliicy vary from fifty to luo.
The Ktnte Convention at Toprkn IndoruM
tho l'ronto'u 1'iirtr 'llckrl Itcnolutloiis
Topkka. Kan., July 7. Tho demo
cratic stnto convention met hero yester
day morning and wan culled to order by
Chairman Jones of the state central
commute. After appointing tho usual
committees a recess was taken until 3
Upon reassembling the committee on
poimatiMiit organization named Tally
Scott for chairman, W. 11. L. lVpperoll
for secretary, with three assistants and
a vice president for each congressional
Resolutions on tho death of Frank
Lynoh wero udopted, also resolutions
denouncing as a great crime the killing
of workmen at tho Carnegie works in
Pennsylvania by Plnkerton detectives,
The revolutions reported by tho com
mittee were then adopted and a recess
until evening taken.
At the evening session a long debate
took place on tho policy of fusion with
tho k.'oplc'n parly. A. A. Harris, of
Fort Scott, and Judge Lowo spoke
earnestly against fusion, nnd Judgo
John Martin and ex-Gov. Glide, Judgo
Steele, lion. T. J. Scroggs auo others
favored It. Mr. Lowe presented u demo
cratic state ticket headed with G. V.
Gllck for governor, but ho was defeated
nnd Anally by a vote of 227 to 170 the
convention adopted Judge Martin's res
olution for fusion with and Indorsing
the people's party ticket.
Following nro tho resolutions adopt
ed by thu convention:
Jtc-ohoil. Tli.U tho democracy of Kansas, In
iiui wntlon iiHgoiiiliicil. hereby lm1orno tlii decla
ration or principles timmtmcist by tlio demo
cratic nallumil convention ut Chloiqo on tho
C2d of June, lKl', nnd rordtnUv approve of tho
nomination of (lrnvcr C'lavclaud, of New
York, nnd AlUI Stevenson, of Jilt
lioN, for president nnd vlco president
)f the UiilUd Stnten, brllovlns tint tho princi
ple.' announced In tho platform adopted by that
i (invention, and tho ptibllo and prlv.ito records
of Cleveland and Stevenson Rlvo an nmur.wcn
id tho people of sUMo and Iioncst government
In tho Intcreits of tho m.isji'H of tho people as
against classcx, and that th'lr election will
uialio thin government In truth anl In fact w hat
Henry Clay called "tho fairest form of cavern-
tnom that ever ro'o to nnlmito tho hopes of
clvlllm! man."
ltcMihcd, That whereas, tho amendment to
ourorRinlclaw Is tho must Important matter
before tho peoplo of tho stato: and
Whereas The lcBlnlaturo of 1MU submitted
to tho electorri of tho titato a resolution recom
mending tbocalllni; of a convention to ruvlo,
amend or change tho constitution of tho stato
of Kansas; und
WhcrcaB. Tho lato republican stnto conven
tion claiming a majority of tho electors of this
(ommonwealth uun too cowardly to cxprexs
even nn opinion ns to bow tho electors should
vole on this q.ucitlon. Wo denounco such cow
ardly act an unworthy of any political party
whti b has un opinion at all upon tho political
uolfuro of tho jicoplo of this stnto. and wo do
maud and advocate the calling of such conven
tion, to tbu end that tho peoplo of tho stato
shall have an opportunity to amend their or
t'antu law, so ait to make It adequate to tbo ne
cessities of our groat and growing state.
Kcsftvcd. That It Is thu duty of tho legls
laturo to enact such legislation as will provide,
for u Just and equitable system of freight rutes,
Mlilch shall extend to every locality lu tho
Kctolvcd, That wo denounco as a fraud
nnd a palpnblo misrepresentation, tho res
olution of the stitto republican convention,
'That tho republican parw Is tho p-irty of law
nnd order. " and that when It says "It demands
thu vigorous uud manlr enforcement of every
provision of tho constitution un'l every law on
tho stntuto boolc, Including thoso for tho en
forcement of tho prohibitory amendment." it
lnown that every Intelligent voter In tho stato
is nuaro that llils declaration Is not true, nnd
Is but a sop thrown In bad fabh by tho republi
can party to the prohibition party of tho statu.
Kirohcd, That In our Judgment tho prohib
itory amendment and tho laws passed In pursu
ance thercuf hue not reduced tho e Us of In
temperance, but havo been tho fruitful source
of perjury, bribery nud Injustice of every form.
Thu constitutional amendment and tbu laws
passed to carry tbu samu Into effect should bo
repealed nnd an efllctcnt locnl option law bo
substituted In their Btcad.
Kcolvcd, That it Is tbo duty of tbo state
legislature and of tho national congress at as
earlyaduto as posstblu to cntct laws which
will compel railway companies to adopt some
efficient system of safoty ippllanci-! for tbu
protection of tho lives and the limbs of that
largo class of citizens who nro engaged lu tho
servlco of tbo rails ay companies of Kansas
nnd of Uio United States.
lesolvid, That Inasmuch as tho democratic
parly Is tho notunu friend and protector of the
laboring man, we demand of tbo stato legisla
ture a law protecting Uicso citizens from that
system of oppression lenown us 'blacklisting"
of discharged employes by railway and other
KcBohoJ, That wo demand that tho next loj
Islaturo of this stato enact a law which shall
provide that railroad companies shall be liable
for damages suffered by their omployes by rea
son of Injuries sustained by such employes In
consequence ol delects in road, tracks or roll
ing stock, or other negllgenco of a railroad com
pany, and whether such defect was known to
such Injured employo or not.
Resolved. That the democratic party of Kan
sas aro In favor of tbo election of railroad com
missioners by tbo peoplo
Kesolvcd, That wo aro In favor of and recom
mend that tho legislature provide for an effect
ive, system of highway Improvement, so tht
transportation from the farms to depots unit
centers of trade an J business may bo mado easy
and rapid at nil seasons of tbu year.
Kesolied, That wo uro in favor of liberal ap
propriation fur the world's Columbian exposi
tion. Upon these principles wo place our candi
dates In tho Held' and nslc tho support of thu
level bended. Intelligent and honest cIociom of
Following Is tho now statu central
Dr. S V, Ncely. Icavcnworth: If, H Morris,
Atchison; John Mlleham, Topeltai J. 1. Koslor
Ott.iwu: J M. MiCown, Kmporia: J, S Chap-'
man. I-'ort Scost: M O Smith. Yates Conter
11. I Strotber, Ablleno: O S. Collin. Hutchin
son; J. U Pettyjohn. Olatho Tranlt W. Fry,
Parsons; 1. M. Dolan, Clifton, Capt. M. N,
Slnnott, Arkansas City: a. A. Collett, Klls
worth' H. I). Ilowen, Smith Center: A. 1L
Jacobs, I.arncd: Tully Scott, Obcrlln: Thomas
0. 1'itch. Wichita: J T. Halscy, Wellington:
l- O. Strothman. Great llend CKIffonl Clay
Center; A. J. Illrchtlcld, Cuntrulla: S. S Key
nolds, Qralnllcld: II. Park Jones, Anthonv; T,
W, Morgan Huroku: .W. T. Pnttlllon, Dcdgo
City: W. A, Katon. Klngm in John A. Hale,
Kansas City Charles A lllllt-r, Kalian! John I.
Iit. Ashland: Oeorgo W. Arti, Ulysses: Abe
I rakes, Ulghton. nnd James M I-'lko, Obcrlln.
To lie. ltegretted.
.Si'iiixofiei.!), O., July 7, prof. O. R.
Hammond, of Antioch college, Yellow
Springs, and pastor of tho Wcht High
Mrcct 'Christian church, is lying heri-,
onsly ill at his homo in Yellow Springs
as tho result of injuries received his,
week in western 1'ennsylvanla from
tho strikers. Uov. Mr. Hammond )iud
been on u trip to New York and was re
turning through western Fcnnnylviinla,
tho Bccnoof tho labor troubles at Home
stead, llu was mistaken by tho strikers
for an oillciul of tho railroad und was
dragged from tho car and horribly beat
en (lboilL tJift l'nen nnil lir-.-wl Hi, ixvimil
I with dilliculty.
A nirt fttinke).
At a social gathering on Harlem av
enue l'rof. Snore, of Columbia college),
was present as an invltod guest MUs
Estnarohln Longcoflln, a venerable
maiden lsdy, was oW present, uud as
usual fditj mnUo frantic efforts to capti
vate Uio profi.-usor, who, by tho way, la
a confirmed woman-hater.
"Professor, how old do you really
think I am?" oakod Fsmer:Ulii, coqnet
tifihly. "I can't rvwdbly toll," replied tho
professor. "I'm not In chargo of tho
department of nndont history." Texas
Itn Iiiiri'iin lit Valuation.
ClerkWhat had wo hotter do with
thU broken vaso?
Head of Department What docs It
Clerk Seven dollars.
Head of Department Place It with
that job lot of damaged goods tut the
women's bargain counter nud mark tho
prlco up ono dollar. Judge.
KANSAS CITY, Julv H. bceus I35J CI ft
Smokers iM 3 W
Natlv cows I Si f'J!M
JKXIK-OiHid to ebolco heavy.. I W U & W
WliUAT-No red flflii M
No. 8 hard 0! S, lU
C'OUK-Nu C uUittl VI & J.'U
OATS-No. V mlxsd 81 ( '-M'
JtYK-No. 2 G ko U
1'f.UUIt-l'utMUU, lor sick... 8 I'd 8 31
l'wy 1 M (i 1 IV.
HAY-lholu! timothy 7 0) & M
Kiincy prslrle 7 01 un 7 W
POUrntY-.prin chicken.. 01 II
IH'TTKK -Choice creamery... 1 9 17
t'lIKKi!'. -Ktill cream II Ci 13
K(ins-('lmko lol.f.v, II
l'Ol'ATOnS-Now 74 i S'
CAlT'.l-l-ilrnntlcs HM O ". 0)
Texans !N dfc 3 iO
lIO;S-lliuvy 6 75 flilW
Slli:i:i Kslrtocholco ,.. 4 0) & ." 7.1
1'I.OI'K Choice iXt W 11
Wlll'AT-N'o.3 rod 77 fftt 77U
COItN-Kii Sintxcd M!fa
OATS-No. 8 mixed. :tl!f1 5P
KYll-No. 8 7a 671 7tl
IH'TTl'.It-Crciuui-ry II 06 IS
liAIUi-WiMtcrn Htuain 71 C 0 0 J
1'OltlC New II Cil-'O)
CATTr.r.-Primato cstrt ft 8.1 O'00
HOGS -1'ucklng nnd shipping., ft 85 (.1 il to
SllllKP - Knlr to choice ft 0) & ft rt)
KLOUIt-Wlnter wheat 4 8U I 4
WHKAT-No. 8reil 7H'iiB 7HV
CJltN-Nii 8 M 4 W'f
OATS-No. 8 33 3. IS i
KYll-No 8 7l'i54 71
llUTTKlt-Creamery 17 ft IHK
I.AH1) TIM ffi7('ft
CATTU'.-Natlvo Hteers 4 ID C4 ft 00
l!(XJS-Oood to choice 6 4(1 f& 0 10
ri.()UK-(Jood to choice. 4 Ul V. 4 75
WIIUAT No. 3red tSUft (ft
COIIN-No 8 M Cft ftSW
OATS Wtistern mlxciL 37 56 SUtf
HU'nUH-Cruamcry LI W -,0
l'ORIC--OUl tnsss II 7S C13 Ta
Tlis Only On Kver 1'rlntrd Cau Too Find
Mid Word?
There Is a 8 Inch dlsnlnv advertisement
In tills paper, this week, which has no two
words nllko except ono word. The sumo Is
true of each new ono appearing oocu week,
from Tho Dr. Hartcr Mcdlcino Co. This
Iiouho places a "Uresceut" ca ovorythlng
tlioy maka and publish. Look for It, send
them tho uauus of the word nnd they will
return you book, bouuUfui lithographs or
sum pies froo.
Ir poor relatives had thoir way, they
would not havo any rich uuclcs very long.
Dallas Nows.
Wolio Up
Yos, woke up to tho dangor which throat
ens you If your kidneys uiui bladder aro In
active or weak. Don't yon know that If
you full to impel them to action, flrlulit's
disease or dlubtcs awnlls you I Uso llos
tottcr's Hioumiih Uitturs without delay. It
bus a most bcmiflclul affect nivoti tho kid
neys when sluggish, and upon tlio bowels,
Uver, stomucU uud nervous system.
I koticb that, an nmntcur llshorman onn
tell lust us big lies asaprofosBiouaL Texas
The Uost I'lonsiuit TTny
Of prnvcntioK tho grippe, colds, headaches,
nud fevers U U uso Uio liquid luxutlvo
rmucdy Hyrup of l'lgs, whenever tho eys
tciu needs u geutlc, jot cUcctivo clcaustus.
To ho beuetltcU ouo must got tho true rem
edy uiantiracturod by tho California Fig
Hyrup Co. only. For solo by ull druggists
luCOo. und f bottles.
Bxexxu are llko misfortunes they icl
doui coum singly. Boston Transcript.
U. L. Tupm-soM & Co., DrugglsU, Cou
dcrsport, ru., say liuli's Cutoiin Uuro is
tlio iMwt and only sure euro for catarrh thor
over sold. DruggUU soil it, 70a.
Tbi wle of a genius la generally a very
lonesome woman. Ram's Horn.
A The first S letters of Uio alphabet
B-laUie"A.n C. Bohemian Bottled Boer'1
C Ajuorlwuu Browing Co., Bt Louis.
Tux teddy Is tho stirring event of the
toper's existence. Dallas news.
Bkasct tnorrod by a bad complexion may
be restored by Uloun's Hulpbur Hoan.
Dili's Uulr and Whisker Dyo, 60 vonU.
A soul usually makes abig holo m n busy
day. Boslou UuxoUo.
Ir drowsv af tor a good night's sleep there
Is lndigestiou uud stoinaoU disorder which
Dcochuin'a l'iils will cure,
Tax professor of astronomy In a college
mess-room Is looked upon as n star boarder.
Hcii.Tit Tid-Bits savo weak, nervous msn.
V would like to Imiulrolf fishing for
suckers is un acute or an obtuso uncle.
Tub Ram's Horn is published at, Indian
apolis, Indiana, at 11.00 per year.
A tulou's gooso tho dude, N. Y. Iier
ald. Sssssssss!
S Swift's Siccific
Blood and Skin
s Disoasos s
jt A reliable care for Costagloue fit
t . Blood Poison, Inherited 8cro
g fula and Skin Cancer.
SAs a tonic for delicate Women
and Children It has no equal.
S Being purtly vegetable, U harm- C
IcmIo Itsefftcto. 0
SA trcstlss on Plood and RklnCl. Jit
MM mailed rucc on nppltcatloo.
Q liruwltto Sell It, O
OniM ortoiriu lid.,
Drawer 3, Allaata.Oa.'-
JFtxtiljmt riffht
Liver, Stomacb, mil Bowels, by
Dr. l'iercc'ri Pleasant l'clleta. Tlioy
tlo it iu jut tlia right ivny, too
by using NaturVu own methods.
I'iiat'H why tlioy'ro better than tho
(Ircailful, uld-XoMhioruKl pills, with
their griping and violuuco.
But tliey'yo hctUr iu every way.
In tike, for inntajice, ami doso.
They'ro tlio Einallest and tho efts
ier.t to take ; only ono littlo Pellet
in iicvdod lor a geutlo laxative
three for a cathartic. They elennao
and rcmtlAto tlio Hywtem thorouglily
but it'rt douo eau'ily and naturally.
Sick Headache, Bilious Headache,
Constipation, liuligefttuin, Bilious
Attucku, and all deraugementa of
tlio Liver, Stomach and Bowels aro
prevented, relieved, and cured.
They'ro tho cheapest pill you can
buy, for they'ro guaranteed to givo
satisfaction, or your money ia re
turned. You pay only for valuo
Soincthirjrr else, tint pays tho
dealer better, mav lie offered aa
" jiiBt a good." Perhaps it is, for
htm, but it can't be, for you.
Regis Xcblanc is a Lrcncli Cana
dian store keeper nt Notre Dame dc
Stanbridgc, Quebec, Can., who was
cured of a severe attack of Congest
ion of tlic Lungs by Boschec'ifGcr
nian Syrup. He lias sold many a
bottle of German Syrup on his per
sonal recommendation. If you drop
him a line he'll give you the full
facts of the case direct, as he did us,
and tlint Boschce's German Syrup
brought him through uiccly. It
always will. It is a good medicine
and thorough in its work.
IT 18 A niJTY yon own roar
if and family la get the beat
value Cor roar nuinrr. Kcaao
mitr la ronr foalwrarbr par-
whlcJi rrprpaenl the beat
valuo for prlrra aakad, a P
thauaandawllltcatirr. aWJ
nxung irom at
eSffl and 93
ran aiiu
lino imitrini
a wnnt
dMmmmm S3
n't;' jH: 1
aa"J.t yraBjaaHuaV W
aaBKKaikl. WS .aaWaRak
AQir cno tif l nnnm act cunee "uch lubttltutlom aro fraudulrnt and eubJeoHaproaeeu.
HSR run W, L UUUULAO OnUta. tmn by law fnr oliUlnlnu money under falna (Mmcu.
ii nni inr anin in your nincv anna nirrri ! j'nnary. Biaiina umn. eiMB wibib
waotrd. I'nelniin frrr. will bId rxrlualvn aale In alinp dpalera unit iratialmir.
caunie wni-ru i anTo uoaucnis.wriroior
aVJaTHalaa4& UaW
RELIEVES all Btomaclt Dlitrcia.
REMOVES Kniuca. Sense of Fullotaa,
RESTORES Kormnl Circulation, aad
Wauxs to Tob Tim.
Ton cun't find what you want In your home ttoret,
get on tbe train and fiiine to our maimnotb llry
lioodaEttaUlaUinrnt. If )ou can't come, then lend
lor aainjilct (no cbarse for umplri), and order what
you want by mall. We gitraclce MtUlactloo.
ea-aixi tbu ran a mi.m
from i la tlptratakonnlarreyar.
i.ry o iimiui ariuuei M'tiuc.
400 Kinds Of SCALES
itrhlrri we manafiu'tare.uFn:
TorCirralananillTlcM. Tbe
following are anions the At.
Drrtu rt.M. Bm, KrwI.tkMklM. rwriMn.ITanu.KM4
BllU.alaaaBlUi.Uatrlulli.Ela. ClUCAUOaCAUC'Ju.Calataa.
$&m ffiQ":&
I iJaMj-Jf- jBf "1
yhi$Sf uW&
nn MnT he nrr.irvtn
Till Vfr. jJniineTf. and Paint Mfca Mala I
Ibrnaml, Injure th Iron, and lurn I
The linftitt Sun Rtma l'ol Uti Is VrltisjitOrlnrvl
I iPM.iiiirnuiH,nnu ma enmumrr vjw wvm dbui I
or giai iactga wun mcry punaim
Our sales for tho past voolc of
"CiiAUTnu Oak" Stoves Am IUmou
havo been unprecedented. Ttia Char
tor Oak has been forging ahd every
day of tho forty years thai it has
bocn on tho market.
Moit stOT dialiri koap them. It ycwi
dej not,wrlt direct to maanfiotuMri.
nd i for Compute Z.UI of nqutss and Hat In
Bunmi.B xvvmub maa iuu laru:
iillli.ihMi eom
mi XTua nervic.
O. W. TOTT.Tllta. A. J.
Western !. AgtDt, Osn, Fai.
avviaa tuu rirss mt aw n
ba. imv tfiont h b LajrtBSaABS
t V n, no '' pn. Htr
madlai. WoUrTln.nlaa?n
B-nuia tsu rana whimwii.
fl. laJkBH FOal
UhhE "WH
eaBBJ BvBBi a CUT I KlaaaTM
ri " ""''T CW I llel't'rlB
'fl aajM'Mitui.
itt Usaae.GBi
A tenrtlne apwod ahee, f hat vlll not rip. (Ins call anamlaea,
iinooih Inalilo, tloilble, more romforulilri,itlli and Aaaabla tpaa
any ottwr ihoo crcr told at the price KijuaU cuitom aaada ahoea
Ilandniowpd, flneralf hn. The mast (tylbh.
in 13.
uurauio.Doe. OTur mm av uicMjricGa. vnee
r equal
l'olloo rlhop. worn ly fannen and alt othenwn
villi. riniiDK ironi an in 1J.
a ool tinarvralf. tlirppold.extrntlfiaail.aahaa.
eaiy to walk In, and will krp tbo feet dry nud warm.
mn SO Finn Cnir, 'J.'X and 04 WorklnsaaeaVa Bboee
9ai will irlire moro wtar for th motiry tlmu anyonemake.
Tlioy aro mado for errrlco. Tbo Incrcatlutf aalta ibow taat work-
Inftnion havo f uund thU out.
QAVCI i and Yoath' !.? Hchool 0noea ire
DU 1 O wurn liy tbo txyi OTvrywbtro. Tbo meet eerrloe
able bm nold at thew prlcce. ..
AfMCC 3 Ilnnrl-Heweil, t'i.AO, 93 aari 91.79
bMWlCO HiorforflIUi-aaro nmdeof thaeeMDon-
7ol nr fine cair, on ur.imi. nify aro Trry aivana, eonv
ortablo and durable. Tl.o 3 (boo rquala rukem mad
boei cootlnn from fl toil. Lodlna wbowlaa toeooao
mliflln their footrtrarareilndlog tblaout.
VA UTION. Dewareof dcaleri tuUtltutlBanoeiwltk.
AtitW. t Ttniialna' nam and thnnrloe ttatmflBYbottonL.
vaiaiaguc. v. i waaviaa. rrtrataaii rrl
' 98 LYE
(i'ATr.NTU) i -The
$tronrittt nod MJtvaf X,va
i mado. Unlike otber uya,lt being
kn llnopowacrnnapnaaalnacao
'with rrmnvablo llu. Ik coatent
aro always rmdy fo aas. Will
mnkc tbo bat pcrfaaae Ifardj
Soap In iu mlnutrs wtftovt boil
ing. It I the brat far ctoanalng
wasto plpcR. OlslnfeeJavB alnUi,
closctn. waslilnp botltoa, palnta,
rami run mi m u. f m .
04 Monro Street, Chfmn.
mil bui trt tAtir wir iDUriM
LUaUofatcr lunq iruifomtDii, un
forms a&d t-immitrtli. 400 I'in ll1
luilralitm. dtfrriUrif Jtry ai1cl
rtquirtd 17 luniU or Prum CorjAttS
ixnuuni iiuTrvnioo ier Jimtrtu ,
KsticiMi. 4vnl prum Mor TwtiM, qr-
laini IN M1KUU Ual HI )UMa
Dra. oiUTiiur a kob
iu Kim uu, i
CUCinilC D..llllV4linWdliabifd. feeferta.
a.W. BCOBlfKOJ. WuklMlH.B.C.1 tJUaUaaU,,
araaaa tuia raraa r mm im naa.
ConruaaallTae and peoala
who bare weak lumior Ata
ma.ibonlduie I'lao'icurefer
Comumptlon. It kai car4
thoaaaade. It baa not lna
ed one. It ll not bad to taka
it Ii tbe boil eouf b lyrnp.
Sold arerrwhere. c.
A. N. K.-D. I4Q3
WHEN WaUTiaaTO abtebtueju PUtiW
etaUtkal yea aaw tae AdTertlaeaMat U tkat
I j
' I