The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1892, Image 5

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    w ' , i , -i i
fio bine of Sfyoes
Ever brought to Rod Cloud give
lick untvcrsttl satisfaction na
Jno. Strootman's Ladle' mid
Misses ihoct. They arc (strictly
rellakle In every respect, are
well and favorably known and
we can f horoughly recommend
them for fit, style and service.
Ladle who have warn them
will wear them again, to thoio
who have not wo will guaran
tee thjem to snlt and would ad
vlso yon to try a pair. Wo carry
them In all widths and alec and
can flt an j foot. YOU can get
them only ef & Kaley.
Tnlilnif ffM.Jfn- ft.
ftaaseugois Jetire (ttd Oloud
flop. m.
n. f nllnwa i
east via HAwnNaa
N'0. 123 PassetlRertO Hastings,
No, r.'i Kr.,.ulit (or Hastings
v l'assonger Irom HasUngs
rhes 0;U a.m.
No. 10, rassenger to Ht. Joseph, ht,
units nnil Chicago dally 10:30 a. m
No it rnnicDKvr to Kansas Cltv and
Atchison, daily. 8:30, p.m.
No, 13 Fassenger tor Denver and In
termedlate point, dally, 7:30 a.m.
No. 16, l'ossciigor tor Uenrer, dally, 7 tto p. m.
No. 133 local freight to Oxford dally
except Sunday OXOam
No. 134 local freight front Oxford dally
except Hdnday sjlapm
Candies at Calmes
Calmes for bread.
Wall papor at Cott'ngs.
Get your bread of Calmes.
Patent medioincs of all kinds
Dt'j o's.
C. L. (Jotting has put in a fine soda
Doyo's 15 cent wall paper is the
finest in town.
The farmors eay that thoy have
never seen tbo ground as wot as at
Bishop Graves of Ksarnoy, preach
ed In tho Kpifcopal church Wednes
day cfcning.
Tho city council granted license to
N. LoDgtin, which makes three saloons
for Bed Cloud.
Every republican in Webster coun
ty should identify himself with a re-
gt tmblioan loagiro.
4 ' F. V. Taylor, allows no oue to sell
moro'goods than Iio doer, at prices
that aro low, for good uoods.
Mrs. Thornburg and Mm. V. V.
Taylor are visiting in Lincoln slits
week with Mrs. A. L. Funk.
Don't buy your nail paper until
you havo seen I ho best stock in town
which is to bo found at Dejo's.
Tlioso new patterns of wall paper
at Cotting's are boautiful and prices
lower than vcr. Call and hco them.
Remember the Chicago clothing
store takes measures for tailor made
clothing, guarantee a perfect fit or no
Children's shirt waists can bo found
at Wiener's. Tho celebrated "Mothers
Friend" costs no more than inferior
It is the judgment of all that Cot
ting has the finest selection of wall
paper in the city, and in prices he
can't be beat.
L. H. Deyo is in the load on tho
wall payer trade, and his large stook
latest styles and low prices will keep
him in the lead.
When vou buv sour spring medi
cine you should get tho best,, and that
is iiooa s sarsaparuia. it uiuruugiujr
purifies the blood.
Elmer Simons sas ho is going to
kill any editor who puts his namo in
print, and especially when it is linked
with tbo boouly of Blue Hill.
The cntertainmeut given on Wed
nesday evening, by tho ladies for the
benefit of tho Sons of Veterans was
a ccneral success and about $80 was
taken in. It will go to uniform tho
That Ouiek Meal Vapor Stove, sold
by W. W. Wright is the best in tho
market, furnishes tho most heat and
. uses one third less gasoline. It is
simply perfection and eolipsts all oth
er stoves that use gasoline.
Go and see W. W. Wright for all
kinds of shelf and heavy hardware,
&o. Ho doos all kinds of Job work
. unil ban comnctont tinners employed.
While thore, look at thoio worla beat
ers. Tho dry sir uioanaoio reingcr-
If you desiro to sco tho finest gas
ol no ?tnvn i hut has ever been produc
ed jwu will be obliged to call on W.
W. Wright, the bardwaro man in the
Kaley block, It is tho Quick Meal
Vapor Stovo and discounts all others
for the samo prloe.
Tbo following are tho appointmonts
uiiido by Mayor Spanoloi
City wator Commissioner, T. J.
Engineer, Harvey Vincent.
Night Patrol, D. Parkhill.
Street SuporvUor, T. J. Ward.
OJIDb and ends
Croquots sets at iieyo's.
Try those racket cigars at Cotting's
Londoudcry mineral water at Doyo's
Itcv. Rowo was in Hastings this
George Hummel is home" fronT Okla
homa. Geo. Lindsoy has gono to Newcastle
on business.
Mr. Daoohy and wifo movo to Ober-
lin this week.
This oornot band is doing splendid
ly thesa days.
Paints and oils, brushes varnishes
&o., at Doyo'A,
Fine neck wear a specialty at Chi
cago clothing store.
If you want wall paper or window
shades, go to Cottings.
For correct fitting clothing go to
Chicago clothing store.
We have the best stock of hats in
tho oily. Chicago store.
Harry Pond has money to loan on
first class, city property.
For nobby suits the Chicago do th
intt store takoB first rank.
Head R. M. Martin & Son's new
advertisement ia this issue.
Fnr fine tobacco, cigars, eandios
etc, go to J. O. Lindley's.
The Modern Woodmen will give an
entertainment on the 25th,
Go to the Chicago clothing store
for pants of every disoription.
Farm loans at lowest rates.
D. J. Mtkbs.
See sear Patmor before buying
flour. He has made a big reduction.
Daniel Bnjdcr eamo in and added
his name to the Great Family Weekly.
Mrs. Gov. Garbcr is homo from her
extended visit in tho cast port of the
Cotting's new stylos of fine guilt
papors aro elegant. Bo sure and see
Farm loans nt six per cent option
to pay after two jcars. D. B. SPAN
on i.e.
Tho finest enndics in the city at
Calmcft' linkciv 2 doors smith of tho
F. & M. Bank".
Tho Lincoln mixed paints sold by
Cotting are tho best in tho market.
Wo guarantee them.
Tho summer announcment of the
Beatrice College, Beatrice, Nebr., is
ready for distribution. Write for copy.
Mrs. Johnson is having a rushing
trado in tho millinery line, sho has the
finest stock in tho city and is down in
There is ono thing tho eity ought
to do and that is to havo south Web
ster street graded so that the water
will run off to Crooked creek
V. 15. Coble, was In Lincoln, this week.
Cluirly Calmes was In Superior, Sunday.
Mr, Dwlght Jones, will locate In Ogdcn Utah,
Undo (leorgc WInton, has been on tlio sick
(Icorge Hall, of Akron, was In tho cit thli
J. It. Kemibcrg, o( lllrerton, was In the city
this week,
Charley Piatt Is building a new fenco around
tils property.
K. McFarUnd add his namo to Hie Great
Family Weekly.
Jno. Poster, has renewed his allegiance to
Til acinar for 18W.
Wanted, In this vale ol tears, a llttlo mora
sunshine. Apply at oiico.
Ueo. Oall's smltlnft couutlnauce Is seen
among ua for a short tlrao.
It has got so It rains In this country i lee ev
ery day and on Sunday all day.
Congressman MoKelghan and daughter Klath
return to Washington, this week.
Miss Campbelt lett Tuesday night, for Spring
fltld, 1 II., to have her eyes treated .
Tho small grain Is looting flho and the pros
pect for a bouatlful crop Is magnificent.
tr. Howell, ot PatrfleM, was a gi.est dl Fred
filakoslee and W. W. Wright this week.
County Clerk nanny, wis called to Iowa, this
week, by the sorlous Illness of his mother.
Mrs. McBurney, formerly Carrie Vance, of
Frovo, Utah, Is visiting her brother Lue Vance.
House cleaning has bocomo all tho rage, and
the poor men are a back number In such trying
0, W. Baker, mado tho "lllg Injun" foel nice
this week. Itwaa a dollar for Tub Chiif
for '02.
Uncle I'eter Smith, who has been engaged In
a warfare with la grippe was out on the street
Itcv. K, L. Kly, was In Lincoln this week on
business, lie reports heavy rains In that part
ot the state.
Mrs. h. II. flarllck, kIio has been visiting! M.Martin, faaa returned to her
homo In Bprlngfleld, Missouri.
j. L. Franie, ot Datln, helped to make the
editor hereof happy by dropping a dollar where
It was most needed for Tine Chirp.
A big rnla on Sunday, proved beyond a doubt
'that It rains lu Nebraska." not only on the
Just, but just tho same on every one alike.
A. K. Durnsldo I'oit No. 70, Q. A. It. wilt ob
serve Decoration day nt llladcn. Thoy wlllvls-
Itrralrleflcm, Flalmlewpnd West cemetery,
All nro Invited.
At the Independent convention on tho cth,
McKelghan was nominated bv acclamation for
congress. It remains to be seen whether he
wltl be elected or not.
Guilford & Co., havo reopened thi meat mar
that was sold out hurt week. Mr. a. Is an old
and well-known citizen of Ited Cloud and un
derstands tho business fully.
Duy your flour at L, 1 Albright's Hour and
feed store, on the eorncr of 4tk Avenue and
Webster street. Ills brands are the equal of
any sold, and figures are as low. See him be
foro you buy.
Anderson Hedge and wife, were married 23
years April 29th, and th occasion was duly celo
brated by them, their roauy friends gathering
in on tho occasion, and wishing them (lod
speed Id their journey through lite.
What Bad Cloud should now do is to see that
we have good roads leading to Rod rioud, This
entorpilM would moan thousands of dollars to
Red Cloud In the course of a year. It Is an Im
portant object that Red Cloud should keep In
What are our pooplo going lo do about
bridges 7 Wo need ono across tho river near
tho Red Cloud mills. Tills bildce should bobullt
by Red Cloud's aid; then thore ought to be ono
at Amboy , That bridge, the count y should build
as It Is a necessity,
The Red Cloud eroamory Is notf ojien for
business, and we believe Is a mighty good la
vestment for tho city. The butter mado Is ot a
fine quality and equal to any that we havo seen
If not superior. Tho Arm should be ftil'y en
couraged by our citizens.
Urn. Shields, of the Leader, with his usual de
tcrmation to outdo nil competitor, Issued a
lo,onn edition last week, booming Uluo Hill, and
surrounding country, and It was done well. In
flttct-n columns ho told ot the wondorful growth
of his city and county, besides giving tho busi
ness men a good send off. shields Is a rustler.
1'ardoa another allusion to wire nails, but
have any of our f reotrade friends noticed that
the llttaburg quotation Is now 11.60 per 100
pounds ? The tariff on that quantity of Balls
amounts to l Why does not the manufacturer
add the tariff to the price and sell the good for lie could do It If the taril were only
a tax.
Cengrcanlenat Talk.
McCook Trlbuno.
Phelns county republicans have de
clared In faVor of MoPhetlcy for con
Franklin county republicans aro posh
ing the congressional candltlnoy of tholr
favorite eon, uoionoi i. v. uage.
The first gun of the season for Mc
Kelghan was llrotl at HoUlrege last Hnt
urday whon the independent county con
vention instructed its congressional del
egates in favor of him.
Lawyer MoNony, of lted Cloud, has
oaught tho contagion and has developed
a strong ambition to succeed Congress
nan McKeighan. Be will go to Mo
Cook solidly supported by his own dele
gation. .And still another county has boen
heard from. This time it is Nuckolls,
and she is bbxIobs to make O. E. Adams
our next congressman. It is really sur
prising what n proliflo crop of candi
dates Is so suddenly springing up.
- -
Furnas county has no congressional
candidate, and the delegates to the Mc
Cook convention will not be handicap
ped by resolutions or Instructions. They
will be perfootly free to snpport whom
they conscientiously believe to be tho
moftavallnble man. Oxford Standard,
Col.C. W. Meeker, of Imperial, and C.
E. Adams) of Superior, are both candi
dates for congress at present.
Nuokolls cointy sends a delegation to
McCook for O. E. Adorns for congress.
Every county in the fifth distnot has
a candidate for republican congressional
Kearney county stands by her favorite
son and sends several J. L. MoPhesly
men to the McCook convention.
The Democrat still insists that John
C. Allen, secretary of this great common
wealth. Is tho strongest enndidate the
republicans in the fifth district could
nominate for congress.
Webster county now has its own re
publican candidate for congress. The
delegates will urgo tho nomination of
Hon. James McNeny, na fine a
man as nraotioea law in the
Valley, but after nil only a small mouth
ful for Billy MoKeighnn. Just tbo same
the McCook convention will bo a corker.
Adams County Democrat
Prof. vV. P. Aylesworth of Cotncr
University will proach in the Chris
tian church fn Bod Cloud next Sun
day morning aud evening.' All are
cordially invited.
Thero will be a meeting of Calanthe
Lodce No. 27. K. of P.. at their hal-
Saturday, May 14th, at 8:30 p. m., for
the purpose of filling all vaoant offices,
and to consider important matters.
Each member is especially requested
to be present. Lot eaoh Kuight re
member his vow and be present.
J. L. MILLER, V. D, U. C.
Professor D. It. Dungan of Cotner
University will lecture in the Chris
tian church in Bod Cloud, Saturday
evening, May 21, on his travels
through Palestine Prof. Dungan is
an old acquaintance of Iowa. Ho is
a spoakcr of ability, and all should
hear his lecturo. Ho will also fill the
pulpit on Sunday the 22d.
Last Wednesday Coroner Schenck
was callod four miles south-oabt of
Blue Hill to hold an inquest on tho
body of Michael Goll who had died
the previous day. Tbo jury deoided
that his doath was tho result of heart
failure and other natural causes. He
returned from Blue Hill Monday
evening while his wifo remained in
that city. Tuesday morning he re
turned to bed and requested tho
bova to lot him rest. At noon he
sccmod to bo sleeping, and at' night
he was dead.
Thoy May Bo Iaictel.
It is the Intention of the officials of the treas
ury department to attempt to secure Indict
ments against officers of the defunct national
banks In Broken Bow and Red Cloud for viola
tions ot the national banking laws. Slaps look
lug to this end will be taken at once by the at
torney general. Washington Correspondence.
! II i
The above Mentions Suit are
Our display of children and boys' suits is a
little the nicest shown yet.
Opposite Post-office.
Fire, Lightning and Tornado Insurance i
It is well to look beforo you leap
rvon in buying clothing, and it will
certainly hoof ndvantago to any one's
hnsokct lo look over tho stock at the
Golden Ksglo. Wiener, tho proprie
tor ha( had tunny yesus 'Xpoiienc
kimwHwIiLMo to buy goodx, mid is al
wii8 look in.' out to give his custom
er birgaius, so that thoy will iWe
bsck to trndr.
For Sulo itt a Bargain.
I desire to disoose of the W M of sec.
10-1-12 In Webster Co. at once, as I need
the money. Apply to Edward Noble.
Savanna, III. for particulars.
En NoBr.K.
i ..
I shall not buy any more rags or old
iron, until further notice.
E, A. Younu.
For Sale.
Soma voung thoroughbred Bed Pol
led Bulls, from imported stook, at my
farm 5 miles north of Bivcrton, Frank
lin county, Nebraska.
11-4. 8, 11. Polly.
ChaHtaasjaa Circle.
MAY 1Mb.
Ton Quflstlons-"'ibe north In tbo War"-Mrs
Warner. Ten Questions-"The Mouthers Con-federay-Mrs.
Case. Beadlng-MTho Cld,"
Mr. Kaley.
mat 25th.
Table Talk,-" News ot the Day." Paper
"Literary criticism.' Miss llaker. Heading
"Analoctt from Itlchter" Mrs. Martin. Hot
any and World ot to-Uay.-Mlss Atwater. Uer
mau.-Mrs. rotting. Questions "American
Pacff and Pancles,"-Mr. Albright. Debate.
whlch Is attended with greater evil results to
American Morals, Inherited wealth or suddenly
acquired wealth. -Mr. Kly and Mr. Darker.
A few good farm loans, six per cent
interest. No aocosd mortgage. D. B,
The pastors with tholr congregations In Itod
Cloud, are respectfully Invited to Join Uarnela
Post, No. so, la the services of Memorial Day,
at tho Opera House, Sunday, May 29th, ltstt
Per Order Committee,
t.i. (IarAru,
UOm. M. liKITBH,
The Insurance Man, - Red Cloud, Nrb.
Will lasuro your properly against
Fire, Lightning, and Tornado
Also, will insure your crops against hail, He
represents the best company on earth
The old Continental of N, Y,
CITY OFFICE-With J, H. Smith 1st door
south of F & M bank. , s
For Cak lo any Part or the City
Loavo orders with J. O. Lindley. I
will fill your orders promptly, and give
you good service.
J. II. Gline, Prop.
-! llHll I
The Morgan horse has Ions been noted
as the road horse par excellence, and
the localities where they are to be found
are haunted by buyers of roadsters.
The Morgan bred stallion, Blaek Hawk
Chief 4, should sire) or class of colts that
will sell at remunerative prices. The at
tention of breeders is called to this horse
Hs can be seen at the stable of J. C.
Holeomb north of Holland House.
Job work at
short notice.
The Chief offico on
Highest of sll bi LstvssUag Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Ag. i7 H
11 You Come in We' Sell the Goods."
The Hardware Man,
Med Cloivrf, Nebraska,
Will sell you more goods for One Dollar than
than any one in the Valley, It will pay
you to see rne before buying.
Garden Needs.
Oscar Patmor has just received a
BIO Bupply of garden seeds. Qo and
see him at Perkins and Mitcholl's old
1 Want to lluy Furma
Parties having cheap farm lands for
Isale, improved or unimproved can find
buyers by calling on v. u. Hpnnogle,
Real Estate and
Gloud, Neb.
Loan Agent, Bod
Uumilcs Ab4 SarlBK Warns.
James Peiorson, the implement aai
has jiiBt received a Ins consign
ment of buggies, and spring wagosi,
which ho will sell cheap.
Heat Term on Farm JLoaa
1 am maw prepares! to auaka
farm Iohu at low rate, antl ma
tbo best terms over otleresV hi
litis county. Privilege to fay
all or part of the prlmpftl s
any Interest payment.
.f - h. , , , ,r ithiimmSm irTBraMMBmsBmtMOWii'iTTiy-t rBMMgyj -- - M m M ,,,