The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1892, Image 8

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Educational Department
. H. HCMTEK, Editor.
Teacher's abridgad Arbor Day re
ports will be found in this column this
week. Many of the reports deserve
being published in fall. The teachers
of our connty are doing honest, faith
ful work and deserve to be recognized
by the public as a great factor in the
perpetuity and the advancement of
our civilization.
Dist. No. 1: We spent the after
noon plantiuj; 24 trees, Lewis W.
Smith, Jessie Arnold, Teachers.
Dist No. 5: We spent the entire
afternoon in planting trees, shrubs and
flowers. Mac Hobart, Teaober.
Dist No. 17: We set out forty pop
lar and fifteen box elder trees and had
a short literary program. J. M.
Richardson, Teacher.
Dist No. 20: In the afternoon we
made a walk in front of the school
house and planted three trees on eith
er side of it We planted some rose
bushes and other small shrubs, and
kadi some literary exercises. Nora
McCall, Teacher.
Dist. No, 23: We had singing,
speaking, eta, appropriate to the day.
We also planted trees and flowers.
Lottie Fay, Teacher.
Dist, No. 27: In the afternoon we
had a short literary program, after
which we set out eight trees and some
rosebushes besides several bunches
of striped grass and flags. Mabel
Tinman, Teacher.
Dist No, 29: We had some literary
oxercises but did not plant any trees
because they axe talking of building
new schools house and do not know
where they will build it. Allie D.
Helton, Teacher.
Dist Ne. 32: As our school yard
it not fenced, we could not plant any
trees, they would only be distroyed in
winter. We spent the afternoon in
literary exercises and talks about Ar
bor day: Some of the scholars plant
ed' trees at home after school. Lottie
King, Teacher.
Dist No. 35: We observed the day
here by a short program and setting
out trees. Carrie Bill, Teacher.
Dist No. 37: The afternonn was
pent tn literary work and in planting
twentysix trees, boxelder, plum, and
ash. The scholars seemed to enjoy
the work, and it was a general success
Mrs. Jennie Hall, Teacher.
Dist No, 40: Arbor Day was ob
served by planting nineteen trees and
by following the program given in the
N. W. Jour, of Ed. with exercises
added to it from the Popular Educator
Laura McBride, Teacher.
Dist No. 41: We planted ten trees
M. tt. Million, Teacher.
Dist No. 58: The school observed
Arbor Day by planting twelve trees
ia the mowing, and by having ap
propriate exercises, recitations, read
ings, etc., in the afternoon. Lulu
Barber, Teacher.
Dist No. 59: We planted four trees
could plant no more for want of space
A short literary program was carried
out. The pupils planted one tree in
honor of the present teacher and one
in honor of last year's teacher N.
E. Bottom, Teacher.
DiBt No. 0: As the ground had
not been ploughed it was difficult to
set out many large trees. We planted
twenty-five trees and a great variety
of flowering shrubs. Laura Laird,
Teacher. -
Dist No. 62: We planted thirty-
three trees, naming them after prom
inent, men oi tne u. a. wttn each
tree, the pupil who planted it buried
a bottle, sealed, containing his name.
We buried all our names under one
tree that we named J. Sterling Morton.
The board and many patrons were
present We had literary exercises
also. Maude Orchard, Teacher.
Dist No. G6: My school planted
twenty-nine trees and one rose. Eaoh
class is to have charge of the trees
that they planted. We had a short
literary program. Lizzie Marker,
Diet. No. 76: After literary exer
cises, we marched tut of the school
room in five divisions of five pupils
each, singing "Arbor Day March"
Each division planted a tree and the
leader named it. Weolosedhy sing
ing "America."
Dist No. 77: After planting many
trees, shrubs, and flowers, we had
"Arbor Day" exercises consisting of
appropriate songs and recitations,
Bessie Laird, Teacher.
Dist No. 78: Two schools: As
the school house is surrounded by
trees, we planted eaiy a ,few Shrubs,
and:haiapeakiDgby each one of the
pupils. Lona Bailey, Teacher.
The pupils were interested ia the
exercises of the day. We planted
twenty-two trees and bad literary ex
ercises, B; E. Pope, Teacher.
Dist No.-80:. We planted.fourteen
forest and fWirfrui trees, and spent
the remainder of the1 afternoon rec
itations and songs Minta Cling,
'aoMr. ,11
Dist No. 56: We used the program
fven in North Western Jour, of Eel.
-. j v nt
ana gwa iuuo was eajuycu oj an .
For State tree the oak received a nav
ioritv of seventeen
Atveag the trees planted was oae
berry tret which the pupils named
George's little Caerry Tree. One of
tbe pipfli taja that he ib geiatj toj
Make alittla hatchet to tie to the tree.;
"KWiiis t BiriemJ
Apr. 23d, was well atUdedvvelI coa-1
The Importance cf
keeping the blood In
a pore condition Is
universally known,
and yet there are
Tery few people who
nave perfectly pure
Mood. The taint ot scrofula, salt rheum, or
olher foul humor Is hcredlted and transmitted
for ncncrr.:lor.s, causing untold suffering, and
wo also accumulate poison and germs of disc-so
from the air wo
breathe, ?&& the food
trc cat, or Of A8 118 water
wo drink. W III II There Is
nothing I II 1 1 more con
clusively y u proTn
than the posltlTe
power of Hood's Sarsaparilla OTer all diseases
of the blood. This mcdlelne, when fairly
tried, does expel every trace of Mrofula or
Kit rheum, removes tne taint wuica cause.'
tne taint wmen cause.'
catarrh, neutnlizes
the acidity and cures
rheumatism, drives
out the germs of
malaria, blood poi
soning, etc It also
vitalizes and en
riches the blood. Urns overcoming that tired
feeling, and building up the whole system
Thousands testify to the superiority of Heed's
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier. Full Infor
mation and statements of cures seat free.
BoldbyaUdragSkte. l;slxfor5. Prepared only
by C L HOOD CO., Ascthecariss.IOWf 11, Mill,
100 Doses One Dollar
Bright people are the quickest to rec
ognize a good thing and buy it. We sell
lots of bright people the Little Early Rie
ears, If you are not bright these pills
will make you so. C. L. Cot ting.
When Baby was sick, we gave bar Gastoria.
When she was a Child, the cried for Caetorie.
When she became Hiss, she clung to Caatoria.
Waco she had Children, she gave tbem Castorla.
Gasoline Stoves.
The best in the world, for sale at,
A. Mohart's. 40-tf
If dull, spiritless and stuped: if your
blood is thick and sluggish; if your appe
tite is capricious and uncertain, you need
a Sarsaparilla. For best rest results use
De Witt's. C. L. Cotting.
Bee Keeper's Supplies.
A. Mohart, the hardware man, will
hereafter keep all kinds of Bee Keep
er's supplies. Mail order filled
promptly. if.
Pasture Land.
The undersigned has 320' acres of
pasture laud six miles north-cast of
Red Cloud, with living water, and de
sires to pasture 100 head of cattle.
Price, 25 cents per month,
40-3t Tnos. Emiqii.
Historic homes and landmarks are
rapidly passing away, owing to fatal kid
uey and liver diseases. "Hepaticnre" will
cure and prevent all such diseases.
8old by L. H. Deto.
Some choice improved and unim
proved farms at a bargain. Write for
discription to J). J. Myers,
Kcd Cloud Nebr.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Caitorla.
The Red Cloud Dray Line have four
good and heavy mule teams. All
hauling promptly attended to your
orders solicited. Jno Barklky,
tf Proprietor.
Says an old physician who has practiced
medicine 40 years: "I guarantee there is
not a case of blood liver or kidney disease
in the world but what "Hepaticnre" will
positively cure. L. H, Deyo.
We pay cash or trade for old iron,
rags, rubber, bones brass, copper zinc
and lead at the Red Cloud gun shop.
Children Cry for
Pitcners castor I
DrankeHaeM. or the Liquor
HablUCured at Hone In Tea
Days fey Adatlalitenas; Dr.
Halaea' Goldea Saecllc.
It can be given in a glass of beer, a
cup of coffee or tea or in food without
the knowledge of the patient It ia ab
solutely harmless and will effect a per
manent and Bpeedy cure, whether the
patient ia a moderate drinker or an al-
Ur,mmrtm m anrl ,'n .raa. ;A.f eMM
nkMliA isaawils Tfr hafta Kaah m.m Zh
a perfect cure has followed. It never
fails. The systam once impregnated with
the speoific, it become an utter impose!-
bmtyTorthe liauor appetite to exist
Curee guaranteed. 48 page book of par- ". wm D Uken as con
ticularafree. Addreasthe Golden Sne- .Ie8sed nd decree rendered accordinc-
cifio Co, 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, O.
For Stale .or Trade.
A choice farm of 160 acres, 4 miles
from towa,-geod frame house, 80 acres
in cultivation, all tillable but about
10 acres tmbez Easy terms or w
trade D. J. Mters.
.d Cleud. Nebr.
i - -
Nerve mael Liver Pills
Aet on a new principle resalatiBtt the
lirer, stomach aad bowels throagh tb
narres. A new disoovery. Dr. Miles'
pflls speedily core bilousness, bad tasta,
torpid liver, piles, eonstipatioa. TJa
eqoaled for men, women, ebildrea. 8asatt
st, anildest, smreetl W doses, Meae
Children Cry for
Pitcher's GaStONa.
Fifty cents per hundred paid for
old rags rubber and zinc in trade at
the Bargain House of J. S. Youug &
Son, first door north of Fair Store
a o
It is a truth in medicine that the small
est dose that performs the cure is the
best De Witt's Little Early Risers are
the smallest pills, will perform the cure
and are the best C. L. Cotting.
Sheriff Sale
Notice Is li-rebv given that under ami by vir
tue el an order of sale issued irora th- ollke ot
C,B.Crono clerk 01 Uieiu-ci cni.n uii-iu.u
judicial district wiunn "" "--"u.-i uramj
:!al district WlUlin anium nfiiiiT mum
aska,uponaderreeInan action peiMn-g,
In, wherein 1.. Alice atsmi Is jilamun.
atralnst Hugh W. i.itili.oi... i.m-y
uml .liralnt ITiiirfi
UuIIiford, George 1. u"iuiiu auu mis.
Gulliford. tho wlfo of Heorge L. (iullirnnl,
defendants, I shall offer for sale t public ven
due, to the highest bidder for cash ti hand, at
the eant door ot the court house at Ked cloud In
said Webster county, Nebraska, that i dug the
building wherein the last term of said court was
hoiden. on the
31st day of Hay, 1892,
at one o'clock P. M. ot said day. the following
described property to-wlt: Hie south-east
quarter ot section ten, in township one. north
of range tw-lve. west of the 6th In Webster
county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this
2Mb. day of April. 1892.
Gko. E coon. Sheriff,
4O-30d T Bv A. J. Tomllnson. Deputy,
lllgalns & Oarlow Bros., riYII's Att'ys.
ShctilTs Sale.
Notice is hereby givn that under r.nd
by virtue of an order of sale issued from
the office of C. B. Crone clerk rf the dis
trict court of the tenth Judicial district,
within and for Webster county, Nebraska,
upon a decree in rui action pending there
in, wherein L. Alice Watson is plaintiff
and against Hugh W. Gulliford, Lucy
Qulliford, George L. Gulliford, and Mrs.
Gulliford, the wife of George L. Gulliford
defendents, I shall offer for sale at public
vendue to tne highest bidder fcr cash in
hand at the east door of the court house,
at Red Cloud, in said Webster county, Ne
braska, (that being the building wherein
the last term of said court was hoiden)
on the
31 st day of May, 1892,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day
the following described property
towit: The south east quarter
of section five 5, township No. three 3, n,
range No. ten 10, west Gth p m, Webster
county, Nebraska. Given under my hand
this 29 day of April 1892.
40-30d T Geo. E. Cook. Sheriff.
Hiqgiks & Gablow Bros. Fl'tff's Atty.
Legal Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have this
day filed my petition in the district court
of Webster county. Nebraska, to change
my name from Abigal Canfield to Abigal
Herrick and such petition will be heard in
the District court of Webster county, Ne
braska, on the 31st day of May 1892.
Anion. CannEU).
Notice to NoB'Rci Idcnt Defend
ants. A. A. Adams, Jr.
Wm. O.Cox,
Rebecca Cox,
Grace Sides,
S. J. Whitten and
The Bank of Bladen
defendants j
In the district court of Webster county,
. To William O. Cox, Rebecca Cox and
Grace Sides, you are hereby notified that
there is now on file in the office of the
clerk of the court of Webster county,
Nebraska, a petition of the plaintiff
againBt you, impleaded with the other
defendants named in the title of said
cause, praying that the court may find
the amount due the plaintiff upon one
real estate mortgage note for the sum of
8800, secured by mortgage made by Au
gustus D. Cox under the name of A. D.
Cox, upon the following described real
estate situated in the county of Webster
and Btate of Nebraska, towit: The undi
vided one-half interest of the south-west
quarter of section four (4,) township
four (4,) range eleven (11,) west of the
Gth p. m., in Webster county, Neb., that
a decree be entered by the court in said
cause foreclosing said mortgage
against you and your co-defendants; that
the above described property be sold un
der said decree; that the proceeds of
such sale be applied toward the payment
of the amount due the plaintiff upon
said note, with interest and the costs of
foreclosure, and that any right title, lien
or interest owned or claimed by you, or
either of you, or any of your co-defendants,
in or to said premises be adjudged
to be junior and inferior to the plaintiff's
mortgage lien thereon.
You are hereby further notified that
you are reqired to answer 6aid petition
of the plaintiff on or before the 30th day
of May, 1892, and that if yon fail to an
swer the same on or before said day, the
facts and allegations contained in said pe
tition will be taken as true and judgment
and decree rendered as therein prayed
James McNemt,
40-4t Attorney for Plaintiff.
Non-Rcsldent Notice
Cornelia A. Woods
John Woods.
In District finnrfc.
The defendant, John Woods, will
take notice that on the 16th diy of
April, 1892, the plaintiff, Cornelia A.
Woods, filed her petition in the office
of the clerk of the district court of
Webster COUOtv. NphrasVa aoainst
him, the object and prayor of which
are to ohiA' n AiwnrJ ,Ti X.
iiyorce from him, and
" H M"IVC J1U111 I11UJ. IUU
06 CUfitodV Of UlfilT TTIinnr liUrlrPTl
ai defendant is required to answer
or plead to said petition on or before
May 30. 1892 nr tho n;D nf
..j a 2utzl . 1m ihe .al.,egatlons of
7 Corneua A. Woods,
"ANEY, her attorney.
Teraa to salt castaaien
Sam S it M
vary danar job apseo.
, Catalog, a ees-paga
at. with asaaafactanra' dtooonata
ef every
of toedeaad aappuee aunuactaraa
aatamaorM lato the Unltad States. Grocsrlaa.
UowaaoU Goods, Famltare, Clothlaf , LadW
aaAGaata' CtottiscaadForaisamg Goods, Brass
Goads, Watt Good. Dry Goods. Hata Caps,
Boota aad Shoes. Gloves, Notions, UlaasjraYs,
maUeaeiytWatcaaf, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware,
framlii, Walpa, AjrrfcaltanU Implement, eta.
oSCt iTHOTXliAS GOODS. Catalogae aaat
casectlpt of teats for exprtssspe. WearaUa
sly eeneera which sella at aumuaetureie' prices,
allowing the barer the same discount tlat the
HjSsalsrfmir gives to the wholesale buyer. We
sjaaraatM all roods aa represented-; If not found
Is, awpey refunded. Goods tent by express or
freight, with ptlvUega of txsmlnsHoa before psy
122 Qnincy Street, Chicago, 01.
A salary of f25 to $30 per week to GOOD agents
t itjmaaet as ia every county, and seU our general
UsMaltafcaaadlatatBunufScturers' prices. Oklt
txrut. Catalagaa and panlcalsrs sent on receipt
cVaaaUfar axpnsssge. KABpEN A co
12J Qulacy Street, Chicago, m.
nj' j . -irv ?v . ' Ld.
Tne Direct Boat to and turn Chicago, Jollct, Ottawa,
Pwrla, La BaUe, XoUne, Bock Island, In 11XIX0I3;
Bsvaaport, Sfiaeattne. Ottoawa, Oakilooas, Da
Mats, WlnUrtet, Audubon, Harlan and Council
Blahs, ia IOWA; XlnmapoHs and St Paul. In MIX
mOTA; WaUrtowa and Slonx'FaUs, In DAKOTA;
OBBMrea. St Joseph and Kanau City, In MISSOURI;
Oawha, Lincoln, Fairbmy and Kclfoa, In NEBRASKA ;
Alsmlsan, LtarcBworth, Horton, Topeka, Hutchinson.
Wichita, Bellevflla, AbUm. Dodge City, Caldwell, in
JCAJT8A8 ; Xlngftthcr, El Rano and lllnco, In INDIAN
TERJUTORT; DtnYtr, Colorado Springs and Pueblo,
la COLORADO. Trarnata new areas of rich farming
aadgraxiag lands, affording th best faculties of later-ea-asaaalcatloB
to all towns and dties east and watt,
northwest and southwest of Chicago and to faclfic and
trans-oceanic seaports.
Leading all competitors In splendor of equipment,
BLUFFS and OMAHA, and between CHICAGO and
First-Class Day Coaches, FREE RECLINING CHAIR
CARS, and Palace Sleepers, with Dining Car Strrlce.
Close connections at Denrrr and Colorado Springs with
diroglng railway line, now forming the new as
picturesque ;
Over which superbly-equipped trains run dally
Lake City. Ogdra and San Franoisco. THE SOCK
ISLAND is also the Direct and Favorite Line to and
from Manttou, Pike's Peak and all ether sanitary and
scenic resortsandrtUes and minlngdlstrlcts In Colorado,
From SI Joseph and Kanns City to and from all Im
portant towns, dties and sections In Southern Nebraska,
Kaans and the Indian Territory. Aim via ALBERT
LEA ROUTE from Kan w City and Chicago to Water
town. Sioux Falls. MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PATJI
ronnsctlong for all points north and northwest betwessj
the lakes and the Padac Coast.
For Tickets, Maps. Folders, or desired Informatlosj
apply to any Coupon Ticket Office In the United Statsa
ar Canada, or address
?fir1Hssacr. Gen1Tkt&Psat.AgU
Legal Notice.
Albert Smith
John Johnson and
Sarah J. Johnson.
In the district court, tenth judicial dis
trict, Webster county, Nebraska.
Notice to non-resident defendants.
The defendants above named will take
notice that the plaintiff has com
menced an action againBt them jointly
in the above entitled cause, the object
and prayer of which are to remove a cloud
in the title to the south-east quarter of
section twenty-four, town three, range
nine in Webster county, Nebraska,
caused by certain defects in a certain
deed to said land made by defendants to
one James B. Atkisson, and recorded in
book F, on page 283 of the deed records
of said county. You aro required to au
swer the petition filed in said caee on or
before the 23d day of May, 1892, or the
allegations in said petition contained
will be taken as true.
38-4t Jno. R-Willcox.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
SherlflTa Sale.
Notice is herebv riven that under and bv vir
tue of an order of sale issned from the office of
C. K. crone, cleric or the district court of the
tenth ludlcial district, within and for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree in an action
pending first, wherein the First National bank
of Ked Cloud. Nebraska, is plaintiff, and John
Kincher Jr., Kirkendall, Jones & co. and Win
field H.Winiet are defendants; Second, where
in Henry Wctmore was plantiff and John
KlnehsrJr., tVinfield K. Winget, Wineet
his wife, First National bank of Ked cloud. Ne
braska. O. c. Bell, receiver of the First Nation
al bank. David S. Gray, tmstee, Iajtton& Gal
lagher, Freeman P. Kirkendall, Elll O. Jones,
chas. A. Koe doing business as Kirkendall.
Jones & co., John Moore. Sweet, Orr & co.,
Kohn Dro. & co., Regnler & Shoop crockery co.
and Ottillie I. Kincher are defendants, aud
that by the order of conrt the above two cases
were consolidated; I shall offer for sale at pub
lic renduc, to the highest bidder for cash in
hand at the east door of the courthouso at Ked
cloud, in said Webster county. Nebraska, f that
being tne Dunaing wnerein me iasi term or said
court was holdenj on the
24th way or nay, a. m. iss,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day the following
described property towit: ne nortnnair.H.
ol the south-west quarter, H, of section two, se,
cth o. m.. in wensier county, NeDrasKa,
111 UinUSJUl' nw,, I'liiuio u.uc.9, nt Vltuu
Given under my hand thlsH
1 14th dayof April,
A II 189m
3M0d GBO.E.C00H, Sheriff.
Jas. Mesexr, riainfag's Attorney.
SaeriaPs Sale.
" Kotice L hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an order of sale issued from the office of
r ti. Crone, CICIK ui ureyu uunui mn
tentli Judicial dlsttlct wlthia and for Webster
L. creen is
Post and
offer for sale
atpublic vendue to the highest bidder for cash
in hind at the east door of the courthouse at
in nana "". .tW.., mnnhr
beingttebulldlng wherein the last term
34a Day erMay, A i3,
.n nvtnri-D m. of said day the following
!ii2Si&iMiWowttT The east half, H, of
A. D. 1892. ' PfW, sheriff.
1 sfflnihaW ?'"
fcjfegSHBlaSajaSaia t tV.
f'j ail l I""? fflSTl 1 1 IT
pending therein, wherein Sarah
LT.,..tiff nd airalnst Aurelian A.
wiiintv. Meunuo, uuvu .
v,. ,ii nHrnTHpfendants. I shall
He who Wants Health Wants Everything! k
.sjjBBaBBBBBBBBBaaw " W-
afsBMsfiiBtik-w -sfsfj '
ssfssfsBafsBBWisffsaBW :ssfjl
"gssBR-fl-v. ;y ' --oisaaiaaT
" ' xBTsssssssK'vJK(K--
' isSBlBlBWHwalBlBTOlfivV '
. gaSSsBPjSJBBBBMSKvviaXV? i .
- wswHHksssM'dsVk'" C-
1.--SsgsgsTsm; agsgass&r 'gsHss'
flssmT JsNBlii '
' -?SicfafBffJafBffBfflafS'
-3aBsBslsgs,SsaTBMBsBSsy,gF 2rm -
There are millions of persens-in this country who suffer
from chronic diseases or an
them from business, and frequently makes life a burden.
many of whom would place themselves under different treat
ment if they were acquainted with the fact that a new
treatment was in reach of them. Kemedial agents for many
of those ills we have endeavored to secure. Of such we offer
to tne afflicted one, on a business like basis, the managment
of which we trust will be tempered by a moral and philan-
thropic principle.
We practice the Bnakerhoff treatment
sonally ewe a debt of gratitude to the father and founder of this system and sot to pub
lish to the world such knowledge, would
reanfly that thousands bless, and one that
tested before offering it to yon for your
pamphlets sent free on application. Office consultation free. Names of parties who have
been cured cheerfully given on application.
L. D. Denney, M. D., Red Cloud, Neb.
Lower than any yard in the world
Fort Abstract Co., Ked Cloud,
L. H. FORT, Manager.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Ilavlnc had ten years experience in county records and one of the most complete set of An
stract books in the state, we guarantee satisfaction. Your favors solicited
All orde.T niled promptly. 10.000 dollar bond flled
I nd approved. Address or call on
L. H. FOST Manager, Red Cloud, Neb.
a. E. POND,
Conveyancer, Real Estate,
Loans, Insurance, and Pen
slon Agent.
Red Cloud, A'cbrasku.
I especially invite you to call on me for
anything in my line. Loans mado on
farm nronerty at 8 per cent. Insurance
in the bast companies I also,
Call and see me if yon desire, shrubbery
flowers orfruitstock. You will find prof
itable to see me.
II. E. PO.I.
D. B. Spanoe.
Real Estate
and L.oan Agent
Red Cloud.
HeaetpatIc PkysIelaB,
Ked Ctoad, - Nebrasaa.
OOee oeposlts first National Bank.
V. HwExaminlng surgeon.
Chronic diseases treated by mail.
affliction which incapacitates
of all forms of BECTAL DISEASES. We per
be to do mankind an injustice. This Is the
I have secured at great expense, tried and
consideration and investigation. Descriptive
Will serve a limited number of choic
mares this season.
He is C years old and strongly built,
154- hands high and a natural trotter
and has an excellent pedigree.
Red Cloud, Neb.
Notice lo Teacners.
Notice is hereby given that I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will be held
on the Friday preceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d and
3d grade certificates is the same no
grade below 70 per cent., average 80
per eent; for first grade certificate
no grade below 80 per cent, average
90 per cent, in all branches required
by law.
D. M. Hunter, County Supt.
Salesman, Local and Traveling
To represent our well known house.
You need no capital to represent a
firm that warrants nursery stock first
class and true to name. Work all
the year. $100 per month to the
right man. Apply quick, stating age.
L. L. May & Co.,
Nurserymen, Fiorists and Seedsmei.
St Paul, Minn.
(This house is responsible.)
iAztr pjik
Jo..BAQAN,Plalutm'3 Attorney! 380M
4et6) ana utciwusa;.
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