" ftw.Xufaw.J' "JH.-' H tlflMffp-; r tt A nCTr--X p-tAlTgrwr '" Mtr'ww-t: - $ 'ip7 f- urm. -17,1 I. lMpaJMmsWsasM fSHjW HI .,... , Tinr,u!ppvtviBBBrHPfPi7K'inrvMinBBH: v 3',4 vjVkm imumz.vyw.t HM"im? . ' ?HiniBW9RmH. v ' 7 ,U tv" 7-BWV. -XT' "v. jojr ,Mr-mrniK'I,'fTrAiril.,Ti.,aH . 1 . mk' -l n.. !?. A,rfiKSBi wxm 1 v v"s rv'T"' 'yfisw ... SJBJBMSSB0jBaBBBBBSHBBRBKHBBHBHaBWaBBVw& Bsw .aV,BF4iafi2SktBHHj .OS Bs BffiW t mj ? MafJ ft aWI i"t '- SMnsnTWrjSfyffiaBBBBaiv, RAv9BBBjsja HiiL Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar By A. C Hosmer. Red Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, May 20, 1892. W VoL,19'.:,W4a; THE GOLDEN EAGLE! Is bound to keep the ball rolling Regardless of other Great Moguls in the Clothing Trade. We ask al that are in need of CLOTHING ! To allow us to show them our "Blanket lined Dusters," and-give them prices .on our "Fur trimmed Straw Hats." Shoe Buyers will not go amiss if they buy their boots and Shoes of us. HhjQfa. bsbtbtsbbbbbL) What is fMilM Castoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its -guarantee is thirty years use by Blillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays foverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. . Castoria. " Castoria la an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mother bit. repeatedly told roe of iU ' jootl'effcct upon their children." Da. O. C. Oeoooo, Lowell, M. Cfictorla If ,ho l-t remedy for children of wnlchliiuiuiHuntod. I hope the day Is not far dlstautwUoamothers will consider the real Interest of their children, ud uw Castoria In stead ot the vartousquacknostruniswhlch are destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup nd other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby wading them to premc ture graree." Do. J.F,KwcHtto, Conway. Ark. I Alum a Surra, Prti , Tk CeoUmr Omsm TT Murray ItrMi, Maw Yewk OMy. Castoria. " Castoria Is sowellsdaptedtochlldmitfcat I recommend it as superior to any prerariptioa known to me." H. A. Ancat,lL D., HI Bo. Oxford St., BrooklT-.'. Y. ' Our physicians In the children depart ment hnro epoken highly of their experi ence in their ouUlde practice with Castoria, and although we only bar. among our medical supplies what to known as regular product, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look wife fator upon It." Uxmra Hospital ud Disrsrunr. Educational Department. D. M. HUNTER, Editor. Wc know of ono director who took sufficient interest in the school grounds of hid district to spend all Arbor Day in beautifying and improving them. Mr. Trunkoy did this in Dist. No. 30, Amboy district, tho school grounds arc fenoru in this district. Tho re sult of Mr. Trunkoj's day's work with his team should bo highly apprediatod now and will be arjprooiatcd moro and more as tho trees grow larger, tho grass thicker, and tho walk in front of the house becomes firmer. Grassy lawns and beautiful shade trees are not to be hnd at tho bidding but must bo obtained only by doing some work at tho proper time, by ex ercising dilligent oare, and by waiting patiently to enjoy them. Lot us hare more school ground fenced, and more members of sohool boards interested in tho improvement of them. So much ruiny weather should causo as littlo irregular attondanco at school as possible. If it is impossible to plant corn while the ground is so wot it is not impossible to tako tho children to school. Tbcy will not be in the rain and mud so much at school as at homo. We have dcen children kept from school on aooouut of wot, muddy weather that would run into and out of tho house all day at home. As horses get tired standing in the stable it would give them some ezeroiie to use them in taking the children to school in tho rcorning and in bringin g them home from school in the evening. Kern the children in school. The school tax is the largest tax; tho school tax is the best tux. To get the benefit of the money expend od for sohool purposes, all children of sohool age should bo is sohool every day that it is in session. Do not neglect to observe sohools Decora of this lion Day in all the county. In many of our Bohool rooms, the stars and stripes form a part of the decoration, Every school should have a flag. John Earner's sohool planted about sixty trees and sung some appropriate dongB on Aroor day. Nothing but siokness should keep a ohild out of sohool for a long period of time. Everything necessary to (jive a child a good education is fur nished in the publie schools. , Don't let patched clothing keep your children out of sohool. Keep tho olothes of your children olean, (no lack of water this spring with which to wash them) patch them if you arc obliged to use as many colors as there were in "Joseph's coat," and send them to school. The boy with a patcu on nis knee, and the gill with only a calico drers latched at the olbow, to wear nay stand srnong the best ia their classes at school, and rank with the best and most inflicntial cit'sens in tho future. Teach them not to fear being lauteh- ed at: but, that by becoming the best speller, the best reader, the best ar itbmeticlan, the best grammarian, or tne ocst penman, and one or the brst players at recess, a pupil may guin a plaeo in the affection of his school mates that will crowd all ridicule out, A ciroulitrjraa soot lo l he teachers this week asting them to obocrve Deooration Day. The editor has frequent quirirs in the "Uonferenoo with Ttnolwrs" ns to the authority of a teacher over pupils out of the school yard, and he Ima al ways been conservative in his advice, Judgo Giofh, of California, has recent ly givon a ruling upon this point. A teacher whipped a boy upon tho side walk for boistcrousness. He t.icn called a cob and took the flogged boy ana tiu companion to ilio homo of tne latter, in which he was living. Upon arrival, the tcaohcr advised tne woman to emphasize his "thrashing ' by one of her own, against which In r sou ItroUstcd, and tho teacher whipped lim on tin spot. Tho judue paid that tho court always sustained every rea sonable effcrt of a tcaohcr to main tain good order among children in school and out. and justified tho side walk whipping; but whon a teacher eaters a private residonce and whips a boy a the prcsenoe of his mother, the eoart must draw a line. The tenoher was fined $15.---New Kng. and National Journal of Education. HMiif jj n aKss&3. .flBJpsy BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMsBBBBkaW -SbCbIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB fsssssssGBBBmMiSaw3BBBBff ' II KsfBSBBBBBBUBBBBSMfilBSBBa ' SBBEBBBfiflrBlBBBBBBEMtBBBBBBBBBUSBVSWlBSBBBP SBKaSlSBVaBBBBBBBfBVBlinBBVdSBBBBBBNBBBBBBm BBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBK a vBttLSiiSBBBBBH .BSSSHrAMilLwi .3pJBIniTiBssBBBBt?MWT'.v o ' )BssbbbbWssKsV BBJ w HBV VJ Sjm"mfm BBSS HPHHBWjyjcf AaVCSBlBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBxBVBBBBBBBV BsHlPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCSBMCmJH KKKtKniMXKKBmmKWSIUi bsbi tBBBBBBBsW BBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl HBBBBsIbS alsBBBBBBaBBywWbBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBa SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl ' .BBS BBHBBBBBBBBBBHsUBaHBbiBW "laLllr'BBBBBBBBBBBBfLwMH BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBWsBBBK,.iisiU SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJSBBBv.b7fHSBXMWjiLT9VBB vvvvBfBJtpIJyp;"; Bir We will undersell any house in Red Cloud, '$$, Call and see. Highest prices for Butter 4 ;- and Eggs K. M. MARTIN & SON, High-bied Stallion The high bred Morgan etnlliou, Dlnck Hawk Chief 4th, will mnko the senson at the atabie of J. o. Holcomb on Elm street, rear of Holland Iioubo. Ho is n very stylish, showy horse, and carries more Morgan blood than any boreo in tho state. Breed to good lioreop. raieo good colts and no longer complain of low prioee. FEDIQBEE: Blnek flawk ohluf 4 was bred by B. 8. Hitchcock of 'Vnlajn, Minn,, sire YMrnly'a Black Hawk ciiief by Blaek Hawk ohlof 2 bred by Judgo Front of Ballsbary. Vermont, he by ii Ill's Muck Hawk by Hhrrman's Morcan by Jutin Morsaa. the founder of the uoratin tarn Uy. 1st dan Lady Mwonger$ Ud by Young Kambl.toalans 8d dam by Bishop uamblo tosdaa;4thdaithe Frout ware by OifTord Morgan b Woodbury's morgan by Justin wrgii. It will be son that Black Hawk chisf 4th traces back to Jnstlu Morgan on the sires side twice as the Frout mare does also, and carried tho immbletoninn blood represented bp Bishop's nambleloninn and touig uanbletooinn Torms on npjillciitlon at above stable. A.AHNE80N, Owner J. 0. holcomb, Mnungcr. Farm loans at lowest interest. Strictly irst-class Joans at lower ratos thaa) has e vrr been givon in this ooun ty before. Option lo pav port or nil ui oud or itny j ear, u, ir. uathku. Webster Co. Abstract Office J. II. IIA1LKY, AltstrHvter and Prirletsr. Accurate Abstracts Promptly Furnished fbrtiuy LWsWto'Hi WbMMr county. A complete and Accurate set of AfeetffM bsjoiM and a S10 liond riled Tltta county Judge iNMarfe); ;tNay tnctleH. For Abstracts Cheap I'arm Loans oi some good Bargains in Real Estate call 6u J. H.BAILEY. HJED CJLOlin, NXJBUABMA Warner & Warren " THE TWO JO Have opened a Ileal Estate Office, t I i'' t . . .Vi?"j1i AND AfiS MA8T M IlIA'tOUT v m or H.wumn Farm or City Property, or Auction ofTyouii S hold GoodB. Have somo mrtn.vm to offefPMt ur who call a thiioftoe, W1, 2d Door North o;F.&,M. BarikUp S K&t vm m& i , - im n- , k. ? & vxx- u MwdfriiirfiiM,iu'lpsjll trfH" lwvwrlr1UWMiHU4WWMMl '4JPt7qM', '.nnnw..IWf.TjCim(,mnjiirllnflKiir.rwiir!1Tni1ivTrifir' M'i i i wwiw,wlwT'Mi.in.iiiiin.nilwi.Nin..i Xi ;teawKiotSfr49st!ss&"S:f . JhA. N 4W.i;Hl SBHI BBBM -m ''jlal wnwmtwf3tfjsfMSH a.. 4rT.Mki Ji.iaOB