i iBI 'PPP IWIWIIHI fi II I mi I l i z-zmxzzm F ft r A 'If' IW it -' i i ft r v MPWMWssss1ssssWfflsnaaaaa wimjy. -"wite., t . - JSjm'stmkjmmmfMf It t , y. - " " m ii . I By A. C. Hosmer. sbr mmyPj M 15,000 TO LOAN TO WORTHY STUDENTS. No money required to receive nn education at tills college. The only conditions ot a Jmlwlou are a Rood moral chancier and an ambition to secure an oducntlon. This coIIcro has lot aside 15,000 to be loaned during the present year to young peoplo who wish to attend our school, but have not the ready funds. All the time needed will bo Riven In which to pay tho loan; and a student ran tako a full courso to graduation without n dollar to begin with. . IT IH HKT TO PAY AS YOV GOJ but If this Is Impossible you cannot aflord to start in lite without nn education when you have an opportunity liketlili. Ten states represented In the attendance and fifty graduates last year. Board In prlvato family J2.00 per week. We teach the Klcctrlc Short-Hnlid which can be learned In los time than other systems. After you havo read the circulars of all other schools, sei.d for our catalogue and wo will Icavoltto your Judgment which school In the west ranks first In standing. Address, A. 1H. IIARI8, lres., Oriintl Island, Neb. ttittiUMHitmmiiiMtfinimiiMiswwwitiii Ho, There ! e. w. dow Keeps e l line of Sickles, Pitman Boxes, Knife Heads, Sections, Guards, Guard Plates, Rivets, for all kinds of Mowing Machines, 3f" Old iron taken in exchange. Machines repaired in good shape. I have also a few kind of rake teeth on hand G. IV. BOW. . TTT nTTT5 am-q TTTTTrr, .,.' k va m Jk 3k Uii W nonAD .j Perkins & Mitcheli's old stand. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Gethis prices before buying oui flour. .' ' What is ItfefctiihlU Castorla if Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. It Is n harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhcoa and "Wind Colic. Castorla .relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy nud natural sloop. Cos toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Caitorla. M CMtorla U aa exoellent siedldna for chit tan. KotbcnbaranpetUdlytoldmeoflU good street upon their children. Da, a, O. Osgood, Jewell, Mass. "CMkorUU the bet remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I ho; tho day U not far distant when iiiotliorswIllcoMlder tho real Interest of their children, and use Castorla In stead of tho rarioui quack nostrums which are destroying their loyed ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful uenU down their throats, thereby sending Iben to premature Braves." Da. J. F. KracuELO, Conway, Ark. Tka Cfcataw Coatpamy- TI Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is XVwl M. Jmmw mm Jmm DA - rivino Castoria. " Castorla is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior toany preserlpilos known to me.' H. A.ACBB,K.D.t 111 So. Oxford Bt, Brook)fBK. T. ' Our physicians in the children depart ment bare spoken highly of their experi ence In their outsldo practice with Castorla, and although we only hare among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it. Unrrso Hospital and Disiei"ubt, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Buna, JYe., Morray Street, Mew York City. Red Cloud, Webster County, Republican County Convention. Tlio republican electors of Webster county nrn rciiilfitcil to send ililrirtcs from tho sever- nltowii'liliiH in iiii-i't in convention at the court lioitnu In tho city of lied Cloud, Thursday, Juiy ''H, 1892, 11 o'clock n. in., for the purpose of se lictiiiK 10 tloli'Kiiti'i to tliu republican conven tion in no iivia ai i.incoin, noi.. 'liiuriuay. uiy sis. . ten dclfRHtos to too republican senatorial con vention ; also ten doloKHto to tho float conven tion, and to noralnnte one county attorney and no representative for Wobster county lu the state legislature. The several tnwnslilni are entitled to repre sentation hi follows i llio apportionment helm based upon the vote cast (or Hon. deo. II. Hastings for aUorney-eencrnl In lSDORlvlnffone uciognto ni laruo w eacn lownsiun texcepi mo first aodsocond wards of lied Cloud city) and oiio for each ten votes nud the major fraction thereof; itca i;ioui 7 ink 'teek t I'otsdnm i II (ilenwood 4 Innvalo 4 Cntlierton 3 Linn 4 Uarfleld 4 lt4d Cloud lit 'ward o Outdo lt'ck 14 Kttllwatejr 3 llMft 3 Jl.'irwonv fi Walnut CroeK. 3 Kim Creek 0 Ilrnver Creok 4 I'lcasaiit Hill 0 U(m1 Cloud 2d ward 11 It Is recommended that no proxies be admit ted, and that tho delegates present cast the full voloof the delegation, also tkat thoprimarlcs ho held not later than J uly 28. 1892, The tollow Inc persons shall bo entitled to vote at the re publican primaries. All republican electors and nil other electors who, If challenged, shall declare tnoir Intention to act with the republi can party nt the coming election. l)y order of the committee. O.K. MoKkkbt, Chairman. A. 0. HOMjJMjjjeretarjN The political pot is beginning to boil. Tho opponents to tho republican party aro three in number, wo apeak of political parties, who aro arrayed against tho party of progression, for no othor particular reason than just to bo opposed. It is tho merest moon shine to condemn tha republican party fdr acts tUftf arq nq of He making. Tuu Wlndy-pcndcnts, tho democrat and tho prohibitionists', all obargo tho roptfblicuns with fostering all sorts of unholy combines, such as trusts, mo nopolics, and tho like, whilo tlioy, if in power, would with ono fell swoop obliterate evaryttiing that had a ten dency to operate against tho men who are said to be suffering from the en croaohrucntfl of capital, at least that is what thoy tell you. Tho facts are, republicans aro no moro rcsponsiblo for monopolies and trusts, and 4ho present condition of things, than is any other party. The republican par ty has done as muoh for the people as any party can do, and aro still doing so. Tho reaotion of execssivo war pricos that ? cane; who was to blame for Certainly not tho republican party. Tho immonBe annual imminra tion to our shores continues; who is to blamo for that ? Surely not republi cans any more than other parties. The facts aro that tho condi tion of tho country to-day is not far behind tho most prosperous times the oountry has ever seen, and if thore is really any enoroaohmonts upon labor by capital, it is not worso than it has ever been. The troublo is summed up in a fow words, vis: The nonsensioal "oonfliot bctwoon labor and capital," when peoplo learn that capital is nec essary to tho development of enter priser, then they will find it let loose, and'good times and plenty of money will be tho result. Tho republican party has done all it can to bring about an adjustment of these differ ences, but ns long as tho peoplo will submit to being Jed around by num. berless demagogues, instead of think, ing for theuuelvos, then just so long will capital be chary of investing, honce good times will not oomo until men who have money foel that thoy can invest it without injury or loss to themselves. In making an unwarrantable fight against capital is liko "cutting off tho hand that feedB jou." Then leave the demagoguo Bovcrely alono and vote and work for a party that makes labor honorable, i. o. tho republican party, Wo adviao nil 'our readers to nroauro "MnrshHU'fl Mnntifil rftHuHh" ili Tliia voluatxo uoolc ahqulbe'itle It la n matftornlaGb of' limirv. . ;: . -: . -.... aunrtf hnmaM...HJM rtttenmatftorpioCbof Kirao Sctxttreef on application to Marshall Chemical Mfg. Co., Kansas City, Mov, or Lawrence, Kob. Fdr ealeby L. If, JJeyO. iemlCHlMrff.I"0,u . Neb., Friday, July 15, Ilvitiibllcnn Caucus. Tho republican clictorsof Walnut creek township will meet in tho Stone sohool house, on tho afternoon of July 26, for tho purpose of electing three dolcgatcs to tho county convention to be held in Red Cloud, July 28. Tho caucus will convene at 8 p. m. II. HoLBitr.OK, Com. Tho ropublioan electors of Datln township will meet in cauous, at the Anderson sohool houBo, on Friday, July 22, at 3 p. in., for tho purposoof electing threo delegates to the county convention, to bo held July 28, at lied Cloud. J no. Bkax, Com. There will bo a meeting of tho re publican cleotors in Garfield township ot July 2G, at 3 p. m., at the Wagon er sohool house, for tho purposo of electing four delegates to the county convention to bo hold July 28, 1892, at lied Cloud. Jno. Snanbbr, Com. Tho republican electors of Gleuwood township will meet in caucus Mon day, July 25, 1892, at G. A, R. hall, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpoao of electing four delegates to tho county convention to bo held at Hod Cloud, July 28. ii, . Hicks, Com. Tho ropublioan electors of tho 2d ward of lied Cloud will meet at tho court-house on Tuesday evening, July 2Gtb, at 8:30 for tho purpoiojof elect ing eleven delegates to tb county convention, and Qtraniacc- any other business that may corns before the cauous. 0. W. Kalev, Com. lion. W. E. Andrews Will bo in Red Cloud on tho 28th, Tho republicans of tho county should make it a point to bo in tho city on that day, ob well as all others who de sire to see the next congressman. Bladen. Mrs. A. Williams and Mrs. Geo. White spent Monday at Blue Hill, L. D. Thorne returned Friday from Denver, Colorado, where ho has been looking after business in which he is interested. G. E. Hicks was doing business at the county seat Saturday. Miss Blaino of Gowles, is visiting with Mrs. W. F. McLaughlin. W. H. Hoffman went to Red Cloud Monday. County Troasurer Fussier Buadsycd with his brothor Phillip. It is reported that the deoision ren dered in the silver modal contest hold at Prairie Go in was vory unjust. It S, White, who disposed of his blacksmith shop to F. N. Toothaoro has located at Martwcll, where ho bought out a shop. He came after hib family, and they will leave Tues day for their futuro home. Mrs. L. E, Barloy gavo a temper ance lecture at Congregational church Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. F. McLaughlin went to CowIcb to visit her mother who is ill. James Burden, drove to Campbell Tdcsday. S.S. Wells and 11. S. White drove to Bed Cloud Monday. Crops aro in fine condition and a large yield may bo expeoted. Many of our farsaers have their harvesters running. Winter wheat is excollont. S . Will not the public spirited citizens of Bod Cloud and vicinity enmo to the assistance of the cemetery asso ciation by not only paying for lots now hold, but also by purchasing lots and paying for them, so the associa tion can fonco and otlierwiso improvo make suitetblo roads to and ' 11. B. FcfcTOR, Cleric AsiJOoUtlon. -' - --tf"?'--V - , ,t", . ik n ns- r r riff i n-TmMMHfffft iTs l'. F'i7 J I f i M Isr1! tBsM -7"-''"-PrB vTif-T,..' -j. ? ,?W - - the Price of The Chief. 1892. To the pampers ! H. C. SCOTT, Invites tho Farmer or Webster and adjacent connttM ! kk largo and varied stock of ,. fv, .ft . Agricultural Goods'1" Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows, - - ' Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c. See him before buying for bargains. GO TO I a a i i) .U.J 11) id (pity Ijtakery andljtestaurant For tro Ii All kinds or cakes, . candles, Nuts, cigars, nnd fresh Frulte, etc. Meals and Lutncli iall hours Boarding and Lodging. Fresh OyBters and Ice Cream in Jos Red Cloud, Every One Should Know That the place to BUY h w rf. mm Ml Iron, Tinware, &c. . IS AT W. W. Wrii New Goobds Prices. RED TRANSFER LINE S. X COZAD, Proprietor. ' ' All hauling intrusted to. me will be promptly attended to. r..WM....Myw.yr.rrM. .BBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBtSBBBBBBBBSUrs9t,JBBa' t .f .fSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHJSJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBBB JHHtBHtKI LLLLLLmLmn&X&mLwmLLLLLLLm.t'ty KsfisBfsltttBsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf"4 WrlHHsHBstBliBilaBIV'vl SmBSkmm9lmmmmmmmmmmmm'iH' Fire, Lightning and A. H. GRAY, The Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Nrb. Will Insure your properly stgalnst - Fire, Lightning, Also, will insure your crops against hail, He represents the best company on earth , The old Continental of N Y. iCITY OFFICE-With J. H. Smith 1st door soutn ot r & ivi Dank. MttfA . Uflk'aWS. iyVi',WiWr - ' - 2T OTSCT7WW Vol. 10. No. 51 THE rr.-u-Vbia Bread Pics M( Herburger, ProM- Nehrmdm. iJX ni,' ft of- ml, es Mb I, MAUIUV) t , ht's: lW IWSJ . ,, and ' 1 . Reasonable CLOUD ymr,Mmytiwfsaaafaaiii 04 ah.& pdft .at 1 I Tornado Insurance and Tornado $sji i