The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1892, Image 8

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Scbma, California.
Mb. A. C. Hosmeb: Dear Sm:
In compliance with your request and
for tho benefit of inquiring friends, I
write you relative to my trip and the
country in this part of the heritage:
I arrived here Sunday morning at
2 o'clock some the worse for the trip,
having been four days and five nights
on the way. My family have been!
here four months. I will say to be
' -- gin with that I never felt before thVt
"9fc 11.
I had beat the rail road company but
1 think I got more than the irth of
my money in what I-saw on tkw sec
ond trip.
T went over the road from Denver
to Leadville in the night. Hcrevery-
thing is four feet under snow awl still
snowing. Smallpox is on a rag in
the place and times are dull om ac
count of the low price of silver. Some
mines have shut down ond hundreds
of men arc idle. Here we begin to. go
down hill and one can readily see why
these mountains arc called the Rocfc
ics. We soon start down a canyon
and follow a fine mountain stream
that has cut its way through solid
stone and at Bed Cliff wo are walled
in by rocks hundreds of feet high and
in some places they project and seem
just ready to fall down on us, it looks
as if a pcrdon could pull them down
if they only bad a string tied to them.
On these mountains is lumber of
pine and cedar which is mostly small.
There are many interesting things on
the way to Ogdcn, but will not weary
We stayed at Ogdcn 12 houis and
I must tell you how badly I was de
ceived. The mountains there reach
above the clouds and the city lies be
tween the mountains and the railroad.
It seemed to me that the mountains
could not be more than three blocks
distance from the depot, but after I
had travelled about two miles they
were farther away than when I start-cd-and
I gave it up as a bad job. On
our way from here we go througli a
lovely valley with spleadid mountains
for a background.
Do you know, Hosmer, that I have
always thought Brigain Young an old
fool, but I am forced to change my
opinion of him. Just think! a man
being located in this valley with forty
nine goodlooking wives for company,
but this is too immense to dwell up
on. In the afternoon after leaving
Ogden we have the lake in view un
til nearly dark and then for about a
days ride we go through about the
most desolate country I ever saw. I
will pass this over and draw rein at
Fort Reno. This is like a good, live
Nebraska town. We soon get into
California, and begin to climb the
Sierra Nevadas. We follow along a
mountain stream that comes tumbling
over the rocks and makes a roar that
can be heard above the roar of the
train. We have eleven cars and pull
ed by two of those powerful moun
tain engines and you may believe
they make the mountains tremble as
they follow the meanderings of the
stream. Along the stream we see
fine timber, saw mills, ice house?,
they say Califormia gets its supply of
ice from here, there are dozens of
these icehouses each five times as large
as my barn. Well I will make a big
jump and get to the top of the moun
tains. Here we haye snow two feet
deep and everything has the T appear
ance of dismal winter. A little far
ther down are the hydraulic gold min
ing regions." They are very rich. The
mining is done by bringing the water
in pipes 50 or GO miles and turned
loose onto the hills and it is said that
great stones weighing tons are dash
ed ahead like mere pebbles. Here it
seems as if the engineers who planned
this road tried to see how close they
could run the trains to these fearful
chasms and not go over, I know those
in our car drew a sigh of relief when
we had passed over safely. After tins
we pass through about 50 miles of
snow sheds and tunnels from Lead
ville to here and fifteen tunnels before
we reach Leadville, but in one hours
ride you can't imagine the change: we
come to green fields, fruit and berries:
in bloom. We aie now just outside
Edon. One hour before we sat hump
ed up in our seat and felt like hitting
the first man who spoke to us, now
everybody was on their feet and hav
ing a regular camp meeting in a short
time we two in the famous Sacramen
to -diley barefoot boys John Chine
maind little girls selling flowers are
.ftUnw objects, but just as we get
iWtothe city of Sacramento cruel
nght draws its curtain and
cheats me out of the nicest eights in
the state except onel a model wife
and three of the fine It children in the
U. S., and these arel mine. Excuse
me Mr. Editor, but these arc facts.
Well I'm in Seluii at Jast and
must say at first s'ght T am favorably
impresseu. e arove out awnys
Sunday night and in iy,-poor"'way
will tryJtL teU-jOu-Tfhatil saw. This
ecaoiyis nearly as levll as a floor
and looks much like the jconntry cast
of Hastings, Neb., onh five times as
many houses and some floe ones too.
This is the San Joaquin yftoy and is
60 miles wide with irrigming ditches
all through it First we drove through
'a lane all lined with 5 years old lom-
jjardy poplar. These ars twice as
targe as a stove pipe at the butt GO ft.
high and as straight as an trrow. The
nWt thing that impressed ira was the
eyVgreen hedges, they are 3 feet
"j.iJh and 2 feet wide and so lenso you
canmot see through them, at the cate
thej are allowed to grow up 3 feet at
ejehvside and form an arclj which
lookslike a framework, trees are set
full of fruit and alfalfa will soon do to
eut As to the yards I am lost when
I try to I nd language to descrilc them.
I hav seen some of the fine graihds in
Lihco'nNebraska, but they are very
poor whet compared with the common
grounds litre. But for fear of tiring
yofI wililclose after saying alfew
words ft r
r town and people. Bus-
mese uo3 mot seem to be overtone
ms . w m .
and the ) unflwgs don't seem very jcx
travagant bf t think there is quits a
lot offcrcditHmsiness done. The pip
ulatioatis vaijously estimated. Ask
a real estate nfen and he will Hay ftar
or live thousand but ask a man that is
sick of the plaac and is going cast
and lie will it'y about tno or thai
thousandwid I iucs3 that is about
right. Jin lit b
try was shown i ame some of the
matches they iU2 re he says Cali
fornia is noted ijrfys little matches
and big liars,7 1 h-.tSto admit that for
there are lots' of N
ska people here.
The schools', her
e good having
8 grades and 8teacb
and a kinder-
gar ten with twd.tcacli
s. Uur daugh
ter Mary is coing to sclool here and
learning fast. Ihae Vittated this
and she has written it 5g please ex
cuse haste and tpoor .Welling, the
poor spelling is miae aitdwie haste is
hers, llespectfuliyl
mo. A
Fifty cents per budrci
old rags rubber and zinc i.
the Bargain House ofvJ. S.
aid for
radc at
oung &
Son, first door north of' l'a
hildren enrfor
The Ilcnrt of the AMcgUj;
Writing of a recent trip.ncrisi
juuiuuiinb nio. -
"Twilight on the grade is grand, the
mountain summits look like tbfjfcusy tpB
of trees. Tho sun has disappeared "inYa
ban or nre at nis 'jumping-ofi Mace,' bl
the vivid lightenings of the weaiUrn si
by the still upturned illuininiiiirtfico b
low tho horizon is in marked contrast ten
train. From shelf to shelf, from Mg io
crag, from brink to brink, wo almifei fl .
Like a flashing transformation, renierinj
almost past belief the fact that the Mne
is in the midst of the Alleghanies, cfiMesi
a uib ui mnusuape garuening wun auane
beauties of walks and hedges and brSht
hued flowers, a mountain brooklet t
ing through the centre Buckhorn
the most noted and most admired
that can be had from any known point
the Alleghany range. To enable the roaaS
to span the tremendious gorge, a massi
wall of cut stona was erected for a di
tance of several hundred feet, and more
thfiD a hundred feet above the foundation
rock. As the river makes an abrupt turn
at right angles, a deep canyon is opened
up for mile?. Kango after range of
mountains disappear behind each other
The shadowy outlines of single peaks steal
out through the haze."
This beautiful scene is on tho Baltimore
and Ohio R. R. near Grafton, W. Va. The
entire line from the Potomac to the Ohio
is a majestic panorama of tho grandest
views on tho continent and all endowed
with historic interest. 39-2
It is a truth in medicine that the small
est dose that performs the cure is the
hest De Witt's Little Early Risers aro
the smallest pills, will perform the cure
and are the best. C. L. Cotting.
Some choice improved and unim
proved farms at a bargain. Write for
description to D. J. JIvebs,
Ked Cloud Nebr.
3. U?iQl5ESYSCKE12.
Terms to salt cuslaMcrs
u' i
tirr'PtrA kfx3it4 t3sl mm
kgM. Wm HLP
For Sale or Trntlc.
A good timber claim ill Hayes
county, Nebraska. All perfectly b-vel
land, pome good young tree-, 40 f-e
to w-iter, 12 a rrs under cultivation,
10 aiiles from a, goAJl. It. town.
Will sell fts'Olaiui or flfye d.-cd cheap
fof-cash or trado for nYist any thuig.
i. J. Myers,
35-4 RU Cloud. Neb.
Sheriff iaj..
Notice is hereby jriven flkaf lindor and
by virtue of anorder.ot sj issued from
the office of C. B.Cronelderk of the
district court of the tenthVudicinl dis
trict within and for WebBtefcvouty, Ne
braska, upon a decree in an V-tidn pend
ing therein, wherein the tnKi Brothers
uoHU a. j.rutb uumpuuy urupKauus, una
against Richard K. Stowe as administra
tor of the estate of Nels Pdftisob, de-
ceased, Line Peterson, Joel PcWxn. C
rie Poulson. Nels Poulson, JTm;
Poulson, Mira Poulson, Martin "Jl'oalson,
Christian Jasperson as guardiaalo&Baid
Joel Poulson, Carrie Poulson. Ntf Poul
son, Mary Poulson and Mira Poultai; de
fendants, I shall offer lor sale atwio
vendue to the Inchest bidder for Ash? in
hand at the east door of the courthouse
at Bed Cloud, in said Webster catoty,
Nebraska, (that being the busKing
wherein the last term of said courwvae
holden) on the
3d Day of May. A. D. 189:
at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, the foil
ing described property towit: 1
south-west quarter (i$) of section tw
ty-nine (29) in township three (3.) no:
of range eleven (11,) west of the Gth
Given under my hand this 30th day of
March, A. D. 1892.
3C-30d Geo. E. Coon, Sheriff.
NonRc8idcnt Notice
Cornelia A. Woods )
V3 J.
John Woods. )
In District Court.
The defendant, John Woods, will
take notice that on the 16th day of
April, 1892, the plaintiff, Cornelia A.
Woods, filed her petition in the office
of the clerk of the district court of
Webster county, Nebraska, against
him, tho object and prayer of which
are to obtain a diyorce from him, and
the custody of their minor children.
Said defendant is required to answer
or plead to said petitiou on or before
L May 30, 1892, or the allegations of
faaii petition will be taken as con-
essed and decree rendered according-
Cornelia A. Woods,
y Geo. R. Ciianey, her attorney.
tnM mti on ererr dollar wa spend.
IVOe for ocr Biaaaaoth Culop. MBpe
.ctmUiBlne illustnUcaand giving wwetiiBin-
vtimnm price, witn aaBiumctarers' ducoanu
o wry kind ot goods nd appUea mannfectBred
Mdfeported Into the United SUtw. Groeertot.
Booakold Good, Purnlture, Clothing, Ladte1
and(iu' Clothing and Furnishing Good, Dm
GoodA WMU. Goods. Dry Goods, Hats, Cape,
Boot and Shoes, Glores, Kotlons, Glaanraia
Statlo;T, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SUTenram,
Boggivt Whips, Agricultural Implements, (.
ONCVHRST (CLAS GOODS. Calalogoe seat
oa recepEoC 25 cents for ezpressage. We are tha
oaly coJirn which sells at asannfactarera' prices,
allowinj ibe bayer the same discount tLat the
r rives ro ine wnoiesmw uuiw.
I 122 Qalncy Street,' Chicago, III.
A aalary 25 to $50 per week to GOOD agents
to repretenta la every connty, and sell our general
Itae of Mercandlse at manufacturers' prices. Oklt
raosz who Want stxadt kmplotmeht xed
aptlt. CaSseue and particulars sentoa receipt
of ScaySKpreseage. ft
122 Qulacy Street, Chicago, in.
"S'V" ' . ..
l -Si.
L2i iiV
ru-.vhit! i1a3cowiTnrv.TT.teTw
iuoy of 7W3 i;ap cr TH!
rZ2-.?S7. .
Hie iMrect Eoute nni froaAlpago, Jollct, OUamu
fMrJl Salle. Motlnr. Coclilatul. In ILLINOIS:
Jav(.TiPrt. Muscatine, Ottts, Oslcaloora, toes
,Moin-iWlnterjtt, Audubon, Atlan and Coadcil
Baff WJOWA; Minneapolis ni SL Paul, In 3IIS"
KGSO"4k;WatfrtoiTn and Siouifclls, In DAKOTA;
Caacr. tN. Joseph and Kansas i-, in, M1SSODKI ;
Ossafaft, MQln, Faliburr and KA, In KEBRASEA ;
AJaakcaveneroryj, ijorton, lka, Hntchlason
WleWt;.,lVJeTJlle, Atl'n, -'-'v JTaJUiirfT
KAsSAsOngftjer, 1 Keaa mJbWI&'DUX
TsEITi's Denver, Cdm'Mzi and Ppeblo.
In'yXHR ADO. .Jtnasfew arMiflch farming
nmletaidfPPlKrdlngthe bestdlitles of Inter,
coiroanjcatlon to all towns and ci. feast and west,
narlliwtV. ked ontlnrest of Chicago ct4o rtciCc and
trans-occanlc scajf it, a
LcaJitig all competitors In splendcr f aqulpment,
DI.UHM art! o:r.ITA. and between aGO and
DEXVnn. Cl.uADO SrRIKGS and irtHLO. fia
K 0;XS CITY and Tol'EffA and vli S.?OSEriT.
H.i-Cl.-wi liar Coaches, FUKU UJLfXCf CIIAIB
CAI:3, and Trdace Steepen, with Dining utjfc-rvlce,
rtrno connections at Denver and Colorado S?nkra vVM
Jivrpi'ig ralltvay lines, now forming Uxeasw acd
! ijrcjue
wfel:'! snp'iMj'tiljipnl trains n 4al)jr
THI.OrGU V.-1TIIOLT aLVNCE to and Un fait
La'." Otr, Osden and San Francisco. THE "JXX
T AND l aio the Direct and Favorite Llnessatd
riui ''init'-iu I'ike's Teak and aU other rami tar
v -de r.'Kort'isndi Uirs and tninlngdlstrictsln Colrsja.
om i:Jtxi'U and Kansas Oty to and from all hi'
. rjtnt terns, ci and sections In Scuthem Jfebrajb,
. i . '.c ar.J tlie Indian Territorx. Also Tla ALBEu
vl7 V T".OUYn frotn Kamas Otr and Chicago toWate
own. Slonx Kjllf, 3IIXIIEAPOU3 and ST. PATH.
-r nxiVms 'or all rolcts ncrih and northwest tctwm
o Iuxc3 and the PacISc Coast.
iprjy to anr Coupon Ticket OtEca in the United Etaaal
rcr TicLctj, ilapt". Folders, or desired lsformatloa
r QuuiTa, or address
I fiimi
" ...U.o- ,
mrrntrm, tt.t.
guarautel goods as represented: U not ioum
so, niODrfireianded. Goods sent by express or
freleht. tiId DriTilrw of examination before pay
Leopold Baum, plaintiff,
Spencer Alexander, Marion Alexander,
Milton Randall, V. T. Vnnkirk,
he plaintiff in t ic -ibovo entitled no
tion notifies tlio dloiidunts in said cp.u-e,
that on the 8th d- of April 1JU1, tkat he
the said plaintiff tiled his petition in ?
district conrt of Webster cnn-t. i7ebr -kn,
agait yon the snnl 1- n.danM tie
object and prsiy of which n to fort-cK-e
a tax lien owned and hehj by tnu pJ n
tiff, on ami against lot k r kU-r ' - M
block ten (10) in tht tilU " of IV Htll
in Webster county, an'1 state of ."ebra-ka
for the sum of forty dollars (10) and
accumulating interest, and thnt aid lot
be sold according to law to pay said
amount and costs of this action, and that
any claim qr interest you may have in
said premises may be declared junior and
inferior to plaintiffs tax lien. For farth
er particulars you are referred to plain
tiffs, petition now on tile in the Clerk's
office of the District court of Webster
connty, Nebraska. You nre required to
answer said petition on or before Monday
the 16th, day of May, A. D. 1892.
Leofold Baum,
By 0. C. Case, His Attorney. 37-4.
Kofo-RcsJdcnt otIcc.
William Marshall,
Jacob II. Shugart et nl
The defendants O. P. Johnson, Frank
R. fit-mitt. Orris W. Robertson and Jes-
4 su Foster, will take notice that on the
lta day of April 1892, the plaintiff here-
1 ieu nis peiiiion in 1110 uiainuu uuuiu
Tveosier county, neur.,iu.ouujeui uuu
ayer of which are to foreclose a cer-
n mortgage executeu Dy ueienaanw u.
Shucart. and Helen M. Shugart, since
aepsaeeu to Hiuwin u. urme, wuo usuigu
edyiid mortgage to plaintilTs assignee
L1. Dove, now Lizzie M. Leslie;
thasftkl mortgage is on lot seven (7) in
block three (:t) in Talbot's addition to the
towripf Guide Kock, Webster county,
Nebrtjiki, and was duly recorded m the
recorw of said county, that default
has men. mado in the payment of
the amount decreed by said mort
gage UYbu aro thorcforo required
to anarer said petition 9n or
before tjh lGth day of May 189?; or said
petition will be taken as confessed by
you and default rendored foreclosing said
mortgage'u prayed for in said petition.
37-4tVV l William Makshall,
. t- v- . ' -r t . w - 1 r
By JoiiwU. Chaffin, Hib Attorney,
berillN Sale.
Notice is hmraby given that under and
by virtue of n cjrderot sale issued from
the office ony.S1B. Crone, clerk of the
district courtA.-)C.Hhe tenth judicial dis
trict within aJklfqr Webster county, Ne
braska, upon idecreo in an action pend
ing therein, wlorein Mrs. C. II. Barnes
and Effie Baltea are plaintilTs, and
against John It Ferguson, Agnes J.
Ferguson and James II. Ferguson, de
fendants, I Bhairdler for salo at publio
vendue to the hig9et bidder for cash in
hand, at the east door. of the courthouse
at Bed Cloud, iniaid Webster county,
Nebraska, (that .awing tho building
wherein the last jAi of said court was
holden) on the
3d Day ef MfW, A. D. I 92,
at 11 o'clock a. m. ot mid day, the fol
lowing described praberty towit: The
north-west quarter (w4) of section
thirty-four (&) and thnorth-east quar
ter (ne) and the easjbhalf (e) of tho
north-west quarter (Ji)" aection thirty
three (33,) township fount,) north, rango
ten (10,) west of the Gth m.
Given under my hand Kk 2Sth day of
3G-30d Geo. E. Oloit, Sheriff.
SkerUTs Sal
Notice is hereby civen that un
: and liv vir-
tneof an order of sale issued fr
tne ollice oi
C. n. crone, clerk of tlie dfatric
coart of the
tenth Judicial district, withirt and
ir Webster
county, Nebraslra, upon a decreui action
pendlnc first, wherein the First Mt Oflsi bank
of Ked Cloud. Nebraska, Is plaint lawi.ioiiii
Klnclier Jr., Klrkendall. Jones & (:aa Win
lleld H. WlDRft re defendants; VW. where
in Hennr Wctsaare wiw nlantiikmnewJolin
Kincher JrH Wlhfield M. WiDget, W Wioj;et
his wife, First National bank of Bed cend. Ae
braska, U. c. Bell, receiver of the First Tfailon
al bank. David 8. Gray, trustee, Paxta&al
lajUier, Freeman I. Klrkendall, Fills i Jeses,
chns. a. Xoe dolnj: business as Klrfcndall.
.lones& co., John Moore, Hweet, Orrjr Co.,
Kolm Bros. 6; co.. Rejniler &Shoopcroclsxyoo.
ai.d Ottlllle 1. Klncher are delendant and
that by the order of court the a'lore twrieasea
were consolidated; I slisll offer for sale atiub
lic vendue, to the hlhet bidder for can In
hand at the past ooorof the court house aiwed
cloud, in said Webster county, Nebraska. Mat
betas the bulldlmr wherein the last term of Ikld
court was holdenl ou the
34 th Day ef May, A. D. 19
at one o'clock d. bi. of said dav the folio
described property towit: The north halft
tT tfaaa aitri h.if Af nimra If - eonttAn ma
In township two, 2, of range nine. 9. west of t)
Sth p.m.. in Webster county, Nebnuka.
Given under my baud this 14th day of Apritw
A. D.1S93.
M np. E. cook. Sheriff?.
env, riaintiH,'aAtlorm,'y.5. -?
'-i 2-' i
NoHae'ts hereby Riven that undwr and by vir
tjetf n order of sale issued from theolnce or
CB. Crone, clerk of the distilct court of the
tenth Judicial district within and for Webster
county, Nebraska upon a decree in an action
pendinjr, therein, uhoreln P S. Sictluiro Is
plaintiff and against AIouzo M. FreWovo and
Ktta Freelore et al are tie! endaiiN, I shall oiler
for sale at public endue, to the hlIict bidder,
(or cash In hand, at the east door ot tno court
house at Ked Cloud in said Webster county,
Nebraska, that being the buildine u herein the
last term of said court was holden. on the 2Cth
day of April lssa at one o'clock p. m. of said day
Uioroiiomuruescnueii nroiiertv towit: tts
three 3. and four J. in block ono 1. Vance's first
addition to the town of Outdo ttock In Webster
county, Nebraska, ;iven under my hand this
U3d day of March ISO!.
SCHJt !f.O. K. Coov, ilieriff,
James SIcXkxv, Plalntill's Attorney.
SlicriiT Sale.
VQtlce is hereby given that under and by vir
tue of an ordor of sale issued lrom the office of
c. H. crone, cierK oi tne auinei coariome
tenth judicial district withl.i and for Webster
county, Nebraska, upon a decree lnanaciicni
pcmlins therein, herein Sarah I creen Is
plaintm, and against Aurelian A. Post and
rust, His wile, (leieniiants, i saau oner lor saie
at public endue to the hiRhest bidder lor cash
In band at the east door of the courthouse at
Bed cloud in said Webster county, nebraska,
I that being the building wherein the last term
of said court was holdenl on tlie
ti Hi pay oraiay, A B, 1892,
atone o'clock p.m. of said day the following
described property towit: The east half, K, oi
the north-east quarter, U.and tlie north-west
quarter, U. of the northeast quarter, J . of sec
tion seventeen. 17. In townshln three. 3. north
(la range ten, 10, west of the Gth p. m.
? Given under my hand tbjs flip day of April,
St.. . . ." "l?y"-M ""v..
Jo;m. Kacax . fiainuns Aiiorney. -mu
Taatace of theFeace,
1 andNetaryPublKc
Office over Post oaicc.
d Cloud - Nebraska.
Webster Co. Abstract Office.
Jf BUfjEYj Abslraclcr am, Proprietor.
Accurate Abstracts Promptly FurniiicI for any Lands In Wcl)tcr
j County. A complete and Accurate set of A lis tract books
and a glOOOO bond IHcd Tith county Judge insures satis
faction. For Abstracts, Cheap Farm Loans oc some
good Bargains in Real Estate, call ou
Don't forget to ask for the Consumers' and
That for every Cash purchase of ONE DOLL AH from any
Merchant whose 1111116 appears below entitles you to a
Which they will accept for five cents on every
Cash Purchase of One Dollar.
And take Special Notice that the Merchants who belong to
this Association are the most wideawake and keep
the best stock of goods, and their
prices are the lowest.
ii. A. mJl'KEK & .
lry ooIh, Carpel, Cloaks ami Shot's.
L. II. Dcyo, Ilrut etc. Henry Diedrieli Hoot & .Shoes
Buckeye Harness Shop Iliirncs. C. Wiener, Clother.
Oscar I'atmor, Flour V Feed. 1 V. Taj lor, Funiif lire.
L. ITI. Vance, Jeweler.
r" 5
Lower than any yard in the world
Fort Abstract Co., lied Cloud,
L. II. FORT, Mana-cr.
Furnished to all Lands in Webster County, Accurately and
Havinc had ton year! experience In county reconls and ono of the most complete set of Ab
struct books in the state.we guarantee satisfaction. Yosr fawirs solicited
All ordes llllcd promptly. Wjam dollar bond hied
s nd approved. Address or call on . .
L. H. FOIIT Manaoeu, lied Cloud, Neb.
a. E. POND,
Conveyance, Real Entate,
Loans, Insurance, and Pen
sion Agent.
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
I, especially invito yon to call on ine for
Mii.infT in m lin. Loan3 fnade on
. t
Vjiiai property nl pr ceni.
in the bsst coinpanies I a'o,'
Call and se me if yon desire, shrubbery
flowers or fruit stock. Yon will find prof
itable to see me.
D. B. Spanog!c,
Real Estate
Red G.oiuL
I. T. TULLEYS, n. D.
HoBHoeopattalc Physician,
Rcal.Ctoad, - Ncbraana.
Office opposite First National Bank.
U. .SJixaminlng Surgeon.
Chronic diseases treated by mail.
e r?i (eS)
Will serve n Huiitcl numW of clioic
mares ths season
lie is G years old and stronjjly built.
lfii hands IiiIt and a natuntl trotte
(and lias an excellent pedigree.
J. W. Moraxville, Prop.
Ecl Cloud, Neb.
Notice to Tcavlivrh.
Notice is hereby given thiat I will
examine all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
teachers ofthe pnblic schools of this
couuty, at lied (Jloud on the third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will b: held
on the Friday prececding the 3d Sat
urday of each month. "
The standing required for 2d and
3d grade certificates, is the same no
grade below 70 per cent, average SO
per cent; forx first irade certificate
no grade bolow SO per cent., average
00 per cent, in all branches required
by law.
P. M. Huntkr, Connty Supt.
Salesman, Local and Traveling
To represent our well known house.
You need no capital to represent a
firm that warrants nursery stock first
class and true to name. "Work all
the year. $100 per month to the
right man. Apply quick, stating age.
L. .L. Mat & Co.,
Nurscrjnien, Fiomts and Seedsraeni
St. Panl, MinnliA
(This house is responsible.)