r"i5iil . .&. .-J?' - - -.i ,- W4f 4i. FIRM RESOLUTIONS. i People of Solomon County Wyo., Are Incensed. CIIEYEXXE PAPERS ARE BOYCOTTED. The Reply or Car. Rarber to the Demand Made I'poii Him Friends of the Stock men Aro ltusy Affair in a Dis turbed Condition. CiiErnxNn, "Wyo., April 80. Gov. Barber has made an extended reply to the demand of the sheriff of Johnson county for the prisoners of war. The executive says he has every reason to believe that the persons of the stock men would be unsafe in the section from which they were brought under military protection after the failure of tho expedition. The governor is very decided in his views, and claims that he is well advised. Deputy Sheriff Roles and his assistant, of Johnson count3 declare that the fears of violence to the stockmen are groundless, and say they would ask for a continuance of military protection. The opinion here is that while the accused may be compelled to visit Johnson county, it will be some time before the trip is made, and every imaginable effort will be made to avoid it. The Buffalo reso lutions surprised everybody, and ene mies of the stockmen say this break is the only error of the rustlers and their friends. Gov. Barber is declared a traitor to his people. It is mentioned that "we view with suspicion citizens of Johnson county who patronize tlie two dailies that upheld the stock oommis bion and denounced rustling." The resolutions guarantee the convic tion of stock thieves on prima facie evi dence. Letters from secret agents and others indicate that the north is still in a greatly disturbed condition. A cry for vengeance fills the air. One other newspaper has been suppressed. This is the Sheridan Post, at the capital of the countj- adjoining Johnson. Its editors refused to publish resolutions similar to those adopted at Buffalo. A dozen men who signed the denunciation of the state authorities have written Gov. Barber that they were forced to fall in line. The mayor of Sheridan has a fight on his hands for refusing to sign. It was Sheriff Angus who circulated the report that in Frank Canton's valise was found a list of seventy Johnson county citizens marked for dath- Be fore leaving MeKinney 3Ir. Canton se cured his property from the hhoriff. A reporter saw this famous list. There are in the book twenty-two addresses of friends, business-and personal, in Chey enne, Omaha Chicago, St. Paul, St. Joseph and St. Louis. Tho names of people given by Angus are not on the list at all, and there is nothing to indi cate the nature of the memorandum to be anything but privates notes. There is nothing else in the little book. Gov. Barber has his hands full, and the attorneys on both sides and friends of the stockmen are very busy. At the fort the prisoners when not engaged with visitors are passing the time pleas antly. They have baseball nines, box ing gloves, and a piano will be added to furniture. A wire message from Tinney snvs tlie wounded Texan in the hospital there is improving, but is not yet out of danger. The following are the resolutions adopted by tlie settlers of Johnson county: Kesolved, That the action of Acting Governor Amo A. Uarber, in permittlnR an armed body of men to enter this state in violation of the constitution of Wyomintr. preventing the use of the btatc militia by sheriffs of the fecveral coun ties in violation of tho statutes of Wyoninc, in removing civil prisoners under the etcort of the United States army without apparent cause from the scene of their crimes, brand him. tho said Amos W. Uarber, as a traitor to his people. Resolved. That c view with suspicion any citizen of Johnson county who continues ta sup port the Cheyenne Sun and Cheyenne Tribune either by advertising in either or subscribing to the publications. Kesolved, That the continuance of range cat tle business in Johnson county within lepal lines is compatible with the best interest of tho country, that the free range is open to all who lawfully desire to use it and that all cattle companies who desire to range their oattlo on the beautiful ranges of our county will not only le tolerated but protected as long as they aro willing to abtdc by the law of the land. Kesolved. That we detC6t stealing in evcrr form and that we pledge ourselves now and hereafter to bring every thief to iustice in our courts against whom prima facie cridenoo of guilt can be produced. IJesohed, That a copy of these resolutions be sent by registered mail to the acting govern or of Wyoming, to Senator Warren and Sena tor Carey and to the president of the United "States. Kansas Den tin t. FonT Scott, Kan., April 30. The state convention of dentists which has leen in session here for several duys closed yesterday inornixg after a short business session. The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Dr. J. A. Rolerts, of Sabetha, president; Dr. C. E. Estcrly, of Law rence, first vice-president; Dr. L. M. Greeno. of Junction City, second vice president; Dr. J. P. Boot, of Kansas City, Kan., secretary; Dr. IL A. Wasson, of Ottawa, treasurer. Topeka was chosen as the place for the next meet ing. It will be the first week in April, 1S33. Another Shock In Cttllfornla. San- Francisco, April SO. An earth quake shock is reported as having oc curred at Vacaville, Esparto and Win ters shortly after 4 o'elock yesterday afternoon. The shock was strong at Vacaville, but no damage is reported yet. The vibrations were severe at Es parto, but no damage was done beyond the fall of some scaffolding. Some bricks are reported to have fallen at Winters and a man is reported injured. Suffocated lty Gas While Asleep. St. Paul, Minn.. April 80. S. S. Loewenberg and his wife were found lying dead in a room, having evidently been suffocated by gas. Investigation of the premises showed that the key in the gas jet did not work properly and that in turning off the gas it was very easy to turn it on again. A Stone club has been organized at Nevada. Mo., to boost; the gubernatorial claims of William J. Stone. IN MEMORY OF GRANT.' President Harrison Lays the Corner Stona of tho Grant Monument at New York Chaunrey -M. Depew Orator of the Day. New York, April 2S. Shortly after 3 o'clock President Harrison, with a golden trowel and in the presence of a large concourse of people, laid the corner-stone of the Grant mausoleum, the preparations for tho erection of which had taken seven years. Then Chauncey M. Depew delivered the oration. Preparations for the ceremonies had been fully completed. The pres ident and his cabinet, accompanied by their families, arrived last night at t)::50 o'clock and were driven to the Fifth Avenue hotel. The entire city presented a scene of unusual excitement. Tho streets were thronged with people. Vet erans in uniform and soldiers in brill iant garb were seen on all sides. The presidential party were escorted from the hotel toBiverside cemetery by troop A, CapL Charles G. Rowc com manding. Around the tomb where the dead general's body lay was assembled a concourse numboring thousands. Upon a platform erected upon the foundation of the mausoleum 'were the president, Mrs. Grant and other members of tho ft- 5. THE GRAT MONUMENT A8 .IT WILL BE WHEN COMPLETE. Grant family, the president's cabinet, Gov. Flower and staff, the chief munici pal officers of New York and Brooklyn, the 2,400 committeemen who had been so liciting subscriptions and other invited guebts, among whom were many sena tors and congressmen. Another plat form near by accomodated 300 members of the Loyal Legion and 3,000 seats J were placed, upon tne level swara soutn of tlie tomb for members of the Grand Army of the Republic All the United States troops in the vicinity were pres ent and the navy was represented by several men-of-war anchored in the riv er near the tomb. At 2 o'clock the services were opened with prayer, followed by a statement from president Porter of tho Grant Monument association. President Harrison. then moved for ward, was given a gold trowel by Superintendent of Buildings Brady and laid the corner stone, a massive block of Maine granite, so smooth and white that at a short distance it cannot be told from marble. It is six feet square and weighs ( just a little less than twelve tons. A hollowed cavity was in the under side, and in this was placed a box con taining tlie Declaration of Independ ence, the Articles of Confederation, a Bible, the Personal Memoirs of Gen. patriotic addresses, a new American ilac and many coins and medals com- ' memoraung events in tne jiie oi me re public and in that of Grant. The president's address was brief. Chauncey M. Depew then delivered an oration and the ceremonies were closed with salutes from the men-of-war an chored near and a banquet in the even ing. THE NEW COUNTRY. T a? a- -- xt- 1? .1 I Thirty Thousand Settlers Iteportod to Bo Upon the Cheyenne and Arapahoe I.aud;. Guthrie, Ok., April 28. Gov. Seay yesterday returned from the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation, having spent a week in the saddle, and in that time witnessed a 4,000,000 acre tract of land change from a primeval wilderness to a farming community, thickly dotted with homes, and flanked by a half score of busy, growing towns. No where else on earth has such a transformation taken place. Thirty thousand permanent residents are now building homes where a week ago was nothing but the Indian and the prairie dog. The governor is perfectly satisfied with the perfection of all ar rangements of the opening, and is proud of the people of Oklahoma and the en tire west, because of the great respect for law and order shown by all through out the exciting scenes of the opening. Up to the time of his leaving the reser vation yesterday he had been unable to learn of any trouble of any kind, and further reports received to-day make it absolutely certain that not a hostile shot was fired, nor a singlo man wounded or injured during or since the opening. Col. Wade, commanding at Fort lleno, telegraphed last night, that all reports of conflicts between soldiers and sooners, and be tween different parties of settlers, have been thoroughly investigated and aro absolutely without foundation. Re ports from every connty seat state that business is starting out nicely; that all is quiet, and there has been no trouble of any kind. All this shows that, con trary to the general belief in the east, the people of Oklahoma and tho whole west are law-abiding. A Ilnttle With Tramps. Columbus, Ind.. April 28. Yesterday morning as the Panhandle freight went south two negro tramps boarded a car and took refuge behind a coal oil tank. They were ordered off, but declined to go, and when the trainmen persisted the trampsusedtheirrevolverSjfiringsevcral times. The trainmen thereupon began closing in upon them from both front and rear and several shots were ex changed. Some of the bullets passed through the clothing of the tramps and one of the brakemen was severely wounded. The tramps then jumped' from the flying train and rolled down a bank. CONGRESS. The Week' Proceedings Condensed Far Convenience of the Reader. Arren routine business In the senate on the 22d Mr. Hoar introduced a bill from the Judiciary committee to amend the revised statutes au thorizing the appeal to circuit courts In cases where persons convicted claimed to have acted under authority of any United States statute or of any foreign power. The urgency deficiency bill was further debated and passed. The Chinese bill was then considered until the close of the session The house further debated the report of the elections committee on the Nbyes Hockwell contested case from New York, the report being almost unanimous in favor of un seating Rockwell (dem.) and awarding the seat to Noyes, contesting republican. A vote was Anally reached and the majority report was re jected and Rockwell declared entitled to retain his seat by l'J8 yeas to 106 nays. At the evening session pension bills were considered. In the senate on the 23d Mr. Teller offered a resolution requesting the president to inform the senate what steps, if any, have been taken toward securing an international conference on free coinage of silver. The resolution was adopted, and the Chinese bill taken up and Mr. Teller addressed the senate in support of it. Pending further debate the senate adjourned. ....In the house a conference was ordered on the District of Columbia bill and a motion to expunge from the Record certain unparliament ary remarks of Mr. Walker (Mass.) developed no quorum and the house adjourned. The senate on the 23th resumed consideration of the Chinese exclusion bill and the debate continued until 4 o'clock, when a vote was taken on the substitute to the house bill reported by the foreign relations committee and It was adopted by a vote of 43 to 14 and the hill as amended passed and a conference asked. Tho bill continues ten years all laws prohibiting Chinese coming to this country. All Chincso or descendants of Chinese Illegally found In this country aro to bo returned to China or to the countries of which they are citizens.... When the bouse met the resolution (pending at ad jornment Saturday) expunging certain re marks of Mr. Walker (Mass.) from the record was taken up, the pending question being tho motion of Mr. Reed (Me.) to table the resolu tion. No quorum appeared, as tho republicans refrained from voting. Tho motion to table was finally rejected and in attempting to pass the resolution the quorum again disappeared by members declining to vote and the house ad journed. After routine business in the senate on the 2Gtli Mr. Coke spoke in favor of free coinage. Mr. Morgan's resolution being before the sen ate. Mr. Daniel also spoke in favor of free sil ver. The army appropriation bill was then dis cussed. No action was reached. A communi cation was received from the president In response to Mr. Teller's resolution as to an In ternational silver conference. The president stated that it would be incompatible with the public interest to furnish the information at present. It was ordered printed and laid on the table for debate After tho passage of several private bills the house took up the regular or der, the expunging from the Record of remarks not uttered but printed by Mr. Walker (Mass.), but the house went into committee on the con sular and diplomatic bilL After consideration some time the committee rose, a conference was appointed on the Chinese bill and the house adjourned. The army appropriation bill was further con sidered in the senate on the 27th. and after a long speech by Senator Morgan the house pro viso which prohits payment for the transporta tion of troops over any of the unbonded lines owned, or controlled by the Union Pacific rail way was stricken out. The bill was then passed. Adjourned.... When the house met the Walker expunging resolution still had the right of way. but by unanimous consent the house went into committee of the whole on the diplomatic bill, but the absence of a quorum soon became apparent and the house adjourned. IN the senate on the 28th the resolution to pay the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians their Interest on tho lands in the Indian territory (the Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservation) was taken up and Mr. Allison spoke against it. He wanted the whole matter recommitted. After considerable debate the matter went over and the senate adjourned until Monday.. ..The house, after doing nothing for awhile, went into committee of the whole on the diplomatic bilL but upon the first vote no quorum appeared and the house soon adjourned. HANGED AND YET ALIVE. A Remarkable Report Which Comes From Harrlston, Ml. New Orleans, April 29. The Pica yune's Harrison, Miss., special says: Coleman Blackburn stands to-day with out a rival for the strength of his neck. On the 20th inst. he was hanged for wife murder at Fayette and is reported now able to walk around his room and converse with friends. After hanging for thirty-six minutes and being pronounced dead by three of the local physicians, his supposed re mains were turned over to relatives for interment, who reside in Franklin coun ty, a distance of thirty-five miles over land. "While en route to the family burying ground, a scratching on the in side of the coffin was heard. The top of the cofflin was removed and the supposed corpse was found to be breathing. A local physician was at once summoned, and after treatment, the patient was pronounced out of danger. He was hanged by the new system and was jerked up fully six feet with a three foot drop. A QUEER OLD MISER. Said to no Worth Sl.000,000, Tet Lives In Abject Poverty. Owensboro, Ky., April 29. In the Daviess county circuit court for the third time a decree has been rendered against "Uncle Jerry" O'Calahan, the queer old miser and hermit of this city. Several years ago he became delinquent in the payment of taxes, and suit for collection was entered, which has been appealed and sent back for trial several times. The amount of tax due is about $3,000. His defense in the last trial was that his debts exceeded his possessions. One item of his alleged indebtedness was a loan of 30,000 to him in 1SC5 by a man named Conrad, whom he sayshc cannot locate and has not heard from in seven years. O'Calahan is the owner of property worth 51,000,000, yet he lives in abject poverty. The court directed that an execution be issued for the col lection of tax due on his property in this city. Dcenlne Said to Have Confessed. Melbourne, April 29. The Standard says it is in position to announce with out reserve that Deening has confessed to his lawyers and the doctors who ex amined him that he committed the ma jority of the "Jack the Kipper' crimes in the Whitechapel district of London. To Be Burled Between Two Husbands. Atchison, Kan., April 25. Mrs. E. J. Goss, who died Saturday in Rochester, O., will be brought to Atchison and buried between two of her former hus bands in Mount Vernon cemetery. She was the wife of J. N. Bridgeman, who died here. Later she married F. L. Perkins, who also died in this city. Both husbands were buried here. After ward she married Goss, who is still liv ing. Before she died she requested that her body be buried between the graves of her former husbands and the strange request will be complied with. Mrs. Goss owned a farm in Atchison county. A REMARKABLE LETTER." A Prominent Professional Man's Extraor dinary Statement. N. Y. Sun. To the Editor: Sm As my name and face have appeared in your paper and tho pub lic prints lately, and as many of my profes sional brethren are wondering at it, I feel it only just that I should make an explana I tion. The statement published over my name was made ten years ago, after long and mature investigation, and I have never chanced my mind as to the facts then j stated. At that time I said, as a physician, I that I believed Warner's Safe Cure was tho best of all known preparations for the troubles it was advocated to cure, and Itay to itilL I know it Is considered tho proper thing for tho medical profession to decry proprietary and other advertised articles; but why should they do so? As the late Dr. J. G. Holland, writing over his own name In Scribner's Monthly, said: "It is a fact that many of tho best propri etary medicines of tho day are moro suc cessful than many physicians, and most of them were first discovered or used ia actual medical practice; when, however, any per son knowing their virtue and foreseeing their popularity secures and advertises them, in tho opinion of tho bigoted all vir tue went out of thetn." Dr. Holland was nn educated physician, an unprejudiced observer, and ho spoke from a broad and unusual experience. Pro prietary medicines should not be decried. I Tho evidcuoes of their valuo are over whelming. I have seen patients recover irom gravei, iniiumuiuuiu ui iub ui.uiuor and Bright's disease after using Warner's Safe Cure, even when all other treatment had failed. 1 make this frank and outspoken state ment in the interests of humanity and bo cause I know it to be true. I trust for tho samo reason you will give it to tho public. Respectfully, It. A. Gunn. No. 124 West Forty-Seventh street, New York, March 1. An Incredulous Professor. Tom Anjcrry, a student at the univer sity of Texas, applied to Prof. Snore for permission to be absent. "I would like to be excused from my geography lesson this afternoon as I want to take my sister out riding. The old professor, who is no fool, looked at the young man over the top os his spectacles and said, slowly: "Want to take your sister out riding, i do you? Is she any relation to you?" Texas Sif tings. Company Manners. """ Mr. Black What kind of a woman is Mrs. Green? Mrs. Black I'm sure I don't know. Mr. Black But you've been at her house a number of times. Mrs. Black Yes; as a visitor. Yankee Blade. A New Name. "This is the hardest lot of criminals I ever saw," said the inspector. "They don't any of 'em seem to regret being here." "No," returned the warden. "That's why we caU it the impenitentiary." Judge. Tacnn is moro Catarrh in this section oi the country than ull other diseases put to gether, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, anl by con stantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional'iTis ease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Core, manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market It is takon Internally in dosf3 from 10 drops to ateaspoonfuL It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. F J. CnnscT & Co , Toledo, O. GySold by Druggists. 75c. A miss is as good as n mile. This is prob ably why a man doesn't feel the distance when ho lias pot a nico girl with him. Bingham ton Leader. Masked Venom. Does anybody imagine that he or she can breathe a'ir impregnated with malaria for anv length of time and yet go scatheless? if anvsuch there be let them incur the risk and then doubt The poison in disguise as surely enters the system as a doso of prus sic acid swallowed with suicidal intent Hosteitcr's Stomach Bitters is the sole re liable defense against tho malarial virus. Rheumatism, dyspepsia and constipation are remedied by It. "WnEN a man's best and engaged girl has thrown him nverhnnrJ he is all at sea N. O. Picayune. m "A. B. C. Bohemian Bottled Beer" Is a bright amber, mado oi mo purest man. Drink it American Brewing Co. StLouis. Or course a fellow is pushed for time when an officer hustles him lDto a peni tentiary. Binghamtou Republican. . Undeij all circumstances, under all condi tions, under all influences, Bradycrotme will promptly cure all headaches. 50 cents MARKET REPORTS. KANSAS CATTLE-Shlpping steers... CITY. April 29. ..$ 3 SO 4 40 .. 370 4 03 .. 2 03 Ci. 3 9J Native cows. HOGS-Good to choice heavy.. WHEAT No 2rcd fo. hard. ... .. CORN No. 2 OATS No- 2 RYE No. 2. FLOUR-Patcnts, per sack.... Fancy. HAY Baled BUTTER Choice creamery... CHEESE-Pull cream EGGS-Cholce BACON Hams. Shoulders.. Sides. ............... LAKD POOfc.S-.... .. .... .... ...... ST LOUIS. CATTLE Shipping steers Butchers' steers.... HOGS Packing. SHEEP Fa'1, to cbolce FLOUR-Choiee,, "WHEAT No. 2red. fQRl- O- ) A TS- O KYE-No. 2 BUTTER Creamery PORK CHICAGO. CATTLE Shipping steers HOGS Packing and shipping.. SHEEP Fair to choice FLOUR Winter wheat WHEAT No. 2 red. COK" iO m OATisO ..,.,.. Jl i liiiO BUTTER Creamery PORK NEW YORK CATTLE Common to prime... HOGS Good to choice FLOUR Good to choice WHEAT-Na 2red. OATS Western mixed BUTTER Creamery PORK 3 80 4 47'f !K &a S3 72 36 281 73 37 J9 M 2O0 223 1 91 1 9 550 053 21 33 9 10 1J 10 It 11 7X 10 8Ji 75 9 7.4 50 300 303 363 503 3 50 86 4 43 4 0) 473 053 4 13 85 38J 39 33 80 30 79 25 27 10 03 10 25 440 3-75 4 43 390 87 475 4 10 5 90 440 83 43 31 Ji 72 20 40X 31 J 73 23 9 go 9 ezn 400 4 90 493 533 350 500 97 1 00 494 5?V 31H 3S'f 20 29 9 50 10 03 The May Wide Awake Opens with a delightfully fantastic and oriental rhyme descriptive of the birth of the gamut It is by Theron Brown with a frontispiece illustration by Bur gess, and is called "Tho Bamboo Fife." The leading article of the number splen didly illustrated) is Adaline Fordham's stirring description of "A Mediawal Stronghold," the great French castle of Pierrefonds, which, dismantled by Richelieu, has been restored by the famous French architect, Viollet-le-Duc. Philip Bale's story, "A Grain of Sand," is one of the good things of the number. Mis Helen Gray Cone tells about "A Picture Book of 1789" Wil liam Blake's home-made and hand-made "Songs of Innocence;" Alexander Black has a unique sleeping-car story, "Upper Nine;" M. B. Ryerson contributes a charming story of a little studio girl, "Phebe Stout Sculptor." There is a bright story for Decoration Day, "Al most a Deserter," by Miriam Brastow, and a stirring ode for he same memori al occasion, addressed to American boys and girls "Decoration Day," by El bridge S. Brooks; Mrs. Emma Hunting ton Nason has a charming set of verses, "My Lady of Make-Belie ve;" Lieut Col. Thorndike gives in his series of One Man's Adventures, an account of bis "Getting Away from Gibraltar." "What is yonr husband doing now?" othinjr. He has been appointed to au office."-. Y. Press. Tlie Only One Ever Printed Can Ton Find the Word? There is a 3 inch display advertisement in tins paper, this week, which has no two words alike except one word. Tho same is true of each new one appearing each week, froai The Dr. Harter Medicine Co. This house places a "Crescent" on everything they make and publish. Look for it, send them the name of tho word and they will return you book, beautiful lithographs or sainpies free. The jan in the basement undersells his competitors ou tho street floor. Boston Transcript All Uorso owners should know what It costs to manufacture Harness and every thing on wheels. You will bo surprised to see what a line $00 Buggy cati bo made for S33: S20 Cart forSO-.V): siOO four-passenger Top Carriage ior $47.50; $75 Open Buggy for $27.50; $30 Double-team Harness for $12 50; $12 Buggy Harness for $4.75. Only good material used. Write 17. S. Bccar & CaktCo.. No. 3 Lawretico St, Cincinnati, O., for No. 3 free Catalogue, showing 74 kinds of vehicles and 44 kiuds of harness. The promising young man Is always In debt Galveston Itews. Cocons, lToAasEXESs. Soun TnnoAT, etc.. quickly relieved by Bkowk's Bronchial Tkociies. They surpass idl other prepara tions in removing hoarseness and as a cough remedy are preeminently tlie best. "Be careful of that pun !" "What Is the matter with it?" "It isn't loaded." Puck. People Are Killed by Coughs that Hale's Honev of Horehound and Tar would cure. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in ono minute. Don't cry over spilt milk. Rush around and and the cat, Atchison Globe. Beeciiam's Pills aro a painless and ef fectual remedy for all bilious and nervous disorders. For sale by all druggists. Catarrh Remove the Cause. I was afflicted from infancy with Catarrh, and for ten years with eruptions on say fKm. I was attended by the best physicians, and used a number of Blood remedies with bo per manent relief. Mf UFE BECAME A BURDEN TO ME. for my case was declared incarabfe. I saw S. S. S. advertised, and took eight bottles, which cured me entirely, and I feel fik a new person. Miss JosiE Owen, Montpelier, Ohio. I was the victim of the worst case of Catarrh that I ever heard of. I was esrtiidy deaf in one ear, and all the inside of my nose, including part of the bone, sloughed oS. No sort of treatment benefited me, and physicians said "I would never be any better." A a last resort I took Swift's Specific, and it entirely cared me and restored my hearing. I have been well for years, with no sign of return of the disease. Mrs. Josephine Foumi Due Weit, S: C. S. S- S. cores Catarrh, like it does other Blood diseases, by eliaa ting the poison which causes it, Treatise on Blood and Skin mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlanta, Ga. THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE THE COOK HAD NOT USED SAPOLIO GOOD COOKING DEMANDS CLEANLINESS. SAPOLIO SHOULD be used in every KITCHEN. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 187a W. BAKER &C0.,S Breakfast Cocoa from which tho cxceai of oil has been removed, Js absolutely pure and it is soluble. No Cliemicals nrouwdln Its preparation. II baa more than three thntt the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and la therefore far moro eco- I nomlcal, co i ting let than one I cent a cup. ltldcl'cIou,nour Ifeblng, t lengthening, zasilt dioesteo, and admirably adapted for Invalids a well as for persona In health. Sold by Grocer everywhere. WEAKER & CO.. Dorchester, tfais. f Tower's 3 Irpproved 'tXVJS O 5LICKER m Is Guarantee ii.. bsoluM Water. kW Stckmhm if .. M bcltteFBhBnn Q JylJL W 5oft Woolen ty SWatCll Oflll Collar. . Sn4hr A J. TOWER. Mf R. E0ST0N. MASS. dubfj FOLKS REDUCED Cv IStoSlbsv ffemadlec and no bad Bate. ffr elrrjjlir. "fl ?Imoril. jW1 Utw jrjflTZSKBjto victors ineatra wag. vsams this rim mrUMiMintt. Patents! Pensions Send (or Inventor' Guide or Bow to Obtain a Patent. Sen! for Diget ot PK.NtflSX BOTKTV LAW. aiTarnrnTmiTT WAtrHntnTmr ri n I aaaaa ma simt ij mwua, 'HPA I! SlUllil :y t rr- nn wrr ac n: With rates. Enamels, and Faints Tr&Mh the hands. Injure the iron, and burn off. tso rmm sen Ht htm Polish is Brilliant less. Durable, and the consumer pays Xsr as or class package with every purchase. I Kennedy's Medical Discovery Takes hold in this order : Bowels, Liver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driving everything before it that oufM to be out You know whether yen need it or not. Sold by every druggist and mannfacturefi ty DONALD KENNEDY, ROXBCRY. MASS. THE i ANIVTOIir - i nun TONIC Will purify BLOODs rernlmt- KIDNEYS, rcmoTo Z.IVJTK Ulsoriler, build itrength.Teneir appetite, rraioro neaiia aatg Indigestion, thattireUfceU micausomieiyerauicaiea. Mind brightened, brals I mi A bones, nerves, lans- I IIIILt clc3, recmonewrorce. I Mlllr suffering from complaints t LHfJILlJ collar to their sex, nslnp It, find a safe, speedy cure. Returns rose bloom ou cheeks, beautifies Complexion. Sold everywhere. All genuine goods bemr "Cresecnu" bend usUcentstamp for a2-p pamphlet. Dl. HAITER MEDICINE CO., St loaii. M. BUNTING When you buy Flags yonv want the best. Government Standard is the best; the l largest flag dealers in the IL S. are G. W. SIMMONS & CO., Oak Hall, Boston, Mass. Dealers in Militarv Uniforms. Write for a. Flag Catalogue. FLAGS. EWIS'98LYE l POWDCTIED AND TtXFVMXB (PATENTED) The etronneit acd purest Ltb made. Unlikcothcrl.ye4lbelaaj a tlnepowdcrand packed in a cam with removable lid. tho contest aro always ready for use. Vi'IU . make tho best pcrfctned Hani. Soap In SO minutes uithovt boil ing. It U the best for cleansicff wasto pipes, disinfecting alniav. closets, washinp bottles, pabat. trees. etc PENNA.SALTR'rGCOl. Oen. Acta., Pblla. "av. ariima tiiu riputr ttm.jm. U. S. STANDARDtrJu: Best and Cheapest oa the Market. Live AGENTS Wanted la thicaacy OSGOOD & THOMPSON, Binghamtoa, ML K NEEDLES, SHUTTLES. Forall SewlncXachlae Staxdaiu) Coonx OnlT- MrheTrarfo HappileJL ena ior wnotevnie pncs KtfAIKd. llftl. ULELUCK JITD l. rocow JUU Locust StJULO y-SlXinns riPIX sy ta jm mtt A5D TUMORS t'UMS I no knife : Book razz. Drt. Gratigkt A Nosaaav. 183 Elm St. CladafiaKLOk. its TU8 TFATUimr tiMmvm. CHCinilC D in BIilmV disabled. Cre farts rhnwiwaw crease. ssytanezpcrteace.Ukwsi: A. w. cCuaaiCK a boss, niNUfiM, u. c j r.iixi this rirumr hm imtmii HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR &T8ScT3S particulars aaa Kansas City. Mo. particulars address Cookson UaiiufacturiBg Ca. Coaaaaaatlvea and people who have weak lanes or Astb-1 ma, should use PIso'a Care for I Consumption. It has eared thoasaad. It has not Injur-1 eaone. itisnoi osa iocas.e.1 it is tne dcsi cougn syrup. Sold everywhere, mse. A. N. K.-D. 1393 wars wirmc to asyeotibek fuju3 state that yea aaw the AeYertlaeaaca la aayetv f fegsi "OSGOOD" bSCALES GANGER -.! t K ?p$f?y"