Sfl5to55SSS'M!s ? -i. Nwr- "!. Slow sale Goods! We can furnish you with . Ice Cream at Calmes. 1' ' ' , ' t V s, i . r, " Odds and Eiids of Stock ! Odds sizes and Shopworn Goods' A I1j The above have been placed on counters In our Moro and be told below Actual Cost. You can find many genuine Blalslee B. Ml RI. R. B. Time Table. , Taking effect Nov. B, Trains carrying passengers leave Red Cloud as follows: EAST VIA' HABTIKQS. No. 122 FaMenRertottaMlnRSt 0:00 p.m. No, 121 freight fur Hasting 1 JO p.m. AHRIVB. Passenger from Hastings fives 0;4ta. ra. KABT VIA WYMORK. No. 10, Passenger to Ht,.ttseph, Bt, uml and Uhlcago dally 10:30 a. m No 14 rassennur to Kansas Cltv and Atchison, dally. ... :20, p. m. GOING WEST. No, 13 Tasiengcr for Denver and In- trrmedlato point, dally, 7:30 a.m. No, IS, Passenger tor Denver, dally, 0 :10 p. m. OXFORD AXD BUD CLOUD ACCOMMODATION. No. 133 local freight to Oxford dally except Sunday. 0:00 am No. 134 local freight from Oxford dally except Bdndsy..., RslSpm .......t.m.M.M....M...l.M..., CURRENT NEWS. Cotting's stioky fly paper. Sticky fly piper at Deyo's. 108 in the shade on Thursday. Wright for hardware and stoves, Try a glass of Cotting's cold soda, C. M. Myers, of Burr Oak is in tht oity. Cloth bound books only 20 cents at Deyo's. Subscribo for your campaign paporB at Deyo's. If you want fioo perfumes go to Cotting's. Dr. McKecby was in Superior on Thursday. L. II. Deyo sells tho best machine oil on the market. Deyo sells the best remedy an earth far barb wirs euts. Try Cotting's high grade but low price maehino oil. Fine neck wear a specialty at Chi eago olothing store. The famous Manitou Mineral Water for sale at Cotting's. For correct fitting clothing go to Chicago clothing store. R. M. Martin, Sr., left for Elgin and Chicago, this week. We have tho best stock of hats in the oily. Chicago store. For nobby suits tho Chi cago cloth in store takes first rank. For fine tobacco, oigars, candies Ac, go to J. O. Lindley's. Go to the Chicago clothing store for pants of every discription. Rev. E, J. Randall, and daughter, Annie, are home from Beatrice Don't forget that Calmes keeps all kinds of confeotions, bread, etc Farmers remember that Cotting can save you money on machine oils. See Osear Patmor before buying flour. lie has made a big reduction. Macaulev's History of England only $1.00, 5 vol. cloth bound, at Do- yos, Get one- of thoso vapor stoves of W. W. Wright and you will never bo sorry, Farm loans at six per cent option to nev after two voars. D. B. BrAN- OOLK. The People's party have called their county convention to meet at Cowlcs, on the 27th. Teachsrs should improvo the oppor tunity of getting cloth bound books for 20 cents at Deyo's. W. W. Wright has moved from the Skeen residonoe to the one lately va cated by Dwight Jones. F. V. Taylor, allows no ono to sell more goods than he does, at prices 'that aro low, for good goods. do to the new hardware storo of W. W. Wright for goods. Stook and clean and prices reasonable, new Remember the Chioago olothing store takes measures for tailor mado olothing, guarantee a perfect fit or no sale. Children's shirt waists can be found at Wionor's. The celebrated "Mothers Friend" costs no more than inferior makes.. (Jotting is having a rushing trade In wall UBOOr. WO DOB 100 UnUSlli - . - , .. .. . ul n.: J.nl,nrnnnr1l'rou,u,B. wwwiiaui, F" iu regain lu will bargains on this counter. & Kaly. AROUND TOWN. L. P. Albright was in Lincoln this week. Diok Gray was in Bluo Hill this wook. D. Sohonck of Rivcrton was in tho city this week. II. B. SimonB has taken tho agenoy of tho American Firo Insurance com pany. Tho board of supervisors were in session this week. Andy Hawloy mado Tnx CniEP smile this week with a big dollar. Tho crops aro looking magnificent in Nebraska, and better than for many years. Don't forget that tho fair will pos itively bo the best over held in Web ster county. Attend the fair this year, if you novcr do again. It will bo worth your while. We aro pleased to note that Nellie Fort, who has been quite siek is slow ly recovering. A portion of the M. E. church Sun day-school held a pienio in the Sleeper grove on Thursdaj. Col. Gage, one of tho most level headed politicians in tho state, was a pleasant caller this week. F. N. Morwin, editor of tho Beaver Valley Tribune, published at Beaver City, Nob., was a pleasant caller this weak. i Mrs. A. G. Willis is boue-frori her two weeks' visit in Kearney to the de light of Mr. W. who had been wander ing aiound as if lost. Frank Potter, of tho Argus, talks of going west on a big hunt. Frank has gained some little notoriety as a chicken hunter -cspeeially at the table. Melvin Potman, pastor of tho Christian ehuroh, will arrive Saturday from tho National Y. P. S. C. E. con vention and will preach morning and evening at usual hours. You aro in vited. Robert Anderson of Fulton county, Illinois, is visiting with his cousin, Mr. Phillip Barkloy. Mr. Barkloy has not soon his cousin for 20 years. Mr. Anderson owns a fine farm in Il linois, J. II. Rcmsbcrg had tho misfortune to lose his stock of drugs at Riverton by fire Tuesday night. Tho loss will be about 13,000, covered by an insur- i An err mi anoo oi eniy z,uuu, xnis will bo a severe loss to him. Mr. Newton Mahaffy had a dog that was supposed to bo affected with the rabies, so he despatched it to tho hap py hunting grounds. Tho dog was known to have bitten several other ca nines so it will bo well to look out for mad dogs. Tho Webster county republican con vention has been called for the 28th at 11 a. m at Rod Clcud. The cau cuses should bo held not later than the 26th, Republicans should turn out in force, and sco to it that none but good I men aro sclootcu to till the oounty offices. Our old friend 0. 0. Case, wo aro pleased to know, hns opened a law of-l fiue in tho Moon blook, and will here after dispense Blaekstono in his usual manner. Mr. Case's numerous friends will be glad to know thst ho has again decided to praotieo law. Trie Chief wishes him success. Roy. E. L. Ely, pastor of tho Con gregational church, has arrived nome from hii plcnsuro trip to Helena, Mon tana. Mr. Ely roports a fine time and many pleasant experiences. We ex L,eot 0B interesting artiole next weck ODDS AND ENDS Go to Calmes' for ice cream. Charley Garbcr was in tho city on Sunday, II. B. Simons has been appointed a notary public Willio Baum has bcon on tho sick list for the past week. It is now "Dr. J. W. Warren, sah," instead of elmplo Joe. Mrs. D. B. Spanoglc arrived homo from Denver this week. D. Bedford roturnod Sunday from his trip to tho Paoifio coast. Miss Magglo CampboH has arriyod homo aftor sovcral weeks absenoo in Illinois. Mrs. L. D. Denney, started for Den ver, Tuesday evening, with a view to improving her health. Mrs, L. D. Donnoy roturnod Moo day from Bluo Hill, whero sho has been visiting her father. Our old friend D. L. Groat, called in this week and renowed for The Chief to 1893. Thanks. Mr?. Barnard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Perkins, and son Albert of Chicago, aro visiting in tho oity. Every testimonial regarding Hood's Sarsaparilla is an honest, unpurchased statement of what this medioino has actually done. Young man do you want a praotical eduoation? If so, attend tho Beatrico Business, Normal and Short-hand.Col-lege. Send for catalogue 51-4 Dr. MoKocby, went to Superior, Thursday to read a paper beforo a joint meeting of the State Lino and Republioan Valley Modical Sooietics. Coroner Sohenok having removed to Franklin county, his offieo became vacant and tho Supervisors appointed Col. J. W. Warren, to fill tho vacancy. The Windy-pondents have no moro hopo of carrying Webstcr'county this year than thoy have Jof flying, Tho facts are that this is a republican year and republicans aro going to win. Hon. W. E Andrews' specoh beforo Uho Webster county teachers' institute on Wednesday evening was a master pieco of eloquence, and the gentleman made many friends in this eounty. When it comes to choosing between bluster and common senso the peoplo of the 5th district can bo relied upon to vote for Mr. Andrews for oongress. Wo understand that a measure is on foot by tho A. 0. U. W. boys of this oity to get up a big pionio for the mombers of the order in South-western Nebraska, to take place in Red Cloud, about August 1, By this method a big turnout could bo sooured, and the gathering would be of great benefit to tho membership and the order gen erally. non. W. E. Andrews, the next con gressman from the 6th district was in Red Cloud this week. The gentle man ereates a gsod impression where over ho goes and Red Cloud is no ex ception. This is a year for republi cans, and with a good olean man we can sweop tho field, and Mr. Andrews is the man. No republioan need be ashamed of him, as be is a bold, fear less, clean loader, A Polat for You. In view of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for others, is it not reasonable to suppose that it will be of benefit to you T For Scrofula, Salt Rheum, and all other diseases ot the blood, for Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Sick headache, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, catarrh, malaria, rheumatism, Hood's Sarsaparil la is an unequalled remedy. food's Fills oure siok headaohe. State Convention Epworth League, Hastings, Neb . , July 22-24, 1802. Agents in Nebraska may sell tiokete to Eastings for thlB occasion On the oorttflcata nlan. July 18-21, inclusive, A Tobie, corres ponding secretary, will sign cef tiflontes. A. UONOVER, Ag't. Bring in your old worn-out mow ing machines and rake teeth and get work or oash for thorn. B0-4t G. Wf Dow. Highest of all la Lvealaf Power. Km SB kV . aCVewftawfPjT ABSMMEiy PORB The Bloody Shirt. For three or four years back tho dem ocrats have been pleading for n cosntion of tho oeremony known as waving the bloody shirt. If somebody mildly sug gests that the republican party is not re sponsible for the publlo debt which it "will take as many bushels of wheat to pay now as at the close of the war.' That somebody Is admonished not to ware the bloody shirt. It somebody asks under his breath, why the Oniahn convention of the Independents did not refer to pensions in thoir plat form he is answered by a soowl and an exclamation " Bloody Shirt I " Now fair ploy is said to be a jewel. Recently an assemblage of exbrigndiera C. S. 4., ABsomblod In Middlesborough, Ky., and passed a sot of resolutions the purport of which we gather from the answer whioh we copy, Gray Gadlis, Buzzards Bay, Mass., ) July 7th, 1892. J. W. Campurll, Esq., My Dear Sir: I desiro to thank you for sending me a copy of tho resolutions adopted by the Democrats of Middlesborough I do not wonder that those presenting the resolution speak of the force bill as a horror ot republicanism. Such doctrines ns it embodies nro a direct attaok upon tho spirit and thoory of oar government and while such a measure especially menaces the welfare and prosperity of the South it mnst be oondemed and de nou need by all those every where who love their country and have the best olaim to be numbered among those who believe in the principles of true demo cracy. Very truly yoars, Gbovkr Clxviland. Ah, cheek sublime, Oh, trust supreme in the forgetf ulness of the people. The man whose pulses never qaiokened dur ing the bloody confliot which made this country free indeed. The man who when compelled by the fear of conscription to go through the motions of doing some thing In the struggle, sent a pardoned criminal to represent htm on the bat tlefield. The man who poses aa the lover and defender of so many ot the down-trodden and oppressed as happea to have votes, writes to men who object to having their methods ot conducting elections subject to the vulgar inspec tion of an offloer of the law, and says la effect, that republicans do not love their country. From such a man to suoh men this is a terrible indiotment No honest elector ever fears the presence at the doIIb of an offloer. On the other hand no wretch ere felt the halter draw with! good opinion of the law. They say to us "As long as we are the under dog doat wave that old shirt when we get on top the old grudge stands." ' It Is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound health one mnst have pare rioh and abundant blood. There Is no shorter nor anrer route than by a coarse of DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. i Transfers Furnished by the Fort Abstract Co. Red Cloud, Nebr. Chas. G.Wilson to GL Pope 9 nw 24-4-10 wd 3000 00 Geo. E Coon to Jacob Monia nK ew& 2-2-9 deed 7G0 00 David Paul to Geo. A. Latta part eeJi 33-3-10 wd 203 00 0 B & Q., R. R. Co., to Chaa. R. Besse se 29-2-11 wd 400 00 0 E Perkins to RM Jones ne neJH 3-4-9 wd 20000 Jehu Hanson to E H A J 0 Cox nw 32-4-11 wd 3000 00 Silas SWells to Robt S White part 12-4-12 10 00 CITY TRANSFERS. Daniel L Bishop to Ohas E Tex ton lot 9 blk 14 R R add and lota 4-5 and 0 No. blook Yelaers addwd 35000 Leopold Baum to Ernst Welaoh lots 3 and 4 blk 19RR addwd 30000 John B Sabin to Jerusha Teach worth lot 11-12-18 blk 2 and lots 1 and 2 blk 6 Quids Rook wd 00000 Carrie E. Vance to Ella A Van Woert lots 0 0-7 blk 15 Vanooa addwd .. 50 00 Horses for Sale or Trade I havo eighteen head of horses and colts for safe. Will trade for oity proper ty or real estate, or Belt cheap for cash, or on time for good paper. G-t W. H7 Fuller, Red Cloud, Neb. Call on T, E. Penman, Jeweler and optician for fine watch cleaning and repairing, artistio letter, emblem and monogram engraving. A full lino of watohes, clocks, jowelry, spectacles, etc. alwavs on hand. Can fit any eye with tho vorv best of snectaoles. You will find, in Cotting's drug stern. ii i m m " Wright tho hardware man, is soil tag lots of hatdwaro, tinware, Ac, and you aro not in it unless you see him before buying. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, sMe Baking Powder hot ran CLOK I So Cheap and give you goods so comfortable that hot weather will have no terror for you. We have an unusually large line OF Light Coats and Vests This season. Nice patterns and at PRICES THAT ARE CORRECT, and within the reach of everyone. Straw hats of every style and price Men's fine furnishing goods of every description CHICAGO CLOTHING STORE. Opposite WAIT FOR THE BIG SHOWS. AN ENTIRE CITY BY ITSKLF-10 TIMES LARGER THAN EVER, F. J, TAYLOR'S GREAT AMERICAN DOUBLE CIRCUS Huge World's Museum, Caravan, Hippodrome, Menagerie and Congress of Wild and Living Animals. bssBPstI ii ii IHBHVVPPESEf!PH HIHHHflL Va M II H KaW. ' BBB?""VllBIBBsssilTBsssP "bV&LH TaE"! tkr aAbVA L aflaar HV I BB I W . -nBCWBVjBBljBMjyitV Er V. I I fljBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsmMBM7TWl"VW Irla"'' ', J IT Iriiwi' 5T I'M M iMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTOlnMTMwMTlT rBBrfr'T 1X WlBnW I ii2bbbbb9bb1hbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbHbbM jlPfePBsallBB ; -ZitaBBW fc bbtFIbbbb K WILL EXHIBIT AT- RED CLOUD, NEB., MONDAY, JULY 25, 1892. Non Owing to arrangements made by the American Showmen's Fool Leagae this will be thi only big show to visit Webster county this year. I Of 000 That we give the best STAB - PJBBFOMMERB- .ft - FUNNY, - FAMOUS CLOWNS. A show to think and talk abont. The greatest number of favorites ever asses bled nndrr canvas. A great holiday of rest and reoreatlon for everyone. We gear antee to all a moat enjoyable, moral, refined and artistio entertainment. JIP AND SAMSON, Tho Mightiest aNtl Biggest Unites thnt Breathe. The Goliath of the Giant Tribe. The largest elephant and eamel ia the world. JIP, the grand old battle-scarred war elephant. BAMSON, the tallest sky-towerlag eamel the world eyer saw. Only Parflarod llophant In Captivity, laby Carnal Tan Month ON. And a menagerie containing au the A -- GRAND - DOUBLE - CIRCUS Of two exalted circus companies. Grandest of hippodrome specialties. A GRAND FREE STREET PARADE a trat niaeant one mile Ions, crimsoned with the radiant lustre of tke aooa day saa refecting scenes more grand than king or conqnsror ever beheld. Tons upon tons, block after blook, a solid moving mats ot wealth and splendor. Every nation represented. Noble knights and warriors. Ladle fair oa praaoiag horses. Open dens ot wild and ferocious animals hungrily surveying the snrglag erewds A herd ot camels and elephants, blooded horses from Asia, England and Xaatueky. Oomlo downs and mules. Bands of mnalo filling the air with melody a sight worth oomlng many miles to see X FKMID i-fLlOHT TO 0100 OT..OXJDS BACH PAJyI TWO PERFORMANCES k Doors open at 1 and 7 p. m., performance oommenoes one hoar later. Don't letotbtr advertisements mislead yon; we never disappoint Admission to both Circus Post - office. 'wn circus performance ever seta la the West. animaia worm seeing naaer we pw. DAILY, RAIN OR SHINE nnd Menagerie 25 and 85 cunts. ' jj ' t SZTt In MM : "v-"0 his trip In and IbrottgU Ihb Boeklgi. l!