W y."j'. i nrr "" rtKim.uu4J)J!lk j iRSWKK aiwcr-raai'.v, ','1,'? fMi " X ft "Vf-vr, Vl..T Jkiifaas-MJ -! ., r:p '--. ,Pilililft."' A-imaaJ--g.'A .?5?.--, jsrn i I ' PBi I ft5MCi.' iAfi: v.tfci i -i. i,..! if wwmm . . MMiMJui. ,.,--wvsnrurMa., .... 'uv-ku ".... lt v.; TTrn.ni-Ki-.-yi'm. i i n ! i a wi ib i ai a "i i rrmma u , . il, - a. tj- -i i u 4hv-r - J icti .'u-i .. iv g- r kk-b- r" .M ii i & .i . - r ' l. Bx Mt -t i c. . W II I lii1 i i i 'il aw IB n1 In BJIf lilftil a illllirWSBBBllSTwMaaBwli ii1 Mar i'IIW awJ ft B W1I WHi ' I i.ymwmm . mmmMzmwmmmmMF' m mmmmmmzmwmmmBm MjMMaMBMMa.,MM,M..MM,,,,,,,M,,,M,,MiMtMttMM,,,WM,,,,,MWMw,MMMaMIMMMallMMWMMi V I f Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty' and One Dollar a year is the Price of The Chief. Hv A. C Hosmek. Red Cloud, Wkhster County, Ned., Friday, May 13, 1892. Vol. 19. No. 42. THE GOLDEN EAGLE! Is bound to keep the lall rolling Regardless of other Great Moguls in the Clothing Trade. Wc ask al that arc in need of CLOTHING ! To allow us to show them our "Blanket lined Dusters," and give them prices on our "Fur trinvjicd Straw1 Hats." Shoe Buyers will not go amiss if they buy their boots and Shoes vi us. Educational Department. HbQVL bbbbbbbbbwbbbbbbV What is ItiihtfJ i Casta! to Dr. luuel Pitcher's prescription for Infiuits samst Cklldrea. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor iber Xarcotlo substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Ptaasaat. Its guarantee Is thirty years use by MUlfoaa of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fiTtirlsHam Castorla prevents vomiting SoutCard ettros Dlarrhssoj aad Wind Colic. Castorla relieves toothlag troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla asslsallates the food, regulates the stomach MmI bowels, giving healthy und natural sleep. Cat torla Is the Children's Pauacco tho Mother's Friend. Gftitoria. "CiSlijoa hi Ml MirrHtil ttitiH for chll Sim. Moaawalaw MMMialy toM nw ot IU eul aStet ufo ar eWldra." Pa. 0. C. Omood, Lowell, Maaa. M CaatorU 1ft ia t ... luiueJy for cMMwj of wkleli I aw iu(jiuUjiua. IkojelhadayUnot te SSSMt wtMW mottera wSl WMlJef the real ilinatifl' 'r 'J ""'"- 4ffU We km4 oae. by tereta opium, wotaalat. aeeaaiatf ay ru at ottr hurtful doa that Ureal, ttttttby mmUau I W HWtfJWC (MTM." V. J. r. RltlCHBbOI, Ouawajr, Ark. Caatorl. " Castorla U so well adapted to chlldraa Mutt I recommenJ It Mtuper lor to my prMerlf Mom known to me." H. A. Aon, K. D.' , 111 So. Oxford Si, BrooklT.. T. Our pbyslclao. la tho childnmw rfefMt meat hare ipoken highly of their eiperl nca la their outaU. practloa with Caatoria, and although wa only baTO axnoeg our inedlcat tupplle what la known aa regular product, yet wa axe free to confota that.th. merits of Caatoria ha woa ua to look with faror upon It." Umitbo Uoarrrai. mo Di.pwuaT, Iloatao, Maaa. Aixbm a Brr, iW , be OmVii Oap y, Tl Mavraty , Maw TavkOMf. If. HI. HUNTER, Editor. uimjui.....,. .- Miss Carrio ilummol's namo should Ii.ito been annexed to tho Arbor Day report of Dist No. 70, giyon last week. A few Arbor Day reports were ro coived too Into to be published last wouk. An abridgment of them U as follow : Dist. No. 6. In connection with tho opening cxcroiBcs in tho morning tho children wcro told of tho origin and tho purposo of Arbor Day. lie (ore school in tho morning, a synopsis 6f a story about "a willow trco" found hi tho'l'opular Kduoator, was written upon tho blackboard. In tho afternoon stories, writton by tho pupiN, upon tho sjnopsis mention cd, were read, sonio short quotations, recited, a fow fuots relating to trees given, and florae songs sunj. The teacher read Drpnt'H "Planting of tho Apple trie." Wo took n walk along thu orcck to search for flowers. As tho ground was not in lit condition and tho yard not fenced, only a few trees were planted. Jcssio Warren, Teacher. Dist. No. :)8: Wo put eff tho ob servation of Arbor day ono wcok on account of tho ground being so mud dy. Wo had a literary program and planted about a dozen trees. The children enjoyed it very much. Mary l'arquhar, Teaohor. Dist No. 58: We replaced trees that were set out last year and planted several others. Tho exercises were short, consisting of five essays ou different kind of trees, etc., and two songs. Emma 1. Wilkins Teacher. Tho following report was omitted last week: Dist. No. 3: Wo had literary ex ercises and planted fourteen trees nam ing them for prominent Americans'. I named ono for my soholars aud they rianio'd ono for mo. Mattio McCalf, Teacher. r Many teachors and pupiU deserve tho highest commendation for tbo pro gram usod upon Arbor Day, Impres sions mado upon the minds of tho children will result in good. As tho children grow older and old er, it becomes necessary that, ono aft er anotbor. impressions and influences that aro elevating in oharaotor be nrougnt to near upon tneir minds; so that, by and by, (education beintt a growth) thoy may become noble aad truo men and women, patriotio Amer ican oitizens, a blessing to all about them wherover they may live. There is no otber day on which lovo of country can be hotter taught than on Memorial Day. Every school should obsorvo it. Let the stars aBd stripes have a prominent place in the nanooi Toom, appropriate songs oe sung suitable selections read and recited. and the names and piotures of our fallen heroes be decorated with flowers. Let us tcaoh that "Patriotism is a thing so real that bravo men cun dio for their country." Whcro truo patriotism exists tht-rc is no room for tho blightening influ ences of anarchy, Programs for use on Memorial Day may be found in tho North Western Journal of Education and in other educational papers. Tho soheol board of Red Cloud havo acted wisely in electing Prof. Or. M. Castor as superintendent of tho oitv schools for a period of throe years. Every sohool should try to get good tcaohers and keep them as long as thoy will stay. Somo'distriotq aro commencing to agitato ho subject of fenoing school groundf)." Let tbo agitation proceed until it Tcsults in tho needed improve ment'. The Stajo Superintesdest has call ed a .convention of County Superin tendent's A hirofioein Lincoln to-day, May 13th,' for co'nYeVeoco on eduea- tionSl subiectsC, ", . A few district toards have been negligent in regard to supplying their Kohools with a sufficient number of books, eto. Under tho now text-book law It is the right of every pupil to lio supplied fits needed books, etc, to bo loaned to them by the distriol, pa trons havjrjg the privilege of purchas ing books of tbo board at cost to the district, if they desiro their children to own their own books. Boards should see that overy sbild from eight to fourteen years of age Ml eM'--e - $"' VaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVV IZaMaaMaaaaaaaaHsM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVSBIkMkSk .-aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV-1 aBBBBBBBmSEkK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWBBBBBBmW sASBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr bbHn!bsb AMr iBtV iBiVlkBBaraSjBaBBBBBBBBBBlBkBlBBBBBBBB .SbbHbHImCMbWF 7 4bIbbbbbbbbbW MwmkWmKKk - aSBSCgJhiM- iBBBBBK, la'fH 'W'MPltSIISSaBTSBBBBBaaSBBBBBXalBBBBM '- B!bbibbibbbBIbt1R'Vnbbb ,; raaPMPl'lHOm LlaBBBBBBBBBBlRrBQsLBaBKlLWW ' aBVaalBBBBBBWBBi BBBBBBBBBVBaBBBBMpanElZEIManHBTs! i vv ';.liavjsssssssssssssj aBBBBBBBF---. -"i i hi ..i...- -'-- --WB-aBBBjaBBBBBBBBBJ I CUT THIS OUT I tv j i- n j K And wc will allow you 5 per cent on fl . 1 all your trade. Complete line of H HTIrv frnnrls. (xronfivifis. sH m Clothing, Boots, Shoes, &c. W-' LlaBBBBBBlaHRwHWWMBiBBW' . KaaaBlBBaHBBaBBB9l!RK& Mm HLbIbW. BBBBBBBBBHaMii-llBBBBBBLaflBlBLlBBaflHHB JBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa! S bbIbbbbk WmS3!MttBSiSSSWWfdFfBrBr aataBBaB bbbbbbbwBB tSKSStMKBKfscSSuBliflm'Vmm bbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBa-pK SSSSSSSTJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBTatt jyTiifvlf Zau BSSBy -aSBBBBBBBBBBBBal lr BbbIbBBBBBBBw BaBKBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWXSSlflHW taaaBBBBBBBBBBBV SBPCaBiaaaaaaaaaaHBaaJfEiaaaHw '' L VlaaHllllinE'BllHi" LaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaEt BaW lBaBBBBBBBBaaSMMrSHsMVv BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBIBaaaBBBK-lBaBBB BBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBaBTr4BBBBBB $ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBV?IBBB lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBalBaaFaaaaaBBB sHPWWfiJaviPPPMBV' ' "' U, MflaaaaaaaBalKM'. "OwiKC4aBB-dBUimKwirBV.lii A I 7VuIM1wbbbbbbbWbbbI VMfllBBBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl ajBBBiaBBBBBBBBjaSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAB BS9MIRSR i HSi IV :..' . Vtl '&& W Mwumumm.tm-' We will undersell any house in Red Cloud. Call and see. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs K. M. MARTIN & SON, v a, f... H.1.-..I -A l...i fnli tllA In (Iff Ml tt pill have secossary books, eto; so that the tax payers may get valuo receiv ed for the money expended for educa tional psrpoies in every sohool dis trict. ' In s district having an onuuiora, tion of forty pupils and sponding thirty dollars a month for sohool pur poses, tho minimum expense is seventy Ivo costs s month or threo and thrco fourtaVtSBth s day for each pupil. If there is aaaveragoattondadoo of only tes, the eoit for oaoh pupil is thrco dollars s aassth or fifteen cents a day. It pays to have every pupil iu the district enrolled and at school every dsy. It seems that the distribution of the state apportionment should, bo based upon tho averago attendance and sot upon the enumeration in each district. A ohanj(o in tho prcseat law might bo benefioial. In most of the districts of this eoun try,. books and other supplies iro furnished so thut little complaint need oe made, A farmer would not think of send ing a hand to cultivate corn without any shovels es his cultivator. Teach ers and pupils cannot do satisfactory il ; --Hy v) V f' i c'. k x . Webster Co. Abstract Offfee J. II. UAILEV, Abstractor und Prspriaf4Ka Accurate Abstracta Promptly Furnished for any LsmbsbsI county. A complete und Accurate sot of jllislSTsatf and a 910000 bond filed Tlllt county Judge laasajWI fHcllon. , For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans oif ' $6fte good Bargains iq Real Estate, call 6u J. H. BAitEVy MSB. CLOVB, - JSEBUJUSMA. Warner & Warren, ... " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Real Estate Office, AMD AM BEADY TO SELL TOT Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or Hovpt hold Goods. Have somo Bargains to oif er to sjr who call a this offloe, . 2d Poor North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stfi !f 1 i Hf bbbbI teZ7ii2&p-i M, itmmw9tfw''' ''&' rWI"w3rTi tjliSteii8SSa-M m 11 uSy v ,,-imin. .. ""?WiH2Wjte8fffiwBBHBBBB fy7"',"aT"aV:ajSSSjB"SMBBJ