The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1892, Image 4

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    A" V'W-1 "' ""VM
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H i
s i
FafcMiliei Weekly.
ertsoertptlM, . .ft Ft Anu
Invarlantr ' .. .
It net paid tat4nnee,afler this da March
s, MR, the price will !'.
Miss Carrie Troboe, who has Icon
ft teacher in tlto high school at this
lata for the past sine months, re
turned home last Monday'cvcnln lo
to spcad vacation,
The ten-year-old ton of ,1. V. Lud
low fell from a tree on Wednesday,
breaking hid arm lust above tho elbow
lie fell a distanoo of about fifteen
feet apd waa fortunate in escaping
even with ao aerioua an injury,
O. C. Bell wai in Omaha Tneadey.
F. V! Taylor waa in Omaba thia
Mr. Newbonse waa in Omaba Ihii
Lawyer J.'H. Randall waa is Hast
ings, Taeaday.
' Mra.M. W. Dickerson la visiting
friends is Omaba.
NIh LaU Warner will go eaat to
pead her vacation.
Mra. J. 0. Warner and daughter
Lttlu are in Franklin.
8. F. SpokaaleU started for Miane
apelie 8nnday evening.
Artknr Knoz. formerly of Amboy,
has moved to Bad Cload.
Mr, Nat Benbow, from Kansas
was in Red Cloud Wednesday.
The little efaild of George Brown's
died Jut Wednesday afternoon.
J. 8. Cox adds his name to the
Great Family Weekly. Thanks.
The Sons of Veterans gave a social
at the K. P. hall Tuesday eveaing.
8everal of the men who planted
beeta thia spring wil! have to replant.
Jesse Dobbins, living; near 8alem.
Kans., has secured work on the B A M
Mr. John Gilbert's son who lives
near Franklin, ia visiting hia father.
Dr. MeKeeby waa called to Super
ior on Monday, to make an operation.
Rev. Dr. Palis went to Grand Island
this weak to attend a ohureh meeting.
Boyd A Overing are nutting water
works into tneir maroie anop inis
A. L. Myeis, brother of J. C.
Myers, arrived Tuesday evening on
a visit, .
Mr. C. W. Terrill ef Jewell tWnty,
made a abort viait in this eity last
Mra. Verliada Lati is tfuilding n
J new barn. Mr. Robt. Wilton is do
in ej tbe work. .'
Mrs. Wm. MeKinmey, of Amboy,
waa n pleasant ealler, at thia oflae
Wednesday. " l
Mra: J. Nuatein and daughter have
gone to Atehison, Kans., for a tnree
montbs' visit. ,
0. Benson of 'Campbell, has re
newed his subscription to '03.
Many thanks,
Married, on Wednesday night,
Wm. MoAvey to Mra. M. A. Miller,
bath of this eity.
Miss Norn Nice left Friday even
ing for a visit of several weeks with
friends in Orleans.
Mrs. Murray and children of Oma
ha, are the nests of Mr. and Mrs,
Murray thia week.
Mr. R. M. Cochrane has aaeured
the contract for building a largt farm
house near Bladen,
Miss Emma and Carrie Brown have
returned home having Iniabed their
term of school at Lincoln. '' "'
Mr. A. N. Patmor made tba' "Big
Injun" happy thia week by renewing
hia euuieriptioH to Thk Chief.
Billy Woods, the good-natured fire
man on the B. A M. ia enjoying a
viait with hia father from Indiana.
Wall paper and ourtaia trade ia
brisk at Cottlag's, the fine selection
ead fair prices please the customers.
Our Nation friends have moved
their off ee ia" lie "Sleeper- building
two doors north of T Cmir oSee.
TryCactuaoil forbrab wire outs.
It ia the moat healing remedy in the
world. 8old only by Deyo the Drug-
Nis's Lotu Munsell, who has been
type-writer in Chicago far the paat
few months, is visiting relatives in
': this city.
m'X, Mr. Cawgill, formerly a resident of
U&WUI Cloudnow ef Hiawatha, Kansas
reported vary siekwith little or no
wpf of recovery.
WpM Law Ward, of Balem, who
noan mating nsr some wita sr.
Mr. J. K. Knkine the well-known
traveling man formerly with Paxton
A Gallagher now witn a soutx uuy
house writes to a friend that be fa
well pleased with his new position
and is selling lots of goods. They
live at Huron, 8. D.
D. R. Dunnan. president of the
Cotaer'University, will give a lecture
this evening at tho opera house.
Bubjeot, "Five Days in Ilot Greeoo."
Everybody should hear it.
Miss Mary Kclloy will return to her
heme in the east this week, and at
tend a summer school, roturning in
the fall to rosumo her position as
principal of the south ward school.
The new ci'y administration has
already distinguished itself by having
a number or eroiBlngs repaired ana
low places in tho streota filled in with
dirt whioh will bo appreciated by those
who drive oyer the city.
As the editor is away at Minneapo
lis this week hurrahing for Harrison,
if you find anything in the paper you
don't like Just lay it to tho devil. He
gets the blame for most all the bad
things anyway and a mtio more wont
hurt htm.
The "experience social" held by the
young people of tho Congregational
church on last Saturday evening
prayed quite a success. Notwith
standing the threatening weather quit
a large company assembled. Some of
the exporionoes in raising tho dollars
were quite ludicrous, iho net prot
needs wero about $50.
Tho Congregational church has
granted its pastor, Rov. K. L. Kly, a
vaeatioa of threo weeks after next
Sunday. On Monday he will leave
for Helena, Montana, and, atter spend
ing several days there, he will go to
Illinois where Mrs. Ely will meet him,
and visit bis parents, roturning about
July 6th. He goes to Helena to at
tend the meeting of the Supreme'
Lodge of A. 0. U. W.
Harvey Starkio, night jard-maator
at thia station, rocoived a sorioua and
painful injury, Thursday morning by
laving his foot and 1 eg crushed be
tween the bumpers or a freight oar
and tho switch engine. It is probable
that tba foot will be sived, but that
is not certain an yet. Mr. dtarkie in
an old and popular, employe of' tho
road and bis many friends will re
gret this unfortunato aooident.
Rev. H. D. Piatt has jut returned
from a month's outing in Kansas,
with health muoh improved. He re
ports himself as much pleased with
Kansaa as a prohibition state. So
journing in many eitiea and villages,
and seeing thousands of pooplo of
many sorts, be saw not a sign that
any body was selling er drinking in
toxicants, and did not boar of an in
stance of disturbing tbo peace.
At a meeting of the cxeoutivo com
mittee of Garfield Post, G. A. R., W.
R. C, 8. of V., and D. of V., acting
forthcae organ isations, the following
resolution were unanimously adopted.
Resolved; That the thanks of thia
committee aro hereby tendered to
Comrade J. J. Buehann for bis very
iffaetivoand timely address to the
publio on Decoration day.
Resolved; That our sincoro thanks
are tendered to all Christian denomi
nations for their deep interest and
Reaolved; That our thanks are ten
dered to tbo teacher and soholara of
the different sohools for their partici
pation in tho exercises.
Per Ordor Com.
Martha Bbewkr, Chairman.
Columbus II ay.
The 12th of October, 18U2, tho 400th
anniversary ot the discovery ot Amorlcn,
ought to bo obsorvod ovcrywlioro in
The dnv will be obsorvod in ChicnffO
by tho dedication of the Columbian Ex
position grounds. Tho dny also mny ba
signalized in etery town nnd vlllngo in
tho ropublio by a local celobrution of
Which the publio school is the contra.
Tho tinhlin schools of tho republic will
form the most fitting centres for nil these
celebrations. A nntionnl pnbllo school
observance simnttneeouo with the Chlcn-
o-o exercises will nwnicon n pontunr in
terest in the oomtng eximiiiun. Far
more important is the fact that tho pub
lie school has the right to occupy the
aaoat prominent place in tho celebration.
The nnblio school is tho one character
istic Institution which links nil neighbors
together, and can than furnish a common
bond for a national celebration. The
publio school is tho ripe f rait of tho four
centuries of American civilization. The
nubile school today sways tho hundred
yearn to come. Tho first approval of this
usoMtlon came from tho public school
Mholars themselvoB. When the plan was
Aral proponed by the Youth's Companion
January 1801, thousands of letters wero
received testifying to tho enthusiasm with
Whioh the scholars responded.
The World's Congress auxiliary ot thn
Colombian Exposition then took up tho
proposal'ealling on all tho people in the
republlo to observe ine uay in weir own
localities, and suggesting that the publio
sohools be everywhere the centre of the
The Superintendents of Education
were the next to recognize the fitness of
?iving to the publio sohoolB tho first place
n this Columbian Anniversary.
At the national convention in Brooklyn
in February, 1802, they took ehargo of
the movement, nnd appointed the under
signed. An exeeutivo committee now ap
peals to the soholars themselves to bo the
Irst to move.
It t for you, scholars of the American
publio sohools, to arouse a sentiment in
your sohools and in your neighborhoods
for thia grand way of celebrating the
Indingof America.
Educators and teachers will meot you
from their side, but it is for you to begin.
Yoawillmake itsuoceed If you unite
to say it ought to be done. The interest
of the publio will be awakened if the
soholars Join in the earnest request that
tbe sohool be allowed to bo tho centre of
the day's observance Thoro nro tlrirteon
millions now in the public sohools. You
haveaehanoetoeonuueta patriotic move
ment which will have a placo in history,
and will strengthen the republlo through
the comma: century.
The first thing to do is to determlno.
when yon read this message that you will
do all you can to induce your sohool to
enter the celebration. Then show this
messago to your teachers. Every patriotio
teaeber will be glad to help you if yon
show yourselves In earnest Take the
messaso to vour school committee and to
the superintendents. Their counsel and
aid aro iadispenslble. After you secure
the support of all these then let the school
vote that it will enter the celebration.
The next thing after this publio vote will
be the appointment ot a strong commit
tee to take eharge. This committee should
be made up Jointly from acholare, teach
ers and f rienda ot thn school.
The committee should in all Teases, be
made up of those who are most in earnest
so that Ihe work may not be checked by
any possible change of teachers 'during
the nummer.
A program of exercises will be furnish
ed by the exeeutivo committee. It will
be elmole and adapted to any sohool, yet
to arranged that more elaborate exercises
may be added wherever desired. The aim
of this official program will be that cer
tain leading exercises mar be the same in
every sohool In tho republic, and that at
least in one feature the Chicago program
may be identical.
In due time this executive eommitteo
will make mora definite suggestions on
methods ot eelebration through the Su-
erintendeatn of Education ana through
The Importance of
keeping tho blood in
a 1'iiro condition Is
universally known,
nnd yet tlicro arc
Tcry few people who
liavo perfectly pure
Mood. The taint of scrofula, salt rheum, or
other foul humor Is heredltcd and transmitted
for ccncratlons, camlng untold suffering, and
wo also accumulate poison and ccrmsot dls
easo from the air we
breathe, m M the food
wo eat, or mar afl I IP tho water
iimic. war more is
llio taint wuicn cauw;
not h I n R 1 1 1 1 1 loro con
eiimlvcly aLSjBLfjB proven
than (ho positive
power of Heod's Rarsaparllla over all diseases
of tho blood. This medicine, when fairly
tried, does expel every traco of scrofula or
alt rheum, remotes mo taint wmen crae.
catarrli, neutralises
tho nchllty and cure
rheumatism, drive
out tho germs of
ma'.:irh, blood poi
soning, etc. It also
vital zen nnd en
riches the blood, thus overcoming that tired
fecllnn, and building up tho whole system.
Thousands testify to tlto superiority ot Hood's
SarMparllla as n blood purifier. Full Infor
mation and statements ot cures sent free.
Soldbyalldraiflit. ltlxforS4. rrepareaonlr
by 0. 1. HOOD CO., Apothecutei, LoweUlfass.
100 Doses Ons Dollar
To the pampers!
Invites the Furincru or Wclxtvr ami ndjnccnt counties to tiis
largo and varied slock of
Agricultural Goods
Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows,
Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c.
See him before buying for bargains.
$ity $akepyBand)Gstaupant
For Ire n Bread Pies
All kinds or cakes,
candles, Nuts, cigars,
and fresh Frulte, etc.
To loan on Watches' Diamonds and
Jewelry. Will pay cash for old gold
and silver. 1'ine watch wrK. Ar
tistic letter, emblem and monogram
engraving. Full lino of fine Watches
clocks, jewelry silverware speetaoles
and etc T. . Pjcnmbn.
In (Jotting's Drug Store
Meals and lAinchiall hours
Boarding and Lodging. Freah Oysters and Ice Cream in
Jos Herburger, Prop.
Med Cloud,
.- i i
Is better prepared than ever to
sell you all kinds of harness
collars, sadlery, etc
1st the Tlaker tiding;. He fa tho
nreat stock la thia part of Ilia vnllr,
and will make It an Inducement lo tradu
with him,
S. JT. COZAD, Proprietor.
All haulinff intrusted to me will be promptly attended
w 9 -
easmninmnimaammm tii
Tho thermometer ia steadily rising,
you will want lighter clothing under
wear, &c. Wiener has made all pre
paratlons lo supply your demands, bis
stock is largo and prices low.
. ,
Bono Foolish People,
allow a cough to run until it get beyond
the roach ot meulclno. iixej oiien Bay,
"Oh, it will wear a way." but in moat cases
it wears them away. Could they be in
duoed to try tho successful medicine
known as Kemp's unlearn, wntcn ta eom
on n positive Runrantee to cure, they
would immediately boo tho excellent
effect atter taking tho first doso. Ac all
. fjajBfcj
for n
SMfiM. retained kerne Sunday
'MfaiWwttfc to ptrots.
lVrWpylTtdollw for inform
'InwaMniawv to convict tbe mil-
wjowUlrilly .kins my trees
ee.- u. j. vkohbj.
w If 1 v BSLr l I 1
The duty of yonr eommitteo will first
be to interest tho citizens nnd to propnru
the school.
Lessons may bo arranged. Tho vutcr
ans both North nnd South will gladly b
escorts for the sohools.
The other military, civio nnd reliitous
orgnuizationBof enoh town will ItmJ their
aid if thoy see that tho ocholsrs nru deter
miued that the celebration shall bo
worthy of the day.
Tiie local presidont win oo mo ui"'
valanble of all supports, nnd tho rarliel
effort of your local committee shall bo to
enlist It sympathy nnd request its oper
ation. Ask all local papers to print thin
messago. On October 12th tho stars and
stripes should be Hosting . from eyory
sohool house in the republic.
It is the hope of the friends of the
common school education that not one
publio school in the United States will al
low itself to be left out in this most mem
orable celebration.
Francis Bellamy, Chairman, represent
ing the Youth's Companion, Boston,
Moss. John W. Dickinson, Secretary ot
the Massachusetts Board of Education.
Thomas B. Stockwell, commissioner of
l'ublio Schools of Rhode Island. W. K.
Garnett, Superintendent publio instruc
tion of Tennessee. W. D.Hewett,Su
perintendent of Miohlgan Educational
Exhibit at World's Fair.
Has Moved his Flour and Feed Store of - the
Perkins & Mitchel building .
Nothing but the best goods kept. Call an
see me when yon want anything
in my line
nTt wwJ
Mss.'vAr.C:. Hoemsf. oeoostpeaied
-f . ar . .. w " an
by not jmnamiir, nnc mra. m. i. o.
l&rfUMnragnter, started for
Watbinfie)!, Dt 0., Monday evening.
Nr. J; Hi BneUall, our new nttor
,My, lmn;nftibeTaw ofi in tbe Potter
bnlUi.g pLttWniwiif at H A.
Howsirs nntfinerrival of bis fnm-
Tfc. CWl4Nj4ny Wim ffths
Ckriatlen ebnreli; 'mm M lnrt 8m
day ertniK, a - was Illed
10 OTtfMWing. Mmjfrimmm
The Calf Shoes Wiener soils are
of tbe best made and tbe prices ss
obesp as tbe cheapest.
Oo and see W. vV. Wright for all
kinds of shelf and heavy hardware,
&o. Ho does all kinds of Job work
and has competent tinners employed.
While there, look at thoso world beat
ers. The dry air Oleanablo refriger
ators. -
OrgtmAtft IlarfhlB.
(Full face) used but a short time,
will bo sold at a sacrifice
T. E. Pinman,
Bed Cloud Nebr.
If i do not want
V om'r on plcnso 'nil in
)ou may want in o ' li i "ir.
Hull! Uuli: 131(11!
II. E. Pond, will writo Hail insur
ance in one of tho best companies rep
resented in the west aa cheap as any.
Tho Morgan horso hau long been noted
as the road horso par excellence, and
the localities where they nre to bo found
are haunted bv buyers of roadsters.
Tho Morgan bred stallion, Black Hawk
unlet 4, enouiu sire a class or ooitn tnat
will sell at remunerative prices. The at
tention of breeders is called to this horse
He can be seen at tho stable or J. C.
Uoloomb north of Holland House.
Disease never uucceasfully attacks a
system with pure blood. De Witt's Sar
auparilla makea pure, new blood and en
riches the old. 0. 1 Cotting.
It is a fixed and Immutable law that to
have good sound health "ene must have
pure rich and abundant blood. There is
no shorter nor surer ronte than by a coarse
.of DeWitt's Sarsaparilla.
Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance i
sfmam Baking
Pdmlimk)fliHomii apYcwtlSttniwi
W iWh
smiBhnTnt aT1
Iffjjffl f
fazifl i J 1. 1
The Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Neb.
Will Insure your property against
Fire, Lightning, and Tornado
Also, will insure your crops against hail, -He
represents the best company on earth
The old Continental of N, Y.
CITY OFFICE-With J, H. Smith 1st door
south of F & M,bank.
An unexpoctcd demand on customer
In prices often' frighton tbo buyer,
this can never happen at Wiener's
Qolden Eagle whero pricoa are al
ways within roach of all.
Mrs.L. R. Fatton, Rookford, IUn writea
"rroBvpersonai experience i ean
mend DeWitt's Sarsaparilla, av oere for
lospars Mood and general debility."
" You omn- We Sell the Goods,"
The Hardware Man,
JRal Cloicd, Nebraska,
Will sell, you more goods for One Dollar than
than any one in the Valley, It will pay
you to see me before buying.
-"SWIIWiertJ3a5!3KXMk.-, --
-'l MMn .i . ....-,. -M-ttlm-lxj