The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1892, Image 5

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flo Liine
Ever brought to Red Cloud give
ouch iinivcniul aalisTactfon as
Jno. Strootman' Ladies' and
jHinucs buocs. They arc striclly
reliablc In every respect, arc
well and favorably known and
we can thoroughly recommend
them for fit, ntylc und service.
Ladies who have worn them
will wear them again, to those
whe have not wc will guaran
tee them to suit and would ad
vise you to try a pair. Wc carry
them In all widths and sizes and
can fit any foot. YOU can get
them only of
B. tc M. R. R. Time Tabic.
Taking effect Nov. 5.
Trains carrying passengers ltae Red Cloud
as follows:
No. VJ2 Vassenger to Hastings. - 1 :00 p. m.
No. Ul Freight tor Hastings - 130 p.m.
No. 131 Tassenger from Hastings
arrhes . 9;a.m.
No. Ifi. Tassenger to St. .luseph, St,
iniisand Chicago daily - J0:30a.m
No U 1'a.ssenger to Kansas Citv and
Atchison, daily. - - - 8:20, p.m.
No. 13 rassenger for Denver and In
termediate points, dally, - - 7:30 a.m.
No. 15, l'assenger for Denver, daily, 7 :10 p. m.
No. 133 local freight to Oxford daily
except Sunday G:00am
No. 174 local freight from Oxford daily
except Sdnday 8:13 p m
Oil cake at Deyo's.
Wall paper at Cott'ngs.
Buy your buggy paint of Deyo.
All kinds of condition powders
A. Galiisha, and D. J. Myers,
v re
in Lincoln this week.
Orances. bannas. fruits, &c, at
0. Lindley's restaurant.
For fine tobacco, cigars, candies
&c , go to J. 0. Lindley's.
The smoke stack has arrived for
the engine house at the city water
The Red Cloud Democrat has
moved its office into the Chancy
M. 11. JJcntly and wifr, go to Hot
Springs, Ark.. Sunday evening, for
an extended stay.
K. J. Peterson, of Otto, called this
week, and bclpea TriE Chief out fi
A . nancially. Thanks,
flit James McNeuy, the well and favor
ably known lawyer and politician, of
Red Cloud, was at headquarters for
western Nebraska politics, Wednes
day. McCook Tribune.
"Olive," is the title of an elegant
continued story which is started m
The Chief this week, and written by
Sarah Doudncy. It is said to be one
of the best stories that has ever been
Tom McTighc, an old timer in Red
Cloud, and it one time a harness mak
er in Jake Miller's harness emporium,
is in the city visiting. Tom looks as
natural as two peas. He is now locat
ed at Fairbury.
The Burlington people have put a
flyer on the main line which makes
Chicago to Denver m 28 hours. A
distance of 1075 miles. Tt is a re
cord breaker, and makes an average of
about 50 miles per hour.
The band boys are making arrange
ments to give out door concerts every
Saturday evening, and to that end the
business men are generously donaiin
towaids that end. The fund raised
will go towards paying a teacher.
The Musicale given on Tuesday
night by Miss Campbell and her class
was a very excellent affair and was
highly appreciated by all present.
Miss Campbell has a large class and
from the way they perform, shows
that she is an extraordinary good in
structor. The B. & M. Iuj. made a fairly
good change in the running of trains.
By the new time one can leave Red
Cloud at 6 p. m., and get into Lincoln
about 10 o'clock the same evening.
The Hasting train has been abandon
ed, and instead the trains leaves lias
tine in the morning about 8 o'clock
ana msicaa oi snipping nun;, inns
throughr, to Obrelin, Kansas, and re
turns to Hastings aSout 8:30 same
Somebody has been makinn a calcu
lation and comes to the startling con
clusion that if all the money in the
world were divided among civilized
people there would not be mora than
$6 for each. The alarm that this will
cause in alliance circles will be tre
mendous. The demand for the print
ing presses to check the money star
vation will become irresistible if th e
calculation is fully verified by tho
Tellers and other eminent financiers
of the third partv. State Journal.
Prevention Is Better
Than cure, and those who are subjs ct
to rheumatism can prevent attacks by
kcepmc the blood pure and free from
the aaid which causes the disease.
For this purpose Hood's Sarsaparilla
is used by thousands with great suc
cess. It is tne pestoiooa panuer.
Constipation is caused by loss of
the peristalic action of the bowles.
Hood's Pills restore this action and
invigorate the liver.
of Sfyoes
Blaeeslee & Kaley.
Ravens horse and cattle food at
Mrs. John Foster, was visiting in
Alma, this week.
Walt Sherwood, was down from
McCook, this week.
The CniEF returns thanks
fine serenade Saturday night
Deyo s stock of wall paper is styl
ist), new, clean and prices lowest.
John Jessen, came in this week
and heir el the Big Injum financially.
G. W. Hagan, adds his name to the
roll of the Great Family "Weekly.
Farm loans at lowest rates.
D. J. Myers.
Mrs. C. Wiener, has returned home
from her extended visit in the east.
Paint brushes, whitewash brushes,
and all kinds of brushes at Deyo's.
See Oscar Patmor before buying
flour, lie has made a big reduction.
The Lincoln mixed paints sold by
Cotting are the best in the market.
We guarantee them.
Let our people get down to bust
and Red Cloud will get there with
both pedal extremities.
We give it as our opinion that Dejo
is strictly in it when it come to prices
and styles of wall paper.
John Merrill, and S. Lindquist
have added their contributions to The
Chief this week. Thanks.
F. V. Taylor, allows no one to sell
more goods titan he docp, at prices
that are low, for good goods.
Frank Quigle', who we reported as
having nearly lost his life by a rail
road accident is getting along nicely.
Those new patterns of wall paper
at Cotting's arc beautiful and prices
lower than ever. Call and see them.
Remember the Chicago clothing
store takes measures for tailor made
clothing, guarantee a perfect fit or no
Receiver Dorsey is paying out the
2d dividend of 30 per cent which has
just been ordered by Comptroller
For fire, lightning and tornado in
surance, apply to Chas. Schaffnit, Red
Cloud, Neb. Office over Deyo's drug
store. It is low prices, the best ef goods
and accurate dispensing that has
brought L. II. Deyo, his large drug
It is the judgment of all that Cot
ting has the finest selection of wall
paper in the city, and in prices he
can't be beat.
It is not what its proprietors say,
but what Hood's Sarsaprilla does,
that m-tk's it ell, and wins the con
fidence of the people.
A. Calmes has moved his bakery to
the room occupied formerly as a hard
ware store three doors south of the
Farmers & Merchants bank.
The celebrated Leonard Clcanable
Dry Air Refrigerators are the superi
or of all others. For sale at W. W.
Wright's hardware store.
When going down the street, do not
forget to stop in and see those beauti
ful gasoline Quick Meal Vapor sieves
at T. W. Wright's. They are beau
ties and the fioe.t invented.
L. H. Deyo, is an enterprising gen
tleman, and now has all of the state
daily papers at his news stand at 9 a.
m., every morning, Itesides keeping
all of the best periodicals to be se
cured. (J. L. Cotting had an immense
stoek f wall paper but some of the
grades are already getting low. How
ever he frtill has the largest stock in'
the country, and can please the most
fastidious in stile quality and price.
Dell Olmsted who has labored in
this office for little more than a year,
has severed his connection and will
go to McCook to learn the machinist
trade, in the B. fe M. shops. Dell is a
good boy and will be a credit to his
On last Saturday afternoon a team
oi horses hitched to a stock cutter
came down west 4th Avenue pell-mell,
having succeeaea in Dr easing away
from theT driver. Tliev were ((topp
ed on north Webst-r strert without
doing any apparent damage
Prof. Caster has made a very effi
cient superintendent of the public
schools, and it is our opinion that the
board would do well to engage him
for a lerm of years. The schools
have never flourished as well as they
have under his management
Try those racket cigars at Cotting's
C. W. Kaley, was in Lincoln, this
Painting material of all kinds at
Fine neck wear a specialty at Chi
cago clothing store.
II. J. Olmsted, was down from
McCook, this week.
If you want wall paper or window
shades, go tn Cottings.
0. A. Truman, of Franklin, was in
the city on Friday last
For correct fitting clothing go to
Chicago clothing store.
We have the best stock of hats in
the ciiy. Chicago store'.
Harry Pond has money to loan on
first class city property.
For nobby suits the Chicago cloth
in? store takes first rank.
Go to the Chicago clothing stere
for pants of every discription.
Cotting's new styles. of fine guilt
papers are elegant Be sure and see
The W. C. T. U. will meet daring
the spring and summer in the Chris
tian church.
Judge Willcox, is an expert map
maker, and has recently completed a
fine set of townships maps of Web
ster county, with the name
of every land-owner and locating each
town and city in the county.
The members of Red Cloud
lodge, No. 64, A. 0. U. W. to tho
members of 29, went to Riverton last
Friday evening, for the purpose of in
stituting a lodge ot the order at thai Thorn mi or a Oft nt Rivartnaia
best businessmen, thatad applitti5ed mVnT? CQirajan
far irimi';nn mnA bavin hpnn nrAVj J. Trunkey, secretary. A
eda charter, Deputy Master WoeV
man Butler, of Hastings, was ordefei
to institute the lode. Membersvr.F
the order from Bloom ington mmI
Franklin were present. Alter Jithje
the ceremonies the Riverton meauWis
invited their guests to a magniiaett
spread at the rranklin house, wkilh
"was as fine as they get 'eml.'
The lodge starts out under fine ,. arts-
? mn
married at the in. Jh. parae'tage.
Saturday evening, April 23rd, jM3 E.
L. Woods, and Miss Sarah J.Hawk
ins. Both of Lcbonan, Kanete,al8o
at the home of bride's paraajt-f: six
miles south-west from totrr, on
Wednesday evening, April 2JTt'vf Mr.
Wm. II. Maude, and Miesi ""Nellie
Saunders. Mr. Maude, is ar prosper
ous young farmer, living $" over
in Kansas. Miss Saunders a, i young
lady of culture. Quite a Jars com
pany of invited guests were -nreseot
They were married at 7:30 and im-
mediatiy following the mwmj con-
gratulations of friends.
- i
ere la-
vited out to an elegant s
judging from the manifi
was greatly appreciated
.both couplea were m
E. J. Randall.
A by Ret.
Orange BloaMriaa.
On Wednesday evening at eight
.-1 I. -t. II.. ?K Li. f L
u ciuua, at tne rcBivw ui mo
bride's parents, Mr. aajlon. R. M.
Martin, occured the nfMrr&ge of their
only daughter, Miss jMtlle, to Mr.
Walter C. Jones, of vrfB Utah and
formerly of this cite fihe presence
of seventy-five invitfi iiests, Rev. E.
L. Ely saying the mftiie words that
made the happy caaxle one. They
received many valuwi'preseats from
their friends and watfwisaers. The
young couple are iraVf&ad favorably
known in this city, ana received the
hearty eongratulatieta of their wide
circle of associate?.
On Thursday
. Joaee, took
evening, Mr. aid
the B. & M. fiver f
their new home
in Ogden, Utah, wc
they will re
side in the futare
nd where Mr.
Jones expects at
e in the laat-
ber business. At
depot a large
number of their
ered to wish the
only over life'a :
ar friends gata-
bon voyage not
altaoas seas, but
over their length
voyage to Ogden.
gwith their many
friends, extend
cgratalations, and
wishes them mfj,
lydays of eoajug!
D1I88. 4f
;OD4 m
A few
,ffl. .
our peo
tear for
road leatwfe Co Bed Cloud.
cestion was
dav one can sec the wisdom-
B's. suggestion. If that had been
done every avenue or thoroughfare
leading to Bed Cloud would now be
in shape for teaming and fanners
would not be compelled to hunt other
markets because the roads were bad.
The subject of good roads, meaBS
volumes to this city and our business
men could do no better than to devote
their attention in that direction.
Tne Creamery.
Next Monday, the Bed Cloud
Creamery will open its doors for basi-
ness. The Chief feels a decree of
pride in the achievment of the Bed
Cloud Creamery and hopes that it
will more than pay its investors for
their trouble and capital invest! and
a big bonanza for the city. Messers
Fulton 6 Parker are young aad enter;
3 tl V
prising men ana aeserve mn me awu
tance our merchants can give the
They will start with 600 cowl. Hur
rah ! for the Bed Cload Creamery. .
. ft
a. -.i .a.
State Convention In a Nutshell.
The republican state convention at
Kearney was called to order shortly
before noon yesterday by Chairman
Mercer of the state central committee.
BradD. Slaughter of Fullerton was
made temporary chairman and F. G.
Simmons of Seward, secretary. The
temporary organization was subse
quently made permanent. Resolu
tions were adopted endorsing E. Rose
water of Omaha for membership on
the national committee and instructing
candidates for delegates-at laie to go
on record as favoring the renomination
of PresyKaTrlalrrlBOBJjidge Amasa
Cobb ofLiaeoln, L. D. Richarar"or
Freemoit, JohB L. Webster of Omaha
andE.3). Stratton were selected as
delegales-at-large for the Minneapolis
convention, and Messrs Keck, Need
ham, jXarbox and Daughtery chosen
as alternates. A resolution calling
on E&Usewaler to define his attitude
relanrf to the Republican party was
intiwiaced, but that gentleman was
notla the convention ball or city and
tho'iaatter was dropped. The course
of Beaator Paddock in his efforts on
bektJfjOf the producing classes was
inibried, as was also the McKinley
bill and Blaine's reciprocity ideas.
Tfcei convention adjourned shortly
afte? 3 p. m.
Rellcaa Convention.
fThe republicans of Webster county
hrti a rousing delegate cenyention
a't, Saturday afternoon, that for ea
tfc'aaiasB was abreast of any that has
aaca held for a good while. At 11
o'clock the convention was callfd to
older by G. W. Knight in the ab
ktnee of Dr. McKceby, the chairman
af the republican central committee.
;0a notion, Geo. W. Hummell, was
, and D.
J?. Trunkey, secretary. A committee
credentials was appointed,! in
contention adjourned until 1:30,
and tne
The convention was called to order
at 1:30 and the temporary organiza
tion made permanent.
On motion the chairman of each
delegation was selected as a com
mittee to select a list of delegates for
the various 'conventions. A recess
reconvened the committee preeeated
iTia fnllnwincr dpWatfln which, were
the following delegates which; were
duly elected: '
Holdrege C.E. Hicks, M. B. Mc
Nitt, Jas. Campbell, S. Bayless, Jnu.
May, M. Noble, Jno. Blame, Jio.
Kircherville, Chas. Hunter, 0 McCtll.
State. D. B. Spanogle, C. D. Rob
inson, J. Vance, L. B. Thcrne, G. W.
Knight J. Wrattan, Geo. Humael.
McCook L. C. Olmsted, G. W.
Hagan, D. F. Trunkey, G. W. Francis
Jos. Garber, A. Walters, Jas. McNeny
Jas. Snow, A. Galusba Jas. Anderson.
After the delegates had been elect
ed three rousing cheers were given for
President Harrison, James G. UJaine,
and the republican party.
Tho committee on resolutions then
presented the following resolution?,
which were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That the republicans
of Webster county, in convention
assembled, cordially endorse the ad
ministration of President Harrison.
Resolved, That we endorse the
Republican policy of protection as
embodied in the McKinley bill, and
congratulate the party and the suc
cess of reciprocity inaugurated by
that matchless leader James G Blaine.
The conventien then adjourned..
J. A. Tulleys. was elected deputy
grand commander of the State Com
mandery at the Grand Island meeting
of the Kaighta Templar.
iChautauqua Circle will meet with
Mrs. Warner, May 2d, 1892.
Facts about Luther. Circle.
Paper A study of the "Nibelun-
ger Lird." Mrs. Kaley.
Heading. A Dirt ot hooks, Miss
Questions on Natural History of
51aats for April and May. Mrs.
Questions: ucrmao. Mr. .Barker.
Is a ceaeeatnted extract of Sanaparnla,
YeBew foekf'FlpaiaMwa, jaalper Bentes,
Mwdrake, p&adtUon, and other valaaMe
vesetable rcflwdM, every isgredieBt aefaf
statetty pBitraa4 tbe beat.ef its kted it it
imiitlln tr -"T
lttoarejaWby tfcoroaglily eoaqeteatthar
.la tfae noet careful,
Process, iwtof to i
.i - --i .
To Itself
It will true, when in the power ot medicine,
Scrolala, Salt Kheum, Blood Poisoning,
Guceroas and all other Humors, Malaria,
Tjpbepsla, Biliousness, Sick Headache,
Otarrb, Bheomatlsm, and all difficulties
toth the Liver aad Kidneys.
It irVercomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an
Appetite, and gives great mental, nerve,
podfly, and digestive strength.
good's Sarsaparilla is sold by all dreggfets.
.'fl; six for 95. Prepared oaly by C.L Hood
tt Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
K. B. It you decide to take Hood's Banana-
U rilla do not be induced to buy any other.
100 Doses
One Dollar
I; tm
7 -.. 1 s
' ,137.50
I 3 a
h- m if ifVOO
I - ' 7 4
j -W h JL J
" IT fY00
r m
'Plirk rararawrrk
: jrm.m mm m mi w.
jUlXT dlSDiay OI fcnildreil
.' "T . tl '
little tne nicest
To ffie
fa. c.
iHvltea the Fraafrs r Webster und adjacent counties le hit
5 targe and varied stock of
Agricultural Goods
Such as W&gons, Buggies, Carts, Plows,
Harrows, Mowing; Machines. &c.
Seemm1 before buying for bargains.
DidYduEver See
As In to be
Ft m
Kaleyl Bock, -
all kinds. A
ves on hand,
fonr ojnts to pay postage
prietary Co., Blaire, Neb.,
r handsome cards and a
iebrated Aoatralian Salve,
'farm on Saturday even-
se-jear old dunn filly, and
)ise, two years old. I will
recovery or any informa-
to their recovery.
E. B. Smith.
edicines might help but to
anoe doubly sore use DeWitt's
Sarsaparilla to enrich, purify and renew
the blood. .C. L. Cotting.
- Strayed.
Una black pig, the finder please
notify, Sheffield Miller.
Good looks are .more than skin deep,
depending upon a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. If the liver be in
active yon have a billions look, if your
Kidneys be elected yob have a pinched
look. Secare gaed health and yon will
have good laeks. Xteetrie Bitters is the
great alterative aad toaie, nets directed
oa these vital organs. Cares ' pimples,
blotches, boUs, and gives a good complex
ion. Sold at Cotting's drag store 50c per
Disease never successfully attacks a
system with pare blood. DeWitt's SaX
aaparilla aukes pure, ne blood and en
riches the old. C.L' Cotting.
Suit are
and DOVS SUltS IS. a.
shown vet.
Post - office.
parsers !
as Large a Stock of
tfgaVy tfardwarg
seen at
Red Cloud, Nebr.
fine line of Gasoline
best in the land.
Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hard, af Groton. 8. D., we qnote: "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on
my longs, cough set in and finally termi
nated in consumption. Fonr doctors gave
me up saying I could live but a short time
I gave myself np U my Savior, determin
ed if I could not Btay with my friends on
earth, I would mett my absent ones abovs
My husband was advised to try Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
aid colds. I gave it a trial, took in all
eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank
God I am now a well and healthy woman."
Trial bottles free at Cotting's drug store.
Regular size uOc and $ I.
For Cab to aay Part or the City
Leave orders with J. 0. Lindley. I
will fill your orders promptly, and gie
30U good service. "
J. H. Cline, Prop.
Bucklea'sAralcea SaKe
The Best Salve in the world for cats.
Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, few
8ores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chflblaias, '
Corns, and all other Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to giTeJ' k
satisfaction or money refunded. Pnee
cents per box. For sale by L. H. Deyo. 5
Why have chills, ague and fever, safer
death and take gallons of "'"Si
to cure them. If jou keep "Hepatieare
in your home and take it to egalato and
purify the great organs of life, btood.T
er and kidneys, you win "tSV
This we will guarantee. Ii. H. ueyo.
.. -ar-A3-sf,v-