The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 20, 1892, Image 2

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I Dr. Tblmnge Qleana Now Ideas
Fro, the Story.
' "
Viaetlial Lwion For Yonnff Kon-flod
Defend III Own I'eopU In 411 Agri
While th Wicked Hufler-Ilrau-
tier of a t'lirel.lfe.
ln1lluril'nn nt. Ilrnnllrn Hor. T.
iDeWitt'jralmago took for his subject
peroi ,j;amci ana arcw irora
ilf fgiWid, practical value for
ins text was uantci
,u first" Dr. Talmago
ln.vintAHMran vrtii find nnv
r v I ""'v ..
thing cquM' to what Daniel wm in real
Ity? ANotkur man, faraway from home.
I jj Introduced into tlio most magnificent
ad-Tatnt-dlftMHUtc-palaco c-f,all the
cartli. The king, wishing tonttkc thin
young man a prodigy in personal ap-J-rance,rjrders
his attendant. to see
that he hasplcnty of meat and wine,
MMDailct l-cf usca these dollcacics and
Jhu)i.sU.H- .-, vegetable diet, refusing
everything but pulso and water,, waving
j tack all the rich viands with-a deter
mined "No; I thank you." He mjtitwm
all the princca in brilliancy. "A the
nun ruvt; iimnur miu muiict ib iiuw-i uwn
.all the stars, And if there Is anything' J
the stars hate it Is thd nun. Daniel bo
comes so much of a favorite with King
Darin that our young hero is promoted
to be prime minister, or secretary of
state the Frellnghiiyscn or the filar (
.tnarck of tlto ancients. Hut no Mian
over attained such high position with
out exciting the envy of others
The meanest and wrnthlest passion of
t.fin annl In lenlnimv. Vim npoilt anion?
I fj all profession's and, pccupatlupw. I am
I 4 sorry to say you' see It as much among
clergymen as among other etsjncs of
men. It Is a passion bitter as Mil,, and
it is Immediately rccognlzedaaa yet,
though it blackens the matt who in
dulges in it, men will klndhV'thW'aro
which consumes onlv taomselvcs.
jl 'There were demagogues lA Babylon
who, highly appreciative or their own
r capacity, uouutcu me. policy oi ctcvae
t ' JnM aiinii n n..w M.ta. MM fll..1 11....
i al.l 4lWltv urd Xtnamr. nnrn fhan tin
h -docs. Wo could mjpjhffthe public af
U faint butter than lislcari vmnaairo thorn.
ij The idea of putllnJDan ijweh a place
as mat." uiu nation was airatu oi
young Hubylon. kv'lKgan to plot
lita ruin. He waffpajltlustrlotts target
The taller the cciar the more apt to be
truck with ttie liMMdg.
These demagog
Darius to
m&ki. nn iinitltcniMS decroo that nnv
nan who within Ulf4j Bays'shali ask n
petition of nnyotucj-pt tho king shall
hihttlonof true decision of character.
Ilcforc Daniel were condemnation nnd
death if ho continued faithful to hW re
ligion. Yet Jmt as before, three times
a day he prayed with his face toward
Jerusalem. There Is nothing more fatal
for religious or worldly advancement
than a spirit of Indecision. How often
youth Is almost gone before tho Individ
ual lias determined upon his profession.
There nre those who for thirty or forty
years itavc accomplished nothing any
whero because they have not felt them
selves settled. They have thought of
the law, of modlclne, of merchandise, of
mechanism. Thoy have somo Idea of
going west Pcrhops they will go east
Perhaps they won't They may go
north or south. Perhaps thoy will in
vest their money in railroads or in real
cstitc Perhaps they won't They nro
like n vessel starting from New York
h,orlor, which should one day decldo on
going to Liverpool, nnd tho next on
New Orleans, and the next on Marseilles.
How many men have for a long while
been out on tho great sea of life nnd
they do not know to what port they lire
destined. It is an everlasting tucking
of ship Imt no headway. Thrsc men
that try everything get to bo nothing.
(Jod wrote in your brain and engraved
oft your bones what you ought to be.
Then bo that, nothing more or nothing
less. In that direction is your success.
Every other road Is ruin, ilavlng ad-
jaletf your compijtajTjMt-ahead., Bet
your teeth togcthorJL Mfcall difficulties,
do not notice. Graft difficulties, by
be put to death.
ing any foul play,
The demagogues
their purpose, for
-would not stop sci
bis God, nnd Dai
affrighted by tho
time a day to his
not mistrust-
such a decree.
i accomplished
lyWncw that Daniel
.up petitions to
,' Instead of being
e, wont three
top for prayer,
IleUcaughtlnthcapt Ue Is condemned
itnlw 1nvnnnl W .Hint llmm. ltv ihn
3 -rough executioners tko law ho is hur-
'' aalsaal 4.BaBul I 1. M 4m. 'I'I.i. lnnB tu
irtvTU wnjr tunuiu tin ovu iu uuur in
j lrciaUTCu uim iJaniviM-nijy .tutu mu
den, which vas all aMfmtn aery
eye-balls that seem tSrajt aawjaaap at
tlio caverns. They aVfMlU-h. the de
fenseless man. Their appetite was
harp with hunger. Onp stroke of their
paw, ono crunch of their teeth and ho
' would have been lifeless . How atrango
a welcome Daniel receives from the
(monsters. TUfiwn aboat him. Thoy
-cover his fectiwUh their long- maucs.
'They aro sirtftk with the lock
jaw. That lijJhiT' Tin nl Tu sleep is
salm and rdiiBdlsturbcd, with
warm neck
King Darius
loved Daniel
gem by whlc
ailght Ho ca
pillowed on tlto
a tamed lions, llut
aot so happy. He
'hated tho strata-
favorite had been
tae noor ui
''At tho least
'lound ho BtarWaM. Ms flesh creeps
Kith horror. A 'bad conscience will
-make tho bra-sm taan a coward. 'At
tho first streak ofTli'ght lto starts out to
find the fate on.Daalol. Tho p.ilaco
gate opens nnd jitrajtcavlly liehlud him
while yet the cltyis 'asloep. He comes
to the den. lid- looks through tho
crevices but sees ttQthlng.v He daro not
speak. Expecting tho worst his heart
stops. Gathering strength he puts his
jnouth to the rifts in the rojks and cries:
"0, Daniol, is thy Uod whom thou
.scrvest continually ablo to deliver thcu
from tho lions?" An answer comes
rolling up out of tho darkness; "O, king,
llvo forever. My Gol hath sent His
vangel and hath shut tlto lions' mouths,
that thoy havo not hurt mo." The
young man is brought out and tho dem
agogues who mado tho plot aro thrown
in. ltut thoy hardly struck the bot
'torn of tho den when their flesh rent,
-.tut'd their bones cracked, and the blood
tspnrtcdi through tho rifts, while the
ftercotifojattorri shook tho roulcs with
itnelrlerrrbro roar announcing to nil
aires tho truth .that while God defends
ilM? pcWlOf ,tU? way f the wicked shall
oHkoit RcVfrom this subject that
In tnts oyes'of many tho greatest offense
you can commit Is success. Of what
, crimp had ths young man been guilty
Unit ho sno'uld count undor tho bitter
hatred of ho demagogues? Why, he
bad tf'o'ti to bo prlmo minister of llaby-
lon. ,rhat Oiey could not forgive, lle-
lioldfla' thi UotoU'U touch of human
nature. As long us poverty pinches
( on uad f atiu-a the .gauntlet between
IpVt WlW;t.S.A lundlord, nnd you
liavo hard work to etlucalu your chll
nlrcn, there will lto multitudes of men
io say: "Poor ellow. He ought to
tmecccd. How K6rry I nm't for him."
Ilut after awhile you begin to emerge
from tho darkness. That was a capital
investment i ott purchased at just tlto
Fortune bJcumo goad nn-
..w.I1.l -v .. i...ll.1...t
pi. iuu jjuiuiuu jiiur
ou got v ue one oi tlto
tlto street. Now. us you
of Into svtuna-
Ta.IY'., . .,. . ?. "...
thizcrs StUUO on ute curiiL-r uiu nirucv.
'flii?yl'vl At you from uncwr tho rim
of their hats. You have money
now tl au thoy have and you ought to
bo noowlod at from under the rim of
Attain, behold iu our subject au ex-
lnvwtvmcni. i u
right time. 'iUi
.own house, you
jflret mu oa
God's trrace strike them down. Onward!
Let cowards skulk. Actyou like sons
of God. Chnracter. like tho goldfinch
of Tonqttln, is magnificent when stand
ing firm, but loses all Its splendor in
flight There is no suen titling as fail
ure to those who trust'ln God. Paul
got to be an npostlo'lty falltng off his
horse. Stephen wns storied into Heaven.
When a young man resolves on a re
ligious life, ho does not always find it
smooth sailing. If you Jtavo never scon
life as it is you know not what strength
of resolution it often requires for a
young man to bo a Christian.
Again, lot this story of Daniel teach
us that the way to future success is
through present self denial. Not only
did Daniel show his willingness for solf
restraint by refusing tho luxuries of
tho king's table, but must havo denied
himself much social enjoyment and
sightseeing in order to havo attained
most wonderful proficiency in study.
The rush of tho chariots under his win
dow and the sound of mirth that rang
out on the air of Babylon would have
attracted most young men Into the
streets and to oxpenslvo .places of
umusemont Hut Daniel know that it
was only through severity of applica
tion ho could attain tho honorable posi
tion for which ho was intended. Indeed
you may carry this truth into universal
application. Tito most of those who
havo succeeded in any profession or
occupation havo come up from tho very
bottom of the ladder. Tho brightest
day began with the twilight Tho
admirals who commanded tho navies of
tho world started as cabin boys. Tho
merchant princes whoso messengers are
shins and whoso t servants the na
tion's custom houses, once swept
tho store and klndjed the fires.
Tho orator who lifts up the gate
of the soul, as Samson carried off the
gates of Gaza, onco stammered and
blushed on the stage of a county school
house. This young painter, under
whose pencil skies blossom and waters
gleam, understands his subject so well
because ho has but little to shelter htm
from tho ono and is obliged to find ills
only beverage In tho other. Out of the
dark, deep mines of want and suffering
lias been dug tho marble for tho world's
greatest temples of wisdom nnd palaces
of nower. Vanderlyn, tho artist, must
first content himself with a charcoal
sketch. Franklin, before bocomlng tho
renowned philosopher, must bo a Jour
neyman printer. Columbus must wcuve
carpets boforo ho can weave hemis
pheres. David must take care of Ills
father's sheep before ho rules Israel.
Amos must bo a herdsman boforo ho be
comes n prophet Daniel must le tho
humble student before ho rlBestobo tho
prlmo minister of ltabylon. If a young
man start in life with large notions of
what he must Immediately have, wllung
to consider no economy, but expecting
with a small ship to unfurl as much
sail as an ocean frigate, ho will find
himself capsized by the first northeaster.
It is tho small sprig that you can curry
in ono liund which will thrive best when
Men say success in life is all a matter
of good luck, but Industry and economy
nnd self-donlul put together always
make good luck. There nre young men
who fulled twice and are getting notes
sltnveil the third tluto before they are
as old as their father when ho first be
irnn business for himself. They started
with tho Idea that their wit would tlo
as well as capital. For awhile it did,
but when creditors sent their duns and
banks their protests, thoy found that
mere shrewdness wns greatly below par.
You cannot crovs tho ocean in yawl.
If young men would sol.e tho advan
tages of intollegenee, it would bo by
great economy of time and the refusing
of many forms of gratification.
Show me a man who, refusing
many of tho frivolities of gos
siping youths, can see ,moro to attract
his attention In tho pnge-t of a treatise
or a history, than In thu Hash of bright
oves or the alrv step of those who find
more skill in their heels than their
heads, and I will show you u man who
will yet master languages una sway a
very scepter over his fellows. Many nn
education which is now considered com
plete is made up of a smattering of
newspapers and the' last page of a fash
ionublu magalno. The parlor and tho
drawing room cannot educate us. They
may give us outward attornments oi
tuunuor, but getting valuable knowl
edge Is like sweltering ut a forgo, bel
lows In ono hunt! and hammer In tho
other like digging in mines with eiow
b.trs, prying undor tho ledge and vtho
constant bang of blasted rocks. Es
pecially Ib H truu that no growth In
gnico Is possible utiles-., like Daniel, wu
urn willing to take up the cros, how
ever heavy It maybe and rough with
nulls. Moses chose uflllctlon with tho
people of God rather than tho pleasures
of sin, and if wc would be anyttBf
llko htm, wo must bo willing sometWierf''
to chose the hard brend of self denial
rather than the emperial clusters from
royal vineycrds. , ", f(, ' K
O, how wc wnnt tho faith and ecmrago
of n Daniel and a Paul, but how wo
dread the hot atmosphere of trial, in
which their graces ripened. The richest
fruits of rollgiott grow in tho sultry
tropics of trial. If you want pearls,
you must dlvo for them. If you want
gold you must dig for It Tho richest
parts of California and Australia are
under ground. Depend uppn it If no
pruning, no fruit, noclimblBg, no eleva
tion, no battle, no victory, no cross, no
crown. Had there been no Nebuchad
nezzar, there would have been noDan
lei. Even so it has been ln'nll nges.
Tho flames which have flashed up. from
tho sttko havo been so many illumina
tions of Christian triumph. When God
would make a great light of truth and
holiness in the world, lid often taken
great persecutions and with strikes
lire. Tho devil's hale Is God's glory.
Again, lot the story of Daniel teach
us the beauty of that youthful charac
ter which remains unblemished and up
right when away from home. Had
Daniel, on arriving in ltabylon, plunged
into every excess his friends In Jerusa
lem would never have heard of it His
dissipation and renunciation of relig
ion would not havo east one sorrow on
the family hearth where lie had lived,,
or tlte old family Illble which ho used to
read, llut, far away from home, ho
knew that God's eye watched him and
that was enough. It Is not every young
man who maintains the same character
when absent that was maintained at
I probably address young men now
distant from their father's house, und
others who, still under the parental
roof, look forward to a time when they
will depart alone to conflict with tho
world and among strangers bo culled to
build up characters for themselves.
Happy for you, O, young man, if yon
shall, liko Joseph, be the same when
living with wicked 1'hnroah as with
pious Jacob, or Daniel as pure in ltab
ylon as in Jerusalem. There Is no pas
sago in a man's life of moro thrilling
interest than tho day In which lie leaves
homo and goes off to seek his fortune.
Tho novelty and romance connected
with tho departure atoy keep tlte young
man from any poignant sorrow, but
parents who havo' seen tho destruction
Argentine and Armourdalo, Kaa
Feellng Ita Effoota.
The Orfst bridge t Memphis, Trnn.,
Opened to Tranlo-Aeoopted toy tli-H-c-rrtary
of the Navy-Hntor Voorhcei
Orator of the llajr,
Tli Town of AtiRunta, and What Was
, of Towsoda, Kan., Huffer-D-talM.
Auol'sta, Knn., May 14. A cyclone
struck thU eltv about 0 o'clock last
Fear Kntrrtalned at Lawrence That the
Uain Ma Oo-The MUilmilppI Illver
at St. LouU 1'nMed the
Itanger Liu a.
Kansas Crrr, Ma, May 14. Tho Mis
souri was &t a standstill almost all of
yesterday. From 7 o'clock a. m. until
3 p. m. tho riso by the government
gauge was Just one nnd eight-tenth
inches. A rending of the gauge at
o'clock showed exactly tho same stage,
tlio river being stationary.
Signal Service Observer Connor does
-not anticipate n full in the stream in
tho immediate future. Advices from
above sttow considerable urea of rain
fall. The Kansas and the Platte aro
pouring in great volumes of water.
The Mississippi river is high and tho
Missouri cannot relievo Itself by rapid
discharge into tlto Father of Waters.
Harlem Js in a condition of perturba
tion. Tlio town Is threatened with
inundation. Tho water is not spread
over a wide area, tlko it was last year,
but there arc sloughs in tho vicinity of
tho placo filled with water. There is
but little travel on tho ferry in con
sequence of bad roads. Tho water in
,somo places along tho sloughs in tho
twttoin will touch the stomach of a
horse. Somo people nre leaving Har
lem nnd others getting ready to leave.
Tho packing house of Klngan fc Cb.
wns in a perilous position at 1
o'clock this morning. The waters
of the Ivaw were every moment threat
ening to And their way Into tho
basement of tho big packing house.
At that time 100 men were at work hur
riedly removing the contents of tho
basement to a place of safety, while
four teams and fifteen men were busy
hauling cinders from the desiccating
works to build a dam around the base
ment to keep out the rising water.
Tho flood had risen tO a depth of six
inches in the hog pen and nothing was
between It nnd the basement save tho
Wall of cinders being built Eight
among strangers of those who were con- special watchmen were also busy with
sldered nromislnff vottths. ennnot help lanterns watching at all points the ris-
MEMi'iiis, Tcnit., May 13. Shortly J nlirht complefclv demolishing the south
aru;r 13 o'clock yestcroay tno ortufro
across the Mississippi river, which" con
nects the states of Tcnnesseo and Ar
kansas and provides the connecting link
between the great south and tho still
greater west was formally opened
amidst tho thunderous roar of artillery
and the sound of hundreds of steam
-rhistlcs and the shouts of thousands of
assembled spectators.
The man of war Concord, gayly be
decked with stars and stripes and the
union jack from stem to stern, raised
her anchors nnd steamed slowly down
stream toward tho bridge amid a tre
mendous din of whistles from the ship
ping levee. Tho river craft had been
handsomely decorated excepting per
haps the mammoth transfer boats whose
vocation will soon be known as a thing
of the past
Not only had tho various cities of tho
country largo delcgatiotts present, but
the federal government was represented
by a distinguished party composed of
Senators 1). W. Yoorhees, of Indiana,
M. C. Iltttler, of South Carolina, J. K.
Jones, of Arkansas, and Ishnm G. Har
ris, of Tennessee; Congressmen Thomas
feeling that ths ateb is of momentous
importance. Iteforo the youth left homo
all his conduct was under affectionate
guardianship. Outbursts of folly, care
lessness und impropriety of manner and
looseness of speech were kindly re
proved, nnd although the restraint
seemed sometimes too severe, yet hours
of sober reflection have convinced him
that it was salutary and righteous,
llut behold, how tho scene changes.
The fatlter, through tlto interceding of
metropolitan friends, has secured tho
son a placo in 'kaomo bank or store or
otltee. Schoolmates on the night boforo
his departure come to tako their fare
well of tho younir adventurer. That
morning lto takes a last walk around
the old place, and going past somo loved
spot & sly tear may start but no ono
sees it Tho "trunk is on the carriage,
and after a warm good-by, uwuy they
speed over tho hills. Set down nmld
excitements and among companions not
over scrupulous as to their words or
deeds, temptations troop around tho
stranger. Tho morning comes, but no
family altir, nud the Subbath, but no
real quiet, and perhaps at tho sanctuary
tho faces aro all strange und no one
cures whether ho goe to church or
whether he docs ijot go. Long
winter evenings arrive, and how
shall they be spent? On his way
homo front his plaeo of business ho saw
flaming placards announcing rare per
formances and that this wus positively
tho last night At tho door of ills cheer
less ttoardlng house no; ono greets him
and tlto evening tncol' is Insipid. Tho
room in tho third story that evening
seems doleful und repelling. A book
snatched up from tho stand proves to bo
dull. In despair he rushes out reckless
us to where lie goes if only ho can see
something that will inuke him stop
thinking. That, night may bo tho turn
ing point in his history. Onco within
the fatal clrccle of sin und tlte soul has
no power to repel It
In many a country churchyard Is now
thu grave of some youthful spirit that
wettt away lithe and Itoundlng, but
came homo diseased and crushed and
blasted to disgrace the sepulchcr of his
fathers. Yet this exodus must be made.
As from far distant hills, rivers find
their way through tunnels to great
cities, so from far distant points of tho
country It Is necessary that a stream of
uncorrupted population shall pour Into
our great thoroughfares and keep
them pure and nv.tnngo the trafllo
of the world. Multitudes of suck aro
constantly niaklng their departure from
home. To-morrow morning all of tho
thoroughfares leading toward the great
cities of our land, ou steamboat and
rallcar there will bo young anvettturers
for the first speeding away from their
homes In order to try their fortune in
town. Tho Lord stretch forth His arm
for tho deliverance of those Daniels
away down in liabylon. Wherever
your lot may bo eastr In far inland
town or In some great seaport main
tain In your absence the sumo prin
ciples of morals und religion which
may Have neon instilled ny pa
rental solicitude. Aim wittie you may
feel in your heart and life the advan
tages of early religious culture, forget
not tlto so to whom you nre chiefly in
debted, und pray that as ago comes upon
them and tho night of death begins to
fall on their pathway, the hope of
Heaven may beam through tho dark
ness, lustrous and steady us tho evening
star. The Lord forbid that by our eon
duct we should ever bring disgrace on
a father's uniue or provo recreant to the
love of a mother. Tho poet did not
exaggerate when ho exclaimed:
Hour Hlurpur than u serpcul tooth, It Is,
To lwo u thnnlilcrti) chlUl "
understand that vaccination Is
going out of practleu and is not so
popular as it was." "Oh, I don't kuowt
it btlll takes'." Uoston News.
inir flood
If general rains continue a day or two
longer and the weather man says they
will there aro going to be evacuations
In Harlem, Argentine, portions of Ar
mourdalo and Kunsas City, Kan.
North Argentine, a thickly populated
portion of the town occupying tho bot
tom land just beyond tho Santa Fe
yards, was a sight worth seeing yester
day. A strip of ground ten acres in
area, on which were a number of houses
occupied, was made an island by the
swollen Kuw breaking its bank,
cutting a chnnnol across the main
land nnd joining tho main stream
airuln near the old county bridge.
This break flooded a row of twelve
houses on the principal street in that
portion of tho town, and tho water
spreading out over tlto level shut off a
number of other dwellings and tho Ar
gentine electric light and waterworks
from till communication except by boat
These houses aro occupied mostly by
colored families and on ordlnnry occa
sions the distance from the nearest
house to the river bank is 000 feet Yes
terday skiffs were kept busy all day re
moving household effects from tho up
per windows, llenvy furniture that
could not be removed by such means
was left to take Its chance with the
muddy waters.
Tot'KK.v, Kan., May 14. Tho Kansas
river at this point rose thrco feet be
tween 8 o'clock last night und 0 o'clock
this morning. At 11 o'clock this morn
ing it was rising ut the rate of ono and
three-tenths Inches per hour. Tho Rus
sian colony on tho north sldo of town
have been forced to leave for higher
ground und their entire possessions are
under water.
Omaha, Neb., May 14. The Missouri
river is thirteen feet tiltovo low water
mark and rising rapidly. It has cut
away 100 acres of land on the west
bunk four miles altovo tho city r.nd Is
within fifty feet of Florence lnke. If the
river should riso another foot it will
break Into its old channel nnd sweep
down through what is known as To
mah, and do hundreds of thousands of
dollars' worth of damage und would
leave tho manufacturing suburbs of
Omaha on an inland.
Kansas City, Kan., May 14. Tho
Kaw river is higher than it lias been
slnco 1SSI, and was still rising at a late
hour this morning. Tho low hinds
along Its course are flooded and great
damage is being done to property.
In Armourdalo much damage Is being
done to property. Many houses are
half under water and families aro va
cating them. No less than llf ty families
in Arnuntrdale havo been forced to va
cate their homes.
A docn families living on tho flats on
tlte west bank of the Kaw, between
Central and Splltlog avenues In Kunsuw
City, Kan., were compelled to leave
their dwellings nnd their goods were
taken out in boats and sklfTs. The flats
nro occupied by about twentvflvo small
Lawhpxck, Kan.. May 14. Tho Kan
sas river at this point Is the highest It
lias boon since tlte 40's and Is still ris
ing. Fully ten feet of water is pouring
over the dam and fears are entertained
that the dam will go out If It suouiu
it will certainly tako Uowcrsock's mills
with it and nlso cause tho bridge thnt
spans tlto river just above to go with it
St. Lotus. Mav 14. The river ut 7 p.
m. passed the danger line and is still
rising. Where tho end will bo no one
now pretends to guess. Tho situation
nil along tho river front grows worse
hourly and tho dlfllculty of bundling
freight is Increasing so that river men
aro almost ready to aeknowlego "Olu
Mlsslp" thotr mistress.
Nkvapa, Ma, May 14. Tho heaviest
rains of tho season fell hero yesterday.
Tim streams uro all out of tiwlr bunks
lf- 5 i I
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flu -iiifejy
part of this city. Tlio portion struck
was occupied by small residences.
About twolvo or fifteen buildings were
destroyed.' Tho Santa Fo stock yarda
were blown down, nnd tho wires run
ning into tho Santa Fo depot are all
down. Ellsworth Hodley hod his leg
broken nnd Frank Marsh and Stephen
Crane were slightly injured.
The cloud could bo seen forming west
of the city about 5:15 o'clock. Owing to
this timely warning everybody who
could get into a cave or cellar did so.
Several houses nre reported blown down
in the country west of the city. No loss
of lifo is reported. As reports of tho
cyclone come In from tho country west
of here it appears that the storm started
about seven miles southwest on John
Klbby's farm very near the same point
of tho storm about a month ago that
destroyed the town of Towanda.
It tore down the Klbby house, occu
pied by P. C Lunnrd, and from there
traveled toward town, demolishing tho
fnrm houses of Messrs. Goff, Argo, Hltc,
Cloud ami a bam belonging to Mr.
Simpson, cutting a swath through tho
heavy timber as it crossed tho
Wltito Water. Twelve houses wero
wrecked in town, many of them
torn to pieces. They wero
occupied by Mr. Pratt, Frank Miner,
Andrew Martin, William. Schlosser,
George Cllppinger, Mureelus Davis,
William Easley, David I'cltham and
Mrs. Kobert Clark. Joe Heed's and
Henry Walker's stables wero blown to
pieces. Tho storm passed northeast
from here, destroying a house on tho
Sanders' place, four miles from town.
Mrs. Lnrned had three children badly
Elpoiiado, Knn., May 14. A severe
wind visited this part of tho state tlto
other night Although no ono was killed,
or injured considerable damage was
done to property In some localities. At
Towanda, the village that was almost
wiped from the face of the earth April
1 a few of tho rickety buildings left
standing were blown down. The wind
was terribly strong here and everybody
looked for a cyclone, but fortunately it
did not come. Tho rain still continues
here und tho rivers uro all swollen.
J. Henderson, of Illinois, G. Fred Wil
liams, of Massachusetts, N. C. lilanch
ard, of Louisiana, John C. Tarsney, of
Missouri and Hellamy Storer, of Ohio,
who is also taking part in the deepwnter
ways convention which is in session
At an early hour tho city was astir
and by 8 o'clock the floats which were
to take part in the procession were on
hand. The procession, somo three miles
or moro in length, formed promptly at
9 o'clock und began to move shortly
afterward. Every department of tho
city government was represented, as
wero also every secret society and busi
ness house. Tho procession was about
two hours In passing and ufter travers
ing the business portion of tlte city pro
ceeded to the bridge, arriving shortly
before 12 o'clock.
Then George W. Morrison, of Chicago,
chief engineer of the grent structure,
began the ceremonies by motioning to
un engineer seated within his engine,
und in a minute a procession of eight
een locomotives amid cheering started
on thu bridge. Tho engines were all
bedecked with the national colors and
represented the Gulf road and the
others the nine other lines centering in
the city. At 11 o'clock tho test of the
bridge wns mado by distributing eight
een locomotives at ulllerent points
where tho greatest strain would come
and tho deflection wus scarcely percep
tible. After the engines had crossed a special
train with otllcials of tho Kansas City
& Memphis road und distinguished per
sons, sturted out from each shore. The
one from tho Tennessee side borq Gov.
Huehanan, his staff und party of cltl
sens und tho ono from the Arkansas
sido Gov. Eagle and staff, with dis
tinguished Arknnsans. In the center
of tlto bridge they met, Joined hands
and the work of successfully bridging
the Mississippi was declared accomplished.
In tho evening tltero wns a grand Il
luminated parade of thirty allegorical
floats illustrating the early history, '
progress and present condition of the
city of Memphis.
Tho secretary of tho navy accepted
the brldgo in the name of the govern
ment, saying that it had boon construct
ed In uecordanoo with tho net of con
gress permitting it. It witstilso accept
ed of tlto construction company by the
bridge company.
Senator Datilul W. Voorhees then de
livered tho oration on behalf of the peo
ple of the United States.
Tlio I'mlmr t'ltntlno I.niiiirlipil.
Hath, Mo., May lit. About 5,001) per
sons witnessed the launching yesterday
of tho United States gunboat, cruiser
No. 0, named the Custlno, at the Itutli
iron works. The vessel was gaily deco
rated with bunting, and made u very
satisfactory launch. Miss Hlchborn,
daughter of Naval Constructor Hlch
born. performed tho christening cere
IlrptililU'un tloiiifTCKMlnrml.
Washington', May 1:1. The repulv
llcan congressional campaign commit
tee organized yesterday by the elec
tion of Senator Anthony Higglns,
of Delaware, as chairman; John L.
Culdtvell, of Ohio, us vice-chairman,
and tlto following to constitute
Twenty-two Miners Were Drowned In
I'lt-Other Lite Luit.
Pkstii, May 14. An immenso water
spout burst yesterday in the neighbor
hood of the collieries situated in tho
city of Fuenfkirchen, tho capital of tho
county of Puranya. The huge volume
of water inundated the surrounding
country and poured in a great stream
in the mines, flooding them in a very
short time und causing a terrible loss of
The water poured into tlte mines so
quickly that the unfortunate men who
wero engaged nt work in the lower level
received no warning of their dnnger
and before they had a chance to escape
they wero struggling in tho torrent
which had utmost instantaneously en
gulfed them. They struggled desper
ately to reach the shafts or muln parts of
the mines, Which seemed likely to af
ford a place of safety, but the water
rase higher and in a short time every
avenue of escapo was cut off and tho
men perished miserably.
It is known that twenty-two men aro
dead In one pit alone and that many
more havo lost their lives ut other
Owing to the great excitement which
prevails In the place it is impossible to
obtain nn exuet list of tho dead, but it
will probably reach startling proportions.
Friday's Itucv.
Louisvim.k, Ky., May 14. There waa
another good crowd at Churchill yester
day und with a fair track all the races
were close enough to make tho sport
interesting. The raeo of the day was
the Delbcck handicap and Titllu Black
burn's defeat, llalgowan, with 124
pounds, went out in the stretch and
won tho race in beautiful stylo
from Rocka, a 15 to 1 shot, by nearly
two lengths. Overton rode in masterly
stylo on llalgowan. Tho second race
went to the hot favorite, Knott In It
Tho second event went to tho second
choice, Ferric. The third race waa
tho Delbeek handicap, and the fourth
was captured by the talent's choice,
Uook Laidley.
St. Louis, May Is. Only a small
,cr6wfl attended the races yesterday.
The talent did splendidly in the first
three races, but in thu next two their
Judgment weut amiss. There was a
veritable sea of mud und "mud larks"
were in demand.
Tim l'enloriB .Mlllloux .Short.
Washington May 14. Speaker Crisp
laid before the hottsu to-day a letter
from tho acting secretary of tho treas
ury transmitting a statement of tho de
ficiency in tlto appropriation for pensions
for tho current fiscal year of $7,0T4,1!!3,
and recommending that it be supplied
by reapproprlatlng that sum from tho
unexpended balance of $3,8:54,070 re
maining to tho credit of pensions for
tho fiscal year 1691.
Mother umI Child Foully Hlntn.
PiiKbCorr, la., May 14. Iteturnlnc
home yesterday afternoon William
Coons found his wifo tied to Iter bed:
with u bullet wound in her head. Ly
ing on the lied was his little daughter,
also murdered with ono shot from tho
deadly revolver. Mrs. Coons had evi
dently been assaulted. Joseph Dooloy,
a nephew, aged 10 years, is suspected.
He cannot bo found.
ltrotherhood of llouvriuaknr.
Coi.uiinvet, O., May 13. Tho National
Brotherhood of llollermukers adjourned
to meet in May, lb93, In Topeku. Tho
otlleers elected are: Gruttd president.
I .1 .T t I'Pnvttiv Ttiil.itttitv1tu. 41....4 ..!
with the above tho executive commit. n.axm( u.0 Johnson. Topokuj second,
tee: Senator Perkins, of Kansas und vk0 Krun(1( n, 1L AU iocutuiK
""""" v -' ,""" ,"", I iilnho; thiru vtco grand, !. F
sontiiives lowiiMinu, o. o.onuio, CnnriesUm, s. C, financial
Home, ot lenuchseei Herman, oi wre- aml treasurer, Itnyinond
ft" 'Tr :, ,lunta,Oa. The convention declared In
Mciiicwom lMJtvmfc lU0 N Mr oa
ed Bccrctavv of the coumilUoe. omuwj ,
Rec rotary
Jureltt, At-
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