The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1892, Image 2

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Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief.
-i 'Ait
By A. C. Hosmer.
Red Cloud. Webster County, Neb., Friday, June 17, 1892
Vol. 1 9,
Low Prices
' - 4' , -
Educational Department.
I. M. HUNTER, Editor.
During the Month of June.
Square Dealing
Golden Eaqle
- t
t-'H ' '
' C. WIENER, Prop.
What is
GMtorla Is r. Samuel Pitcher's inscription fov Infknts
And Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
fevcrlshncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures -Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, euros constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
( Castoria.
u Castoria U wi excellent medlcino for chll
Sten. Mother bare repeatedly told me of. its
good effect upon their children."
Do. Q. 0. Osgood,
CMiorlA U tho Iwrt remedy for children of
whtchlnmwQ'uvmuMl. I hope the day la not
far distant w hen mother will consider the real
feterrwt of their children, and uso Castoria In
stead of therarloua quack nostrumawhlch are
destrorlnjr their lored ones, by f orcta opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agenta down their throats, tboreby sending
Uiea to premature graToa,"
Oonwsy, Ark.
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend H as superior touy preseriptfea
known to me." ...
H, A. AnoBin, M. D..
Ill So. Oxford St, Brookivn-K. T.
Our physlclaaa In the chlldreuii depart
ment have spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have anion our
medical supplies what U known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon It." H
Uxitbd HosriUL AMD Disfwubt,
Aixjm 0. Shits, Prt.,
CfemUwr Company, TT Murray fttrMt, Hw YkCity
Wc have somo excellent reports of
Decoration Day exercises in many
schools of Webster county which
woro rocoived too late for publication.
Tho trees dot out by the school on
Arbor day are" growing nicely. Thoy
should bo mulched to keep them
growing during tho months of July
and August. v
Tho following suggestions are part
of a circular sent to school directors
a few weeks ago:
1. G"od men permanently loonted
in tho diptnet should bo elected us
school officers. 't
2. ThoBo'districts that nro out'of
debt and liavo tho sito of tho seliool
houso fixed permanently should mako
provision at this annual meeting Ho
fenco tho school grounds.
3. Out-houscs and school-houses
should bo sorubbed and cleaned all
obscene language and marks remoyed
from them before the next term q
School opens.
4. Teachers and pupils need books
etc., with which to work as greatly as
as tho farmer needs plows, harness,
etc. Boards should act promptly in
furnishing all needed supplies.
5. Mombers of tho board and
patrons should visit their sohool sev
eral times during each term.
- C. If nothing is to bo reported in
somo spaces of tho directors' n'rafttal
report fill them with a cross, X.
Amount on hand July, 1891, must be
tho 8amo amount reported last year, as
on hand at that date. Being exact
will avoid havinp tho report rclurnod
for correction, will savo time
7. Every board should subscribe
'for tho North Western Journal of
Education, at cost to the distriot, as
it is tho official orcan of tho state
superintendent, and it will kerp them
posted in points in school law and re.
eont decisions.
8 As our County Teachers' Insituto
will bo in session at tho timo that the
annual report must bo mado, dircotor-i
arc specially requested to brinir their
reports with thorn and visit tho in
stituto if possible All school effioerd
and patrons should visit tho institute
9. As tho teachers' institnto for
1893 will be held during tho last two
weeks in March, eehuol boards should
arrango their terms so Unit all schools
will bo closed during tho institnto.
Bospcctfully your?,
D. M. IIuntku, Co., Stipe
Hod Cloud, Nob., May, 1892.
itio following tlrcular iu tog ml to
our teachers' instituto was circulated
somo timo ago.
Tho Webster county nnnunl teach
ers' instituto will open June 27, 1892
at ono o'olook p. m,, at Bed Cloud,
Nebraska, and continuo in session
thrco weeks.
It is to the intcrcHl of cyery ono
intending lo teach next school your
to bo in attendance
To thoso who will not attend tcuoh-
ore institute, a cordial nuggostiou is
made to enter somo other profession
At once, l'lcaso do not -a'tik fur a
teachers' certificate in this' county.
All sehool officers and others inter
ested in cupation ao -requested to
visit tho institute,
Thorough instruction will bo given
in tho blanches most noeded by teach
ers of our schools.
A present will bo given -to every
school having work 'on exhibition.
Tho work should bo done this year
and bo in the hands of the county
superintendent not later than Juno
18th, if possible
All sohools, according to law, will-
bo closed during the institnto,
All applicants for certificatca i
" " LfSRsHaaBBBaVmlJBBBar
BnBnw naBnlBT
v aTsT
aaaMMssaaaaaan5ayatlaM JLSa ' itBSES&SwWmSlttflfmM
ibb' LaaLwWIaaaaaaasaaaaWfsyB'Wtf 5 j, wBrJ bbbbbbb
t .
Wc wiU undersell any house in Reel Cloud
Call and see. Highest prices for Butter ..
and Eggs
tlZ!ZZZrC, 'Webster Co. Abstract Qft'KQ
IMiy siology and Ilygiouo without re. jr. fj. BAIMV, Abstracter and Iroprlolr.
gird to standing on formor certificate Accurate Abstracts Promptly Fiirnlitlicd formiy !.! ! W)lMlr
Thifl rule will ho in forou duri nir tho iijr. conpioiu una Acciiriuo at or AMiractj
noxt sohool year, . . ..
Examinations, will bu hud July J 5,
and IDb. ITurtliur iliforuut'oti will
he g'tvfau chocrfully'tbanyonc desiring
it. ! Kerspccully yours, '
I). M. Hunter.
bbW 'bbLWbbW SL( 9i fttalllBK TbB
TcmiB tto nit' 'vtisloMcra
.U1L J U AILU1 Agent
unci h hond Hied Tilli county jHdKO limsrc Mitto
fttctleH. . ...
Eoc Abstracts. Cheap barm Loans "oi some
good Bargains in Real Estate, call, bu
ji'H.BAILEy. ,
Wninen X, Wnnnah )
Have opened a Real Estate Office,
Farm or City Property, or Auction off vour Stock or Hoom
liold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any
whoAcall a this office," .'"" '
An uvor norm 01 r . x m, JoanK, up Dta in
'ln U
)( .4 f. V
'WVfcfe-.tintt-iJf I'i'-SjajtAjt,