The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 24, 1892, Image 6

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r.Talmatro Disooursoa on Militant
t V r
tra4jkwr of the Havluur Drffed to It
Keadf for AggrcMlre Warfare
The ropular 1'renrhrr Uo
5 H Inn to Kurope.
Dr. Talmngo prefaced his sermon lout
Sunday morning at Brooklyn with a
Uicracntto tho effect that ho would
all on Wednesday for Europe and
might bo able to bo present at the dis
tribution in tho fnmlno Btrlckcn dis
trict of Russia of tho Christian Herald
llcf cargo, consisting of U.OOO.OOO
pounds of Hour nnd other supplies which
ocs out thU week on the steamship
lieo, chartered for tho purpose, Ilu
congratulated tho American people on
tkc generous spirit evinced by this
Magnificent gift to tho starving people.
JIta sermon was from tho text, Epho
lans vl. 11. "Put on tho Wholo Armor
of Ood."
There is in this text a great rattle of
ahlclds and helmets and swords. Sol--dices
aro ready for battle. Wo havo
ad recently in this church new enlist
ments and I shall address myself to
'those in this and other churches who
re putting on tho nrinor of Ood, and
who may feci thcmsolves to bo ns yet
aaly raw recruits. "Masterly retreat"
la a term often used in military circles,
ut in religion there is no such thing.
It In called glorious advance or dis
graceful and Ignominious falling back.
It would bo n strango thing if all our
Anxiety about men ceased tho moment
they wero converted. You would al
aaoat doubt the sanity of that farmer
who having planted tho corn and seen
ft Just sprout nliovo ground, should say:
'My work is nil done, I havo no moro
anxiety for tho field." No. Thoro is
work for tho plow nnd tho hoc, and
there must bo a careful keeping up of
the fences nnd there must bb a frlght
alng away of the birds that would pll
Ufa tho field. And I say tho entrance
upon Oiirlstlan life la only tho Implant
ation of grace In tho heart. There is
earnest, hard work yot to bo done, and
perhaps many years uf nuxioty before
there shnll be heard tho glorious shout
"Harvest home." Tho beginning to
aeaCorlstlan is only putting down tho
foundation; but nftor thnt there aro
yearn of humtnering, polishing, carv
ing, lifting, before tho structuro is
completed. It takes flvo years to mako
Christian character, It takes twenty
.yearn, it takes forty years, it takes
eventy years If a man shnll llvo so long.
la other words, a man dying nftor half
a century of Christian oxpcrlonce feels
that ho has only learned tho "A 11
Ca" of u glorious alphabet. Tho noxt
year will deeldo a great deal in
your history, young Christian man.
It will decide whether you aro to
be m burning and shining light of tho
chnrch, or a spark of graco covered up
rfn a' barrel of ashes. It will deeldo
-whether you aro to bo a strong man in
Christ Jesus, with gigantic blows strlk
tg the iron mall of darkness, or a be
dwarfed, whining, grumbling soldier,
what onght to bo drummed out of tho
lord's camp with tho "Kogues' March."
Yon havo only just been launched; tho
woynge Is to bo mado. Earth and
Hearen and hell aro watching to see
bow fast you will sail, how well you
will weather tho tempest, nnd whether
al Uit nmtd tho shouting of tho nngols
you shall come Into tho right harbor.
May Ood help mo this morning to glvo
you threo or four words of Christian
counsel, as I address myself more espe
cially to those who havo just now en
tered tho Christian life.
My first word of counsel Is, Hold bo
fore your soul u very high model. Do
aotsay, "I wish I could pray llko thnt
anan, or havo tho consecration of this
at" Say: "Hero is tho Jinrd Jesus
ChrUt, a perfect pattern. JJy that I
asean, with God's graco to shape all my
life." In other wonls, you will never
e any more n Christian than you strive
to be. If you build n foundation twenty
X thirty feet, you will only havo u
avail house. If you build a foundation
one hundred by ono hundred feet, you
wlli havo a largo house. If you resolve
to be only a middling Christian, you
will be only a middling Christian. If
3foa have no high aspiration In a' world
ly direction, you will never succeed In
tiuslncM. If you havo no high aspira
tion in religious things yon will never
aucceed in religion. You have a right
'to aspire to the very highest
tyle of Christian charnctor. From
jour feet there reaches out
a path of Christian attainment which
you may take nnd I dellberutely say
that you may bo a better man than was
Paul, or David, or Suinmerlleld, or Dod
dridge a better woman than Hannah
tMnore or Charlotto Elizabeth. Why
mot? Did they havo a monopoly of
Christian graco? Did thoy havo a pri
vate key to tho storehouse of God's
mercy? Does God shut you out from
tho gladness and gooduess to which
they- were Introduced. O, no. You havo
Just tho same promises, just tho same
Christ, just the samo Holy Ghost, just
the same offers of present and evcrlnst
fag love, and If you fall short of what
thty jvero aye. If you do not come
p to tho point which they reached and
E( beyond it it is not because Christ
b ahut you out from any point of
amoral and spiritual elevation, but bo
asti you deliberately refused to tako
ttl 1 1 admit that man cannot becomo a
Christian llko that without a struggle;
WHt.what do you get without fighting
tot it? Tho fortresses of durkuess are
to 'bo taken by storm. You may by
.acute strategy Hank tho hosts of tempta
mloas,' there uro evils, In tho way that
you, will, have to meet face to face and
ft twii bo .shot for shot, gun for gun,
grip far grip, slaughter for slaughter.
Tan Apostlo Paul over and over again
represents tho Christian life as a com-Jhat-
tVhcn tho war vessol of Christ's church
aomes into glory, bringing its crow nnd
-ft passengers, it will uot como in llko
a. Korth river yacht, beautifully painted
aad ' adorkod, awlnging irto tho bout
JuMwe after a pleasure excursion. O, no.
"Jt will beHUo a vessel coming with a
fcaavy cargo 'from ' China or India, the
marks of tho wnvo ana1 (ho hurricane
upon it sails rent, riggings spllcod,
pumps nil working to keep her afloat,
bulwarks knocked away. I sco such a
vessol coming nnd get out my small
boat nnd push toward hor, and I shout:
"Ahoy, captain! Whnt aro you going
to do with thoso shivered timbers?
That was n beautiful ship when you
went out, but you have ruined it"
"0,"say8tho captain, "I havo a fine
cargo, nnd by this round trip I havo
made ten fortunes." So I believe It
will bo when tho Christian soul comes
into tho harbor of Heaven. It will como
bearing the marks npon it of a great
stress of weather. You can sco by tho
very looks of that soul M it pomes into
glory thnt It was driven byn rftonri and
dashed into tho hurricane; but by so
much ns tho voyage Is rough will tho
harbor bo blessed. "If yo suffered with
Him on enrth, yo shnll bo glorified with
Win in Heaven." Aim high.
Do not bo s-itlsfled to bo llko tho
Christians nil around about you. lie
moro than thoy have, over f been for
Christ An old Arabian king was show
ing a beautiful Fword that had been
given him, when ono of his courtiers
said: -"This sword Is too short You
cannot do anything with It" Said tho
king's son: "To a bravo man no sword
Is too short. If it lo too short tako ono
step in advance, nnd 'then it is long
enough." So I say to any Christian
who may feel that he has poor weapons
with which to tight ngnlnst sin nnd
darkness nnd death: "Advance upon
tho enemy. In the strength of Christ
go forward. God Is f,or ypu, and if
God bo for you who enn bo against
you? Remember that God never puts
you In battle but Ho gives you weapons
with which to fight"
My second word of counsel to thoso
who havo recently entered upon Chris
tian life Is: Abstain from nil pornlclous
associations and tako only thoso that
aro useful and bcnoflcont. Stay out of
nil associations that would damage
your Christian character. Tako only
thoso associations that will help you.
A learned man said: "If I .stay with
that man Fonolon any longer I shall
got to bo n Christian in spltaof myself."
In other words, there is a mighty power
in Christian associations. Now, what
kind of associations shall wo, ns young
Christians, seek after? I think wo
ought to get in company better than
ourselves, nover going into company
worse thnn ourselves. If wo got Into
company a little better thnn ourselves
nnd there bo ten peoplo in that com
pany ten chances to ono wo will bo bet
tered If wo get Into company a little
worso than ourselves and thoro bo ton
peoplo In that company ten chances to
ono wo will bo made worso thnn we
wero before.
Now. When n voiinir Chrlntlnn fntira
tho church God does not ask him to re
tire from tho world. Tho anchorlto
thnt lives on acorns Is nnnivirnrlloaran
than tho man who lives on partridge
and wild duck. Isolation Is not de
manded by tho Hlblo. A man may uso
the world with tho restriction nt nnt.
abusing it Hut just ns soon ns you
mm any surroundings pernicious to
your spiritual interest, null thne num.
clntlons. This roinnrk Is moro especial
ly appropriato to tho young. Now it Is
Impossible that tho young and un
troubled should sook their .associations
with thoso who nro aged nnd worn out
As God Intended tho aged to associate
with tho atred. tallrlntr nvor thn rmot.
and walking .staff in hand along tho
snmo patns moy.trou tlilrty, forty und
fifty years ago, so I supposo Ho Intended
tho young chiefly to ussoclate with tho
My next word of counsel Is that you
bo actively employed. I see a great
many Christians with doubts and per
plexities and thoy seem to be proud of
them. Their ontlro Christian llfo is
mado up of gloom, and they seem to
cultivate that spiritual doipondoney,
when I will undertake to say that in
nine cases out of ten spiritual' despond
ency Is n judgment of God upon idle
ness. Who nro tho happy peoplo In tho
church to-day? Tho busy peoplo.
Show mo a man who professes tho re
ligion of Jesus Christ and Is Idlo, und I
will show you an unhappy man. Tho
very llrst prescription that I glvo to n
man when I find hlra full of doubts
and fears about his eternal Interest is
to go to work for God. Ten thou
sand voices nro lifted up asking
for your help. Go and help.
Hero is a wood full of Bum
mer insects. An nxmnn goes Into tho
woods to cut firewood. Tho Insects do
not bothor him very much, nnd every
stroke of tho ax makes them fly away.
Hut lot a man go and He down there
and ho Is bitten nnd mauled, nnd thinks
it is a horrible thing to btay in tho
wood. Why does he not tako an ax and
go to work? So there are thousands of
Christians now In tho church who go
out amid groat annoyance in life they
aro not perplexed, they are all tho tlmo
busy; while thoro aro othors who do
nothing and thoy nro stung nnd stung
and stung nnd covered from hend to
foot with tho blotches of Indolenco nnd
Inactivity, and spiritual death.
Tho first thing, then, you havo to do,
0, Christian young man, Christian
young woman, Is to go to work in tho
service of tho Lord if you want to bo a
happy Christian. When an nrmy goes
out there are ulwnys stragglers fulling
off hero nnd there, some becauso they
aro faint und sick, but n great many bo
cause thoy nro afraid to fight and too
lazy to mureli. After awhile tho lazy
mon on tho roud hear tho booming of
tho guns for hours, and thoy hear tho
shout of victory, and a man on horseback
comes up nnd says: "Wo have won
tho day!" Then thoy hasten up. How
brnve they aro ufter tho battle is over.
Poor at fighting, but grand ut "huzza!"
So there nro stragglers going after tho
Lord's host There como days of dark
ness and battle. Where aro they? Wo
call tho roll of tho host Thoy mako no
answer, but after awhilo thoro comes u
day of triumph In tho church, und thoy
uro all about "Huzzal Huzza! Didn't
wo glvo it to thorn!"
I havo another word of counsel to
glvo thoso who havo just entered
Chrlstlnn life, nnd that Is, bo faithful
In prayer. You might as well, busi
ness man, start out In tho inornlug
without food and expect to bo strong
all day yoa might as well abstain
from food nil week and oxpoct to bo
strong physically as to bo strong with
out pmyer. Tho only way to got
strength into tho soul Is by prayer, and
tho only difference between thnt Chris
tian who Is worth everything and that
ono who is worth nothing is the fact that
tho Inst docs not pray nnd the other
does. And tho only difference between
this Chrlstlnn who Is getting nlong
very fnst In tho holy life, and this who
Is only getting along tolerably Is that
tho first prays moro than tho last You
can graduate n man's progress In reli
gion by tho ntnount of prayer, not by
tho number of hours, perhaps, but by
tho earnest supplication that ho puts up
to God. There is no exception to tho
rule. Show us n Christian man who
neglects this kind of duty nnd I will
show you ono who Is Inconsistent Show
mo a mnn who prays nnd his Btrength
nnd !ib power ennnot bo exaggerated.
Why, jast glvo to n mnn this power of
prayer and you glvo htm almost omni
potence. This afternoon you will sco two Sab
bath school tenchcrs. That one does
not gain tho uttentlon of her class.
This ono docs. Whnt Is tho difference
botwecn them, their intellects being
about equal? Tho first thought only
of her own npparcl. Tho other came
from great prostration before God In
earnest supplication, asking thnt God's
mercy might como upon tho school nnd
that in tho afternoon Bho might gain
tho nttcntlon of thoso five or six Immor
tals that would bo nround her. The
ono teacher has uo control over her
class. Tho other sits as with tho
strength of tho Lord God Almighty.
Ucad tho lllble and it brings you Into
tho association of tho best nconlo that
over lived. You stand bcsldo Moses nnd
learn his meekness, beside Job nnd leara f
nis patlenco, bcsldo Paul and catc
Bomethlng of his cnthuslnsm, beside
Christ nnd yon feel his love. And yot,
how strange It is that a great many,
men havo given tholr wholo lives to the
assaulting of that book. I cannot un-i
dcrstand it Tom Palno worked ngnlnst
that book as though ho rccolvcd large!
.,uKi..- ant vun lunpireu oy ino very
powers of darkness, confessing nil the
tlmo that ho was writing ho did not
havo tho Hlblo anywhere nenr him.
How many powerful Intellects havo en
deaTorcd to destroy it Ton thousand
mon now nro warring against tho truth
of God's word. What do you think of
them? I think It Is menn and will provo
It. I will provo It is tho meanest thing
thnt has over been dono in all tho cen
turies. There is n ship nt sea nnd in trouble,
Tho captain nnd tho crow aro at their
wits' end. ou aro on board. You am
an old seaman
You come up and glvo
some good counsel, which is kindly
taken. Thnt Is all rlirht nut sunnoso.
instend of doing that, in the midst of
tho trouble you pick up tho only com
pass that is on board and pitch It over
tho taffrall? O, yon say, that is dastard
ly. Hut is it ns mean as this? Horo is
tho vessel of tho world going on with
1,000,000,000 of passengers, tossed and
driven in tho tempest, and at tho tlmo
wo wnnt help tho infidel comes nnd he
takes hold of tho only compass nnd he
tries to pitch it overboard. It is con
temptible beyond everything that is
contemptible. Have you any better
light? llring it on if you have. Havo
you any hotter comfort to glvo ns?
llring It on If you have. Havo you any
better hope? Hrlng it on if you havo,
nnd then you may havo this Hlblo and I
Bhall never want It ngaln.
Hut I can think of a meaner thing
than that, and that is an old mnn going
along ou tho mountains with a staff in
ono hand nnd a lnntern In tho other.
Darkness has como on suddenly. Ho is
very old, just nblo to pick his way out
amid tho rooks and precipices, leasing
on his staff with ono hand nnd guiding
himself with tho light in tho other. You
como up nnd wiy: "You seem to bo lost
You nro a long wag from homo." "Yes,"
ho replies. And then you tako him by
tho hand nnd lead him home. That is
very kind of you. Hut supposo instead
of that you snatch the staff from his
hands nnd hurl it over tho rocks, nnd
snatch tho lantern nnd blow it out?
That would bo dnstardly, contemptible
until there is no depth of con to nipt be
neath It If you havo a bettor staff
glvo it to him.
You see, my friends, I havo not tried
to hldo tho fact that I havo largo ex
pectation of yon who havo entered the
Christian life. Do not bo discouraged.
Press on toward tho prize; God besldo
you nnd Heaven before you. Keep
your courago up. Look in thirty years
from now upon this church. Another
man in tho pulpit Other faces in tho
pews. Another man leading tho song.
Others carrying around tho ulras boxes
of tho church. All changed. Thirty
years have gone and I look into the
faces of tho people, and I sny:
"Why, it seems to mo I havo seen
these peoplo somewhore, but I ennnot
exactly say where. O, yes, now I begin
to think. T'leso were tho converts in
189J nnd 1800. Why, how you have
changed!" "O, yes," they say,, "of
course wo havo changed. Thirty years
mako a great change." I say: "How
many wrinkles there nro In your faces!"
"O, yes," they say, "thirty years make
n great many wrinkles." "Havo you
kept tho faith?" "Yes, wo have kept
tho faith." "Whero aro thoso peoplo
who used to sit In tho pew with you?"
"All gone." Then I say: "Well, I
feel lonely; coino, lot us sing ono of tho
old hymns wo used to sing thirty years
ago in 1803 on communion day, Auy of
you know tho old tuno? Somo ono hum
It Yes, that's it, that's It Now, to
gether, let us sing, just as wo did in
Them Is a fountain UUeu with blood.
Drawn from Imminuel'a veins:
Ami sinners plunrod beneath that rlool
Loso all tholr guilty stains.
Tho dying thlof rt'jolcoj to too
That fountain In his day;
And thcro may I, though vile as ho,
Wash all my Bins away,
Itarrlr Cnurteoui.
Mrs. Nowfud You must meet Mr.
Rlslblcs, Margie tho great humorist
Ho is such n perfect gentleman. Why,
do you know, ho told mo this evening
that ho nover laughed at his own jokes,
oxcept ns an act of polltoneaa to him
self. Puck.
The Rhelt Ilonm of the Mare Itland Navy
Yard Kxplode Kliteen Men 1'erUh.
SAN Fkancisco, Juno 14. A tcrrlSlo"
explosion occurred in tho shell rooms
at Mnro Island navy ynrd, resulting In
tho death of sixteen men, while several
others aro fatally or seriously Injured.
Tho shell room cnught fire immedi
ately after tho explosion, nnd It was
with dltllculty tho injured wero res
cued. Tho following Is a list of tho killed:
T. Gcorgo Flttingcr, gunner, U. S. N.
Col. Sunderberg, gunner's mate; Thom
ns Seymour, chief gunner's mate; Will
Iain Hencle, npprcntico; A. Ketkell,
seaman; C. W. Smith, landsman; Will
iam Washburno, seaman; F. Legett,
Bcaman; W. (). Strander, apprentice; II.
Joss, apprentice; William Hush, sea
man; Johnson, seaman; 11. Hclnlck, sea
man; J. II. Hotton, apprentice.
Of threo men taken to tho hospital
two havo since died. Tho ono surviving
is named J. Hriscoe.
Tho report of tho explosion, which
shook tho town llko tin earthquake,
was heard at 11:30 yesterday morning
and was followed by the ringing of
alarm bells of tho Mnro Island navy
ynrd. When tho great volume of smoko
at tho yard cleared nwny It was found
thnt an explosion had taken plnca in
the shell housu of tho naval magazine.
Tho wounded men wero taken to tho
hospital In a dying condition. Tho
bodies of two men wero found on tho
beach. Tho force of tho explosion had
thrown them Into tho bay, where they
wero picked up by n merchant vessel.
It Is not known exactly how the ex
plosion occurred. A working party of
fifteen men from tho cruiser lioston,
Which was In tho stono dock nenr hv. boen sent to preparo ammunition
nind Ull tho shells for tho ship. Ml
wero nt work in tho magazine It is
supposed that ono of tho party dropped
a shell and caused tho explosion. Dr.
Lewis, of tho nuvnl hospital, was tho
first on the scene. Ho found ono body
possessed of life, but filled with pieces
of wood, burned and bleeding.
From tho body of ono of tho three
whoso lives aro despaired of tho Ger
man doctor, Lewis, extracted n piece of
wood six inches long by an inch thick
out of tho right side. Hcsldcs this tho
bones of tho loft leg aro shattered nnd
with tho cuticlo burned off tho better
part of tho body is in n horrible sUite.
Terrible Kleotrlcal Storm With Fatal He
ulU to Wornlilpers In Hpnln.
, Madrid, Juno 14. Terrific thunder
Storms prevailed in various parts of
Spain yesterday, and heavy loss of llfo
ml Injury by lightning is reported.
I Tno electricity appeared to pick out tho
churches ns tho objects on which to
miow its power while tho services wero
lb progress.
iAt Melius, In the province of Orense,
o parish church was crowded with
Vijprshlppors uttcndlng mass when tno
storm burst. Suddenly a terrlflo
crush of thunder followed ut
most immediately a flash of lightning
blinding in intensity, and caused tho
worshippers to spring to their feet in
fear. Women shrieked and little chil
dren clutched their parents in torror.
For two or threo seconds nfter tho flash
it was impossible to seo anything, tho
transition from sudden brightness to
extrcmo darkness rendering tho peoplo
practically blind. Finally when orderwns
restored, it was found that ten worship
pers hnd been struck by lightning nnd
lestantly killed, and that twenty-eight
others had been seriously injured. Tho
peoplo rushed from tho church into tho
pitting storm. Many of them, men,
women and children, sought refuge in
tlw open Bpacos in tho vicinity of tho
church, fearing to enter a house.
.U Muclente.s, In tho provlnco of Vnl
lubolid, tho church was struck by light
nitg and flvo of tho worshippers killed
nru' ten injured.
At Hurgos, capital of tho provlnco of
that name, considerable darange was
doia by lightning to tho cathedral, ono
of the oldest buildings in Spain, having
been stnrtcd in 12-21 nnd finished 1607.
The lightning displaced a portion of
one'of tho walls and did other damugo.
Nobody in tho cathedral was hurt
Chlctgo and aalva Vlaltcd-Loi of Lire
Chicago, June 14. This city was vis
ited yesterday afternoon by ono of tho
most severe storms known hero for
many yenrs. It lasted only n short
time, but during that tlmo two persons
aro known to havo been killed, many
painfully Injured and much damugo
dono t property.
Tho great wigwam on tho lake front
In which tho democratla national con
vention Is to 1m hold noxt week was
badly Wrecked.
For tlirco days Intensely hot weather
bus prevailed in this city. About 3
o'clock this nfternoou heavy clouds be
gan to pather, and half uu hour later
tho darkness wns so Intense thnt elec
tric nnd gas lights had to be culled into
uso In tl.o otllces and stores down town.
A few minutes later a tornado swept
down upon tho city from tho northwest,
accompanied by terrlflo thunder und
lightning nnd torrents of rain and hall.
An iden of tho storm may bo gleaned
from tho fact that six Inch timber was
picked up nnd driven endwlso through
a box car standing near by.
Pkohia, 111., Juno 14. Word has just
reached this city that Gnlvu, a town In
Houry county, forty-five miles north of
hero, was Inst evening wrecked by a
cyclone. Several persons nro known to
bo killed nnd many buildings were de
The KeporU Kent Out Front Uuthrlts Ok.,
at to a Knre yr lining Imminent.
GUTIWIE, Ok., June 14. Sensational
stories about n race war wero sent out
from hero lust night nnd u lynching in
tho country, but thoy nro almost with
out foundation. A dozen saloon bum
mers, white and black, quarreled on tho
streets awhile, which was tho extent of
the race war.
IHo Holly, a nogao, outraged Mrs.
Johnson, wifo of a farmer, Saturday,
und was arrested. Fears of mob law
caused tho bherlff to tako him to
Mllent Fcaturra or the New Illll Opening
the Land to Settlement.
Warhinoto.v, Juno 14. Tho bill open
ing tho Cherokee strip to settlement,
which tho commlttoo on Indian affairs
reported favorably to tho house yester
day, differs very much from Chairman
Peel's bill, which ho first Introduced.
Concerning it, Mr. Peel said to a cor
respondent: "Tho commlttoo suggested I report
just puehn bill ns I thought best, und
when I gave tho matter attention I
mado many changes nnd backed It with
a report which I am proud of. I have
blocked ull sooners, lnnd grabbers,
town lot grabbers, claim jumpers and
havo mado it posilblo for an honest
homeseeker to get n homo without be
ing disturbed by this class of individ
uals. No person can take n claim who
has over taken n claim any place else,
unless ho lo3t such clnlm by contest
"Tho president Is required to glvo
thirty days' notice beforo opening to
settlement, und any ono going on tho
lund beforo the date fixed not only for
feits ull rlgrht, but is subjoct to fine and
imprisonment, und government olllclals
aro proninitcu from locating on land.
Any ono nttcmptlng to tako land who
is not legally entitled to is subject to
flno nnd Imprisonment
"It Is opened to homestead settlers
only, und they aro allowed to maku pay
ment of one-half ut tho end of the sec
ond year and one-half at tho end of tho
fourth year. The east one-third Is sold
to tho settlers for $-2.S0 per acre; tho
middle third, SI. SO por acre, nnd tho
west third, $1 por acre. This is to re
imburse tho irovorumunt for money
paid tho Indians.
"Tho bill provides that beforo tho
country is opened to settlement tho
president shall appoint a commission to
locato nil county seats, survey nil towns
Into lots nnd blocks nnd appraise tho
same. When tho country Is opened to
settlement these lots uro sold to tho
highest bidders at public auction. Tho
proceeds nro turned over to tho county
treasurer in tho respective counties to
bo placed in tho school fund."
Tho bill has nothing to say about
creiltlnir new land ofllm. nml Mr.
expressed tho opinion thnt the business J
could bo dono at Guthrie and King- ,
usiicr. Tho bill will now go upon tho
house calendar nnd bo called up possi
bly within n month.
Mr. Peel leaves in n few days for Ar
kansus to look after political matters
and says he Is ussured by tho commit
tee on rules that ho will bo given tlmo
ns soon ns he returns for tho considera
tion of tho bill. Whllo in Arkansas a
fow weeks ago looking after u renotu
inntlon ho found a strong feeling In
favor of opening tho strip to settlement
This caused hlra to tako the matter up
nnd place it before tho house. Ho s.s
it will pnss tho house with llttlo opposi
tion nnd meet with practically uo oppo
sition In tho senate.
Tho Indians nnd whites living In tho
country covered by tho Qunpaw agency
do not want tho bill to pass which opens
their country to settlement nnd at
taches It to Oklahoma as u county. J.
P. McNaughton, of the Peoria country,
arrived to-day with petitions from citi
zens thero requesting that tho country,
when opened, be annexed to Kansas or
Missouri, but not to Oklahoma. Tho
petitions will bo presented to the com
mittee having tho bill under considera
tion, nnd McNaughton will go beforo tho
commlttoo in behalf of thoso opposing
this feature of tho bill.
ThouRht to lie Nrurlni; the Clhim-c-Tlio
Decisive llnttle i;xpnctod Sunn.
Pukuto C.U1KM.O, Venezuela, Juno
14. Gen. Crespo, tho revolutionary
leader, is massing his forces ubout Car-
ncas, tho capital,
and tho great decis
ive battle is almost
certain In tho next
Nenr Curaornbo
tho government
troops nttacked an
Intrenched body of
Vrebels and ufter a
w ' rt ,, . . ,
'! -tuu ugni urovo
y them from the fortl-
llcboln are en-
OKr. ciiEsi'o. camped in force
about thirty miles from Mnracaybo and
aro gathering arms, troops nnd money
for a grand, attack. In a mob uprising
in that town lust week a doxen persons
were killed.
They lluvn Onthernd ut tit. Aiithnny'i
htiriiiK, Alli'Kheny City, In henrcli ol
PiTTPiiur.nir, Pa., Juno 14. To-day Is
St Anthony's day and, as usual on this
occasion, early morning found thou
sands of pilgrims en route to the shrlnu
ut that Sainton Mount Troy, Allegheny,
to havo Father Mollinger, rector of the
church, cure them of their infirmities
Ono Is hero to-day from Australia.
At noon tho crowd numbered fi,OO0
and wns still increasing. There were
present tho blind, tho crippled und
tho sufferers from nlmost every
known disease waiting for admis
sion to tho church to obtain tho bless
ing of tho priest und celebrated healer.
Not one-fifth of thoso present wore able
to get into tho church to attend mass.
After the lattor service the work of
blessing tho peoplo began nnd contin
ued until 'i p. m., when St Anthony's
chapel opened for blessing with tho
relics of the saint.
Ilontrii to Dentil by H:vi.., W. Vn., Juno It. David
Nnylor, n young tanner of Clarington,
O., was lieaten to denth with sticks and
stones by u dozen Slav and Polish min
ers. They put tho body on u rail -oad
truck nnd it was run over and cat to
plocts. Ho had tho evening previous
engaged in a quarrel with tho minors.
Two Nniitlwni I.iivi'tm !lrt Way,
Nkw Oiii.ka.ns, Juno i:i. Crevasses
occurred lust night In tho loveo on tho
Belmont plantation In St James parish,
loft bank. A break occurred In the
leveo this morning nt Avondalo planta
tion, right bank, twolvo miles bolow.
n ",-:;. irxs
-.. 9."S2A3f
If cnttle aro turned Into the clover
care must bo taken to allow them to
only remain In two or three hours ut
With nil stock It Is qulto nn Item to
feed In n way so as to make and savo
all tho manure, and especially bo with
So long as thcro U a good class of cus
tomers willing to pay a good prlco for
good beof, good cattle can bo made
Ono thing is pretty definitely settled,
and thnt Is that rseys 111 not mako
as good a quality of beef us tho most of
tho beef breeds.
Tho animals that aro selected for
breeding purposes should bo fed and
cured for in n way u to induce tho most
thrifty habits.
Ono of tho best feeds to glvo hogs a
good start to fatten Into in tho summer
or early fall Is sweet corn. Prepare a
supply In advance.
Sheep moro thnn almost any other
elnss of stock need open air nnd exer
cise; confinement in anything like close
quarters is very injurious.
Cattle need a pasturo so good in sum
mor that during tho heat of tho day
they can lay down In tho shndo of good
trees and rest and chow their cud in
Early lambs for tho spring market
Botnetlmcs provo exceedingly profit
able, but only when given extra cars
and feed and Intelligently handled Not
only must tho dams bo woll fed, given
comfortable quarters nnd rich but not
heating food, but tho lambs must early
bo taught to cat a llttlo ehop feed mixed
with ground oil cake, and thus put on
much moro flesh ns they grow In size.
Only tho plump, thlck-flcshcd lambs
command the top prices. A thin lamb
is not wanted, no matter how largo his
frame Is.
A prominent sheep grower of western
Texas In reply to a question from a sub
scriber as to whether tho loco weed is
injurious to sheep says: "Somo years
ago I penned up a few old nnd crippled
sheep thnt I would ns soon loso as not,
and fed them on nothing but loco weed
for several days in order to bco if tho
weed would havo an Injurious effect on
them. Thoy relished tho weed greatly
and appeared to grow fat on it After
this experiment I paid no moro atten
tion to the loco weed nnd do not know
of a single sheep I over lost becauso of
their eating this weed, although thera
wus plenty of it on my range."
A good mnny dairymen grow a patoh
of rye to cut green for feeding to the
cows. The rye enn bo cut twice if the
first cutting bo mado early enough, and
comes In beforo tho earliest grass is
ready for pasturo. Whllo there is not
muchvaluo In Immature rye, yet as 4
succulent feed it promotes tho flow oi
milk, nnd for milk dairymen Is of con.
slderablo value A correspondent of tho
Stockman thinks, however, that tho
best results from feeding green rye aro
obtained by pasturing it Instead of
using it as a soiling crop. If pasturing
bo resorted to rye can bo used much
sooner than If cut for soiling, nnd, if
cut close enough, will not make heads,
but tiller out and grow tho samo as
any other grass. A small field of rye
would bo of servlco by giving tho past
ure time to mako a good star',beforo
the cows ".re turned on It, nnd nlso by
giving tlw pasture a rest by putting tho
cows on , rye again nfter they have
grazed o , r tho pasturo for tho first
time. LatJi tho rye can bo plowed nn
der nnd corn plnntcd to feed groen in
the summer. Farm und Fireside.
A few p--1 lnlmals in n herd do not
glvo Itn h. '.tandlng, but rather the
quality of tiu ,urd collectively.
Tho neeess.iy for changing tho breed
too often com-'ti from neglecting to
glvo proper ca.- after tho now wears
For hogs tho water that can
bo supplied is t mt from stagnant
ponds aud especial. so during the sum
mer. If pigs nro to bj marketed when
seven or eight mouths old it Is neces
ary to push tho feeding as much as pos-'
Just ns soon as you can tell the cull
from tho better ones, s.ll off all of tho
culls; thero is no advantage in feeding
Never nllow tho po ultry to huddle to
gether In tho corners of tho poultry
house to roost; glvo them all good roost
ing places.
One argument In favor of n variety of
food Is found in tho fact that ro two
nnimals will glvo tho samo results fronr
tho same rations.
It is less t.'oublu to control contagious
diseases whero stock aro prevented
from running ut largo than whero they
nro given a free range.
Tho habit of egg eating when onco
formed is a very bad ono to cure, und
unless tho hen is n very valuable one, it
will not pay to undertake.
Whllo with nil fowls somo grain is
essential, eoarso, husky food to go with
it Is equally as Important, especially
when tho fowls nro confined.
Sometimes a Blight advance on nn
article will make tho difference be
tween profit nnd loss und often espe
cially so in tho sum total of all of tho
Tho safest plan of keeping tho mites
that cause scaly legs from getting a
start, ! to batho tho legs regularly
about every threo weeks with sweot
oil, und especially so through tho sum
mer. Kotrn.
On tho farm tho walk is the founda
tion of nil gaits.
Pedigree may havo a high value or it
may havo none ut all.
Fertility is tho basis of nil successful
production from tho soil.
Generally It is hotter to soil and re
gret than to keop ami regret
Improvement is a goad thing, but it
must be guided by common sense.
Orchard grass thrives best on rich
nndy loam or on black prairie land. '
It often takes but llttlo time to re
pair a gnto, but it neglected it will b
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