'?? -". "4 A 0 i n Farm Loans in Nebraska or Kansas D. J. 1WYERS, ' Real Estate Agent, m &&& -assw ' w w- - ' ' ' ' ' ; 7:ii-2 .-.aBaBaBBAaBBBBBBm Per cent, 5ito- 7 Yearn. Optionml tMinenta. Red Cloudi Neb. Over Deyo's Drug Store. Educational Department. D. M. HUNTER, Editor. Arbor Day was recognized in many schools. It waa tbe only nice day last week, seeming to be specially favored for tbe good work to which it had been set apart Only one Aabor Day report will be given this week. Next week, all other reports will he given attention in the Educational Column, as some bave not yet been received. ARBOR DAT AT COWLES. Tbe children obedient to the re quest of their teacher, beean gather ing early on the bright morning of April 22d, each bringing a tree which he had carefully selected to be plant ed upon the school ground. The planting began at 8 o'clock and continued until ten a. m. when it was found that 3G trees had been planted by teacher and pupils. The regular school work was then taken up and continued till noon. An intermission of two hours was then given during which the children were permitted to go into a largo field near tho school house and gather flowers. 'They went running, leaping, playing, full of childish glee, until their faces were all aglow with the healthful exercise and each little hand was filled with Nature's early emblems of love and purity. - The ohildrcn were then formed in line, and, after various exercises and evolutions in company drill, were marched to the school house joyfully singing as they went. School wad then taken up. Attcr hearing all the reading classes, the literary exercises were then taken up which lasted till four o'clock. The teacher then called upon the pupils to make nominations or se lections of trees to be voted upon for a state tree. Six varieties were chos en and voted upon three times by the children with about the same result each time; the Box Elder receiving 25 majority. The teacher and pupils thinking it would be well to choose a fruit tree to be planted in tbe school yard, the children were permitted to choose six varieties to be voted for as state tree. The cherry tree received 25 majority. The teacher then gave a short talk upon the history and importance of Arbor Day, after which the children went to their homes, feeling that it had been a day of pleasure and profit Joseph Dressbach, leacher. iliss Jessie Laird taught the fall and winter term in Dist No. 77, and commenced teaching a spring term of two months April 11th in the same district. A few years ago sod bouses and dagouts were used as school houses. They served their purpose under the ircsmstanoea at that time. Frame, bnck and stoue houses have taken their place, showing an advance in the improvement and the development of the country. Districts which have their school houses permanently located should take another step forward and put a neat fence about the school grounds. pitching posts should be set outside of ike fence". A gateway should be s arranged that no one could either ride or drive into the yard. A good time to make atrangements for fencing the grounds would be at hex aBnual school meeting. Abont the first question that will be asLediswillit pay? If you wished to buy a faim, in which district would you rather buy m? in a district in which the school home waa in geod repair, with a neat fei ce about the grounds, and trees .nd shrubbery growing thereon, or in one ib which the want of pnbhc en . : ..Q manifested bv the sorry appearance of the school house and mrr ,. .!.. thintra being saaejr. To loaniep Witches Diaaosds and Jewelry Wilhjay cash for old gold and Jsilver. Fifce watch work. Ar tistic letter, emlflem and monogram engraving. Fullline of fine watches Lclocks, jewelry aiverware spectacles and etc. H T. E. rtNMaN. fin ( pang's Drng Store. I WaatV.atay Farms Parties havinf. csjeap farm lands for sale, improved or usam proved can find buy.-rs by cathng onlD. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and Loin Agent, Bed Cloud, Neb. Garden Sjgeds. Oscar Fatmor has jsct received a BIG supply of garden teeds. Go and see him at Perkins a'l&Mitcheli's old sand. .- . Girl Want At the city bakery i Call on Jos. Herburger, Beat Terms oavFai l am now prepare farm loans at low-rat ine dcsi terms ever litis count'. Prltlle,; all or part of the art any interest par ui eat. JH The Gate City Blllllnx, Proprietors of the Red CIcul Roll er Mills want your wheat, $4L and will exchange flour for samel (mstom work a speciality. Bring yeui ffcheat or work to them, and reesivsffair treatment. aft If lou Want a Disc Harrow go to Jas. Fete; All sizes-, remember the placed James Petsbsoi:. HU it restaurant Cloud, Neb. Loans take and on reel la to pay pal at Hey QBSBa i I iA being Attention Farmers! ) I handle the celebrated Graw tour Listers, Cultivators and "plows Warranted to be the best and ocean est in town. Two minutes timeVwil change my drill from the lister to, a one horse drill. 38-4 G. W. Dow? My Lister. arc the stuff. The Scandia lister 'is the best made and can be found only at Jaaies Peterson's the Implement man, Bed Cloud, Neb. A Buggies And spring Wagons. James Peterson, the implement man has just received a fine consign ment of buggies, and spring wagons, which he will sell cheap. A safe investment. We guarantee yon trill never be sick if a coarse of "Hepati enre" is taken spring and fall. L. H. Deyo, Hail Insurance. Tbe Continental Insurance com pany will insure against hail, etc., this year and in order to protect yourselves the farmers should see A. II. Gray, Agent, Bed Cloud, Neb. Farm loans at ' lowest interest Strictly first-class loans at lower rates than has ever been given in this coun ty before. Option to pav part or all at end of any 3 ear. C. F. Catiier. That restless, nerveons, dull and heavy feeling which prevents Eleep and causes us to feel like something terrible was go ing is going to happen is all corrected by "Hepaticuro" which cures dyspepsia and consumption. L. H. Deyo. 3333 bushels of corn for which will pay highest market price. Flou given In exchange. Oscar Patmor. "The Chicago World Fair Committee' has passed a resotatioa that every persoa attending the "Fair" shall take with these a bottle or "Hepatieare" as a preventive from contracting blood, liver and kidney diseases. L.H. Deyo. Sheriff's Sale. Notice is hereby Riven that wider and "by virtne of as order of sale kesed from the office of C. B. Urone clerk or we dis trict eoart of tbe tenth Judicial district, within and for Webster county, Nebraska, upon a decree in an actios pendiag there is, wherein L. Alice Watson is plaintiff and against Hugh W. Gnllifqrd, Lacy Oelliford, George L. Onllif ord, and Mrs. Qalliford, the wife of George L. Gulliford defesdeate, I shall offer for sale at public vendae to tne highest bidder for cash in hand at the east door of the eoart hosse, at Bed Ckmd, is said Webster coasty, Ne braska, (that being the baildimg wherein the last term of said court waa holdes) on the Slit day af May, 189, at one o'clock p. m. of said day the following described property towit: The sooth ' east qaaiter of section tve 6, township No. three 8, s, range No. ten 10, west 6th p m, Webster coanty, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 29 day of April 1892. 40-30d T Geo. E. Cook. Sheriff. Hioaras fc Gabxow Bbos. Pl'tfl's Atty. Legal Notice. Notiee is hereby given that I have this day filed ay petition in the district eoart of Webster coasty, Nebraska, to change my same from Abigal Caafield to Abigal Herrick and such petition will be heard in the Dietrict eoart of Webster coasty, Ne braska, on the 31st day of May 1892. Aston. CiaraxD. Natlce ta If aa-ateeia'ent Defeat " ants. A. A. Adams, Jr. plaintiff, vs Wmr O. Cox, Rebecca Cox, Grace Sides, S. J. Whitten and iThe Bank of Bladen defendants k j Legal Notice. Albeei Smith .vs. John f eonson and '. Johnson. ict court tenth judicial dis- Webeter county, Nebraska. tor non-resident defendants. tn above named will take the plaintiff has corn- action against them jointly entitled cause, the oDiect which are to remove a cloud in the title te tbe south-east quarter of section twenty-four, town three, range sine in renter county, Nebraska, caused by atrtain defects in a certain deed to aaidand made by defendants to one James BAtkisson, and recorded in book F, on pejae 383 of the deed records of said county You ore required to an swer tbe petitaVa tied is said case on or before the 23d by of May, 1892, or the allegations in aud petition contained will be taken as tme. V J. M. CHAFFIJT, 384t n $ Jno. R. Willcox. ttorneye for plaintiff. aaei Notice Is hereby gia tae of aa order of salt ;. B. Crose. cleric of teatb judicial district. 1 eouBiy. neDrasKa, 111 peadlns therein, wl son to plaiBtiff, aad Abbs M. Klzer and U ants. I shall offer for uesicBest bidder lor door of the courthouse Sale. i amt under and by vir- from the ofllce or district court of the afeJn and for Webster areecree In an action Korman F. Thomp- Samuel B. Klzer. af. Gilbert, defend- C- public vendue to nana at the east Cloud, in said (that being tbo 01 saiu court Webster countr. Neb; httlMliw wherein tlia la.iT was noMea) on tae ;i 94ta tray af sVaw , 192. ateae o'clock p. bj. of said Am,- the following 1BCBM deKribed property towit: ttOBal ii of section thirty twelve 12 w r my haaa sorts, raBi Gives A. 1X182. aeaed T Gao.K. KALST BASKBB, FUUntlK'S isVCtbe w ay ueaam VutassBr tli-west Irac- lp one 11 6th p. m. of April, '. Sheriff. itteneys. Warner & Warren, " THE TWO JO'S " Have opened a Eeal Estate Office, AND ABE BSADT TO SELL 7017 Farm or City Property, or Auction off your Stock or House hold Goods. Have some Bargains to offer to any who call a this office, 2d Door North of F. & M. Bank, Up Stairs. GO TO THE (J5ity $akery- and Restaurant For Ire It Bread Pica All kinds of cakes, candies, Nuts, cigaro, and fresh Fruitc, etc. Meals and Lunch all hours Boarding and Lodging. Fresh Oysters and Ice Cream in Season. Red Cloud, Jos, Herburger, Prop. JVehrasJcft. at caai the district court of Webster coanty, t: mbrasKa. dface Sides, yon are hereby notified that thitre is now on file in the office of the olevk of the court of Webster coanty, Nebraska, a petition of the plaintiff you, impleaded witn tneotner nta named in the title of raid crayiss that the court may find ount due the plaintiff upon one ,te mortgage note tor tne sum or ured by mortgage made by An- uox under tne name 01 A. u. the followicx described real tted in the cofaty of Webster f Nebraska, towit: The undi- half interest of the south-west section four (4,) township e eleven (li,) west of tne eBster county, Neb-that entered by the court is said loeuur said monsTssw d tout co-defeadants: that e dsscribed nroDerty be sold os- der slid dteree: that the proceeds of such a beVjspplied toward the payment of tba?air.aant due the plaintiff upon new rsoi esta ex, ijan esssit Bsms aal stasl o: vaadnrl. qairte- ar Cthm n...ln W aosareebi caaesi fatecl Legal BTati Herod Goaaer. Heles M. tors a.i trustee, tor Clarence K. JCs Ilesse and BarBsam, Tulleya oeieBaaais, win iaae nouce inac a of March, 1862, Mary x. Food.Uw 10. lied ser muuoa is tae au Webater couBtr. Nebraska, ami f eadaata, tne object aad prayer of foreclose a certain trust deed ezi ,t.W.Tul- v.ciaretice ccempany, fcesistday x. Conger to iK. Hesse, od Oeacer and Helen lets as trustee for Clarence been duly asatinied to the Plaintiff. west half. H, of tbe south-west quart eclioB 22. la township 1. north of west of the 6th principal meridian la county. Nebraska, to secure the coudob bond with Interest coupons al said bosd dated August 1st, 1887, for the 97081 due and payable are rears froa thereof: said trust deed provided that 1 said bond or coupons are not paid whea d wlthla ten days thereafter, the whole si cored thereby may be declared to be dt payable: there Is now -due on said bond, pons aad trust deed, the sum of tass for sum with Interest tromthis date, plaintiff pi for a drcree that defendants be reauired to the same or that said premises may be sol satisfy the amount found due. Tou are required to answer raid petition or before Monday, the 3uUi day of May, 1883. imiea April zisr, uw. 3-ti 1. t. rUUISBDKO, ' Attorney for plaintiff, ft. bwibsh nere iut' court of rtaYasid de- wltoksreto BeutearMriler- aVw.Tui- WHeshas ShOS'.tllP H.of ASM 12. wsester Barasst of Alehed. aunei JUate e or isjise-isU-id aak 1. 1 ssaaaaaasBBBBBBBT JtsV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagjfsajaaj jjaj-; HO THERE J. O. BUTLER, -THE- HARNESSMAN Is better prepared tliau ever to sell you all kinds of harness collars, sadlery, etc la tbe Tinker Brtlldlns:. lie Iiai the arcet Mock la thin part of tli rail It and, will make It au ludiicomeiit to trade wltb lilnt. High-bied Stallion agasastyo thesasv. Terms to suit customers. SADA J. BAILEY, Agt. interest and the costs of .that any right, tiUe, lien lorobuBMd bryrxLor r any of your codefend- 1 premises be sijaogea renor 10 tne piainuas said forecl or intei either ant8,i to be jut mortg; louareasAaWnirtner so vou are reasauital answer ssietMitran of the plaiBfastunrcsslerstte aoth'tttsy of May, 18401'fnat if you fail to an swer the same on or before said daj, the facts and allegations contained in said pe tition will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered as therein prayed for. i James McNestj 464t v Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue of an order of sale issued from the orttce of C, B. Crone clerk of tbe district court of the 1&.B Judicial district within and for Webster county Nebraska, upon a decree in an action: pending, therein, wherein L. Alice AVatson ts plaintiff, and acxlnst Hush W. Guilford, Lucy Uulliford, George L. Gulliford and Mrs. Gulllford. the wife of George L. Uulliford, defendants. I shall offer for sale at public ven due, to the behest bidder for cash lu hand, at the east door of the court house at Red Cloud la said Webster county, Nebraska, that being the building wbereia the last terra of said court waa holden. on tbe 31st day arMay; 18t9, at one o'clock P.m. of said day. the following described property to-wit: The soath-east quarter of section ten. In township one. nerth of range twlre. west of the cth p.m. la Webster omnty, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 29th day of April. 1893. . -v . Geo k cook. Sheriff, 40-a0d T Tlv A .1 Tnmllnnti.llin HIgRlns & Gariow Bros., Pl't'ff's Att'ys. FURNITURE AND AUCTION SALE ! SHI3KLE & AULTZ, Props. Dealers in NEW AND SECOND - HAND FURNITURE, investigate The high bred Morgan stallios, Blsck Eawk Chief 4th, will make the season at the stable of J. c Holoomb on Elm street, rear of Holland bouse. He is a very stylish, showy horse, and carries more Morgan blood than any horse in the state. Breed to good horses, raise good colts and no longer complain of low prices. FKDIOBEE: Black Hawk chief 4 was trad bv 8. 8. Hitchchek of Walaia. Iffina- aire Tearnly's Blade Hawk chief 8 byi Kaek Hawk chief 2 bead by'Jadm.Mrtp'" .m a-2l.v . JKy&MM.AKsv v. L.rWiaMt I ui amumvmsjt totsvubsi wiirsusrc Hawk by 8VnMs?JP by Jaatin LMWi Trjaniinr or the Morgan lam sdfTiady Messenger; 2d by Young itasabtetonian; 3d dam by Bishop namble- tomian;4th dam the Front Mare by uifford Morgan by Woodbury's morgan by Justin Morgan, it win be seen taat mack Hawk chief 4th traces back to Justin Morgan on the sires side twice as the front mare does also, and carried the nambletonian blood represented bp Bishop's Bambletonian and Toang sanbletonian Terms on application at above stable. A. ARNESON, Owner J. C. HOLcoMB, Manager. 4 la the Stern Building. Ne shall have bargains that will pay you to . in -rii uonnrl-TiOTirl onorl-mnTif I AUCTION EVERY SATURDAY. Ql Saturday commencing at 1 P. M we shall have auction, tito wlncli we invite tlie public who are interested t in procuring good bargain?. vfve buy mid sell Sccond-haad Goads on voHiuiixsion. 4: StWrWlK"Krr -m a. m-WTmnrr KIMM.M.XWJULMJJU MP JM.MJJLJ.JEJ. T Sheriff's Sale wntfaw I hereby eiren that under and by vir tue of aa order of sale issued frem tne office of C. B.Croue. clerk of the district court of the tSBth judicial aistnct wiunn ana ior n euier oeunty, Nebraska upon a decree lu an action Mndin, therein, wherein P. S. McOulre Is ptaintlSand asainst Alonzo M. Freelove and bU Freelove et al are def endaats. I shall cer for sale at public vendue, to the kiaheH bidder, for'caablnnand.attheeast door of the court boweatlted Ooud in said Webster county, Nebraska, that being the bulldinx wherein the laatterm et said court was holden. on the 2Cth dayof April 1SBK at ose o'clock p. m. of said day the isllowlik described property tpyiitz lots three 3. aadf our 4, In block pae 1. ance;sflrst additSB to the town of Guide Koek In Vehster couBti, Nebraska, Glren under ny hand this rddai of March 1333. . swt GK). E. Cook, aheriff. Jambs HcNbky, MaintilTs Attorney. ThUsrtepoetpoBed till May 3d 18S2 at the saae hoar and place, for want of bidders. UEOBOE E.COON, Sheriff. RED CLOUD TRANSFER LINE S. X COZ&B, Proprietor. All hauling intrusted to me will be promptly attended to. ipKDIBE FLOim AHB 1SEBI9 OSCAR PATMOE, Has Moved his Flour and Feed Store of the Perkins & Mitchei buildino . Nothing but the best goods kept Call see me when yon want anything in my line an m eqial? 4 H lSI