s Sn&aSaaH - - SJI H r f .,4 . P By A. C. Hosmf.r. WIENER CAN FIT THE BIG- LITTLE FAT AWD EI IN EVERYTHING TO WEAR. What is l mb vB aavB a 'b v JIB Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotic suhstance. It is a harmless suhstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use hy Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. -" Castoria. " Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the lct remed y for children of vhichIainacquainU.iL I hope tho day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real kiterest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrumswhich are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothinj syrup and other hurtful cents down their throats, thereby sending Cham to premature Braves." Do. J. F. EnrcnxLox, Conway, Ark. Tka Catau Caaur, TJ M 1 Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is i&yk I' Castoria. " Castoria is bo well adapted to children that I recommend it assuperiortoany prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, 2L D., Ill So. Oxford St, BrooklF-v. Y. Our physicians in the children a epart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice tiith Castoria, and although wo only have anions cur medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we ara free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital asd Dispcysinr, Boston, Mass. Aixex C. Siirrn, Pre., j Street, Mew York City. Red Cloud, Webster County, Tnc Xcxl Congressman. At the republican convention held in this county this week the delega tion to the congressional convention at McCook were instructed to use all honorable means to secure the nomi nation of Hon, J. D. Gage, for con gressman for this district. Wc are happy to say that the motion was passed by a nuanimous vote, which indicates the high esteem that the people of this county have for him. Wc-cannot say anything new about this gentleman to the people of Franklin county, from the simple fact that lie was. one of the pioneer settlor.; of this count', having located here in '71, has virtually grown up with our people and is probably better known than any other man' within our borders. He has beeu a life-long worker in the republican party, always gladly contributing his talent and means for the support bf'its candidates. Should he be fortunate enough, to secure the nomination at McCook convention, the republicans will have a candidate who they can point to with pride and know for a fact that he can be de pended upon to always reptcscnt the principles of his parly.and the inter ests of his constituency. He was a brave soldier and his loyalty to the flag of our country is excelled by none in our country. He is a careful, honest and accomodating business man and in his business relations has won a host of friends by his fair way in dealing with his fellow men. lie was a close personal friend or the late Jas. Laird, who was known and recognized 'as the ablest man in the state. Mr. Gage has many of the personal traits of his deceased friend, and we believe will come near er filling the position of congress man than any other man in the dis trict. Echo. Bladen. B Lcc has a new carriage. Have you heard the new bell. C. E. Ilicks, traded for the Harri son farm last week. Dr. Kehlcr's tc?m took a circle around town without a driver, no damage done. A. P. Johnson and family rotured home Friday, after spending several weeks with friends m Illinois. The Dime Sociable at W E Thorn's res deuce was well attended and a general good tunc is reported. The entertainment of the S. or V' la&t Friday evening was wel attended but the people generally were difa pointcd. Mr. Joseph Pashby, llobcrt An- drus, Isaac Fish and Thomas Burden were at Red Uloud, Saturday, as dele gates to the Republican convention. The Teacher's meeting at the sahool-house, Saturday,was well attend but rather dry as the inarms all had a bashful fit. The bell for the Baptist church was put in place Saturday, and called the people out to church Sunday, with a full Volume. W. C. Wicks, has raised the shed roof at the east end oF Byrue Bro's store up even with the new part which improves the looks of the building and givts B. a good room Frank McLaughlin is having' the,lue ,Iuner race otreet ooau a rooms in the rear of the bank build- lo"' Ed?ar Strect Biebard Runchey, ing fitted up and rcnioddlcd and from indications he is making arrange; mentsto take in a life partner. Mr. L. B. Thorne and J. W. Wr- ten attended the a'tatc coveution which convened the 27th instat , Kearney. The membere of the A. O. TJ. W n-no curnricnil Mnmlrnr OVPniniT IHlCtl itgiu omn.ifc.w ... w w.. ---of they received an invitation the close of their meeting that VV Neb., Friday, April 29, was waiting them at the hotel. The wives of the members took it upon themselves to commorate the first an niversary of the lodge and gathered at the hotel bearing baskets filled with choice eatables. Appetizing viands to which they all did ample justice. After spending an enjoyable evening they departed for their homes in the wee small hours of the night. Seriously Hurt. A brakeman named Qaigley, was seriously injured at Blooniington Thursday morning. He stepped in between some cars to make a coupling when he was knock ed down in the center of the track. Two trucks passed over him, the brake beams rolling and twisting him about in a fearful manner. Fortun ately the wheels did not strike him and he was taken from under the train with several broken ribs and a number of serious contusions in dif ferent parts of the bq'dy,' It is thought he will recover. He vas rear brakeman for Conductor Solliddy dad had run on the local freight for a year or two. Republican City Inde pendent. About Railroad Men. (Takan From McCook Tribune.) Engine 95 is oat of the shopi and has gone to Red Cloud, to relieve en gine, 141, which is going to be over hauled. Herb. Barber, an old time railroader on the B. & M'. before the strike, has been visiting in tho city ttis week sizing up the chances for getting a job. The official R. R. as has fallen, and this time it is Conductor Frank Ives, and Brakman Charles Kafey. Joe Mee, has been running engine 229 between Red Cloud md McCook for ten days relieving Sol Brace, who has been taking a little vacation to visit his fatm. Engineer James lord came up from Red Cloud, last Friday, and at tended school on the rales of trans portation dept., on Saturday after noon. Pasture Land. The undersigned has 320 acres of pasture laud six ailes north-east of Red Cloud, with living water, and de sires to pasture 'J0 head of cattle. Price, 23 cents for uk nth, 4(j.3t Thos. Emigii. , . ---' - Card of Thank. Wu desire through the columns of this prpcr to thank all the friends who so kindij aided us i.i earring ftr our departed loved one, and especially the l.idhs of - G. A. It. Also those who aided us in laying her away in her last restiug place our beloved wife and mother II E. Saxford, n Daniel Coxovkr. Mrs. L. V. Conover, Report of hcliool in district 5S, Vcbstr cc-imty. for month ending April -2d, 1S92. Number of pupils : enroled, 27. Avenge attendance 17. 'f&e loliowiiig arc tne names ot tho- nor" aus-Ilt during the month: j,illic HufFer, Hannah Wilhtlneson, Qdarlie Huffer, George Heffelbower, jt'chaid Runchey. .Those not tardy were: Waud:e McVey, Eula Ranchey, Geoigo Heffelbower, Eddie Patmor, Roy Patmor, Delbert Watkins, John Dot le, Miles Dojle, Charlie Huffer, and Edward Wilhelmson. Lulu C. Barber, Teacher. - - Historic homes and landmarks are rapidly passing r way, owinir to fatal kid i.ey and liver diseases. "Hepaticure" will cure and prevent al such diseases. Sold by L.H.DETQ. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. the Price of The Chief. 1892. TH Y M A New Goods New Goods ! All the popular Colors and Styles! COME AND SEE US It will PAY YOU. The Old and Reliable Dry Goods House of B. M. MARTIN & SON, Red Cloud Nebr Mrs. Sheffield, a missionary in Chins, home on a vacation, will give a lecture on China, at the Congrega tional church next Tuesday evening, May 3rd. No admission fee will be charged, but an offering will be taken for the Y. Pr. S. C. .. E. missionary fund. Bright people are the quickest to rec ognize a good thing and buy it. AVe bell lots of bright people the Little Early Ri sers, If yon are not bright these pills will make yon so. C. L. "otting. When Baby wu sick, we gare her Castoria. "When ihe was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she dang to Castoria. When Bhe bad Children, she gave them Castoria. Gasoline Stoves. The best in the world, for sale at, A. 31 oh art's. 40-tf If dull, spiritless and Btuped: if your blood is thick and sluggish; if your appe tite is capricious and uncertain, you need a Sarsapanlla. For best rest results use De Witt's. C. L. Cotting. Bee Keeper's Supplies. A. Mohart, the hardware man, will hereafter keep all kinds of Bee Keep er's supplies. Mail order filled promptly. tr. - ,. nail! nail! Hail! H. E. Pond, will write Hail insur ance in one of the best companies rep resented in the west as cheap as any. Children jry for Pitcher's Castorli Vol.19. No40. E Y A3 (B : . .- 'i Drayinjr. The Red Cloud Dray Line have four good and hcayy mule teams. All hauling promptly attended to your orders solicited. Jno Barklky, tf Proprietor. Says an old physician who has practiced medicine -10 years: "I gnaranteo there is not !. caso of blood liver or kidney disease in tho world but what "Kepaticure" will po-itively cure. L. 11, Deyo. We pay cash or trade for old iron, rags, rubb r, bones brass, copper zine and lead at the Red Cloud gun shop. "Late- to bed and early to rise will shorten tho road to your home in the skies." But early to bed and a "Little Eany Riser," the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. C. Lw Getting. Drunkcnncti. or l lie Liquor Ilahit Cured at Home In Tea Iay ly AdmlnifttcriBfr Dr. UaintV Golden Specific. It can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of cofTeeorteji or in food without the knowledge of the patient. It is ab solutely harmless and will effect a per manent anil speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an al- wuuul. i-i,n.. m iiiw uniu given in thousands of case?, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. Ifc never fails. The system once impregnated with the specific, it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist. Hnrpfl fTiinrnntcvoil 4R nnrrn hrvftr rt ,.. : ticulars free. Address the Golden Spe cific Co., l8o Race Street, Cincinnati, O. m For Sale or Trade. A choice farm of 160 acres', 4 miles from town, good frame house, 80 acres in'cultivation. all tillable but about 10 acres timbt,. Easy terms or wlfl trade D. J. Mybrs. -' l.d Clead, Nebr:, miles' Alerve and TJver Plllg. Act on a new principle regulating tk liver, stomach and bowels throagh the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. HHm nilla anparHlv enra hiloawn ha4 tl. ) torpid liver, piles, cosstipatfea. Uft Iequaieu iuc uieu, nuuuo, nauam. OWHt. . SU.-l. .....II -3. u. M est, muaeni) surest t ouauses, ; m ft m 4. a. r :t