The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1892, Image 11

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., m ITWMMM.
A. O. HOIMCR, Publlshar.
A Mhi Who (Inmhted In Ntorlct Without
ICnnnliiR Wlmt tin Wns Dolnc;.
"1- never fspeetilnte," Bald it tnnti who
has acquired a fair Blinro of tho world's
Roods, and who cnJoyn them ns inueli
perhaps as any other man Hltnllnrly slt
unted. "And yet I mado my flrnt real
Btnrt on a speculation. I. won at It ard
emit ahead of the (fame, as gnmblcra
ny. I have remained ahead of that
jjnmc over nlnce.
"It wuh out In California that I was
Jed Into my speculation. It was in the
days when mining Btoclci went up Into
-the sky lllcu rockets and eniuo down llho
tiel(8, just ns certain men wanted them
Ito do. I went out there to make my
,fortune, but In boiiio way It would not
onake. I really believe In luck, for I
pHd havo the worst possible kind of
luck, nnd then of a sudden, but will
come to that later.
"Have you ever heard of tho man who
was bo poor that he nlways earned his
fcrcakfaBt; ato it; earned his dinner; nto
lit; earned his supper; nte it; and then
lcpt where it did not cost anything?
Well, I was a good deal poorer than
that man, for I ato my breakfast and
then earned it. It was demoralizing,
yon may bo sure. Hut I happened to
meet a man in San Francisco who was
making u bi? stir out there in those
days. Ho was throwing stocks wher
over ho pleased, and that meant every
where. Tho way that man made money
rtook everyone's breath away. For some
reason ho took an interest in me por
jhaps it was because I could not make a
cent where he could make millions,
f " 'Young man,' ho said to mo ono day,
Mo you want to make some money?'
) "I thought I did. I thought it so em
phatically that I impressed him with
any earnestness.
" 'Well,' he said, 'give me ono htm
iflrcd dollars nnd I'll fix it for you so
ithat you can make Mnucthlng.'
'. " 'A hundred dollars!' 1 said. 'If I
had a hundred dollars I'd get out of this
country. I haven't ono hundred cents.'
IllVmilniviin't ..1,' 'Plum T'11 If.
lo you.'
i ncver could pay you,' I said.
'"Yes you can. You can pay mo
noma dky. Just sign a note for it.
Uunlncs.s is business, you known. Then
fro nwny nnd don't ask any questions.
UuRt keep still till I got ready to talk.'
I "I went away, no richer and no poor
er, save that my name, which wasn't
worth anything U nnybody, was at tho
end of a note for ono hundred dollars.
) "I did not know much nlout stocks
and I did not earo much about them. I
only knew that there was a madness In
tho San Francisco market n few days
later. Some stocks went up nnd soma
went down. The stocks went up out of
sight. Then n hurricane struck tho
whole market and blew it away.
"A few weekB later I met my friend.
" 'O, by tho way,' he said, '1 havo a
note of yours in my pocket
" 'Yes, I gulped, feeling the strings
of my heart tighten, 'but I can't pay It
now. I warned you "
" 'Never mind about that now,' ho
paid. 'Here's your note. Now I'm go
ing ta give it back to you on one con
dition -that you promise mo never to
, speculate again.'
"I made him tho promtae.
" 'Young man,' ho said then, 'you
havo been in tho biggest hell's gamo
that ever was played in this market.
You havo won. I knew you would win.
That's why I let you try It Hut, young
man, and ho raised his hand, ointing
eloquently with his finger, 'you never
in the world could havo won it if you
hadn't been on tho inside. That's why
I inado you promise.'
"Then ho looked at
wrote mo out n check
speechless, nnd sent
a memorandum,
which made mo
mo away. I do
ot to this day know what is tho
process of gambling in Btocks." N. Y.
. Tribune.
A l'eople Noted for Tlirlr Sobriety and In
dustry. Ono of tho elements of progress among
tho peasantry Is the conscrlptlon.whoso
very name they onco abhorred. Tho
Sicilian peasant, a very different being
from tho poor miner, goes to the conti
nent and comes back amazed at tho dif
ference between the stylo of life and
culture at homo and abroad. Ho is
looked upon us nn authority, Insists on
tho children's being sent to school,
knows all about provident societies,
and yet has lost none of his love for his
native Island. So strong Is this lav
that Sicily figures last on the list of
Italian emigration, and though the fig
ures hao slightly increased of lato
years they do not amount to six thou
sand for the entire Island.
When Italy shall embruco the Ameri
can or Swiss system of national defense
and abolish standing armies which are
, her ruin financially, Sicily will proba
bly tnko hor placo first on the list of
"high farming" countries in Kurope,
for her sun and soil remain her own,
her children are among tho hardest
toilers and most frugal livers on tho
faco of the earth; drunkenness is un
known among peasants, even when
thoy havo wino at will; and us fur as
crime (roes, though groat, it is on tho
decrease Including always and every
where tho mining populations. Stg
nora Vcdova Mario, in Chuutauquau.
Unfailing- Symptom.
'Judging from tho dress and gencrnl
appcaranco of that couple that has just
got aboard, it's u case of bride and
1 bridegroom. They uro starting on a
i' wedding tour."
"That may be, but thoy'vo both been
married before."
"How do you know?"
"Can't you boo bIio'b carrying all tho
bundles?" Chicago Tribune.
Tomson Does your wife open your
letter?, Johnson? Johnson Never, un
less they are marked private. -Seattle
IntM-Stnt Comntcrcn notation.
Omaha, Neb., Juno 1. Daniel Fnr
rell, Jr., an Omaha jobber, and his ship
ping clcrk,Kdwardvll.J, Sharpy jwero
placed under arrest yesterday on an in
dictment found by" the federal 'grand
Jury, charging them with violation of
tho Intcr-sUito commcrco law.
Mr. Fnrrell, in explanation, said the
case, ns ho understood it, referred to a
carload of sirups and Jellies shipped to
Salt Lake City, lie said tho transac
tion was entered Into between his ship
ping cleric nnd nn inspector of tho
Western Railway Weighing association
without his knowledge. Tho inspector,
Mr. Sharp asserts, hinted that he might
bo induced to manipulate tho rate, and
asked: "How much will there bo la it
for mo?"
An agreement was llnally reached,
after boiiju dickering, that tho Inspector
should receive (10 for his part In tho
Tho car in question was loaded with
about '42,000 pounds of Jollies nnd 7,000
pounds of sirup. It wns billed as a car
lottd of sirup. Tho saving by tho incor
rect billing was 20' cents per 100 pounds.
Mr. Fnrrell discovered whnt his clerk
had done, nnd Instructed tho clerk to
make out n correct bill of lading,
and tho locnl freight agent of tho
Union I'nclflo corroborates this state
ment For Bomo reason tho ear wns
sent through on the manipulated bill.
Mr. Fan-ell is of tho opinion that this
was dono at tho instance of Ocorge Car
man, of Chicago, tho superintendent of
tho Weighing association, who, ho be
lieves, wns back of tho wholo affair and
laid n trap to Involve him in trouble.
Mr. Farrell charges Mr. Carman with
a conspiracy, nnd hns been ndvlscd by
his attorney that ho hns a case against
tho Chicago man, which, ho says, ho
will push.
Xolirnskn lit tlm World' I'ulr.
Rr.WAlti), Neb., May 20. Having re
ceived at tho hands of tho commissioner
general, a commission as ono of tho
three superintendents of Nebraska's
agricultural exhibit at tho Columbian
exposition, I will mot cheerfully an
swer all correspondence and Khali aim
to bo among you many times to counsel
with you and render you all tho asulst-
nniwt Ill tn if ninvcr.
Tho following nro tho names of tlio
counties of my district: iaowurd, Sut
ler, Folk, York, Fillmore, Thayer,
Nuckolls, Clay, Hamilton, Hall, Adams,
Webster, Franklin, Ke.irney, lluffnlo,
Dawson, I'holps, Harlan, Furnas, Gos
per, Lincoln, Frontier, Red Willow,
Hitchcock, Hayes, Dundy, Clinso, Per
kins, Keith, Douel, Oucyonno, Kimball,
lianner, Seotts, Muff. Address nil com
munications to me at Sewnr'd, Nob.
W. W. Cox, Superintendent
How is to havo
a vinegar
O. . Wnrrls "putting up a new ele
vator at Hartley.
Faiimeus are .well along with corn
plnnting nil over the Btute.
MayohUkuih has signed an ordinance
licensing gambling In Omaha.
Hknhv Hasmp, aged 18. wn crushed
to death under a Hold roller nt Herman.
Kiohtke.V pupils of the Indian Bchool
at Genoa run away. They were recapt
ured. I'l.ATTSMoq-ru claims thnt her cigar
factories amount to more than those of
J. D. STonnAnn's residence nt Repub
lican City burned recently. Loss, f 3,000;
Insurance, 1,500.
Tub Nebraska City Bturch works has
shipped a carload of starch, 20,000
pounds, to Denver.
Miss Paulink Kkkfiib, living near
Papilllon, has been taken to tho asylum,
crazy from religion and overwork.
Tiik post oftlco at Heatrice is to bo re
moved from tho Masonic block to tho
corner of Ella and Fifth streets, in tho
Auditorium building.
Ex-Phksidknt S. S. St. Jonx, of tho
defunct Commercial Savings bank, of
Kearney, has been arrested, at tho in
stigation of ono of tlie depositors. Tho
bank is charged with receiving deposits
when tho president nnd cashier know
tho institution was insolvent
Tiik jury in the case of St Joseph's
Catholic church of O'Neill against Meals
& McVay, contractors of Omaha, re
turned u verdict for tho church, placing
tho amount for which tho bondsmen are
liable at i:i,400. It is understood that
the attorneys for tho bondsmen will ap
TitR following sunorlntcndonts of de
partments for Nebraska at tiio world's
fair have been appointed: Frank A.
Harton, Puwneo City, education; E.
Whlteomb, Friend, apiary; and desig
nated Commissioner Seth P. Mobloy,
(J rand Island, charge of tho Nebraska
Press association.
Tiik reunion committee has received
ofllcNl notice that n fare of one rate for
the round trip has been mado for tho
coining reunion. Tickets will bo on
sale August 2'J to September 1, good till
September S. In addition to this tickets
will bo sold September 2 to all points
within 100 miles of (irand Island.
Skckktaiiy ok Statk has been
officially notlned by tho United Stntcs
agent of immigration at New York that
a party of Immigrants havo landed at
that port and that their destination is
Nebraska. Tho Nebraska towns for
which theso Immigrants are" bound are
Omaha, w nhoo and O.ikland. Tho ship
In which they traversed tho Atlantic
was infected with small-pox, nnd tho
notice Is sent out in order to prevent all
possible dangor from the disease spread-
I.... I.. VI 1... .
nn in .-.uuraMui towns.
Tun Kansas City & Heatrice 150,000
railway bonds havo been tho victims of
another injunction suit J. 8. llrlnk
worth brings suit at Hentrleo against
City Treasurer J. 8. 0 ruble to restrain
tho payment of tho Interest coupons of
bonds dipped before tho special assess
ment or tax had been levied. Judge
Hush granted the temporary restraining
As train No. 5 on tho Union Pacific
wus slowing up to stop at Wood ltlvcr
John Stone, aged twenty-one years,
tried to board tho train nnd wns thrown
between the depot platform and train
and tho wheel ran over his left wrist
Ills arm was amputated.
Dedication of tliti llullillngitt Mtiinrnpolle
to thti Itepiiullrntt C'nmrrntlon-J. Moat
FumkU Timiiirnry Chnlrni in.
MlNNKAroi.ts, Minn., Juno 7. Tho
republican convention hnll of '02 was
opened to tho general publia Inst night
and wns an event long nnd pleasingly
anticipated In local and musical circles
a grand concert by a chorus of 1,000
voices supported by tho Second regi
ment band of Chicago. A vast audience,
numbering over 12,000 peoplo and fill
ing every sent for distances as far as
tho eyo could reach, surveyed the In
spiring scene, which bids fair to becomo
a memorable political battle ground.
Striking changes havo been made in
the interior nppearauco of tho exposi
tion building, which is tho boast of
Surrounding tho walls on every bUIo
rise scats In tiers, giving to tho hnll a
greater width thau depth, with rectan
gular corners. Tho decorations as pro
pared for tho convention nro very sim
ple but very beautiful. At four con
spicuous places American Hugs nro
national convention iiuimiinu.
festooned under old gold hangings nnd
patriotic effects. The hall may bo con
sidered to bo half as largo as was th-j
old, xinwlcldlv, temporary structure
built nt Chicago for the republican con
vention of 18S0. In thut hall tho con
vention sat lengthwise of tho building.
Last night, however, tho stage, with
its great military band, its piano nnd
its 1,000 voices, spreading and retreat
ing to tho eastern upper walls, filled
an entire breadth of the chamber.
At 8 o'clock upon tho conclusion of
the overture of tho opera of lllen.l, tho
nudience wns well seated and rceolved
tho opening number with every cvl-
ucih. - uiuuuhkiu.
Varlous choruses and
solos preceded tho speech of Hon.
Chauncey M. Depew, whose coming wns
hailed with such an uproar ns only
many thousand persons can make.
When tho night session assembled tho
Harrison men mado their fight In tho
natlonnl committee on Fassett and tho
result was twenty-nino votes for Fas
sett nnd ten for Cullom. Mr. Fnssett
will bo temporary chairman of tho na
tional convention. This was a test
vote and shows that Hlaiue men ure in
control of tho committee. Tho defeat
was accepted and the nomination mado
Tho following havo been selected
officers of tho convention:
Temporary secretaries-Charles W. Johnson,
Mlnncipolli- William Arthur I'olU. Ohio: Car
lon Like, Now York: Gen. Lee. San Francis
ro; Joseph O Itrown, I'onnsylvanl v W. I.
Uronnlow, Tennessee; A. b. Clark. Massachu
setts. Assistant secretaries T. r. Simons, Califor
nia; P O. Churchman, Delaware; Auron Urad
nhatr, District of Columbia; Charles Hopkins,
Ohio; A. W. Monroe, Maryland: C S. Morris.
Kentucky; J. W. Dlmmlck, Alabamv. James
Ulalno Walker, Montana: T. V, McAllister,
Mississippi; Otto Qrammo. Wyoming
Heading clerlts-C. P. llauotr. Minneapolis:
J. 1L Stone, Michigan: John S. Konyon, Now
York: 1L S. Oliver, Ohio- Charles Curtiss,
Kansas; Charlos Partridzo, Illinois: Thomas
11. Mlols, Wisconsin: W. U. Illloy, Kentucky.
Ofllctal stenographers Theodora C. KoiO,
Now York: Jami-H F. llurlto, Pennsylvania.
Swept Thirty Houses From Their
Fnunilntlati t Union City, I'll.
EniE, Pu., Juno 7. Last evening
Clark's mill dam nt Union City burst
and a wall of water swept through tho
town carrying thirty houses from their
foundations. While many persons wero
badly hurt nono lost their Hires. Hun
dreds of horses and cattlo wero
drowned. Tho damage will reach not
less than $100,000.
The towns of Garland, Pittsfield, Col
umbus und many other places nro under
water. At Pittsfield tho operator, J. E.
Mead, stood at his post and worked his
instruments with tho water three fcot
deep in the oflleo and the building sur
rounded by the roaring flood.
ltlocked With Nnow.
Cheyenne, Wyo., Juno 7. A rotary
snowplow was required for clearing tho
Union Pnslficllno between this placo
and Lnramlo. About Sherman, tho
Bummit, drifts 15 feet deep had formed
In tho cutn. From 'J o'clock yesterday
morning until 10 In tho forenoon this
point was tmpassnble, and trains wero
hold on either side. With tho votary
wero fifty shovelers brought from
Laramie, tfnow fell early yesterday
Ills Filt ill 8 lor ii Under a Cixr.
Texaukana, Ark., Juno 7. Early
yesterday morning James lluftlu, a col
ored laborer, crawled under a box ear
and took a nap, when a train catno
along, hltchud on to tho box car and
took it along. Ilufiln was tirrlbly cut
up, but was not killed outright Hoth
arms wero cut off and ono shoulder
crushed. His injuries aro fatal.
The Uxltons Hecurrd 0,000.
Rkno, Ok., June 7 --Agent Ashly, of
ihn riiirlliio-tnn iiffi-ncv snvs that tho
Dnltons got over o,000 in holding up
tho Santa Fe at Red Uock. Ho Bays ho
has his information from an intddo
Santa Fe source. Tho report that tho
robbers secured 100,000 Indian anuuity
money was purely u fiction.
Kxports of Specie.
New YonK, June 0. Tho exports of
specie from the port of New York last
week amounted to J,!15S,715, of which
$1,847,505 was gold and $311,150 silver.
Of tho total exports 11,000,000 gold and
$502,700 Bilvor wont to Kuropo and
$447,505 gold and $8,450 silver went to
tho West Indies nnd South America.
Tho Imports of Bpccle during tho week
wero $3O,U00 of which $4,200 was gold
and $40,100 Bllver. Tho steamer I.u
Champagne which aallca yesterday . -
took VfiOO.OOO gold consigned to Huvre I Tho Mississippi delegates to the Chl
and tho steumer Saale took 11,000,000 cago convention are unlnstructcd, but
gold to Bremen. wild to be for ox-rreldent Cleveland,
Epitome of the Proceedings of Doth
Utilises the Past Week.
Tns sennto was not in session on theM....
After some morning business tho house went
Into committee of tho wholo on tho post oftlc
appropriation bill. The pending amendment
was tliot offered by Mr. tllotint of Georgia, ro
duclng by t2,tl(.Ott) tho appropriation for trans
portation by railroad routes nnd providing that
Iho postmaster-general bo authorized to re
adjust tho compensation to bo paid after July I,
1893, for transportation of tho mall on railroad
routrs by reducing the compensation to all rail
roads for tho transportation of mail ten per
cuiL from the rate established on tho basis of
tho titcraga wojght fixed and allowed bv tho net
of Juno 17, UVL HrJectfd-67 to 121. Pending
action tho committee roso and the houso ad
journed. Tiik senate was not In session on tho4th,i..
Tho post office appropriation bill was beforo
tho houno. On motion of Mr. Henderson, nt
North Carolina, nn amendment was adopted
authorizing tho postniMtcr-gcncral to provldo
for tho transportation of official matter to any
government department over railroads or bv
express companies when ho can do so nt n sav
ing to the government nnd without detriment to
tho public service. Tho committee then arose
and rcporto4 tho bill to tho houso nnd It was
passed. Tho Hatch anti-option btll was then
brought up, soon after which enmo the sensa
tional news that Mr. Hlalno had resigned. Tho
houso was In moro or less confusion und ad
journed without action on the bill
CiiAUAc-rcniSTio dullness prevailed In tho
sennto on tho 0th. Tho consular appropriation
bill was brought in and laid aside, and Mr. Vest
addressed tho empty benchos on tho bill to
placo wool on tho frco list. No action was
takcn....Thohouopissod the natch nntl-op-tlon
bill, Tho senato amondments to tho river
and harbor bill were non-concurred In and con
ferees appointed. A bill wns passed appropriat
ing tw.oui forn pedestal forntnonumcnttoQcn.
W. T. Sherman. The senato amendments to tho
navy btll wore uon-concurred In. Hills w cro also
passed admitting New Mexico and Arizona to
the dignity of statehood. Tho lcgtslatlvo ap
propriation hill wus brought In and passed un
der suspension of tho rules. A resolution was
Introduced calling for the adjournment of con
gress on Monday, July 4. Referred
Tut: dlpoVmatlo appropriation btll was be
fore the sennto on tho 7th. Mr. Halo explained
that tho amendments recommended by tho
committee on appropriations ns to envoys ex
traordinary nnd ministers plenipotentiary wero
simply le-csinbllshlng tho status under tho ex
isting law. Those amendments wero alt agreed
to, including tho following: Increasing from
125,0ft) to 130,000 tho appropriation for tho com
mercial bureau of the American republics: in
creasing from tflO.O o to ttO.'WO tho appropria
tion to meotunforeseen contingencies In tho dip
lomatlonnd consular service, and striking out
tho provision that purt of tho amount shall bo
paid In settlement of any claim of anv foreign
power: inserting nn Item for tOJ.OOO for tho
sharo of tho United States In tho expense, of a
preliminary survoy for n continental railway;
Inserting an Item of foO.OOO In addition to U76,
000 hcrotoforo appropriated for tho Internation
al boumlury lino survey between tho United
States nnd Mexico, Increasing unlades of
consuls-general at London, Paris, Havana and
KIo Janeiro from WOW to 0,O)0. Tho bill
was then passed. ...Tho nggricultural appro
priation bill was reported In tho house, Tho
urgent itcllcleney bill was considered In com
mittee, but without action tho houso udjourncd.
IN tho senate on tho 8th Mr. Cull gave notlco
of his Intention to address tho senate June IS
on his resolution for an investigation as to
whothcr railroad companies Interfere with th6
election of United States senators. The peri
ston deficiency bill was laid before tho senato
nnd referred to tho committee on appropria
tions. ...Too house wns In committee of tho
wholo an tho agricultural appropriation bill.
On tho committee rising the bill was passed.
Mr. Mcllae again called up his bill amending
the act of September 'J9, 1(9), forfeiting certain
lands granted for the purpose of aiding In tho
constructiou of railroads. No quorum being
prevent tho houso adjourned.
Tun senato had a short session on the 9th,
but accomplished a good deal of business. The
urgent dollclcncy bill was passed. The legis
lative and agricultural bills came from th
house, also tho New Mexico and Arizona state
hood bills, all of which wero referred to com
mittees. Morgan and Jones of Arkansas spoke
on the silver question. Tho nenatu then nd.
(ouroed until tho 13th. ...In tho bouse Mr.
Coates, of Alabama, called up a btll modifying
tho revised statutes so as to dlspenso with
proof of tho loyalty during tho war of tho rebel.
Ilou as a pre-rcqulstto to boing reported or ad.
mlttcd to tho pension rolls of any person who
would otherwise tie entitled thereto: nor shall
proof of lovulty bo necessary In any appllcntlou
for bounty land, where tho proof othcrwlso
shows th-vt tho applicant Is entitled thereto:
provided that no soldier restored or admitted
to tho pension roll shall not extend to an; per
son under tho disability -imposed by tho four,
tccnth article of tho amendment of tho consti
tution. Posscil Mr. K. II Taylor summoned
up tho bill detlnlng tho crimes of murder In tho
Unit and second degrco nnd manslaughter In
places and on waters under tho exclusive Juris
diction of tho United States. On motion of Mr.
CuIIkthou n bill (originally Introduced by Mr.
O'Neill, of Missouri,) was passed permitting
poor persons to sue In tho United States courts
upon affidavits, and authorizing the court to ap
point counsel Adjourned.
A. Delegation at Minneapolis With m Mem
orial. Minneapolis,' Minn., Juno 9. No
convention is complete In these en
lightened days with
out the woman's
suffrage movement
coming to tho front
for agitation, and
tho tenth republic-
nn nntlnrml nmivnn-
I, tlon is no exception
4wei tino luwn nA
KS'sentcd to tho con-
V" .1 1 -. .1-1-
veimuii, uim u uuiu
gation has asked for
a henrlnsr beforo tho
MRS. O. c. caiu.kton. committee on reso
lutions. Tho memorial asks the repub
lican party to declare for female suf
frage, and claims indorsements from
tho G. A. It, trades assemblies, Farm
ers' Alliance, Industrial Union, Knights
of Labor, iu all representing a million
of votern.
Mrs. Q. C. Carloton, of Wyoming, who
is here as a delegate, is tho first woman
delegate to a national convention.
Mr. IJould Stilt "Out West."
Puejilo, Col., Juno 10. Mr. Jny Gould
and family quietly slipped away in his
special ear to bo gone Bevernl days. It
is stated mat Air. uouin uas omy kuud
J down tho road a short distance to avoid
tho political disturbance on tho wires
that interferes wan nis private dum
ness. Assistant General Manager
Bmltn, of tho Missouri Pacific, is ex
pected to arrive to confer with him.
A Oovernor for Lynching.
Haiwjwem., 8. C., Juno 0. Under tho
(rrovo of trees where eight negroes wero
brought from the county Jail in Decem
ber two years ago, lynched nnd riddled
with bullets, Gov. Tillman mado tho
sensational utterance at tho first meet
ing of tho democratic state campaign,
yesterday: "There is only ono crime
that should bring on tho lynching," ho
said. "I iw governor, would head n
party to lynch any negro that would
$ & j
Sngirestloni for the
Cm H
In almost every household there are
articles which, as far as utility goes, aro
just as good an new, but which nro de
faced, faded or shabby-looking merely
becauso the finish on them has been
worn or otherwise injured. To throw
these away or pllo them in tho garret ia
an out-of-pocket tort of economy, and
ono which wiso housekeepers will not
indulge in, except for good and sufficient
It is a very easy matter to reconstruct,
renovate and rcilt household belong
ings, nnd if tho few necessary appli
ances are kept ready at hand, tho task
is neither unpleasant nor tedious, but
rather amusing. A brlght-wlttcd and
economical housewife, not long since,
invited ono of her friends to what who
called a "painting party," tho friend be
ing tho only guest. An attic room was
fitted up with n bench, paint pots nnd
brushes, and hero tho visitor was in
vited to seat herself as n spectator at
the evolution of a very old-fashioned and
almost hopeless-looking bedstead. It
was n four-poster a genuine old-tlmor.
Whllo it was badly scratched and not by
nny means in a presentable condition,
it had great possibilities.
The old, scratched paint nnd varnish
wero speedily removed with sand-paper,
which wns not a difficult operation, ns
nil of tho posts were turned. Then tho
pieces wero carefully dusted oil and
coated with wlilto enameled paint. Tho
operator had tried tho enamel Bitch as is
sold In tho Ktores, nnd found it answered
ndmirably ; but as It was much too costly
for use In any quantity, she tried a plan
of her own, which answered tho pur
pose very well.
Some white lead was mixed with very
flno coach varnish, thinned with turpen
tine until of tho proper consistency, and
this was used in placo of the enumol. It
mado a heavier body, and worked quite
ns easily, but required much moro tlmo
to dry. Tho first coat seemed to sink
into tho wood, and tilled up all of tho
cracks nnd crevices. When this was
perfectly hard, Which required Bomo
days, it was sand-papcrcd off with lino
Band paper until perfectly smooth, caro
being taken not to rub too deep, as only
tho roughness nnd possible species or
bubbles in tho paint were to bo removed.
This finished, :v coat of enamel, made
quite thin with turpentine, was npplled.
A number of articles wero worked over
in this way, some of them receiving
threo and others but two coats of tho
paint, the difference in tho wood regu
lating tho amount of paint required.
One piece had to havo four coats beforo
it was satisfactory.
Thero nro many persons who would
like to use enamel paints, but, like the
party mentioned, Und them too ex
pensive. When this Is tho ease, tho best
white lead, as it comes from the keg,
may bo mixed with good varnish until
smooth nnd somewhat pasty. Fine
turpentine should then be added, to put
it In working order. A comfortably
thick coat at llrst, well dried and sand
papered, then ono or moro thinner
ooats, will put in admirable condition
nny nrtlolo of furnituro not hopelessly
battered or broken. After tho llrst coat
Is on, putty should bo mixed quite soft,
nnd, with a putty knife, all holes, deep
ticams or cracks should bo filled and
carefully smoothed off. If this Is done,
tho paint will cover perfectly, and no
trace of tho putty will bo vlslUe. N.
Y. Ledger.
Walking I)rcsc.
In answer to tho protest mado by
practical women against long skirts for
tho street, Felix has designed several
robes trottcuses or walking dresses of
woolen stuffs, mado with a round skirt
that comes near to tho ground, yet just
escapes touching. Tho back is cut bias,
in tho popular fashion, and it is rounded
off at the foot to avoid tho necessity of
lifting or of tucking up. A favorite
model has this skirt of flax gray serge,
which is easily brushed, and docs not
spot, ornamented with appllquo fes
toons of dark green velvet. A blouse
waist of plisso surah of dark myrtlo
green shade Is confined by a Russian
belt of silver and gold galloon fastened
by a Kremlin buckle. A Figaro jacket
of tho gray serge, with largo sleeves
trimmed with green velvet, is worn
over tho blouse when in tho houso, but
is replaced for tho street by a longer
casaquo of Bcrge, with revcrs, collar,
and cuffs of green velvet. Similar dresses
nro mndo In dahlia serge, the violet
rouge uhado now so popular in Puris,
with trimmings of blank vc1tU Hot
per's lla'.iv-
CATTLE Dest beeves 3 4U 04 4 15
Native cows
Iioas Qood to cholco heavy..
WHEAT-Nc, ' red
Xu. Shard
COKN-No 2 mixed
OATS-No. Smixed
ltYi:-No S
PI.OUK-1'att-nU, per sick...
HAY Cholco llraothv
00 3 15
Si) di 0 OS
7-i 74
4-IVi'iC 41
3S i 3JJ
I w
ta 1 tu
8 SO
7 W
Fancy pralrlo 7 00
POULTHY hprlnu ohieltcns. .. IB
IIUVIKJU Cholco creamery. .. II
C!!USK Pull cream. '-
KUUS-ChoIco 1-
CATTLE Fair natives 3 10 40
Toxans 2 00 fe 3 M
HOQS-IIeavy 4 5) & 4 70
SIIEEP-Fatr to cholco 4 M 6 ID
FLOUK-Choice 3, & 3 3J
WHEAT No S red. oovva
RORN-No. S mtxed 45ya 46
DATS-No. 8 mixed. 31 32J,
HYK No. 8 "7 78
UUTTUK-Crcamcry 13 a Id
l'ORK-New U0J II 25
AHU Western steam 8 15 oso
CATTLE-Prlmo to extra 4 23
HOaS-1'Jo'.ttnK and shipping.. 4 7J
SHKKP-Fatr tocholco , 6 00
4 50
4 05
4 3J
FIjOUR Winter wheat
4 2J
WHKAT-No. I! red
OATS No. 2
HYU-No. 3
61 6IH
; w w
1014 17
10 374ttl0 40
LAHD 6 33
0 3W
CATTLE-Kattvo steers
HOaS-Uood tocholco
FLOUR Oood tocholco
WHBAT-No. S red
COBN-No. 2.... ,....,
OATS-Wcsten mixed
4 15
4 00
8 45
4 65
fsa 1 ooh
68 69
3) 40
14 17
IORK-01d mesa. 9 76 10 60
Q Awc'
I? a flying in the face
of Nature to t.tko the ordinary pill.
Just consider how it acts. Tlicro'si
too much bulk nnd bustle, nnd not
enough real good. And think how
it leaves you when it's nil over I
Dr. Pierce's Ploasnnt Pellets act.
naturally. They help Nnturo to do.
her own work. They clean so and
renovate, mildly but thoroughly, tho
wholo system. Regulate it, too.
Tho help that they give, lats.
Thoy'ro purely vegetable, per
fectly harmless, tho smallest, easiest,,
nnd best to take. Sick Headache,.
Bilious Headache, Constipation, In
digestion, Bilious Attacks, and all'
derangements of tho Liver, Stomach,
and Bowels nro promptly relieved:
nnd permanently cured. Ono tiny,.
Btigar-coatcd Pellet for n gentle- ,
laxative threo for n cathartic.
They're tho cheapest pill you can.
buy, for they're guaranteed to givo
satisfaction, or your mouoy is re
turned. You pay only for tho good youi
This is true only of Dr. Picrco'ei
medicines. .
WHAT 10 cis. WILL BUY.
s bulb Giant rmuda Prcesla for winter tloomlne.
i rkt. I'.insy Sa, for wlnttr blooming, and a
the MAYl'LOWKR, a u pace Horticultural rarer..
tach Issuo containing i or a largo Lieganc -oioreai
Plates of some new (lower, all
lower, all by man posipaia tor
only io cents
Hy io cents. .
The TREKSIA Is mi ImrroveJ strain of that lovely
flower, bearing; larce spikes or rcaumul, iragrant,.
white and yellow blossoms, unsurpassed for winter
Unnmlnir. The PANSY Is a strain esrec a Iv rccon-
BisnJcJ for winter Hoonlnc In rots, all colors mixed
Till: MAYILOWLR Is well known as U.o best pub
lication on riowcrs, fruits, Gardening and Home-
Adornment In general. It has over 300,000 tubscrlb
trs, nna coes all over tno world, cacn issue rf
tains 34 or. i paces, elegantly Illustrated and I l
with n handso-no cover, and ONE OK
edited by John Lev. Is ChlMs, asslsteJ by many of the
best known writers ana cultivators tno worui over
iimone whom nro Win. Falconer, Eben E. Rciford..
W. N. Pike, fi. S. Rand, Mrs. Henry Ward llctcher,.
etc. It has correspondents In ell parts of the world,,
and Its articles are the most Interesting, Instructive,
and valuable to ba had. Wc send It for 3 months,
together with the Pansy and rrecsla for only ioc...
that ou nay becomo acquainted with Us merits.
Get two of your f ilcnds to accept this offer with you.
and u will send you free a bulb of tho UCKMUDA.
EASTER LILY for your trouble. For 5 trial sub
scribers, besUcs our own, we will nail ou free tf-o
EAStTR LILY and a plant of tli; CHARMING
MEXICAN PRIMROSE. For 10 trial subscrlbers
at 10c. each wo will send TWO LltlDS and TWO PRIM
ROSLS. snd for so wc will send a LIUCS, 1 PRIMROSES.
plants. All by mall postpaid. Remember that each.
subscriber gets for ioc. tho Mayflower for 1 months.
(with 4 or 5 large colore J plates) , and a duid or rreesia.
nd packet of wlnter-bloomlng Pansy Seed, with di
rections for culture. Write at once, this offer wilt)
not appear again. Address
atrxuu nua r ami am? um iwnst.
Bend for Complote lgt of It out (sand Rates fori
luunuu iuuuu auu ruu imonnauon concsrn-
ik Train Gervlco,
o. k. -wixBnn.
Wcatarn 1'aeii. Aecnt,
Qn, Pass Ac T. Agsnt,.
T HIKE MI MfiS f Km r MM.
m VAunnu,
When you buy Flags you
want the best. Government
Standard is the best; the
largest flag dealers in the U.
S. are G. W. SIMMONS
& CO., Oak Hall, Boston,
Mass. Dealers in Military
Uniforms. Write for a
Rag Catalogue.
Yea can't tnd what ynu want In your horns storei.
let on tne train n.l rm to our mammoth llrr
DooJi rmblliliiiie nu If you can't come, then send
fur simplea (no charge for itnipleo, and order wuM
you warn by wall. Wegummeeuitiisction.
ruavs this nria iwfMpum,
11 FewlncMachinaa. .
AM "
I r jdZhe&!t rt.R tHIPT Vi"LMt,r?irS-a
so ir supplied. .
nd for nnnletala pries .
REPAIRS lauutocuitit.'ist.Louisj22'
mini Till rmamf tau rnMte