l '"ifm 1" '.h tfr ( f: ? ,1 ! THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. A. O. HOSMER, Publisher. BD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. CURRENT COMMENT. Tick theaters In Melbourne nro almost All equipped with billiard rooms. ." Tiik queen of England has ordered j. two moro life-sized pictures of the duke r of Clarence, one for herself nnd one far the prince of Wales. Mrs. UunsKTT 1 said to have nearly ready a number of new things, the most Intcrcstlnir of which is a mkjucI to "Lit tie Lord 1'auntleroy." Ejir.nso.v Uksnett, who wrote 'Prairie Flower" and some fifty other "American novels, is 70 years old, but la still hale and hearty. It is no longer "good company man "Bf t-s" not to havo any choice or prefer ence when asked by tho host at dinner to nominate something. Tiik cocoon of a well-fed silk worm, It is said, will often yield n thread 1,000 yards, and one has been produced which contained 1,205 yards. Thkhk are fourteen great gates to tho Escurlal, the palace of Spanish kings, and tho building is lighted by 1,110 outer and 1,578 inner windows. Scikxtibts estimate that every year a Jiycr equal to fourteen feet of the snr faco of all oceans and other bodies of water is taken up into tho atmosphere as vapor. "Coot, as a cucumber" Is correct scientifically. Investigators claim that that vegetable usually has a tempera ture one degree less than the surround ing atmosphere. Dumxo the last few months there have been sold, to go out of Italy, 8,000 paintings, about 1,003 works of ancient sculpture and 0,000 pieces of ancient furniture, arms, etc. Tub temperature of the well at Wheel ing, W. Va., which was 70 degrees at a depth of 2,300 feet, is said to havo in creased to 103 degress at 4.S00 feet nnd 111 degrees at fl,400 feet. Arafktida is not, as many suppose, an animal product. It is prepared from tho roots and stems of a plant grown extensively in Persia, fteloochlstan nnd India. In the last named country cooks use it In all kinds of puddings. Ix addition to her title of duchess of Marlborough tho former Mrs. Hammers ley can lay claim to tho title and priv ileges of princess of Mcldclhcim in Sua ble, a dignity orglnally bestowed on the Churchill family by the Emperors Leopold and Joseph. At Dessau, a weaver, 03 years old, strangled his wife, who had been an in valid for many years with a painful dis ease, in order to free her from suffering. 8ho entreated him to put her out of ag ony in this way. He made no secret of tho affair, was arrested, and sentenced to death. A ltui.E has just been introduced at nil tho theaters of Italy by which tho performers are forbidden, under pain of ilno, to receive flowers during tho rep resentation or to notice in any way tho presence of tho audience. This will now put an end in Italy to bouquet throwing in tho tnlddlo of a scene or nt the end of a song. Gex. Loud Woi.ski.ev nt Sobastopol lost nn cyo and received a fcovero wound, the trace of which is clearly visible on his check to-dny. He was then a young engineer ofiicer and stood in tho ad vance line of intrcnchnicnts sketching u plan of tho works when a round shot struck near him, shattered a gabion full of stones, killed two men and threw Lord Wolseley to tho ground. Tub error by which Mr. Aldrlch, who bad written "a potent medicine for gods and men," was made to read in print "a patent medicine," eta, recalls to n Ilostou Transcript correspondent that on another occasion the samo uu thor wrote: "Xow the old wound breaks out afresh," and wns horrified to learn by tho types that he a bach elorhad said": "Now tho old woman breaks out af resh." Some of tho actual names given in a census of tho families of tho scouts nt Fort Supply include Mrs. Short Nose, who was, before her marriage, Miss Piping Woman; Mrs, 1 Head, former " ly Miss Short Face; Mrs. Nibbs, former ly Miss Young Hear; Mrs. White Crow, formerly Miss Crook Pipe; Mrs. Howl- -ing" Water, formerly Miss Crow Woman; also Mrs. White Skunk, Mrs. Sweet Wa ter, Miss Walk High, daughter of Mr. White Calf, nnd Miss Osage, duughtcr of Mr. Hard Case. Lono heads are usually associated with the possession of great intellectual strength and mental capacity. Uerr D. Ammon, however, who made exam ination of the cranial capacity of 6,000 soldiers at Baden, the results of which he communicated to tho German men of science at Heidelberg, is of tho opin ion tltat tho size of tho skull depends almost Invariably on tho proportions of ibe body. Tall men be found to always have long stalls, or skulls of Medium length, whereas the short, fat xaea, as ft rule, had round, flat beads. A CUCVEH artist la (Chicago auvased Carl Linden painted a II bill so accur ately (bat when a secret service officer t rratf it he thought It was a genuine bill pinned on the canvas, and when be found oat It was only a pictare ho seized it as a counterfeit. Of course a picture painted upon canvas could never be passed as a Mil on anybody, and be sides, as the painting is valued nt 1130, Bo one would exchvingo It for f 1, and yet it Is said thai as tho law stands tho work Is technically a counterfeit, and tho artist is liable to punkhincnt for .painting it HMne-m nn NEWS OF THE WEEK. Glonnod By Tolcgraph and MaiL rEIWOXAL AXI rOLITICAI- Tl'K American legation nt Berlin has received a note from Mr. Poultney Illgclow, whose expulsion from Russia had been announced, stating that ho and Mr. l'redcrick Remington, tho American nrtlst, had been driven out of Russia. They arc now at Tilsit, in East Prussia, from which place they will re turn to Berlin In a canoe. The expul sion of the two Americans is supposed to have been due to the publication of Cermanophllc articles written by Mr. Illgclow. ItKi-oirrs from Calcutta state that the Indian government has made public a dispatch of March 2:1 sent by them to the imperial government urging the latter to give the strongest support to any proposals for an International sil ver conference. Nr.tox W. Ar.imicii was re-clcctod United States senator from Rhode Isl and. The vote was: Aldrlch, 01; David S. Raker, Jr., .19. Aukanhah democrats nomlnnted the following state ticket: For governor, William Fishback; attorney general, J. II. Clarke; secretary of state, P. II. Armistcad; nudltor, C. R. Mills; com missioner of lands, C E. Meyers; com missioner of agriculture, John D. Adams; superintendent of public in struction, J. H. Hliinn; treasurer, It N. Morrow; associate justice supreme court, V. E. Hemingway. ItErilKSKXTATIVK STACKHOL'SR, of South Carolina, died very suddenly at Washington. His remains were taken to Little Rock, K. a, for interment. They were accompanied by committees front the senate and house. United Statks Consul A. Wn.i.Anii, at Ouayman, Sonora, Mexico, died there of paralysis, aged 67. He was a native of Connecticut and had been in the con sular service for nbout thirty years. Tun Ohio democrats nominated the following state ticket: For secretary of state, W. A. Taylor; for supremo court judges, John P. Driggsand Thom as Beer; for supreme court clerk, W. II. Wolfe. Tun executive committee of the silver clubs of, Nevada has issued n call for a state convention to bo held nt Reno, June 2-1, for the purpose of nominating three presidential electors pledged to vote for a free coinage candidate. Tiik democratic convention of the Third Kentucky district met nt Glas gow nnd by acclamation nominated Hon. I. II. Goodnight for re-election. Mit. E. F. Lackt, comptroller of tho currency, has resigned. CoxKKitr.NCE committees of the two wings of the Louisiana democrat have come to an understanding. It is reported that General Land Com missioner Carter will be made chairman of the republican national committee. Tiik reported visit of the German em peror to Russia is denied. Km William Gordon Cummins, the central figure of the London baccarat scandal, will stand for n scat In the house of commons. BascKLuureoua. Onoxo Toixt, Lako Mlnnutonkn, was visited tho other day by a small cyclone, which formed on tho surface of the lake and swept across tho peninsula with irresistible force. The residence of George A.llrackett was wrecked, nnd all the flno trees surrounding the house, most of them of fifty years' growth, were uprooted nnd now lie In a tangled mass in the cellar of the wrecked cot tage. Hardly u tree is left standing along tho route taken by the wind. Tiik village of Gnlva, 111., was almost entirely destroyed by a cyclone. Ono Jicrson was killed nnd ten seriously in ured. Dayiii Navloii, a young farmer of Clnrington, O., was brutally beaten to death by sticks und stones by a dozen Slav und Polish miners. They put the body on a railroad track and it was run over und cut to pieces. Ho had the evening previous uccu engaged in a quarrel with the miners. Ax explosion occurred in the shell rooms at tho Maru Island navy yard, near ban Francisco, which resulted in the death of sixteen men, while several othes aro fatally or seriously injured. Tiik reports from Guthrie, Ok., in re gard to a race war having been immi nent wero exaggerated. Everything is quiet, A ltKroitT from Mntanzas, Cuba, stat ing that (500,000 bags of sugar were de stroyed by tho flooding of n warehouse in that city wns erroneous. The quan tity of sugar destroyed by the Inunda tion was 1K),000 bags. Tho loss occa sioned by thu Hood is estimated ut ?-50,-000. A I'Ktitiox has been received at Chi cago from u number of Uiutarlau churches requesting thnt the exposition buildings bo kept open on ' auday. Tho signers of tho petition which represents tho north Massachusetts conference nnd other Chrlstlnn churches situated in Massachusetts and Now Hampshire re quest that the fnir be open on Sunday but that it-bo "a sllet.t exhibit" with no machinery running. LmiiTXi.NO struck tho Itrltish oil steamer Petrolla just outside the harbor of Rlaye, on the river Glrondc, during a tierce storm. An explosion followed and twenty lives wero lost Eioiit persons wero killed nnd a num ber injured by the storm in Chicago re cently. IlAni'Kit S. Cuxxinqiiam has been no pointed receiver for tho national bank of Guthrio, Olc. Thu bank went luto liquidation some time ago. It had a paid up capital of 100, 000. Ax earthquake shock lasting nearly thirty seconds was felt at Santa Aua, CaL, tho other day. Tho vibrations were from east to west. A riKJC which is thought to have originated from spontaneous combus tion in cotton on the Old Bay line ut the foot of Union dock, Ilaltimorc, de stroyed wines, whisky und general mer chandise valued at nearly one million dollars. Lkk Exxis, a young colored woman who witnessed tho hanging of Alf White at Huntsvllle, Tex,, fainted when the drop fell and died Into that night from the effects of the shock. ' ,,' " i i ""iTirr "niicrw"- Tim party of students from the North western university, Chicago,' thought to have been lost, returned safely. Hop S:xo, a Chinese merchant of, Gal veston, Tex., was baptized lind received into the Presbyterian church tho ether day. Ho had been until recently pre siding over a Chinese Sunday school. A large assemblage witnessed Uic cere monies, which were conducted with great Imprcssivcness. A rittoitTFCr. wreck occurred nt the trestle spanning Lonesome Hollow, near Middleborough, Ky. Freight en gine No. 10, with sixteen loaded box cars, went through, one on top of the other. Tho distinre from the top of the trestle to the ground below is 250 feet The engineer, Frank Sargent, Fireman Henry Sinter and Conductor Duckworth were killed outright The north bound passenger train with 100 passengers was only saved by being one half hour late. A. HKsrr.t.Kn, a young .man who claims to be a son of the German consul-general to Cauada, was arrested at San Elizario, El Paso county, Tex., for swindling. He had a number of checks cashed nt El Paso and they were dis honored. Tiik Missouri, Kansas fc Texas will make Velasco, Tex., its southern termi nus and shipping point Wiiilk forty-flvc men were at work on the bridge in course of construction over the Licking river between Coving ton and Newport, Ky the structure felL Only two or three escaped unhurt The contractors with twentv-tive work men lost their lives. Tiik Grant monument at Chicago was struck by lightning. Three persons were killed nnd two injured. Tiiiike Italians were lynched in Wash ington, at the camp of Smith Bros., on the line of the Monte CrLsto railroad, for murdering a railroad foreman. The southern central portion of Min nesota sutTcrcd from a tornado. Jack son, Martin, Faribault, Freeborn and Illue Earth counties appear to have been the scene. Rctween forty and fifty people are known to have perished. Ax attempt wan made to lynch Thomas M. Holland, represented as a colored land shark, at Kingfisher, Ok., by colored men from Tennessee, but the attempt was foiled. Tiik National Association of Freight Agents concluded its work at Louis ville, Ky., nnd elected officers as fol lows: James Traveling, president, St Louis; Fred Hudson, Louisville, vice president; I). W. Howard, secretary. Executive committee: J. R. Sample, Evansvlllc; T. J. Kern, Cincinnati; E. II Wray, St Joseph; F. J. Hill, Detroit; J. II. Lounsbcrrv. Toledo: C N. New ton, Fort Wayne, treasurer. The associa tion will meet next year at Milwaukee. Coloiied people at Danville, Ky., have threatened a boycott against those mer chants who signed a petition for tho separate conch bill. Two murderers were executed In Cuba recently. Tiik governor of Montana has estab lished a quarantine agninst sheep from neighboring states and territories. Jonx SritOLSK stabbed his boarding house keeper and was afterwards beaten to death by a mob in Hazel ton, 1'il Latest report! from Uganda say that tho English did not persecute the Cath olics during the recent trouble there. The finunclal situation at Montevideo is calamitous, nnd a commercial panic prevails. A TIUAL. for criminal libel in Paris' caused several riots in tho court room and a duel afterwards. Fibe destroyed over 500,000 worth of property at Elizabeth. W. Va., the other day. , The 145th nnnual commencement of the Princeton college occurred recently. ADD1IIOXAI. DISPATCH! The swift improvement in tho crop outlook has had a marked effect on thu condition of trade throughout tho coun try. A itiOToiifl demonstration was made the other day at a bull light nt Linares in tlio province of Jaon, Spain. Ono ot tho bulls charged Into the mob nnd ono man wns killed. Tho mayor tried to preserve order and wns turned upon by tho crowd. The senate was not in session on tho 17th. In tho houbo tho attendance was large, in anticipation that the river and harbor conference report would lc sub mitted. The report was a disagreeing ono nnd a further conference was or dered. Tho Sibley claims bill was then considered without action. Jacoii Sciixitzkii, otherwise Emin Pashu, according to reports received ut llcrlin is not dead as reported recently. The Western Passenger association has decided upon a chairman, IX H. Caldwell, assistant general passenger ngent of tho Missouri Pacific, having been elected. The department of state has been ad vised by cable from the United" States legation at Caracas of the resignation of tho president of Venezuela. l'niNCK Michaels, tho notorious lead er of tho "Flying Roll" community in Detroit who has been on trial in tho circuit court nt Ann Arbor, Mieh., charged with assaulting He mice Ilechel, a daughter of ono of his dupcfvhas been convicted. Ho was sentenced to five years imprisonment Five children, ranging from 13; to 15 years of age, were drowned in the Ohio river at Nevillo island, twelve miles be low Pittsburgh tho other day. Their names were Paul, Rudolph, Edith and Maggie Pittoce and Edna Richardson. It appears that the children drove a buggy into tho river to wash. In some mnnner tho buggy was overturned and tho children thrown into the river. Tho two boys made heroic efforts to save their companions, but they were unequal to the tusk. A. G. IIyi.au, sheriff of Raxtcr county, Ark, was instantly killed the other day by a desperado named Jessie Roper. Rylar was attempting to arrest Roper for carrying weapons when he was killed. After killing tho sheriff, Roper succeeded in escaping and is still nt large. In his ilight he shot ono of tho sheriffs posse, but not fatally, and killed one horso and wounded another. The entire property of tho Richmond & Danville road nnd its leased and con trolled lines have been turned over to the receivers. rnwiniiMi minn i ,,.,. , - 1r. NEBRASKA STATE NEWS. Titk now college building at York has been dedicated. Or.oiioE E. Timme, a well knowa citi zen of Omaha, is dead. indications are tnat a ugni crop oi i fruit may be expected. SKcnKTAitr KooxTZ,of the state board of transportation, Is sick. TiiKm: is a movement to establish a German consulate nt Omaha. Snow, rain and hall was reported at Fort Robinson on the 4th of June. Tun men charged with burglary at Urownvillo have been discharged. Cokx is coming along in tine shape and farmers arc much encouraged. Gage couxtt claims to rnnk third in population nnd products in the state. Ax electric supply and contracting company has been established at Kearney. The troops nt Fort Robinson have been ordered to be in readiness for rustler trouble In Wyoming. The third annnnl meeting of tho State Protestant Episcopal sisterhood was held at York last week. Mrs. W. H. KuiKr.XDAi.Lwxs thrown out In a runaway accident at Weeping Water nnd seriously Injured. Juxiata has been improved in ap pearance by tho removal of the II. fc M. depot two or three rods west The twenty-fifth nnni'versary of the State Sunday School association wns celebrated at Kearney June 7 to 0. EnwArtn Williams, a prosperous farmer, committed suicide at Platte Center. No known reason existed. The retiring school principal at Nel son, 1). S. Dusenberry, gave general sat isfaction. His successor is L. W. Fikc. The Ancient Order of United Work men lodge of Alexandria is preparing to erect a fine two-story block this sea son. Mahtix Nils, a Swede, was crushed by a cable ear at Tenth and Hownrd streets, Omaha. His condition was pre carious. The mayor of Hastings has appointed a special policeman whoso duty it is to take care of the tramps which now in fest the city. The Ancient Order of Hibernians ol Nebraska has been in session nt Hast ings. Tecumseh was chosen for the next session. Phil Costello, who shot Frank Mlngler at Millignn, was ci.pt ured near Oh town. There was possibility ol Mlngler recovering. The Nebraska druggists were enter tained by n concert given by the Phil- harmonic society in the recent conven tion at Grand Island. The Danish societies of Omaha, Lin coin, Council Uluffs and cities of Kan sas and Missouri will picnic ut Ne braska City on July 3. 1'i.attsmoutii comes to tho front with thu announcement that she has moro cigarmakcid at work in her factories than Omaha. Nkart.t all tho property owners oi Wakefield havo petitioned tho county board to call a special election to vote (7,000 for water works. Hr.xiiY Castile and a young man named McDonald have been arrested charged with robbingStroble's dry gooilt store at ISrownvlllc, nnd held to await identification. ItniiT Koiiehly nnd Frank Moberry, aged 10 and 12, wero instantly killed in tho railroad yards at Lincoln. They were riding on a switch engine when It crashed into a car. En liuooKH, ono of Fillmore county's prominent farmers, met with nn acci dent which may cost him his life. Ho fell from his wind mill tower, a dis tance of thirty feet, and when found was Insensible. The Hcatricc paper mill, nt ono time ono of lleatrlco's most important nnd largest manufacturing plants, which lias been idle for more than n year, owing to somo legal complications, is to bo revived nt once. Tub house committee on claims has njrrecd to report favorably the senate bill appropriating $42,000 to reimburse the state of Nebraska for expenses in curred by it in repelling n threatened invasion and raid by the Sioux Indinns in tS'J0-91. Wilkens Rustix, youngest son of Cnpt nnd Mrs. C. 15. Rustln, of Omaha, died nt New Haven, Conn., from the ef fects of injuries received during his ini tiation into tho Delta Kappa Epsllon, a Greek letter society nt Yale college. Borne one struck him n fatal blow in tho abdomen. Tiikee is some dispute concerning tho gavel used in the republican national convention, made from wood grown on homestead entry No. 1, Beatrice, Neb. Daniel Freeman, owner of the home stead, savs ho gavo no wood for tho purpose, nn,l therefore to bo geuuine it i must have been btolen. I'oli.owino is a statement of tho mortgage indebtedness of Nuckolls county for the mouth of Mny. Thirty farm mortgages filed, fJ3,712. 17; thirty satisfied, $18,00:5.85. Two town mort gages filed, fSOO; ten satisfied, $0,480.50. Ono hundred und ono chnttel mortgages filed, $20,327.C0; fifty satisfied, $14,570,157. Ix tho circuit court at Beatrice Wil liam Truesdnle wns granted an abso lute divorce from his wife, Amelia. Tho petition reciting the charges on which dlvorco wns sued for was tho most curious ono ever filed in court It recited tho fuct that tho wife wns an Incorrigible gossip, wlose talc-telling propensities nnd penchant for gossip ing rendered life with her unbearable. Truesdale averred that in tho three years ho had lived with his wife she had told 10,000 lies. At the annual meeting of the stock holders of tho Pacific Railway Co. In Nebraska at Hastings the following board of directors was elected for tho ensuing year: Edward Gould, Now York; R. M. Rathhin, Atchison, Kan.. H. R. Howe, Auburn, 'Neb.; W. P. Mc Crcary, Hastings, Nob.; J. W. Waggon er, Atchison, Kan.; S. II. II. Clark, Omaha, Neb.; E, G. Mcrriam, St Louis. Gkoiwk Hkyx, a wealthy morchant ol Omaha, started for Europe a month ago, nnd by reason of Illness laid over at Milwaukee. Recovering, lit went tc Buffalo, where ho registered nt the An lington hotel May 25 us George Hen drick. There all trace of him was lo.it CONQRESS. Epitome of th Vrocenllnf or Roth Hntr th I'mt Wwk. Tnr. senate was not la Besulon en tho 10th.... The hoic was n commotion all day over but lUn from the republican national convention ot Minneapolis. A fruitless attempt was nude to nccare tho pasi?e ot bills on the private cilemlar, amt after two hours devoted to attempts to nccure a quorum, and repeated calls of the house, this pro?ramme was aban donetl. and Mr. VIe, democrat. Vlrtfnta, guo weded In Induclnc tho houio to consider ev crat bridge bills, which wero ptised. A favor ab'.o report wan alo submitted on the resolu tion directing an Investigation of the Heading railroad deal The consideration of the rcsolu wt posponed until next week. Mils wero pistd authorizing tho terrltorrof N'cw Mexi co to Imuo bonds and erect a now cnpttol butld lnp. nnd providing for n term of tho United ijtntcs district court at Ulnghamton. K. Y. A raotiou for adjournment until Monday was agreed to iler few membrs were present when the senate resumed business on tho 13th. Tho pen Flon appropriation bill, with amendments, was reported btclt from the committee on appro priations and pltccd on the calendar. It carries tot-il of l 19,737.350-an increase of tll.PUCSI o cr the hou.o bill nndfX.7,ax less than the es timate. The bill Introduced br Mr. PcSer May 54 "to lncresse the currency and provtde for tho circulation, to reduce the rates of Interest and to establish n bureau nf loans" was taken from the table and Mr. Peffcr addressed the scnato In explanation and advocacy of It.... In tho hous on motion of Mr. Peel, of Arkansas, s bill was pissed providing that Indian children should be declared to be citizens when thev hare reached the age of SI yean and shall thereafter receive no support from tho govern ment, provided they hai chad ten years of In dustrial training Mr. Otis, ot Kansas, asked consent for consideration of n resolution recit ing Improper conduct on the part ot Secretary Noble nnd Commissioner Carter in regard to the Maxwell land grant (said conduct being al leged to be in pursuance of a conplracy entered Into some years ago by Stephen II. KIklns and J. A. Williamson) and asking for a special com mittee ot seven member to lnqulro Into tho matter. Mr. Paine, of New York, objected and the reolutlon was referred. IIOTlt houses of congress on the tlth ad journed almost Immediately after convening In token of respect to the memory of Gen. l'.U T. Stackhouse, representative from the Sixth dis trict of South Carolina, who was suddenly stricken after returning from the funeral of CoL I.. I.. I'olk, president of the Farmers' Alliance, ot which organization the deceased congress man wns also a member. The ktlvcr question was debated In tho sen ate on tho IMh, Senators Morgan. Palmer and Stewart occupying tho floor. No action was taken.... Tho houie pissed the fortifications Mil nnd Mr. Shivclcy introduced his tln-pUto measure. Ix the senate on th ltth Mr. Morrill spoko on tho free coinage of silver bill. Thosennto was on Iho point ot adjournment when Mr. Washburn called up the nnti-optlon bill and after some debate It was referred to tho com-mltti-e on tho Judiciary. Then Mr. Fryo re ported that the conferees on the river nnd har bor bill hid fulled tci ngrcc on the scnato amendments providing for a boat railway around Tho Dalles. O.-o. nnd for a canal from Lako Washington, nnd the senate agreed to insist on Its amendments and ask a further conference. The senate adjourned until Mon day the SJth ...The tin plate bill occupied tho time of the house. Among tho speakers oppos ing the bill were Mr E. H. Taylor (rep ), Ohio: Mr. Atkinson (rep), Pennsylvania, and Mr. Dalzell (rep.), Pennsylvania, while Mr. Hunt ing (dem ), Now York, favored lu SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. Missionary Work of the Amrrlmn Organ Itutlon The Good Accomplished. Philadelphia, June 17. The year of missionary work for the neglected children of our country, in the Amer ican Sunday school union, which closed March 1, 1802, was very fruitful in bles sing. Sixteen hundred und sixty-four new Sunday schools were organized in plnces that were previously entirely destitute of religious privileges, con taining 7,019 teachers and 50,551 schol r. Aid wns given to a,127 other schools, with 14,:t02 teachers and 135, 200 scholars; while, in addition to this, 4,5.'!0 schools that had been before re ported were aided, with 25,700 teachers nnd 200,200 scholars. Besides all this direct Sunday school work, tho mis sionaries of the society distributed by sale and gift 0,-153 Bibles nnd 0,115 Tes taments. They made 00,5S2 visits to families for religious conversation and prayer, nnd delivered 12,474 sermons and addresses. Slxty-slx hundred nnd seventy-eight conversions were reported ns resulting from tho cvnngelistic la bors of these earnest nnd faithful men; nnd 210 churches have been developed from the Sunday schools established by them, while regular preaching services have been secured in many other places ns nn outgrowth of this Sunday school work. It Is utterly impossible to esti mate the far-reaching nnd beneficent results of such u missionary work as this, nnd all accomplished in one year. FATHER MOLLINGER DEAD. Tho Itenownrd Faith Core Priest Passet! Awny-Hkntrh of Ills l.llc. PiTTSiiunoii, Pa., June 10. (Father Molllnger, tho renowned faith curo prlest.dled yesterday. He wns pros trated Tuesday (St Anthony's day) nud yestcaiday nn operation was per formed for rupturo of tho stomach but it wus useless. Father Molllnger was born of Dutch parents, from whom ho inherited con siderable wealth. Ho only recently at' tnlned his 01st birthday. Tho little church in which ho had labored for years is known as the Church of the ,Most Holy nnmo of Jesus, nnd is shu nted nt Troy hill, not far from tho heart of Pittsburgh. Father Molllnger years ago obtained the nnmo of being a miracle worker. Miraculous cures wero credited to him nnd thousands Hocked to his little church to receive his blessing, nlthongh ho never claimed to bo a miracle mon ger. The feast of St Anthony of Pndau had long been tho dny which tho priest physician set apart for tho reception of his patients from all over tho country. Illll Will Not He In Chicago. Washington, June 10. Senator Hill to-day said that he had never expected to attend the Chicago convention and that unless something unexpected oc curred ho would not go to that city. Incendiary Flames In Las Vegas. Lab Vkoab, N, M., Juno 11. An In cendiary fire was started in tho ruins of nn old building nnd while this wns burning unother conflagration was started in a private hotel, a squaro away. Eighteen buildings were de stroyed beforo the flames wero con trolled. The loss is estimated nt 135, COO, Much excitement prevails as it Is feared other fires may bo started. Tho Alltanco bank (limited), of Lon don, has amalgamated with the Paris bank which is uraong tho largest banks in the provinces. The joint capital is 925,000,000. Trade-Mark Case. Judge Woods in the U. & Circuit Court at Chicago on Juno Ctu decided a trade, mark caso, which Is of interest lo all drug gists nnd manufacturers oT proprlclnvy medicines. About a year ago the llostctter Co., who raako and sclt Dr. Ilostetter'a Btomnch Hitters, discovered thntG. A. Me Keo wns selling nt Ids th-jtarimeatBtoroon West Madison street, Chlr.igo, an imitation or tho bitters. Tho original bottles, which had otico been used, were employed to hold tho imitation nrticlo, and tho cork scaled with a faNo or counterfeit mclolllo cap. Suit was brought by bill In chancery, nnd thocoso came on for Until hcarlti(.',ns above, and after argument by counsel for both sides tho court doeided npalnst McKcc, granting a pcrpctunl injunction, with costs, eta Tnr. vnluo of a farm product Is not always declining when it's on tho wain. Boston Courier, i tOO Jtcwnttl 61u0. Tho readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there U st least one dreaded disease that sclonco lias been able to euro In all its stages, and thnt is Catarrh. Hall's Catnrrli Cure is tho only positive cuto known to the medical fraternity. CnUirrli being a constitutional disease.' reoalres & constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfai-cs of tho system, tlicrcoy destroying tho foundation of tho disease, nnd giving tno"flatk'nt strength by building up the constitution nnd ft-.slstlngnaturo in doing Its work. T- proprietors havo so much faith In Its cura tlvo power, that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso that it fails Jtp. euro. Send for lis', of V-stlmonUls. , Address, p. J. CHP.SEY&Co. "Joledo.a GrSold by DrugglsU,'T5o.i ( ' Tnu fog might bo pointed out as Eng land's air apparent Washington Star. The Only One Kver Printed Can Yoa Find- tho Word? There Is n 3 inch display advertisement In this pupcr, this week, which has no two words alike except one word. Tho same is truo of each now ono appearing each week, from Tho Dr. Havter Mcdlelno Co. This. houso places a "Crescent" on everything they make and publish. Look for It, send, them the name of tho word and they will! return you book, beautiful lithographs or umpics free. Binns with bright feathers do not alwaya taakc a good potple. Ruin's Hum. Turned Completely Tnpsy-Turvy Br tho mnllctoiis sprite, dyspepsjn, tho stom nch may still regain Its vceuatpinetl order ami equilibrium by tho uto of llustettcr's Htomacli Bitters. Heartburn, wind on tho stomach, sour eructations, nervous annoy unco nnd llsturlcl re-t, all indicative oT chronic indigestion, aro obviated by it It. is unparalleled for malaria, couHtlpatlou, bil iousness, rtiouuiuUsm and la grippe. What parts of speech aro shopkeepers most anxious to sell I Articles. BonEMUK Hops and palo Mtiin. mnkctho extra lUvor of tho ''A. B. hemluu Bottled Beer" of St. I.ouls. Barley C. Bo- "I'd scorn the Rctlon," as the sold lor said, When ho ran away. UnnJMATic Pains are, greatly relieved by Glenn's Bulphur Hon Bill's Hair aud Whisker Dye, CO cento. Fon n man to be efllclcnt, liko a cablo car,, ho mustn't loso his grip. Sice nnAmcnc, lassitude, weakness and. loss of nppetlto caused by malaria can be iminedlately.cured by, Bccchuin's Pills. Am after-dinner speech: "Chock, please." Union County Standard. Tnr. Ram's Horn is publlshod at Indian apolis, Indiana, at $1.50 per year. COPYRIGHT 1891 There's a wide difference between tho help that's talked of and tho help that's guaranteed. Which do you want, when you'ro buying medicine? , . If you'ro satisfied with words, you, get them with every blood-purifier but one. That ono in IDHFierco's Golden Medical Discovery. With that, you get a guarantee. If it doesn't help you, you havo your money back. On this plan, a medi cine, that promises help, i, pretty sure to give it. ikA4k'i But it's because the medicine is different, that it'fl 'sola differently. It's not liko the sarsaparillas, which arc said to bo gqod, for the blood in March, April, and May?' At nlL seasons and in all "casMJlvit cures, permanently, as nothing elso can,, all tho diseases arising from a tor pid liver or from itripuro blood. It's tho best blood purifier, nnd. it's tho cheapest, no matter how many doses aro offered for a dollar. With this, you pay only for tho. good you got. Can you ask moro? 'August Flower" "One of my neighbors, Mr. John Gilbert, has been sick for a long; time. All thought hirapastrccovery. He was horribly emaciated from the inaction of his liver aud kidneys. It is difficult to describe his appear ance and the miserable state of hi9 health at that time. Help from any source seemed impossible. He tried your August Flower and the effect upou him was magical. It restored htm to perfect health to the great astonishment of his family and. friends." JohnQuibell, Holt, Ont.a YON A HEALY. wuTi CUtl fomii liulti y Monro strvtt, GnJcao. CUUV'D H4B4 f"' aTTt Mi All vrM thtir nMlv aiiUr! iotwb uioj tMUll'tutcit, 4W rift H luirUons. dfKnbiM vrv anicl qqirtl VJ UtBUa Of IWUM VI, 'a CwuUint Inttructwtii for A id tt tor BuiiU, auMiciMvuq Am auort t acuta, hi Uwi u4 ft Mii4 Lut t Baa4 Mum. r- r tfsfBl fSaT" mut mrmmmmmm Jmm ifcyirT.iwiwMiywqrHI- waltaW-lifwti"' mmmoirwwi ' trukJ&!tBt i-imf nwawiii" tin