t ff, ,tiwi (" S M'(, "' ' aaaaaa Pucker's Cash Dry Goods House ! u r'i'.v -; ; '' k a . a r ,:r , ... . , E5Z&Stfem '! TOfeSSji rll-eili . ? TTiY'JV2aaBJ imdi. s o'lu r i -. ?w .v vi- w.rrrrT. '. y, K'FlraV.-iAAXAi.vcYi iiiS V i S ft . Z1 i n ' in nf - 3- Vv v vt &j'r) is' '7 i i iffivviii m sa as ;jiimi,,Kflriva vuLRAip - sj7i m i I II i H ) II I I A A '.C JTSH UrnlM vM&wiW(T w7mm w jmmiiiii'H iwa k.t&VM v.u wai i r. j Kynim ; Ladies Shoes Childien's Shoes, Ladies'' Oxfords, Our prices' are BELOW competition. it r ' Our line, of BLACK IgOODS ! Fr SMMner HVear It ilBiply IMMENSE. 0r pricci are It, 19 1.9, IS, 99 lie, up C 4o and every eae T laeai are FAHT COL OR BLACK. 'I - 7? Mt Llitcrt. rethe stuwThe Scandia lintor is the best male and can be found onlj at Ja-nes tetemon'a tho Imioment aian, Red Cfcpd, Neb. The llaadaomett Laay lit lied Claud ramarked to a friend tho other day that aha knew Dr. Kemp's Balaam for the throat aad tanga was a superior remedy, as It stopped her ooogh instantly when other oongh remedies had no effect what Tar. 8o to prota this and oonTlnoe you of its merit any drnjjRUt will give yon a ipie ooiue rree. Iarge sue coo and f l Farm J. MYERS, Real Estate Agent, I ft - LaaV i .. - iX B- -, 9fv & -5Ca ' ' "eBWsaLsaaaaamav' ""A 'Bam'aaaaaaaaaB w - v -aaVsaaaaa samwB WWaWBWf(4i ,, K sawP' '' -V ''' fi aajWuUi... .''Airii Mi' V Commencing, Saturday SPECIAL CLEARING SALE it V- Misses Oxfords! Big Reduction ON Spring Jackets To get rid of them One Lot former Price $3 re duced to 1.50 One Lot, former price 14 Reduced to 12. Lots of other Bargains in them that wo liavo not the timo to quote. I G. A. 3333 busliols of corn far which ill pay hichest market priae, Flos ygiven In exchango. . Oscar 1'atmor. Itlonvy. To loan on w atones jJiamonua ati Jewelry. Will pay cash for old gob and silver. Fine wntch wnrk. At tihtio letter, emblem and mooograi ojtnviiig. Full lino of fine watch a olrckp, juwclry silverware spectacle! and .'ic. T. K. l'KNMaN. j In Cotting's Drug Store ) Loan m r ? Ik ;",Y,f".1.Tr.lVilir01-WwttialMii. K Vorjr.Iaceaslsteat. ost all tho republican papers in tato are swallowinff Rosowatcr d saying, J' tho Kearney convention good polities." Well, thiit's all Khl. Ail that- seems to bo needed to make crow a favorito artlclo ot diet it to bo btarved down. Lincoln Herald. . In ono column tho illustrious Cal houn urges his democratic friendsto oat McKok'haucrow and in tho very same sreath berates the republican party for wallowing Uosewater orow. ltoso water claims to bo a republican, but MoKr ighan baa spewed tbo democrat, to patty out of his political stomach. Bo moro oonls'ent. Mr. Calhoun. ' Any Independent who tries to"inako money out of legal notices by giving them to tho old parties can not ix peot tho support of the People's par ty. Nation. - Tnis it a free country, Bro. Truman, and bo party or set of men, will ever succeed, politically or otherwise, who rule by an iron band. By the con stitution a man is guaranteed free speoeb, liberty of action, aa long as be ataya within the bounds of law, &c, Vo, and why should the independent party step outside of the constitution and attempt to coerce a man into sup. port of party if ho chooses to do othorwiBO. No political party has u right to dietate to any man, or in any way take from him his persona) rights guaranteed' by the constitution. Be cause an independent should give an opposition paper a legal notice should be no reason why ho should not be supported by his party, provided hv, .is qualified to 111 an offioe for which he may be seeking. The principal "buncombe" portion , of their plat form, is to the effect that it is the man and not the oSoe. No Mr. Nation, no matter what yonr men do, see to the qualiloation of the mao, you should nt think about the monoy consideration it is the ameloration of the human family for which your party was organised, yon know. One thing about the republican parly it naver coerced a man nor compelled him to do anything that he did not wish to voluntarily, and if ha was fit ted for office he got thero just tho same if he stood witn both feet on the republican platform. . Caatataaleated. Mr. Editor: The eity counoil has taken a step in the right direetioB to Erotect home merchants by planing a eavy license on peddlers. While this move in our council would seem at first sight to be solely'iu the interest of the merchant! it is a protection to all consumers against being imposed upon with inferior goods at supposed low prices, and the money oanried out of our community, which is a donblo injury to all laboring classes' and against home industry. ' j. It would be a good, thing for the people of this commanity and town had we more manufe,nrr sueh at the Red Cloud and. Amboy mills in order to give oar 'farmers a, home mar-k-U for their prdaota. r It is to our interest t patronise these institutions and it wilMterp what little money we havet Jeff eirenlating among our home people instead of ' aending it to foreign tenna for their benelt " In looking for flour the other day I found every merchant handling for 4 eign tour so I had to go to one of the feed stores to got a saok of home fl ur. A little oouooil legislation aga'mst peddlers of foreign lour might "give u a bettor home markot Fr one I 'will patronize our home institutions A Farmer. The leap year Carnival of the Y. P. 8. 0. E. at the K. P. hall last Thurs day n'ght, proved to be a very pleas ant affair, notwithstanding the ineoa renient weather. loo ore.im and oake were served until a Lite hour. ..The young penplo cleared about $17. '"&:::$ "irfF? .'it A Per cent, 5 os 7 Yearn. Optional Payments, '''V Morning, May 21 j' The Wobator county W. 0. T. U. held their third quarterly convention in Bluo Hill, fllay 11th and 12tb. Tho delegation was small on account of tho unpleasant wcathor. Guide Rook Union was represented by Mrs. Marshall, Miss Luoy Cone, ana Mils h zzie Crow; Red Cloud by Mrs.' Urakcfleld and Mrs. Alioe Pope. The address of "welcome" was heartil given Sy Mrs Probascn, tho "rospouso by Mrs. Mrisiiall. If-tho contestants could have got ten thero, a "Gold Medl Content" would have been held Thutsday tvon inp, but on account of tho rain and mud only two were present, conao quen.Oy tho contest was po-tpon d. The county President, Mia. Il.iloy gaye an excellent addnss Wedneoday evening, subject, "an appeal .for Woman's King lorn." Mis J llattio Sa n of Hastings gave ro-itit ons both evening, w.'iich wcro loudly applaud ed, as wore Miss Luoy Cones, and Mis4 Edith Acres, also the littlo ora tor of Guide Rook, Master Floyd Marshall, captivated tho audioooo both cyouings with his recitations, "Idle Jcr y Jones, and "Tho Happy Child." A "Han of work" and "resolu tions," were adopted, whioh if earried out, would double the number arid efficiency of the county organization. Tho Ulun Hill people showed their interest in the convention, by filling the church both evening, although they came through rain aad mud. They also contributed $5.61 to .the treasury. v Reporter. Notice. Thp citizens of Penny Creek Ceme tery Association are requested to meet at the Penny Creek- sehool hous", .on Monday. June 6, 1802, at 7 o'clock, p. m, fur the purpose of tranaacting any business ,that may , come before the meeting. WM. VANDTKI, SeOt. C. Gust, Prea. Ice cream at Calinea'. Organ At a Barajnta. (Full faco) used but n shoft jtime, will bo sold at asaorifioe' T, E. Pcnmak, Red Cloud Nebr. Go stfd see W. W. Wright for all kinds of shelf and heavy hardware, ceo. Ho does all kinds of Job work and has competent tinners employed. While there,-look at thoJo : worla heal ers. The dry air Cieanablo refriger ators. Geaeral Conference Metaoallst Eplecorml Caarck. Triennial Conclave. Knights Temp lar; Denver, Colo., August 9-14 1892 ror tbe above oocasoB a rate of one lowest Irst-olasa for the round trip will bj madf, tickets will be sold August 4-20 inclusive and limited for return to October 10th. 8 Ivor Anniversary Admission of the state of Nebraaka. Lincoln Neb, May 25-26, .1892. Agents in Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and, Missouri within 150 miles of Lincoln, may sell tickets to Lincoln at rate of onb fare for the ronnd trip, tet tickets May 25 26 limit for return Ma v. 27. National Republican Convention Minneapolis, Minn., June 7, 1892. All agents may soil round ttip tickots to Minneapolis ata rate of .one lowobt first olasa fare. Agents' in Ne braska will "sell tickets June 4 5-6 omit on same. for aootinuous passage from date of ;slead exeoutor with final return limit-of June 25th. General Awrmblv of the Presby terian ohurch, Portland Ore , May 19. June 21892. All agents may sell round trip tickets to Portland Ore. at one lowest first-otafs'fare. Sell tick ets May 9-44 inclusive, with final lim it of 90 days from date of sale. A. ConojeR, Agont, See Oalmes for ice brcajn, - V . . . A i , . . ut ''Zste'r-' 'PJWwmmi 9 i n imwiiMm-'mi.imijVM DPRICES Use4 in MiUiooi of Hornet 40 From June 29th froa all points cast to Omaha will he one., fare for round t.ip, good to return to July 15th From Omaha to Nebraska point tho usual July rates will be in foroo. It seems to be a rare opportunity to ac euVo many visitors to Red Cloud.' ' -li That resthsss, Derveons, dall and heavy feeling whioh-prevents sleep and eaesea us to feel like something terrible waa 'going-la going to happen is all corrected by "Bopaticaren whioh cures dyspepsia and consumption. U. H. Dayo. Wanted, six teams to break sod. 70 acres to break before the first of June, and sow in fax. W. M. G 01 wits, Rod Cloud, Nob.:; Bradbrook's Photo Gallery. C. 8CI1ENCK,, J list lee of the Peace, nil Notary Publl.c Offlee over l'oet ornce. Heel Cleud Nebraska. A eafe Investment. We guarantee yon will never be siek it a course of "Hepatl cure" is taken spring and fall. L. H. Dayo, OrellBaaee No. 5. An ordinance amending section foar of Ordinance No. 48. Entitled, an ordi nance providing for the levying and ootleetlog of a license tax on occupa tion and baalneM carried on within the limits of the, eity of Bed ClooJ, Ne braska to regelate the same and to re peal ordinance No. S3, entitled, an ordi nance relative to licensing poddlersj booth stands or stall keepers, wheel of fortune, circuses, menageries, side shows, revolving wheels and shooting galleries. KBo it ordained by the mayor and conn oil of the eity of Red Cloud, Neb, 8io 1. That section four (t) of 'ordi nance No. fortv-flve ft!0, entitled, an ordi nance providing for the levying ana col lecting of a license tax on occupation and bualnesa carried on within the limits of Miecltyot; RedOlood, Nebr;, to regulate the same and to rspeal ordinance No. 83, ' entitled, an ordinance relatWetnlloenaiug. peddlers, booth stands or stall keepers, wheel of fortune, . circuses,, menageries, aide shows, revolving swings and shooting Xalleriea, be amended to read as follows: ny and all fire insurance companies do ing business in tbe city of Bed Cload, Ne braska, shall pay into the eity treaaary the aum of Ave (A) dollars per Tear. Bbo. 2. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances la oonfllot with this ordi nance be and the same It hereby repealed. Sao. 8. This ordinance shall be in force and effeot from and after ita adop tion and publication according to law. Fasaed this 11th day ot May, 1892. D. B, (tpiHOOLB, Mayor. Attest, T. J. Ward, City Clerk. "The Chicago .World Fair Committee' has passed a resolution that every person attending thn "Fair" shall take with them a bottle of "Hepatloure" aa a preventive from contracting blood, liver and kidney dlaeases. L.H. Deyo. Netlee. Tbe township board of Line township Webeter county, Neb., will meet at the residence of the township olerk on Mon day Jane Oth, 1802 at 1 o'clock p m to aet as a board ot equalization for said town ship and for the transaction of any other business that may oome before the meet ing. Dated May 3rd, 1892, William YanDyke, Township Clerk. Dl ease never aucoeaafully attacks a ojuvoui nifcuvuis UIWUl su ,, inv B kH" Bunarllla makes pure, new blood and en-' . i 1 riches the old. 0,1 Cottiog. .-.. -.'... i s - ' . -"Si 4 -" '.' ,r'c .. .:.', Red Gloud, Over Deyo's 1 - M OUR PRICES ARE BOUND TO SELL. C. .z: ' . ' V" iv trfjk Powder Year the SUndtri Jl sTTjI IrTii fall II9BIB1IZJIIIIIH m a laa.iii an m fapam Denver to Chlcaxo, Donvor to tvxnaaa City, Denver to Omaha, ' Omaha to Chicago, ICans? City to Chicago, Omaha to St. Lou', BEST UNI FROM WEST TO EAST! SURE CONMEC1VVJ3 LOW RATF.8 tAOQAdi CHECKCO THROUOH. - i . . Throueh tickets over the Hurling ton Route are for oale by the Union ?aoltlo, Denver dt mo Grande ar.d all other prliiolpal reHways. flrut oy alt ogente of the "Burllnston Route." Y- For further Information, apply -.ni age ix, or to UMAUA.K Sefentlflo Amertoaa Agtnoy for OAVKATa. tSPr'Sf?i IOPVRIQHT8, etc. OktMt baresa ?orieei1a(BstBti in America. Brerr patent taken out by aa U broncnt before tae abUe by a aotloe BtTsa tree ot cbaige m Ue titntiik mttm Jmnttt elreautloa of ear sdeatl So aaaer M toe wona.. Bpianatair iihMtnued. Mo " anouia iia witnnat it- waai I !l -"! AOi nJdreMM rui ! aroaawar, r.Hw "The'f oramoat of our perlodloaw." cowjcAjronfo xn&r OWEAX 0ZJITX2 OF THOUGHT Afa A0TI0 IX TnWOBIB, . Asjalcerwltk lllsstrsttdproipi tusarlllaessBtfer' aw sinrm armoub. esats. Tw ror i.'UBmiO fawt . the mo timir .i t... n .-.., miini oy tBW ww,, Other medloines might hel SI""K:'"i0,aouiJ'y sure uae 7. - '..vitomuij BurniiBeuBVVltt'a' 8K3fiSr?ri. py M-SSS: I the blood. O.L.Cottlng. aai - isMWBSBiW'iisaB tj- ammmu .-.. ,t . " V; . JSleb. Drug StoriS i? j ' ..-.- tM "5t : M"f- wr 'fffl'" t "' BnaBPBnaBnnBnrBnnnnnnnBBm 211 . X P but to,t W & - "$ ' . .1A . :yiwSKaV hr'JtL.: y - ix &u . 's.a f.M3c r. $ , - ' 'As v i V: ( n , I -V. itri?H I,'.- ' !' -;j v "T .-' i . mrtt : L KB5W iW