The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 24, 1892, Image 1

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    iiiiiair asdsJsafcjaiaHafcgM.. "TaTsK'4'iSfiZj.aa. -3MssssaTJssissMssMtaaasaassisids JsaBSssMsajJswV
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1 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
By A. C. Hosmf.r.
Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, June 24, 1892.
Vol.19. No. 48
Special Low Prices
Educational Department.
D. IH. HUNTER, Edlter.
T C--? I
During the Month of "June.
Square Dealing
Golden Eagle
C. WIENER, Prop.
What is
Tho WcbUor county tcachors'insti
tuto will open next Monday, Juno 27,
at ono o'olook p. m., to oontinuo in
Hcssion tlirco wcoks.
On Thursday evening, Juno 30th,
Prof. J. A. licattio of Cotnor univcrs.
ity, will deliver a looturo in the Chris
tian church en tho subject, "Educa
tion, tho Need and Safety of our
Country." Thin leeturo should bo
heard by nil persons interested in edu
cation, and by nil persons who aro not
interested in education.
An excellent manual of instituto
tgorlc, prepared by tho direction of
stale superintendent, A. K. Goudy,
containing outlines of tho various
branchos required on teachers' certifi
cates, tho school laws, etc, hai been
roceivod at this office. A ccpy of this
manual will bo given to caeh ono en
rolled at our instituto. It will bo of
great use to teachers. Our stato
superintendent deserves the thanks
of every teacher for issuing this val
uable book.
Tho apportionment of stato nohool
funds to Webster county for Juno.
1892, is as follows:
Amt. certified by State Supt,
13857.87; fines, $5; total $3862.87.
Tho amount of apportionment to
tho various districts is as follows:
Gaatoria If Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys "Worms and alloys
feverlshness Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla Is the Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend.
cutoria la an excellent medietas for cbll '
tree. Mothers feara repeatedly told me of its
good street upon their children."
Da. O. O. Osaoon,
Lowell, Matf.
" Castorla U the beat remcly for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope tho day U not
far distant when mothers will consider tho real
Merest of their children, and use Castorla In
stead of the variousquack nostrums which aro
deatroylflf their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing; syrup and other hurtful
jesta down their throats, thereby sending
i to premature grares."
Conway, Ark.
' CastorlabsowelladaptodtochUdrenttiat
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me." ,4
II. A. Aecbiii.sL D.,
HI So. Oxford Bt, Drooklfo-H. V.
''Our physicians In the children depart,
ment have spoken highly of their expert,
ence In their outside practice with Castorla,
and although we only hare among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet We are free to confess! that tho
merits of Castorla has won us to look with
favor upon it."
Alum C. Burra, Prtt.,
No. Amt. No. Ant.
1 $ 111 71 41 $ 43 33
2 534 9G 42 51 25
3 30 38 43 40 45
1 33 97 45 46 93
5 44 77 46 33 26
U 43 33 47 15 55
7 28 22 48 39 73
8 32 54 49 31 10
9 42 Gl 50 45 49
10 31 10 51 33 97
11 24 G2 52 27 50
12 54 85 53 55 57
13, 36 85 54 51 97
14 36 13 55 43 33
15 38 29 56 38 29
16 50 53 58 44 77
17 46 21 59 52 69
18 46 93 60 49 81
20 32 54 61 21 02
21 25 .34 62 39 01
22 38 85 63 63 49
23 23 90 64 37 57
24 34 69 65 41 17
25 - 58 45 66 44 77
2G 44 05 ' 68 56 29
27 34 69 . 69 23 18
28 42 61 70 27 50
29 54 85 7.1 38 29
30 31 10 72 33 97
31 86 52 73 74 28
32 42 61 74 223 28
33 27 50 75 86 13
34 33 26 76 41 80
35 49 81 77 33 26
36 43 33 78 38 29
37 41 17 79 14 83
38 42 61 80 26 06
39 24 62 81 25 34
40 34 69 82, 27 50
83 37 57
gkm CcsUmr Gaapaay, TT Iffarray Street, Mew York City.
School report of Dist. No. 83.
Term closed June 17th.
No enrolled, 18.
Average attendance, 11.
Those not absent during the term
wcro Lillio Iludsoa and Jessie Sbcl
ton. Jcshio Sholton was not tardy
during tho term.
Tuoao that did not whisper during
tho term were Jessie Shelton, Lillio
Iludpon, Willi Derra, Ira Robinson,
JMinnio Shirley and Nora Cooo,
Month ending Juno 17.
Number .enrolled, 18.
Averago attendance, 10.
Not absent: Jessie Shelton, Lillio,
Ella, Flossie and Theodore Hudson
and Lovi Phelps.
Minta Omno, Toaohcr.
Miss Clint? taught ten month dur
ing this sohool year.
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"tSJClik. THmmB'mSn n( 1 1 tl J n. kssLM. I JL.f. I .hi All 'Aiidssnl1l rrJluHsABUi hMiV
aibpMaMMPjaUiu vVyVa-'AVM tWIUkAsiULaUsslssAisvisM it AlirWEiHJlSrlilr
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- i iin iiMlil'l'llillllllilBIHIf VliHli
Red Cloud
We wiU undersell any house
Call and see. H ighet prices for Butter
and Eggs
Terms to suit custoiuera
The Red Cloud Dray Lino have four
ood and heavy mulo teami. All
auline promptly attended to your
orders solicited. Jno Bakklev,
tf Proprietor.
Webster 'Co. Abstract Office
J. II. IIA1LEY, AlJHlructer and lroprleter.
Accurnto Abstracts Promptly Furnished foruny sLands In Webster
county. A complelo and Accural o set of Abstract laoofca
and a 19000 bond lllcd Tllh county Judge Insures iatla
For Abstracts, Cheap l'arm Loans 01 some
good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou
Take "Hepatioure" and prevent chill
and lever rathor than nauseoiiH danger
ous drugs to ouro them. For nnlo by L
Warner & Warren,
Have opened a Real EstatehOffic$; ?
Farm or City Property, or Auction oft your Stock or Hoiwe
hold Goodfl. Have some Bargains to offer to any s,
who cull a thla offioe, t
2d Door North of F. &M.Bank, Up 'Stir. ;
h "
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