The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 24, 1892, Image 8

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v' "
Hair Ratea ! Saratoga.
Oa It oeeeslea of the Natl Ida
catiosal Ahr's Annual conTeatiea at
Saratoga, N. Y., July 12.11, the Bar
lisgtoa Roato, from July 3d to Jaly
Oth, iaclaslve, will sell roand trip
tickets from all potato In Nebraska to
Saratoga at ono lowest first-class fare,
plaa two dollars (minbership fee N.
K. A.)
Tickets arc good for retura passage
from July 16th to 21st; an extetffion
of time limit can, however be obtain
ed by depositing ticket at ofioe of the
Joint Agent of Terminal Lines. 360
Broadway Saratoga.
The Burl aittoa Boate will run
Speoial puliman sleeping eats and re
elining chair ears from Lincoln and
Omaha throagh to Saratoga, leaving
Lincoln at 2:40 P. M., and Omaha at
4:45 P. M., July Oth.
A folder giving all particulars, may
bo had upon applying to J. Fraaois,
General Passenger and Tioket Agent,
Omaha, to whom, or to local agent B.
&MRR, requests for reservation
of berths should be addressed.
HalfRatcs t New York.
i To Accommodate Christian Endeav
ors and their friends aloag its line
who dosire to attend the national eoa
vention Y P 8 0 E at New York, July
7-10, the Burliugtoa Route will oa
July 4th run a speoial train from
Omaha through to New York, via
Chicago and Niagara Falls, leaving at
11:40 p m, after arrival of all trains
from the west.
A rate of one fare for the round
trip faasbeen authorised and will bo
open to tho general public
Tickets, good to retura any time
witaia thirty days from date of pur
chase, will be on salo at dates to be
ounoed later.
:w rates in force, the through
eapaaaaaajes at tno disposal or trav
elers by the Burlington Route, and
the delightful season of the year,
combino to mako this aa unequalled
pportunity of visiting the east. ,
Remember that you can purchase
ticket from your station through to
New York.
Full information may be had upon
application to the local agent of the
B A M R R R, or by addressing J.
Francis, General Passenger Ageat,
Omaha, Nebr.
National convention Prohibition
party Cincinnati, 0. Jane 20-30 '02.
All agents may aell roand trip tick
ets to Ginoinnati, 0., at one lowest
first-class fare for the round trip, tick
on sale June 26 and 27 and limit
for return to July 7th.
Annual encampment Sons of Vet
erans USA and Ladies Aid Society,
Helena, Mont., Aug. 8-13 1802. All
agents may sell tioketo to Helena,
at one lowest first-class fare. Tioketa
on sale Aug. 4-10 inclusive with tran
?sit limit of 20 days in each direotion
and final return limit to October 10.
Annual convention Societies of
Christian Endeavor New York City,
July 7-10, '02. All agento may sell
round trip tioketo to New York at ona
lowest first-elass fare. Tickets on sale
July 3 to 5 inclusive and same will be
good for return passage from July 10
to July 18th inclusive with a provi
sion for extension to Augest 16 or de
positing samo with joint agent of the
trunk lines Association on or before
Jnl; 15.
- Annual convention National Educa
tional Association Saratoga Springs,
N. Y. July 12-15 1802. All agents
may sell round trip tioketo to Saratoga
8pringaat rate of one lowest Int-class
faro plus 2,00. Ticket oa aala-Jaly
3 0 inclusive, and tiokets, will be good
for return passage from July 15 to
21st inclusive with provision for ex
tension to September 2 as provided be
low. An extension of limit for re
turn trip cau bo obtained provided
' the ticket is deposited with joint
agent of Terminal lines at No. 360.
Broadway, Saratoga, the extension of
limit in no cauo to oxoced Bept 2d or
3d as the case may bo as provided
above, to obtain this extension M the
tiokot must be deposited with the
joint agent at the address given above
between July 5 and July 10 inolusivo.
A. Conover, Ag't.
Bargains la Sammcr Goads.
I have just received a aew line ia
white, blaek and other summer dress
goods, parasols, sua ambrellas,
Hosiery, Muslin and knit uuderwear,
corsets, ladies' misses', and children's
waists, ladies mitts, aloe assortment
of blaek loaaeiags aad laces, ham
burg and awiw embroidery, baadker
chiefs, ate., eta., Now ia the time to
Uy. Call aad see me.
lC-3t F. NlWaoCtib
Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our oitizens that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery for consumption, Dr
King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica
Salve and Electric Bitters, and have
never bundled remedies that sell as well
or that have given such universal satis
faction. We do not hesitate to guaran
tee them every time, and we stand ready
to refund the purchase price, it satisfac
tory results do not follow their nse.
Those remedies have won their great
popularity purely on their merits. Cot
ting's drug store.
Mrs. A. Morhart and hor two boys
Bert and Stacy, started for tho stato
of Washington Tuesday to remain two
months. Mrs. Morhart is an energotlo
lady and will be sadly missed by hor
many frionds.
The Small Bay Steals Apples
They are frreea attlea and then he has
oolio, cramps and diarrhea and thinks
he's going to die and won't ever, ever
steal again. The careful mother always
buys a Dottle or nailers rain y araiyzer
ana tne- boy lives to "uo some more
Porosis by Cotting.
i.i ti
Rev. G. W. Hummel held a success
ful mooting in Smith's grove Sunday
the Id. Eivo hundred peoplo were
present and seven candidates wero im
Prevent chills, fever, malaria, loss of
time by sickness. Take "liepatioure."
or sals by i a. utyo.
L. H. Rust is making a successful
business of small fruit. His straw
berries are ripening faster than ho
can get boxos for holding thorn. En
sago what you want boforo thoy are
- ..
A Haute Dawn Side Uy
Baby had a cold; Mrs. MoOlnnis said
hot whiskey; Aunt Katy said catnip tea;
uousin mm. earn unuoaru was tne tntng
but Grandpa (heaven bless him) said
Bailor's Burs Cure Cough Byrup would
take the cake, and it did.
Mr, Greenawalt brought into our offioe
a card receiver made from a plno board
with a jack knife. It is tho finest
thing of tho kind wo havo over seen.
lt was made by himself.
Hales Cry For It.
Now this may seem strange but if they
don't cry for it they would do so if they
only could. We are talking now about
Heller's Barb Wire Liniment which
never fails to Cure the worst out or sore
For sale by (totting,
lli. Ml 1
Blue Hill ia to celebrate the Fourth,
aad Taos. Majors, Lieutenant Gov-
eraor of Nebraska, is to deliver the
Do you want money, happiness, com
fort and pleasure r If as, keep your
health perfect by an occasional use of
loure" the great English
kidney and liver tonic
For sale by L.
H. Deyo.
The Democratic National conven
tion conyoncd in Chicago Tuesday;
This iisuo is too early to give any de
tails. If dull, spiritless and stuped: if your
blood is thfok and sluggish; if your appe
tite is capricious and uncertain, you need
a Barsapartlls. For beet rest results use
Do Witt's, O. L. Potting.
ForFiro Lightning and Tornado
Insurance in the German of Freeport
and other reliable companies, call on
or write to Ghas. Sohaffnit, office over
Deyo'a drug store, Rod Gloud, Nebr.
"Late to bed and early to rise will
shorten the road to your home in the
skies," But early to bed and a "Little
Earn Riser," the pill that makes life
longer and better and wiser. O. u
The W. O. T, U. will meet during
the summer in the Christian churoh
parlor every Thursday 2 o'olook p. m.
Bright people are the quickest to
egnise a good thing and buy it.
We sell
lots of bright people the Little Early Ri
sers, If yon are not bright these pills
will make yon so. O. L. Sotting.
Prof. J. F. Houso-of Crete, Nebr.
made a' flying visit at the home of tho
editor last week.
Disease never successfully attacks a
system with pure blood. Da Witt's Bar
aaparllla makes pure, new blood and en
riches the old. U. It' Cotting.
A, B. Truman of
mado tho editor's "family
a pleasant
VIDII. Junk VUCk..
Mrs. L. it Fatton, Rookford, 111., writes
"From personal experience I can reeom
mend DeWitty 'Barsaparilla, a core for
impure blood ana'geneiai debUity."
O. C. Teel returned Friday from a
visit in 'Indianola, Mrs. Ted will re
turn this Week.
It is a fixed and immutable law that to
have good sound health one must have
pare rloh and abundant blood. There Is
no shorter nor surer route than by a course
of DeWitt'a Barsapariila.
, Make your arrangements to attend
tho county fair and. bring tho best of
your produoo.
Other medioinos might help but to
make aasuranoe doubly sure use DeWitt'c
but to
Saraanarilla to enrich, purify and renew
toe uiooo. v. u. uoiung.
J.- '
A few good farm loaas, ajf per con
interest. No second mortirairfl.-D. Bt
Bishop Perry, or Iowa, Dcs.
critics his Plcitiiiuit Journey
From Chicago to Nev York
Via Washington.
Bishop Perry of Iown, in n recent issuo
of tho Iown Churchman, flnys: "One trav
eling eastward from Chicnizo via tho
picturosquo llnltitnoro & Ohio Knilrond
iinds rest and comfort In tho voatibuled
Pullman limited trains on willed travel
is no longer irkoomo, hut luxurious.
There are two of theso trains daily from
Chicago, ono lenving at J0:iu u in and
tho other at 2:55 p m. It ia in tho morn
ing train that wo begin oiir pleasant
journey across tho plains, uur faces
are turned toward tiio nation's Mecca.
Tomorrow wo shall boo Washington, for
the "Baltimore and Ohio" alone, of all
the many routes between the eenboard
and the lakes, pnaaoa directly to and
throush the Canitol City. Tho patriotic
American recognizee this feature of the
Baltimore & Ohio's attractions and on
his journeyings east or west finds the op
portunity to rekindle tho ilres of his love
for his country and his appreciation for
his country's past, as he looks out upon
the architectural eplendor of tho Beat of
government and revives hia memories of
what this spot has boon, and is, and is to
be in the history of our land.
"Ere we leave the mountain plateau,
the noble buildings of Deer Park attract
the eye. Even winter, grey tints cannot
hide the singular beauty and marked at
tractiveness of this noted place of resort
A pretty church shows that the summer
visitors to Door Park take thoir religion
with them into the country, nod the
tine walks and drives in every direction.
added to the salubrity of tho air and the
coolness which 1b obtained whon all the
world below this elevation is feeling' the
oppressiveness or tho heated term, makes
this an ideal spot for summering.
"Beaching the' base of the mountains
we find ourselves traversing the debata
ble grounds of tho Civil War. The
streams we cross, the Holds wo have lett
behind on either side, the ravines we
thread as we speed "on to (Washington,"
have their historic associations with that
internecnie strife that pitted the Blue
against ths Gray.
"The "Royal Bluo" lino of the "Haiti.
mors and Ohio," compassing the distance
between the Nation's Capital and ths
chief city of "My Maryland" at a rate of
speed rrequentiy marking sixty miles an
hour. Baltimoro in its ueautv is soon
butfora moment, for Philadelphia is yotl
lOBereaoneuanutnon.MOw iork. it in
not late when the great commercial me
tropolis of the land is our llnancial stop-l
ping place, and the smoking, throbbing,'
panting engine rests at our journey's end,'
A million Frionds.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not less that ono million people have
found lust such a friend in Dr. King's
xi ew discovery ror consumption uouans
and Golds If you have never used this
great cough medicine, one trial will con
vinoe you that it has wonderful curative
powers in all diseases of throat, lungs,
andohest. Each bottlo is o-uaranteed
to do all that is claimed or money refund
ed. Trial bottles free at Cotting's drug
store, ijarge bottles wo and a i.
My head aches; my Btomaoh is sour;
I can't aleap; have bad dreams, pain In
back and limbs, dizziness, absent mlnued.
bilious, languid, dull and stupid. All
these an indications of malaria, blood,
liver or kidney disease, deadly typhoid
fever, all of which can be avoided by
using "flepatioure." For sale by L. H.
Children Cry for
'kroner's castoria.
Drunkenness, -or tho Liquor
Habit Cured ut Home In Tea
Days by Administering; Dr.
Haines' Golden Specific.
It can be givon in a glass of beer, a
cup of coffee or tea or in food without
the knowledge of the patient. It is ab
solutely harmless and will effect a per
manent and speedy cure, whother the
patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholio wreck. It has been given in
thousands of cases, and in every instance
a perfect cure has followed. It never
falls. The system once impregnated with
the specific, it becomes an utter impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of par
ticulars free. Address tho Golden Spe
olfio Co., 1B5 Raoe Street. Cincinnati, O.
We advise nil our readers to nrooure
"Marshall's Manual of Health." This
valuable book should bo in every home.
It ia a masterniece of science. Sent free
on application to Marshall Chemical Mfg.
Uon Kansas uity, Mo., or Liawrence, lias.
For sale by L. If. Deyo.
Children Cry for
Pltoher't Cattorlip
Non-Rcsldcnt Notlco.
To Jennie R. Dennlson.non-reildeiitderendanti
you win ibko nonce mat on ine tin any 01
April. 18M, Hois It. MattK trustee, and Ezra
Mptilncolt, piaiotins. nied tiiclr petition in tne
aisirici court oi weusier coumy, neurniKB. vi.
Hull K. Deunlson. Jennie It. l)t'nnlnn.(:iirlea
H. linker. Jacob I.. Miller unci llnunau II. Miller
tne oDieciaiiu prayer oi wnicu aro 10 rorocioso
a cortilu (rust uocd nuulo and executed on the
lint day of April, im, by Hull V. UonnUon
and, DcmiNn to Hw lt. Mattls,
trustee, and to lili nuecosnor In- trust, which
trust deed conveyed to tho sulil truneo tho (oU
lowlnKdescrlut'cf remlsi'i, sltimto u Wubstor
county and stum or Ncliruakii, towltt The quarter or section tweuty-eliiht CM)
in township two, north ot ruiiKo teu (10,) west
of the 6th principal meridian, which lrut deed
was given to secure a note (or the sum ot 11600,
mado aud executed by llio said llszll V. Deiml
sou and Jennie U. DeimUon. beating even date
with said trust deed, due nvo mn alter the
daw thereat, drowliic liitwst at Uiu rate of 0(4
per cent per annum. Uetiiult liavinu been
madeln the terms o( said trust deed the same
has become absolute and plalutltls aro entitled
to a torecloiure thereof, and there Is now due
to the plaintiffs upon said note, coupons and
trust deed the sum ot SI7S3.B1, with Interest on
Sifioo from the first day ot April, m, together
with the farmer sum ot 39,07 for moneys ad
vanced In the redemption ot said premises and
Interest thereon (rom theSlst day ol March, 1882.
And plaintiff prays tor a decree that an ac
counting may bo had ol tho amount duo from
defendants, tint said sum with Inlorest may be
decreed to be the II nit lieu upon said premises.
that upon the failure to pay tho samo by def endt
ant within a time to be flxed by the court, that
said premises may be sold to satWrr the amonn.
so round due, ana for general emiitabln rollef
Vou are required to answer said petition on
or beforo Monday, the U3tu day ot July, 193.
Dated June 7th, 18W.
47-it ci. n. KijiNHHirnn.
Attorney tor I'lalntlffs.
Children Cry for
Pltefter's CiitorlH.
When Baby was tick, we gate her Cantoris.
When ihttii Child, she cried for Castorl.
When the became Mies, the clung to Castori.
When she had CfctUrea, she care tfcetn Castorta.
High-bied Stallion
Tho high bred Morgan stallion, Black
Hawk Chief 4th, will make the season at
tho stable of J. c. Holcomb on Elm
street, rear of Holland house, lie in a
very stylish, showy horse, and rarries
more Morgan blood than any horse in tho
stato. Breed to good horses, raise good
colts and no longer complain of low
PEDIQHEEl Black Hawk chief 4 wan
bred by 8. 8. Hltohoock of Talaia, Minn,,
sire Yearaly'a Blaek Hawk chief 8 by
Black Hawk chief 2 bred by Judge Prout
of Salisbury, Vermont, he by Bill's Black
Hawk by Sherman's Morgan by Justin
Morgan, the founder of the Morgan fam
ily, 1st dam Lady Messenger; 2d by Young
uambletoaian; 8d dam by Bishop Ramble
tonian;4th dam the Pront Mare by Oifford
Morgan by Woodbury's morgan by Justin
Morgan. It wtll be seen that Blaok Hawk
chief 4th traces back to Justin Morgan on
the sires side twiee as the Prout mare does
also, and carried the aambletonian blood
represented bp Bishop's iiambletonlaa and
voungHaabletonian Terms on application
at 'above stable.
J. C. boixomb, Manager.
Nan-Resident Notice.
To Mosas Btms: You will take no
tice that the mayor and council of the
City of Red Cloud, at a meeting of said
council held'May 23d 1802 by resolutions
on a fall vote of the eounoll did on the
date aforesaid order the rebuilding or
oonatraetion of side walk along the sonth
side or lot twelve (12) la block four (4)
City of Red Clone! fronting on Fourth
Avenue said walk to be of the width of 8
feet and 76 feet long to be constructed
of 2 laeh pinelamber having not less than
2x0 inch sills four inch lumber to support
same, ii,wiiaia niieen 10) days alter
the bublleatioB of this notice the said
Moses Stern or owner of above desoribed
premises snail not nave built or
caused to be built said walk as ordered the
mayor or city council of said city will cause
eald walk to be constructed and the ex
pense of building, same shall be made a
special tax on said desoribed property In
acoordaase with the law in such ooso made
end provided.
Red Cloud Jane 2, 1802.
I Attest Taos, J. Ward, City Clerk.
D. B. Bfaxooli, mayor.
Terns tosait customers.
8Tt to 60 casts o ersry dollar yo spsad.
Write for our aaasaasoth Catalogs, a SOO-pag
book.eoaialnlBt luastratloa aad giving-lowsst awn
afsetarers' prices, with suaufsctartrs' discount
of ersry Wad of goods aad soppltes aunuf tctured
aad IssBortsd late Ue United Hi
Ited Htstss. Groceries,
tar. Clotting. Ladta'
fBrnUUlog Uoods, Dress
udnau1 Ctatklacaad Fn
Goods, White Goods. Dry Goods, lists, Osps,
Boots ssd Shoss, atorse, Notions. Ulassware,
ftiuoseryJVstcase. Clacks, Jewelry. BUverwsr.
fsVTjei Wales. Airlcaltara! Implmtnu, to.
onot rnarbAsa uoods.' cauuognsst
m receipt etMsMUfweipresssM. Wa are ths
oaly eosesrs which sells at auanfsctursrs' prices,
allewlSaT the fcsrsr U subs discount Us the
sBasafsctarsr fir to the wholsssl buyer. We
gurastee all goods as reprssssudt If not foand
so, PBossy rstudsd. Goods sant by xprs or
gst. "Hapr.TU.,10.,.
IfjqotacyStrMt, Chicago, ll.
A salary of $38 to fsO per week to GOOD sgsnts
to represent as In rry ennntr.snd Ml nnr gensrsl
rioofltrchndlMstmff;licinrrri' price. Oki.t
ATlVt' Catalogs ami iirtu.lari Hot on receipt
IN QalaBy suesi, Ctdcag, IlL
Sole Agent far Webster County.
People proposing to buy sewing machines
The Finest Machine Made In
The World.
Kvsrv DurahsMr of
One drawer Osk or
). . Vnerlnm hnttim
walnut case receives free, a
holo attmehment. Don't buv until vou eo tho
Dinger iroproYCU oowinic atacnina.
Gee. Gwllford, Agent.
Natlce ta Dellnsjucnts.
Notice Is hereby given that the Interest and
rental upon the contracts of sale and lease to
the following described educational lands sit
uated In Webster count. Nebraska, asset op-
posiio tne names oi ino respwuvo noiaers
thereof, is dellnatient. and If ssid dellnauencv
Is not paid up within ninety days from the date
oi tins notice, sain contract win oe aecauoa
forfeited by the board ot educational lands and
funds, ana said forfeiture will be entered of
record la the manner provided by law.
RHi sen. ib-s-iu w, u, r, rteweomcr.
w, iioiooBW ana
N ll. saxie w. Thnd Arnold.
JC,iwU, 1-M w. Frank c. Johnson.
VK, sen, Se-MO w. K. Hoott.
Kwli, iCi-H w, William Gather.
WH.swli and nwM, nwH, io-1-ia w, Joslah
HeU, ne, 16-1-12 w, Joseph W. Jones.
HU.sett and ueVi, sH, 30-a-ia w, Harvey
Bey.uwMandnwM, sew, 16-1-12 w, Joslah
Nel-4. 36-1-10 w.Thofl. Frailer.
KH.swmandeW, ssl-t and swM, sel-4 and
swi-s. nei-t asu ni-t,
nwl-4, 18-1-U w, Joslah
ni, nel-4, 10-M2 w. Hylvester Cayou.
ml. nwl. ios w- K. H, Hbirley.
Hji-4. 23.3-I0 w. Joua Zackery.
Bwl-4,nwHandnwl-, nwl-4, 3J1-0 w, Chas.
P.Kieh. . V '
Hwli, 2H-10 w, James A. Bogst Jr.
Dated alfjBCols, Nebraska, wis 1st day of
June, lew,
A. R. HUMPHsav.
Cuatauiiloner of rublks lands and Buildings.
He who Wants Health
mMy: am
Kjk: :. : ;'vw
BSSBSSBSBSsvHaW.'v V '. ' aaJsaT7
r 'JMimaaaaaas' aaV 'sassalaas&r
There are millions of peraciiB
from chronic diseases or an
them from business, and frequently makes life a burden.
many of whom.would place themselves under different treat
ment if they were acquainted
treatment was in reach of them.
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we otter
to tne afflicted one, on a business like baaia, the managment
of which we trust will be tempered by a moral and philau-
thropio principle.
"Ws metlee ths Bnnkerhoff treatment of
soaally owe a dabt of gratltndo to the father
11th to ths world sneh hnowlodge. wonldtoto
rsmsfly that thomanda bless, and one that
tsstsd before offering lt to yon for your
pamphlets sent free on application. Office consultation free. Names of parties who hava
btsn cared cheerfully given on application.
L. D. Denney, M.
Lower than any yard in the world
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud,
L. II. FORT, Manager.
Ftirnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Having had ten years oxporlonco In county records and ono of tho most cnmplcto set of Ah
stract books In the sUto. wo Ku.irantco satisfaction. Yonr favors solicited
All ordes tilled promptly, dollar bond tiled
t ud approved. Address or call on
L. H. FORT Manager, Rod Cloud, Nob.
'Coaweyanccr, Real Kslnlc,
Loans, Insurance, and Pen
slon Agent.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
I especially invite you to call on mo for
anything in my line. Loans made on
farm proporty at 8 per sent. Insurance'
in the beet companies I nlso,
Call, and see me if you desire, shrubbery
flowers or fruit stock . You v ill And prof
itablo to eee me.
D. B. Spanoge,
Real Estate
atd Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
llOMOEopattilc Physician,
Reel Cloud, NcbrusKH.
Olllco opposite First National Dank.
V. aKxatnlnlna Hurgcon.
t'krosio diseases treatwl Jy mall.
Wants Everything!
in this country who Buffer
affliction which incapacitates
with the fact that a new
Kemedial agents for many
all forms of BEGTAL DISEASES. Wo Mr-
ana founder of this system and not to pnb-
do mankind an lnjnttlee. This Is the
I have secured at groat expense, tried and
consideration and Investigation. Descriptive
D., Red Cloud, Neb
i W
Will serve a limited numbor of choio
marcs this season.
Ho is G years old und strongly built,
15 hands high and a natural (rotter
and has an cxccllont pedigree,
J. W. Moranvillb, Prop.
Rod Cloud, Nob.
Notice to Tcnclicrs.
Notleo is hereby givon that I will
oxumino all porsons who may desire
to offor themBolvca ub candidates for
teachers oftho publio schools of this
couuty, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will bu hold
on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat
urday of each moDth.
The standing required for 2d aud
3d grade certificates is the same -no
grade below 70 per cent., average 80
per eont; for first grade certificate
no grado bolow 80 per cent., avorago
00 per oent. in all branches required
by law.
D. M. Hunter, County Supt.
No Money CoininliNloii.
5 Ij
I can writo you a farm loan nt a
straight 7 per cent, with tho nri!i
of paying off any part of tho prinoi-
pai at any intorcHt payment.
J. II. Baiujv.
$ -5 $ i $
w TO
IjulMiSoLii. 1 - . -v l