wnaimw'ag'wjw' BEDBBHSEai ZhSlSSSSISm :;SS&; ' ' '3CT-. -if- - r - ' ' ' . r-tf-f I 1, ,tf (' f " -"v ,. --. ?sfe?-feassEs. W lst, f -SpffcSfpM --TBHPfflPMBiWW iMalaaaaaaaWBSKgBJa'N'h: -I W ' I j JX V ft .5 I f Vi m -$ ', By A. C. Hosmkr. sfy fcVmV-y" W 915,000 TO LOAN TO No money required to receive an education at this college. Tlio only conditions of admlulon arts a Rood moral character and nit ambition to secure an oducntlon. TliU college lias set aslilo 15,000 to 1)0 loanod during the prcsont yar to young people who whh to attend our school, hut have not the ready fundi. All the time needed will ho given In which to pity tho loan; and a student can tako a full courso to graduation without a dollar to begin with. IT 18 HE&T TO PAY AS YOU GO) but If this Is Impossible you cannot afford to start in life without an education when you lmro an opportunity like this. Ten states represented In tho attendance and fifty graduate1 last year. Hoard In prlvato family S2.00 per week. We teach the. Electric Short-Hahd which can bo lcarnod In lea time than other systems. After jouhavo read tho circulars of all other schools, send for our catalogue and wo will leave It to your Judgment which school In tho west ranks first In standing. Address, A. M. 1IARGIS, Pre., CSritnd Island, Neb. Ho, There! G. W. -Keeps a full Sickles, Knife Heads, Guards, Guard Plates, Rivets, for all kinds of Mowing Machines. Old iron taken in exchange. Machines repaired in good ehape. I have also a FLOUR and FEED. OSCAR PATMOR x Perkins & Mitchell's old stand.. Choice Flour & Feed, And sells it cheap. Get his prices before buying ) oui flour. What is ttfcWlWM Castoria I Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guaranteo Is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. i nt Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medietas for chil dren. Mother haw repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Hum. Castoria U the beet remedy (or children of irUcalaiiiucqiuiinUil. I hope the day ia sot fMdlUntwheuinillier will consider the real Interest of their children, and uae Castoria In ateadoflharariouaquackiioetnunawhlcban) destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending then to premature graves." Da.J.F.Kntcnu, Conway, Ark. Tke OaaUmr Gompaar, Tl If Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is WORTHY STUDENTS. DOW line of Pitman Boxes, Sections, few kind of rake teeth on hand a. iv. now. Castoria. ' Castoria is so well adapted to children thai I recommend it as superior to any prawriptioa known to me." n. A. Anoasn, M. D Hi So. Oxford St, BrooklfiuM. T. ' Our physicians in the chlldreun depart ment hare spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among cur medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." TJhitid Hosrrrit. and Dmpeimukt, fasten, Mass. Allkm a Smith, Prt., array StrMt, Kaw York City. Red Cloud, Webster County, Educational Department. I. Id. HUNTfiH, Editor. Institute Notes. Last Monday being the 4th of July according (o announcement io this do. purtment Inst week, institute was not in session. Judging from tho reports of many, tho holiday was enjoyed by the teachers. Tuesday is noted for a largo inorcsso in numbers. Tho number now enroll ed being ninity-ono. Interest in tho work of tho insti tute is increasing as tho days aro passing. As usual tho number of ladies en rolled is larger than tho mtmbor of gentlemen, there boing nixty-oight la. dies and twenty-thrco gontlcmon. Prof Bcattio's lecture at tho Moth oJist church on last Tuesday evening was well attended, tntereiting and in structive. A glee elub composed of members of tho institute sung two pieces of music On Fridoy morning, Prof Boattir, boforo leaving for his homo in Lincoln gavo an interesting talk to tcaihcrs in tho institute. Wo are pleased to soo somo visitors bttt should bo better pleased if the numbor of visitor would increase Tho International Dictionary is in constant use. All And ihe study of orthography very interesting when di rected by an able teaehcr. A "Chart of English Sounds" is given to each one in tho class. Tho National Sohool Singer" is tho book used during tho opening exorcis os. All aro learning tho songs in it and will ubc it in their schools next fall. Tho childron of every sohool should sing. Tho instructors aro following to somo extent, tho cxoellent "Manuel of Institute Work" prepared under tho direction of our effioient State Suporintendent. Eaoh one enrolled has a copy of it, Twenty-five schools of our county havo sohool work on exhibition. Mr. Miller, editor of tho North western Journal of Eduoation, was a ploasant visitor last Wednesday morn ing. In his usual foreiblo manner. ho gave the teaohcrs somo good points in regard to teaching and school man agement, Kb very teacher, and Bohool board should subscribe for th North-West ern Journal of Eduoation. By a unit ed effort in patronizing ono education ui journal in too state, JMPDraska may havo at least ono permanent first-class state educational paper. Lot us Jliclp tho North-Western Journal to afford to bo permanent, and to continito ti be good and to improve. The sohool work on exhibition from tho Prescott sohool, Lincoln, Nob., is of muoh benefit to us. It shows how neatly work can bo done by children All children oan do exact and neat work if proporly taught. Tho proper study of drawing haB a tendonoy to causo us to do all kinds of work in a systematic manner. It seems that the'woather should receive some attention evon in an edu cational column. It has bcon cool and pleasant greatly to tho advantage of students and teachers doing their work. ' The janitor, Mr. Soammon, is as obliging and trusty as ho always has been. Annual and Conius reports, coming to tho offico at this time of year, add somewhat to tho work of tho Super intendent during the inttituto. Rov, J, P. Puhs Ui lecturo in i.a piist otmroh on iheaabct, "Char-fl aeter and'Splrit of T'eaelilng,, next0'!!?'!'!!'1?1 0JP?$tnda and am ootid lucsday oveninq at 8 o'clock. All Neb., Friday, July 8, interested in education ium curdiully invited to boprownt. Principal Hart of Franklin Acad emy was an agreeable visitor ltit Thursday. His t.ilk to tho inntiiiUo was muoh appreciated. . IS) l i. - - Republican Central Commit lev Meeting. Tho members of (bo Webster coun ty Republican Contral oommittco aro requested to meet at tho Holland Houso parlors on Saturday July 9 th, at 12 o'clock, noon. Tho object of tho meeting is to lix a time for tho county convention, and to transact such other business as may seem proper. A full attendance is urgently requested. G. E. MoKr.itnr, Chm. A. 0. IIohmkr, Scoy. Colorado's Cool Retreats. During tho "tourists season" from June until Soptomber the Burlington routo has on sale round-trip tickets, at vory reduced rates, to tho prinoipal ro sortsof Colorado. To Denver, Colorrdo Springs, Mani- tou, Pueblo, and Estos Park (tho most attraotivo spot in tho wholo state,) particularly low ratrs aro in force. July and August aro tho best months in which to visit Colorado's unrivalled resorts, to all of whioh tba Burlington with its connections, offers unequalled service. The loeal agent will bo glad to givo you any desired information. Do Ifou Wast A Cok Beokt Tho Omaha Weekly Bee is offered for tho balanoe of tho year togothor with Mrs. Jane Warren's cook book of over 100 pages for 50 eonts, This book shows how to buy, dress, eook, serve and oarvo every kind o meat, game, fih fowl, and vogotablo It also gives plain direotiens for pre serving, pioklintr, canning and drying all kinds of berries, fruits, moats, gamo, etc. Also for making in tho best style all varieties of candies, ico cream, cako and pastry. Besides this there are several pages of useful tables of figures. xnis dook is easily wortn tno pneo asked for it and The Bee, but the puDiisners aesire to nave tno paper more thoroughly inttoduced, hence this liberal offer. Send orders to Tho Beo Publishing Companr, Omaha, Ncbr. For Flour Bad Feed Go and seo L. P. Albright. He keeps tho best brands and sells his flour just as cheap as others. Also sells hard and soft coal. Prices reasonable Of fico and soalcs, eornor of Webster street and 4th avenua. Notice. All orders for oil or gasolino loft at Spokesfield's groccry'storo will bo promptly filled by the BIuo Tank Wagon. I Want to Bay Farm Parties having oheap farm lands for sale, improved or unimproved can find buyers by calling on D. B. 8paoogle, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Red Cloud, Neb. ... Bee Keeper's Supplies. A. Mob art, the hardwaro man, will horoafter keep all kinds of Beo Hoop er's supplies. Mail order filled promptly. tf. Gaaoilao Stoves. Tbo best in tho world, for salo at, A. Mohaht'b. 40-tf "Good morning!" Why, I am eur prisod; the doctors and neighbors have all reported that your death was dully expected," "Ah I yea; thoy all said I never could recover and cave me up to.dio with me thrvw bottles of "HMatift- MnllHintA ninliJti I.Mha.i hh J Isi I.iL.I ju ForsaiebyL.lI.Doyo. the Price of The Chief. 1892. I" B O 8 3 a. DO o bd as so &' j 11 i CD O Z CD CD GO CD E3- w i fS M g Vol.19. No. 50 o o 2 2 pi z o CO Mi O o op CO o o 0 3 a i ' (D - (f) i i i,ar 1 2 PI ssSM MM- r r ( L . . VW:.: 1 ' ... m m t.. .J v .... rVH .i ?'.mm " ,,. i V ' ti'i& . a h v iiniii. iii.i....ii nrri.iMwi.wiiiaw'i"''11' fa" jMMmiMmmmmimimmm mm .rtJW ; ' 437553' 1 Xftd