The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 29, 1892, Image 2

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A. C. HOSMER, Publisher.
Butlek CousTr, Pa., has a genius
who dreams the correct location of oil
XEAn-siQirris hereditary, but a larger
percentage prevails among blondes than
The quantity of air a man breathes
In twenty-four hours would fill seven
Amoxg English people dark-brown
hair is more than twix as common as
hair of any other shade.
Ox an average there are 100
"born to every 100 girls; but more
die in infancy than girls.
Tim Empress Eugenie paid 1,000
francs ($200) per ounce for a braid of
hair that exactly matched her own."""'
To be perfectly proportioned it is said
that a man should weigh twenty-eight
pounds for every foot of.' his neijjht.
The wife of Emil Ilolmb, thcUustrian
explorer in Africa, has :'jceivetl a gold
medal from Emperor Friiicis Joseph in
recognition of her braverjpn her "wed-
uiuj; luur in Ainco. ?
The only town in AfrictVihat has the
lionor of being named fromaii American
president is Monrovia of ''Liberia. It
was founded
in W3 dunnrthe presi
dency of James Monroe and was nafccd
in his honor. ' H&
Ax eminent physician is reported as
saying and if true it ought te'bc gem-
rjiiiy Known "ine nest remedy i
blcedinir at the nose is a vin-nwiic:
tion of tlie jaws as if in the act ot'masti
cation. In the case of a child a -wad of
paper should be placed in its mouth,
and the child instructed to chew it hard.
It is the motion of the jaws that stops
the flow of blood." A
Experiments in instantaneous pye
lography have proved that the shots
not only spread out, comet-like, as they;
fly, but they string out one behind the"
other to a greater distance than they
spread. Thus, with a cylinder gun,;
when the first shot of a charge reaches;
n target that Ls forty yards away the'
last shot is lagging along ten yards be
hind.'' Even with the choke-bore gun
Rome of the shot will lag behind eight
yards in forty.
The wind would have to be very
strong indeed if it were to perceptibly
accelerate the speed of a fast train, for
even iD the most violent gales it does
not blow at so great a rate as fifty or
6uity miles an hour, except in brief
gusts. If it did, scarcely any buildings
could withstand its force. It stands, of
course, to reason that for a train to be
helped by the wind to any material ex
tent it would be necessary for the wind
to proceed at a greater rate than the
(Iex. O. O. Howakd is preparing to
write a life of President Zachary Tay
lor and has been at work for nearly a
year gathering material therefor. Re
cently he was in Louisville, where he
went to consult Gen. Thomas Taylor re
garding the disputed date of '"Old Rough
and Ready's"' marriage. He found the
court record fixing the date of the cere
mony June 10, 1S10, and found also the
log house on the bank of Harrod's
creek, where the ceramony was per
formed. Mr. George V. Cable, the American
-author, was at one time a book-keeper
in a counting housein New Orleans. He
had to work from carry morning till late
at night for a miserabby inadequate
wage. While he was there Scribner's
accepted his first story of Creole life.
His opportunities for writing were very
few, and it was eight years from the
time that Mr. Cable first wrote for
Scribner's before he began his first
serial. He is in very different circum
stances now.
TnE celebration of marriage, partly
In churches and partly outside them,
was first ordered by I'ope Innocent III.
in 1190. All the ancient missals direct
that toward the conclusion of the serv
ice the parties shall enter.the church as
far as the step of the altar. The great
er portion of the ceremony was thus
performed in the south porch, still often
called in country districts the "wedding
door." It was only in the reign of
Edward VI. that the whole of the cere
mony was allowed to be performed in
the middle of the church.
Dr. Livixgstoxe once said he had
walked for weeks through a region in
Africa where a lake ought to be, ac
cording to the maps. Joseph Thomp
son reported when he returned to En
gland awhile ago, that, if the maps
were accurate, he had been sleeping in
the middle of Lake Bangweolo; and
now Mr. Fortin writes that there is
something wrong with the big island
mapped in the Gulf of Paria, on the
northeast coast of Venezuela, for he
has walked all over it, and is unable to
find where it is detached from the main
A family now living at Helena, Mont,
possesses bones so brittle that they are
broken by the most tri-ial accidents.
H. A. Nelson, at one time chief law
clerk of the general land ofiice at Wash
ington. D. C. is the father of the family.
Harold, his thirteen-year-old son. had
his arm broken in two places recently
by falling off a sled, and this is but the
latest of a number of such casualties
that have befallen him. He broke his
right forearm in two places by failing
on a sidewalk in Washington, and prc--vious
to that broke his right leg while
driving in New Orleans, and also his
shoulder-blade. Mr. Nelson's first boy,
who died at the aga of five, had six of
his bones broken. His next child,
.Argyle, had four bones broken, and
jlftrnld has scored six breaks.
Gleaned By Telegraph and MaiL
Mrs. M. G. Harris, of Venice, was
present at fort--nine battles and skirm
ishes of the late ci7il war as a nurse.
Private Secretary Halford has re
sumed his duties at the White house.
i He is still very weak, however, from
his recent illness.
Rear Ami. George E. Helkxap has
been assigned to duty as president of
the board of inspection and survey at !
m asningion.
Chief Engineer N. B. Clark, U. S.
N., retired, died at his residence in
Washington on the 18th. He was the
inventor of the deflective armor now
used on war ships of all nations.
Rev. Henrv Allen, 1). D., a noted
British Congregational minister.died on,
the ISth. For twenty-two" years htt was
editor of the British Quarterly review.
He had twice been elected chairman of
the Congregational union.
MissHenrietta Louise Brewer,
daughter of Justice Brewer, of the
United States supreme court, and Mr.
James Lawson Karrick, of Boston, were
married at Washington on the night of
the lbth in bt John's church, Dr. Doug
lass performing the ceremony.
The war department was informed
on the 19th of a slight revival of the
Garza insurrectionary movement in
Texas and that troops have gone to the
scene of the late outbreak.
The senate on the 19th, in executive
session, ratified the convention provid
ing for the renewal of the existing mo
dus vivendi in Behring sea.
The anti-lottery democratic ticket,
headed by Murphy J. Foster, was elect
ed in Louisiana on the 19th.
A. W. Barrett, of Los Angeles, has
been selected as the successor of Maj.
Bonebrake, of the California board of
managers of national soldiers' homes.
Mrs. Sarah J. Richards, surgeon
general's nurse, in charge of field hos
pitals of the Second army corps during
the war of the rebellion, died on the
itth, aged 72 years.
'Gen. Stanley, commanding the de
partment of Texas, has reported to
Gep. Schofield that the grand jury of
Dujal county, Texas, has ignored the
changes made against the United States
troops and state troops in connection
wUlwthe Garza campaign. The grand
ju y f reported that they had1 investi
'ga -c-tlithe charges and found absolutely
not Hifc&in them.
Xit '-Gladstone has written a parn-hK-.
Al which he gives his reasons for
oppo iin the enfranchisement of women.
VTh.: republicans of Massachusetts and
PennFylifenia met on the 30th and clect
cddclegates to Minneapolis.
KMT- uboroe uray, lor many years
geaaral counsel of the northern Pacific
railroad ami one of the leading mem
bers of theNew York bar, is dead of
Eugene HlfcCowLES, eldest son of the
late EaiviL Ofcwlcs, for years the editor
of theCkvekind Leader, died at El
Paso, Tex., vvfiere he had gone for his
health. Mr. Bowles was 38 years ofage.
Gen. Aj.G. Ejkvards died recently at
his home'ln Firewood, Mo. He was 80
years of age an a prominent federal
ofticer, a gMdrtti.of West Point and a
citizen who hat had a long and success
ful businesscar c Mr. Edwards mar
ried a cousinof President Lincoln, and
was appointed urn assistant treas
urer of the UaiU-dvjStates with head
quarters in the subtfeasury of St Louis,
a position he held until near the close
of IVesidentCleTJEdaaffs administration.
The president'jhas nominated Nathan
O. Murphy, of Arizoi&to be governor
of Arizona, vice John X.mrwin, resigned.
of the president ?f
teraala, was
married the otherXday
Senor Jose
Martinez de Roda. afEp."
ih nobleman,
at tne magnincenre. l
bride, S. Fifth aveam
ee of the
ew York.
The ceremonies forthireSwere two,
both civil and relifiou wivere wit
nessed by only a fevfeof the intimate
friends of the bride anigi ooaii and yet
it was one of the mostkbrillflant wed
dings that has occurreoVin 2&w York
for years. '
Indiana Democrats in torn cation in
dorsed (I rover Cleveland aM n.afc Gray
the second choice. 1j& ,
News from Matte Crossc,Brc.zHHs to
the effect that rcvo1utionist4intetid to
offer determined resistance tejtl.e gov
ernment troops. All the steamers on
the Panama river have been gelzeitby
the insnrgents. $-s
Owing to the difficulties fKat have
been encountered in reconstructing tlie
Italian cabinet, all the mcmbejjs'of the
ministry which resigned, with e sx
ception of Signor Colombo, minister ot,
finance, met and decided to witMra v.
their resignations and remain in Ojflci.
It was also decided to largely redueafthu
military expenditures and expenditures
for the colonies.
Prof. Schurman, professor of
losophv at Cornell university, has
offered the presidency of the university
of California at Berkeley. Cal. j.
for ten years was assistant superinte:
dent of the Chicago city schools, is de
Dr. Burroughs was born in Stanford, N,
Y., in ISIS.
The board of trade of San Francisco
has tendered a banquet and reception to
C. P. Huntington, to take place at an
early date.
EiGirrsquaresof the town of Kenosha,
Wis., were destroyed by fire on the I9th.
Muxoz, the dynamite maker, has con
fessed to the magistrate at Madrid,
Spain, that at a secret meeting of an
archists lots were drawn to decide
which member should kill the boy king
of Spain.
The heaviest earthquake experienced
in California since 18fc, was felt in the
central portion of the state on the 19th.
The towns of Vacaville, Dixon and
Winters suffered losses estimated at
SilO.000. There was no loss of life.
The collections of the internal
revenue during the first nine months of
the fiscal year ending June 30, S92,
were $1 13,302,000, an increase of ?4.777,-
CSC compared with the receipts during
corresponding period of .the present
il year. VM : V ."'
A severe blizzard passed over Great
Britain on tlie lGth. Snow and sleet in
terfered with railroad and telegraph
The pension payments from the 1st to
the 20th of April amounted to 10,500,000
and that of the refund of the direct tax
to over $1, 000,000. The consequence
was that the treasury balance fell to
Great destitution is reported in the
counties of Starr, Hidalgo, Encinal
Zapata and Duval in .southwest Texas,
owing to severe drought
The treasury department is informed
that 540 Chinamen were landed at Vic
toria, B. C, on the 20th, the majority of
whom are presumably bound for the
United States. Orders were according
ly issued to immigrant inspectors and
customs officials along the Canadian
border to look out for these people to
prevent thir entering this country in
violation ofit'ie'law.
By the trading of a colliery seven
miles from Xjoersville, Pa., eight men
lost their live. r
Three mor shocks of earthquake
were experienecd in California on the
Tins Indiana eVle'eation to the demo
cratic national 'convention will vote for
Cleveland for prte'deat
The AmericanTjrjoVernmcnt has re
fused to reduces' he, transportation
charges on New Icaland mail by the
way of San Fran'iikoon the ground
that it already pays'at aaore than it re
ceives. California experienced three earth
quake shocks within iveek.
James Cochran, of &esc Moines, la.,
shot and killed his decreed wife and
W. T. Davis, her lover. feHe- then com
mitted suicide, ryt
James Palmer has'jjfen? arrested
in New York by a Central ofiice
detective, charged with.the,I larceny
of foO.000 from the fifai.jjof Tif
any & Co. on Union squap;.Palmer
was captured at his wareroois,''l3 West
Seventeenth street, and whenfie learned
that his misdeeds had. been baid out
he exclaimed, "O, my God, I wyh'I had
shot myself." He acknowledged, his
guilt to Inspector Steers at polite head
quarters. p
John Hartnup, the astronomerWt the
Mersey harbor observatory, wasltilled
by falling from the observatory.
Eugene Kaufman, postmaster at.
Reisel, Tex., was assassinated byt:vo
negroes. He was investigating a rioise
near his store when he was confronted
by two negroes, who shot him dead akd
then fled.
A delegation of colored men waitea
on the president the other day in regard)1
to lynchmgs in the south. !
The house judiciary committee have
discussed at some length the resolution
offered by Representative Watson, of
Georgia, for an inquiry as to the methods
followed by the Pinkerton detective
agency. The resolution was recom
mitted to the subcommittee, consisting
,of Messrs. Oates, Broderick and Wol
verton. Dr. Albert II. Cable, a physician of
Dayton, 0., who has been addicted to
the opium habit, committed suicide by
shooting, the other day. He was un
married and a protege of the late Mrs.
Thomas Ster, sister of the late Gen.
George Crook.
Judge Claiborne, of St Louis, says
snit clubs are lotteries.
The government lot sale at Hot
Springs, Ark., is over. The sale real
ized $74,720.
Cincinnati carpenters and bosses have
settled their difficulties for tlie coming
two years.
A fire in a three-story tenement at
St Petersburg caused the death of
twenty-four persons.
Fushnagel, of Bochuio, has com
menced a suit against Prince Bismarck,
asking damages for alleged libel. The
action arises from expressions used by
Prince Bismarck regarding the charges
Heir Fushnagel made in 1890 against
Banaar, director of the great iron and
steel association ofBochum. It was
proved that the charges were unfounded
and on June 19, 1891, Fushnagel was
imprisoned and sentenced to five months'
imprisonment The expressions then
and afterward used by Prince Bismarck
concerning Fushnagol afford the basis
for the present action.
The counting of the votes polled in
New Orleans at the general election
held on the 19th has been completed
and is as follows: For governoi: Mc
Enery, 18,701; Foster, 11.7SC; Leonard,
5,670; Breaux, 2,716; Tannchill, 74.
McGuire, the murderer of Mrs. Greg
ory, at Newburg, N. Y.t has been sen
tenced by Judge Bartlette to suffer
death by electricity in Sing Sing state
prison some time in the week begin-
g June 0.
The national silver committee hasde-
idedto call a national bimetallic con-
tion to meet in Washington on
ursday, May 26.
les D. Smith, a wealthy resident
ew York, was found dead in his
in the Palace hotel, San Francisco,
1-avlng shot himself during the night.
Representative Bryan, of Nebraska,
his afcked the house committee on ap
propriations to grant a hearing to a
of the Grand Army of the
osts of Nebraska in opposi
appropriation of f 100,000 for
entof the Grand Army
blic at the encanf Ttt at
Hearing will beT'yMed.
est has accepted" $i
ur vuiumutMicr ih
has UpowriIy filled the
cejiiinster by the as
signor Luzatti, the minis
ter of the treasury.
One of the Wyoming cattlemen held
as a prisoner wrote a letter to a friend
and which was found on his person, in
which he said that it cost over $3,000 to
kill Champion and Ray, and that hired
assassins were to receive $0 a day and
fo0 for every man killed.
Is the senate on the 22d the urgency
deficiency bill with amendments was
passed. The pension of veterans of the
war with Mexico, totally disabled for
manual labor, was increased from 88 to
S12 per month. The Chinese exclusion
bill was discussed by Mr. Chandler. In
the house the Noyes-Rockwell election
contest was ended'in favor of Rockwell.
4 uminmiee
Won "owe
i ihc e nrtainm
eth) dbu
SFB&h k r Bni
niNi.' UJtB
pot icBign
ffiKacu, fcd
PW oflMM
hrntk Democrats.
Tlie democratic state invention to
choose delegates to Chicago met at
Omaha on the ISth. The opening
scenes were quite stormy, thcte being
two sets of delegates from Douglas,
Cheyenne, Cuming and Hitchcock coun
ties. After the convention assembled
Judge Batty was made temporary chair
man. After the committee on creden
tials had been appointed the contesting
delegations took their case before it
and the matter occupied the attention
of the committee nearly all night, pend
ing which the convention after hearing
several speeches adjourned until morn
ing. Upon reassembling the report of
the committee on credentials was favor
able to the Boyd delegates and they
were seated. The delegates from the
various congressional districts selected
the following district delegates to the
Chicago convention: Robert Clegg,
N. S. Harwood, John Creighton,
Charles Ogden, J. P. Latt, T. Hale.
Matt Miller, C. F. Cook, R. A. Batty, F.
H. Shearman, J. F. Crocker and J. II.
Dahlraan. A resolution indorsing Cleve
land and instructing the delegates to
the national convention to vote for him
was presented. An amendment was
made eliminating the instructions of
the delegation, and the resolution was
then passed. The convention ratified
the district delegates chosen and se
lected Gov. Boyd, Tobias Carter, Judge
W. II. Thompson and Milton Doolittle
delegates at large. The resolutions de
clare adherence to the national demo
cratic platform of 1SS4 and the tariff
message sent to congress by President
Cleveland; denounce the Mclvinley tar
iff bill; favor liberal pensions to dis
abled veterans and their widows and
orphans, and the regulation of railroads
and rates by the state. A free silver
resolution, offered by Congressman
Bryan, was defeated by 2S9 yeas to 247
The old settlers of Gibbon held their
twenty-first reunion on the 7th.
A citizen of Randolph recently
sampled a bottle of aconite in a drug
store and came near dying. He thought
it was whisk-.
The Dunkards of the state held a
business meeting at Juniata on the 7th,
with representatives present from all
parts of the state.
t The other day Vinton Balinbaugh, a
(fireman on the Fremont, Elkhorn fc
iMissouri Valley railroad, shot and
killed himself in his room at Fremont
Me was twenty-three years of age and
no cause could be riven for the deed.
I At a late mass meeting of the citizens
rarf Lincoln, Gen. John M. Thayer, pre-
4"ding, resolutions were adopted pro
wsting against the passage of the bill
i" Jnn
uciore congress appropriating ciuu,-
to defray the expenses of the next
Grand'Army encampment, to be held at
WatbiHirton. Nebraska members of
d , . , , . ,
conjrneas were requested to vote against
me mu, ana a protest win oe maue oe
fore'aie house appropriation committee.
Mrs. Fred Miller and Mrs.
lockhard attempted to interfere
ily quarrel between Fred Herd-
Lhiswife at Lincoln the other
ran into the house and be-
omen could get out of range
,he contents of a shotjrun at
women were hit in the
groin am
dangerous wound inflicted
on a two-i
car-old child. Herdlin was
overpowerem by several neighbors and
terribly beaten. The women were in a
critical condV'on.
Over twenty years ago Elder Jason
G. Miller adopted from a foundling
hospital in Chicago a baby girl and took
her to his homdat Lincoln. He died in
California threeionths ago, leaving an
estate valued at500.000, largely real
estate in Lincol
the meantime the
girl, against the
ishes of her foster
parents, married,
Lewis. Elder M
injr Mrs. E. O.
r Jeft a will be-
queathing the la
part of his wealth
to charity and. n
to his daughter,
and Mrs. Lewis
brought suit for
half the estate.
TnE other night
chant of University
M. olf, a mer-
ee, was
roused I
by a noise at his front Moor, and seizing
a gun and light, procaf ded to investi
gate. The would-be bwrrlar fled, and
Mr. Wolf blew out the liftt and started
back to his bedroom. InVne meantime
his wife had arisen anl was in the
kitchen pulling down a
when her husband came
dow blind,
the room.
Supposing she was an acco
lice of the
other fellow attempting
scape Mr.
Wolf fired, the ball going so
ar-to its
mark that the powder burnt
Site .;r..v
W W ItV. 0
nccK. ,! tt
During the late storm Mfa. Van
cleave, a young bride, accompljkied. by
her husband, were passengers tnn'the
wesi-rjounu train on me vneye.
m . a aT- m- "
As the train began to make itswa
the fierce blizzard that was rag;
the west part of the state the com
requested passengers to take the
ing car, thinking he would drop
coach in case the snow became too
The newly married couple unde:
pass from one car to the other while
IL.11LI nua ui uiuuuu. imtu jnr.
: ,. : n:n-. m,, "r T,
cleave stepped upon the platform of tfe.
car the train was moving at a speed
twenty-five miles an hour and.
blowing a humcauei Jpi?a&proked
up by the windjaarfpTicd" from the
train. JhirHffTjTV" n rl pulled the bell
cpitfontt cried that his wife was killed.
frkS'train was stopped and backed up
to the place where the lady fell, when
she was discovered standing on the
track signaling the train. She had
miraculously escaped in jury.
Frank Moore, a deaf mute, has beeD
jailed at Beaver City upon the charge
of attempting to murder his father.
Moore is about twenty-four years old
and of a morose disposition. His reason
for the crime was to gain possession of
the old gentleman's property.
Ccyler Sciiuivrz, who was found
guilty at Grand Island of the murder of
J. P. Farr, has been sentenced to be
hanged. The hanging will take place
July 19.
Geoboe Johsson", a laborer employed
in the quarries at South Bend, was seri
ously injured the other afternoon by a
derrick falling upon him, striking him
in the small of the back.
in a fate
lin and!
day Herfllin
fore thew
he fired t
A Heavy Snow Storm Interferes With the
Troop In W.vomliiR No TIiHiirs of the
1'rlsoners Montana Cattlemen Denounce
the ItUKtlers.
Douglas, Wyo., April 21. A severe
snowstorm, which has raged without
intermission since Sunday night, has
killed hundreds of young calves and
man- weak cows and sheep. Cattle
men pronounce it the worst since the
spring of 18SG and the end is not yet,
for it was still snowing last night Col.
Van Horn, with three companies of
cavalry, are en route for Douglas as
guard to the cattlemen captured at tlie
T. A. ranch a week ago.
A stage driver just in from the north
and private letters received here from
Buffalo last night state that the troops
left Fort McKinney Sunday morning.
Howard Roles, deputy sheriff of John
son county, is in charge of the prison
ers, who, therefore, are really in the
hands of civil authorities, under mili
tary protection. Col. Van Horn, when
he left Buffalo, expected to reach Doug
las by Friday, but the severe storm,
coupled with the terrible condition of
the roads, has undoubtedly made
it impossible to make tlie trip
in that time. The expedition
camped Sunday night at Crazy
Woman's crossing, and were to make
Powder river Monday night They prob
ably got as far as Seventeen Mile stage
station Tuesday night, and were at Sand
creek, about sixty miles from here, last
night They cannot possibly reach
Douglas before noon Saturday. They
may send a courier ahead, however, and
have a special train meet tliera at old
Fort Fettennan, ten miles north of
here, where they will probably drive ,
Friday night. In that case the prison
ers will reach Cheyenne Saturday morn
ing. The fact that Deputy Sheriff Roles is
with the party is believed here to guar
antee them from ambush or attack en
route. It is believed that the so-called
avengers have decided to let the law
take its course and will make no hostile
Dr. Penrose, of Philadelphia, who ac
companied the invaders for part of their
journey us surgeon, will have a hearing
before the district court today.
the rustlers denounced.
Miles City, Mont, April 21. The
Miles City Stock Growers' :issociation
of Montana, at its meeting yesterday,
took formal action in regard to the
operations of cattle and horse thieves.
A number of members of the Montana
association live close to the Wyoming
boundary and many of them were in
Miles City to-day. The following was
unanimously adopted:
"Whereas, a considerable portion of the
range country is infestei with cattle thieves,
commonly designated rustlers, who have been
depredating and appropriating the property of
the legitimate stockmen settlers to their own
use and have organized in certain of the range
country and threatened the liberty and lives
of the legitimate stock raisers and settlers of
the country; the Montana Stock Grower's
association hereby declare and give notice
to ine aoore mennoneu mieves inai iney
must desist from depredating upon the legiti
to the abore mentioned thieves that they
mate stock raisers of Montana as the associa
tion of stock raisers will not tolerate their
species of work on Montana boll: the associa
tion pledges its honor and its support to the
stock raisers: it will assist them in every way
possible to suppress this chiracter of crime,
and hereby instructs the executive committee
of the association to see that the withes of this
association be carried out in every particular.
Wild Humor an to Troubles Which Iirk
Couiirmtttioa und Are Very Likely Un
true. Ei.rexo, Ok., April 21. From all
over the new country come rumors oj
warfare and violent deaths. Absolute
confirmation of these wild stories is
lacking, however, in every case and the j
most of them are utterly groundless.
Most men in Elreno and those return
ing from the open lands are willing to
wager that the rush into the Cheyenne
and Arapaho lands has resulted in the '
death of no man, but all manner of
stories come in none the less.
reached a total of twenty men killed. J
There was a tale of fourteen men slain
in a pitched battle in county II. It was
to this county that the rival colonies ol
allied Texans and Arkansans and the
men from Kansas went. War be
tween these two was predicted from
the start. Late this afternoon the story
came in how the two opposing bands
fought viciously at Rossraore, the new
town site, with a result of fourteen
dead. It was a struggle for possession
of the town, the stories said.
Then it was declared that southwest
of this city sooners had fired on troops,
a battle had ensued and a sooner was
killed. Xo such affair, however, was
reported at Fort Reno, to which post
couriers are to be sent from all detach
ments at everv unusual occurrence.
Sipole .Sentenced to Four Year' Confine
ment ami Lizzie DeunU to Two Years In
the Penitentiary.
ICvxsa8 City, Mo., April 21. Hun
dreds of men crowded the criminal
court room to see the ending of the
celebrated licals abduction case. They
heard Melvin D. Sipole, known as Al
bert King, tell the story of the
crime. He pleaded guilty and
the penitentiary for four years.
was sentenced to connncment m
wizzie Dennis, with sobs and suppressed
emotion, also told of her participation
in the abduction of the child. When
the woman's story was ended she was
sentenced to two years in the peniten
tiary. She had to be supported by Mar
shal Stewart and a deputy while the
words were pronounced and then be
came hysterical and was taken to the
marshal's ofiice. She was taken to the
jail in Independence.
Masachnetts Kepublican.
Boston, April 21. The republican
state convention for the selection of
four delegates at large and four alter
nates to the national convention at Min
neapolis on June 21 was held in Tre
mont Temple to-day.
The platform indorses protection as
the greatest of blessings and commends
reciprocity treaties and commended the
administration of President Harrison in
tha heartiest terms.
The committee on ballots reported
that Messrs. Crane, Crapo, Cogswell and
Brackett had received the requisite
number of ballots and tbaywere thexw'
fore declared elected.
Doesn't "look" as she oarjhit
tho weak, nervous and ailing wo
man. is long as sho suffers from
the aches, pains, and derangements -peculiar
to her sex, sho can't ex
pect to.
But there's only herself to blame..
TVith Dr. Pierce's Favorito Pre
scription, she's a different woman.
And it's a change th:it can he seeir.
as well as felt. The system is in
vigorated, tho blood enriched, di
gestion improved, melancholy and
nervousness dispelled.
With the "Favorite Prescription,"
all the proper functions are restored
to healthy action. Periodical pains, .
weak back, bearing-down sensations,
nervous prostration, all "female
complaints" are cured by it. It's
tho only medicine for woman's
weaknesses and ailments that's
guaranteed to do what is claimed
for it. If it doesn't cive satisfac-
I tion, in every caso for which it's rec-
oininenueu, uie money is returned.
Can something else offered by
the dealer, though it may pay hin
better, bo "just as good"?
"I have been afflicted with bilious
ness and constipation for fifteen years,
and first one and then another prep
aration was suggested to me and.
tried, but to no purpose. A friendi
recommended August Flower and
words cannot describe the admira
tion in which I hold it. It has given
me a new lease of life, which before
was a burden. Its good qualities-.-and
wonderful merits should be mader
known to everyone suffering with
dyspepsia and biliousness." jESSEi
Barker, Printer, Humboldt, Kas.
jou can't And a SUITABLE SUIT for
your boy at your HOME STORE, sent
$3.00 to us and we will express to jou,.
CHARGES TREPAID, one of onr cele
brated "O. R. S." KSEE PANT SUITS,
ages 5 to 14 years; made single onu
I double breasted WITHOUT PLEATS of-
ALL WOOL fabrics. Pants-
made with DOUBLE SEATS and KNEES,
perfect in fit and would cost you $7.00
at your HOME STORE. This offer to
SUIT ONLY in order to Introduce it to
our ont of town patrons. Find out your
boy's size; mention color preferred (no
solid colors) and send ns $5.00 and ire-
Tvi11 do tho rest
rAM IkU rAMJl mwmj te. J sum.
We Offer You Ieuicdy
ichtcH Insure Sttfety to
Life of Mother and Child.
Jtobm Confinement of its
Pain, Horror and Mimic.
After nslnir on bottle of - Mnthrra Friend" 1
offered bat little palu. ami did not experience that
wcnknrss afterward nunl In men cases. Mrs.
AK'IEtiACE.Imar.M4..Jan. ISth. 1331.
Sent by expre. cbarce prepaid, on receipt nV
price t'ZO per buttle. Uwt to Mothers mailed freo.
Tiny Liver Pills
w tlmnlat thatornlcl Ilvoi ttrnrthrn '
the- digest Ire organs, regulate tho
bowels, and are anequalcd an an antI-B
billons medicine. In malarial districts
their virtues are widely recognized as
they possess peculiar properties Inf'
freeing tho system from that poison.
Price. a5c. Office. 39 Parlt Place, y.Y.,
S a perfect imitation of nature; Imposs-
ible to detect it. Price, SI per box.
When you buy Flags you
want the best. Government
Standard is the best; the
largest flag dealers in the U.
S. are G. W. SIMMONS
& CO., Oak Hall, Boston,
Mass. Dealers in Military
Uniforms. Write for a.
Rag Catalogue.
DEHCMIC PmAnSoMfmXdlMblcd. Cfeeforln
rr,tHalUIIJ creae.STtar experience. Laws frc.
4. W. IcCOUICX SeiS.H'MUactM. . C I Qui II. Cfe
rxuu ma runM aamva
' an?jug