The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1892, Image 7

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-'V r,r:T
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; VK5,
PpMtafce Weekly. '
rrkkijr, 'ne ' lit!.
) ti cor AMIH
larariakly la Ashraaea
If aetpsM Is esvaae, after thin date Mareb
IMW, Ik at will be II. as.
I at ths Peat (Mm In vi mmui. Nh..
. -ijn .:" - ,."- -""ri """'t
aUpafellcan Ntlniil Ticket,
Vet President,
Wat Vlss-rreslaent
vimiiW pmi.
Yer Cnajwassiuau eta IXttrleS
tc mimeAroi.iM.
HrMkM fey the ntntfretts
ftflt the Nvrthem M clrepalls.
On, last Taesdajr light the editor of
Tni.Gmir, along with seferal othen
of Bed Cloud's republicans, wended
(heir wsj to the B. A M. depot for
the purpose of taking passage to Min
eapolis, for the purpose of attending
the National repoblioan convention.
In due season Ossaha was reached and
there the Red Cloud contingent was
compelled to wait ten hours for a
north bound train, Aftor taking in
our owb capital city, the hour for tho
departure of the convention train came
aid at 6:45 the train pulled out of the
Omaha Webster street depot, loaded
with enthasiastie republicans who
wera determine on talking or their
favarita candidates. After riding all
night the train pulled into Mbneapo-
lie at 30 aad then the scramble for
hold aooommodatioes eomaacnoed.
The Red Cloud people were, however,
much mora fortnnaU than many
others, as they secured very nice quar
ters In the Brunswick Hotel, many
thanks far whioh arc due Mr. Walt
Beeleyieoretary of the state central
committee. , This gentleman leased
the entire house and the Nobraskans
wera therefore fortunate enough to
have comfortable accommodations.
Nothing was accomplished on Mon
day, ezcopt seme very nloc political
sparring between the different adher
ents of Harrison, Blaine, Acs'
Tat first sMion of the 'convention
was of very little consequence, the
only work dona waa the election of
temporary oaleers, and tha convention
than adjourned Mill Wednesday, and
then tha permanent oaaccrs were olco
tad, Hon. William McKinley of Ohio,
being the nuanimow choice of tho
convention "for ohairmap, and was es-
corted to the chair amid tho applause
coming from twelye to fifteen thous
and voices. Another adjournment
was taken until Thursday and tbon
the aotual test developed Mr. Har
rison's strength. The vote was taken
upon tho adoption of tho majority and
minority reports of tha oonmitteo on
credentials. The majority report crai-
nated from the Harrison supporters
and waa carried by good majority,
aad then it waa that the Blaine mon
knew that there was no hope of the
plamed knight's nomination, and at
Friday morning's session, Mr. Harri
son waa nominated on tho first ballot
by n vote or 635. Blaine reocived
182 1.0 and McKinley 182, with a few
scattering votos. The mention of the
names of Harrison and Blaino was the
signal for great applause whioh lasted
about thirty minutes, tho enthusiasm
was so great that it just took tho mere
mention of the two great leaders'
namea to make a tremendous wavo ot
enthusiasm travel over tho groat sea
of admirers who thronged every nook
aad corner of the great buildinpr. It
Was a great time aad a greater con
vention, and ten minutes aftor tbe
battle every republiean of oither iao
tion had their coats oft and were loud
ly praising the wisdom of the conven
tion whioh nominated the next presi
dent and vice-president of tho United
States, vis Benjamin Harrison and
Wuitxlaw Rim All hail to the
standard bearers of the greatest and
noblest polities! party ever organised
the grand old republioan party. Sue
'osss is ours in November,
Minneapolis fs a great city and did
herself proud in caring for her guests.
The city is among the prettiest and
cleanest in our republio and every at
tention possible was shown to the dole
gates and visitors. During tho
recesses between each session the vis
itor took in the Bights' of which
Minneapolis Is note! Tho big mills
ilia' lae buildings, the fJls, Lake
Ninnetonia, Lake Harriet, Lake Cal
houn, the parks, the beautiful streets
.. 6c, were all in turn visited by
Me ViMtoT aad every attention given
to Make their stay; pleasant Thjented it tho wiaiasheap as any J
crowd was immense, but as wonderful
aa it may seem all wero well provided
for. Wo should liko to go' on and
tell of all tho pleasant things about
the convention and tho great leaders
of the party present and the thous
and beautiful things about the twin
cities, but the orowded condition of
our columns forbids, ltcnco wo must
close by saying that it was tho grand
est republioan and most enthusiastic
national convention ever held by tho
greatest party known to modern times
and that tho csty of Minneapolis is
to bo congratulated on her hospitali
ty extended, to all, Tho railway tfloil-
jitics wero splondid, tho groat P. E, &
LU. V. H'y routo as woll as tho "Q"
hauled their passengers in good shapo
their trains arriving promptly. Theso
roads are always looking after the
comfort and convenionoo of their
patrons and this timo wss no excep
tion to the rule. In short tho minu
tin of tho convention was nicely
managed and everything passed off to
the entire satisfaction of all present.
MoKcighan is now Busily trying to
explain tho Hastings Cadotship ap
pointment and tho teu dollar foe
attachment. It will take a good
many explanations to satisfy tho pco
plo. It was simply unheard of.
Joo Bartloy of Atkinson, Holt
county, Nebraska, will bo a candidate
beforo tho republican fltato conven
tion for stato treasurer. Mr. Bsrtlcy
is a very pleasant gontloman and from
what wo know of him would fill the
office admirably.
The platform adopted by the repub
lican convention at Minneapolis, along
with a full dosoription will be found
On the insido of today's papor. Tho
platform ,is broad cuougli and sound
onough on all subjects for every loyal
Amerioan to stand upon. Read it
carefully and then deolaro yoursolf to
bo a boliovcr in sound govcrnmont
espoused by tho grandest party in this
country, viz: tho republioan party.
Blalnc'a Advice.
To tho Republicans of tbo Country:
The resolution, energy and persis
tence which marked the proceedings of
tho convention at Minneapolis, will, if
turned against tho common foo, win
tho election in November.
All minor differences should bo
merged in tho duty of ever; republi
can to do all in his powor to elect tho
ticket todav nominal.! hv Urn Nation J
al republioan convention.
Jameh G. Blaine.
Harrison and Mold.
Thoro 1b a poetic sound in the names
of the two national standard bearers
of tho republioan party, that fills ono
with enthusiasm and virtually insures
their elcotion. Two names above all
others in our oountry. Nothing can
stop them from being clocted in .No
vember. Harrison tho statesman, and
Hold tho diplomat. Whcro could two
men bo found that tho country honors
more ? Starting from the more hum
ble walks of lifo, stop by step they
have climbed to tbo pinnaolo of fame
and this in tho land of the free, for in
no other land is it possiblo for mon to
gain their way to prominence oxeopt
by traditional blood, must -bo born
great to aohiovo greatness, but in Am
erica our greatest men come from tho
humbler walks, and such arc tho
standard bearers of tho republican
party for 1892. Hurrah for Harrison
and lloiu.
Columbus Day.
The proposal that tho publio sohools
of America lead in the oommomoration
or ii'oiumbus day is ono of tho most
sensible suggestions that has been
made for appropriately marking the
four-hundrcth anniversary of our ex
istence as tho Amorican race. There
is an especial fitness 'in giving this
prominonco to tho American publio
school. Thoro nro many reasons why
every friend of frco education should
aid in makint; tho Columbut day ex
ercisoa u marked Rucoeaa. The day
will bo put tp tho highest education
al uso if tho school children in every
seotion of tho country can be eimuf.
taneously commcXorating the greatest
event in seoular history. The dedica
tion of tbo exposition buildings and
grounds will bo on event of great
significance. But it is not sufficient
tbe four-hundroth anniversary be al
lowed to pass with an observance of
merely local scope Tho discovery of
the njw world burdened unmoasurably
tho horiion of mon of nations.
Its effect was far reaching, tha whole
order of tho European dostin beine;
transformed by it. It should be cele
brated by n demonstration of equal
Hall! Hall! Hull J
fl. K. Pond. Will write Hall insur-
anooin OHO Of tha bOAtcninnitninJiron
AftAto j -Miller."
On Wednesday evening, June 8, '92
at tbo house of tho brido dcenrred 1
the marrlago of Wm. MeAvoy and
Mrs. Mary Miller, in tho presence of
a goodly number of invited friends,
Rev. Goo. 0. Yeiscr officiating. Af
ter many congratulations 'and good
wishes being extended tho guests
were Invited to the supper room where
an elegant luncheon was served.
Many raro and beautiful souvenirs
were ptesoriccd by tho friends. Mr;
and Mrs MeAvoy flayo been residents
ef this city for a number of years past
and their geniality have wen for them
awidoxirclooS friends who earnestly
dcairo a fuluro 6f cftppintss and pros
Bargain In Hammer Geatfa.
I havo just received a now line in
white, black and other summer dress
goods, parasols, sun umbrellas,
Hosiery, Muslin, .knit underwear,
corsets, ladies' misses', and children's
waists, ladies mitts, nice assortment
of black flouncings and laces, ham
burg and swiss cmhroidory, htndker
chiefs, ore., etc, Nbw is tho time to
buy. Call and soo mc.
16-Bt P. Newhousb.
Try Cactus oil for brab wiro outs
It in tho most healing romedy in the
world. Sold only by Deyo the Drag
gist. The Calf Shoes Wiener sells are
of the bist made and tho prioos as
cheap as tho cheapest
9 ,
Bucklen'sArntccti Salve
The Best Salve in ths world for eats,
Braises, Bores, UUera, Salt Rheum, fever
Bores, Tetter, Chapped hands, ChllblaUa,
Corns, and all other Skin Eraptloaa,
and positively cures piles, or no pay ra
ejaired. It ia sssaranteed to gtveperfaei
satisfaction or money ref nnded Pries la
oents per box. For sale by L. B. Deyo. S
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be roooived up to noon on
the 25th day of Juno 1892 for far-
- .. .ii..i i. i
nlsMsUUtorial subjeot to tho approv
al of'flHpard of trustees for fent
inc theSSc Oloud Cemetery, to In-
oludo thrcolcinds of fonoe, 1st Iron,
2nd wood and Iron, 3rd wood 160 rods
long moro or less. Tho right is re
served to reject any or all bids.
B. B. Fulton, Clerk.
If you do not want the earth.
Wiener can plcaso you in anything
you may want in clothing.
For Sale at a Bargain.
I deaire to dispose of tha W X of see.
10-1-12 in Webster Co. at onoe, aa I need
tbe money. Apply to Edward noDie.
Savanna, III. for particulars, '
KD Nonuc
Farm loans at lowest interest.
trvitly first-class loans at lower rates
than has ewer been givon in this coun
ty beforo. Option to pay part or all
attond of any yean, U. F. Gathm.
A pair of sold eye-glasses, by Hil
ton Lester. 1'indor will plpsse leavn
at tins diiioo and roamvo a liberal re
An unexpected demand on customer
in prices often frighton the buyer,
this can never happon at
Golden Eagle where prices aro al
ways Unit xoachpT. all.
ssValnv. si T HwT TsW
IJy ill S
' Mfv W Ath y ft
L I i flr I
Makes the
Weak Strong
Tho marked benefit which people In run
down or weakened state of health derive
trom nond'a Bamaparllla, conclusively proves
the claim Unt this medicine "nukes the weak
strong." It doca not act Ilka a stlanlant,
Imparting-flctltlmu strength ftoat which thcra
must follow a reaction of greater weakness
than before, but In t'e most natural way
ITood'i flartaparllla overcomes that tired feel
ing, creates aa appetite, purifies the blood,
and, In short, alrea great bodily, asm,
mental aad digestive strength.
Fagged Out
"Last Bjppng I was completely fagged ont
My strength left mo and I felt sick and mlt-.
erablo all the time, so that I could hardly
attend to my business. I took one bottle oft
Hood's Barsaparllla, and It eurcd me. There
Is nothing like It." It. 0. Baaoaa, Editor.
Enterprise, Belleville, Mich.
"I derived very much benefit from Ilood's
Barsaparllla, which I took for general debility.
It built me right up, and gave me aa excel
lent appetite." ED.JXNKixs,Mt.8avage,lfd.
N. B. It you decide to take Hoed's Bars
partita do not bo Induced to buy aaythlag esse
butead. Insist upon having
Sold by all dratxItU. fl j ill f or fa. rrepeted oaly
by 0. L HOOD CO, Aothcrl,loweU, Mm.
100 Doses One 'Dollar
I Want to Bay Farms
Parties having cheap farm lands for
sale, improved or unimproved can find
buyers by calling on D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate and Loan Agent, Red
Cloud, Neb.
Garden Seeds.
Osear Patmor has just received a
BIG supply of garden seeds. Go and
see him at Perkins and Mitchell's old
ee Keeper's uppllee.
A. Mohart. the hardwaro man. will
hereafter keep all kinds of Bee Hoop
er's supplies. Nail order filled
promptly; tf.
Gasoline Stoves.
The best in the world, for salo at,
A. MOHART'B. 40-tf
Go and see W. W. Wright for all
kinds of shelf and heavy hardwaro,
&o. He does all kinds of Job work
and has competent tinnors omployed.
While there, look at thoso worla heat
ers, 'i'no dry air Ulcanablo refr igcr
atom. Tho thermometer is steadily rising
you will want lighter clothing under
wear, &c. Wioner has made all pro
parations to supply your demands, his
stook is large and prices low.
herlll's sale.
Notlos ia hereby given that under and
by vlrtns of an order of sals issued from
ths osaes of 0. B. Crons clerk of the dis
trict sonrt of tbs tenth Jndielal dlstriot,
within and for Wcbstsr county, Nebraska,
upon a dseres in an aotlon pending there
in, wherein ZilphaB. Hubbard ia plaintiff
and against Henry McOormal, James Mo
Cormal and Anna MoCormal hla wifs,
Oathsrlns Feltis, John Fsltie,
Htj Mehnks, formerly Vary MoCormal
and Karl Mehuke, her hnsband, Wm. E.
laoason, executor of ths last -will
and testament of Heary MoCormal,
deoeaaed, and Kaley Brothers,
defeadsnts, I shall otter for sale at publio
vendue to tbe highest bidder for cash in
baud at the east door of ths eonrt house,
at Red Cloud, in aaid Webster county, Ne
braska, (that being ths building wherein
the laat term of aaid oonrt waa faolden)
on ths
tk day or June, 189,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day
ths following described property
towlt: The north half of the north
west Quarter and tha annth-west nnarter
of tha north-west quarter and lot three.
(3) ail ia seotion elaht 18.) townshin Mo.
one north, range nine west Cth p m.
uivsa undor my band this 6h day of,
Maj 1802.
The sale on tha above described time
erty waa continued to tha 18th dav of
Jaly 1803 for want ot bidden.
47-BOd T Gto. . Cooa, BhprrS.
Kalev A Darker, Plt'f'a Atty. .
Notice of Sale.
la tks matter of tbe estate of James Laird.
aaordjrof V. h. Haii. iiidm n rtn rfutHrt
nsuce is nereor slven that In o
ursuance of
pniiw ifpmfjw pui
..-i sir.-72" .T7-i- .r-r w- t:"w r. ?.'""
at Asrll. isw, tor the sale of tbs resl estate
srsTssiter described, there will bs solO siljs
court bouM door, Bed Cloud. Neb., on tbeeqi
ade on the 13d day
mo mitriet
vendue to tbs blgbest bidder (or cash tbe fol
lowing described real estate: Lots 0. block 7
sad lots e and 7 In block 7 villain of Be4 Cloud,
Nebraska, 8aid sale will remain open oue
uatsa June 13, 1893.
.Tamkm n dint
Adnlalstrator of the Estate ot Jamc Ijtlrd,
dseeassd. s-4t
latlea Notice.
Ths Mrtnersblp bsretofore eitstlnx
L. u. Otlbert. John Blaine and K. l Va
partasrsln lumber butluess In Cowlt
awcott as
stereswtr. vebraslUL, and kuown u8"Conlea
iAimbsr Company." Is tills day dissolved by mu
tual consent. Steles and accounUi duo tbo tlrm
hi Cowlea Uuiuhur i!m, ' ...
.... ' .Mm tbe baadj cf Jolm nialnu atfc.VnVnf
WjiMflonund lafcexpb, author J
To the pampers !
h. e. scon,
Invites tho Farmers or Webster and adjacent counties to Ills
large nnd varied stock of
Agricultural Gobds
Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows,
Harrows, Mowing; Machines. &c.
See him before buying for bargains.
$ity ijiakery
For fro li
All kinds or cakes,
candles, Nuts, cigars,
nnd fresh Frultc, etc.
Meals and Lruricliiall hours
Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Oysters and Ice Crflam in
Red Cloud,
V usi -1
11 IS JwWwi
m sMl'v4
S. Z, COZAB. Pronrirtnt
,lLllJlfil?Ji!?ed me
Has Moved his ?lour and Feed Store of the
Perkins & Mitchel building .
Nothing but the best
cc mc wnen yon wanr anytning
in my line
Fire, Lightning and
snnnnnniW' wti itgfTTtWTisssPtHiBsr Vtv'r i " n1 ' Yi
The Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Neb.
Will Insure your property ngnlnst
Fire, Lightning, and tornado
Also, will insure your crops against 'hail. He
represents the best company on earth
The old Continental of N Y.
CITY OFFICE-With I.H. Smith 1st door
south of F '& M r-CiK.
"f ir
" You Come in We Sell the Goods."
The Hardware Man,
--lled Cloml, !Vjbr(tfiI:a,
Will sell you more goods for Qrio Dollar than
than any. one hi the.Valiey, It will pay .
jou to see nie before buying.
and Restaurant
Bread Pics
Herburger, Prop.
Is better prepared than ever to
sell you all kinds of harness
collars, Badlery, etc
in IBs Tinker Balldlng. He baa she
Mt'trest stock In till part of tha
and will make it an inducement
wil1 be Promptly attended to.
goods kepfc Call Aid
Tornado Insurance !
. , 4
tCrfH '