aaaaaB aaaaaam aBBI vaaar aaat k he aaals." Tr.TPiffl I 4 V Wto'l QtAa occasion of tie Nail Ida MtfeMl Ana's Aaaaal eORTMiiM at tJaaga, M. Y., July 124ft, the Bar.) .- litgtaa Roate, from Jaly 84 to July v tih, iaelasirf, 'fill Hit roaad trip ttekata from all poiate in Nebraika to , larataga at aaa lowest Intuitu fare, piae two dollars (membership foe N. X.A.) Tiekets are good for retara passage freai Jaly lfttH to 21st; an eataation T Aid Nebraska. The Burllncton tt Missouri River Railroad has prepared and bow has ready for distribution a new haad book, treating of the opportumtiea which Nebraska, northwestern Kansas and eastern Colorado offer to farmers, business men and investors. ' This book lisi boon gotten out for the information ot eastern people, particularly thoso who have friends west of the Missouri; it is written in f time limit eaa, however ha obtain k pleasant, easily understood style, by M ta hjr depositing tieket at oflee of the Jolat Agent of Termiaal Liaes, 3C0 Broadway Saratoga. The Barliaf-toa Roate will run Special pallmaa sleeping ears and re eliaiag ekair ears from Linoola and Omaha through to Saratoga, leaving Llaeela at 2:40 P. M., and Omaha at 4:4ft P. M Jaly 9th. A folder giving all particulars, may he had upon applyiag to J. Fraa'eis, Oeaeral Passeager and Tieket Agent, Omaha, to whom, or to local ageat B. NRR, requests for reservatlbn of berths should be addressed. HairRates ta New Yark. To Aeeommadata Ohriitiaa Eadeav ora aad their friends along ita line who desire to attead the Rational eon veitioB Y P 8 0 K at New York, Jaly 7-10, the Barliugtda Roate will on Jaly 4th rua a special traia from Omaha through to New York, via Ohloaga aad Niagara Falls, leaving at 11:49 p m, after arrival of all trains from the west. A rate of one fare for the round trip haa heea authorised and will bo opea to the general pahlio. 1 Ticket, good to retura any time i witaia thirty daya from data of pur chase, will be oa sale at dates to bo aaaoaaeed later. The law fates in force, the through car facilities at the disposal of trav elers by the Burltagtoa Route, and x the delightful season of the year, cemhiaa to make this at naequnjled opportunity of tisltiag the east Remtmbt;' that yaa eaa purchase tickets from your station through to NfwYatk. Fall iaformatloa may be had upon application la the local agent of the BAMRRR,orby addressing J. Francis, General Passeager Ageat, 1 "Omaha, Nobr. , NaUcaal eeaveation Prohibition paHy Oiaoiaaati, 0. Jaao 29-30 '82. All ageaU may sell round trip tick etatoCiaelanati, O., at one lowest ''Irst-elaaa fare for the rouad trip, tick- f oa sale Jane 26 aad 27 and limit c,, fee raters to July 7th. Annual eacaapsH ovn vi ? ui- areas U S A aad Ladies Aid Society, , ' Helena, Moat. Aug. 8-13 1892. All egeate may aell tickets to Helena, c at ana forest Irstolasa fare. Tiokets aa'eale Aag. 4-10 inclusive with tran sit limit of 20 daya in each direction aad laal rctarn limit to Ootobcr 10. " Aaaual convention Societies of Chrlatiaa Kndcaror New York City, Jaly 7-l, '92. All agents may sell veaad trip tleketa to New York at one - lowest Irst-elass fare. Tickets on sale Jaly 3 ta 5 iatlasive and same will be Mod tar return Bascsce from July 10 to Jaly 16th laclailve with a provi aiea far extension to Augest 10 on de positiag same with joint ageat of the traak liaes Association on or before Jaly 1ft. Aaaual convention National Educa liaaal Aseoeiatioa Saratoga Springs, N.'Y. Jaly 12-lft J1892. All agents may aell roaad trip tiokets to Saratoga Springe at rate ef one lowest Irst-clara fare plus $2,00. Tickets on sale July ' 3 9 inelasive, aad tickets will bo good for retara passage from July 15 to 2lst inelusiva with provision for ex tension ta September 2 aa provided be low. An.extepsiea af limit for re tura trip eaa be obtaiacd provided the tiokct is deposited with joint agent of Terminal lines at No. 369, , Broadway, Saratoga, the extension of t, limit in no oasa to exceed Sept. 2d or 3d aa the case may be as provided above, to obtain thia extension the ticket must be deposited with the joint agent at the address given above between July 5 and July 19 inclusive. A. Oonover, Ag't, oae who thoroughly knows his subject, and is confidentially recommended as likely to stimulate immigration to a very considerablo extent It pictures Nebraska and tboso por tions of Kansas and Colorada adjaoent to it, not as thoy might be, but as they are. It is thought that the best method of distributing these hand books is as follows: Parties in Kansas Nebraska and Colorado, having friends in the east who nro likely to be interested in such literaturo as this, aro invited to send tho names and addresses of these latter to Mr. S. Francis, Gon'l Paaen gor & Tioket Agont, Burlington Route Omaha, Nob., who will take pleasare in forwarding, postpaid, to such adj dresses as many copies as desired. Do you want money, happiness, com fort nnd pleasure? It so, keep your health perfect by an occasional use of "Hepatfcure" tho great English blood, kidney nnd liver tonic For sale by L. II. Deyo. The Epworth League Convention of tho Hasting's distriot was heid in Red Cloud Monday and Tuesday, Juno 13-14. The League is a sooioty of the M. E. church. The conven tion was well attended and it abound ed with good things. Tho following ministers wero in attendance: ' Rev. II. A. Kffcll, President of Fairfield, W. R. Jonea, Presiding Elder of Hastings, J. D. M. Buokner of Hebron; A. J. Marsh, of Ouide Rook, Ret. MeVey of Inavale, A. M. Perry of Lawrence; Clay Comb of Clay Canter R 0. Adams of Hastings, 0. B. Len fostof Chester: E. J. Randall of Red t Cloud. Besides the ministers, the following persons had part on tho pro gram: Miss Anna Randall, Mrs. E. J. Dueker, Mra.E. J. Case, Prof. O. M. Caster of Red Cloud: Miss M. M. Howitt of Fairfiold. Praise From Sir HMfcart A more agreeable journey through di versified aad attractive scenery than that which ean be made by one ot the two dai ly rtstibuled fait train of the Baltimore Ohio railroad betwotn Ulilcago arid Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, aad New York would be hard to flni. The Baltimore k Ohio railroad of today is a vastly different institution from that Which it was n few yenrs ago. The antl nuated locomotive and care htoh then oonatitnted its equipment have given place to rotting stock of the latest and best patterns and the thrnngh trains vee tibaled from engino te n-nr sleeper and iacladlng diniug earn aud Tollman ears of the most modern nnd Insurious char- lac ter, compare favorably with any la 'the worm, xno Bleeping oars especially want for these trninn u few months ago have some admirable improvements. The ele gant simplicity of tho interior decorations is in marked contrast to the loader Orna mentation which not long ago was con sidered the height of art in sac h places. The wood is or manogany wun lime earv eu or raise work whloh the eye does not tire of admiring. The improvement in the locomotive equipment is equally as re markable. Ih order to climb the Alleghe nlffl, from whoso heights tho passenger enjoys viows of sublimity and beaaty which he noyer forgets, heavy grades and nnmorons curves woro nooessary in con structing the road and until reoently it required the help of extra engines to get n train to thi summit. Now when the foot of this mountain is reaohed. Instead of two or more engines bolng called 'into servloe there Is attached to the train a single engine weighing C7 tons, having sis oouplod drivers and oyllndora 21x26 Iriohes In size and this powerf al machine takes the heavy train up the long atretehes Of grades reaching ns nigh as 118 feet to the mile, at a lively pace. The daylight Wfcea Bafcy was sick, we rve her Osstorl. When she was a CfclM, she cried for Castorl. Whea she became MIm, she clung to Oastoria. Whsa the had CbHdrea, ebe gave these Cattorie, He who Wapts Health Wants Everything! High-bied Stallion The high bred Morgan stallion, Black Hawk Chief 4tb, will make the season at the stable ot J. a. Ilolcomb on Elm street, rear of Holland house. Ho is a very stylish, showy lioreo, and carrion more Morgan blood than any horse in tho state. Breed to good horses, raiso good oolta and no longer complain of low prices. PEDIGREE: Black Hawk chief 4 was bred by 8. 8. Hitohcosk of M?alaia, Minn,, aire Yearnlv'e Blask Hawk chief 8 by Black Hawk chief 2 bred by Judge Front of Salisbury, Vermont, he by nitre Black Hawk by Sherman's Morgan by Justin Morgan, the founder of the Morgan fam ily, 1st dam Lady Mossengor; 2d by Young ambletoalan; 8d dam by Bishop aatnble tou!an;4ta dam the Pront Mare by Gilford Morgan by Woodbury's morgan by Justin Morgan. It wtll be seen that Black Hawk chief 4th traces baok to Justin Morgan on the sires side twice aa the Pront mare does also, and carried the nambletonian blood represented bp Bishop's nambletonlan and loang Banbletoalah Terms on application at above stable. A.ARNESON, Owner J. C. noLOoMn, Manager. If dull, spiritless and stuped: it your blood is thick and sluggish j it your appe tite iaeanrfoloua nnd uncertain, you need n Sarsaparilla. For beet rest result use DeWitt'e. O.L. Potting. iHSMranco. ForFiro Lightning and Toraado Insuranoe in the German of Frecportj and other reliable companies, call oa or write to Chas. Sohaffnit, office over Beyo's drug store, Red Cloud, Nebr. 13-lt ride over the mountains, especially in the time of verdure, shows a wonderfully at tractive panorama in whioh grandeur and beauty aro constantly mingled, aaa in deed the entire tourney between Wash tnaton and Chlcano proves the prawriety of calling this road "Picturesque B. k 0. Hallway Ago ' a My head aches; my stomach ie sour; Ican'tBleen: have bad dreams, bain in baok and limbs, dUxinesn. absent minded. bilious, lansuid. dull nnu stupid. AH these tire indications et malaria, blood, liver or kidney disease, deadly typhoid fever, nil of which onn be avoided by uaing "llopntluures" For sale by I H. Deyo. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. - hi pramkenness. or tke Uejwer Habit Cured 41 Homo ! Tern Daya hf Adntauttriag ar. Haines' Ctoldcta faaclle. IJ can fee given In a gift of peer, a cud of entree or tea Oc in food without the knowledge of the patient It in ab solutely harmless and will effect a per manent and speedy cure, whether the patient in s moderate drinker or an at- eoholio wreck. It haa been nivan inf 1 thousands of cases, and in every instance taw. The system once impregnated with the specific, ft become an utter lmpoaat bility fo the liquor appetite to exist' Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of 'jpar tioulara f ree. Adjleeasthe Golden Hpe- oiflo Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, O. i ... We auviBe nil our readers to procure "Marshall's Mnnuul of Health." Thia valuable bwok should be in every home. It in a masterpiece ot science, oentfree on application to Marshall Chemical Mfg. Co Kansas City, MoM or Lawrence, Kai. For sale by TU. U. Deyo. Children Cry for Pltoher't Cattorlcta NaaKcslicat Netlco. To Mosm Bnan: You will take no tice that the mayor and council of the City of Red Gloud, at a meeting of said eonnoll held May 28d 1802 by resolutions oa a fall vote of the eonnoll did on the date aforesaid order the rebuilding or eonstmotlon of side walk along the sonth side of lot twelve (12) in block four (4) City of Red Cloud fronting on Fourth Avenue said wain toae or the width or feat anal 75 feet long to be constructed of 2 inch nine lumber bavins not leas than SxS inch sills four inch lumber to support same, ir within fifteen (loi daya alter the pnblieation of this notice the said Hoses Stern or owner of above described premises shall not have built or eansed to be built said walk as ordered tho mayor or city council of said city will cause said wait to be constructed and the ex pence of building same shall be made a special tax on said described property in accordance with the law in snob ease made end provided. Red Croud Jane 2, 181)2. Attest Tnos. 1. Wakd, City Clerk, D. B. BvAuooLn, mayor. ntf H Bar a jsaaav saamfeM - sm ' W,"- , v'saam sfesaaSSll!' ' sB BBBBBBBfilaBBWev'dBBBkl BBaaaaSJBrat "I'lsa .saaaaaaElB &4mr' 'hatBBaaaaaaaaflfks- ' ''''iBsalaaaaaaaVa' TostfHiSBBaaBBaaaa?''Baa'' 9saaaaaaaaaaaaW' aaaaaaaaaVsaamBw ApanM-eM-Mb.' saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar' Buununununununununununununununu Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&y laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar- iiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH 'IHii!aPI!liBPi?vV There are millions of Derscna in this coiflijtrv who suffer i from chronic diseases or an affliction which incapacitates them from business, and frequently makes life a burden. many of whom would place themselves under diflferenff treat ment if thev were acauainted with the fact that a new treatment was in reach of them. Remedial agents for many. of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we oiler to the afflicted one, on a business like bauiri the maiiagment of which we trust will be temperecfrby a m,oral and philan- thropic principle. Ws mctles the Bnrfxerhoff treatment of jar forms of BECJaL DISEASES. y7o par. rnaaUr ewe a debt cf gratitude to the father ana founder cf this system and not to pah Ilia tc the world suetTipOTiJe Jg. wonjd be to do mankind an justice. This 1b the remedy that thousands Mess, and one that I have seeurejl at -great oijfcneo,""trld"ad tattsdialbre(Berlnglt to you for your conslSeratlon and Investigation. Descriptive yamphlsts sent free sn application. OMeo dbnsultatlon free. Nemes ofpartlos yho have ccBCimi cheerfully given on application. x L. D. DenMey, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb armfjjmemsefwmammm aaiaaaunnuuunanaai tfBnra ljfe ,5J i ffij &T fen wsm fK SPW THE TRADERS LUMBER CO. Willi MAKK - TONS, DtJfvAPJILITY and FINISH UNQUfSTIONCD. IANM Prevent chills, fever, malaria, loss of time by sickness, Take "Hepaticure." xxx saw oy u. a. utyo. "Late to bed and early to rise will shorten the road to your home in the skies." But early to bed and n "Little Eany Riser," the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. C. I. Cottlng. Tho Ladies of tho Congregational Aid Society served ioo oream in Mar tin's old store last Saturday aftornoon Thoso ladies will servo ico cream every Saturday afternoon hereafter, perhaps in eomo building down the street. Brinht people are the quickest to reo osnise a (rood thins and buy it. We eel lots of brinht people the Llttlo Early Ri sera, If you are not bright these llli will make you so. v. it. uotting . Elder Futuian, pastor of the Chris titn church is expected homo to-da; and will preach in tbo Christia church next Sunday both uiornin and evening. Disease never successfully attacks system with puro blood. DeWitt'B Bar saparilla makes pure, new blood and en rtcnes tne om. u. iv uoiung. Tbo voar of 1892 is ono long to be remembered as being ono of great dis asters, both fire and flood. So also was the winter of 1891 noted for its deaths of distinguished people. Mrs.L.n, Pattori, Rockford, 111., writes "From personal experience I can recom mend DoWilt's Sarsaparilla, a cure for inipuro blood und general debility." Dungan'a lecture at (bo Opera Uouso last Faiday evening was not very well attended, but it was a good locture Just the same. . . . in It is a Used and immutable law that to have good sound health one must have pure rich and abundant blood. There is no shorter nor surer route than by a oourse ot DeWiU's Sarsaparilla. Terms to suit customers. 8ADA J. BAILEY, Ag't. K Oraylaff. The Red Claud Dray Liae have four gaed aad heayy mule teami. All baaliaf promptly attended to your 4n aalielted. Jito Bakklby, " ' Proprietor. Take efAtiawW aad prevent chilli anal faicr-tatAer the nauseous danger oua rlmgs to etva them. For sale by L. inrrne Ser eat wssibwui vwonm, ew.pK 1 ..HHKHaMBBiaBKBaKAMBsisieMina laaaf smmjpv amnaai aa? aMMssaa smam aalB&UslBl HABHXACCttrwW B " M i ii -- amw 0 vpbb Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai'fgu BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT'S. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai i BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamv1 saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVe maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW m saVVIualaVIYIlSBZSlsB. I emwsrB w asrwaanwavajawev OIET SiVED IS M0KETM1DK. sre te W oeau ea every.eouar jooipa. I WSUUl POSITIVELY Lower than any yard in the world artt-ri fmitial ibbUm ImlatSa Untied BtaUS. Or Oct rt ML aScrwtS: MML uiene, cw. u"t Jsufcii, Clocks, wylry. aUverwsre, WfelDS. AatleeJtarsl lapUeienU, etc. 1ST OLAJiS qpous. Catawgae mi l renressste. vresreUe leg the fewer Uw.euse .! Mutt ter Tr s b coacetn which etiu at sswtfsetarers arleM, ilessJe bejpr. Ve iifiTi . riH. a Iba wkotaula I reaiee ail apo as nr""") u " "" dnmi rsMndtO. oooos seat ey expiw r 18 Qalnty Btreett Chlesgo, ill WE WILL PAY A eslsry e las to IM per wetk te GOOD sMBto NffMMt milm vmyitanxy, snd sell our gXwsl ieo(MtKhjiellwstmsuatciursni'prlefl. Ohlt awes who wwt stbadt ssrwisni trt.v. CeuloRss and psrUcuUrs seat oa receipt sera for mdbmmi, lMQulncy Fort Abstract Co., Red GloiKr h. II. FORT, Manager. AliBti?a)iB f Ti Famished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and ON SHORT NOTICE. Having; hnd ton yean exporioico In county recVrd nnd ono ot tho most rrimnleto set of At street beoks In Uie HUitf, vi guarantee satisfaction. Yot.r f nvnrs Solicited All or de' flllcd promptly. 10,000 dollar band tiled t niiapprovcd. Address or call on L. II. FORT Manaqeb. Red Cloud, Neb. tt. E. POND, IPMNCE ARTHUR A. KARPEN A CO, :y stress cucsgo, uu DINGER SEWING aVHsansl Notice la hereby elren that the Interest aaa reutft! upon tho contracts ot sale and lease to tho followin described educational Maaaalu uattd In Webster count. Nebraska, MsetefC Kslte the mimes cf the respertlve belders ftrMif. 1 itftllnniunt. mid If uld dnllnnuesMiy Is not paid up wltlilN ulnety days (roaa the date of this notlco. said contracts will be declared rerfeltrd by the tmard of educational lands and I funds, mid said forfeiture will be entered of Mrs. Newhouso was in Omaha last wool. buying goods Other medicines mlght help but to make assurance doubly sure useDeWitt'e SareapariUa to enrich, purity and renew the blood. 0. L. Cottlng. Waatcel. A few (;ood farm .loans, six per can interest. No Bccond'mortc. P. lit Spanoole,' uU.m i-lllw. n. I1. Niwinmrr. , w!.i-i w, iioicoinu mm iiroiaer. vir. KM, IMlo w, A. T. Onimh nwU, I0-M2 w, Joslah aud neM. eU, 302-12 w, Harvey 1UIIU. HIIU wiu iuiiciiiii. mil W V record In tbo manner provided by law, w, If, 110 rtnsnv. NU.fliWi-riiw. 'Iliad Arnold. K'S.smU, 1(K 0 w, Frank (1, Johnson WU.KBU.Jfrl-IOW. K.Hcotl. NwU, IU-2-1I w, William Catner. W'i.sw.'i mid uwm, 11 Hlnkpr. Hali. imV, I6-M2 w, Joseph W, Jones. Pit.soH 8ew7uwUamlnwM,eH, 1G-1-12 w.Joslah KU.swMundoti.sem and swl-4, se dwM.ueUnuduoM, nwH. 10-1-12 w, Mil. new, 10-1 19 w, Sylvester Cayou, K Bwui. iiwW and uwi-i, uwH, M 1-0 w, Chas, W KlQHe SwU.awilca'.iJainesA.UoBjtsJr. Dated alfJufiolH, Vejjrftska, tills 1st day of June, IMS. , f A.W,t;jPHnnv. Cmmliloner ot l'ubllo lAtunVJilt, County Treasurer. sel-4 and Joeiau u!neM. 10-1 19 w, Sylvester Cayo ml nwl . iM-e. w. K. II. Hiiirley. til-it as-'J-lO w, John Zackory. Children Ory for iNtchtfr'ti Caitorla. GEO. GUILFORD, Sole Ageat far Webster Cauaty. People nroposluR to buy sewing machines should not fall to'see the CELEBRATED MNGER The Finest Machine Made In The World. Every purehaser of a fine draner Oak or Walnut ease receives free a 1'eerletts button hole attachment. Don't buy until jrott see the Sinner Improved Hewing Machine, Gee. Guilford, Agent. iflli I'itTai'rTaTimsVrii I ltfl7hi,isYi sVnl1! in. ilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVi JJBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSE!A r1aaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaK ; BBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaac GI WITS & SON Aro Prepared to do GENERAL REPAIRING or Carriages and Wagons ri lath Wood and Iron. Martin RtprrlntfStcay whan Latne warn id Required. Shop Just nortli.fiI.tli6 m'aVtlo works. North Webster utreet. Conveyancer, Real Estutn, Leans, Insurance,' uutl lcn alon Agent. OFFICE OVERSPOKESFIELDS STORE. Red Cloud, Ncbruaktt. I especially invite you to onll on mo for anything in my Hue. Lcmns made on farm property at 8 par sout. Insurances in the best companies I rrlRo, AGENT FOR THE STARK BROS. CELEBRATED NURSERY STOCK. Call and seo mr if you destro, shrubbery flowers or fruit stook . You ill find prof itable to see me. II. E. POND. D. B. Sparing1 e. Real . Estate , and Lan Agent Red Cloud. I. W. TULLEYS, M. D. 1 Memstopatttlc Pbyslclaw, Peal Cladd, tichrmmt, . ofllce opposite First National Dank. V. H.ExainlDlne burgeon, Varaaie dlseaws tceatoa. by mall. dJttX maa. Will servo a limited number of clioio march this season, IIo is G years old nnd strongly built, 15J hands high nnd a nnyirul trotter and has on excellent pedigree, J. W. Mohanvilt.k, Prop. Hod. Cloud, Nob. Notice to Touchers. Notico is horcby given that I will examine all persons who may desiro tQ offer themselves us candidates for tcuohora oftho public soliools of this couuty, at ltcd Gloud on tho third hfeturday of each month. Special examination will bo hold on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat urday of each month. Tho standing required fui !M and 3d urade ccrtiQoaton is thu mime no 'grado below 70pcr con!., uvorogc 80 per cent; lor lirst grado certilicuto no grado bojow 80 por ocnt., avorago 90 per'cont. in all branches required by law. D. M, Hunxer, County Supt. CHEAPER FARM LOANS. I Xo.rsioney CoiumisNlon. 1 can wnto ou a farm loan at n , straight T por ofht. with tho privilegoj ui paying 011 any part 01 me prviuv pui uv uny uuercHt payment. 3. II. Daiubt. i i i $ 51 ,1 -v 1 ,1 TO J i ", 9 1 , 1 11 rl 'tji C"