The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1892, Image 2

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A. O. HOIMIR, Publisher.
A mitm:ui.aii colored man In Arundel
-county, Mil, killed, an infuriated bnll
which nttocked him by the an
Irani by the horns nnd. throwing him
with violence MtfJclont to break. his
Matthkw AnxotD, when he won. pro
fessor of poetry nt Oxford, used to toy
to hln class: "Plcaso call mo Mri Art
old. I have always tried to stand by
myself nnd to compromise others a lit
tie an possible."
In nnlcr to keep sen porgles through
thu mtmmcr tho flshurmon of Rhode
Inland have nets bo arranged that tho
panning schools nre led lip Into sail
i water ponds nnd the channels connect
ing with" the ocean arc close L
Thk cx-Emprcss Eugenie, of France,
will spend a part of the prcsontsummer
at the entitle of Arcnberg, In the canton
of Thurgnn, near Constance. Tho ens
tie has belonged to the Ronnpnrto family
iilnco about 1825. Napoleon III. spent
n part of his youth nt the castle, and
tho peoplo of tho' neighborhood tell
many stories of his pranks aH it boy.
The following brief bit of royal biog
raphy Is going round: The flrand
Duchess Alexandrine, of Mccklenburg
Bchwcrln, who recently celebrated her
tlOth birthday, Is tho oldest of tho Euro
pean princesses. Sho Is a sister of the
late Emperor Wllllnui I., nnd tho only
nurvlvlng daughter of King Frederick
'William II. nnd beautiful Queen Louise.
Astoxn tho Slovaks of North Hungary
tho coflln of n young girl Is red. In
Spain tho poorer class use no coflins. A
mule with tho dead body thrown across
it, or often two corpses, may bo fre
quently met on tho way to burial, and,
though to us such a funeral seems In
sulting to the depnrted, the natives ruv
crcntlnlly uncover their heads as It
t :
I On Mount Wahhi.noto.v, In New
Hampshire, lives a llttlo colony of but
icrflles that nover descend below 3,000
feet from the summit They nro com
pletely Isolated from others of their
kind, no butterflies being found In nny
other spot in their immediate vicinity.
It In supposed that tho remote ancestors
of this curious race weru stranded on
tho mountains atthcelosoof the glacial
8wkI)K. is the most Protestant coun
try, for out of n population of 4,774,409,
only 810 are llomnn Catholics, or 10 out
of every 100,000; and next to it in this
respect Is Norway, which is under the
mudo sovereign, and has only ft02
Roman Catholics out of 1,818,833 Inhab
itants, or 27 out of every 100,000. In
ooth of theso countries the mass of tho
population ndhcro to tho Lutheran
Protestant church.
A ctmiosiTY in the botanical gardens
at Washington Is a plant afflicted with
b genuine consumption of the lungs or
leaves. Thero nre three species of this,
all of whlch-are being cultivated for
this peculiarity; it is the custom of the
gardeners to throw away all that seem
healthy. The disease first nppcnrs as a
white spot on a single leaf, which in
creases and gradually spreads over tho
entire leaf and then to its nolghbora to advices received from
Ounnlaska things are going to lo lively
in tho Rehring sea this senson. Already
jthcre Is a report that tho war ship Mold
,can nns tireu upon a runaway sealer.
The Indications are that a number of tho
pjioaehorH will defy tho fleet nnd enter
vtho Jlehrlng sea at the risk of seizure
land imprisonment. Thu migrating
licrds are now near thu passes in tho
closed sea nnd thu cruisers are follow
ling them.
Ax Engllsn scientist has mado a cal
culation about tho time It will take to
Mill the worjd with all tho peoplo It will
liold. Tho present population of tho
globe Is supposed to be ubout 1,407,000,
'000; and ho estimates that the maxi
mum of tho Inhabitants that cau bo
ustalncd on tho entire land surface of
tho earth Is S.tHM.OOO.OQO, and that this
-figure will bo reached A. D. 207!!, or In
, about ISO years, nt the presant ratio of
'ncreose, which in 8 percent per decade.
' t TitK paradise of fishermen has Wen
, found by Sol Smith Russell ond his guests
i in Mlnncsotu,nccord!iig to the enthuslna-
ttlo accounts that uro written home.
'Charles Russell and William Warren
aro so delighted with the placo und
their hosts and tho lUu that they will
bstay threo weeks. As to tho fish they
catch you hud letter ask them when
fcthoy get home, It Im somothlng like n,
O00 an hour for four people, U,000, or
fixw, or tlireo dozen, und every
welching ten or twelve pounds.
li, :
It Is proposed to duplicate the line
statue of lienry Clay which stands In
tho court house nt Louisville, Ky., for
tho world'B fair. Plaster molds of
r portions of tho figure will be made and
a metul cast will be secured eventually.
Some fears have been eutertnined lest
tho original statue, which is of marble,
Ixj injured by process, lint as this
anme thing is done with no end of
precious antiques without harm, and as
un expert will bo employed is this case,
tho anxiety of Louisville peoplo i ap
parently groundless.
Cojcckunino thu whisky trust United
States District Attornoy Allen, of lios
ton, says: "I proposo to push tho cases
and present tho law and facts to the
court whoso duty it will bo to pass upon
them and render tho decision. I un
derstand that tho defendants claim
that thoy cannot bo tried undor tho
Sherman act, becnuso thu latter has
been passed slnco the organization of
tho whisky trust Of courso wo cannot
allego violations of tho law that oc
curred before tho law wan passed, but
tho trial will bo for subsequent violations."
Gleaned By Tologrnph and MalL
rrnsoxAi. and rotnioAt
ENflt.AN ban obtained from Spain
the minimum tariff on llrltlsh goods
Imported Into Spain nnd her colonies. tT. Campiikm. of Illinois, In
tho now chairman of tho republican
national committee. President Harri
son objected to Ocn. J. 8. Clarkson,
who, otherwise, would have continued
to hold tho position.
Die Maiit Wat.kki. wants to exhibit
her costume nt tlio world's fair.
Tun secretary of war has recalled
Cnpt. llorup from France. Ilorup wns
charged with being implicated in sell
ing military secrets.
Aiivicks from nil parts of England
show that thu electoral campaign Ls
opening nmld the greatest cxeltcmctit.
TitK general opinion among members
of tho house of representatives ls that
business can Iks closed up und congress
adjourn by July in or 20.
A TKr.r.niiAM has been received at tho
navy department from Cnpt Johnson,
commanding tho U. 8. S. Mohienu,
dnted nt Sitka, Alaska, announcing the
seizure of tho vessels Kodlack, Lottie
nnd Jennie for violation of thu modus
IU:i'iiKSK.NTATtVK PiKitCK, of Tennes
see, has i traduced in the house u bill
to provide for tho free coinage of silver
bullion Into standard silver dollars. It
is identical with the silver colnngo bill
ponding In tho sennto as modified by
Senator Stewart's nmendment
A NkW Yohk morning paper saya that
Mr. Cleveland will select the following
chief ofllccrs to direct his campaign:
Chairman of tho national democratic
committee, W. C. Whitney; chairman
of thu executive committee, William F.
Harrity, of 1'ennsylvnnlnj secretary,
Oeorge F. Parker, of New York.
(lov. Chask was renominated by the
republicans for governor of Indiana on
tho first ballot Theodoro Shocknoy
was nominated for lieutenant-governor.
SinWti.MAM Aitkkn, tho noted snr
geon and professor of pathology, died
recently in London.
Thk llrltlsh parliament has been dis
solved nnd writs for u new election
Tub stnto league of republican clubs
met nt Rochester, N. Y. on tho 28th.
1 1 K.N li v Wi:u Fui.t.KH, tho only broth
er of Chief Justice Fuller, of the United
States supremo court, died at tho resi
dence of his son in Now Rochellc, N. Y.
Thk Pnrncllito executive committee
of Orent llritain, while rcgretttnir Mr.
Gladstone's reticence, has issued a for
mal addrcs advising Irish electors to
support Gladstone's candidates on tho
ground that Mr. Gladstone will then
have no excuse to withhold the details
of his homo rule scheme.
Thk president on thu '20th sent to the
senate the nomination of John W. Fos
ter, of Indiana, to bo secretary of state.
As soon as tho announcement was mado
to the senate It went into executive ses
sion and ut onco confirmed tho nomina
tion. Titk president has approved the joint
resolution directing tho president to
proclaim a gonernl holiday commemo
rating tho 400th anniversary of the dis
covery of America on October 31, 1803.
TitK carl of Droghcda is dead.
Cor- T. E. Thottkh, of tho Twenty
fourth Infantry, is dead.
Mn. Lackv, comptroller of tho cur
rency, severed Ills official connection
with tho treasury department on tho
20th. Ho left Washington for Chicago
to assume his new duties ns president
of tho Hankers' National bank of that
Thk Norwegian cabinet has resigned.
Ihk senate committee on tho Colum
bian exposition reported favorably on
thu bill lu aid of tho world's Columbian
Kxposition. The bill is the same as that
agreed upon by tho house committee
nnd makes an aggregate appropriation
of 341,51.",. including nu issuoof 10,000,
000 silver half dollar sonvenlr pieces.
Gkn. John RmwF.r.i., of California,
was nominated for president by tho pro
hibition convention ntCinclnnntl: J. It.
Cnntield, of Texas, was nominated for
A BTKAnv improvement In tho volume
of enstbouud traillc is shown by tho
weekly statements. Last week's ship
ments of dead freight by all lines, from
Chicago to eastern points, amounted to
f7,V04 tons, against HO, 133 tons for tho
preceding week, an incrcaso of 1,782
tons, nnd against :t0,200 tons for tho
corresponding week last year, un In
crease of 18,704 tons.
A nkw bridge over the river Leven
near Leslie, county Fife, Scotlaud, col
lapsed. A number of tho workmen
were carried down and five drowned.
Thu Texas battleship was safely
launched nt tho Norfolk navy yard.
Thk sugar trust Is sjild to bo going
into high wino distilling.
St. Louis annual is bulldlnir a pow-
dur mill near Alton, 111., to oppose thu
powder trust
Two ulectrlc cars in separata parts of
lloston wero struck by lightning al
most simultaneously tho other night
A score of passengers wero Injured In
ihe panic that followed.
Thk Louisiana general assembly has
passed u bill whereby lotteries will not
Oo allowed In the state after December
ill, 1803. The uct exempts from Us oper
ations the premium bond drawing of
New Orleans.
Cikculaus calllntr a inceUnir of Catlv
Hc archbishops huvo been i.ued.
New York has been selected as (the
place for tho gathering and next Octo
ber tho time.
An accident happened to the captive
balloon ut tho Crystal palucc, London,
by whjch it burst at a height of 100
feet A Cupt Dale was killed and the
threo other occupants were terribly in
jured. A coi.msion at Altholmer, Ark., oa
tho Cotton licit caused tho death of tlvo
Tub Collma volcnno has broken out
again, uud thu inhabitants of that
roglou aro in terror.
Frank Edmonds, of tho coast mirror,
Is missing. Ho started to climb Mount
Connors, in tho high Sierras.
A lito mill on-East Sixth street, Cin
cinnati, ls going to ruin, tho hill on
which It was built gradually sliding
Tint jnry In the enso of Dr. John AT
Irwin, charged with performing nn il
legal autopsy on tho body of Washing
ton Ilfohop, which hns boon on trial in
Now York, camo Into court with n dis
agreement Tho jury stood ulno to
three for conviction.
Two men were killed nnd three in
jured by n tornado nt Gloucester, K .T.
Thkiik was an incendiary tiro at Guth
rie, Ok., causing u loss of MO.000.
Tir-O-Tii', masquerading through tho
country as n son of King Cotowayo, of
Africa, has fled from Cincinnati. Ho
was connected with a gang of burglars.
Thk Homestead iron mills locked out
Its employes on the HOth. Tho sheet
Iron manufacturers fixed up matters
with the Amalgamated association.
A now boat containing eight persons
who wero out on tho river for pleasure
at Cologno near Boston sprang a leak
and snnk. Five girls and one man wero
Foun men wore killed whllo nt work
laying tho stone abutments to n rail
road bridge under llrond st.'cct, Provi
dence, It I. Tho bank nbovc caved in,
completely burying alive Patrick Sulli
van, Leroy Llbby, Pletro Grando and
Pusquno D. Irorco,
'nT iHvVTu r" I
near Dodgevlllc, N. Y.. found a package
A . 111-
which they supposed to be salt and nsed
It In flavoring soup which thoy woro
t a . unit najl ! I
prcpnrlng for fifty men. Doth tnsted
the aoup before dishing It out and ono
died. Tho package contained arsenic.
Thk C. O. licrnnrd Manufacturing Co.,
of New York, is in financial difficulties.
Liabilities ? 150,000.
Statistics of Germany's foreign
trade for May show a largo Incrcaso of
exports over the samo month in 1801.
The exports for tho first flvo months of
this year show un Incrcaso of 000,000
tons over the exports for tho corre
sponding period in 1801.
Gkohok Hood was killed by a thresh
ing machine accident near Vinlta, I. T.
In crossing a gully tho separator be
came detached from the engine which
wns hauling it nnd ran down upon it,
crushing him ngatnst tho firebox.
Thk severest storm that ever visited
that section struck Cnrmi, 111., into tho
other nlffht Stewart's drug store and
tho opera house wero unroofed nnd tor
rcnln of water poured into both build
ings. Tho sheds attached to Williams'
livery stable were destroyed. Tho pinto
glass in stores was demolished and
trees wero torn up by the roots.
Ah a result of partition proceedings
between tho Wlllard brothers, tho Wll
lard hotel nt Washington was sold
nt auction to the highest bidder. It
was supposed to bo worth over ?1,000,
000. Tho terms were 1200,000 cash; bal
ance on time.
PnKSiDKNT John M. Eoan, of tho Chi
cago, St Paul & Kansas City road, has
issued a circular stating that the Chica
go Great Western Railway Co. has taken
possession of tho Chicago, St Paul A
Kansas City railroad and appurtenances
as leased nnd will hereafter operate tho
The Chicago & Ohio River Railway
association ki believed to bo in a shaky
condition. Tho trouble is over tho com
mission question.
Thk Poughkeepsio bridge over tho
Hudson has been sold under foreclosure
for 000,000. It will bo turned over to
tho control of the Philadelphia & Read
ing railroad.
A Nkw Youk broker appeared in the
produce exchange wearing a straw
"Grandfather's hat" eighteen inches
high nnd very broad. Ho was then
mado tho leader of a trlumphul pro
A nio prairlo wolf receutly attacked
n eiti7eu of Fairfield, la., at his own
door and was killed with difficulty.
Dit. .7. S. Knox, of Chicago, ls dead.
Thk Camden & Alexandria railroad
of Arkansas has passed iuto the hands
of Jay Gould.
TitK express freight train, enst bound
on the Chicago & Erlo road, was
wrecked by unknown wretches ten
miles east of Huntington, Ind., und teu
cars of bullion, silk and fine horses
went into tho ditch. No one was
Yai.k defeated Harvard in tho two
boat races at New London, Conn., on
tho 1st
Tin: senate ou tho 1st passed the frco
silver bill by u vote of 20 to 25. Tho
houso passed the agricultural impropri
ation bill us agreed to by the senate.
Six lives were lost and hundreds of
houses Inundated by a recent flood at
Mntanzas, Cuba.
The Louisiana legislature has appro
priated ClS.OOO for a statu exhibit at the
world s fulr.
Thk sugar crop of Cuba Is expected
to uggregato 900,000 tons 100,000 moro
tons than the crop of last year.
An explosion of gas in tho cellar of a
Now York tenement houso caused tho
Injury of live persons, threo seriously.
Thk president has sent to tho senate
tho nomination of Georgo M. Johnston,
of Louisiana, to be a civil service com
missioner, vice Hugh S. Thompson, re
signed. Thk ticket nominated by the repub
licans of Kausas is us follows: For
governor, Abrnm W. Smith; lieutenant-
governor, It . flioore; judge supremo
court, D. M. Vnlentlno; secretary of
state, W. C. Edwards; auditor of state,
11. K. liruce; treasurer, J, Druce Lynch;
attorney-general, T. F. Carver; super
intendent of public instruction, J. C.
Uei'outs of election rows eomo from
various parts of Ireland. During a
tight arising from the burning In effigy
of Healy and O'Urien, a Purnelllte waa
stabbed. In Ualllua, County Mayo,
Mr. Johu Dillon and Mr. Daniel Crltty
wero pelted with stale eggs, cabbages
und stones.
A skalku'h supply stenracr has been
seized outside of Hearing sen, causing
much excitement at Victoria, H. a
Thk Inman steamer City of Chicago
went ashoro insido the old head of
Klnsalo, Ireland.
Ct.KAiuxa houso returns for tho woek
ended June i!0 showed au averago de
crease of O.-J compared with last year.
Iu New York the decreaso was 10..
Stock amounting to $100,000 has been
subscribed to build a now hotel at
Flint) Inr.sojf, aged 18 years, was re
cently drowned whllo bathing near
Tim republicans of tho Fifth district
hnvo nominated Prof. W. E. Andrews
for congress.
W. J. HitVAN has been renominated
for congress by tho democrats of tho
First district
A nKrKCTivr. flue resulted in tho de
struction of tho house of Charles Kipley,
near Harvard
Nkah Surprise tho otficr day a run
away team throw Mr. nnd Mra. T. II.
Lyntn .rora tho buggy uud seriously in
jured both.
Dixon, tho murderer of Corporal Car
ter, of the United States army, was
hanged nt Omaha on the 24th. Ho wns
a private in tho army r.t tho tlrao of
committing tho murder.
A Pikiison, ono of tho oldest resi
dents of Sterling, fell dead of heart
failure on tho street in that place tho
other day. Ho was 74 years old nnd
leaves n wife and flvo children.
At tho other day Mike
O'Rouko went to sleep on tho llock
Island track whllo In nn intoxicated
condition and a passing train took oft
... . . . i J .
i legs
Tin: other night Elvn Jones, 17 cars
old, committed suicide nt Omaluv by
taking strychnine. She wns infatuated
with a young member of tho fins de
partment which her parents opposed.
She left u letter, stamped and scaled, to
bo delivered to the young man.
Thk state supremo court has decided
that tho governor hns no power to re
w X.K..1 V " w
move a member of tho Omaha board of
flro and police, except for official mis-
conduct and upon charges specifying
the particular act or acts to b proved
nnd an opportunity to bo heard in open
defense. This decision refers to tho
case of the state of Nebraska, ex rcl. ,
G. II. Hiibtingo, uttorucy-genernl,
against Howard li. Smith.
Rkn Font), tho groom of a fortnight,
killed himself almost In the presence of
his young wife at Reatrlco tho other
afternoon. Ho was toying with an old t
rusty revolver which had long hung on
tho wall as an ornument Ills wife had J
just stepped to an ndjoining room when ,
sho heard tho report and the sound of j
his body striking tho floor. Tho bullet
entered tho left eyo nnd pierced tho
brain. Ford was twenty-threo j cars of
age. j
Reckiveu Guidons, of tho defunct
Commercial and Savings bank of Rear-1
ney, has filed his monthly report It is
as follows: "I lmvo collected to date
(1,035.00 and have commenced sulfa for
tho collection of (20,320 of past due pa
per. With tho law's delays the pros
peeta are anything but encouraging for
immediate results. Nor can I nt the
prcscntytlmo seo much hope or encour
agement for those who are creditors of
tho bank."
Suit has been commenced against the
Chicago, Hurlington & Qutncy railroad (
by Mrs. Carrie Grace Pennington, of ,
Omaha, for (5,000 damages. Her hus
band, Lewis N. Pennington, was an en
gineer on tho Hurlington and early on
the morning of Februnry 3, last, wbs
killed at the Twenty-seventh street
crossing In Lincoln. In her petition
Mrs. Pennington alleges that the acci
dent wns caused by tho Imperfect con
dition of the road bed.
Six prominent cltizcnsof Lincoln wero
severely injured in a runaway accident
tho other uf ternoon.
Don. A party composed
tken, his daughter, JIi-s.
r. nnd Mrs. l. av-
of Mr. James Altken
uuiiiuu Jiuru, iur. aim .urn. x. 11. ui-uv-
, .. uwn.ui ..... 'u'"h """'others
started on a picnic. They wero riding Fop an hour or moro beforo t,,0 storm
in alight spr ng wagon, when ono of ; hmi threatening clouds filled tho west
thc ladles raised her umbrella which , crn HkytoMio zenith, with an occasional
frightened the horses nnd they ran off. flUh llfchtnln(r, Tho air was cios
lhe wagon was overturned. All the nnd heavy nnd tho light wind wan blow
-y"i"" "' '-"" '" .""
Injured, Mrs. Lcavitt it waa feared fa
At tho close of the Sons of Veterans'
encampment, lately held at David City,
officers wero elected as follows: Com
mander, P. 11. liorrow,' St Edwards;
senior vice, J. C. Seacrist, Lincoln;
junior vice, George W. Hoot, -Nelson;
council, II. C. Senrl, Columbus; Henry
Miller, Red Cloud; C. D. Gideon, South
Omaha; adjutant, F. N. Abbott, St Ed
wards; quartermaster, F J. Norton,
Albion; burgeon, Dr. F. W. Gerter, Da
vid City; chaplain, F. N. Cosgrovo, Gib
bon; inspector, George C. Nell, Indian
oln; mustering officer, J. N. Skirnogs,
Stuart; assistant, Frank Dugbee, Ches
ter; judge advocate, M. C. Ungear, Nor
folk; sergeant mnjor, 11, C. Pierce, Dav-
. i . ,.. ii. t v ti-
enpun; umiiuuvur b uivin, u. u. unimi.
Central City.
Thk Nebraska Columbian commission
has offered tho following special pre
miums for grain designs to bo cxhibted
at the state fair: Host ornamental de
signs made entirely of grains of corn,
(10; ornamental design mado cntlroly
of ears of corn, (10; ornamental design
mado entirely of corn cobs, (10; orna
mental design made entirely of corn
husks, (10; ornamental design made en
tirely of a combination of cars, grain,
cobs, husks, stalks and silks oi corn,
(20-, ornamental designs made entirely
of heads of small grain, (10; ornamental
design made of a combination of all
grain, shelled nnd threshod, and stalks,
heads, cobs, silk and grasses, (30. All
designs receiving awards to become tho
proporty of the Nebraska State Colum
bian commission. Theso premiums paid
in cash in full by tho Columbian com
mission, without discount Exhibits to
be made at tho Nebraska state fair, Sep
UsmlHjr a to , 1802,
S. Y. Ooden and John IIouscl, Chris
tian science healers, were lately arrest
ed at Lincoln for practicing tho "heal
ing" art without license. The direct
cause of their arrest was their attend
ance upon a patient who died. At their
trial Ogden conducted tho defense. Ho
made a long talk to the Judge, In which
lie asserted that disease eould bo cured
by prayer. He further asserted that if
their practice mado them amenable to
arrest every minister of the gospel in
Lincoln was equally guilty. Dath.wero
released on ball.
The Hurlington & Missouri depot nt
Table Rock has been destrojed by fire.
The damage was estimated to bo (5,000.
Tim Homestead Workmen Forcntntled
tlin Firm.
PiTTsnuiiott, Piu, July 1. Tho Homo
stcid shut down went Into operation
yesterday. There wero 8,000 Idlo ton
nngo men on the streets and they havo
Invited tho mechanical department, day
laborers and watchmen to join them.
They expect the mon will do so, und if
so, tho entire plnnt will be idle.
Tho firm discharged all tho employes
nt midnight and notified them to report
for their pay nt tho olllco on Saturday.
Ry this action tho Cnrncgfcs havo
clearly forestalled the men and by
making it a lockout instead of a strike,
havo placed them on the defensive. Tho
Btrects aro crowded, but everything Is
As predicted, tho sheet iron manu
facturers und Amalgamated association
succeeded in settling their differences
at a conference hold last night Mutual
concessions wero mado. Tho settle
ment affecta about twenty-five compa
nies nnd 10,000 mon. Tho Oliver &
Roberts Wire Co. signed tho scale yes
terday morning. Tho firm employs 800
During tho lock-out every means pos
sible will bo used to preserve tho peace,
nnd the end ls desired by both tho mill
owners and tho Cnrncglo company. Tho
Amalgamated association hns sworn In
twenty extra men to do police duty,
without pay, and the company has add
ed a number of watchmen to protect
their property. It Is thought tho latter
uro till well nrmed and will keep a
sharp look-out day and night
Tho trains aro being watched by com
mittees of tho association and thero aro
men stationed all over tho country at
manufacturing points to inform tho or
ganization hero should any gang of
workmen board tho train for Home
stead. A commtttea of workmen called upon
the Pittsburgh, McKcesport & Youghic
trenv railroad authorities nnd reouested
I that no trains bearing men to take tho
places of tho strikers bo stopped in tho i
limits of the yard. The request was
refused, tho officials stating that tho
yard of the Carnegie steel works wns a
regular station. Tho refusal of tho
company to comply with tho wishes of i
the men caused great excitement and ;
many threats of violence wero made!
against the railroad company.
Tho scale under which tho members
of the Amalgamated association havo
been working for tho past year oxplred
nt midnight wltU a condition of affairs
confronting both manufacturers nnd '
workers that has not occurred In recent I
years. Tho scale to govern wages in
the iron nnd steel mills employing
union men for tho year commencing to
day remains not alone unsigned, but
exhibits such a wide divergence in tho
prices demanded by each sldo us to
place a settlement very far off and
probably difficult to arrive at
No immediate effects of tho differ
ences between tho manufacturers and
their men will bo visible for somo time.
Thn tnatnrilr nt th mllla will Rhnt '
,lowll for repalrs and two weeks will
elapMS beforo any attempt to recom- I
mence operations will be made.
Thero Is still somo hopo that during
tho interval tho iron scale may havo
been mutually ugreed upon.
Two Mon Killed and Heveral Injured at
(llnncntter, X. .1.
Gi.ouckstkii, N. J., July I. Yester-
: ilni fifvftttisin n ttn1cf rttnii ni nt'iOntin
, Rtnlck this dt fron thc bouthWest,
llo, ffreat ,1imillg0 to property nnd
jllUmff two persons und injuring threo
i i.min
inulfi beforo It with hardlv a ner-
viblo movement Ry 1 o'clock tho
uenvens were almost covered and people
began to hurry toward places of safety.
Shortly after 1 o'clock a few persons
who were on tho beach were panic
stricken, seolngn black cloud of dread
ful funnel shape rushing ncross tho
river in a southerly direction.
With almost incredlblo swiftness tho
cyclone boro down on this city. Tho
cloud did not approach with a direct
forward movement, but bounded from
tho water llko a gigantic football. Tho
path of tho cyclone was about 400 feet
wide and whenever it struck tho water
It lashed it into foaming waves. Fort
unately no ships were in tho path of
the wind nnd It wasted Its fury upon
I .. ,
v,,u river.
In tho meanwhile the people
upon tho beach rushed for shelter.
Somo jumped Into tho river and,
us tho cyclono pnsscd over
them, thoy dived Into tho water.
Patrick Highlands was among those on
the bench. Ho ran towards liogen's
pavilion. Tho wind, however, was
closo on his heols und as he dashed Into
the building tho cyclone struck it
There was a crash of falling walls and
Highlands fell dead across the doorway
with his brains beaten out with n heavy
A toboggnn nnd merry-go-round re
ceived part of the debris and were
wrecked. Rehind Rogcn's was the
humble home of Hamilton. Hamilton,
wife and daughter wero ubout to sit
down to dinner. With appalling sud
denness tho greater part of Rogcn's pa
vilion was hurled upon tho house,
crushing it to tho ground. Hamilton
was instantly killed and his wife and
daughter badly injured nnd will prob
ably be crippled for life.
lllff Car Work to ltenume,
Annihton, Ala., July 1. -A circular
letter has been received from Prcsidont
Cornfoot, of tho United States Car Co.,
successors to tho United States Rolling
Stock Co., convoying the cheering in
formation that tho various plants will
be started up at once. Tho company,
which is composed of nearly all tho
creditors 'and bondholders of tho old
company, will leaso tho several plants
from Receiver W. C. Lane, pending
orcclosure proceedings, nnd put them
In operation nt ono?, thereby getting
tho bunefit of tho demand which now
exists all over tho cauntty for rolllug
The Wek' rroceedlnc C!ondtiert For
Cnnvrnlitnr of the Itpsdrr.
TtiBscmtto wns not In rcssloti on tho 2'th
and when tho house met a motion to ndjourn
until Monday wns defeated licciuno of tho lack
of a quorum. No business was tranacted and
nn adjournment to noxt day followed.
Tiikiik was no session of tho scnato on tl9
25tli,.,.lloforo tho rendlnf? of tho Journil In tho
houso Mr. WnUson, of GcorRta. mado tho palut
that thero was no quorum prcucnt nnd tho
house adjourned nfter tho shortest session on
record It lasting just ono minute nnd a htl'
IN tho scnato on tho CTth n communication
was received from tho secretary of tho Interior
with a list of Indian depredation claims aggre
gating 525,000,000. Thu houso bill amending tho
general census act was passed. Mr. Stewart
offered a resolution, which wns referred, di
recting tho commlttco on mining to Inqulro and
report as to tho averago production of geld nnd
silver bullion. Mr. Halo offered resolution that
tho commlttco on flnanco bo directed to Inquiro
Into tho effect of a policy tariff for rrvcnuo
only upon tho lnbor Sndlndustrlcs of tho United
States, which went over. Adjourned.... In tho
houso Mr. Haycrs (Tex.) asked consent to va
cate order for tho yeas nnd nays on final pas
sago on tho dollclcncy appropriation bill, but
Mr. Wntson (Gu.) objected. Tho bill was
passed, yean 1H5, nays 4. Mr. Wheeler sub
mitted tho confcrcnco report on tho military
academy bill. Tho confcrcnco report was not
ngrecd to. Mr. Oates, from tho commtttea on
Judiciary, reported tho bill to establish a uni
form system of bankruptcy. Tho houso then
accorded thc floor to tho District of Columbia,
but in tho absence of n quorum no progress
was mado ind adjournment was taken.
Thk presidential campaign was fairly opened
in tho senate on tho 28th when Mr. Halo's reso
lution nssertlrg the bcnotlts resulting from tho
republican policy of protection came up nnd
Mr. Halo advocated thc rcsolutVm nnd Mr.
Vest spoko In opposition. Tho debate wns
purely political nnd nt times spicy Tho reso
lution went over nnd the confcrcnco report on
tho army appropriation bill presented and
agreed to. Tho agricultural appropriation bill
was passed nnd the consideration of tho legts
l.itlo appropriation bill resumed..,. In tho
houso tho committee on rules bestowed all the remaining this week among committees.
Tho houso sanctioned the arrangement, and Im
mediately embarked upon tho tlrst of special
orders, which was tho consideration of pension
business. Several general pension bills woro
passed, utid after backing up tho conferees on
tho army appropriation bill In thc refusal to
yield to thu scnatu a point nt lssuo rclntlvo to
tho Union I'aclilo Railroad Ca's transporta
tion, thu houso adjourned.
Tin: dcuntu on tho SOth agreed to tho confcr
cnco report on tho diplomatic appropriation
1)111, nnd p-i'scd tho legislative appropriation
bill: also tho pensfon bllL In exceutho ses
sion thu nomination of John W. Foster for sec
rottiry of stnto In placo of Mr. Illalne, resigned,
wns received nnd confirmed The senate then
resumed Its session and p-tsscd tho post oftlco
appropriation bill. After taking up tho free
coinage bill and agreeing when u voto should bo
taken tho senate adjourned.. ..In tho houso Mr.
Hatch (Mo.) reported back tho agricultural ap
propriation bill with senate amendments nnd
nskcdthatlt be non-concurred In, which wan
agreed to and another conference ordered. Tho
houso also disagreed to tho conference report
on thc army npproprl.itlon bill and usked an
other conference Thc amendment disagreed
to wns tint of tho senate striking out the pro
viso prohibiting tho uso of nny money appro
printed for tho payment of transportation of
troops and nrmy supplies over any non-bonded
Hues owned, controlled or operated bv tho
Union I'nclllo or Southern 1'aclllo systems.
Tho conference report on tho Indian appropria
tion bill was also disagreed to
In thc scnato on tho 30th confcrcnco reports
en tho naal, District of Columbia nnd agri
cultural appropriation bills wero ngrecd to.
Mr. Mcl'hcrson objected to tho arrangements
mado during his nbsonco for a voto on tho frco
coinage bill, which called out some severe re
marks from Senator Morgan, A motion to re
commit tho bill to tho flnanco commlttco was
pending when tho scnato adjourned as was also
nn amendment to Mr. Stewart's substitute,
which would seem to conflno the free colnngo
privileges of the bill to tho product of American
mines after tho bill becomes a law. A Joint
resolution extending for fifteen days thu appro
priations for tho government passed In tho
houso tho Joint resolution extending tho appro
priations fifteen days passed. Tho republicans
then proceeded to filibuster against tho tin
Plate bill, nnd their efforts were succcnnful In
preventing Its consideration. Tho District of
Columbia bill was sent bade to confcrcnco and
pending consideration of tho confcrcnco report
on thc agricultural bill tho houso adjourned.
A Ileport of tlio Kxecutlon of "Saint Te
resa" Nut True.
San Antonio, Tcx., June 30. It li
now stated that the reported execution
of tho celebrated Teresa Urrea, tho
"Saint of Socoroco," some days ngo ia
untrue. Tho story wns purposely cir
culated by tho Mexican authorities in
order to quiet tho excitement among
tho restless Indians who were becom
ing dangerous nnd wero Hocking to
Nogales in great numbers to seo their
"patron saint" and receive her wonder
ful treatment for all diseases.
"Saint Teresa" did attempt to return
to her old homo in tho mountains of
Konorn and wns intercepted by tho
police, who gave out the report that
she had been shot Sho wns again
transported to tho United States border
nnd warned that if sho ventured into
Mexico again sho would be put to
dentil. She lias taken up her abode in
Nogales, Ariz., justacross tho Isnindnry
line. It Is estimated that she was vis
ited yesterday by fully (5,000 Mexican
nnd Indians. Many camo from Interior
points In Mexico to recolvo treatment
for infirmities and diseases.
1'erd t'olborg. tho Twellth Victim or the
IMsnstor at llnrrUbnrg, l'a.
IlAnmsiiuno, Pa., Juno 27. Satur
day's frightful wreck on tho Pennsyl
vania road within a few hundred yard
of tho Union station, involving tho first
and second section of the western ex
press, was almost tho sole topic of con
versation wherever persons wero gath
ered. Several city pastors mado tho
awful catastrophe tho theino of their
discourses from tho pulpit Most of tho
injured who woro nblo to travel have
left for their homes, and tho eleven per
sons still at the hospital are lu a fair
way to recovery.
Another death, making tho list of
dend twelve, occurred at tho hospital
this morning. Tlio twelfth victim was.
Fred Coldberg, of Rrooklyn. He was a
largo man nnd tho partition walls of
his noso seem to have been crushed into,
his head. Ills skull was also fractured,
and thero wero Internal injuries.
Additional Democratic Committeemen.
OmoAao, June 27. Tho following
havo been selected ns members of the
democratic committee: California, M.
P.Tarpey; Wyoming, W. L. Kuykcn
dalls Indian territory, E. N. Allen. Tho
name of the South Dakota representa
tive hns not yet been handed la
Killed y the Cable.
Kansas City, Mo., Juno 28. Wllllo
Wanger, aged 3 years, son of Mrs. Anna
W anger, n widow, nt 1014 Troost ave
nue, was ground to death in front of
his homo this forenoon by a" cable car
The child was playing in tho street and
ran lu front of tho car.
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