SSiiL2, --i.?w"c.-' -'-'BJBjiBMBBBaWBBBaajBBV rnf' S 0. j" m..-: 1 i lr' By A. C. Hosmer. Special Low Prices -:o:- ON -:o:- Men's y' .Boys' t Children's Suits During the Month of June. Square Dealing Golden Eagle i CLOTHING HOUSE. C. WIENER, Prop. What is AfcWMIJ Castorla is Dr. Samuel pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric. Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla assimilates the food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cat ' toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend ' Kf. Castorla. " Casfarla la an excellent medlcina for chll- 4ren. Mothers hate repeatedly told msot its good effect upon their children." i.Dn. O. O. Osgood. ' Lowell, Has. ' Castorla I J tho ' kj.c remedy for children of which I am iwijaalutod. I hopo tho day la not far distant vrheu mothers will consider the real fetertst of their children, and use Castorla In toad of the various quack nostrum which are destroying their loved ones, by forclngoplum, morphine, soothintf syrup and other hurtful Agents dow their throats, thereby eendlnz them to preiuUure graves." Da. J. F. KwcntLos, Conway, Ark. Tk Ccatamr Cemjay, TT Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is Oastoria. " Castorla la so well adapted to children thai I recommend It as superior toauypruaoripUoa known to me." H. A. ABCaaa, M. D 1U Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn.!. Y. ' Our physicians In the chlldreait depart, ment have spoken highly of- their experi ence In their outside practice with Castorla, and' although wo only hart among our medico) supplies what is known as regular products, yet wo are f reo to confess that the merits of Castorla has won ua to look with favor upon It." Unitxd IIowit.ii. and Duwust, Do ton, Alts 0. Smith, Drt$., Hurray Itract, Hew York City. Red Cloud, Webster County, Educational Department. I. HI. HVNTF.R, Kdllor. Decoration day was generally ob Bcrvid by tho schools io session. In district No. 3G, recitations were t;ivcn as follows: Tho Stars and Stripes, Eva Holin grain. Mother !h tho llattle Over? .loans Earner. Success in Life, Duisy Crart. Tho1 Knot of JJlue and Gray, Susio Amack. Tho Boys Who Never Cntuo Hack, Katie Ailes. J NO. M. Ha K.N Kit, Tcaccr. On visiting Dist. No. 37 last week wc found tho school rooui nicely dec orated, showing that tho teacher, Mrs. Jennie Hal), and her school observed Decoration day in a very appropriat.i mnnncr. Many of tho schools nro closing their spring terms and entering upon fchb long sum mo r vacation. No doubt teachers and pupils all fell desirous ot tho change, and will bo ready next full to commence work with rennwoJ energy. On last Friday evening commence ment exercises wtro held by tho high schools of lied Cloud and Bluo Hill. Tho cxeroises arc reported as being of such character as to givo honor to tho schools, the teaohcrs, and the graduates. The pcoplo should feel a prido in tho efficiency of the public Bchools in giving aa education to thoso who comploto tho course that is of bo much value to tho young Americans as citizens of our country. Wo aro sorry to say that (hero are somo who do not uio tho means with in their power to have their childron recolva a good publio school educa tion. A parent who neglects through oarolcsBuoss or indefferenoo to sond hib children to the publio sohool in fringes upon tho rights of Ins child dron which aro theirs by birth as natural born citicons of theso United StatoB. No one is a good loyal American oitizon who will not educate bis child drcn. At tho close of tho Quido Rock schools last week an entorUinmont was given to raiso funds for the com mencement of a school library. Wo havo not heard how muoh mon ey was raised for tho purpoic, but hopo that tho entertainment was n financial success for bo worthy an ob ject, It would bo of much benefit to tho Eooplo of every distriot to have a li rary containing somo of tho works of our best authors. Pupils become tired of reading day after day tho se lections found in their readers. It is a faot that tho best readers in school aro tho pupils who read something at homo. As many children do not have any reading matter at homo that is of benefit to them a publio sohool library would supply tho need. Tho following list for children from 1Q to 15 years of ago is recommended by the Publio School Journal, Bloom ington, 111. Wonder Book, Hawthorne; Water Babies, Kingsley; Littlo Womon, Miss Alcott; Tales of Shakespeare, (Jhas. and Mary Lamb; Zigzag Series, But ter worth; Boys' King Arthur, Lanier; Tom Brown at Hugby, HughoB; Lit tlo Lord Fontloroy, Mrs. Burnett; Vioar of Wakofiold, Goldsmith; Unolo Tom's Cabin, Mrs. Stowe: Black Beau ty, Miss Sowcall; Fairio Land of bcicnco; Miss Buckley; Lady of the Lako, Scott; History of England, Dickens; Ago of Pablo, Bullfinch, Sketch Book, Irving; David Copper field, Dickons; Boya of 76, Coffin; Hiawatha, Longfellow; Snow Bound, Whitticr. An excellent graded list may bo found in tho Red Cloud oourse of study for publio schools. Sohool report in Dist No. 34 for a ttirco months' term ending Juno 3d 1892. Number of days in torm, CO. To tal enrollment 12. Numbor days at- tendanoo 577. Avorago attondanco, y. Uharlio stocko was not absent dur ing tho torm. Thoso not absent more than a wcok aro as follows: Porlio Stooko, Lena xurnor, urant Turner, and Mablo Stocko, Tho last day the patrons of the scuooi ana tuoir mends gathered witn us at tho Bohool liouso and we had a lino picnic . Alter whieh we had literary exer cises, and ioe1 cream and lemonade furnished by the director Mr. Saliden Neb., Friday, Juni; 10, ,, ,, ,,,-.. mmmmrwumjmimmt.ijtti. im irMMMMMBWMMWBWMWgCTMMMl PJrrBBjBLiBaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiaLHaiiBaWjftt j&f?7ZrB9mMKm .aHVlBfel KLaBBWBBBjB TBttffflilfcffigilP tttwrSKjKmrtiRbr lmtKM BaSaKaW aaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaPaaPaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMPaaaaaa aaHflaiB l"Hl BaaBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBaaVlBaVlRlBaBBBBBlflBY BaSaaBBBBBBBaH! ClaiBit7 EafBPBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBaBBBBBBBBB VyKflKi'TW' SaV laaa!!! VSLbbbbbC LBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTL.aa1lBBBBBBBBLBBBBBBBBBBBBBV " BawW BbbibiiiiiiiiH iruBaiBiiiiiiHfKKBvVa!iiaB0P"SCSBtaV We will undersell any house in Red Cloud Call and see. Highest prices for Butter ; ' , and Eggs j E. M. MARTIN & SON, and the treasurer, Mr. Stocko, which tho ohildren enjoyed very muoh. Groat interest has been manifested by tho scholars in their work. Thcro has been but littlo tardiHCSJ, and very good behavior throughout the term. Nettik M. Hummel, Toaoher. Misses Olivo Foo and Addio Hayes, toaobers in Dist. No 24 and 5G, ed servo credit for tho way in which Dacoration day was observed iu their schools, Levers of Art. Attontion is called to tho faot that tho well-known Portrait Artist from tho east, V. M. Guiwjta. is in tho city for a short time only, and all lov ers of fine crayon work, now hayo tho opportunity of scouring good Portraits of themselves or friondn. The Artist has a wido-sproad reputation as a first class and successful Artist in tho most popular picture of modern times! IIia f1nn All intB mi!trintnnil T ..u v.ujuii. nui h" " first-olass. Givo him a call at Brad brook's Photo Gallery, lied Cloud. Children Cry for Pitolier'i Castorla. the Price of The Chief. 1892. Webster Co, Abstract Office J. II. IIAIIiF.Y, Alitftractcr an Proprietor. Accurate AbttlraclM Promptly Viirnlakoil for liny Land In Wchttcr county. A cotnplolc ami Accurate net or Abstract feeoki mid n 910000 lioiicl lllcilTltlicountyJuilito lumircs satl ruction. For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or some good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou J. Hf BAILEY.; M1SB 4JLOUI, - JXEBUASKJk. Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a IJeal Estate Office AND ABU BSAS7 TO, SELL YOU ' Farm or City Property, or Auction" off your Stock or House; hold Gooclfl, Havo some Bargains to offer to any who call a this office, - 2d Door North of F, & M, Bank, Up Stairs Voi,.19. No." 48- f J' '.)?i, a,' zma tla on. sol rll 4. U 'i a J ii 'id i Hi I I l J hi- fa l M HMtknnnmi,mit'm ,fr'smMifawtea&Htffrflitp.i