The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 17, 1892, Image 10

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., sf
v -v. . vtKiafjftWir.
V t 3 lfA,
if" VJCJf,
f-- . -M4-rt-. Ah. U.t,'.,
Slow Sale Goods!
Odds and Ends of. Stock 1
Odds sizes
The above liave liccn plnccd on countcra In our store trad will
bo sold below Actual Cost.
You can find many genuine
II. fc Bf . R. R. Time Table.
. . TakltiR effect Nov. 6, . .
Trains cnrrjrlhg possonfiors leave Red Clpud
m follows: ,
No. 133 ftMwngQrto ItSrtliiRS, 00 p. iiv
Nb, lai Krelgl (or Hasting ISO p.m.
Passenger from Hastings
rlvts 9;a.m.
No. 10, TasscnKtr to Ht. .Twiepfi, St,
Lnlaml Uhlojro dally 10:30 a. in
No 14 1'amcDKer to Kansas Cltv and
Atchison, dally. - 8:20, p.m.
No, 13 Passenger for Denver and In-
termedlato points, dally, 7:30 a.m.
No. IS, Passenger fur Denver, dally, 7 tio p. m.
No. 133 loctf freight to Oxford dally
No. lii local freight 'rom Oxford daly
ezccni nunaay u:uunm
oiccpi ouiiuajr
8:15 pm
Croquets seta at Deyo's,
Londohdery mineral water at Doyo's
F. A. Swcczy was in tho city this
Hammocks and Croquet sets at Cot
ting l'atent jncdiomos of all kinds at J
Dcyo's 16 cerA wall paper is tho
finest in tort.
Paints and oils, brushes varnishes
Ao ., at Deyo's.
A. 8. Marsh is up again, aftor quite
a serious illness.
M. A. Fisher, of McCook was in
tho city this week.
Fine neck wear a specialty at Chi
cago clothing store.
For correct fitting clothing go
Chicago olothing store.
Wo have tho best stock of bats
the iiy. Chicago store.
Harry Pond has money to loan
first class city property.
E. W. Andrews adds his namo
tho Great Family Wcokly.
For nobby suits tho Chicago cloth
inn store takes first rank.
For fine tobacco, cigars, candies
Ac, go to 3. O. Lindley's.
The pionio at Smith's grove last
Sanday was a grand success.
- Tho board of supervisors mot this
week as a board of equalization,
Go to tho Chioago clothing store
for, pants of every discription.
W. W. Wright has been "whooping
her up" with tho whooping eough,
See Oscar Patmor before buying
flour. lie lira made a big rcduotion.
Cotting sells the boat paints and
iols in the market. Don't forget it.
Farm loans at six per cent option
to pay after two years. D. B. Span
oqlc. Cotting has Bomo of tho finest wall
paper eycr shown in the city. Call
and see
Tho Lincoln mixed paints sold by
Cotting are the best in the market.
Wo guaranteo them.
F. V. Taylor, allows no one (o sell
moro goods than ho doos, at prices
that aro low, for good goods.
Don't buy your wall paper until
you have seen tho best stock in town
which is to bo found at Doyo's.
Wall paper and curtain trado is
brisk at Cotting's, tho fino selection
and fair prices plcaso tho customers
Remember tho Chioago olothing
storo takes measures for tailor mado
olothing, guaranteo a perfect fit or no
Children's shirt waists can bo found
at Wiener's. Tho oolobrated "Mothers
Friend" costs no morp than inferior
L. II, Doyo is in tho lead on tho
wall payor trade, and his Jorge stock
latost styles and low prices will keep
him in tho lead.
II. A. Shirik'lo has purohasod tho
interests of John Ault in tho second
hand store Mr. & is a rustler and
Tiik Chief wishes him succosb.
That Quick Meal Vapor Btovo, sold
by W. W. Wright is the best in tho
market, furnishes tho most heat and
uses ono third less gasoline. It is
simply perfection and oolipses all oth
er etov-tf tliiit use gasalinc.
If you dcsiro to hoc tho finest gas
oline Btove that has ovorbcen produc
ed you will bo obllgod to oall on W,
W. Wright, tho hardwaro man in the
Kaley black. It is tho Qu'jk Meal
Vapor Btovo and discounts all othors
of the iamo price.
Hinder For Sjile.
Goqi, Ejterly binder for silo cheap. 1
Eniit6 ot D. F, Trankoj. 2t
and Shopworn Goods
bargains on this counter.
& Key
Chnrloy.Kaloy is building an addi
tion to his house.
Fidelia Sohaffnit is homo from
Quiney visiting her paronts.
Mr. Mirt Fcarn of Chester, Ncbr.
is visiting friends and relatives at
this plaoo. We understand ho trill
return tho Brat of next week.
Now let every republican bo firm,
and with Mr. Andrews for our candi
date for congress, we can sooop Mr.
McKeighan. Mr. Androws is a clean
man and fully ablo to roprcsent this
Miss Josio Igou loft this week
for two or three weeks' vacation in
Missouri and Arkansas. Sho will vis
it with her mother in Missouri, and
then with Mrs. Goo. Holland in Hot
Springs, Ark.
Ed. Johnson and wifo camo to Red
Cloud in tho wintir some timo. Dur
ing the foro part of the week Johnson
anfl family, after getting all they coald
on credit, departed for parts unknown.
They are wanted hero by several.
Tho city council has at last awak-
ened to tho fact that it docs not pay
to put in board boxing for sowerage,
and have, consequently procured large
drainago.tilo that will last a lifo time.
That is a senoiblo conclusion to arrive
Tho Red Cloud People who wont to
Minneapolis will over remember Mr.
Williams of Grand Island, ono of the
dologatcs, for tho many favors that
ho extended to thim whilo there.
Mr, IV. took care of the district in
good Bunpe.
If any of our peoplo' know where
there is a bed of good hard rock, suit
able for ballasting railroads, tho B. &
M. folks would like to know it, if suoh
is in this county, or a good bed of
sharp gravel. They proposo to bal
last thoir road.
Tim Chief is very much indebted
to Rev. E. L. Ely for tho ablo and
mastcraly report of tho Commence
ment exercises whio'a he turnished
for its columns during the editor's
absence in Minneapolis, and other
favors in the roportorial line.
W. E. Andrews of Hastings, was
nominated on tho republican ticket on
Wednesday, at MoCook, for congress.
Mr. Andrews is an able scholar and a
min peculiarly fitted to copo with
MoKoighan in a race for congrei s, and
will bo elected in November.
Wo wish again to call attention of
our stookmeu to the sale of short
horns at Superior, Neb., Saturday,
Juno 25. Too sale will bo at the
creamery stables. This will bo a grand
opportunity to get some fino oattle at
your own price. See ad in another
column of this papor.
Hon. T. J. VVard of this city, a
propscctivo candidate for oongross in
this district on the democratio ticket,
leaves Saturday to help nominato tho
noxt candidate on tha demooratio
tioket for president. Joff is a Simon
Puro Bourbon and is never bo happy
as when helping tho democrats to get
Tho oity authorities should at once
notify all proporty owners and others
to clean up tho alleys. They aro in
a beastly condition and will be the
means of much sickness should they
remain in thin way any longer. Tho
council should authorizo Stroet Super
visor waru to sco tbat the work is
Attention is called to tho public
salo of short horned oattlo by J. W.
Doan of Maryvillo, Mo., which will
tako place at Superior, Neb., June 25,
1802. He has been a prominent ex
hibitor at the leading fairs for sovoral
years. Our stockmen Bhould not fail
to attend tho salo. Scoadvortisemont
on another page of this issue. '
Tho Nebraska division of the lcaguo
of Ameiioan wheolmon will hold
their scoond annunal tournament at
Hastings, Nob., July 4th and 5th.
In addition to tho bioyole races, ar
rangements havo boen mado for a grand
celebration en tho 4th, closing in tho
evcuing'witn a grand balloon ascen
sion and a magnificent display of fire
'works. Reduced railroad rates will
Iba givcin -
.., .aw .... - ., , .
Piite Ice Cr-gaiu at Qalnigs, ...
Walt Sherwood was homo from
SleCook this wcok.
R. D. Bodford and Geo. O. Yeiscr
aro in Omaha this week.
Services next Sunday at tho Episco
pal churoh, morning and ovening.
Attorney MoNitt was in Omaha this
week on legal businoss for tho city.
Say, arc we going to havo onr streets
graveled, paved or curbed this ytar ?
A. Chimes, Will Kicer, and Mcll
Sherman arc again looatcd in Red
H. M. Tingley is a now subscriber to
Toe Chief for which ho- has our
A. .0. Bel, w-ho has been on (ho
sick list for tho past week or fwo, is
mucft better.
.Hon. Tom Majors, flow stands a
fair show to become tho next govern
or of Nebraska.
Airs. J. S, Cromwell and daughtor
Grace, wcro tho guests of Mrs, F. R.
Gump thli week.
W. J. Orchard, wifo and son from
Exeter, are visiting R. K. Orchard of
Inavalo this weok.
W. B. Itoby, of Haiglcr is in the
city. Ho says his county will go re
publican this year.
Harry Miller and S. E. Coftd aro
in David City this week attending tho
state encampmont S. of V'a.
P. W. Shea is a mighty good demo
crat, but beliovcs tbat tho greatest re
publican paper on earth is Tub Chief.
Mr. J. W. Bogenrief mado tho Big
In jtfn. happy this week by an addition
to its gold mino for Tut CbieV for
Rceso Trwtopspn and Mr. Sprachcr
of Cowled, along with their families,
wero guests at Tne Chief offlco this
Mrs. S. U. Bookwith and ohildren
leave Saturday morning for Belvidier
to Visit Mrs. W. L. Haines, formerly
of this place.
Dr. Dameroll, 0. H Potter, Jas.
McNcny and G. R. Chancy wero in
Ofmoha this week attending United
States court.
Tho merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is
not accidental but is tho result of
careful study and experiment by edu
cated pharmacists.
Don't forget that, if you havo not
already dono so, you ought to begin
to .think of what you am going to ex
hibit at our next fair.
Our cornet band has boen hi rod by
Campbell people for tho 4th. Wo
can assuro tho pcoplo of that city
that thoy will have good music.
A largo numbor of our prominent
republicans went to MoCook this woek
for tho purposo of nominating the
next congressman from the 5th.
Tho city should appoint a marshal.
The Chief believes that Colonol Win
frey would make a good one.' He is a
constable arid could work tho two to
gether. ev. E. L. Ely, loft this week for
Cortland, 111., and 'later for Helena,
Montana, whero he goes as a delegate
to tho National convention of the A.
a u. w.
Prof. Caster, who has nobly fillo d
the position of suporintondent of our
city public schools, goes cast this
f week to tako a summer courso of
study at Harvard. ,
Tho Webster count fair associa
tion will ho tho best equipped for an
exhibition this yoar it ever has. Re
member that ycu should now begin
to make preparation for an exhibit.
Tho street sprinkler now makes tho
rounds and tho cooling effeot of tho
water as it is let looso upon tho streets
is a ploasant reminder that tho use
of water for such purposes 'is all
Tho other day tho oity arrested a
man for canvassing. Ho was jailed.'
Un Saturday , ho was released on a
writ of habeas 'corpus issued from the
U. S. court. It is a pity that our oity
merchants oan't be 'protected from
these agents who generally represent
shoddy bouses and sell poor goods for
high prices.
On last Sunday Chris Christiansen
living in Inavalo township, near
Franklin township, left his premises
and tried to piok a quarrol with John
Mattison by sotting bis dog on Mat
tison's cattle, and when rebuked for
bis audaoity, Christiansen drew a re
volver and shot MatMso'n in tho am.
The sheriff was notified of the re
sult, but too lato to annrohood fthrla.
Ltiansen who flsd to an adjoining state
iur security, xi was the second, jit-
upton mr. Matlison'a Ufa
Efrworlli Li'iiRtie Convention.
Tho Epworth Loague convention of
Hastings District held its', ' annual
mooting at tho M. E. ohuroh in this
city on Monday and Tuesday of this
week. Tho delegates began to arrive
early on Monday morning and as tho
beam of tho scales weighing their
combinod mental and moral worth
wont down, tho indtcator of tho spirits
of thn local committees went up, as
thoy thought of tho good things in
store for us. Tho weather was- all that
could bo desired. Tho bright sun
shino was rcflcotod in brighter smiles
and happier facoi of old and young.
As the mooting progressed enthusi
asm and interest waxed mora fntensc.
Miss Anna Randall gave tUo ad
dress of wlccomo in a witty and very
pleasant manner. TJiis was respond
cd by Rev. W. It. Jones, P. E. ot
tho district, after which thp address
of tho evening was .given by Rov, II.
A.Ewcll, prcsidont of the Distriot.
His subject was, "Why tho Epworth
Lesguo is belter adapted to our churoh
than any other young people's society."
Ho Bpoko apprcciativly of other de
nominational sooictins, whioh his ar
guments were most convincing, that
for tho M..E. church nono can ap
proach tho Epworth Lcaguo in thoir
ability to train and cduoato tho young.
At five o'clock the next morning the
early risers gathered at tho ehureh for
a sun-riso prayer mocting.
Later on, tho program was taken up
and several able and valuablo papers
wcro presented, bearing on tho differ
ent lines of work.
Among our distinguished visitors
was B. L. Paipo, M. D. of Lincoln,
who interspersed tho excroiscs With
songs rendered in his own pleasing
and inimitablo manner.
In tho afternoon "a model Epworth
Lcaguo dovotional meeting was con
ducted by Dr. Paine. "Difficulties in
tho work" as viewed from various
standpoints was ably and forcibly dis
cussed by various person?.
Mrs. E. J. Case and Prof. G. M.
Caster, of our eity, each favored the
oonvontion with practical, scholarly
papers on tho ."Literary Department
of 'Work." Spaeo forbids our entering
moro definitely into a report suoh as
the merit of eaoh desorves.
"in tbo evening Miss dadio Carr of
Edgar and a young Junior of Hebron
f,avo recitations, whioh socmed to do
ight tho audience ' and eaoh wero
heartily cnoorcd. Resolutions wero
read by Rov. Burbank and other busi
noss matters attendod to.
Tho closing address of tho conven
tion was given by Rev. 0. B. Lcnfcst.
Ho spoko impressively and feelingly.
Thus our friends havo cdmo'and cone,
leaving behind them tho fragranco of
pleasant momoncs, and taking with
them, wo trust, happy thoughts and
favorablo impressions of our homes
and our eity.
"God Bless the Epworthians."
Red Cloud Public cliools.
Items from tho annual report for the
year ending June 3, 1892,
Enrollment during tbo yoar 623;
por cent, of attendance, 00; per cowt.
of punctuality, 09; Number of days
taught, 174; average daily- attend
ance 400.
Tho following pupils ranked high
est in their respcotivo grades during
tho year:
Name Grado Harking
Donald Pope 12north sch'l 94
Willio Kellogg 11 9C
Maud Groenlco 10 94$
Wm.Heffelbowcr... 9 ,..03
Harry Letaon 8 06
Edna Henderson.... 7 03
Sadio Overing 6 95
Ella Cook 5 93
Jcssio Henderson... 4... 95
Graoo Kellogg 3 D3 1
aiico uoombs Z., va
Dollio Gordon 1 94
Herbert May field... 8 south sch'185
S.ll TTn,ni.:nn'... t ' r.
Stella Umphinour... 7 85
Carrio Eriokson i 87
Susio McCord 5 91
Fay Toqthacro 4- 91
Harvoy Snidor...... 3 92
Maud Short 2 96
Blanoho Osborn 1.. ,94
Roll of honor: Tbo following pu
pils were neither absent nor tardy
during the cntiro year: Willie Kel
logK, Luoy Eainos, Olivo Greenlee,
Willio Eames, Laura Boyd. Sherwood
Albright, Orlando Bc'ntjcy, Earl Pond,.
nolle &ames, xua, jjostcr and r reddle
Bentloy, , , , , (
Tho socond room of the north
sohool seourcd tho banner tho great
est numbor of times during the year
for tbo best attendance Thoso in
the. honor roll Bet.a'fejy-iworthy ox
amnio durinc tho year, is hoped
that many moro will bo recorded in
j iuio tun uuaii jfuiir wiuu muni irer.
I 4ttia a11 maA mab. ll. it. an a ua
tnu year. Ucspeotruiiy
' ' ' .O.Jir. CxB'SapU
.4 I
The above Mentions Suit are
Our display of children and boys' suits is a
little thefticest shown yet.
PnMte Bale . '
Of Cruickshank Topped Short
Horn Cattle at Superior, Neb.
SatUrdry, Jdiie 25, 1B92;
22 cows and Heifers,
This pale includes the top of
good show animals. They
individuals. The females
Cruickshank bulls. They
Tho IteMllIca represented aro
and Bloom, came to iho aaie anu sco a good lot or cattle
TcraMMx Moataa will be given en bankable paper bear
lag tea per cent Interest, er two per cent off for each
Sale at 1 p at. prompt. For cutalogaea, address
.7. W. DEAN,
Jlaruville, Mo
Col. P. M. WOODS, Auctioneer.
rrrrmrKfrrmifmmmm rrm
laden, Ncbr.
Hurrah for Best!
Hurrah for Bea Harrison 1 1 1
Crops in these parts aro looking
Sailor & Shuffllebarger can givo you
fire insurance.
Chas. Heller was in Omaha- with a
car of hogc last week.
Mr. Sailor of Indianola, has boon
visiting his brother P. H. Sailor.
J. M, Snow attended tho republi
can oonyention at MoCook.
Strawberry and ice cream supper at
tlje G. A. R. bell Thursday evening.
Mr. Loekhart from Wasbiogton ia
spending a few days with friends in
this vicioily.
ThevNoSbaea Bell firm of Baltimore,
Md.fiaveeeeswd the order for Qm
Congrcgatioeal ohuroh bell
Roy. Grilth talks of moving to
Bluo Hill te reside as he can not find
a vacaat house in town.
One of C. F. Kehler's pdnics died
last week.
A great deal of grain is coming in
at present, Gund & Co. aro paying as
high as 35c for corn.
Bladesi and surrounding country
was blessed with a fine shower of rain
Dptn Baturaay ana.aunuaj&tignta.
R. M. Coohrano, of Red Cloud, has
secured the contract to build Mr.
Grandstaf ' a ntfw house and work will
begla at .
Childrca'a day was duly observed
w . I
. i
Post - office.
my herd and contains (Several
are all nicely bred and good
have all been bred to good
are all recorded or eligible to
Muzurku, Yoang Mary, Gwyaao
at tho congregational ohuroh which
was handsomely decorated with
flowers. The mingling of the soeg
of birds and tho voices of ehlldrca
gave it a eboorful air. The reoite-
tions and' singing wore good, eae
should havo boen' there to appreciate
it. Tho houso was well filled.
For Flour and Feed
Go and seo L. P. Albright. He keep
tho best brands and soils his flour Jest
as ehoap as othors. Also sells hard
and soft coal. Prioes reasonable. Of
fico and scales, oorner of Webster
stroet and 4th avenue
Wluit Stronger Proof
is needed of tho merit of Hood,;
Sarsaparilla than tbo hundreds of let
Ion. continually ooraing in tellbg of
majrvollouq cures it his effected after
all other roujodioe had failed ? Traly
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses peea
liar surativo powers unknown to ether
Hood's Pills euro constipatioa by
restoring tho peristaltio aotioa of the
alimentary canal. Thoy are the beet
I family cathartic.
' ' '"M
On last Friday, a number of yoaag'
friends mot at the home of Mice
Blanch Sellars, at 9 o'clock a. a., aad
from, there gathored in the grove
south of tho river, and spent the day
in tho most enjoyable ways, they rt
ported a very pleasant time or their
return intho .ercalaK. There war.
jsfrout thirty pr west.
alt i
i . . feWftfe o,Wv