w-WWAfl 1 IHHssatSffH Mam. iJ!iriffi-lJ3Kii.' is m :,iTu HHff w -,. -.?. , twr ;A -'? z&w&i WWMtiii -. . ' piiwp n 4 1 1 "iTTrn 'iirrnrrwTi- -bt1- -i ft u SMBSfiKsiBSSSS I.. W CONGRESS. Epitome of the I'riicentlnir of llotli Ilntmps llin I'nat Week. Tnr. Uio river ami harbor bill tvai reported bacluo tho senate on tho 13th with nmend tnents, uh'ch marie n net Incrr.iso of Cl.lS3.t4S In appropriation. Tho naval appropriation bill HftMhen considered at length. Tuo bill an It cnuo from tho lioun provides for ono armed cruiser nlmut KJO displacement, to cost (ox. elusive of armament) not more than I3,00diwx). Ilic nmcmltneut a received from tho senato committee on appropriations provides, In nd dltloti, for one sea Kolns coast lino battle ship of nbout Pion tons and to cost not exceeding M.QOO.ua, ono harbor defence double turret ship of tho monitor typo of about 7,WU toni and to cost not excecdlBR '.I.OUO.OiW, light draft Run boat of n,o) tons displacement and to cost not exceeding tfiO.COO each, and nix torpedo boat at n cost not exceeding 111,000 each. Adjourned , until Monday ...Thohouso (jot into n squabble over tho Sibley tent bill and pending llllllbus terlng motions adjourned. Tun senate was not In gcntlon on tho Mthfnnd noon after tho houso mot tho sudden rionthot Senator Harbour, of Virginia, was announced nnd tho houso Immediately ndjourned. WllF.NlhcWnato met on tho 19th In thoob. sence of Scnitor Danlol, who was nick, Mr. Kcnna announced tho death of Senator Hir hour. A recess was then taken tntll 12:M o'clock. At tho appointed hour the members of the houso entered In n body and tho funeral ceremonies took place conducted by Hlshop Keenc, of tho Catholic university, In accordance with tho wishes of tho farally.tho decoased sen; ntor's wife having been a member of tho Cath olic church. At tho conclusion of tho ceremonies thofrn.no ndjourned,,,, After tho approval of the Journal In the house tho speaker laid bo foro tho iKxly n communication nnnounctdg th6 death of Senator Harbour and Inviting tho house to attend In a body tho funeral ceremonies ta bo held In tho senate chimber. Tho houso then went Into committee of tho whole on tho sundry civil appropriation bill. rending notion tho eommlttco roso nnd tho mouiuora heftdod by Speaker Crisp repaired to tho senate chamber. When tho members returned from tho senate tho cumtulttco resumed Its session nnd the sun dry civil bill wns debated until adjournment, llurlng tho debato Messrs. Watson (Oa ) and Davis (Kan ) trot in some words In favor of tho nub-treasury plan. Mr. Simpson (Kan.) also spoke In tho Interest of tho farmers of his stale. IN tl.o senate on tho 17th a resolution was adopted authorizing tho Washington Schutrcn M' re In to erect In one of tho public parks u colossal bust of Uaron Von Steuben, a general of the revolutionary army. Tho naval appro priation bill wns then further discussed. Tho drbalo continued until adjournment. ...Tho at' tendance In tho houso was small After sev eral btlln had been reported and placed on the calendar tho houso resumed consideration of tho sundry civil bill. During the discussion tho clnuso rclattvo to depredations on public tim ber cams rlso to u Kood deal of merriment. Mr. Otis (Knn ). Mr. Wilson (Wash ). Mr. "lowers (Cut.) nnd Mr. Snodgrass (Term.) engaged In a noisy controversy as to whothrr or not the wr was oMctcntty executed. Pending action on tho bill the eommlttco roso and tho house ad journed. Tin: senato further considered tho naval ap propriation bill on tho 18th. Mr. Cockrellop posed the ccnito amendment for tho construc tion of ono sea polntf coast line of battlo ship nnd other essols. Mr. Duller favored Hand Bald if he hid his own way he would provide for four battlo ships. Tho amendment was agreed to by 33 to K After agreeing to other amend ments tho bill wns reported, to the senato and passed. Adjourned. ...Tho house went Into committee of the whole, on tho sundry civil bill. Thoslher question was again brought to th front Tho chairman sustained the point of or der ralcd against Mr. Uartlno's tree tolnags amendment and tho houso clinched the matter by upholding the chair's decision. Later on Mr. llland offered an amendment for the coin ago of all stiver bullion purchased nnd now in the treasury Into standard silver dollars. A i point of order was raised against It and the vAPmr' reserved his decision Mr. Simpson ,5W) offered nn amendment providing that ' (uJOOO of the appropriation for telegraphic sur veys bo expended in North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma for the pur poso of tho development of the water supply of theso states. Subsequently, after debate, ho modified his amendment by striking out tho words ' for tho purpose of developing tho watir supply of tho states." and an modtlled, tho amendment was agreed to. Adjourned. IN tho senato on tho 19th Mr. Aid rich offered n resolution, which wag agreed to, abolishing tho ofllco of principal cxecutho clerk of tho Hcnnto and placing tho cntlro clerical force of tho senato in the secretary's ofileo. Tho river nnd harbor bill was then taken up. Amend ments reported from tho committee on com merce Increasing appropriations were agreed to nnd tho bill went over. Adjourned. ...In tho houso Mr Wnton ((3a.) hnd sent up to tho clerk's dosk and read n resolution. "That tho committee on was nnd means bo requested to report tho sub-treasury bill." Ho asked unani mous consent for its consideration, but itilc mind for tho 'Tegular course" operated ns nn objection. After n fruitless call of committees tho houso went Into committee of tho wholu on tho sundry ci 11 bill, nnd the frco silver men were disappointed when the chairman delivered his decision sustaining the point of order of tho day beforo against Mr. Uland's amendment In regard to tho colnngo of all silver bullion pur chased and now In the treasury into silver dol lars. A modllled amendment ottered by Mr. llland was also ruled out of order. Mr. llland oppealcd but tho decision was sustained by n voto of ISO to 71 Then a squabble cotnraencod and but llttlo was dono before adjournment MONEY ON THE OUTSIDE. Charge Made Against Government Em ploye In Connection With Contract I.iitior, Nkw York, May 17. Over 300 stder np;o passengers on tho French steamer LaUtiscojrnc havo been detained on sus picion of being contract laborers. It is alleged that n number of government employes at Elllston together with tho employes of various steamship lines are working in collusion to defeat the oper ation of tho contract labor law. "Wo havo legun an investigation," wild Assistant Superintendent of Immi gration Obcrne, "which may ond in tho dismissal of soma of tho government employes who aro trying to make money on tho outside. It has coma to our knowledge that there is an organized nystein of diverting immigration to cer tain localities where laborers are needed and that tho parties engaged in tho business arc receiving a commission for vending immigrants to these places." To Ilreak the Pustlna; ltecord. Nkw Youk, May 17. Alexander Jacques, who claims to bo tho champion faster with records of forty-seven days at Christiana and of fifty days nt tho London aquarium, has arrived hero and proposes to fast fifty-two dayH in this eity and to close his career in this line at the Chicago world's fair by going without food for fifty-six days. Then lie will sell his secret to the highest bidder, provided tho offer be $100,000. Foiled Train liobberi. St. Louis, May 17. Saturday night two man wearing masks and rubber eoats boarded tho outgoing 'Frisco pas senger train at Cheltenham nnd tried to rob it, but not succeeding fled. They got on tho front end of n Bleeping car and uttempted to get inside, ordering n passenger to hold up his hands. lie re sponded by drawing u revolver and sev eral shots were exchanged nnd ono rob ber is bupposed to be hit in the leg. JO The president nnd Ms, Harrison havo turned to Washington, .nirs. nrrmou very wean una am not uurivo uiuun nelit from the trip. . tft tV a.lMf CONFERENCE. METHODISTS IN I'roeeedlngs of thn Twenty-fourth tiJiMd I rennlrtl Conference or the .Mctnonut Church nt (Iniahn, Neb. llisnoi' OoonsF.i.tj presided at tho Methodist confcrcnco on tho lath. Tho delegate from Italy arrhed and was given a soat In tho con ference, ltev. Thomns Hanlon, of Pennington seminary, tmrooucou a restitution ucemnnn that tho Methodist Episcopal church should come out squarely upon tho great slrugglo be tween capital and labor being waged In this country, llodeclnred that tho church had not shown BUftlclcnt sympathy with tho tolling mil lions, nnd said: "Tho laboring closes uro drifting avny from tho church. Our church Is made up of women to u largo extent Thn men aro drifting away from it. Wo must tako a stand on this great question nffcctlng capital nnd labor. Tho church Ins .been too much In clined to lean toward tho Interests of tho cap italist." Tho resolution was referred. A dele gate from tho Indiana conference) Introduced a rcnolutlon to change tho rules so ns to admit women as lay rtrleratoi In the general confer ence and to Instruct tho annual conferences that either men or women might bo clcctoJ us dele gates. Hcferred. Memorial services were then commenced, with Itlshop llowman In tho ehulr, nnd occupied the remainder of tho session. Tnc quaddrennlalf'confercnuo had no formal session on the 14th. The members went on an excursion to I.lncoln.Srncre. they were officially entertained: and when they returned to Omatu n mass meeting was held In Exposition hall ut night Ih tho interest of the ducatlonai.work of the church in tho south. , - . . lStsnoi Huiisr prealded of M ttio gutaaWinlal conference on tho 16th. tf Dr. 8 wlnteJV offered a resolution declaring that tho army and navy of tho pnlled States' should be Instructed In re ligion and good morals, and asking 'congress to provide a competent and sufficient number of chaplain's for thi purpose. Also that a board of three bishops bo appointed to pass upon tho qualifications of Methodists applying for chap lalnshlp in tho army, and that tho president bo reouested to refuse tho application of nil who hnd not recommendations from the board. An other clause was Introduced, protesting against tho proposed ch inge In tho armv rules by which the chaplains would be employed tho samo ns teamsters, cooks, eta Dr. Swindells doclarod, that there werescventvtwo jiostsln tho UnltoJ iitntcit armv w ithout chaplains. Tho resolution was referred. A resolution was adopted by which no resolutions or memorials will bo re ceived from committees tif tor May 18. Another resolution to adjourn thu confcrcnco slno dla MayMwasdefcntcd by n voto of 211 to 193. Dr. Kldgwny, for the women's national council, In session In Chicago presented n resolution asking tho general confcrcnco a cotrie out squarely In favor of tho admission of wotnen Into tho legislation, councils of "tho church' and dcclnro that there as no such thing as sex In tho church. Memorial services wcro then concluded. A long wrangle then fol lowed oter tho report of tho committee on epls coptcy. Dr. Nccly opposed tho idea of locat ing" any episcopal residence in foreign lands, nnd Dr. Uurklcy said that Hlshop Qoodscll and Dr. Nlmle had convinced the eommlttco that tho residences Bhould not bo removed from To poka and Tort Worth. Tho report was no amended nn to provldo for nn episcopal resi dence at Detroit nnd ono In tho state of Wash ington, cuttln; out tho other part of tho report. It waa then adopted. Tho report which was adopted recommends that there bo no colored hlshopn elected for tho reason that no moro blshoiw were needed at present, and when the tlmo should arrive to elect moro bishops tho question of color shouM not bo considered in the election. 1)181101' IIowman presided over the Method ist conference on the 17th. Tho committee on Itineracy returned a report recommending tho abolition of tho five-year limit on the appoint ment of pastors. The report favored thu idea of permitting bishops to appoint pastors every year without reference to tho pluce which the ministers had been assigned the year previous As the church law has stood for many yeansa pastor could not remain at ono;piaco longer than live years In succession. Tho commttteo on tho state of the church was v chement in Its denunciation of the treatment of thu colored race in the south. It called upon tho gov ernment, tho state officials, tho Methodist Episcopal church nnd all goqd cltlicns to arise and abolish tho Indignities and outrage that arc put upon tho colored people. It declared that thu colored people wcro treated shamefully on tho railway trains nnd at hotels nnd in every way. They wcro shot downllko dogs mid the law of the land was trampled un der toot by the people who despised tho colored men. Tho resolution was adopted, Pr.tSas ford Hunt and Dr. HomcrTCuton were elected ngcntH of the New York book concern, and Dr. Cranston and Dr. Curt agents of tho Cincln nai 1 concern.; Messrs. Peek, McCnbo and Leon ard wero re-elected mifslonnry secretaries, tho colored candidate. Dr. Hammond, got only two votes. The conference adjourned without com pleting the election of ortlcers. Uisiiop Fostkk presided at tho Methodist confcrcnco on tho ISth, Tho fraternal delegates of the Independent Mothodlst church wcro re ceived by tho conference. A resolution was then Introduced expressing tho satisfaction of tho conference upon tho efforts of tho fraternal delegates from tho Mothodlst Kpiscopal church South and tho Independent Mothodlst church and expressing a hope that In tho near futuro all branches of tho Methodist church would be come one body. It was adopted. Tho official voto wan announced for tho second agent for tho Cincinnati book concern, showing tho elec tion ot Dr. Curts of Chicago J. W. Mcnden hall was ro elected editor ot tho Mothodlst Ho view; J. A. Ilurlburt secretary of tho Sunday School and Traot society; Dr. J. M. Buckley editor of tho New York Christian Advocate, and Dr. D H. Moore editor of tho Cincinnati Christian Advocate Tho report of tho com mittee on itineracy was then taken up 'It pro-' poses to strike out that section In tho discipline providing for the flvo-t ear limit on tho pastor ate and to allow tho blshons tho option of send ing a minister back to the samo placo year after year if expedient. Arthur Edwards, editor of the Northwestern Christian Advocate, favored abolishing the uve-year limit, this wouiu Bim plv caabla the blshons ana tiresiaing ewers to keen men in thoso places where thoy could bo ot tho greatest benetlt to the church, and It would entirely remove me apparent ciann oi the pastors upon tho right to bo kept in tho samo place lor tlvo yearn. Tbo report was fur- ther debated but no final result reached. Jllsnor MKitntM. presided over tho Method. 1st confcrcnco on the 10th. Dr. Jcssa llowman Young, of Kansas City, was elected editor of tho St. Louis Christian Advocate. A report from tbo committee on tho consolidation of benuvolencles was presented. It recommended that the Educational society and tho Freed man's Aid and Southern Educational,, socle tcs , be not 'consolidated. The? report was adopted. Then the rcgulur order, was taken up. It way tho discussion' of the tlmo limit resolution touchlnff tho itineracy. Jlev.-E J. Gray, of Pennsylvania, was opposed to the abolishment of the flvo-year limit. It would bo drifting to ward Congregationalism, ho said, and break up tho whole pUn of Itineracy. II o said thu aboil tlon ot the time limit might help tho better class of the churches, but w ould bo hard on tho weaker churches. It would creato an oligarchy despotism, composed of tho bishops and presid ing elders to abolish the live-year limit. Ho, therefore, offered a substitute for tho minority report providing for tho submission of tho ques tion to tho annual conferences. Tho election of moro edttors then camo up. Dr. J, E. G Sawyor was announced as elected editor ot trn Northern Advocate. For tho Southern Christian Advocate (a paper in tbo Interest ol tho colored brethren). The contest brought u long debate. Hovs. Albert, present editor, und Dr. Hammond wcro nominated. Prof. Nast, son of the present editor was chosen editor of the Apologeto tho German paper. Tho com. tnlttee on ihurch extension brought in a report favoring the election of an ntlitltinal secretary for tbo work A special ccntcnulal session was held at night The Trans-Hlberlaii Itoatl. St. Prti'Iihiiuko, May 17. A syn dicate composed ot French and Hussion bankers nnd having a enpitnl of 150, 000,000 roubles, has mutlo tho govern ment an offer to take charge of the work of construction of tho Trans-Siberian railway, A government, com mission is now discussing tho advisa bility of accepting the offer. Grand Duke Vladimir favors its acceptance. Tho Utah delegates elected, to Min- neapolis are: C. Of Goodwin, of the Tribune, nnd 0. E. Allen, with Dr. Dol liver and 1V tt. McLaughlin us'altcr-nutcs. TRIUMPHED. hi Hai'Py SHieino Hit Upon sourecrnl Lineman, by IU- Away back nt tho time when an cloc trlc lump was still a thing of mystery and n big card In advertising, it certain magnate in a southern city, who wns about to entertain his frluuds nt n largo ball, decided that seven or eight nre lamps in his lttuiso would effectively add to tho splendor of tluf scene. Ho intervleweel tho manager of tho local company, who made the condition that ho should secure tho right of way from tho station to his houso (a tltstanco of about mio mile and three-quarters) on tho poles of a certain telegraph com pany. This was successfully negotiated, and tho boss lineman was put In eliargo of the Installation with the general in structions that thoso lights had to bo going by six o'clock in tho cvenlhg, Jko volenti, and by seven o'clock whether or no. Like a good general, Dennis began by installing his lamps; he had them prop erly hung, wired and trimmed, and loft tho ends of the circuit ontsldo ono of the windows so that his men would not bo in tho way or find others in their way us the tiuus for the htnrtlng drew near. Ho then proccedetl to run tho wire from the station to tho house, nnd nt 6:30 had run one lino complete nhd wns within a mile with the other when his wire gave out. Sending to tho sta tion for another reel ho was ctmfrontcA with the fact that tho company had' ab solutely none in its store room. Even nil tho scrap hnd been Hold but a week before, leaving not u hundred yards ot wire available, Tho telephone was in Immediate requisition and every ono In town likely to havo copper wire was callcd'up, among others tho writer, then engaged in installing n largo isolated1 plant, but who was himself in the samo I ux. 4nu town was nuncnug irou.?a, wire fatnlno from which there was no relief. It must bo remembered that copper wire of any kind wns not then a commodity so easily obtained as it Is now. I Dennis found himself in trouble, und when 0:30 nrrived and thero waB no copper wiro he thought that his name was truly "Dennis" if ho could not get out of Uio hole somehow, but what with tho magnate howling for the lights at one end of the line, and the superinten dent at tho other end howling for tho cldsing of tho circuit, ho wns almost in despair. It wns dusk by this time, and with a brilliant inspiration ami tltnt reck less disregurd of other peoplo's rights which forms such a pleasing feature in the average lineman's character, Dennis calmly proceeded to cut six or eight of the telegraph wires at tho point where his copper had given out; theso ho bunched together on ono end of his line, then ho hustled up to the mag nate's house, and cutting the samo six or eight wires proceeded to connoct ,ihem -up with what llttlo scrap ha had to the end of tho house-line. Ho then cheerfully telephoned to tho sta tion to "go ahead." Tho lights camo up in groat shape and every ono was do ligbtcd. Whon tho ball was over nt 4 o'clock In tho morning, Dennis, with ono trusty I henchman sworn to secrecy, proceeded hastily to splice up the wires which hod been cut. Half an hour later, with the calmness born of conscious rectitude and duty done, ho watched the unhappy linemen of tho telegraph company wun derlng up the street with their eyes turnod hcavonwnrd to discover tho trouble on tho "Associated Press" and several "local" lines. Electricity. Suburban Life. Mr. Suburb Good morning, Mr. De Villa. I wish to ask a favor of you. Mr. Do Villa (wealthy resident) Cer tainly, Mr. Suburb. What is it? Mr. Suburb I have called to ask you to sand your carriage and coachman 'to meet mo at the six o'clock train this afternoon, and I would llko tho coach man to be In his finest livery, and I hope he'll uso tho silver-plated harness. Mr. Do Villa Eh? Mr. Suburb Yes. I will arrive on that train with a new servant girl, nnd I would llko to make a good impression. N. Y. Weekly. Originally there wero no pewB in old English churches; tho only fixed scuts wero stone benches carried along tho sides of tho churches, of which ex amples still remain in Salisbury and other cathedrals, In Romsey church, Hants und Portbury church, Somerset, anl many ether of the olrt parish churches. MARKET REPORTS. KANSAS CITV. May 20 CATTr.R-Shlpplne steers I 3&J 4 05 Uuicners' steers,... 313 Q3N Native cows..,,,,,,, son tt S u IipaS OooU to choice heavy .. 3 80 S4 4 60 WHEAT-No. S red ttJ , No. Shara tz gk 73 COItN-No.2, . 43a 43 OATS No. 2 31 31 U UYC Na'A , 03 C9 FLpDB Patonts, per sick.,,. S 0J S a Fancy 10) 193 HAY naled 5 63 0 63 UUTTEU-Choieo oreatnury... id 23 CHKESE-Full cream 0 10 13 II 71i 10 7i ECIOS Choice Ii UACON-IIams. 10 Shouldors. Sides. LARD POTATOES. ST I.OUIS. 7 8 7K 63 CAITLE-Shlpplng steers .... 3 00 4 25 Uutchers ulcers, ... S 03 4 03 HOaS-PacUIng 3 03 4 70 SHEEP Fair tochotco 4 70 5 10 FLOUU-Cholco 363 4 16 AVHEAT-No. a rod HO ut. COltK-Xo.!!..; 4S 40 OATS-KO.S 324 83)i UYE-No.2. 7SH 73 UOTTEK-Croamery 18 20 1'OHIw ( 10 36 10 3714 CHICAGO. CATTLje-ShlppInK steers .... 4 00 HOOS Packing- and shipping.. 8 75 473 470 5 75 4 4J BHEKP-HFalr to choice 4 40 FLOUK-Wlnter wheat.... 3 0) WHEAT-No. 2 red.. COIlN-No.3 OATS-No. S , RYE-No. 2 Sl( HS 43 47U iU 30 7& nu. HUTOIIK-Creatuory si.. 18 POHK....i 0 70 NEW YOUK CATTIiE-Comraon to nrimo... 4 00 l!4 own 4) a (i 500 HOGSr-Oood to choice ,,.. 4 50 I'T.OUB-Kiood to choice 8 60 y ijj-.a io. z rea,,,. CORN-No.2 OATH-Weawra mixed BUITER-Creanicry.. MU 07 33 31H 15 20 9 53 11 CO vviiu. i, ( Mt ! DENNIS A PHOFITABLE TALK., Our Spoolol Itoportor Soouros tho Facta. ltd Determined! to Thoroughly Investl gate n, Subject That Js Causing Much Comment, nml llo Mas Succeeded. tN. Y. Sun. Two da, s ago ono of tho most( prominent professional mon la New York published n letter so outspoken, so unttHttnl as to cntiso extensive talk and awaken lnuoh comment. Yesterday I Interviewed the gentleman ns to tho contents of tho, lottar, utid ho fully confirmed It In every respect Ho not only did this but lie nlso mentioned a number ot unusual cases which Imd como under his observation In which llttlo less than a mlra olo lind boon performed. So Important linn tho cnllro subject bo como that 1 determined toliiventtgiiU) it to tho bottom, nnd accordingly called upon Mr, Albert G. Kavcs, tho prominent costutner at No. 63 East Twelfth street, tho pcntlo inau mentioned In my interview with tlio doctor yostorilny. Mr. Knvus has in nil o quite n name. A complete knowledge of his tory, an npprcclntluii ot nrt and reliability aro essential In his profession. "Mr. Eaves," I said, "I learn that jour wlfolmslinduinoBtunuBunl experience.; aro yon willing to ilesorlbo Itl" Tlio gontlcinnti thought a moment and nn expression of pleasure passed over his face. "When I think," ho said, "of what my wifu oaco passed through nml tho condition slio Is In to-day, I cannot but fool gratitude. Nearly three yoars ago alio was nt tho point of dcatli.', You can undorstunit how sick tho was vvlinti 1 say slio was totally blind slid lay Inn state of unconsciousness. Tlireo doctors attended hor ond allagiucdtiat Jiur death was only u question of hours, pcrhapi "minutes." "May I ask what tho doctors called her troublol" ' "Wraomla nnd puerperal convulsions, so you cau Imnglao how badly alio must liuve been. At last ono doctor (it was Dr. 11. A. Gunn) said that as sho was still nblo to swallow ono moro attempt might bo mailo and a modlclno was accordingly given her. Bho scorned to Improve at oiice; In a few dn.vs hor 6lglit was restored. '1 havo had a long, loti( sleep,1 sho said, upon recovering consclousnoss, and I nm rejoiced to say that sho was restored to perfect health wholly through tlio uso of Warner's Bafo Curo, which was tho rcraeily wo adminis tered when, sho was past all conscious ness." I looked at Mr. Evans ns ho said this. Ills faco was boamlng with satisfaction. Ho continued i "Tho physicians told us, after my wifo's recovery, that she could never endure child birth, and yot we havo a lino hoy nearly a year old, and do not know what sick ness Is. I attribute it all to tlio wonderful power of Warner's Safo Curo. Why, my sister, who resides in Vlrglplo, was, a while ugo, afflicted precisely ns my wife hod been. I at once advised her to uo this 'samo great remedy; It cured her promptly." "You find that it Is specially adapted for women, do you I" 1 Inquired. "By no menus, I havo known It to bo wonderful In its power In tho enso of gen tlemen to whom I have recommended It. I speak from my experience entirely, and you should not bo surprised that I am so tlrm a believer la this dlsoovcry, which lias dono so much for mo." I was not surprised. I saw by ovary word, by every look, that Mr. Eaves meant all ho said. I had amplo coiitlrmntlon of Dr. Gunn's lotter and lntcrvlow, and I do not wonder that people who havo seen suoli things, who havo watched their dearest friends go down Into tho dark valloy and be brought back into tho light, should bo both cntuuelastio nnd grateful. I, myself, caught tho spirit, and I shall bo glad if the Investi gations I liavo mado prove or profit to thoso who may read thoni. Not That Kind of a Knot. At a socinl fratherinc; in Htirlein the following proceedings wero had: "So younephew is going tp got mar ried?" ,"Yc8, ma'nm, next Saturday the knot will bo tied." Little Johnny, who lias been listening with open mouth, says: "1 say, ma, on tho Inst day thoy let tho poor fellow eat any thing ho wants to, don't they?" Texas Sittings. Pound of Honey. "I want a pound ot money," said a wealthy western wag to a Now York bank clerk. "Can 1 got it?" "Certainly, sir," responded the clerk, so innocently that tho wag snorted. "Well, how much do you sell a pound for now?" and ho laughed again. "About 484,1 answered tho clerk, and tho wag tumbled. Detroit Free Press. The Only One Erer rrlntad-Cau Ton Flad tlie wortiT Thoro la a 8 Inch display advertisement in this paper, this week, which has no two words nil ko except 0110 word. Tho sumo Is iruo 01 eocn now ono nimcnnnff eacn wcok, from Tho Dr. Hurler Medicine Co. This houso places a "Croscent" on ovorythlng thoy malto and publish. Look for It, send thorn tho name of tho word nnd thoy will return you book, beautiful lltliogruphs or samples free Tncnn Is always bettor fishing on the other sldo ot tho river. HcrFEBEBs ritoM Cocons, Bonis TnnoAT. to., should try "JItvicn'i UrnncMil Tiocha," aslmplo but sure remedy. Suld only (11 Uixt. Pi1qo U3 ots. a A tiump will boat a railroad, but not a carpet. Cnmp nnd healthy Tho "A. D, C. Bo heinlaii bottled lionr" of St. Louis. The American Browing Co. maUo lL Houk boys' flslitng excursions turn to wail log 011 thulr roturn homo. Ladies can permanently bonutl'v tholr coniploxlnn with Glenn's Bulphur Houp. Hill's Hulr and Whlskor Dye, 60 cents. Tns proper thing for a Jury is to bo firm, butnotllxed. m Boys may now Indulge In baso bawl with out belug mean or bubyUh. 1 AFTER 22 YEARS. Newton, 111., May 23, 1888. From 1863 to 1885 about 22 years I suffered with rheumatism of the hip. I was cured by the use of St JacobsOiI.Jlft:;D6DP. SteMM Deafness Cannot bo Cnretl , by loenl applications, nsthey cannot rrnch tlio diseased portion tit tho oar, Thoro is only iimi way to curo Deafness, and that Is by ciiiisttiuilonal remedies, Ilcntnoss Is caused by nn Inllnmod condition of tho mu cous lining ot tho Eustachian Tuba When this tu bo j-cts Inflamed you huvo it rumbling siiuiul or I in perfect hearing, und when It Is entirely closed Deafness Is tho result, and unless the Inllntiiinntlnti can bo taken out nml this tuba testoreil to its normal condi tion, hcnrlug will bo destroyed forever nlno casas out of ton aro caused by catarrh, wliK'li Is nothing but an tnllatued condition of tlio mucous kui fiu-CH. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused h' catarrh) Hint cannot lm cured by Hairs Catarrh Cure, Kend for cliculiirs, free, 1 J. Chriinrt it Co., Toledo, O. CjJTSold by luiigglsts, 7:e. ' ' Tun mnti who strikes an nttltudo Imagines thai hoi making u grc.it hit Galveston News. "A wohd to tho wlso Is suniclent." but it Is iiotahvnys wlso to say that word tt ono who Is siiflerlng tlio tortures or a heniluclio However, ulivuja risk it and locoiuiucud Uriulicrolinc. All druggists. tOc. ' ' "Capital punishment," tho boy Bald when tlio schoolmistress seated him with tho gltls. N. Y. News. llr.rciiAM's Pii.ts aro a painless nnd of. fivtunl remedy for all bilious disorders. '.'." cents a box Fur sale by all druggists. WASTr.n-A skillful toeth of a palu. dentist, to fill (ho 3ps oreis isivjoys Both tho method and results whoa Syrup of Figs la tnken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tasto, and acta ncntly yot promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovcrs and cures liahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agrecablo Bubstanccs, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo made it the most popular remodr known. Byrup of Figs is for salo In BOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it- on bona will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any fubstitutc. CALIFORNIA FI0 SYRUP CO. MAN FSAN0IS00, CAL, 10UI8VIIU. AT. MEW WIK. H.t. if nothing like Pearline. no reason m dome: without it "' ... 1-lVfBaV-sTJ.l aalaK (PsaaaVaa X VWH1 1 JAf V r X a ' iw )A mw T Peddlers and some niucrupnlous grocers sjrfll tell yo raATXrd 1aO " ' Bod as' or "the same as Pearllnc." IT'S laaaf V W CLL V FALSE Pesrllne is never pedaled, if your crocers aead you aq imitation, be honest itnd it bock. odltVVna Canto, ill aWja tv'n Pnsumatlo Outnlen smJ SoiM Tirta. Di.mond Fram. Tublnf , Adjuittbl Rand A easts Ions or uaai, WaaaQ'' 'laSifl'uy iiilqMauatMll",! I"; r r - i,- r - t r i JOHN P. LOVKLt, ARM! CO.,Mfr., 147 Wuhlngton St', BOSTON, MASS. THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE THE COOK HAD NOT' USED ' ' M SAPOLIO GOOD pjppKIIjQ PMANDS CLEANLINESS.' SHOULD; ., J V A f'nt Jv AV POSITIVELY CURES nflP.HFof EveryKlnJ. 11 is iwriecuy aarnueas auu contains no pot sonnu drtur. is not otlcrud na a incillclne to build up weak constltutlona, or pa a tonic. It Is ONLY to Cura ifnadNctie. "A trial will con Tlnco you. Any reliable drupslst who may not, havo nraJycroilnaon liarid will firoouro It, or It will be sent postpaid upon receipt of price SO cents and SI. Accept no aubatltute. RADYOnOTINE MF'B. 00., MAOONfOA. BORE m'OHIO" WELL DRILL WELLS lib our InrnoM. Well Si1 Machinery. Thaoslr pacfart awfKMtDlu aoa tait'tuoDPUtftooUuiiaa. L00UIS 4 fiWAN, XUrriN. OHIO. Catalegaiw SAPOLIO SHOULD BEUfeEP in every.KITCHEN h JavA ZJuXfUl fj wtmt HEA SL !A aVT MUUU- m mmymi h i i MU&BSL and rtnu wtlei the Mnrts, inline the iroi in.amiaurnow. ,.. ivimiiio.snd the consuawr pays l aeua TUO llUinK nun cuim l'oiuh u Urimant.Odor. or slats packauo wlta every purcnaio. BUNTING When you buy Flags 'you want the best. Government i i' Standard is the best; the:. largest flag dealers in (heU. S. arc G. W. SIMONS ' & CO., Oak Hall, Boston Mass. Dealers In Militarv Uniforms. Write f6r' a' Flag Catalogue. 'r ! FLAGS. THE ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC Will purity DtOOO, rfrntatf KIDNKVhV.rcniova LIVEli unorder, uumi tirenfftn, renoir appetite, rotor livaltn an. TIKoroiynum. uyaponnau imiiKaiiion.inaiiireoicfti- lucahinltilrt vend Irate, L auniiiirisiiiineti, uraia. riowor moromea, houea. nnrvM. tuna. LADIES cit'o, rccciTunoir ,urc, KfTorln from complaints ne-' culUr to their sax. uitnr It. Una r n. - .-I '- .....H. iluom on checks, bcautlilos Coujptcilu Hold ornrywhere'. All genuine roods beat "Crrx-onb" Hend oa'Jcontitauip forKi-pag. pamphlet. T Dl. HARTIR MIII0INI 00., It. Uali, M Bcfort uylnf .tMMarnr .S2! I 'SNS pfyour X COAT POlin (nm SMttrlnlhs ilctra holding tht end lliiht M tier ihunn or anjrwliara clM whrrt thrra li a Mm. and inirit witt MlrhL Tlicrt are raxlilnthem artel thai Innkviryuk but will leak at trry aeam. Wa'svarraat Touirle IMPRnvnil .Stlaai Brand Sllchar to lw water tuht at every leamsnd'f rrrjTK-rrv cf "iw hh ( pwtf pr irir, ans authorise our dralrra to make good. any sucker Uitt hlli in either point. V . 4 Waitela Out for tlie 8ot Wlm CWar. nd tih Hrrnml TraJt Mart. A. j. rofmn,rfr.,mmti,fMh , ar jttaa tuia nnni VvsvcnlTe!S&Xo?araTrjRifalWaaa HAYFEVErUl ASTHNlfll F. HAROLD HaVH,ir.DijqnH There's Money In It" washing with Pearline. There's ' pnsn and rnmfnr" in it- fnk irwfi .. ...... ... ., .uV) u.iva safety. There s wear saved, on every thinof washed : there's '1 - - .. wors savcu in every inintr VOU r do. There's nor time wasted, and little time spent. -There's! ' There's no harm if Vou use it'there'a JAMES PYLE, New York. ITJf Etaa Droo rms net. Staal Ball Bfttlngi ta all ruaninf ptrtl, including rtoan. suipanuon saoaia. c . Strictly BIOS GRADE in Ererr Parocalan la ttaaps for osr 100-sai illsstratsa esta kihm, mTOHtri, aportisf uoom, nt. r FOLKS RE to id i Tba,nr moots tsrbV raoMdlM. So atalrf ln. aela SwAJ&iti&sA irui tui rri jPf umsswbbi NEEDLE6 SHUTTLE,) for whola laiafiBrtaat tt.m.uiMmttrf, ICCfAllfOa tUKUHUMl.UtiMJIM anriMiTtaararsatniriaHraxrta , fm m Clf iSaffl lOOBrmiijtMi OUOMaaWluKr mm&v.:. Hand LADY CANVA88KR8 Waatd la Kvery Tow. Flaaamat warau fi'fi Arttlreta wlta tnur aa rtfrne Tka Jfalnral Modjr Brave -'.. iUlUA, aUsV,, ariu. tail rarca mi iaM,nn i' ' H VAHMfl atmu Laarn'Tela IUIIHI INiin.Aant'aHuTi eod tltuatlona. wiito J. I). BUOV tmfinmiwmmmwim. I-rio's Remedy for Catarrh Is the H Dsut, Uaslest to Una. and Chnpcst. IBold by druKgists or.sant by tosll, H 66c. E. T. lasellinc, Warrtn, Ts. EJ ,N.JC.-:P. , , ,. ,30f. sruxif warnHtt ti abvkstukm vluu ttats last saw lav MtrwHaMaM la an "' 4' ii V "A MlsitilJgM lw-fwltBJ(yn' tt(tei1)wiwt fMVJVfa( ,. ,,llS..Wrtt-i ,' n El Wng'"r'l'"' T"''!