The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1892, Image 8

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V s
All Lotmv f Q4 . Ilsmca.
Tbata haa been oonsldarabla Mid in
Mm tart month in regard to the relative
merits ot the hones making tho season
t Red Cloud, and I would liko to cor
rert worn wrong rcporta thnt have boon
etaHttatod by interested pnrties. Noah
Birch No. W 52, tho standard Urod Trott
in Bkdllon, U tho Host IJred Horso in
Webster county and onunl to any in the
state or country. In fact there In none
bttter. Is no perfect n Horso in dotwrt
mentand nymotry no was over foulod,
His own family has tho fasten! horso to
harness in the world Direct, a first cous
in paolng a qunrter in i'G Bocondo, n 1:48
mit, has a record of milo in 2:00. Nonh
Duroh is nophaw to Jny Eyo Heo 2:00
PheHafi:l3?4 Director 2:18, Delineator
8:18, Id fact he is n fasiouablo bred horse
in every way, and ho has no superior aa a
good breeder. I challenge any horseman
M Webster county to show as well bred
Rhone. I make this statement in self
defense, as there Bra certain parties who
are aaklcg a point of meeting men on
tbalr way to see me and belittling my
bent and running him down end telling
then he ia no good, that other horses in
towa are much hotter, eto. I am making
o ight against any horse here, as there
are several good horses hero in the vieinity
but none was can show ns good n- pedi
gree aa Noah llurch and not so perfect a
none in aynetry, in the country and not
one who can show as largo an average of
colts, a complete tabulated pedigree will
be sent on application inclose stamp, ad
dress, W. M. GOlWtTH,
lied Cloud, Neb.
High-bied Stallion
The high bred Morgan stallion, Black
Hawk Chief 4th, will make the season at
the stable of J. o. llolcomb on Kim
street, rear of Holland house. He is a
very stylish, showy home, and carries
store Morgan blood than any horso in the
state. Breed to good horses, raise good
eolta and no longer complain of low
FEDIOBEEt Black Hawk chief 4 was
bred by 8. 8. Hitchcock of Calais, Minn,,
airs Yearnli'e Black Hawk chief 8 by
Black Hawk chief 2 bred by Judge Front
of Ballsbary, Vermont, ho by hUPs Black
Hawk by. Sherman's Morgan by Jnatin
Morgan, the founder of the Morgan fam
ily. 1st dam Lady Messenger; 2d by Young
ambletonlan; 8d dam by Bishop Harnblo
tonltn;4th dam the Front Mare by Clifford
Morgan by Woodbury's morgan by Justin
Morgan. It wtll be seen that Black nawk
chief 4th traces back to Justin Morgan on
the tires side twice as tho Front mare does
also, and carried the Bamblotonian blood
represented bp Bishop's aamblotonlan and
lOHBg Hanblstonlan Terms on application
at above stable. m
J. C. holcomd, Manager.
Scmihera Prosperity.
That the South is growing rapidly 1b
shown by the fact that 1,740 new manu
facturing enterprises were located within
her borders during the past six months.
These have been attracted to this section
by reason of the cheap raw materials and
raw, ox wnicn tne south can boast a
nter supply than it found elsewhere
ia Union. That portion of West Vir
ginia, Maryland and Virginia lying nlon
the line off the Raltimorn and Ohio Rail
road has its full share ot natural adva&i
tame, and full information concerning
locations for manufacturing, farming, or
any partloularline of, business, will bo
furnished on application to m. V. Rich
ards, Land, ana immigration Agent, B. &
v. iv. n. ua, uauimore, mo. '
It Bateau on every. detUr yea speed.
Bjjawntt Catalan, a ess page
I nsMtreuoaaaejlTtag lowest -
wna siasnBMWwri' aiseeaaie
aaa sac-Mies aneereweres
CaltMWalas. Oroesrlee.
inning 'issiw
weo, urase
Hata. Caaa.
notions, UUstwar,
Ural HapftSMata, ate,
espressaie. We an tar
ts aaaseajeMastt tltat the
as reMeesau4 u aot teas
daei aaat
intjeiacy stmt, vaieago, ui.
A tslary tf Mi to aie per week to GOOD agents
te resveeeM as la every cooaty, aal sell oar geaeral
MMaHefeJuadlMttsueaUctanrs'prlcM, Omlt
avwarejejess w "saw weataeei BtaaB4tv ssksmsreMwaemsua a cesasaew
amT.g Oatalogae aa paruculars aeatoa receipt
A Vtlltff
IS Qeiacy Unet, Chicago, fa.
Terms to suit cuatomere.
Are FreFareel to do
-Of ,
.Carnages and -Wagons
In Bth Wood anal Irosi.
IMvhlnt) WaMlrlns Mollty whan
Lath Wrk I Required.
Bhon lust north of tlio marble work. North
Webster Btreet.
jarnss BMLessf1
TessaOgsssjssjsaei raiaaasiag
WMSwa.i'wsBSBB'eBaeaa.tDr uoooa
Cflsajp 'Btas, CMm,
1 tf MBHHaweBawsswawalSBSiP'
Makes the
Weak Strong
Tlio marked benefit which people In run
down or wrakcnctl utato of health derlvo
from Hood's Sarsaparllta, conclusively proves
tho C...I111 H1.1t this mcillclno "makes tho weak
atretic." It docs not act like n stimulant,
ImpartlnR flclltlous strength from which thero
must follow a reaction of greater wcakncM
than before, but In tlio most natural way
Hood's Barsaparllla oTcrcomcs that tired feel
Inp. creates an ni'pcllte, purifies tlio blood,
and, in short, girts nrcat bodily, norve,
metital and dlgcsllro strength.
Fagged Out
last spring I wai completely fagged out.
My strength left mo and I Colt sick and mlv
crablo all tlio time, so that I could hardly
attend to my business. I took one bottle ot
Hood's Sarsapartlla, and It cured me. There
Is nothing like It." K.C Bcoolk, Kdltor
Enterprise, Belleville, Mich.
"I derived very much benefit from flood's
Rarsaparins, which I took for nencral debility.
It built me right up, and gavo me an excel
V. B. It you decide to tako Hood's Barsa
parllla do not bn Induced ti buy anyUUag cUe
Instead. Insist upon b.vrlns
. Hood's
aotdbyalldnsaliU. 11ttxfor. Fnparedealr
by 0. L HOOD CO., Apothecarlei, LowsU, Maes.
100 Doses One Dollar",,"",'"",,"""mm
Bright people are the quickest to rec
ognise a good thing and buy it. We sell
lots of bright people the Llttk) Early Hit
sere, If yon ars not bright these pills
will make yon so. 0. L. Sotting.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorl.
When she was a Child, she cried for Caetoris.
When she became Mum, she clung to Castor!.
When she bed Children, she gave tbem Castorl.
Gasoline Stoves,
Tho best in the world, for sslo at,
MOHABTS. 40-tf
it uuii, spiritless ana Biupou: it your
blood in thick and sluggish; if your appe
tite is capricious and uncertain, you need
a Sarsaparilla. For beet rest results use
JJe Witt's. C. U. Ootting.
Bco Keeper's uppllcs.
A. Mohart, tho hardware roan, will
hereafter keep all kinds n.f Bco Koop
cr's supplies. Mail order filled
promptly. tf.
-M.I . .
Pnaluro Land.
Tho undersigned has 320 acres of
Iiasturo land six uitli h north-east of
led Cloud, with living water, and de
sires to pasture 100 head of cattle
frioo, zu cents per mrnth,
10-3t Thos. Kmiuii.
Hiatorio homna and landmarks are
rapidly passing nwny, owing to fatal kid
l.ey and liver dlseasos. l,ilopntionro"will
euro and prevent all such dlaenses.
Bold by L. 11. Daro.
Sonio clioico improved and uuim-
proved farms at a bargain. Wrlto for
uisoripiion to v. 0. mykrb,
, Kcd Cloud Nobr.
Children Cry for
Tho Red Cloud Dray Lino have four
good and heavy mulo teams. All
hauling promptly attended to jour
oraers souoitea. jno jjarki-ry,
' Proprietor.
Bays an old physician who has practiced
mediolne 40 years: "I guarantee there ia
not a case ot blood liver or kidney disease
ia tho world bnt what "Hepaticure" will
positively onre. L, H, Deyo.
Children Cry ror
Pitcher's Cattorlf
Drunkcnnesa. or Ike tblejner
uasit ajurca at Home la Tea
Daya hy Administering Dr.
llamcs' Clelden sneciac.
It can be given in a glass of beer, n
cup of coffee or tea or in food without
the knowledge of the patient It is ab
solutely harmless and will effect n per
manent and epeedy cure, whether the
patient ia a moderate drinker or an al
coholic Wrflnk. It lina luun ntv.n In
rthousandsof oases, and in every instance
n poneci. cure nas louowod. It never
I?"8 ThoByatem ohce impregnated with
the specific, H becomes an utter impossi
bility for the liquor appetite to exist
Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot par-
"ouiwa free. Addreas the Golden Spe-
u.uu uu., ou ivaoe Direet, uinoinnati, o.
For Sale er Trado.
A ohoico farm of 1G0 acres, 4 miles
from town, good frame house, 80 acres
in cultivation, all tillable but about
10 acres timbt.: Kasy terms or will
trado D. J. Mvkrr.
l.fd Cleud, Nobr.
TM-aaate suit itHtemicn
HherlffTa ftnle
Notice Is hereby Riven that under and by vir
tue of an order ot sale Imurd from the oBlco of
V, It. Cnino lerk of the district court of tlio in. n
Juitlrlal district within ami for Webitcr (.ounty
NclifHskii, upon ftdfrrrt In 1111 action pondlnir.
therein, wherein I,. Alice Wntmiii i pliutitltf.
mid nun I ust HiirIi W. Oiullforil, l.ucy
Uulllfonl, ficoruw In tluDlr.irit nnil Mrs.
(tiilllfiiri'. tlio lfo of lioorKii UtlullKord,
dcfouditntH. I Hlmll olfi'r f'r hhI h piihllo ven
iluv. to the hlftliwt biiliicr lor outli In hand, nt
the eat duor ot the court houso ut ll'd cloud its
wild Wrba er county, Npnra-K. llmt llii)j the
liiillolUKWlirroln the Imt term of Mid courtwas
holden. on tile
3lat lny of Mit)-, lr3,
at one o'clock r.ti.n(5iiM il.iy. the following
dosenhed proiiortv tov.lti riio nnnth-f.iit
iimirtrr of uri-lliin tvn. In tiiMrtioltlti iiiim. north
otrnKetw ive, c.itof tlicijtli p,tn 11 Welxtcr
county, Nebraska. iiv'H .J. 1 iii tiuud H1I1
29th d.iy of April, Iffit.'.
OMi. k coiiN, Nieritr,
40,1011 T llv a. .1. TomiiiMoi, lo.nty.
Hlgalns fi Oirlow Hmm . I'l't'B'a Att'yg.
ftncHfi' Otilc.
Nollco ia horobv mvii that nndor and
by vlrlne of an ordor of sale iaanod from
the office of C. D. Urone clerk 01 tne dis
trict eonrt of the tenth Jndtdial district,
within and for Webster oonnty, Nebraska,
upon a decree in an action pending there
in, wherein L. Alice WaUon ia plaintiff
and against Hogh W. Onlltford, Lucy
unlllford. Uoorao li. uniuroru, and Mrs.
Qullifnrd, the wlfn of George L. tlnlllford
defendants, 1 shnll oiler for sale nt publlo
vendue to tno lilgliest utdiior icr ensn in
hand ut tlio ent door of tho court house,
at Red Cloud, in sulci Webster county, Ne
braska, (that being the bnilding wherein
the laet term of said court waa holden)
on tho
31st day of May, 1,
at one o'clook p. m. of said day
the following described property
towlt: The sooth east quarter
of seotlon five 6, township Mo. throe 3, n,
raage Ho. ten 10, west Otn p m, Webster
oonnty, Nebraska, (liven under my hand
this z day of April Wi.
40-ftOd T Oao. E. Coon, Bhrriff.
Htoonrs k. Oabiow Sbos. Fl'tff's Atty.
Notice to NonRcsldcnt Defend'
A. A. Adams. Jr.
Wra. O. Cor.
Rebecca Cox,
uraee aides,
B. J. Whitten and
The Bank otlllndon
In the district court of Webster county,
To William O. Cox. Rebecca Cox and
Grace Sides, you are hereby notified that
mere is now on me in the oiuce ot tne
olerk of tho court of Webster county,
Nebraska, a petition of the plaintiff
against you, impleaded with the other
defendants named in the title of said
cause, praying that the court may And
the amount due the plaintiff urxm one
real estate mortgage note for the sum of
$800, Bocured by mortgage made by Au
gustus D. Cox under the name of A. D.
Cox. UDon the foUowimr described real
estate situated in tho county of Webster
and state ol XMeornaKa, towit: Tho undl
vided one-half interest ot the south-west
quarter of section four (4,) township
four (4.) ranee eleven fll.i west of the
6th p. m.. in Webster county, Neb., that
a decree be entered by the court in said
cause foreclosing said mortgage
against you and your co-defendants; that
the above described property be sold un
der said decree: that the proceeds ot
HUch sale bo nppliod toward the payment
of tho amount duo the plaintiff upon
said note, with interest and the costs of
foreclosure, and thnt any rigat title, lien
or interest owned or claimed by you, or
either of you, or any of your oo-uefend-
nuta, in or to said premises be adjudged
to be junior and inforior to the plaintiff's
mortgage lien thereon.
You nro hereby further notified that
you are reqired to answer said petition
ot the plaintiff on or before tho 80th day
ot May, 1802, and that if yon fail to an
Bwer tne same on or before said day, the
facts and allegations contained in said pe
tition will be taken aa true and judgment
and docroo rendered ns therein prayed
James McNeny,
40-lt Attorney for Plaintiff.
Shcrlfr'B Sale.
Notice Is hereby alven that under and hv vlr.
tue of an order of aulo Issued from the office of
u. u. crnne, clerk ot the district court 01 tne
renin jnniciui uistrict witmn ana lor weDaier
county, Nelirnska uimu a decre tn an action
pendlnk therein, wherein 1 toss It. Mattls, trus
tco, and Albert . llumham, plaintiffs, and
acalnst Huirh W. Oulllford. l.ucv Uulllfonl. K.
i. inivai turn ueorae 1.. uuiuioru. udieiinnnu.
I shall offer for sale at public vendue tn Hie
I) uiier for cash in nanu at tlio e ist iiiwir
ot the courthouso, ut Ited Cloud, In said We li
ster county. Nebrasku, (that belnK tho bullilloi:
wherein the last term of said court waaholdeu)
on the
ith Day or June, A. D. 1S09,
atone o'clock p. m. of aald day, the following
described property towlt! The east half of sec
tion nineteen (1U) In township one (I) north of
range twelvo (12) west of the sin p. an.
Uiven under my hand this Ctb day of May, A.
UKORflK E.COOK, HBerllt.
.. . . . A. J. TOHlllDSOD, UCPUl
Kalcr & Harker, l'lalntlfls Attorneys. 4:
Nollco la lierrtby given that under and by vir
tue of an order of sale Issued from the office of
U. IK Crone, clerk of the district court or the
tenth Judicial district within and for Webster
county. Nebraska, upon a decree In an action
pending therein, wherein Zilpha 8. Hubbard ts
plaintiff, and against Henry McUormal. James
MrCormalaud Anna McUormal. Ills wife. Cath
rtrlne FeltU. John Fellls. Mary Mehuke, former
ly Mary McCormal and Karl Mehuke, tier bus
baud, Wm. K. Jacknon. executor ot the last will
and testament ot Henry McCormal, deceased,
aad Kaley brothers, defendants. I shall offer
tor sale at public vendue to the liltfhf st bidder
for cash In haudnt the east door of the court
house, at Ited Cloud, In said Webster oouaty,
Nebraska, (that being the building wherein the
last term of said court waaholdeu) on the
JtH nay or JJaac, A. J. ,
at one o'clock p. in. ot said day, the following
aeacriunii property iowh: Tiie norta nau ut
the north west quarter and the south-west quar
ter of the north-west quarter and Ut three (s.)
all In sectlou eight (B.) lowushlp one (I, north,
range nine 9,) west ol the nth p. in.
Ulvun under my baud this WIi day ot Mar, A.
0. 1KM,
Oro. E.Coo.N.bherlrT.
A.J. Tommmson. Deputy,
Kaley & D.u ker, l'lalui Iff' Attorneys. 4I-9M
SkerlfPa Sale
Notice Is hereby given that under and by vlr
tue ut nil order ol aalo lasnwl f ram tii..Mn of
C, B. Crone, eterk of tliedlsti let court of the
tenth Judicial district wltliln and for Webator
county, neuruaa unon a aecree lu an neiiaa
peuding, thcrelu, wherein vs. .c(luire ts
nlaiutlffand against Atonzo MVFreelove and
Ktta Kreeloveetalare defeudaute, I shall offer
for sale at publlo vendue, to the highest bidder,
lor cash Inliand, at the east door of the coirt
house at Bed Cloud In said Webster county,
Nebraska, ttatbelng the bulldliut wherolu the
last terra ot aald court waa holden, on the 18th
day ot June isniat one o'clock p. m. of aald day
the following described property unvlti lxta
three S, and four 4, lu block ono I, Vanro's first
addition to the town of tlu do kuclc in Wohnuir
couuty, Nebraika, (Hvau underlay baud this,
uasjj u mjmtt 4 ova
t Uko. K. Cooit, bherlff,
JAMia UoNbnv, rialutla"s Attorney.
Children Cry for
Htcher' Castorla.
mvcn vuumu rtrenuAtiot trow a ttuot er Tint utr a tkc
Ciicajo, Rock Islasl & Pacific Ry.,
The XXttet Meet to and from Chleaco, Jolltt, Ottawa,
reorta, U Ml. Mnlln, Reck bland, In ILLIKOISt
Beveapoft, MeaeaMa; Otlmawa, Otkaloota, Dm
Mohua, Wlatemt, Aadubon, Italian and Coanclt
BteSh, la IOWA I Mlaneapolla and St. raul. In M1N
MBSOTAi WeUrtowm and SUux Fall. In DAKOTA)
ChaMrea, St Jceteh and Kansas Cltr. la MISBorrtl 1
Oaaha, liectlo, ralrtmry and Kelson, In NEDRASK A
AteMeoo. LearmworUi, Ilsrtaa, Toptka, ltntchtnuon.
Wkhlta, MkrllK Ahlltnt, Dodge Cltjr, Catdwill, In
KANSAS 1 KlaShf,KtIUnoandMlDco,lnlKDIAN
TKRKlTORTl Draver, Colorado Sprinn and Pueblo,
la COLORADO. TraTtnta new areat of rich farming
sad aTUlag bads, aflbrdlng tho best fadlltlts of Inter
tan m leal to4 to all towns and cities cast and welt,
aetfhweiiandsoiKhweat of Clilcajo and to raclfic and
transoceanic ataports.
VMsrmvtJB kxfxxss trains
Leading all competitors In splendor ef equipment,
BLUFFS and OMAUA. and between CHICAGO and
First-Class Day Coaches, FREE RECLINING CHAIR
CABS, aad ralace Sleeper, with Dining Car Berries.
Cles connections at Denrtr and Colorado Springs with
directing railway lines, now forming the new and
Orrr which superbly-equipped trains ran dally
Lake Cltr. Ogden aad Baa Franttsco. THE SOCX
ISLAND is also the Direct aad Favorite line to and
from Maaltea, ttkea reak aad all other sanitary aad
From SL Joseph and Kama City to and from all lm
portent towns. eltle and sccUons In Boathern NebraiU.
Kansas and the Indian Territory. Also via ALBERT
LEA ROUTE from Kansas City and Chicago to Water
town, Slonx Fall. MINNEAPOLIS aad ST. PAUL,
eonnectlong for all point) north and northwest between
Hi lake and the Pacite Coast
For Ticket, Maps, Folders, or detlrtd InformaUoa
aprly to any Oonpon Ticket Offlco In the United States
er Canada, or add resa
raMaatr. OerrtTkl
Legal Notice.
Notioe la heroby given that I have this
day filed my petition in the district court
of Webster connty. Nebraska, to change
my name from Abigal Cnnflold to Abigal
Herriok and such petition will be heard In
the District oonrt of Webster oonnty, Ne
braska, on tho 81st day of May 1802.
Abioax. UAnriKLD.
gncrlir's Sale.
Notlco Is hereby Riven that tinder and by vir
tue of an order of sale Issued from the office of
(). R. Crone, clerk ol the district court of the
tenth Judicial district, within and for Webster
county, nonrawa, upon necrve in an nctiou
uendlns Ihemln. wherein Norman F. Thomii-
son la plaintiff, and nicnlust tkimuel II. Klzer,
Anna M. Klzer nnd Mlnnlo M. tlllbert. defend.
ants, t shall offer for halo at publlo vendue tn
thehlabent bidder tor cash Inliand at tho east
door of til courthouse ut Red Cloud. In said
Webster cotiuty, Nebraska, (that being tlio
bulldlnw wherein tliu lost term of said court
wna holden) on tlio
9-itn Day or may, !.
at one o'clock p. in. of anld dny, the folio wins
described property towlt: Tho iibitli-west frac
tional li of Miction thirty (3U) township ono 111
norm, runge tweio nzi west or mo cm p. 111.
Ulven under my hand this soth day ol April,
A. li. law.
wood T Oro. K.Cooif, Sheriff.
KAi.r.Y & Habkrr, riattitlff's Attorue)s.
Legal Notice.
Herod Conner. Helen f. Conaer, U W. Till
leys as trustee, tor Ularonco K. llesne, clarence
K. Hesse and Iluniliani, Tulleys & Company,
defendants, will take notice that on the atst day
of starch, ISO!, Mary m. l'ond,tiionlalntlff here
in, tiled her petition In the district court ot
Webster county. Nebraska, against said do-
iieciana prayer 01 wnicn are 10
foreclose a certaii
trtintdced executed bv Her-
od (Vinirer and Helen
M. Conifer to 1 W. Till-
leys as trust 00 for Clarence K
been duly assigned to the plaintiff, upon
wrsi iiiui, ,. ui mid miiiin-nusii 'iiinrurr.
seetlon , In township 1, north ot ram
H 12.
wesi 01
west of the Oth principal meridian in Webster
NenrasKa, 10 secure mo payment 01
coupon bond with Interest coupons attached,
aald bond dated August 1st, 1S87, for tho sum of
S700, due and payable live years from date
thereof; said trust deed, provided Unit In case
ttlil bond or coupon an not imld wbi'ii ilno.or
within leu days thereafter, the whole mini se
cured thereby may t declared to bo due and
payable: there N now due 011 mild bond, cou
pons and trust dred, the sum of sans for which
sum with Interest iroru this date, plaintiff prays
for a decree that defendants be required to pay
the same or that aald premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due. ..
Vou are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the aotli day of nay, 1893.
Dated April 2st,l8!W. ., W-tt
0. C. Pf.AXaiiURO.
Attorney for plaintiff.
NherlfPs Sale.
Notice Is lwreby given that under and bv vir
tue of an order ot aalo Issuod from tlio office of
(). B. crone, clerk of tho district court ot the
tenth Judicial district, within and tor Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree In an action
sending drat, wherein the First National bank
ol Bod Cloud. Nebraska, la plaintiff, and John
Klncher Jr.. Klrkemlall, Jones ft co.aud Will
field H. Winger are defendants; Hocond,-where
in iicnrr wotmnre was pianiin aim joun
Klncher Jr., tvinlleld H. Wlnjret. - Wlngot
Klncher Jr., tvinlleld H. Wlnget. Wlnu
his wife, Klrst National hank of lied cloud. N
braska,o.o. Hell, receiver ot the First Katla
sd bank. David 8. Gray, trustee, I'axton & Ui
laaher, Freeman 1". Kirkendall, Kill O. Jones,
(baa. A. Koe doltiit business as Kirkendall.
Jones & co.. John Moore, Hweet, Urr & co.,
Kohn Dros. k co., ltesnler & Shoop crockery 00.
and Ottlllle V. Klncher are defendants, and
that by the order of court tho above two cases
were consolidated ; I shall offer for sale at pub
lic vendue, to the highest bidder for cash In
hand at the east itoorof the courthouse at Ited
cloud. In said Webster county. Nebraska, (that
being the building wherein tho last term ot said
court was holdeu on the -..
lathi Day of Nay, A. D. IN!,
atone o'cloekp. m.of aald day tho followlna
51u.r4hMl nrniMrlv tnwlti The BOrUl half. 14.
ot the south-west .quarter. U, of section two. it.
In township two, 3, ol
Ill TUUKU IIIIIP. V, ntl, ui MIC
Uivea under my baud this nth day of April,
van. . in wvitiuwr (miiiiilv. nnuirtaan.
k fft IttQll
; ss-aod GBO.R. coon, Sheriff.
JAB. MoKewr, rialntiB'a Attorney.
Sheriff's Hale.
notice la hereby given Uiat under and by vlr
hw of aa order or aate issued from tho office of
cB. crone, clerk of Uie district court or the
SninTudtcist dlsUlct witbla and for Webster
iVMiniT. nnUlftKaUi iiinni viyv aa -
Siadlui thercbi.wherehirHUuoroen
Kit. hh wife, defendants, I shall offer for sale
It PUbUs vVi3te to the highest blddor lor cash
iiifiaadaVtbe east doorol the courtliouao at
ua rtoud ; In said Webster county, vebraska,
ft&kSins&e building wherein the last term
nt in. ana mciuuti wirainu .
SutA ooart was bsldeni en the
4M IHiy -r Way, A D,
of said day the following
inyuinii; lunnuvuMii in
towlt i Tho east half, H,of
Em duarter, U. aud the nortn-west
"of tb north-east quartor, Hi ol sec
itMBTl7,!a township threePJ, north
luarter. H
lea severn
nl lha nth n.
rrr - -..
tin uay 01 Anni
A. D. uw. 0l0 E C0OK bherllt
JVO. M, HAO! 4W""4 "
He who Wants Health
ffaTamH''" EEm.
fEasfaffKlV''' tWw
EBaVaVaVaVaVaVaVaKc'uaV) v7 .alamTaW
.. vEsafafafaEsVvjfl
of v-KESmESmk2Htai:'' ''xJ '
There are millions of peracus in tliis country who Bufler
from chronic diseases or an
them from business, and frequently makes life a burden.
many of whom would place
ment if they were acquainted
treatment was in reach of them. Remedial agents for many
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we oiler
to tne afflicted one, on a business like baaiw, themanagment
of which we trust will be tempered by a moral and philau-
thropio principle.
wa practles the BnBterheff treatment ef
toaally owe a debt of gratitude to the father
11th tc the world such hnowlodge. would be to do mankind an Injustice. This Is the
remedy that thousands bless, and cne that I have secured at great cspanso, tried and
tested before offering It to yon for your consideration and Investigation. Descriptive
pamphlets sent free on application. Offlco consultation freo. Names of parties who have
been cured cheerfully glvon oh application.
L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb.
M& lif il w
JZ-1 i. IC"j'BK Wjatsf
Lower than any yard in the world
tjatjatesjmta !
Fort Abstract Co., Red Cloud, .
L. II. FOUT, Manapof.
. '
FurniBhed to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Ilavlui! hail ten years experience In county records and ono of tho innit cqinpliti' set of As
atract books In tho atato, wo Rtiarantco satlsfactlnu. Your favors aullcilvil
All ordo -a filled promptly.
1 mi annroveu.
Rcul ENtnttt,
Loans, Instiruncc
mid S'vn
hIoii Agent
Red Cloud, JS'obrnakti.
I especially invito you to cull on mo for
anything in my liuo. Loans made on
farm property at 8 per sent. Insurance
in the beat companies I also,
Call and rso me if youdubirc, itliruubory
flowers or fruit stock . You v, ill find prof
itablo to see me.
D. B. Spanog'e,
Rical Estate
Red Cloud.
I. T. 'rVIXEYN, M. D,
llowu30iallilc IMijralflap,,
Rod Cloud, NcbrnsKtt.
Offlco opn.lto Ylrit Nutlotial ILink.
Uhruuio uiseases ireaicu ur man.
Wants Everything!
affliction which incapacitates
themselves under diierent treat
with the fact that a new
all fonn3 of SEPTAL DI3BA3ES. Wo per-
and founder of this system and not to pub-
10.000 dollar hoiid tiled
dilrtss or call 011
FOUT Manaqeb, Kcd Cloud, Nob.
Will servo a limited nunibor of clioio
marcs this season.
Ho is 0 years old and strongly built,
15. liandH high and a natural trotter
and liny an excellent pedigree,
J. W. M0U.VNVII.TiE, Prop.
Ited Cloud, Neb.
Notlco to 'I'cavliorsT
.Notioo is horoby given that I will
oxumino nil persons who may tlcsiro
to offer themselves us candidates for
tcuohors oftho publio sohools of this
eouuty, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will bo held
on tho Friday proceeding tho Hi Sat.
unlay of each month.
Tho standing required for 2d and
Hd grade coriifloatcK in. tho name no
grado below 70 per cent., average 8(1
per eotit; for firel. grado certificate
no grado below 80 pot cent., average
00 nor cent, in all branches required,
by law.
D. M. UuNTKit, County, Sitpe.
Sitlcmian, TiiH'nl mid Travoliin;
To loprofiiint our well known house.
You need no oapltal to ropresont a
firm ihut warrantt nursery Htock first
elaH and truo to nnino. Work all
tho year. $100' per month to tho
right man. Apply miiqfc, stating ago.
. ' . ' L.;L. May & Co.,
Nursorvmeii, Fiorists and" SeedsmoB:
.m- , W. l'anl, !lnn&
aiua uuuay is responsible.)
Si m
ir s.
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