The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1892, Image 2

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    '" i "IMPIPjPPJWj V" W'T
r. -
A. C. HOSMK.R, Publisher.
flttotjfir.Vr.RTi!coitowii! snys thnt-cloc-trlenl
science litis not yet nsnchccl Ujo
p(lnt when electric traction can bo
prnutriMy used on standard gouge
to-.uK i
Aix.-tfs pawnshops In Moscow owned
liy Jew will bo closed next month by
order of the government Six months
will be allowed them to wind up tliclr
I'iiukk IIiamaiu-k TlnltH the Urine
bath', nt Klsslngen dally, llo 1h often
bombarded with bouquets by admiring
Indite The other day n Iwuquet hit him
In the -eye, Injuring It slightly.
A MrtTi'.lt from SI, Petersburg hays
thofcnrof Russia is tlio largest Indi
vidual landowner In the world. The
area! of his possession' Is far greater
than .that of thu entire republic of
Franco. ,
In repfr to Italy's protest ngnlnst bad
treat intuit of Italian sailors at Santos,
the lru.tllan 'government has offered
to mnlce satisfactory reparation and
conciliatory negotiations have been
I' like to bo humbugged. Corot
only painted 7to sketches, liut 18,000
"Corots" have lieen hold In the Hotel
Prouout unctions. Evidently the
Parisians-sell their customers as well
11 h their wures.
Kvkiiv Kuropcan government, except
Russia, lias nlready announced that it
will participate In the coming Interna
tional monetary conference. Senator
lanes, of Nevada, will bo ono of tho
American conferees.,
TitK whole (lermnn press Is display
ing Irritation at tho nutlon of tbo
French government in determining to
hnhLnn International exhibit In MOO,
thus) greatly Interfering with tho pro
posed llerlln exhibition.
I.NKTi'.An of singing at the Thomas
Goring benefit in Loudon, Jean dc
Res.kc agreed to contribute ono night's
Mvh.iy, and it Is Interesting to know
that the fund Is the richer thereby by
fsoo! There' is a popular impression
that the tenor's salary on this sldo of
tho wuter was greater than that.
Thk well that prompted Samuel
Woodworth tq writo "Tho Old Oaken
lluokot" Is still kept In good condition,
and inuny'vlsItorstoHcItuate, Mass., go
nndgct a draught, of its wuter, which
seems pure and cool ns over. Tho old
mill and pond nrp there, but not much
is left of "tho deep tangled wlldwood,"
A nir.i. Is to Iks presented nt tho next
session of the New York legislature for
tho purpose of protecting actors against
managers who cngugo them under falsa
representation of substantial financial
baclilpg. and then luavti.thctn stranded
In some Jdlstant, part of tho country,
without nay and without means of get
ting b$:lc to Now York,
Tkn miners In Pulmas county, Cnl.,
wcro descending n snow covered mount
ain, dinner palls In linnd. Suddenly
there was tin avalanche and tho miners
fihot down the mountain with frightful
velocity. Jti a few moments tho snow
hlido separated,- live of tho men going
down a slbno-'JOO feet long and the
others not. halting until they had
bounded over 1i preciptco thirty feet
deep and come to a stop unhurt, after
traveling fully 1,700 feet.
nm'imsr.xr.VTivi: Cumikutson, of
Texas, expresses tho opinion that tbo
ficnuto made u fatal mistake In pass
ing tho free coinage bill; that It
failed to preserve in tbo repeal of tho
net of lt00 tho legal tender quality
of tbo coin notes Issued under author
ity of tho secretary of tho treasury
to rodeo in. Tho effect of tho senate
bill, ho says, will bo to demonetize more
than eighty millions of coin notes and
postpone their redemption.
Sionou GioMTTt, tho new premier of
Italy, Is ono of tho tallest men In Koine.
In tho'town where ho lives ha is famous
for Ids strength, whieb is truly hercu
lean. Ho is an excellent boxer, and
loves nothing better tht.n n bout with
tho gloves. lie is also a fine billiard
player, and a frequenter at tbo bowling
alloys, llo is a member of un Alpinu
club, and lias often spent days alone
wandering along tho different mountain
paths, with only bits of hard bread and
checho for nourishment.
Tin grave of a Swedish qucon was
opened at tjpsala recently In tho pres
ence of. tho'prlnco regent, tho archbish
op unci many professors of tho universi
ty. Tho grave Was that of Catherine,
wife of Jolm III.,, king of Sweden, who
died iu 158U. Pa removing tho stone a
copper collln ;Was found, within which
was found a wooden collln somewhat
decayed uud lined with volvot in rags.
Ileneath a leather cover lay tho body of
thu qucon, clothed In velvet, and timid
the folds of velvet lay her skull, an ex
tremely small one.i
Sin Vim.iam Aitkkn, who recently
died lu England, was a tireless investi
gator and a pathologist of renown,
Having graduated at Edinburgh in 1818
ns U doctor of medicine, hu was selected
ns demonstrator hi anatomy of tho
Glasgow university. During thu Cri
mean war hu rendered Mich service on
a special pathological commission that
lio Was promptly elected a member of
toveral foreign medical societies, and In
lSUOheJwtts gazetted us professor of
pathology lu tho army medical school.
IJIo was elected a fellow of tho llayal
MK'loty In 187.1 and u member of the
Athftmuum club lu 1HS1. llo had tho
honor of knighthood conferro I upon
him on tho occasion of thu queen's jubi
lee In 1887. He received the honorary
degree of 'LL. I), from tho university of
Edinburgh In 1S8S, and nlbo from tho
-university of Glasgow In the same yeur.
Gloonod By Tolograph and MalL
Tajimasv celebrated tho Fourth at
the Fourteenth street wigwam. A let
ter wns read from cx-PresJdcnt Cleve
land. The speeches nero conciliatory.
Senator Hill pledged his support to tho
'democratic nominees.
Tub people's partv convention nt
Omaha. Neb., nominated Ocn. Weaver,
of Iowa, for president and .fumes G.
Field, of Virginia, for vice president.
Ex-.3i:cnr.TAitr Hlajnk has sent the
president a cordial acknowledgment of
tho receipt of his telegram of sympathy
and condolence at the time of tho death
of his son, Emmons Maine,
Ax International complication Is lia
ble to grow out of tho seizure of tho
steamer Joseph Oterl. dr., by the Hon
duras revolutionists. Dr. Jcfccph Oterl,
the owner, states that he will inako a
demand through the Putted States gov
ernment of Honduras for $75,000 clam
ages for detention of tho vessel, she
having lost two trips by tho action of
the revolutionists.
Gitovm Ci,'r.AN In u letter to
Norman 12. Mack, chairman of the sub
committee appointed by V. L. Wilson,
chairman of tho committee to notify
Messrs. Cleveland nnd Stevenson of
their nomination, litis suggested .Inly SO
an the day for tho notification.
Likut.-Coi.. Wrr.MAM Duum, late Inspector-general,
Is dead.
Hox. W. Gami'Ukm., chairman of' the
republican national committee, states
that he will formally tender his resig
nation at the first meeting of the ex
ecutive committee.
Tub national commltteo of the peo
ple's party organized by electing the
following executive committee: II. E.
Taubeneck, of Illinois, chiilrmnn; ,T. II.
Turner, of Georgia, secretary; .1. II.
Davis, of Texas: George Washburn, of
Massachusetts! V. O. Ktrlckler, of No
hrnska; Ignatius Donnelly, of Minne
sota; CI. I Gtiithcr, of Alnbatna; M. C.
ltankin, of Indiana.
Rr.v. .1. a Cavk.nbh, a methodlst mis
sionary, has been imprisoned nt Duran
go, Me.x. Cnuso not stated.
Coi- Pi:i:k, leader of the third party
In Georgia, Is dying. Ho wns selected
b3' tho czar to Instruct Kussluti olllccrs
In thu cultivation of cotton.
Tiik Kansas democratic state conven
tion Indorsed the people's ticket.
l'licsiDKNT IiAimtsoN and family ara
in the Adtrondacks.
Cor- EnwAiio O. ltusii. lately pro
moted to tho colonelcy of the Twenty
fifty Infantry, died at Pittsfield, 111.
It Is said that tho revolution in ltlo
Grande do Sul, llrazll, has ended.
W. G. Wiiiiti.k, ex-mayor of Little
Hock, has been nominated by the re
publicans for governor of Arkansas.
Arthur Hazki.tink, his wife and
Nclllo Nurramone wcro drowned at
Meadvllle, Pa., by tho upsetting of a
skiff on tho Fourth.
A ciiown of union men attempted to
drive away tho stevedores unloading
the Lone Star at Detroit, Mich. Two
men were wounded. Tho police made
several arrests.
Thk secretary of statu has received
advices from United States consular of
ficers in Me.xieo confirming the press
dispatches concerning tho troubles
along tho ltlo Gruudo near Sail An
tonio. Tho troubles involve no polit
ical features, but arc simply tho individ
ual nets of desperadoes.
Annii: Wkiikii was Instantly killed at
Chicago on tho Fourth by a ballot from
a cannon which was discharged by boys
in tho rear of No. 15 Noblo avenue.
On account of tho enormous wheat
yield in Kansas and iu order to meet
tho great demand for harvest laborers
in central and western Kansas tho
Santa Fo road will make a rato to any
point on Its lino in Kansas from the
Missouri river stations of ono and one-
sixth faro for tho round trip. These
tickets will bo on salo during duly.
For Information whore work can bo
found address Georgo W. Hagenbuch,
passenger and ticket agent, 812 Main
street, Kansas City, Mo.
Thk loss by tho burning of tho Gool
tor works at Montgomery, Ala., Is $:!',
000; insurance, $235,000.
Thk Now York Typographical union
sustained tho action of its president In
tho Whltelaw Held matter.
A national, convention of colored
men of tho United Stutvs to consider
tho interests of tho race convened at
tho Second llaptlst church, Cincinnati,
July 4.
Fatheii Moi.i.iNniut, the famous Pitts
burgh priest, It Is alleged, was warned
by a vision of St. Anthony that his end
was near.
A nkw company with $250,000 capital
has been organized to compete with tho
American '1 olmeco Co. for its monopoly
of the cigarette trade.
Tin: Southern Pacific Co., by the uso
of the Pecos lttver bridge, Is able to
abandon u portion of Its lino which has
heretofore been dangerous, ns well us
Wii.mam O'Hihisn was seriously In
jured near Cork. He was knocked olTu
jaunting car by a rock thrown by John
Sheeluin, who wns arrested.
Nkah Murray, Ky., a thresher boiler
exploded killing tho engineer and
wounding ten other persons, four fa
tally. Tin: jail at Vleksburg, Miss., was
raided by a mob at midnight on the 5th
nnd two or threo murderers taken out
and lynched.
Fkkdkii: Moimiu,, son of a Chicago
publisher, was crushed to death by u
cogwheel train on Pike's Peak, Col.
A KMUmn.i.NO sloop was capsized near
Race rocks, Port Townsend, Wash.
Tho authorities statu that sho was
loaded with contraband Chinese, all of
whom perished,
Thk whites near Darlington, 1. T.,
have been much nlarmed by ghost
dances of tho Arapahoe. Their fears
were groundless. J
Thk tlunlatu mill of Nledrlughuus
North St, Louis, has been destroyed by
Ri:v. John S. Ivi:s has been hanged
In elllgy at llrldgeport, Conn. Ho had
been active lu enforcing boculled blue
laws. ..
Cortkr A. MaiitIN, Chicago, will pay
20 cents on tho dollar. They failed In
running n corner on May corn.
Thk Upton steamship lino between
Portland, Ore., nm theOrlont,it Is gen
erally understood, will bo abandoned.
A ItocK Ist.ANli passenger trntn
knocked a young woman into tho river
at Muscatine, la., where sho was
drowned. Her body was not identified.
WntTr.f.Y, of reaper machine fame,
was forbidden to exhibit his mnchino
at tho Springfield, O., fair ground, his
work being taycottcd by labor unions.
Whitely said ho would, nnd drove a
gaily decorated specimen to thu gates;
but tho police kept him out -and ho had
to return crestfallen.
Thk tercentenary of Dublin univer
sity was celebrated July 0.
Tun stranded steamer City of Chicago,
it is feared, will go to pieces. About,
100 tons of enrgohtive been taken off un
Injured, and her crew still remains
Thk Peary expedition bus left Kt
Johns. N. F.
Wn.t.iAJf PiTTlsf, chief of police nt
Plnevllle, Ky., wns killed Inn quarrel
by Lucius Smith at a picnic.
A .von attacked tho Salvation army
nt Huntingdon, I ml., bombarding it
with fireworks. Several of tho soldiers
were severely burned.
Two deaths from Asiatic cholera have
been reported in London.
A hack trouble was reported nt Jack
sonville, Fla., caused by an attempt to
disarm a negro.
Thk Chinese Immigration question is
exciting warm debate in tho Canadian
Thk Royal Yacht squadron of En
gland has challenged tho New York
Yacht club for tho American cup.
E. A. IIkxsoN was killed at lllount
Springs, Ala,, while trying to run the
A qur.F.n ensc of poisoning occurred at
Torre Haute, Champaign county? O. A
family ato a spring uhlcken which had
been feeding on dead potato bugs, killed
by parts green. Tho poisoned persons
wcro critically sick.
Sam FitAZir.u and Rlcnzl Kennedy,
young men, were drowned while bath
ing in tho Ouachita river, near Cam
den, Ark.
John Jonkh, a workman, was terribly
scalded nt the piano plate works,
Springfield, O., falling into a vat of
boiling water with ono of his legs.
li.MAM Cai'MAN, aged 72, a veteran
of the rebellion, was killed by a Lake
Shoro train at Itrlmfield, near Goshen,
I nd.
l.V un interview William A. Plnkerton
declared that Carneglo had decided to
closo the mill nt Homestead until non
union men are nl lowed to peacefully go
to work nnd hold the county for nil
damages that may result from tho ac
tion of the strikers.
Thk eleventh International Christian
Endeavor convention wns called to order
at Madison squaro garden, Now York, '
on tho 7th. Ten thousand delegates at
tended. I
Thk snprcmo court of Tennessee has
decided thnt II. Clay King, tho well
known jurist, must bo hanged for the
murder of I). II. Foston, u prominent
Memphis lawyer. Tho murder grow
out or the sensational caso in chancery
of tho widow of Gen. Gideon Pillow.
Tiiiikk children wcro found sturvinir ut
Brooklyn, N. '. Their mother hud bold
tbo furniture to buy whisky. j
Thk town of Areola, Miss., has been
consumed by fire.
Pocomoki: City, Md.,has been burned.
Loss, $100,000. I
A kiiik caused by melting pitch dc '
stroyed a bridge over tbo Ebro ut Tor
tosa, Spain. Two workmen were
drowned, slxty-flvo of them having to
jump into tho river to escape tho Humes.
Canada has imposed a duty of llvo
cents per dozen on eggs.
Tin: Iowa Temperance nlllanco and
the republican party have separated.
lilt: government of Honduras Is on
its last legs. Itouello is tho naino of its
probable next president.
i mitt) party kickers of Minnesota
have nominated Gen. James II. linker.
of Garden City, for governor.
I in: real causo of tho sulfide of
William Tyler, president of tho Vin-
cennes, Intl., who shot himself on his
daughters grave, was because his bank
was Involved in injudicious speculations i
in Mcnnesseo lantls.
Onk of the robbers who held up the
Santa Fe train In the Indian territory
bus been captured. Ho had In his pos
session a largo sum of money and tho
wutcli tukou irom tho express messen
ger. AN Immenso conflagration broko out
In St Johns, N. F., on tho 8th. , Thirty
thousand persons were rendered home
less. The finest buildings in tho city
were destroyed.
Amis have been sent to tho guards
protecting non-union men at tho Ccuur
d'Alene, Idaho, mines.
Rkv. Jos. Uaiidwei.i, has been ap
pointed president of tho Presbyterian
Femulo college at Florence, Ala.
Ci.KAitiNO housu returns for tho week
ended July 8 showed an uvorago In
crease of 10.7 compared with last yeur.
In New ork tho increase wns 13.7.
Dun & Co.s weekly review reports
general trudo much larger than u year
Judok Gni'.SHAM is afflicted with n
dangerous malady, which ho has kept
from his family, tor that reason ho
declined to mix in active political work.
IN Cyrus W. Field's delirium ho
talked of events occurring during tho
laying of tho first Atlantic cable.
Fivk sudden deaths occurred at Eas-
ton, Pa., ono day recently, all duo to
heart failure.
Thkhk was a circus riot nt Fargo, N.
ii. Mwoivo ucaus wero cracicccl, ouo
A wai.1. about 400 feet long fell upon
some standing railway cars at Memphis,
Tenn., caused by sotldenecl ground ow
ing to rain. Threo persons were killed.
It is unlikely that Mr. Gladstone will
have ti working miijorlty If hu has i.
mnjorlty ut all in tho next llrltlsh par
liament Thk sonnto on tho 8th hud tho Home
stead riot under discussion. The housu
passed tho tlv plato bill, tho lead oru
hill and tho bill limiting the free iin,
purtatlc-n of wearing upparcL
For thn World Talr.
W. XV. Cox, superintendent of agri
culture for tho Nebraska Columbian
commission, has Issned a circular giving
the following rules for tho guidance of
exhibitors of agricultural products at
tho Columbian exposition:
First Nothing will bo received except It bo
of suirrlur quutity,
Si'conil-All (,'ralns ami grasses lo bo exhibit
ed In the stnllc munt bo tmrve.stcil fieforo they
ore entirely ripe U rains should bo stripped of
blades. Thosnmoraay bo cut cen with tho
Knnmd nnd part of ft may bo pulled up bv tho
roots. Tho Kraln must bo hum; up heads down
ward nnd carefully cured In tho nhndc, where
Insects will not molest, and icept securo from
tl.unpuefiH. Heads must bo carefully wrapped
fa paper
Third-Shelled Rrnln must bo perfect In srnln
nnd entirely freo from foul seeds chaff or
Hhrmikvn Km In. It munt bo In half bushel lota
uud put In good drill hucIch.
Fourth-Corn In cars must bo perfectly dry
nd well wrapped In brown paper, each lot to
contain fifty cars and bo packed closely In boxes
or barrels. '
rifth-Corn8talUnnnd supnr cano In lots of
fUumiutbo tnlcun up by tho roots, properly
cured In tho shade, Including blades, and then
circfully wrapped.
Sixth Varieties of nil Rralns, Brasses, or
other products mustbecarofullv noted, together
with date of plautlni; nnd sowing, nnd ditto of
bnrustln;, nKo stale briefly manner of cultha
Hon, yield per nerc, nverugo prleo per bushel nt
nearest station, for year ending October I. Ml.
.Seventh N'amu place where grown, giving
county nnd precinct. Olvo briefly character of
soil, whether Irrigated or not, upland pralrlo or
bottom land.
Klghlh Inhibitor's namo nnd post ofllcoad
drejia must bo plainly written.
Ninth Instructions In regard to nil pcrlsha
blu products will bo lusiicd lu proper time.
Shipments may bn mndo between September
1 nnd Nowiubcr I, HOT. nnd billed to state fair
grounds nt Mneoln. Nob , care of tho commis
sion, which will pay all freight nnd other ex
pciiM's from Lincoln to Chicago.
Nebraska 1'iilrx.
Tho Nebraska htuto fair will bo held
nt Lincoln September fl, to !). County
fairs will bo held ns follows:
County. Tvtrn. Vote.
Ilnnnncr AxhforJ Sept. -I
floono Albion Sept. V!l-jl
Jlrown lngl'lno Sept. 5J-3t)
llurrulo t Kearney Oct. 4-7
Hurt Toltamah Sept. 13-10
Uutler David City..'. Sept, 2J--J1
Chnsc i ImiK'rlnl Sept. '.H-W
Chcycnno Sldnev Sept, 50-83
Clay Center Sept, 13-10
Colfax Schuyler Sept, llltl
Custer .llrohen How Oct. 1-7
Dawson Lexington Sept 27-5J
Doilgo Fremont Sept, 10-23
Douglas Omahn Aug. 23-Scpt 2
rillmorc Ocnov.i Sept 13-14
Franklin Franklin Sept SM0
(ago Ue.itrlco Aug. SO-Hep t 2
Hall Grand Island ...Sept, S7-.V)
Harlan Orleans Sept 2-29
Hamilton Aurora Sept. 13-10
Hayes Hayes Center Oct. f-7
Hitchcock Culbertson Sent 2-30
letferion Falrbury Sept. 13-18
.Tohimon Tecumsch Sept "i-'M
Kearney Mlndcn Sept. 13-lt)
Lancaster Hickman Sent 20-23
Mudlson MndtNon Sept 2J-2J
Kemaha Auburn Sept 2f-3)
Otou Syracuso Sept 13-10
Pawnee Pawnee City Sept, 20-2J
I'lntte Columbus Sept 28-20
I'olk Osceola Aug. Su-Scpt 2
Ited Willow Indtanola Sept 20-23
Sarpy Paollllon Sept. 13-10
Saunders Wahoo Sept 27-8)
Scwurd Sonard Sept 27-30
Stanton Stanton Oct. 5-7
Thayer Hebron Sept 223
Wayne Wayno Sept. 11-10
Webster Ited Cloud Oct, 4-7
Perkins Madrid Sept, 21-23
York York Sopt 2J-2J
Cimt Vp lty tho Itlvor.
A Plnttsmouth dispatch says: "Mnny
queer things tiro recorded about tho
Hood on tho Missouri and Platte rivers ,
tins yenr, but none of them arc stranger
than tho discovery that was made In a
place where there has always herto
fore been a sand bar. About a mllo be
low tho mouth of tho Platte, on the
Bboro of tho Missouri, was a most dan-,
gerous piece of ground, it being a quick
Mind which had swallowed up moro
than ono human being. Four years ngo
two school children wero lost and tho
only remnant of them tl-it could bo
found was tho straw hat of ono of them,
which wns lying on tbo bank near tho
quicksand. In washing away tho banks
(luring Its annual change the Missouri
cut deeply Into the qulcksnnd, and. in
fact, almost obliterated It Where there
was it most dangerous piece of ground
is now a lot of rocks, and on these rocks
were found the remnlns of tho victims
of tho quicksand which have been swal
lowed up for many years. Tho rocks at
tho bottom of tho quicksands wcro
strewn thickly wtyh animal and human
skeletons. Tho bones of the two chil
dren wero found, and down in the mass
of debris wero discovered tho skeletons
of llvo other people, all full grown,
whllo over fifty skeletons of animals
wero counted."
A Mystery.
W. S. lloyd, of Manley, was lotcly In
iNcurasitu City looking for his wife.
Mrs. lloyd left Manley n few weeks ngo
to visit relatives nt Hamburg, la. Re
cently sho telegraphed her husband sho
would leave Hamburg for homo on that
day. Sho did not reach home, however,
nnd Mr. lloyd telegraphed relatives at
Hamburg, who replied that sho had left
for Nebraska City. Mr. lloyd at oneo
went to thnt city, but has been unable
to tlnd uuy trace of his wife. She had
over $l!5 on her person when sho loft
llumtiurg, and foul play Is feared.
A i.atu cyclone did $150,000 damage to
Mason nnd vicinity.
It is stated that Geneva is to havu a
first-class opera house.
l.i'MiiKit has been purchased to erect
a Methodist church at Goring.
Tin: Into rains havo materially bene
fitted thu crops In several parts of tho
Tin: state eonferenco of tho Unl
vorsaltst church was lately held at
Tin: crop bulletin Issued for tho week
ended. Jnno 'J7 says: "All small grain
has suffered from tho dry weather and
oats especially aro sure to bo a light
crop for tho state ns a whole. Corn Is
still backward and whllo It has not suf
fered much from drought, tho cool, dry
weather has prevented tho rapid
growth that would push It forward ton
normal condition."
An unknown man wns recently found
dead at llogcrs. llo had hanged him
eolf. Fivn tramps nro In jail ut Teknmnh
as tho result of it drunken row nt Oalc
land, during which ono of tho (ramp
cut his comnanlon's throat with a razor-
Th sTfc' rrnccrdlnv Comlenned For
Conrnlrnre of the Ilfisdrr.
Arrr.n routlno business In tho sennto on JuJy
1 tha presiding officer ut 2 p. m. laid tho silver
bill beforo tho senate. A motion to recommit
wns defeated yeas. M: nays, 31. Mr. Stewart
olTercd m nn amendment his substitute, pro
viding for tho freo coinage of silver bullion un
der tho terms of the net of 1878, excepting for
eign coin silver nnd repealing tho law of 1KM.
Mr. Vest moved to strlko out tho proviso as to
foreign coins The vote wns then taken on Mr.
Stewart's amendment (ns amended on motion
by Mr. Vest) nnd It wnsngrecd to without dlvls
Ion. Mr. Morgan offered nn amendment direct
ing tho colnngoof all tho slhcr bullion In tho
treasury nnd It wns agreed to without a divis
ion. Tho bill was then passed yeas, W;
nays, 2."). ...The houso pgrced lo tho eonferenco
leportontho agricultural bill, and pissed tho
bill allowing thirty days absence to certnln
employes: nlso tho bill passed making eight
hours a day's work for laborers nnd mechanics
employe d on public works. An evening session
was held for consideration of pension bills.
No business wus tratisacted In tho senate on
tho 2d .. In tho houso when a moss.ico was
received from the hcnent announcing tho t
passage of tho freo coin tge bill It was greeted
with uppltusc. A disagreeing eonferenco re
port on tho District of ColumbU bill was re
ceived nnd a now ono ordered, iho conferees be
ing InMructcd to urgo an amendment providing out of district revenues for expenses at
tending tho C5 A. K. entertainment. 'Iho eon
ferenco report on tho rUcrnnd harbor bill was
reported. After eulogies upon thclalo Hepre
si'iititlvc Wilson, of Marylund, tho houso nd
JourtU'd until Tuesday.
In tho senate on tho 6th Mr. Hcrry (Ark.)
srxiko on tho tariff policies of the two parties.
The eonferenco report on tho District of Colum
bia bill uns discussed nt length ntid tho senile
Insisted on Its (intendment appropriating 100 -WO
for tho a. A. K. entertainment. Another
eonferenco was asked nnd tho senate adjourned.
....The senate tree coinage bill wns laid beforo
tho houo by tho speaker. Tho speaker stated
that under tho rules tho bill would bo referred '
to tho committee on coin go, weights and meas
ures. Mr. Tracy (N. Y.) moved to refor to tho
commltteo on banking and currency, which was
nntugonled by tho opponents of the bill. Pend
ing un effort to secure n o.uorum tho Jiousc nd
Journed. THK absorbing question In the scnito on tho
0th wns tho trouble nt tho Homestead works In
Pennsylvania. Mr. Oalllnger offered n resolu
tion that the commltteo on education and labor
bo Instructed to mako nn Immediate and care
ful Investigation Into nil tho circumstances
connected with tho troubles nnd report tho
facts to tho senate, Mr. Peffer also offered it
resolution on tho same subject, both of which
went over. A sennto bill pissed to Increase
the pensions of those who hivo lost limbs In tho
service. The house bill to pension survivors of
Indian wars wns recommitted. Tho conference
report on tho river nnd hnrbor bill was agreed
to, nnd it resolution for adjournment July 20
referred. Mr. Kvlo's bill to Investigate "tho
slums of cities" was passed Tho houso
agreed to tho eonferenco rejiort on tbo river
nnd harlior bill nnd for four hours thcro was
filibustering against tho free colhaire bill by its
opponents. Mr Camlnetto (Cnl.) ottered a res
olution to lnvcttigalu thu Homestead Iron
works trouble and the houso adjourned.
A RPiatTEndcbito took pltco In the senato
on tho 7th on tho question of Investigating tho
Homestead, Pa , riots and tho employment of
Plnkerton men Mr. Pnlmer (III.) gavo ex
pression to some adtanccd views on tho rela
tions of labor and capital nnd a warm debato
took plnco between Messrs. Voorhecs ond Hole.
Tho question was referred. Tho rest of tho
day was devoted to tho consideration of tho
sundry civil bill.... In tho houso tho silver bill
was rcferrod to tho commltteo on coinage,
weights and mcasurei without opposition. Tho
rest of tho session was consumed In the discus
sion of a resolution reported by tho commltteo
on Judiciary retrdlng an Investigation of tho
Plnkerton detective forces nnd their employ
ment by corporations engaged In lnter-htnte
commerce and especially tho trouble nnd riots
nt Homestead, Pa. Tho Judiciary oommlttco
was 11 nail y ordered to mako tho Investigation, J
lie I'rovciits n Disastrous Conltnirxntloii ut
tho Sncrlflro of HI I. He.
Er. Rr.No, Ok., July 6. An exhibition
of heroism was witnessed in El Reno,
Mr. Smith was cooking iu Lcmnstcr
Ilros.1 resttmrnnt, when an overturned
lamp fell upon him, covering him with
oil. With great presenco of mind ho
smothered tho flumes in tho building,
nnd calling for help, burst open n door
nnd rushed into the street lleforo
his clothing could bo torn from him
ho was so badly bnrncd that no
hope of saving his llfo exists. Tho res
taurant was in tho heurt of the town,
surrounded on all sides by pine build
ings, unci tho wind was blowing a gale.
Had tho unfortunate hero tliouirlit of
Lnlflin ,.....1.1 I........ ltt n ......11 ....... 1.... I
n.t nu wit,, iw-u.i,) inj iv livil juuil, uui.
the town of El Reno would have iwcn u
wast of ashes. There aro no mentis of
fighting fire, tho water works not being
Portugul In I'ltmticltil Straits.
Hr.i'.LiN, July 7. In reply to u protest
from tho German government against
tho reduction of tho Interest on Portu
guese exterior debt, tho Portuguese
government expresses tho most sincere
regret at being compelled to take action
in regard to tlui debt of which Germany
complains, uud declares thnt it was im
perative. It farther explutned thnt
Portugal cannot give a gunruntco for
tho full payment of her creditors now,
cs such steps would in u short tlmo
compel her to entirely suspend tlio pay
ment of tho debt
lumped Overboard In Mlrincimn.
Nr.w YoitK, July 7. Mrs. August
Seydk, overwhelmed with grief at tho
death of her husband, August Soydk,
Into manager of tbo International News
Co., committed suleldo by jumping Into
tho sua at mldqccuu from the steamer
Saalo during Iho recent trip of that ves
sel. Tho Satila .arrived in port last
week, but tho matter only leaked
out yesterday. It Is probable that dipt.
Ringk will 1m culled to account by tho
port authorities for neglecting to re
port tho affair.
Cattlemen Turned (Iter.
Cnr.vr.NNK, Wyo., July 7. The forty
flvo cattlemen who havo Iteon impris
oned at Fort Russell for tho past two
months charged with tho murder of
Champion nnd Ray, during tho recent
cattle war, wero turned over to tho
civil authorities thlH morning and taken
under military escort to Laramie City,
where they will Iw given a hearing.
l-'lold suits.
Nkw YoitK, July 8. Four actions
have been brought In tho supremo court
against Cyrus W. FJold and tho other
mem tars of Field, I.lndley, Welchers &
Co., to mako Cyrus liublu ns a special
partner for W,l)00in securities alleged
to have been converted by tho firm.
In nn interview William A. Plnkerton
declared that Carnegie had decided to
close thu mill nt IFoiuustead until non
union men nro allowed to peaceably go
to worlc unci hold tho county for all
damages that may result from the ac
tion of tho strikers.
A llttl eorn to ptga is beneficial; too
much Is Injurious.
Generally better results would be se
cured if tho cows wero mated so as to
calvo often.
Soino breeders claim that early lambs
grow faster, aro healthier and mako
larger sheep than lato ones.
Ono advnntago with sheep la that if
properly managed they eat their food
cleaner than horses or cattle.
Crossing Merino owes with n Shrop
shire ram is often done to Increase tho
slzo of tho carenss for mutton.
Abundance of grass, abundance of
salt and abundotico of water aro threo
essentials In summer with cattle.
Upon good pasture tho calves bhould
grow rapidly us tho grass furnishes
abundantly the materials for growth.
Partially empty stomachs mako iab
tie uncomfortable nnd ns a result they
spend their energy In Idle movement
At no time In tho llfo of nn animal Is
thu influence of liberal or scant feeding
so great as when an animal is young.
Tho best tlmo to determlno what,
shall bo done with a brood sow is when,
sho has and suckles her second Utter.
If the cattle nro to be marketed rca
Bonnbly early in tho fall It Is best to
commence feeding grain in good season.
An important item in selecting a good
brood sow Is her milk producing" powers.
This is necessary if sho raises good-
Plenty of skim milk is ono of thwbest
things to keep youug pigs growing
through tho summer. Feed it liber
ally. Tho object in feeding pigs that are
to bo marketed is to push them 'from
tho start, so us to maintain a steady
A sow that will bring an nvcrngo ol.
eight pigs In a litter twice a year is
doing moro than average work und Is
Tho production of fat depends upon
tho temperament of tho cow, gentid
handling and food that is rich in ulbu
incnoids. Thcro aro horso jockeys nnd Bhccp
jockeys. Tlje sheep jockey is up to till
tho tricks In his trade. Ho takes up
every new breed, blows his horn nt tho
fairs, talks loudest at conventions, re
ports phenominnl results through tho
press, is active in tho formation of a
register, gets scrubs nnd what not re
corded nnd sells them for long prices.
In a couplo of years another breed
comes along. Thcro is much inquiry
for this "coming breed," and high prices
aro brought for imported stock. Ho
sells his old stock, jumps for a front
placo in tho now procession and saya
the old breed is not "in it" American
Sheep Drecder.
Mulching newly set trees during hot,
dry weather often saves them fronv
During the summer Is a good timo to
preparo tho soil for fall planting of tho
orchard. Soft feed can in many cases bo fed
daily to tho poultry that aro confined ia
closo quarters during tho summer.
At this timo particular enro must bo jA
taken not to crowd tho poultry, cspc-jfjA
eially thu small ones, In closo quarters. Bl
Supplying tho poultry with plenty of
charcoal Is ono of tho best preventives
of disease, nnd especially so in bummer.
Whllo chickens thrive best in small
numbers or Hocks, ducks seem to do
better when u larga nunbor nro kept
Cutting down and burning Is the only
safe, sure remedy for rust on raspberry .'
canes; taglu as soon as it makes' its
appearance. Ono advnntago with gecso is that they
aro hardy, easily raised and requlro less,
caro nnd expensive food than any other
elnss of fowls.
Keep down tho raspberry canes; four
or flvo good canes to every four feet of
row will give a bettor quality of fruit
than if thicker.
It is quite un Item to do clean worlc
in harvest; a llttlo worlc every day and
at every hauling will mean consider
able less In tho end.
Now is tho time to be on tho lookout
for tho borer; to examine tho trees care
fully every week or ten days Is ono of
tho safest plans that can bo followed.
A machine has arrived at Chicago,
says an exchange, which, it is claimed ,
will revolutionize tho dairy Industry
nnd do away with that useful adjunct
of every well regulated farm, tho maid,
who does tho milking. Tho mnehlno
was Imported from Glnsgow, Scotland,
nnd it is claimed will milk thirty cows
Tu onu hour. It is constructed on tho
vacuum principle, and when ndjustcel
to tho cow tho milk Hows in a continu
ous stream. Tho machine does, tho
work without assistance.
As onu yenr's seeding makes seven
years' weeding anil thcro is no mis
take about that ono year's weeding
may save seven years' seeding. Lot any
farmer resolve, and faithfully keep hls
resolutlon, to permit no weed to grow
longer than ono week, for ono season,
nnd tho next years tho labor of destroy
ing what aro loft will become less and
less ever after. Hut if a farm is neg
lected for a few years ono might as woll
forbear to sow or plant and do nothlng
but ldll tho weeds a whole year, and
tho labor would bo well spent. Ilutono
furraer cannot destroy all tho weeds.
His neighbors should do likewise, nud.
together they may materially lessen tho
troublo of keeping tho pests down.
Tho phenomenal Jersey cow owned
by JudgcMathews, of Huntsvllle, Ala.,
has broken thu record, having raudo
1,020 pounds and 111 ounces of butter
with four days moro to end her year
test Sho Is now tho Jersey qucon ol
tho world.
Uurlnir the next twn mnnlo nn.i --
mutton nicely dressed can bo readily
Bold at good prices by tho quarter in.
many localities.
Generally with wool shipped to mar
ket it requiroa a longer time to got ro
turns than with almost any other farm
product ' -"
"-.ntf .
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