The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 13, 1892, Image 2

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A. O. HOIMIR, Puhltahir.
Hismahck is a great Rtwlcnt of
IShnkspcsre. lie quotes tho great En-
f , of the men In the founds ox
western Japan lend Uvea of idlc-
Mre cheerfully supported ay
I ttte Sahara desert the day may bo
but not nniroqucntly the
ire at nurat Calki below tho
ili point
-Aeternrifttnfr nhysklaa in Call
fornlii adrertLies: "I will pay hnlf of
tho funeral expenses m cases wliero I
w net L-ccswfaL"
,V,h 8Al)r'3ocs not eater into the food of
the poor Venetians. They ucvcrtnstc tt,
1liia'th'6TiosptUl for the scrofulous chil
dren at Lido la filled bytkosewho have
not had this necessary article in their
Twk.vty-fivjc cents was paid for m
horse at a sale In Ilucks county, Pa.,
the other day and tho auctioneer tiirew
in a halter to make a respectable bar
gain. Tho horso dropped dead before
the purchaser got him home. "'
A woman in Oeorgin, It is related in a.
southern exchange, quenched a longing
for eggs and buttermilk by eating at
ono meal two dozen hard boiled eggv
and n gallon of buttermilk. "She died
in great agony three dnyslnter."
Mail carriers in Morocco Bro said to
avoid the risk of losing their places by
oversleeping by tying a string to one
foot and seating tho end on Are before
going to sleep. Tho string, thoy know
from experience, will burn so long, and
wlion the 11 ro reaches their foot it is
time for them to get up?
Coukan natlvo coin Is copper cash.
Mexican dollars nail Japanese yen nro
used in the ports:to a moderate extent,
but nro almost unknown in tho interior,
nnd tho cumbrous nature of tho coin
employed, togither with tho great fluc
tuations in Itaiuralue, Is n hcrlous ob
stacle to tho OMbattsion of trndc.
jih.k (tplltfbjg,an nsh tree into rolls
n few days ugoJpenssclacr Hopkins, of
Monument CrMfc,'?a., came across a
section of thosrt that was decayed
ns line ns pow
jilie rotten part was
three and a h
and outside o:
it long anu mo ncart
J . .-.
Atrco were as sound
aa a nut bol
Sd ubovo it There
was no holo
i;,tlie outside, nnd in
the hollow Mr,'
ppklns found a hatful
of dead hone;
.and an ounce lead
bullet. Tholi
of growth showed
that the bee
adibecn there for at
least fourteen
In Russia a
10 years of ago enn-
not go awny fi
lmo to school wlth-
out u passport !
cannot go awny
vnuts and peasants
.wliero they live
without u passi
A gentlcmau re-
siding in St Pete
burg or Moscow can-
tint rrifPlVM till, vlulf CL fflfinrl .I'll. mi.
mains many hours without notifying
tho police of his arrival, ns tho caws
may Iks. Tho porters' of "all houses tiro
compelled to make 'returns of. tho ar
rival and departure of strangers. And
for e very ojjCofy. the above passports a
charge is Ado of.somo kind.
CAimiNAl. Mansino'b mnnncrs with
women wore always charming; and his
bow, whe&ke took off his hut of more
than Qunter-'-brun, was a homage tho
most gracnar over made. It was not
often thutJipMrmlttod himself a mere
coinplimeMfqehJ .he' did it was only
becnuso a Ksi phrase carried htm away.
"You hnvowrrW rao a book which has
kept rao awake", aad bring you a book
to send you ttfsleep." Tho book which
had not kcfut Jiim awako was a volume
of poems of ca tone he hardly caught
The book to send tho poet to sleep was
a collection of his own sermons. .
Uruguay, like Paraguay, Is a great
cattle and sheep country. Her 050,000
people and 72,000 square miles are meat
producing. The great problem Is how
to dispose of tho surplus. Largo quanti
ties of frozen meat are exported. Cattle
nro killed for their hides and tallow.
Tho annual product of wool Is 70,000,000
pounds, valued at f 10,000,000. Tho soil
is rich, nnd such of it as Is cultivated
t produces tho samo crop that grow In
tho United States. Within tho Inst four
years a trado has been developing be
tween tho United States and Uruguay.
This country takes from Uruguay bones
W r.
anu uono-nsh, cow nuics nnd horse hair,
amVsells'to Uruguay lumber, kerosene,
cqtou goods and machinery. Tho for
' 'Slir4tfiUlef. Uruguay amounts to W3,
y fOu.oO V year. Tho trado with this
country Is M,000,00p, and with other
countries', 140,000,000.
i(ftM oth; of the, duko of Clarence
tMsaitodt public attention in England
very forcibly to tho danger often In
curred by mourners at funerals, a fact
,5Jin(wlllcleUy .well known before to have
originated tho proverb: "Ono funeral
3 ilkes pjany." There seems to bo llt
o doubt that the luckless prince
fit 111 original cold tit tho burial of
rhjJ "Victor' of Hohenlohe, nnd a
ganejaljnrotcst has arisen against tho
castdm which' demands thnt mourners
"MJtinll itahd 'bareheaded at tho grave In
all sorts of weather. The doctors say
that many deaths can bo traced directly
to this practice, and point out that thu
dead cannot bo benefited by tho Buffer
ings of tho living. The Lancet goes so
far as to declare that only persons In
anfeustjhcaUh ought to be permitted to
f forces ftsjrffunent by referring to the
death of n prominent Liverpool mer-
bantj.whlch was caused solely by ex
1 iGWf at' iha burial of a friend. The
IMw xorx' evening rosi says nn
enumeration of tho deaths brought
about by cold winds in Greenwood
t rcetcry, one of the bleakest of spots
to winter, woald bo startling.
Gleaned By Telegraph sad MalL
Ma Yatbs CAninxoTos, tho well
known animal painter, is dad.
Sknator Mankkbsok Jibh introduced
a Joint resolution request ng tho presi
dent to take nmlcablo treasures to ob
tain from tho Italian government a
suitable) mduinnlty for tho Injuries In
flicted Yy the authorities of Italy upon
Nloollna Uilco, a natarallzcd cltlxen of
the United States, who, while on a visit
to Italy, was Imprisoned nnd after,
vttvrd eernpclled to servo In the Italian
Tnr. conferees from tho senate and
house on the Chinese exclusion bill have
readied an agreement on the basis of
tthe "Mil as It passed the Rcnate with cer
tain Important additions that were in
slated upon by the house conferees. As
agreed upon the bill Is practically a re
enactment for ten years of the existing
law with clauses providing for registra
tion of rcsidont Chinese and for suspon
ricm of "bull in hubeus corpus applica
tions. Coiimishio.vf.r Caktkii, of the general
land office, will probably resign his office
about the end of tho present fiscal year.
The alliance conference at lllrmlng
fcnm, Ala., formulated an address' in
which it is stated thnt tho alliance la
not in politics and members may vote
as they please.
tlKoiioK W. winstkad is the republi
can nominee for governor of Tennessee.
Tiir Wisconsin democrats indorsed
tho candidacy of 0 rover Cleveland for
the democratic nomination and elected
the following delegates at largot
Messrs. Vilas, Hragg, Wull nnd Knight
Tiik committee on foreign relations
reported an amendment to the sundry
civil bill increasing the amount for tho
enforcement of the Chinese, exclusion
act from ffiO.OOO to (100,003.
Tiik Arkansas prohibition convention
nominated Judgo N. J. Nelson, of ltog
crs, for governor, leaving in tho hands
of the central committee tho poyer and
discretion of nominating candidates for
other state offices.
Thkiik wns an immense crowd nt Cle
burne, Tex., recently to hear tho Joint
debute between Hon. James S. Hogg,
present governor, and Judgo Clark,
Gubernatorial candidate. A portion of
tho grand stand fell with a crash, car
rying down hundreds of men, women
and children. Thcro were two futnlltles
nnd many limbs were broken and peo
ple seriously injured. Debate wns sus
pended for (julto a while, but later on
tho programme was carried out
Tiir Wisconsin republicans indorsed
President Harrison.
Owino to grave und seemingly Irre
concilable differences of opinion in
regard to matters of administrative im
portance, President Aduras, of Cornell
university, has sent his resignation to
the board of trustees.
SiiKiurr Luna, of Scary county, Tex.,
who has held that ositlon for ten
years, went to Texnrkann recently In
company with a friend named Mollis.
Money which Luna furnished was spent
most lavishly. Ills bondsmen caused
his arrest 1 loll is was also arrested
and on his person wns found nearly n
thousand dollars which ho had takon
from Luna. In three days Luna spent
over 'J,000 of tho county'H money.
A hkvkiik cyclone southwest of King
fisher, Ok., killed two persons tho other
Gkoiiok Cassapay and W. Hnnna,
horso thieves, believed also to have been
Implicated In a Colorado bank robbery
several years ngo.huve been captured by
tho authorities of Uintah couuty, Wyo.,
after a lively shooting affray. The pair
had taken rcf ugo in an isolated section
known as Star Valley and Deputy Sher
iff Cnlverly and posse started in pursuit
Cassuday was only captured after a hard
fight, in which ho was wounded, but
not seriously. Deputy Sheriff Cnlverly
was also wounded.
Dkkmino, the notorious murderer,
said to have committed the White
chapel murders has been found guilty.
His plea of insanity was disregarded.
A ntM. has been introduced in the sen-
nto entitled "A bill for the protecting
of the sllyer mining industry." It pro
vides that tho secretary of tho treasury
lu the purchase of silver under tho pro
visions of tho not of 1800 shall purchase
such silver bullion only as Is produced
from miles within the United States or
from ores smelted within thu United
Tun French authorities Intended to
transfer Huvachol to Mont llrlson but
abandoned tho Idea on learning that tho
anarchists of St. Ktlenuo had organized
n demonstration to rescue the prisoner.
It wus decided to keep him in furls un
til thu opening of the In Juno.
Tiikodoiik L. WooimuFK, formerly
president of tho Central Transportation
company and tho pioneer in tho build
ing of sleeping cars, wus struck by
train at Gloucester, .'. J., and Instantly
killed. Ho wus president of tho Wood
ruff Propeller company of Philadelphia.
A itr.CKNT storm near Creston, Iowa,
was thu most disastrous one that has
ever been known in that section. Tho
Chicago, Hurlington & Qulncy railroad
south from thut city suffered a scvero
loss, twenty miles of roadbed Isjing en
tirely submerged. Severe washouts
have occurred letwccn Lenox and Hud
ford. There is not u country brldgo
left. Crops on rolling ground nro badly
damaged if not entirely washed out
Tho loss will exceed 1100,000.
wife of Michael Walsh, wus killed In
Chicago in a manner that rivals fur cruel
ty and horror the fates of the victims of
thu Whlte.chnpul fiend.
Out of K0.OO0 Polish emigrants who
went to llrnxil, 1,M)0 arc recorded as
having returned. It Is estimated that
lil.OOO Poles have died in llraxll from
tho yellow fever. Tho muny bad re
ports from have diverted tho
stream of emigration to thu United
States und this 1ms been Incrensci by
tho recent bad harvests in Poland.
Juikik HiNKii, of Cheyenne, has grant
ed a temporary Injunction restraining
tho ranchmen In Wyoming, especially
in Johnson county, from inuklni? their
j round ups.
BoptKS of nil tho Devil's Auction, Co.'
poople who were victims of thfljl'hlla
delphla theater fire have been recovered.
A dastardly attempt was taado to
wreck passenger train No. 4 on tho Illi
nois Central two miles north of Holly
Springs, Tcnn.
In the criminal coart at Nashville,
Tcnn., Judge Ridley charged tho grand
jury to investigate tho lynching of the
two negroes recently. He said that all
who were present aiding nnd abetting
were guilty of murder. Ho said also that
thorn who participated In breaking or
attempting to break into the Jail or
aided or abetted in such attempt were
gmllty of felony.
Tiik nineteenth general conference of
tfce African M. E. Zlon church is in ses
sion at Pittsburgh, Pa., and will con
tinue three weeks. During tho confer
ence Important changes"wlll be made la
the book of discipline and four bishops
will bo appointed.
Tnic senate naval officers committee
reported an amendment to the. naval
appropriation bill appropriating t WO, 000
toward tho construction of a dry dock
at Algiers, La., and purchase of land
therefor. The secretary of tho navy in
authorized to contract for the- con
struction of a dock, tho cost of which la
not to exceed (848,000.
"Mit,ks upon miles of valuable crops
put in upon tho Illinois bottoms for
twenty miles on cither side of Ottawa
have been under water, Involving a loss
of 950,000 to farmers. Tho Ktckapoo
and other bridges went nnd Allen Park,
Ottawa and all of the lower Islands were
Skcuktaiiy Noni.K has decided tho
case of tho townsltc of Henncssy In tho
Kingfisher, Ok., land district The
case came lieforo the department on an
appeal of John W. Creech from tho de
cision of tho, commissioner of tho gen
eral land office, cancelling his home
stead entry. The secretary sustains tho
action of tlio commissioner and directs
that the townsite board bo permitted to
perfect title to tho land on behalf of the
Tiik chamber of commerce of Man
chester, England, has by a vote of 101
to'150, declared itself in favor of blmcta
lisni. Tiir. Yorkshire Post says that it Is re
ported in'elubland that tho mysterious
opponent of Hurry Vane Milbank in tho
recent duel In Belgium was one of tho
best known of tho English dukes.
Evidknok of tho commission of a foul
murder was discovered at Davenport,
la. Tho body of .a well dressed man
with tho letters H. N. II." sewed upon
his clothing was found lodged against
a raft In tho Mississippi river. An in
vestigation showed that tho man had
been shot through thu head, beaten
with some blunt instrument until his
skull, was fractured, his neck and noso
brokon and then' cost into the river.
Dr. J. It. Cottnrii, Joshua Miller and
John Stubblofield, nil citizens of
Wctnng, h village twelve miles south of
Anna, 111., attempted to cross a swollon
strcnm in a skiff, when the boat was
overturned and tho men were thrown
into. tho water.! Stubblofield managed
to reach tbi shore but Cottner und
Miller were.-upnblo to swim und were
Two reports from tho Judiciary com
mittee on tho 'joint resolution proposing
nn amendment to the constitution to
provide uniform Iuwh on tho subject of
marriage and divorce have been made
to tho house. Tho majority report ad-
verso to , tho resolution was made by
Representative Oatcs and Representative
Ray prc'scnted'tho minority report.
Uy the giving way of a bridge on the
Santa Fe, near Ravere, Mo., the train
was precipitated into tho roaring cur
rent and seven persons were killed and
Oiisamus O. Wabukn, senior proprie
tor of tho lluffnlo (J. Y.) Commercial,
died of pneumonia.
Tin: republicans of Illlnolshnve nomi
nated tho following state ticket: For
governor, Joseph G. Fifcr (renomi
nated); for loutenunt-govcrnor, Ly
man It. Ray; for secretary of state, I.
N. Pearson; for auditor of statu, C
W. Paney; for state treasurer, Henry
L. Hertz; for attorney-general, Georgo
W. lYlnee.
Tiir result of 'tho Kansas republican
convention was: Congressman nt largo
Georgo T. Anthony. Delegatus ut
largo John J, Ingalls, C. C. James,
Calvin Hood, L. A. Rigger, E. C. Llttlo
nnd A. It. Kills. Electors William
Hamilton, Rudolph Hatfield und D. W.
Tub democrats of Vermont in con
vention unanimously nominated llrad
ley It. Smalley, of Hurlington, for gov
ernor and George M. Doarborn for lieu
tenant governor. A national conven
tion delegation was chosen but not in
structed. Tin: nattnual republican delegates
from West Virginia were not Instructed.
Tho four at largo tiro C. It. Hurt, of tho
Wheeling Intolllgeneor; ex-Senator
'1 nomas E. Davis, Grafton: Johu D.
Hewitt, Mercer county; John A. Hutch
inson, Purkcrsburg.
Ni:natoii Davis presided over tho Min
nesota republican state convention.
Ex-Gov. S. Pillslmry, I It. Daughcr
ty, Frank O'Day and Stanford Newell
were elected delegates at largo to Min
neapolis. Patrluk Fox and F. L. Mc
Ghee were numed as presidential elec
tors at large. The resolutions do not
L. D. St.AumiTKii and Thomas Bailey,
two negro murderers wcro executed nt
tho county jail at Llttlo Rook, Ark., in
the presence of about twenty persons.
Slaughter killed his mistress, Jennie
Love, last August, and Bailey mur
dered J. I'. Jiiickmun, a peddler, and
throw his body into a swamp. Both
necks were broken.
ClIAltl.KR II. Pl.NKllAM, Jit., CX'Prcsi-
dent of tho bank of Harlem, has been
arrested for misappropriation of tho
bank's funds.
Jay Gour.p wus quite 111 In his private
car ut Albuquerque, N. M tho other
'Hhavy rams caused a rlso In tho Illi
nois and Fox rivers, which overflowed
their banks and much damage to prop
erty was tho result
In tho senate on the, 0th tho Choctaw
nnd Chickasaw claim wus discussed. In
the house tho river unci hurbor bill was
Fearful Plunge of a Santa Fo Pas
songor Train.
tt Dashes Into a swollen Stream With Its
losd of I'lMienspm, Havrn of Whom
Are Killed ami About forty In
' Jured-The Victims.
Fonr Madison, la., May 0. Without
a word of warning, in the midst of a
frightful storm, the castbound trans
continental express on tho Atchison,
filled with human beings wrapped In
slumber, plunged through a trestle
weakened by rain, to death, at about
1:45 o'clock yesterday morning, between
Revere and Mcdlll In Missouri, about
26b miles from Chicago.
It was a frightful night The rain
fell as it never hud been known to fall
before, and an occasional flash of light
ning could be seen in the gloom. Tho
grout express had come through
from San Francisco, Los Angeles and
Mexico to Kansas City on time. On ar
riving at Kansas City ut 4:40 on Wednes
day afternoon orders were received to
hold It until 0:40 nnd run to Chicago on
tho tlmcof tho Denver limited, which
wns very lato.
At 0:40 tho train composed of a postal
car, a baggago car, chair car, a tourist
sleeper und two Pullman conches com
menced its run to Chicago. All went
well until a pile and trestle brldgo over
tho Fox river near Revere was reached.
This bridge Is 220 feet long und thirty
six feet high. Two hours before tlio
transcontinental express struck tho
brldgo a heavy freight train passed over
It In safety but the heavy rains had
swollen tho torrent which raged bo
ncnth the rails to a miniature Niagara,
which had curried thu bridge out of
lino but left it standing, and so far as
the engineer ori tho locomotive could
see, all right
Tho engine crossed In safety, but not
tho balance of tho train, for the brldgo
went down with Its precious load, only
tho engine and rear sleeper remaining
on either end of tho abutments. Thu
other part of tho train was precipitated
into tho swiftly flowing waters which
coursed through the ravine below.
Five cars with their load of human
freight wearied with a long trip, and
tho remains of the bridge sank together
In one conglomeration of crushed tim
bers, torn and twisted Iron work und
mangled humanity.
Men sprang from the windows of tho
wrecked ears and lighting their way
through the whirling waters filled with
debris reached tho banks and fell to the
ground exhausted. Seven sank In tho
wreck to die. Thirty-eight are known
to have been injured.
Killed: William Hyncs, Oklahoma
City, Ok.; Alonzo S. Mnrkcc, Kansas
City, Mo.; Luther Cornelius, Kirks
ville, Mo.; Samuel. E. Verkler, West
port, Mo.; JohnC. Groncs, Mncon, Mo.;
lady and child, names unknown.
Injured: J. Tucker, conductor,
Dnwnes Grove; Martin Regan, brake
man, Rivervlcw, Kan.; Andrew Ronan,
express messenger; Claude Heal, postal
clerk; R. E. Dutcher, postal clerk;
Mrs. Jano HIsey, Riverside; J. II. Wins
low, Chicago; II. M. Cutler, Chicago; II,
C. Cowllug, Chicago; N. Lancaster, Chi
cago; W. A. Allen, Athens, Pa.; Robert
Schultz, Lexington Junction, Mo.; J. F.
Hortgcn, Rending, Pa.; William Adams,
Yorkshire, England; O. L. Boyce, Ktm
Clty; J. L. Gunther, Chicago; W. It.
Barnes; J. II. Snyder, Lexington,
Ky.; S. A. Lough, Chctopa, Kun.;
J. Mtison, Frank Graves, Sodley,
Ind.; W. Q. Smith, liurtford, Conn.;
F. W. Moore, Winnebago, 111.; C. R. II.
Milton, Kansas City; A. D. Meade; W.
A. Isliemi Riverside, 111.; A. Ruebcn;
Amenn Ilutlcrnso, an Italian going to
Chicago; N. C. Homes, Ok,; James Mor
gan, Scdley, Ind.; R. II. Moelcn, Kan
sas City; Mrs. A. J. Sullivan, Coffey
ville, Kan.; Mrs. J. 11. Keating, Raton,
N, M., Mrs. W. A. Ishem, Riverside, 111.;
Mrs. E. T. Allen nnd son, Athens, Pa.;
and about fifty more with slight cuts.
The Kdltor of the Leavenworth HtMiidurd'
at Heat lll DemUe Unexpected.
Lkavknwoktii, Knn., May 0. Frank
T. Lynch, editor nnd proprietor of tho
Evening Standard, died yesterday after
noon nt ten .minutes past o o'clock nt
his home of heart failure. He had been
ill since Sunday night, but It was only
Wednesday when tho physicians, after a
thorough diagnosis, satisfied themselves
that tho young editor wns not only a
very sick man, but could never recover,
pneumonia having complete possession
of his system, tho result of a heavy cold
contracted two weeks ago at tho Saliua
convention, which ho presided over.
Yesterday afternoon only a few mo
ments before- breathing his last (M-H.
Lynch having just loft his bcdsldu for a
moment) Mr. Lynch arose in his lwd
with the intention of dressing himself.
Dr. Neely, who had just entered, told
him thnt ho certainly could not go down
town nnd asked him to lie down, which
ho did with the doctor's assistance, and
almost Immediately expired from a rush
of blood to tho heart
In 18S: ho associated himself with
Henry C. Burnett und obtained control
of tho Standard, established by ex-Senator
E. G. Ross. Later ho became sole
proprietor of tho paper.
In 1885 ho was appointed by President
Cleveland postmaster of this city. In
1800 he was succeeded by the present
postmaster, George Rltchey, a republi
can. Ho was married In 1885 to Miss
Birdie Blair, second daughter of Gen.
C. W. Blair. She survives him with two
children, a son and daughter.
The ItUHlau Fumlne.
New YpiiK, May . Mr. Charles Em
ory Smith, tho United States minister
toRusst'a, who arrived on tho Teutonic
yesterday, in an" Inter vlow suld ho wus
glad U get bacjt. With regard to tho
situation In Russia ho said it had been
lu uo way exaggerated. Tho ravage of
famine hud been felt In Its so
form everywhere. Ho believed, how
ever, that tho worst was over and that
the survivors would soon bo free from
famine and disease. Somo differing,
of 'course, ho said, would follow, but
with tho outside aid Russia was receiv
ing, ho thought tho people would bi
able to tide over until tho next harvest.
NrbnMhn Ilepobllrnns,
The republican state convention to
select delegates to tho natlonnl conven
tion met at Kearney on tho 27th, with
M2 delegates present nnd wns called to
order by Chairman Mercer, of tho cen
tral committee. Brad Slaughter was
chosen chairman. A resolution request
ing tho appointment of Hon. E. Rose
water, of Omaha, as natlonnl committee
man for Nebraska, brought on a long
discussion, but wns finally adopted. A
resolution wns also adopted instructing
the Nebraska delegation to Minneapolis
to use all honorable means to secure tho
rcnomlnntlon of President Harrison. A
motion prevailed to proceed to tho nom
ination of delegates-at-largo to Minne
apolis. Messrs. J. L. Webster, L. D.
Richards, John L. Keck, Judge Amasa
Cobb, E. D. Webster, of Stratton, W. H.
Strccter and W. II. Nccdhara were put
in nomination. The convention pro
ceeded to ballot and tho vote stood: J.
L. Webster, 6711; L. D. Richards, 601; J.
L. Keck, 121; Amnsa Cobb, 406; E. D.
Webster, 40U; W. II. Strccter, HIS. Tho
two Welisters, Richards and Cobb were
declared elected, then Keck, Strccter,
Ncrdhnm nnd A. P. Tarbox were by
viva voce voto named as altcrnntes-at-largo.
Mr. Streetcr withdrew and Matt
Dougherty, of Otralalla, was chosen in
his place. After adopting a resolution
in favor of fostering 'the beet sugar in
dustry the convention adjourned.
Nki.son's relief committee has received
about 1,200.
Lkxinoton has voted bonds to build
water works.
SkvkhaIj farmers near Cedar Bluffs
will build brick buildings.
Sui'Kmoit mills have mado arrange
ments to ship Hour to England.
Jamks McGuonky, n brnkemnn, was
recently killed by the cars near Fre
mont. Pktkk Mohan, of Grant county,
cleared 1300 from an acre's yield of
The people of West Point hnvo sub
scribed 17,000 toward building a German
Lutheran church.
E. W. Duncan, of Republican City, a
brakeman on a freight train, was lately
killed by the cars near Norcatur, Kan.
On April 21 Bishop Worthlngton, of
Nebrasku, wns married In New York to
Miss Amelia T. Milton, of that city.
Bilt, CANAPY, who tried to kill Sheriff
Cullwell, of Ncmuha county, will spend
the next four years In tho retirement of
tho Nebraska penitentiary.
Tiik demented boy who was lately
found wandering around at Columbus
has recovered his reason nnd says his
name is Frank Stono nnd that his homo
is in Big Rapids, Mich.
John Colkitt, a jockey, was arrested
nt Gretna, Sarpy county, to nnswer a
charge of defrauding Joseph F. Kyle, of
the Wilber houso, at Wllber, by jump
ing his board bill last January. After
being in jail three days he settled tho
matter by securing tho hotel keeper tho
amount of his bill and costs.
Eioiit years ago tho wife of J. Over
street, of Beatrice, eloped, taking with
her their twin boys eight years old. No
traco of them could be found until re
cently, when Mr. Overstrcet heard of
them in southeastern Kansas. He sent
them tickets and tho other day they j
were restored to hltn. They are now
Blxtccn years old and gavo a terrible
account of mistreatment.
Matt Shields wns accidentally killed
nt his home near Gretna tho othercven
ing by falling from his buggy. Ho hail
returned homo from town, und after
driving Into his yard attempted to leave
his vehlclo when his feet became en
tangled nnd ho fell to the ground,
breaking his neck. Mr. Shields was an
old resident of Sarpy county und wns at
one tlmo a member of tho Nebraska
Neiuiahka republicans have chosen
fourteen of her sixteen delegates to tho
Minneapolis convention. They are:
Delegates at large, John S. Webster, L.
D. Richards, Amasa Cobb, E. D. Web
ster. District delegates First district,
C. H. Gere, George W. Holland. Second
district, John C. Thompson, C. N. Stall.
Third district, Loran Clark, Atlee Hurt
Fourth district, C. A. McCloud, S. E.
Walker. Sixth district Z. T. Funk, E.
It. Wnrncr.
Some six months ago Arcnd Arcnds, n
well-to-do fanner, hung himself because
Mary Van Hove, a neighbor's daughter,
did not return his love. Arcnds left a
will In which ho bequeathed his farm
nnd possessions, vnlued'at 810,000, to
Mary. Tho other day she went into
court at Lincoln, In response, ton sum
mons, but positively declined to file tho
will for probate, touring up the docu
ment before tho astonished eyes of the
relatives, and renouncing her claims In
favor of Arcnds' mother, who resides lu
Reynolds couuty, Mo.
At tlio recent meeting of tho rand
conclave Knights Templar, nt Kenrnoy,
tho following oMecrs were elected: Ed
gar C. Salisbury, Beatrice, grand .com
mander; James A. 'Pulleys, Red Cloud,
doputy grand commander; Charles J.
Finch, Kearney, grand generalissimo;
Richard P. Mlllan, Lincoln, grand cap
tain general; Rev. William T. Whit-ma.-se,
Omaha, grand prelate; Edwin C.
Webster, Hastings, grand senior ward
en; Milton K. Williams, York, grand
junior warden; James S. Franco, Omaha,
grand Ucnsurcr; William R. Howen,
Omaha, grand recorder; Frank II.
Young, Custer, grand standard bearer;
Ellas W. Beghtel, Holdredge, grand
sword benrer; Thomas O. Recs, McCook,
grand warden; Mr. Greene, Fremont,
grand captain of tho guurd.
Mns. John Bauman, wife of ono of
tho janitors at tho post ofllco In Nebras
ka City, while temporarily insane went
to Iho ofllco tho other evonlg to see her
husband. She walked up behind with
a revolver drawn, evidently for the pur
pose of killing him. He turned just in
tlmo to cscupo death and grubbed her
hands. As ho did so tho revolver wns
discharged: twice, tho bullets entering
0. S. W11.8KY, n sewing machlno
agent, wns recently married at Sowurd
and soon after arrested for bigamy,
unother wife tit Plattsmouth, whom ho
married at Maryvllle, Mo., in 18S9, hay
Ing u prior claim upon him.
Ths Only One Ever Printed Can Too FtnA
tne worciT
There Is a 8 Inch dlsplny advertisement
in this paper, this wcok, which has no two
words alllco oxcept ono word. Iho same Is.
truo of each now ono appearing each week, ,
from Tho Dr. Barter Medicine Co. Ihln
houso places a "Crescent" on every thing
they make and publish. Look for it, send
them tho nomo of tho word und they Willi
return you book, beautiful lithographs or
samples free.
Tns professional thief Is sometimes
called a bird of proy, and yet ho's only a
robbln'. ON ENJOYS
Both tho method arid results whom
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant,
and refreshing to tho. taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,.
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
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duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in.
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many excellent qualities commend it
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Byrup of Figs is for sale In 50&
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gists. Any reliable drugglstwho
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curo it promptly for any one who
Irishes to try it. Do not accept any
iouisvius. ky. new rOMb H.Y.
yen can't And a SUITABLE SUIT for
yoBr boy at your HOME STORE, sen
85.00 to as and we will express to yon,.
CHARGES PREPAID, one of our cele
brated 0. R. S." KNEE PANT SUITS,
ages 6 to 14 jears; made single an
double breasted WITHOUT PLEATS or
STYLISH ALL WOOL fabrics, rant
made with DOUBLE SEATS nnd KNEES,
perfect in fit and would cost ;yen $7.00'
nt your HOME STORE. This oiler to
PltEl'AY CHARGES applies to THIS
SUIT ONLY In order to Introduce It to
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will do the rest.
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WILL DO all that Is claimed for
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StntbyexpreMonricelrtef rrict Sli&O
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follow. It rviulU rrom a derange, A
tate or the ifllRcttlvn organi and con-M -tlpatlou.
Tin unpleasant nnd often w
a dssgeroiM affliction will bo cured by a
Tiny Litrer Pills
'remoTotUiocauiethrotich the bow- W1
ell. Sfio. Oniecutt lark Place. H.Y.
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MMn. iikI x int u wmh UchL
very nice
A Warrant
SliE .SM
r' Hrnl
PSSASSJA. ""'' Collar
ft. J. TOWEH, tir,; .!, As ,.
SJJSy !!!
u4.u: Artd;.'..","' r'rt worn.
Tfce; L"' "i" . refereiic
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