The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1892, Image 16

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Ok Ike oeeMiot of the Ntt'l Ida--faMaial
AseVe Aaaaal eeaveatiea at
fWtag i, N. Y.i Julj IMS, ike Bar
Hatea Xoate, from July 34 to July
tea, iae.4s.ref will mII reaad trip
tiekete ttem All poiaU in totalis to
(Mnrtaga at eae lowest IrsUltss fare,
fHtia 4o3oar (misabefsafp fee N.
Tiekete ire good for rettfta pasesge
ffea, Jaly lftth to 21st; m exteasioa
of lime limit can, aowever ke obtain- jt
4 ky debiting ticket al ofed of the
JoUt Agent of Termini Liaes, 369
BraUwav 8iratoga,
Tka Barlia;fia Rente will run
Spetiai pullmin sleepiag ears and re
elitfiag ekair ears from Llacola and
Omaka taroaga to Saratoga, leaving
ilaeela at 2:40 P. M., ipd Omaha at
Htt P. M Jaly 9tk.
A felder giving all partiealars, may
ke tad pea applying to J. Fraaeis,
geaeral Pasaeager and Tieket Agent,
Omaha, to whom, er to loeal ageat B.
ea M R B, reqaests for. reservation
of bertks ikoald be addreesed.
HairRates te New York.
To Aecommodate Okriitiaa Kadcav
oti aid tkelr frieadi aloag ita line
who deeire to attead tke aatioaal eon
Tratioa Y P 8 0 K at New York, Jaly
7-10, tke Barliugtoa Roate will oa
Jaly 4tk raa a speoial traia from
Omaka ikreagk to New York, vie
Okieaga aad Niagara Falls, leaviag at
11:49 p m, after arrival of all trains
from tke west.
A rate of oae fare for tke round
trip kas beea authorised aad will be
open la tke geaeral pablie.
Tieket, rood to retire aay time
witaia thirty days from data of pur
abase, will be aa sale at dates to be
aaaoaasei later.
Tke law rates ia foree, tke taroaga
ear faellities at the disposal of trav
eler! by tka Barliagtea Roate, and
tke deligktfal Mate of tka jmt,
aombiaatomaketkU at aaeqiejled
ppertaalty of tiiltiag tka east.
Ramamkar tkat vow eaa waroheie
tiekete from your etatloa through to
Ntw York,
Fall iaformatiea may be bad apoa
aaplieatiataatka laaal ageat of tke
B M R Ilt, or by addressiag J.
FraacU, Geaeral Pasaeager Ageat,
. Omaka, Nikr.
Nattaaal ooaTeatioa Prohibition
' party CiadaaaU,O.Jaae 2930 '92.
11 ageata may aell roaad trip tick-
etateCiaelaaiU, 0., at one lowest
Irettaaa fare far tke. roaad trip, tick
B oa sale Jaae 26 and 27 and limit
,fer retara to July 7tk
Aaaaal aaeampmeat Sobs of Vet
eran U 8 A aad Ladies Aid Society,
' Hoteaa, If oat., Aag, 8-13 1892, All
ageata may 'aell tleketa to Helena,
at oae lowest Int-oliae fare. Tiekete
aa aale Aag. 4-10 inclusive witk tran
ait limit of 20 daya ia each direction
aad tail retara limit to October 10.
Aaaaal eoaveatiea Societies of
Okrjitlaa ladeavaf New York City,
JV?;-9,'2, All ageau may sail
roaad trip tieketa to Near York at one
lew,eet,irst-elaM fare. Tickets oa sale
Jaly 3 to ft iaelasive and same will be
goad far retara. aaaeace from Jaly 10
to Jaly 16tk iaelaalfa with a provi
sieafer exteasloa to Aageat 10 on de-
aositiag same witk joiat ageat of the
traak liaes Aseoeiation on or before
Jalj 10.
Aaaual coavcatioa National Educa
tieaal Aseeciatioa Saratoga Springs,
N. Y. Jaly 12-15 1892. All agonU
may sell roaad frip tiekets to Saratoga
8pragsat rata of me lowest I rst-clais
fare pfas 2,00. TiekeU oa sale Jaly
3 9 laelusive, aad tiokets will be good
for retara passage from July 15 to
2lst iaelasive,. witk provision for ex
taasieato September 2 as provided be
low. Aa exteasiea of limit for re
tara trip eaa be obtaiaed provided
tke ticket ie deposited with Joint
ageat of Terminal liaes at No. 369,
Broadway, Saratoga, the extension of
limit in no oase to exceed Sept 2d or
3d as f he case may be as provided
above, to obtain this extension tho
tieket uuet be deposited with tho
joint ageat at tho address given above
bctweea July 5 aad Jaly 19 inclusive.
A. Ooaover, Ag't.
Prevent ehills, fever, malaria, loss of
time by iokaaee. Take "Hepatioure."
For sale by I. H. Deyo.
Tka Red Cload Bray Llae have four
good aad keayy male teami. All
lmwliag promptly atteaded to your
aWers solicited. Jmo Babklxt,
it rreprieior.
Take "saatlowra" aad prevent chill"
bm wror t saaaer man nauseous danger
oua drage to care them. For aale by Ia
To Ale. Nebraska.
The Burlington & Missouri River
Railroad his prepared and row kn
ready for distribution a new hand
book, treating of the opportunities
Lwkioh Nebraska, northwestern Kansas
and cistern Colorado offer to fsrmers,
business men and investors.
This book ha boon gotten out for
the information ol cistern people,
J particularly thoso who have friends
wost of tho Missouri: it is written in
pleasant, easily understood style, by
oae who thoroughly knows his subject,
aad is confidentially recommended as
likely to stimolsto immigration to a
yory considerable extent.
It pictures Nobraska and thoso por
tions of Kansas and Colorada adjaeent
to it, not ss thoy might be, bvl ss they
It is thoneht that tho best method
of distributing these hand books is as
follows: farties In Kansas JNobraska
and Colorado, having frionds in tho
east who are likely to bo interested in
such literature as this, are invited to
send tho iinmes and addresses of these
latter to Mr. S. Francis, Gen' I Pasen
gcr A Tieket Agent, Burlington Roate
Omaha, Nob., who will take pleasure
in forwarding, postpaid, to such adj
dresses as msny copies as desired.
Do you want money, happiness, com
fort and pleasure r If so, keep your
health perfect by an occasional use of
"Hepatfcure" tho great Engllsk blood,
kidney and liver tonic. 'or eaie oy u.
II. Deyo.
i .
The Epworth Loaguo Convention
or tho Heating's district was held in
Red Cloud Monday and Tuesday,
June 13-14. Tho Loaguo is a society
of tho M. E. ohurch. Tho conven
tion was well attonded and it abound
ed witk good things. The following,
ministers wero in attendance: ,
Rev. II. A. Eoll, President
of Fairfield, W. R. Jones,
Presiding Elder of Hastings,
J. D. M. Buokner of Hebron;
A. J. Marsk, of Guide Rook, Rev.
MaVey of Inavale, A, M. Perry of
Lawrenoe; Clay Comb of Clay Ceater
R G. Adams of Hastings, C. B.. Len
festof Chester; K. J. Randall of Red
I Cloud. Besides the mlnistors, tke
following persons had part on the pro
gram: Miss Anna Randall, Mrs. E.
J. Daeker. Mrs. E. J. Case, Prof. O.
M. Caster of Red Cloud; Mis. M. MS"TSSTSrS
Hewitt of FairGold.
If dull, spiritleas and stuped: it your
blood ia ihfok and sluggish; if your appe
tite laoanrmioua and uncertain, you need
a Sarsaparilla. For best rest result use
Do Witt's. 0. L. Potting.
ForFiro Lightning and Tornado
Insuranoe in tho German of Freeport
and other reliable companies, oall on
or write to Chas. Sohsffnit, oftoe over
Deyo's drug store, Red Cloud, Nebr.
"Lato to bed and early to rise will
shorten the road to your homo in the
klee." But early to bed and a "Little
Earn Riser," the pill that makes life
longer and better and wiser. 0. U
The Ladies of the Congregational
Aid Sooiety served ice oresm in Mar
tin's old store last Saturday aftcrnosn
Thoso ladies will serve ico cream
every Saturday afternoon hereafter
perhaps in somo building down the
street. '
Bright people are the quickest to rec
ognise a good thing and buy it. We sell
lota of bright people the Little Early Ri
sers, If yon are aot bright these pills
will make yon so. C.L. Cot ting.
Elder Putnian, pastor of the Chris
tian church is ozpectcd home to-day
and will preach in tho Christian
ahurch next Sunday both morning
aad evening.
Disease never auooeaatully attacks a
system with pure blood. Do Witt'a Sar.
aaparilla makes pure, new blood and en
riches the old. U. L' Dotting.
The year of 1892 is ono long to be
remembered as being one of great dis
asters, both fire and flood. So also was
the winter of 1891 noted for its
deaths of distinguished people.'
Mrs.L.R. Potton, Rocktord, 111., writes
"From personal ezporienoe I can reoom-
raeud DeWitt's Sarsaparilla, a cure for
impure blood and general debility."
D, R. Dungan's lecture at tho Optra
Houso last Faiday cvoning was not
very well attended, but it was a good
lecture just the same.
It is a fixed and Immutable law that to
have good sound health one must have
pure rich and abundant blood. There is
bo shorter nor surer route than by a coarse
of DeWiU's Barsaparllla.
Mrs, Newhouse was buying goods
in Omaha last week.
Other medicines might help but to
make assurance doubly Bare uaeDeWitt'a
Sarsaparilla to onriob. purify and renew
tne pioou. v, u. coning.
'A few good farm loans, six psr cea
interest Nd second mortgage D. Bt
lrUseFram.Slr HtiHert.
A more agreeable Journey through di
versified and attractive eoenory than that
whioh mb be made by one of the two dai
ly restibnled fast trriins of the Baltimore
k Ohio railroad betwoai Chicago and
Washington. Baltimore. l'lillncinUhln. and
fNew York woulfl be hard to And. The
Baltimore k, Ohio railroad of today is a
vastly different Institntion from that
whieh It was n few years ago. The anti
quated locomotives and cars thleh then
constituted its equipment have glma
place to rolling ntock of the latest and
best patterns and the through trains vee
tibtiled from eugino to n-nr sleeper and
Including dinlbit cm niid Pullman' can
of tho most modern and luxurious char
acter, euini!vru niTurnuiy vmu any ia me
world. Tho Mcening cars especially 'built
for theso trains n few months airo have
some admirablo Improvements. Tht ele-
J;antsimpllottyof the interior decorations
s In marked contrast to the louder orna
mentation whieh not loner otto was con
sidered the height of art ia such places.
The wood is of mahogany with little oarv
eu or raisea worn which the eye doe aot
tire of admiring. The improvement is
the looomolivo equipment is equally as re
markable. Ita orJer to climb the Alleghe
nies, from Whone hoights the passesger
enjoys views of sublimity , and beauty
which he neyer forgets, heavy gradea and
numerous curves were neoessary in con
structing tho road and until reoently it
required tho help of extra engines to get
a train to the summit. Mow when the
foot of this mountain is reached, iasttsd
of two or more engines being called lato
service tnere is nuacneu to the traia a
single engine weighing 67 ions, having
six coupled drivers and cylinders 41x88
Inches in siie and this powerf al machine
takes the heavy train up the long stretches
of grades reaching as high as 118 feet to
the mile, at a lively BdjMC ,The daylight
ride over the mountains,' especially in the
time of verdure, shows a wonderfully at
tractive panorama in whioh grandee and
beantyare constantly mingled, and In
deed the entire Journey between Wash-
tngtoa and Chicago proyes the propriety
of calling this road "Flotareeqae 0.4:0."
Railway Ago 2
My head aohee: my stomach la sour:
I can't sleep; have bad dreams, pain ia
back and limbs, dizziness, absent minded,
bilious, languid, dull and stupid. All
these are indications f malaria, blood,
liver or kidney disease, deadly typhoid
lever, nil or which oan be avoided by
using "ilopatioure." For sale by I. H.
Children Gtyftr
Pitcher's Castorla.
prHHkcnncss. or Use UajNor
HatOt Cured stf HeMM In Tern
Oar' y Adaaffelatftrimsjr Dr.
Haines Goldoto 8c!n.
Ifacaokf grvonln aglasfe of beer, a
ouDot tinlfaeortea or In food without
the knowledge of the patient It k) ab
solutely harmless and will affect a per
manent and speedy care, whether tho
patient ia a moderate drinker or an at-
eoholio wreck. It has been given .la
liL if Ti a,
lfaaa. The system once impregnate
The system once inmrestnated with!
At Ifl - . " AY .. 1
Vo peeine, n ueoomea ho utter impoam-t
bility fop the liquor appetite in 'exist.
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of: par
ticulars free, Addeassthe Golden Spe
cific Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, O.
ii i
We advise nil our readers to procure
"Marshall's Manual of Health." This
ok should be ia every home.
It ia a masterpiece of science. Sent free
on application to Marshall Chemical Mfg.
Co.. Kansas City, Mo., or Lawrence, Kan.
For aalo by Ii. H. Deyo,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorlf
Non-Resident Nertlce.
Te Jennie R, Desnleon, non-resident defeBdant t
You will take nonce tnai on ue tw my of
St i
April, 1893. Hom 11. MftttK, trustee, and tun
l.lDtilocott. DlalHtlffa. tiled their petition In the
April, 1803, Hom 11
ilncott, plamtiRa
trlct court of Web
district court ot Webster county, Meuratka, vs.
Hnill P. Ufutildoii. Jennie It. Dennlioa. Cliartea
K Uaker.Jaeobli. Miller and Hannah B. Miller
tue ODjeetana pruyer oi wnicn are to rorecioie
a certalu trust deed made and executed on the
first day or April, 1880. by Uazll F. Dennlnon
and Jennlo K. Dennlwn to Ross 8. hattls,
trustee, and to Ills successor In trutt, which
trust ueea cpnveyea to me Mia irunee tne ioi
loftlOR described premltes. situate la Webster
county and state ot Nebraska, to wit t Tke
south-east iuarter or section twenty-eltat (is)
in township two. norta of range ten do,) west
ot the 6th principal meridian, which tru titecd
was given to secure a note lor the sum of linen,
made aud executed by tho said Iiaxll K. Dentit
ion and Jennie 1U Ueunlson, bearing eren date
with said trust deed, due Are years after the
date thereof, drawing Interest at the rate of H
per cent por annum. Default having rxeu
made lu the terms ol said trust deed the same
has become absolute and plaintiffs are entitled
to a foreclosure thereof, and there Is now due
to the plaintiffs upon said note, coupon and
trust deed tho sum ot inc&SI. with interest on
airm frnm t)m nntUrnf Anrll. isw. tocetkar
with the further sum of SJB.07 for moneys ad
vanced In the redomptlou ot said premises and
Interest tbcrron from the 31st day oIMareh.ian.
And plaintiff prays for a decree that an ac
counting may bu imd ot the amount due from
defendants, that said sum with Interest may he
aoereea o ne tno nrsi nen upon saw prcausvi
uuu upon me lauure to pay vne same vj oncni
anta within a time to bo fixed by, the court, that
said premises may bo sold to satisfy the araonn.
usnr tne araonn.
".r "" -- -:" rw- -""- :vi"-un-
ui rmiiiri iIiia. inifl fnr iritnnriLl em
taute rener
nulrnil tn iLiiawnr laid
or before Monday, tho :sib day of July, lew.
you are renuireu touuswer saia.pouiiou ua
Dated June 7th. U9S.
n. P. Fi.Aasnnm.
Attorney tor HalntlBs.
lValleo te Dellnauenta
' Notlco Is hereby given that the Interest and
rental upon tho contracts ot sale and lease to
the following described edueatioaal Ii
uaUd In Webster count. Nebraska, at
poslte the names of the respective
thereof, i delinquent, and It said dellr
Is not paid up within ninety days from I
ot wis iiniitf, ituiii coniracis win i uecwrw
forfaitPd by the board ot educational lands and
rued, and wid forfeiture wilt be entered of
record In the lUHiimr provided by law.
KU.beU.lO-s-low.D, P, Newcomer.
NwU, rU.'.7-M0 w, Holcomb aud Qrolder,
K'i, is-:.' to w,. T. Urinsby,
N',.35--fow, thud Arnold.
Ki,swU, 16-3 9 w, frank (!. Joliusou,
WW,stii4,3C-l-IOw, K.Hcott.
Nwu, 10-2-11 w, William Cather.
wii'swli and nU, uw!4, lO-Maw.Joslah
Heli, neU, 10-M9 w, Josepli W. Jones...
BVs.seX aud no!4, salt, 30 Mil w, Harrey
Hex, nwt-4 andnwW, W, 10-1.19 w,Joilab
Sinker. . .
Kll.swl-4andeH.seU and swl-4, seU and
n ei-4, ao-i-io w, rnos . r razier.
Hi-4. neM aud nen. uwn. io-1-ri
w, Joelah
, nel-4, 10-1 13 w, Bylvester Cayou.
19-3-0 w, K. II. Hhlrley.
HwR nwM and nwl-4. nwi-4. SB-l-e w. Chas.
HwM. 25-2-10 w. James A. Uomra Jr.
Dated al Lincoln, Nebraska, tills 1st day of
Juue, IK.
Ctaatnlksloner of 1'ublio Ijinda and Mull
uiHia i-AHaLaw,
Chlldmn Qryfor
araea Bel was Mclr. we gave her Osstorle.
When ahewM a Caltd, she cried for OaetorU.
When she became Mies, she clung to Ceetorta.
i she Bed ChlUree, she gave them Castorla.
High-bied Stallion
The hih bred Monrnn stnUlon. Black
Hawk Chief 4th, will make the season at
tha stable of J. c. Holcomb on Elm
street, rear of Holland house. He in n
very atylwb, snowy horso, and carriee
more Morgan blood than any horse in tho
state. Breed to good horses, raise good
oolta and no longer complain of low
PEDIGBEE: Blaok Hawk chief 4 wss
bred by 8. 8. Hitchcock of Calais, Minn,,
sire Yeamly's Black Hawk chief 8 by
Black Hawk ohief 2 bred by Judge Prout
of Bailsbary. Vermont, he by Bill's Black
Hawk by Bhrrman's Morgan by Juatla
Morsan.ihe founder of the Morgan fam
ily. 1st dam Lady Messenger; 2d by Young
embletoalan: 8d dam by BiahotJ Hamble
toalaastth dam the Prout Mare by Oifford
Morgan by Woodbury's morgan by Justin
arorgan. it will be seen that Black Hawk
chief 4th traces back to Justin Morgan on
the sires side twice as the Front mare does
also, and carried the aambletonlan blood
represented bp Bishop's nambletoaian and
vornng naabletoaian Terms on application
at above stable.
A.ARNESON, Owner .
J. C. HOtooMB, Manager.
RfsMi-klesldent Notice.
To ICosas Stum: You will take no
tice that the mayor and council of the
City ot Bed Cioud, at a meeting of said
eonaou neia Hay zsa ltwa by resolutions
oa a fall vote of the council did oa the
date aforesaid .order the rebuilding or
construction of elde walk along the south
side of lot twelve (12) in blook feur (4)
City of Red Cloud fronting oa Fourth
Avenue said walk to be of the width ef 8
feet aad 75 feet long to be constructed
of 2 lneh pine lumber haviruraot leas than
tia lack sills four Inch lumber to support
same, u wunin niteen iioi nays alter
the publication of this notice the said
Moses Stern or owner of above described
premises snail not have built or
sensed to be built said walk as ordered the
aaavor er elty council ot said city will cause
said walk to be constructed aad the ex
pense of building same shall be made a
special tax on said described property ia
aeeerdaaee with the law In sack ease made
aad provided.
Red Cloud Juue 2,1802.
Attest Tnos. J. Wahd, City Clerk.
P. B. BvAaooLB, mayor. '
Terms to suit customers.
I0M.1YEDI8 101(ET.I1DK.
Save SS te W eeaU oa every dollar yeajpeail.
Write lav ear wisianili UUlorte, a SSO-page
Beea. llalsa lasstrstlwi saagtymglowyisssa
metaNtVirieM, with ssaaufaeiswrs' dMeoaais
at evelry Idee b gceis sad eappltM saaalaetiind
Mswlfik. Goods, raraUaim, CtotfeMff. Idlea
eaa mam, umtm, rouow, uiih,
wyjauaes, Ctecks. Jswslry. auyerwsre,
sHaer'&JuScSS. 8sttJocn esat
ea reetiet et SB eeata for ezBreaMfe. We are tta
aly ceSem wkick sttls at sMatfsetarers', erkes,
aUewlag Ike heyer tke sssae dieeeuet tLat the
earsetes ell wots as represent! U set roaad
Vina to wnomim ywjwr.
e, moaay rtfaaded. Goods seat
rasa ae
gut. gGSS3toX
m Ifuimcj nnn, vomcv, vu
A salary e ess te ISO per week to GOOD agents
k) represeat at la every county, and tell our (Mral
Bee of MerchsbdlMst manufacturers' prices. 0lt
taeea wao want stbadv KMrLOTHXT aaae
Arrtv. Catalogae and particulars seat oa receipt
ef meaalsSwsspaNsage. A KJ.RpEM a
IK Qulney Sine Ulcago, in.
Sole Agent Tor Webster Cuntr.
JSB&RRti&W ,owing mMUaet
The Finest Mackltic Made In
The Werld.
ry purchaser ol a fine drawer Oak or
ut case receives free, a Veerless button
bole attachment. Don't buy until you seo tlie
Blnger Improved Hewing Machine.
Geo. Guilford, Agent.
Are Prepared te
Carriages- and Wagons
In Both Woe and lro.
Maahlne Reaahrini Specialty whan
Latra Wark It RaqUlrael.
ISklctbinlsHdo yerks. orlh
iMPPsJ .v
He who Wapts Health
aaaaat?--'. aanaV
anaaam ann.
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV v BaaaaaaaaWaa. ''Bawaanask
anasnnV'iaV;',';:'' mnr
-'amaaM;-, : W
.nsnasnaKiVaM.'' Kir
vsBnaBnaBnamsnnaW Iwl?'
' c 7??alBnlanaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaBnaV
There are millions of persens
from chronic diseases or an
them from buBiiiesst ud frequently makes life a burden.
many of whom would place themselves under different treat
ment if they were acquainted
treatment was in reach of them.
4t .. . i. 'j
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we oiler
to tne afflicted one, on a businees like hasii the managment
mHm S 'Jt1 ' "' M " "l1" ' ' 'dhi y in I I -!,... " ,,M
of which we trust will be tempered by a moral and piiilau-
thropic princlrjle.
We practice tke gnrftirhfta triatmint of jITformi of MCjn,iTriS'EA8ES. Wo pei
seailTy ewe a dipt ef gratlttide to the father and foutfer ef this system and not to pub
liik tc tki iwocll sachkjiowisdge. would be to do nmil mngjaatlce. This Is tho
ramily tStakoamtleii,anlonitlatI luvsiecwjl at: great exjjainee.'trlea, and
tettedseare etfering It tfyon fcr your consideration and Investigation. Descriptive
aMBpklets sent free in application. Ohce ftntnltatlon free. Naraer of .partlos who haa)
leea eamd ckNrfuliy given on application. ' f
L. D. Denney, M.
Lower than any ysrd in the. world
Fort Abstract Co., Red Gloul,
L. H. FORT, ManaRor.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately andj
nisi sftotit
Saving had ten yearn experience in county rectfrd and ono ot tke mint crtiiiplcto Met of At '
stract books In Uie state, we guarantee satisfaction. Yonr favors Solicited
All orues nuea prompuy. lu.uwaounr ouuu uicu
t nuaiiproved. Address or call on
L. II. FORT Manager, Red Cloud, Neb.
a. E. POND,
I llf-
Cenvejrnnccr, Real r.nlaU),
L08UIS, Insurance, and Pen
slon Agent.
Red Cloud, Nebraskii.
I especially invito you to cull on mo for
anything In my Hue. Lonna rondo oa
farm property nt 8 tier sent. Insurance
la tke best companies I also,
Oall and see me if jou dcslro, shrubbery
flowers or fruit stock . You a 111 find prof
itable to seo mo.
D. B. Spano'u.
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
' MeBsaeepathle PkyalclaR,
Reel Clemd, NebrasKU.
paieej opposite first National llank.
V. rkBxamlnlni Hurgeon.
Uaroale pleases treatei by ataM .
Wants Everything!
in this coiftijtry who Buller
affliction which incapacitates
with the fact that a new
Keraedial agents for many.
i . 7Ts S it'tr
D., Red Cloud, Neb
wnrmw v-i
Will servo a limited number of clion
wards this seaflon.
Ho is U years old tincf strongly built,!
loj hands high and a natural trotter
and has an excellent pedigree,
J. W. MoiiAxviiitiE, Prop.
Hod, Cloud, Neb.
Notice to TcUcfiers.
Notice is hereby given that I will
Bk: aseaisa
t(j oflor thomsolvcH us candidates forll
teachers oftlio publio 'sohools of this 1 1
nnnntv. at Hod (Iloud 'on tlin third 'I
rieturday of each month.
Special examinations will bo hold
nn Mm Vriilnv nrnnnniliiiir llui 'AA Snf. J
urdny of caoh month,
Tho standinf,' required fur 2d and
3d grade ocrtiftoatcti is tho huiuu no
jyrndo below 70 per cent., average 80
per cent; for first grado ocrtiOoitte
no grado bplow 80 por cent., avorago
90 por cent, in all branches rcquirod'
by law.
D. M. IIunteu, County Supt.
Xo.IUonoy ComniUstoiie
i i
i can writo ou a ltirm Joan at a
straight TJ-per ofht. wHhltho privilcgo
oi paying ou any part of tho pruiQl
pal al-any interest payment.
J. . HAIllT,
if i & $ $
. J
" ?!
sajliajasjsa '-'-' imuK.-1
' i i tWlli
uwwaiwwiw'f i"' nauwiaawaaft
wx.i.ww..,iKMfnaw"l '" ''"