r ' iv I .SBBSBV - - p.", T-r-SfsCsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaeBBfrVMiMIV"rIfV;;:'!r"'' i - I J tK." " fm . vprfeFsViBr BSBBpSM KS3SBi5gfeitjjpySjSfJ -.BBy 'kSpSBVgL BBS1 sfcSSB&lfcJfllBfcC SBrlilBBeBBBHrSBjiBBIxBBBBBBrazlllBr i ?J t t- rlr iBBBM L 4wrlBHH&3liHA&jv PSiMjl WWtl " &11 IR t !v 1,1 H IF It I a IS? , T ? R 5 ' i . 4- I it V ? Ir."" I-' l' IK, 14 '$, - IV- t2 e. By A. C. Hosmwr. SpecialLow Prices ON :o:- Men's k Boys' Children's Suits During the Month of June. Square Dealing Golden Eagle CLOTHING HOUSE. a i.f d What is WkWtMfil Castori If Dr. Samuel Pitched prescription for Iniknts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotlo substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays feverlshncss. Castorla prevents vomttlng Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend I' Castorla. " Ceatoria Is mi excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers bare repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Dr. O. O. Osoood, LottoU, Has. ' Castorla to the bent remedy for children of iralch I am acquainted. I hopo the day Is not far distant when mother will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castorla la tteadof thsTariousquacknostruroswhlcharo destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful ageaU down their throats, thereby sending then to premature craves." DB.J.F.KtKCBKUl, Conway, Ark. Tke OsBUmr Cesapesy, 17 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar :o:- C. WIENER, Prop. Oaatoria. "CastorU is so well adapted to chudrea thai I recommend It as superior to any preatrletlosi knowatome." . . . , H. A. AMBBRtlf. V., lit So. Oxford St, BrooklfsvK T. Our physicians la tho ehildreav depart ment hare spokea highly of their experi ence la their outside 'practice with Castorla, and although we only bare among our medical supplies what to known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Oaatoria baa won us to look wttb faroruponit." United Hosrrraii and Diswubt, Sottas, Ksja. Alum 0. Surra, Pru., - " ' Mamjr liet, Mew Yet City. Red Cloud, Webster County, Educational Department. I. M. HUNTER, Editor. mememmasjameameisjeeeamssjejamyJsaaeit Tho lied Cloud schools observed Decoration daj by having no school, and by joining in tho publio exercises held in tho oity. Patriotism is alive in tho hoarts of tho men, women, and ohildron of lied Cloud. An excellent report of what was dono in one of tho departments of the Blue Hill schools on Doooration day is given in this column. Bi.uk Hill, Nobr., May 30, '02 u. m. hunter, uo. aupt. rub. instr. Dear Shi: At jour requost I will tell you what wo did to-day in my soliool, lo observe Decoration Day. Wo had pictures (small cuts) of Lincoln, Giant, Sherman, and Sher idan on the blackboards, and under each a short biography. I insiruoted my pupils and-tho v did tho work. We had a small flat; on tho teacher's desk, two flags crossed (in stonsil) on the board, and a wreath of ivy, within which was inscribed "unknown dead." This was drawn by anothor on of tho pupils. So much for tho decora tion. Wo talked about tho day, why wo observed it, and how it was usually observed. Then we had s number of selections about our country's glory, its flag, its free'dom and liberty. Then solaction about Deeeration day; alio several about soldiers dyisg on tho battle field, old soldiers dying and in thoir last moments speaking of the flag, etc. Our txtrciaoB lasted only twenty five minutes; but every pupil was in terested, and seemed to understand something of the sadness yet konor in it all. ' Very Respectfully, Caeiue . Bkaksmild. Other reports of Doooration day ex ercises may bo given next week. Many teaohers and others that con template teaching next year have se cured boarding places while attending our Countv Teachers' Institute whioh will open June 27th. No doubt the institute will be profit able to all in attendance A largo en rollment is predicted. The school roport of Disk No. 83, for month ending May 20, 1892 is as follows: Number enrolled 10. Avorago attondanoo 11. Those not absent during the month: Jessie Shelton, Lillio Hudson, and Theodore Hudson. Those not tardy: Jessie Shelton, Lillio Hudson, Ella Hudson, Flossie Hudson, Essie Coon, Jin Hudson, Levi Phelps and Ira Robinson. Minta Clino, Teacher. Tcaohors have been faithful in Bending monthly reports to the County Superintendent during this spriog term, thus manipulating an interest in their work. The reports arc gener ally good and show that first rate werk is being dono by Webster county edu cators. Superintendent J. M. GreeTfwood, KansaB City, Mo.: The good scholar, like the good oititen, is known by bis respect for rules and regulations. Superintendent Manie Portner, Kidder county, North Dakota.: In stitutes awaken a better psblio senti ment in favor of the schools, and en thuse life and energy into every de partment of school work. ' Miles' Nerve soul Mver, Pills. Aot'on a new prinolple rejrolating the liver, stomach and' bowels throogv the nerves, A new 'discovery. Or. Miles' plUa spesdily core blloasnees, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,, constipation, Ua equaled Yor aen,' women, ohildrea. Small est, mildest, sorest! 60 doses, Mots i iiii il k Children Ory for PItohi r'i Cttrl. a year IS MMRCSCI! Neb., Friday, Jun uaiMsiMcaerg -ret ranrwronnv) '- V '.v, k n ' V- ai 132 'V!W High-bied Stallion The high bred Morgan stnllton, lilnok jiswk timer stu. will tnauo tlioeoaeon r.t the atabU of J. o. Holcomb on Klin street, rear of Holland houeo. Ho n n very atyliab, showy horse, and enrrica mors Morgan blood thnn nny horeo in tho atats. Bread to good horses, raiso good oolta and ao longer complnia of low prioes. PEOIGBEE: Black Hawk ohlof 4 was bred by 8. .'Bitehoook of Mtalnju, Mnii sir TesMrady's Black Hawk chief by Black Hawk chief 'i bred by Judnu l'roiit ehtef 'i bred by Judo l'roiit . Vermont, he bv iilliV Dliick of alkbary, Vermont, he by iilliV Dlnck Hawk by titrrman's Murgau by Jutlu Morgaa, the foaader of tho Moriui fam ily, 1st dem Lady Hessunger; 'M by YoutiK Bambletoaiaas Sd dam bv Iilshon immblo- tosdaat4tkctaaathe Front unro by OifTord atofgatt by Woodbury's morgan by Justin isontaa. It wtll be seen that Black imwk chief 4tk traees baok to Justin MorKirn on the sires aide twiee as tho l'rout mnro uoch alsp, aad carried the namblotonlnn bipod reprseeeitedbB Bishop's unmbletonlnn mid xOBBg Banbletoaian Terms on application at above Steele. . A. ATINE80N. Ownur ' J, C.ul?LOoni;Maimior. Bright Hople are tho qnlokoet to rto egaiae a gsed thing and buy Jt. Wo soil totesf birlght people the LiUIu Kiuly Hio ess,' II ye are not bright thenu pills fM sask jea so. 0, L. 3of ing . sBisssssssssssssssssssssssssEv V r S''' VVlM'AxYYYlW BsssssssssssssslliN""" rV,p' 4iJiWe U. W'jil.XoVj WLissj f 1 Bring to Our Store I BBSSSSSsH BBSSSSSSSSSSSsl ' BsssssssssssV H V Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. uj BsssssssssftsssssssaSflCsBsssssra .ssssssssssssssH ' H "IHSQGiM ' pJw &tfM.J-t-d4HL MSftSVrU iZmessssBwWeLMMsa rsf lsP w rjf Vt3 lissssslliVBssssssll W1 'i ,0 ' VniJrBiBHssElssssss Hf the Price of The Chief. "' I I I TniMniSSSSSSlSMSSMSSMeSlSMSMMB ! ill I i SI I ., JW2. " - Voi.. 19. No. 45. , sssssssssssssisiBisssssBSsssssssswsswsiEiri---i..i uisMMMwMawsassBBBsssseisassssaaasBB -. m J We will undersell any house in Red Cloud Call and see. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs E.M. MARTIN & Webster Go. Abstract Office J. II. BAILEY, Abstracter and ProprlstwsyaitToJI,' Accuruto Abstructs I'ronptly Furnished for any f nrflr 1s Iflilnttt county. A complete and Accurate set of AbataMf fkeMlss) and h 910000 bond filed Tllu comity Judge IssMTSM sills taction. For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans or" fbme good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou J. H. BAltEYe 11JEM CZOU1P, NEBMA8MA. Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S M Have opened a Real Instate Ollce, AND ABB BEAD? Farm or Oity Property, or Auotiou off your Stock or hold 'Goods. Have Borne who um ur una omce, 2d Door lsith of F, & M. Bank, Up L . -B J- :; SON, f .w.A f i t f TO CELL YOU m fkmm ,'Hm Bargains to offer to wy Ca niJ.SEQSBJ fWBBBBBBBs! V ' V t - -sl ? , . y .lAw." tK t. j lejeJrtMsWl mmMt'M f ihjut .Jwto3iftaasi tm;m 'bbbbbbbbI