The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1892, Image 4

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    a gmT
'-j. h . LI !'IHW! 1 J
Kh t,,.. A
D. J. JttYERS,
Real Estate Agent,
The "Jackass batteries," of the
state, are kicking the whey out of
Donkey Kosewater of the Bee.
With Harrison as the proud stand
ard bearer of the republican party the
state of Nebraska will poll the larg
eit republican vote it ever has.
The State Journal is the only Hye
republican paper in the state The
Omaha Bee used to be the guiding
star of the party, but Kosewater's
perfidy has simply made the Bee a
back" number, and hereafter, republi
cans when they want a republican pa
per will take the State Journal, which
has always been loyal. The Republi
cans of Webster county should take
the Journal if they want reliable
One day this week this office re
ceived a long harangue from an east
ern advertising firm, in which that
outfit proceeded to pound Senator
Paddock's pure food bill, because it
would shut out patent medicine ad
vertisements. Good, this paper is for
the Pure food bill, then, on the
ground that there is more frauds com
mitted by patent nostrums than in
any other thing. There are some
medicines on the market that have
true merit, but while there are some
good ones, there are thousands that
are frauds, and if the Paddock bill
will weed them out it wiU have ac
complished one of the greatest goods
that could be possible to consummate.
No, give us the bill, and by so doing
dave the people's lives and their
18 Pounds or Blood
Is about the quantity nature allows
to an adult person. It is of the ut
most importance tnat the blood
should be kept as pure as possible.
By its remarkable cures of scrofula,
salt rheum, etc., Hood's Sarsaparilla
has proven its claim to be the best
blood purifier.
For a general family cathartic we
confidently recommend Hood's Pills.
They should be in every hame medi
cine chest.
To All fcovers of Good Horses.
JfThere has been considerable said in
the last month in regard to the relative
merits ot the horses making the season
at Bad Cloud, and I would like to cor
rect soae wrong reports that have been
circulated by interested parties. Noah
Burch No. 9452, the standard Bred Trott
ing Stallion, is the Best Bred Horse in
Webster county and equal to any in the
state or country. In fact there is none
better. Is as perfect a Horse in deport
ment and Bymetry as was ever foaled,
His own family has the fastest horse to
harness in the world Direct, a first cous
in pacing a quarter in 26 seconds, a 1:18
Eut, has a record of mile in2:0G. Noah
urch is nephew to Jay Eye See 2:06
PheUas 5:l3? Director 2:18, Delineator
2:18, in fact he is a fasionable bred horse
in every way, and he has no superior as a
good breeder. I challenge any horseman
in Webster county to show as well, bred
ahorse. I make this statement in self
defense, as there are certain parties who
are making a point of meeting men on
their way. to see me and belittling my
horse and running him down and telling
them he is no good, that other horses in
town are much better, etc. I am making
no fight against any horse here, as there
are several good horses here in the vicinity
but nose who can show as good a pedi
gree as Noah Burch and not so perfect a
horse in symetry, in the country and not
one who can show as large an average of
colts, a complete tabulated pedigree will
be sent on application inclose stamp, ad
j W. M. Gmwrrs.
Bed Cloud, Neb.
ThaRedrClod Cemetery Associa
tion is called to aeet at the City hall
lext Batwday, May 7, at 8 p. m. for
thcMrpeeeof electing 5 directors
for the eismwg year, and to consult
as to A advisability of fencing the
city cemetery: All who are interested
T invited to attend.
" M.B.IcNitt, Director.
FrlBce Arlbnr Dr. Horanvllle'e Stand
ard Bred Trotter iMtbe Bet Horse
la theltepitbllcaa Valley.
All other reports to the contrary, not
withstanding, Dr. Moranville claims to
have, and if a fine line of ancestors goes
for anything, he has the best trotting
stallion in Prince Arthur, in the Repub
lican valley; and is ready to back it up,
not only with money, but with a pedigree
thatjwill convince all of the truth of
this assertion, if they will take the trou
ble to investigate for themselves the rela
tive merits of Prince Arthur as against
any other horse in Red Cloud or in the
valley.l Go and see the horse and you
will soon see that he is the best all
around individual horse that has ever
made the season m southern Nebraska,
and for a speed record he has no super
ior. m e i -
Southern Prosperity.
That the South is growing rapidly is
shown by the fact that 1,740 new manu
facturing enterprises were located within
her borders during the past six months.
These have been attracted to this section
by reason of the cheap raw materials and
fuel, of which tho South can boast a
greater supply than is found elsewhere
in the Union. That portion of West Vir
ginia, Maryland p.nd Virginia lying along
the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail
road has its full share of natural advan
tages, and full information concerning
locations for manufacturing, farming, or
any particular line of business, will be
furnished on application to m. V. Rich
ards, Land and Immigration Agent, 13. &
O. R. R. Co., Baltimore, Jid. 2
Willow Creek.
Miss Edna Edson has gone to Iowa for
a short visit..... Born to Mr. and Mrs,
Godwin April 29, 1892 a son of usual Ne
braska weight. Although A. N. owns a
quarter section of land he talks of buy
ing more as that will not near hold him.
. . . .Fred Bon returned home from Iowa
May 3d. The work he had to do injured
his eyes.... Willie Jackson is working in
Iowa for f 25 per month. . .Willie Brubafc
er has built a nice house for Mr. liaw
on Elm Creek Fine prospects for all
kinds of crops this summer.
The Kings Daughters have post
poned their Ice Cream Social to May
13, to which all are invited. Cream
10 cents. The social will be at the
residence of V. B, Fulton's.
School Report.
Report of school taught in district
5G, for the month ending April 22,
1892. Number enrolled 24. Aver
age attendance 20. ThGse not tardy:
Susie, Bessie, and Willie Spracher.
The pupils observed Arbor Day by
planting eighty trees on tho school
ground. Addie F. Hayes Teacher.
Best Terms on Farm Loam
I am now prepared to make
farm loans at low rates, and on
the best terms ever offered in
this county. Privilege to pay
all or part or the principal at
any interest payment.
J H Bailey
My Listers.
are the stuff. The Scandia lister is
the best made and can be found only
at Jajies t'eterson's the Implement
man, Red Cloud, Neb.
Baggie And Spring Wagon.
James Peterson, the implement man
has just received a fine consign
ment of buggies, and spring wagons,
which he will sell cheap.
Garden Seeds.
Oscar Patmor has just received a
BIG supply of garden seeds. Go and
see him at Perkins and Mitchell's old
1 I
& iHt
in Nebraska or Kansas
'e cetf., 5 or 7 Yearn.
Optional Payments.
" You Come in We Sell the Goods."
The Hardware Man,
JRed Clotcd, Ncbrasha,
Will sell you more goods for One Dollar than
than any one in the Valley, It will pay
you to see me before buying.
If Tou Want
a Disc Harrow go to Jas. Peterson.
All sizes, remember the place.
James Peterson.
Farm loans at lowest interest.
Strictly first-class loans at lower rate3
tban has ever been given in this coun
ty before. Option to pav part or all
at end of any year. C. F. Catiier.
3333 bushels of corn for which
will pay highest market price. Flou
given In exchange.
Oscaii Patmor.
I Want to Buy
Parties having cheap farm lands for
sale, improved or unimproved can find
buyers by calling on D. JJ. Spanogle,
Real Estate and Loan Agent, Red
Cloud, Neb.
The township hoard of Lino township
Webster county, Nel)., will meet at the
residence of tho luwnship clerk on Mon
day June Ctb, 1892 at 1 o'clock p m to set
as a board of equalization for said town
ship and for the transaction of any other
business that may come before the meet
ing. Dated amy :5rd, 1892,
"William VanDvke,
Township Clerk.
Hieh-bied Stallion
The high bred Morgan stallion, Black
Hawk Chief 4th, will make the 6eason at
the stable of J. c. Holcomb on Elm
street, rear of Holland house. He is a
very stylish, showy horse, and carries
more Morgan blood than any horse in the
state. Breed to good horses, raise pood
colts and no longer complain of low
PEDIGREE: Black Bawk chief 4 was
bred by S. 8. Hitchcock of Vfalaja, Minn,,
sire Yearnly's Black Hawk chief 3 by
Black Hawk chief 2 bred by Judge Pront
of Salisbury," Vermont, he by mil's Black
Hawk by Sherman's Morgan by Justin
Morgan, the founder of the Morgan fam
ily. 1st dam Lady Messenger; 2d by Young
nambletonian; 3d dam by Bishop namble
tonian;4th dam the Pront Mare by Gifford
Morgan by Woodbury's morgan by Justin
Morgan. It wtll be seen that Black nawk
chief 4th traces back to Justin Morgan on
the sires side twice as the Prout mare does
also, and carried the nambletonian blood
represented bp Bishop's nambletonian and
Toung nanbletonian Terms on application
at above stable.
J. C. holcomb, Manager.
Sheriff's Sale
KOtlce Is herehv irivpn ttmf nndar find nr
tue of an order of sale issnprt from theiifflce of
C. B. Crone, clerk ot the district court of the
tenth Judicial district within and for Webster
county, Nebraska uion a decree In an action
pending, therein, wherein P S. SicUuire is
plaintiff and against AInnzo M. Freelove and
Ktta Kreeloveet al are defendants, I shall offer
for sale at public vendue, to the highest bidder,
for cash In baud, at the east door of the court
nouse ai iteu cwuu in said Webster county,
Nebraska, that being the building wherein the
last term of said court was holden. on the 10th
day of June lac at one o'clock p. m. of said day
tho following described property towit: Lots
three 3. mid four 4, In block one 1, Vance's first
addition to the town of Guide Rock In Webster
county, Nebraska, Given under my band this
1UI UJ Ul 4UUJ, 10J-.
4l"6t t. GK0-E-.oox. Wieriff,
James McNesv, Flaintiff 's Attorney.
1 - 2
General assembly Presbyterian
church Portland Oregon, May, 10
June 2-1892. All agents may sell
round trip tickets to Portland Ore. at
one lowest first class fare. Sell tick
ets May 9-14 inclusive with final lim
it of 90 days from date of sale.
A. Cononer
Legal Notice.
Herod Conger. Helen M. Conner, T. W. Tul
leys as trustee, tor Clarence K. Hesi, clarence
K. Hesse and Hurnham, Tullcys & Company,
defendants, will take notice that on the 3ist day
of March, lsr.', Mury 31. Pond, tho plaintiff here
in, filed her petition in the district court of
Webster county. Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a certain trust dted executed by Her
od Conner and Helen m. Conger to L. W. Tul
leys as trustee for Clarence K. Hesse, which has
been duly assigned to the plaintiff, upon the
west half, ', of the south-west quarter, H of
section '!, in township l, north of range 12.
west of the cth principal meridian In Webster
county. Nebraska, to secure tho payment of
coupon bond wiUi interest coupons attached,
said bond dated August 1st, 1S87, for the sum of
$700, due and payable live years from date
thereof; said trust deed provided that in case
snid bond or coupons are not paid when due, or
within ten days thereafter, the whole sum se
cured thereby may le declared to be du and
payable; there is now due on said bond, cou-1-ons
and trust deed, the sum of 5503 for which
sum with interest trom this date, plaintiff prays
fur :i decree that defendants be reuuired to nay
J the same or that said premises may be sold to
I a,! lafif tliM nmnfint fniinil flm
Vou aro required to answer said petition on
or before Monduy, the GOtli day of May, IKK.
Dated April 21st, ISO"-'. 33-lt
C. C. Flahsbuim:,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and bv vir
tue of an order of sale issued from the office of
C. B. Crone, clerk ot the district court of the
tenth judicial district within and fur Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree in an action
pending therein, wherein ltoss 1C. Mattis, trus
tee, and Albert liuruhara, plaintiffs, and
against Hugh W. Gulliford, Lucy Gulliford, E.
U. Doyaland George L. Gulliford, defendants,
I shall offer for sale at public venuue to the
hichest bidder for cash in band at the east door
ot tho courthouse, at Ked Cloud, in said Web'
ster count'. Nebraska, (thatbeingthe building
wherein tho last term of said court was holden)
on the
tf th Day of June, A. D. 1892,
at one o'clock p. m. of said day, the following
described property towit : Tht east half of sec
tion nineteen (19) in township one (1) north of
range twelve (12) west of the Gtli p. m.
Given under my hand this Ctb day of May, A.
George E. Coos, Sheriff.
A. J. Tomlinson, Deputy.
Kalcv & Barker, Plaintiffs' Attorneys. 41-00,1
Sheriff's Sale.
Kollce Is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an order ot sale issued from the oftlce of
C. 11. Crone, clerk of the district court of the
tenth Judicial district within and for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree In an action
pending therein, wherein Zilplia S. ilubbard Is
plaintiff, and against Henry McCormal, James
McCormaland Anna McCormal. Ills wife. Catli
crine FeItU,.lohn Feltls, MaryMehuke, former
ly Mnrv McCormal and Karl Mehuke, her hus
iKind, Win. K. Jackson, executor of th last will
anil ICWiim-iu tu hcuij .rui .. '!
and Kaley Brothers, defendants, I shall offer
for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder
for cash in hand at the cast door of the court
house, at Jted Cloud, in said Webster county,
Nebraska, (that being the building wherein the
last term of said court was holden) on tho
ttth Day of June, A. D. 1892,
at one o'clock p. m. ot said day, the following
described property towit: The north hall ol
the north we-t quarter and the south-west quar
ter of the north-west quarter and lot three (3.)
all in section eight (8.) township one (1.) north,
range nine 9.) west of the 6th p.m.
Given under my hand this ctb day ol Mar, A.
D,1K2' Oeo.E.Coox, Sheriff.
A. J. TOJILIK80M. Deputy.
Kalev & Barker, Plaintiff ' Attornoys. 4l-30d
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given that under and bv vir
. on nnior nf jule lued from the oQIce of
r (J B. Crone, clerk of the district court of the I
tenth judicial aisinci, nuum auuiui ntuoi
county. flcuiMi "i,"u,"Sil'iV "t.vr
rinding therein, wherein IN oraianF. Thomp
son is plaintiff, and against Samuel B. Klzer,
Anna M. Kizer and Minnie M. Gilbert, defend
ing I shall offer for sale at public vendue to
thhVhest bidder tor cash In hand at the east
door of th conrthouso at Red Cloud. In said
Webster county, Nebraska, (that being- the
building wherein the last term of said court
was holden) onthe ,
oiih Day of May. 1S,
aeriDeapropenj "" iU6uii"-mu,-,
KTt, wtmn thirtv ooi townshlD one ril
north, range twelve 12 west of the 6th p. m.
-Sa under my hand this 20th day ot April,
A aiod'T Gko. E. Cooir, Sheriff.
Kalk?Babkzs, Plaintiff's Attorneys.
i '
Hed Cloud; fleb.
To the pampers !
Invites the Farmers or Webster and adjacent counties to his
large and varied stock or
Agricultural Goods
Such as Wagons, Buggies, Carts, Plows,
Harrows, Mowing Machines. &c.
See him before buying for bargains.
$ity jflakepy-
For Ire h
All kinds
and fresh
Meals and Lunch all hours
Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Ovsters and Ice Cream in
JRed Cloud,
.??JSJ Is
K . jrK- -fr. i
fet A V i a"."JT-
1 v 1&3
Dealers in
NEW AND SECOND - HAND furniture,
In the Stern Building.
"We shall have bargains tha. will pay you to investigate
in our 3econd-hand department.
On Saturday commencing at 1 P. M vre shall have auction,
to which we invite the public who are interested
in procuring good bargains. .
We buy and sell Sccond-kand Goods on commission.
S. I. COZAD, Proprietor.
All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to.
Has Moved his Flour and Feed Store of the
Perkins & Mitchei building.
Nothing but the best goods kept. Call ani
see me when yon want anything
in my line
Over Deyo's Drug Store
and Restaurant
Bread Pies
or cakes,
Xuts, cigars,
Frijitc, etc.
Herburger, Prop.
better prepared than ever to
11 :,iit.: jn
ecu vuuiiu&xuuBui uurjuestiB
collars, sadlery, etc
In tkc Tinker Building, lie has the
arseat Mock In this part of tli Tally,
ana win mine it an inaacenieni o inae
. Im .!.